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In the name of God,
Peace, mercy and blessings of God upon you.
Many thanks to Allah, and blessings upon the soul of prophet Mohammed
and his family.

Dear Judges in this esteemed Court,
Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Allah says, If you are going to judge among the people, judge with justice
four women.
Attendance, judges and the members of the High Appealing Court, To all I
give my respect.

Section One Biography
Name: Salah Abdullah Jamil Al-Khawaja
Nationality: Bahraini
Age: 50 years
Marital status: Married, Father to four children: Yusuf and Mehdi 12 years
old, Zainab 11 years old and Ruqaya 7 years old.

Consultant and coach in marital and family relationships,
Specialising in marriage consultations,
I have supervised and contributed to many family and marriage
counselling offices inside and outside of Bahrain,
I introduced a new methodology to guide marriage counselling, both
preventing and solving marital problems, it has been named
Programme awareness and re-programming training
I have helped trained and counsel hundred of men, women and youths
relating to self-development, marital and family relationships.

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Section Two Introduction
This section consists of two main points:
1. The injustices and abuses that my family and I have suffered at the
hands of the regime started in 1980, when I was arrested twice aged
16 years old. My wife and I were in exile and diaspora for about ten
years. We were prevented from returning to Bahrain, we suffered
displacement and moved from one country to another.
At the end of 1988 I was arrested in Saudi Arabia during my visit to the
Sacred House of God. I was handed over to the authorities in Bahrain
and unjustly sentenced to seven years in jail by the State Security
Court that was cancelled in 2000. I spent the whole seven years in jail
where the prison director was Abdulrahman Al Muraikhi who had
promised to take revenge from me.
Nine days after my release from prison I was rearrested by the
infamous Colonel Adel Fulayfill. He, for two months while I was in
prison, tortured me mentally and physically, when I was in solitary
confinement. I was held in jail again for nine months during which
there was no investigation or charges brought against me. This was
extremely shocking for my family in 1996 for me to be detained again
as I had already been absent for eighteen years.
Violations continued after I was released from prison. This varied from
me being watched and followed in public, to having to report my
movements weekly to the interrogation building to Colonel Adel
I discovered that there was an outstanding prison sentence against
me when I was given my passport five year later. This occurred when I
got my passport back in 2001. My family and I had suffered greatly
from not having access to any official personal papers. I could not
work or study, apply for citizen services or apply for housing services.
Until very recently I did not have access to the number for housing
services since I got married twenty-seven years ago.
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I have been unable to apply for employment in government jobs since
1996. I have extensive experience as a consultant and coach and even
thought there is a shortage and need for this in government ministries.

The malicious false accusations against me in this case, which are
pending before your court, are clear. The verdict of imprisonment is

2. Before I list the violations that have been committed against myself
and my family since 21
March 2011, I want to clarify that I, as a
citizen of this good land, have the right to enjoy human dignity, the
right of freedom of expression and the right, to claim rights of all
kinds, all of these are guaranteed by our countrys Constitution, laws,
international charters and conventions. Before all of those, all these
rights are guaranteed to us by the Lord, Allah.
Despite strongly believing this, I stand in front of your Court stating
that I have retired from all political participation as I announced in
2004, even though honest political activities are a source of national
honour and pride to those who work in that field.
My retirement was for my own personal reasons as I chose to devote
myself to my career and studies in marital and family counselling
guidance and training. This continued until I was arrested on the 21

of March 2011. I assure the court that since the date of my retirement
from politics to the day of my arrest, I have not been a member of any
political party or organisation. Hundreds of people can prove that I
have disconnected myself from political activity in Bahrain. Included in
these people are the investigators from the National Security, CID and
military personnel whose task it was to keep me under surveillance.

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To the Respected jury:
The accusations of forming an organisation, joining it and trying to overthrow
the regime by force and the other accusations by the National Safety Court
are obviously unjust and not true.

