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Rash: a temporary eruption on the skin.

1. the act of breaking out, appearing, or becoming visible, as eruption of the teeth.
2. visible efflorescent lesions of the skin due to disease, with redness, prominence, or both

Efflorescent: becoming powdery by losing the water of crystallization.
1. a falling off in scales or layers.
2. the removal of scales or flakes from the surface of the skin.
3. the normal loss of primary teeth after loss of their root structure.exfoliative

Blister: a vesicle, especially a bulla.
1. a small hemorrhage in the skin, mucous membrane, or serosal surface.
2. a group of disorders characterized by the presence of purpuric lesions, ecchymoses, and a
tendency to bruise easily.purpuric

Purpura measure 0.31 cm (310 mm), whereas petechiae measure less than 3 mm, and ecchymoses
greater than 1 cm

Intertriginous is a medical term used to define an area where two skin areas may touch or rub together
intertrigo /intertrigo/ (-trigo) an erythematous skin eruption occurring on apposed skin surfaces.
apposed Appressed, juxtaposed; face-to-face; closely related.

ichthyosiform /ichthyosiform/ (ikthe-os-form) resembling ichthyosis.
ichthyosis /ichthyosis/ (-sis) any in a group of cutaneous disorders characterized by increased or
aberrant keratinization, resulting in noninflammatory scaling of the skin; most are genetically
determined; often used to denote i. vulgaris. ichthyotic

asteatosis /asteatosis/ (aste-ah-tosis) any disease in which persistent dry scaling of the skin suggests
scantiness or absence of sebum.asteatotic

recidivism /recidivism/ (re-sid-vizm) a tendency to relapse, particularly a return to criminal behavior.
relapse /re lapse/ (r-laps) (relaps)
1. the return of a disease after its apparent cessation.
2. to fall back into an illness after a period of remission.

remission /remission/ (re-mishun) diminution or abatement of the symptoms of a disease; the period
during which such diminution occurs.
abatement /abatement/ (ah-btment) decrease in severity of a pain or symptom.

percutaneous /percutaneous/ (perku-tane-us) performed through the skin.

hyperhidrosis /hyperhidrosis/ (-hi-drosis) excessive perspiration.hyperhidrotic

the softening and breaking down of skin resulting from prolonged exposure to moisture.

debility /debility/ (de-bil-te) asthenia.
asthenia /asthenia/ (as-thene-ah) lack or loss of strength and energy; weakness.

darkly pigmented; said of some fungi.

fomite Any inanimate or nonpathogenic substance or material (e.g., sheets, surfaces of furniture,
papers and so forth), exclusive of food, which may act as a vector for a pathogen.

instep /instep/ (-step) the dorsal part of the arch of the foot.

dermatophytid /dermatophytid/ (dermah-tof-tid) a secondary skin eruption that is an expression of
hypersensitivity to infection by a dermatophyte, especially Epidermophyton, occurring on an area
remote from the site of infection.

arcuate /arcuate/ (ahrku-t) arc-shaped; arranged in arches

gyrate [jirt]
convoluted; ring- or spiral-shaped.

glabrous /glabrous/ (glabrus) smooth and bare.

alopecia /alopecia/ (alo-peshah) baldness; absence of hair from skin areas where it is normally

fetid /fetid/ (fetid) (fetid) having a rank, disagreeable smell.

xerosis /xerosis/ (ze-rosis) abnormal dryness, as of the eye, skin, or mouth.xerotic

Pemeriksaan Penunjang

1. Slit-Skin Smears
Dibuat sayatan kulit kecil pada kedua cuping telinga dan dua lesi aktif lainnya. Aktif berarti
menimbul dan berwarna kemerahan. Kemudian dikerok untuk mendapatkan cairan jaringan
(tanpa darah) dan dibuat apusan pada object glass dan dilakukan pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen.
2. Kultur
Tidak bisa dikultur in-vitro, namun dapat di kultur in-vivo pada nine-banded armadillos
(Dasypus novemcinctus) dan athymic mice.
3. PCR
Untuk mendeteksi DNA M. Leprae.
4. Serologi.
Untuk medeteksi antibodi IgM terhadap molekul pada permukaan M.Leprae yaitu phenolic
glycolipid-1 (PGL-1).
5. Biopsi kulit dan PA.
Tipe TL: Tampak sel epithelioid granuloma membentuk sekitar saraf dermal. AFB jarang atau
tidak ditemukan.
Tipe LL: Tampak infiltrat seluler luas yang dipisahkan dari epidermis oleh zona sempit yang
berisi kolagen normal. Adnexa kulit hancur. Makrofag tampak terisi oleh M.Leprae, juga
terdapat banyak busa atau sitoplasma dengan banyak vacuole.

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