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Paolo Maico BT105P

1. LAB #2, Display the users name, birthday, age, gender, and phone
number. The flowchart should display the variables with the following

2. Compute the Average score of a student based on three quizzes. The
quiz scores are entered by the user. The scores are integers and may
range from 0 to 100, inclusive. However, the Average may have a
value having decimal places.
3. Compute the circumference of a circle. Assume that the value for
radius is 7.23. The flowchart should be able to show the value of the
circumference. The pie value is 3.1416 which is constant and should be
never changed.
4. Computer for the GPA and admission test score of a school. Allow the
user to input the students high school GPA and admission test score.
Display the message Accept if the student has a GPA of 3.0 or above
and an admission test score of at least 60. If the student does not
meet either of the qualification criteria, display Reject.
5. LAB #3, Draw a flowchart that will ask the user to enter a number
which will be increased by 6 if its value is greater than 10 or multiplied
by 5 if its value is less than 10, and then, display the output.
6. Draw another flowchart that will find the sum of the first 30 numbers.

7. LAB #4, Draw another flowchart that will calculate the average of ten
numbers using while loop.
8. Draw another flowchart that will calculate the pay then simulate its
pseudo code. (Pay = Hours * Rate)
9. Draw another flowchart that will calculate the pay with overtime then
simulate its pseudo code (Pay = 40 * rate + (hours - 40) * 1.5 * rate)

Paolo Maico BT105P

Paolo Maico BT105P

Paolo Maico BT105P

Paolo Maico BT105P

Paolo Maico BT105P

Paolo Maico BT105P

Paolo Maico BT105P

Paolo Maico BT105P

Paolo Maico BT105P

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