I have denied all of these accusations and they also lack the presence of
evidence, there is no supporting evidence at all. Despite this fact, I have been
sentenced for five years, which is the shortest sentence. The main
accusations had been cancelled. Following this the Court of Cassation
announced the verdict on the remaining charges on 04/30/2012. I can assure
you categorically my innocence of all the charges that the national safety
court held against me.
I hold all of those who participated in creating the false accusations,
sentencing and affirming those false terms against me, responsible for all the
violations and injustices that I, and my wife and children, have suffered.
These responsible bodies include the National Security Agency and whoever
is in charge of it, the army and whoever is managing it, the military
prosecutor and whoever is heading it and is associated with it.

I strongly demand that all those responsible are brought to justice,
regardless of their rank or status. They cannot get away with these violations
and injustices; they must face trials and punishment for their offenses against
others and myself. And I trust Gods justice and kindness in that.

Section Three - my detention details until after the issuance of
judgments against me.

The first stage:
The 21
of March 2011 was a day, which saw my brutal and arbitrary
detention and the invasion of our privacy and honour.

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At 3am in the morning, my father-in-laws house, which is in the area of Bani
Jamra, was brutally attacked by more than eight military and special force
vehicles, and from 12 to 15 of the Special Forces and National Security cars.
I do not live there but I had been staying in this residence due to security
concerns; I was not safe in my own home.
The sounds of car engines and footsteps of the forces that were moving from
site to site were terrible and loud. Then there was a sound of an iron-cutting
machine. It shook not only the house, but also the entire neighbourhood. The
military and security forces were cutting the main iron door of the house. This
was the their permission to invade the house and terrorise those inside it.
I was sleeping on the ground floor. The women, and about 11 children were
sleeping in the first floor. All the attackers were masked and carried weapons
and black water pipes to beat us with.
They spread with light speed around the house and chased me to the roof of
the house where they arrested me. I did not show any resistance, but I was
shouting that I would not resist. However, they violently attacked me and
threw me to the ground.
Then they pulled my arms vary hard, I was screaming from the pain as I felt
they would have teared my arms off. They tied my hands tightly with a plastic
constraint and then dragged me on the roof of the house to the edge, where
the officer in charge was at the bottom of the street. One of them said, "Sir,
we arrested him, shall I throw him from the roof?" He said, Throw him.
I was thrown from the roof of the house, and I fell on the street with and my
hands tied tightly behind my back. Then they dragged me by my clothes on
the asphalt of the street while beating, kicking and cursing me, till we
reached to the gate of the house. I asked them who they were and what they
want from me? The answer was "Shut up" and they cursed me saying son of
so and so, and lots of bad hatred speech.
I told them that my name is Salah Al-Khawaja, here I felt like they paid
attention to something important. The officer asked me quickly "what did you
say? "Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja? I said: No, Salah Al-Khawaja. He took out a
paper from his pocket, and looked at the papers and me. I saw that they had
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compiled a collection of photos; He shouted at me "what proves your
identity?" I pulled my wallet from the back pocket of my trousers and I told
him that my identity card was in there. He took the wallet and took out my ID
card; he checked the card to confirm what I had said. He called someone
and said to him, "Sir we did not arrest the target," this is someone named
Salah Al-Khawaja. He went quiet and listened to the person he was talking
to, then close the phone. He ordered them to drag me into the house, "Take
him in till we get orders of what to do. They dragged me back into the house
while beating, kicking and cursing me. They put me in the hall, and threw me
on the guard. They continued to beat and kick, while the officer and some of
the group went around the house on the ground and the first floor where
children women were. I did not know then what they did with them, but later I
knew that they terrorised women and children, who were screaming and
shouting. They searched the house and took two computers, one laptop,
eleven mobile phones and one thousand dinars.
What was worse was what they did to the women and children. Mahdi my
11-year-old son raised his hands in fear in front of them, he cried and said, "I
dont have a weapon, I surrender, and I swear to God I dont have a weapon!!
". All the children were crying and screaming.
As for what they did to my wife clearly reveals the extent of immorality and
ethics of those claiming to be Arabs. It shows how they abuse the law;
beating and abusing a woman. With extreme violence and force, they
dragged my wife, while beating her to a room and closed the door. They
were five monsters, they began to beat her and kick her all over her body and
pulled her hair after they took off her veil. (Who are you who claim to be
religious and are proud of your Arabism, where are you to address and
protect our women from what is happening? Are these whom we are to
surrender our soul, dignity, honour and money to?) They did all of that while
screaming at her: Where is your adulterer husband? If you dont tell us we
will rape you.

