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Reports for File Number: RG-2011-00135


Ranger No: CA11139110513040728G Program: CRIMINAL
Company: G
(H / M)
1. 5/13/2011 Approved by SHAWN PALMER, MAJOR, 7037 - 5/26/2011
On 05-12-2011, Texas Ranger Melba MOLINA was contacted by Texas Ranger Major Shawn PALMER in
reference to the deceased body of the La Joya Police Chief being discovered in the city of La Joya at the
Palm Shores Lake area. Ranger MOLINA assisted with obtaining evidence and interviewing a witness. File
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3. JOSE LUIS DEL ANGEL, H/M, 11/16/1966, 44 yoa
4. 5/12/2011 (Thursday)
Division: RG-2011-00135 Type: CRIMINAL
Ranger: CA11139110513040728G
1. 5/13/2011 Approved by SHAWN PALMER, MAJOR, 7037 - 5/26/2011
On 05-12-2011, Texas Ranger Melba MOLINA was contacted by Texas Ranger Major Shawn PALMER
in reference to the deceased body of the La Joya Police Chief being discovered in the city of La Joya at
the Palm Shores Lake area. Ranger MOLINA assisted with obtaining evidence and interviewing a
witness. File closed.
1.1 On 05-12-2011, at approximately 9:21PM, Texas Ranger Melba MOLINA was contacted by Texas
Ranger Major Shawn PALMER in reference to the deceased body of the La Joya Police Chief Jose Luis
DEL ANGEL being discovered in the city of La Joya at the Palm Shores Lake area. At approximately
10:24PM, Ranger MOLINA arrived at the scene. Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office Homicide Investigator
Fernando TANGUMA advised Ranger MOLINA that Chief DEL ANGEL was discovered with what
appeared to be a single gun shot wound to the chest. The body was discovered inside a La Joya PD
vehicle. Investigator TANGUMA requested Ranger MOLINA'S assistance at 3501 Lang Ford Street in
Palmview, Texas to assist with identifying Chief DEL ANGEL'S wife and family members at said
location. At approximately 11:05PM, Ranger MOLINA was notified by Major PALMER that
information was received regarding a female having brought forth information to a La Joya PD dispatcher
that Chief DEL ANGEL had "knocked down" her door earlier that same day. Ranger MOLINA made
contact with Hidalgo County Homicide Investigator Jonathan PALACIOS and learned that La Joya PD
Sergeant Ramon GONZALEZ had received said information from a dispatcher identified as Ricky
SALINAS from La Joya PD. At approximately 11:40PM, Ranger MOLINA met with La Joya PD
Sergeant SALINAS and La Joya PD Lieutenant Julian GUTIERRREZ. Ranger MOLINA, accompanied
by Sergeant SALINA and Lieutenant GUTIERRREZ, traveled to 1210 Peralez Martinez Street in La
Joya, Texas in reference to said female. At said location, Ranger MOLINA made contact with a female
identified as Maria Antonia URISTA, H/F, DOB 06-13-1965. URISTA advised Ranger MOLINA that
DEL ANGEL was at her residence earlier that day. URISTA agreed to speak with Ranger MOLINA at
the La Joya PD and provide an affidavit.
1.2 On same date, at approximately 11:45PM, Ranger MOLINA interviewed and obtained an affidavit from
URISTA at the La Joya PD. A copy of said affidavit is as follows (refer to Exhibit 1.1): "I currently am
employed by Studio 101 on Leo Avenue in La Joya, I am a hair dresser there. I have known Jose Luis Del
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Angel for about four (4) years; I know that he was the Chief of Police in La Joya. During the last two (2)
years we started talking more as friends because he would go to Studio 101 for haircuts. My daughter
Kary Leyva also works there and she would wax Del Angel s eyebrows and removed his ear hair. We
started talking more when Del Angel s mother passed away. Then he began to tell more about problems
he and his wife Ofelia were having. I call Ofelia his wife but they only lived together and had children,
they were not married. I met Ofelia and even went to their house several times, because Del Angel invited
us over to their home on Tom Gill Road, I don t know the exact address. I remember I went to their house
I took my children with me. I took my daughter Kary and son Omar Leyva with me. Kary s date of birth
is 10-27-1991 and Omar s date of birth is 10-27-1991, they are twins. Both Ofelia and Del Angel were
there, I consider myself their friend. I remember that Del Angel told me that he had camera s in his home.
