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How to Make

Your Own
Philosopher's Stone
Transcript from lab experiment at How to Make Your Own Philosopher's Stone
Objective: Derive orbitall rearran!e" monatomic elements #O$M%s& from seawater b a"'ustin! pH an"
filterin! usin! purification metho" (
Materials: artesian well mineral water) "istille" water) celtic !re sea salt) white vine!ar #!lass bottle"&) foo"
!ra"e le #!lass bottle"&) pH meter) *uchner +lask , funnel w-vacuum pump or other filterin! sstem usin!
chlorine free filter paper) various !lass beakers) !lass stirrin! ro"s) heat source) !roun"e" metal container.
Da 0: Mixe" 1 cups mineral water w- half cup of celtic !re sea salt. Solution is about 233 ml. 4llow to rest
for 0 "a.
Da 1: $esultin! seawater is 5 pH 2.6 7 +ilter #throu!h *uchner +unnel&. 8e Solution is 5 pH 01.9. Slowl
a""e" 012ml le. Measure" pH at 5 03.2. Slowl a""e" more le until pH 5 03.: ; 03.9. Total solution at :33
ml< $est for 1 "as in !roun"e" metal container.
Da (: Precipitate at =33 ml mark< Draine" substrate to =23 ml mark from :33 ml< 4""e" "istille" H
3 back
to :33 ml mark< $est for a "a in container...
Da 2: Precipitate at =33 ml mark< "raine" substrate to (33 ml mark< a""e" "istille" H
3 back to :33 ml
mark< 4 few M;state bubbles escape" when movin! beaker< $est for a "a...
Da :: $epeat above proce"ure< no m;state bubbles observe" #hope shiel" is workin!&< $est for a "a...
Da 9: $epeat above proce"ure< some how) the solution is at the :23 ml mark. #Yes) > onl a""e" enou!h
water to brin! the solution to the :33 ml mark&< Draine" substrate< 4""e" water to :33 ml mark< 4 few m;
state bubbles observe"< $est for a "a...
Da ?: Precipitate has !rown to =23 ml mark< Substrate is milk< *oil solution in "ouble boiler confi!uration
for 2 min. at the level of the precipitate< $est for a "a...
Da 6: Draine" substrate to (12 ml mark before chan!in! pH) currentl 03.:< Slowl 4""e" 112 ml le #pH
01.=& to obtain 5 pH 01 in solution #O$M@S "issolves) !ilcrest precipitate , M!OH "o not&< Draine" off a
little more substrate back to :33 ml mark< +ilter throu!h *uchner funnel< +iltrate at 223 ml mark in funnel.
$eturne" filtrate to beaker< Slowl a""e" white "istille" vine!ar #pH 51.=&< Aolloi"al suspensions be!in
formin!< Stoppe" a""in! vine!ar - stirrin! solution at pH 03.? ; 03.9) solution at 933 ml mark< pH is
lowerin! on its own< Belatinous O$M@S forms C 5 pH 03.2.
4llow O$M@S to settle for a "a before washin! with "istille" water< pH remains stable at 03.2 with
successive washin!s< 4llow O$M@S to settle overni!ht< Drain off substrate - "r the O$M@S accor"in! to
our nee"s.
4ttach a steel screw to a parama!netic - ferroma!netic metal enclosure lar!e enou!h for our beaker of
O$M@S. 4ttach 0? !au!e wire. 4ttach other en" to heav) !roun"e" eEuipment like a PA Aase) stereo
eEuipment) etc.
Side Notes/conclusion:
Da 6: "efinite Ftin!lin!F sensation in m palm as > hol" the beaker of O$M@S< "efinite FbuGGin!F in
m hea" as > focus on the O$M@S.
>f ou've taken chemistr) then it's also a matter of reco!niGin! Fsuper saturation)F Fa!!lomerationF
an" other chemical processes. The Ffeelin! outF mainl "eals with our intuition as a chemist an"
involves all our senses. 4sk what it's "oin! in our min") then trust our senses (as long as you
don't do drugs). Hhile it's restin!) keep it close to ou. > alwas slept with the container restin! at the
hea" of m be". >n the same manner) You shoul" also FcommuneF with the O$M@S as it forms.
The Gero point ener! within the cooper pairin! "raws upon our aura) meissner fiel") intelli!ent "ata
fiel") etc. The O$M@S becomes a primor"ial reflection of ou. >n this sense) the O$M@S becomes
an extension of ou ; which > have never explaine" to anone until now. Therefore) make sure ou
are feelin! reall !oo" about ourself while ou make this stuff. >t took me ears of me"itation an"
emotional cleansin! before > knew > was rea".
O$M@S reflects the primor"ial emotional ener! state of the person who makes it. (Others have
asked me to make it for them, but I will only give my essence to the one I love.) O$M@S "oes not
have to be phsicall in!este"< it can be ener!eticall Fin!este"F like clou" bustin! throu!h our
visual ra.
Healin! Thou!hts)
$an"olph Directo
P.S. You must also focus upon our intention of what ou want from the O$M@S) lon! before ou make.
Hhen our intention is clear) the O$M@S is simpl there waitin! for ou to "erive it. 4ll ou're "oin! is
pushin! the envelope of nature to work a little faster in precipitatin! it.
Drs. $o!er Penrose an" Stewart Hameroff intro"uce" me to the sub'ect of O$M@S in their stu"ies an"
"iscussions of pschoener!etics an" how O$M@S forms within our bo"ies when we obtain hi!her levels of
consciousness. The stu"ies of *arr Aarter) Davi" Hu"son) Dr. Hilliam Tiller) Dr. %"!ar Mitchell Bre!!
*ra"en) an" Dean $a"in also influence m research amon! man others. Beral" O'Donnell's Bui"e"
Me"itation Aourse in $emote Iiewin! - $emote >nfluencin! has helpe" me b expan"in! m min". > hi!hl
recommen" usin! his course in tan"em with our pro"uction of O$M@S for the purest) most efficacious
pro"uct. Your won"erful ima!ination is the onl limit of what ou can "o.

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