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Only then, did my wife realise that they were looking for her nephew, Mr.
Mahdi Hadi al-Musawi, and they thought that she was his wife. She told them
(I'm not his wife, I am Mehdis aunt. They asked her who are you? my wife
said I'm the wife of Salah Al-Khawaja.
Do you see gentlemen, the accuracy of the information they have, and how
cheap peoples honour and lives are to them? They did what they did to me
not knowing who I was. They did what they did to my wife without knowing
who she was.
This is the truth of the country of laws, establishments and the preservation
of human rights and lives in it!!!

And then Dear Sirs, what did they do? They again pulled her hair, pushed her
on the bed, at the wall and kicked her on her back and legs. Yes, people this
happened and is happening in a Muslim country and by Muslims, it
happened in Bahrain!! They tortured her again to give them the address of
her nephew's house. When she told them she didnt know his address,
because he had recently moved to another house, they increased their

Judges, people with a live conscious all over the world - let me add another
repulsive violation they did. My wife said that among the five, there was one
holding a video camera and documenting all the abuse against my wife. Only
half a man would video record the abuse of women and children. The
question is why was he video recording? Will it be watched? And by who?
I leave the answers to the judges, the guardians of peoples security and

Judges, - what happened to my wife, Fatima Sayed Reda Ahmed al-Musawi,
is documented by video and with pictures by the Bahraini investigation unit.

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As a result of what happened to my wife, who is a mother of four, she has
been bedridden with severe pain for more than a week. The only provider for
her and her children has been arrested.

Judges, - I am still recounting what happened on the day I was arrested.
After they left my wife, they came back to me, where I was still on the floor
where they had thrown me, with my hands chained, powerless and drained
because of the beating I received.
The officer ordered them saying "the orders have been issued."
I knew that the order had come to arrest me. They dragged me by my clothes
from the house into the street while beating and kicking me all over my body.
Before they threw me in the car, they gathered around me, and the head
officer was with them. He yelled at me "O son of the dog if you dont show
us the way to the other dog Mahdis house we will kill you here and throw
you in the street. I was shouting and screaming telling them that I dont
know his new address, and they increased the beating, kicking and cursing.
One of them hit me with the bottom of his weapon on my eye, my eyebrows
started bleeding heavily and my clothes were covered with blood. The officer
ordered them to put me into the car quickly, and take me. This was an
unknown place for me, he told them, "Take him to the leadership". I then
heard him talking on the phone asking for the location of the house of Sheikh
Al-Mahfood, because they were now going to arrest him.

They took me in the car. There were two of them in the back with me and
another in the front, in addition to the driver. The insulted me further, and
then the beatings started. They focused on beating me with their hands and
fists on my head, neck, chest and stomach. They punched me on my private
parts and as I shouted out in pain, they laughed and said, "we will castrate
you, then you wont be able to have kids, you wont be able to commit
adultery and marry Muttaa, O son of such and such (rude cruising and
swearing). That continued all the way; until we reached somewhere I didnt
know. They spoke to the leadership, but when I heard them say that the
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orders were to go to the police clinic, I knew that they took me to the castle
prison in Manama.

They took me out of the car; I was barefoot, blindfolded, with my hands
tightly tied behind my back, I was bleeding from my left eyebrow and I
couldnt see out of my left eye. My clothes were covered in blood and my
whole body was aching with severe pain. That is how I was when they took
me inside the clinic. The nurse spoke broken Arabic (I think he was a
Pakistani). He first checked the wound in my eyebrows and said he said,"
There is no risk "and did not treat it with anything. Then he asked me about
my health. I told him that I suffer from several diseases sickle cell disease,
thalassemia, asthma, G6PD, and migraines. I also suffer from a hernia in the
abdomen area, and it had become agitated by the beatings I had sustained
and was causing me severe pain.
Then I heard that he prescribed some medicines for me.

This was my welcoming to the national security castle at the dawn of the 21

March 2011.