I passed by his home once and he called me and asked if I had passed by, I told him that I had. We had
exchanged cell phone number because that is the number I give all my clients. This was about two (2)
years ago when I first met him at Studio 101 I gave him my cell number on a business card and he wrote
his cell number on waiting list at my work. My cell number is (956) 424-1189 and his cell number is
(956) 458-5672. Del Angel would talk to Kary, and I and sometimes with my husband, his name is Jaime
Leyva, date of birth 08-25-1960. About six (6) months ago, Del Angel started telling me that he and
Ofelia were having a lot of problems, I remember that he said that Ofelia did not love him. He would tell
me that Ofelia would always leave to her mother s house. I don t know where Ofelia s mother lives. Del
Angel would tell me that he still loved Ofelia. Del Angel would always talk to me about his children,
Valeria and Jose Luis. He told me that he wanted for them to have Ofelia and him in their children s
lives." Continued on detail#3.
1.3 URISTA'S statement continued from detail #1.2: "I remember that he started commenting in Spanish, &
ya no puedo mas . I understood that when he said those words he meant that he did not want to live
anymore, because he also made others comments that lead me to believe that he wanted to hurt himself or
even die, I don t remember the words he told me but he did make other comments to me. Del Angel told
me that he felt very alone in his home without Ofelia. Del Angel told me about three (3) days ago that
Ofelia left their home again and she went to stay with her mother. Del Angel asked me to ask Jaime if we
could all move in with him in his home on Tom Gill Road. I told him wait and be patient and Ofelia
would go back to him. Del Angel told me that he begged Ofelia to go back with him, Del Angel told me
that Ofelia did not love him and that she told him that she would not return with him this time. I know
that Del Angel loved Ofelia very much I could tell that he was hurting because she left. I also remember
that Del Angel told me about six (6) months ago that Ofelia arrived home with flowers once. He
commented to me that it must be a something very powerful for Ofelia not wanting to be with him
anymore. On today s date at around 8AM, Del Angel arrived at my home, he knocked on the north side
door of trailer home. My nine (9) year old daughter Violet Leyva answered the door. Violet told me that
Del Angel was at the door. I went over to the door and allowed him in my home. Del Angel noticed the
pictures on the wall s, I asked if he ate breakfast he told me he was going to drink coffee. Del Angel told
me that he was there to speak to Jaime about my family moving in with him. I told Del Angel that Jaime
was sleeping but that I would call him when he was awake so that he and Jaime could talk. Del Angel
hugged me and left my home. He was wearing a long sleeve maroon shirt with jeans, I don t remember
the color. I did not look out the window to see what car he was driving." Continued on detail#4.
1.4 URISTA'S statement continued from detail #1.3: "I did not hear from Del Angel after that. I called him at
approximately 2PM then again at 3PM, but there was no answer. I called him a third time at around 8PM
and left a message. In the message I asked him to call me because I was worried about him. At around
9PM, I received a call from a client of mine named Monica , I don t know her last name her cell number
is (956) 562-6643. Monica told me that she heard from her sister Paty that Del Angel was found dead in
a vehicle at a lake in La Joya and she told me he was killed. Shortly after Monica called, Kary yelled out
that the on the television she saw that Del Angel died. I could not believe it, I walk outside and I saw my
neighbor Ricky Salinas walking in to his home. Ricky works at the La Joya PD as a dispatcher. Ricky
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called out to me and told me that Del Angel was dead and that he was certain that he killed himself
because of his wife. Ricky told me that a few days ago, he and Del Angel went to the lake in La Joya.
Ricky told me that he and Del Angel spoke about problems with Ofelia. Ricky told me that Del Angel did
not feel well and that they prayed together there. Ricky told me that Del Angel felt better after the
1.5 On same date, URISTA advised Ranger MOLINA that she had received three (3) phone calls from DEL
ANGEL during this same week, URISTA advised Ranger MOLINA that DEL ANGEL left three (3)
voice mails on her cell phone. Ranger MOLINA obtained a digital recording said voicemails (Exhibit
1.2). According to URISTA, the first voicemail was left on 05-10-2011 at 9:14AM. The second voicemail
was left on same date at 10:21PM. The last voicemail was left on 05-11-2011 at 1:47PM. URISTA
advised Ranger MOLINA that the voice on said voicemail was the voice of DEL ANGEL. The messages
were requesting that URISTA call DEL ANGEL.