Judges, the day of my detention ended with the following results:
1. A deep wound on my left eyebrow that bled heavily.
2. The twisting and severe inflammation of my left hand. I have suffered
from a lot of pain and it has been difficulty to move for several months.
3. A break in the last disk of the spine from the severity of the kicking
and beating that I received. For more than a year, this has resulted in
continued pain and difficulty for me when sitting on the floor or chair.
4. I have had a large bulge and severe pain in the right side of the
bladder, which continued until I was operated on, on the 23

November 2011, eight months after my arrest. (Hernia operation).
5. Fear and anxiety for my wifes safety following the criminal and cruel
assaults she suffered.
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6. Fear and anxiety about my children because they witnessed what
happened to their father and mother. I have heard that two of them,
Mahdi and Ruqaya now suffer from psychological trauma and severe
disruption, which has lasted for several months.
7. After illegally searching the house, the men who arrested me, beat
myself and my wife, and terrorised our family, seized and stole, one
thousand Dinars, two PCs, one laptop, eleven mobile phones, one
video camera and one digital camera. I say stole, because in the
military prosecution they only showed me one computer and five
mobile phones, none of these things belong to me, they belong to my
brother in law and his wife.
8. Finally, my whole body was full of bruises from the brutal kicking,
beating, punching and slapping with pipes and fists. All of that is
documented in the report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of
Inquiry, Appendix II, Statement Summaried, Case Number Nine, Page

The human monster that committed all those violations against my family and
me is Captain Bader Ibrahim Ghaith. He was in charge of arresting and
inspection at the National Security Agency. He was head of the group that
arrested me.

The second stage:
My interrogation and torture in the basement of the National Security Agency
in the castle, 21
March 2011 to 5
April 2011.

Dear Judges,
I will now mention the details of the sixteen days I spent in the basement. I
will document the psychological and physical torture I was subjected to.