1.6 On 05-13-2011, Ranger MOLINA transferred a copy of said affidavit and voice recording to Investigator
PALACIOS. On 05-13-2011, Ranger MOLINA and Hidalgo County Investigator Leonor GARCIA
attended the autopsy for DEL ANGEL at the Ceballos Funeral Home located at 1023 North 23rd Street in
McAllen. Doctor Norma Jean FARLEY preformed the autopsy. Ranger MOLINA observed the
following: A. Gunshot entry wound on the left upper chest area B. Doctor FARLEY advised the bullet
traveled the thoracic cavity from right to left; C. Ranger MOLINA observed that the heart and left lung
were pierced; D. Doctor FARLEY recovered the bullet in the left back area. Doctor FARLEY advised
investigators that the cause of death was a gunshot wound to the chest, the manner of death was
consistent with suicide. Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office Crime Scene Specialist Eduardo ALEMAN was
also present and took photographs and collected evidence at autopsy. On 05-24-2011, Ranger MOLINA
obtained a copy of the preliminary autopsy report (Exhibit 1.3). The report reads as follows: "The final
report is pending investigative information an possibly ballistics. The entrance wound is on the anterior
left chest and at a close intermediate range with associated soot and powder tattooing of the wound. The
deformed bullet is recovered in the left back muscle. The decedents weapon was also reportedly
recovered in the vehicle."
1.7 On 05-24-2011, Ranger MOLINA contacted Investigator PALACIOS in reference to this investigation.
Investigator PALCIOS advised that no further assistance is requested at this time. Ranger MOLINA does
not retain evidence in need of disposition, and therefore requests this investigative file be closed.
1.1 MELBA MOLINA, Sergeant, Texas Rangers Co "D"
1200 North Commerce Center
McAllen, TX 78501
(956) 217-3457
1.2 Jonathan PALACIOS, Investigator, Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office
711 East El Cibolo Road
Edinburg, TX 78539
(956) 383-8114
1.3 Fernando TANGUMA, Investigator, Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office
711 East El Cibolo Road
Edinburg, TX 78539
(956) 383-8114
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1.4 Shawn PALMER, Major, Texas Rangers
1200 North Commerce Center
McAllen, TX 78501
(956) 217-3457
1.5 Ramon GONZALEZ, Sergeant, La Joya Police Department
100 West Expressway 83
La Joya, TX 78560
(956) 585-4855
1.6 Julian GUTIERREZ, Lieutenant, La Joya Police Department
100 West Expressway 83
La Joya, TX 78560
(956) 585-4855
1.7 Leonor GARCIA, Investigator, Hidalgo County Sheriff's Offfice
711 East El Cibolo Road
Edinburg, TX 78539
(956) 383-8114
1.8 Eduardo ALEMAN, Crime Scene Specialist, Hidalgo County Sheriff's Offfice
711 East El Cibolo Road
Edinburg, TX 78539
(956) 383-8114
1.9 Norma Jean FARLEY, Forensic Patholigist, Valley Forensics, P.L.L.C
3100 South Buisness HWY 281
Edinburg, TX 78539
(866) 682-0360
1.10 Gary PHILLIPS, Texas Ranger, Texas Rangers Co. "D"
1200 North Commerce Center
McAllen, TX 78501
(956) 217-3457
1.11 Ricardo RIVERA, Texas Ranger, Texas Rangers Co "D"
507 Tom Landry Avenue
Mission, TX 78572
(956) 217-3457
1.1 Maria Antonia URISTA - H/F - 6/13/1965
Home:1210 Peralez Martinez Work:
La Joya, TX 78560, US
(956) 424-1189 , TX , US
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1.1 Evidence Seized: Affidavit obtained from Maria Antonia Urista
Date/Time Seized: 5/13/2011 2:14:00 AM
Address Seized: 100 West Expressway 83 La Joya, Texas
Location Seized: La Joya PD
Seized By: MELBA MOLINA Texas Rangers
Recovery Value: 0
Transfer To: Transfer Date:
HCSO Investigator Jonathan PALACIOS 5/13/2011
1.2 Evidence Seized: Digital recordings obtained from cell phone of Maria Antonia Urista
Date/Time Seized: 5/13/2011 2:14:00 AM
Address Seized: 100 West Expressway 83 La Joya, Texas
Location Seized: La Joya PD
Seized By: MELBA MOLINA Texas Rangers
Recovery Value: 0
Transfer To: Transfer Date:
HCSO Investigator Jonathan PALACIOS 5/13/2011
1.3 Evidence Seized: Preliminary autopsy report
Date/Time Seized: 5/24/2011 10:35:00 AM
Address Seized: 1200 North Commerce Center McAllen, Texas 78501
Location Seized: DEA building
Seized By: MELBA MOLINA Texas Rangers
Recovery Value: 0
Transfer To: Transfer Date:
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