Sixteen consecutive days in darkness. My eyes were blindfolded 24
hours, I do not know day from night. I knew time from the names of
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meals "Take this breakfast poison, take this poison lunch and take
that dinner poison". All I saw was darkness.
Sixteen days of terrifying investigation. I feared not only for myself, but
I was also feared that I might falsely confess and incriminate someone
innocent due to the severe torture. The investigations were in the
middle of the night, in the morning or afternoon, it was expected at
any time. I sat on the floor holding my legs tight waiting for the
investigation, which inevitably meant a meal of psychological and
physical torture. I did not recognise any of the investigators because
my eyes were blindfolded.
Sixteen days of physical torture. I was forced to stand and raise my
both hands, while I was beaten with pipes and fists all over my body. I
was kicked and slapped on the head; face, neck, body and hanging
me like a sheep. It was very difficult because I suffer from sickle cell
and thalassemia.
Sixteen days of daily threats. I heard from investigators and guards
about the sexual harassment and sexual assault they wanted to
commit, not only for me, but also threatening to harass and rape my
wife, children and sisters.
Sixteen days of the terrible psychological torture, threats relating to
use of electric shocks, life imprisonment, death and threatening me by
putting a weapon on to head. Once, in one of the interrogation
sessions, someone pointed his gun against my head while I was
blindfolded, and said I'll kill you now. Your last day has come. I said
my Shahadatain, he then released the trigger, but the gun was not
loaded. I lived death moment by moment.
Sixteen days of psychological torment, hearing the screams and cries
of distressed prisoners who are tortured and beaten in interrogation
rooms or punished in the cells or corridors. The sounds of children
and adults, especially late at night. I heard that all the time. In the early
days of my detention in the basement I used to hear screaming and
shouting at the same time daily, the voice was crying and screaming
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for help and I could hear other people being tortured. It was very
painful; I used to pray God with all ways and words I knew to save
them. It then caught my attention that every day at the same time, the
same sound in the same way was repeated. I think it was a method of
psychologically torturing prisoners by playing a recorded tape that we
hear on a daily basis to increase our suffering, as well as the actual
torture screams.
On one day, a civil guard (a man from national security) came to one of
the detainees, who had been put in the cell with me two days
previously. Of course we were blindfolded and were not allowed to
speak to each other, with our hands handcuffed. That guard was very
angry. He came in screaming and shouting at him, claiming that he
spoke to me, and in fact he was calling for the guard to go to the
bathroom. He started beating him with his hands on his head, neck,
and back, and he punched him on his chest. He hit his head on the
wall, then he insulted him and he was subjected to harsh verbal
The detainee screamed loudly and wept as he apologised to the
guard, and denied speaking to me, but with no response. Then the
policeman left after a barrage of threats. In the middle of that night I
woke up to the sound of that the same guard, and I knew through
conversation, that the young man had started to hallucinate because
of the severity of the beating and bumping his head to the wall. He
removed the blindfold from his eyes and started walking around in the
corridor crying. The guard was shouting asking him where he was
going, the detainee said he was going home, my family are waiting
for me, he said. The guard returned him to the cell and went away.
After a few minutes an officer came and saw the detainee crying
heavily and sitting cross-legged and his hands on his head, to protect
him from the beating. He said, God protect you please dont hit me,
for the sake of your children dont hit me, I didnt do anything, I will
stay in my place, I wont move, but do not hit me, the officer tried to
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calm him down and promised not to beat him. Then he left. After a
couple of hours they came back again and took him, but I dont know
to where!!
Sixteen days. I was restricted to my bed; moving just one centimetre
was prohibited. The exception was when going to the bathroom or to
investigation or to pray. The handcuffs were around my hands 24
hours, even when praying, eating, or going to the bathroom.
Sixteen days with restrictions on worship and religious practices. The
Quran was forbidden. What country would prevent the Quran? Oral
prayer was forbidden, and they didnt tell us about the timings of
prayer, despite our requests from them to do so. They used to delay
taking me for wudu for prayer. For that, there was a daily battle with
the guards in order to take off the handcuffs and blindfold for the
wudu. Their daily answer was, " there are no orders.
The first thirteen days were very difficult for me in wudu and prayer.
There was still blood on my eyebrows and on the left side of my face,
it became stiff and the blindfold covering my face became stuck to it..
Only after 13 days, was I allowed to shower and clean myself from the
Sixteen days. I did not have a night of quiet sleep or any food. And I
dropped several kilos!!! My body started to numb, including my
fingertips and toes.
Sixteen days of being cut off completely from the outside world. The
exception was one phone call after several days of detention for less
then a minute with my brother, Hussein. I said "Hello. Salam alykom,
I'm fine. I'm being held at one of the security agencies in Bahrain ".
That was the phrase they allowed us to say, they threatened and
intimidated us if we said anything apart from that text.
Sixteen days of silence and no communication with our humans. The
exception was when requesting for prayer, asking for the bathroom or
answering the investigators. Anyone was doomed whoever said a
word out of that range.
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For thirteen days - I was not allowed to shower or change my cloths
even though they were covered with blood and had become very
smelly!!! They did not allow me to use any kind of cleaners to clean my
body, like soap, shampoo or even toothpaste!!! Although they were
there, and the reason was always "there are no orders.
Sixteen days of horror, fear and anxiety, full of violations and ill
treatment. The question that I always wondered about is how long will
this suffering continue? Is it days, weeks, months or years? What
exactly is my destiny? No one had answers to my questions except
Finally, by the end of the sixteenth day, and under the pressure of all
the circumstances of insulting, cursing, humiliation and torture, they
took out what they called confessions. I signed it under threat, as I
wasnt even allowed to read it. I was demanded to sign first!!! I knew
later on that the person who investigated with me was First Lieutenant
Mohammed Abdulaziz, member of the National Security Agency,
04/03/2011 investigation report page 1.

Third stage: My transition to Grain prison and the continuation of torture
despite the end of the investigation. 4
June 2011.

On the morning of 04/05/2011, I was transferred, whilst still blindfolded and
handcuffed, I think with a total of nineteen detainees, this was according to
what I heard from members of the National Security, to an unknown
destination. We found out later that it was to Drydock prison. On the bus ride
we suffered insults, humiliation and slapping. We were threatened not to
speak to each other.
In the bus they turned on Bahrain Radio Station, which had been conveying a
media attack against us in that period. We were describe as traitors,
terrorists and they were questioning our loyalty to our country, accusing us of
cooperating with foreign agendas against our country, and being instigators
of sedition and creating discord between the sons of homeland Bahrain.
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One of them said that they would take us to the Saudi borders for the Saudi
government and Abo Mutaab to take care of us. They claimed that they
would hang us for sure there, and laughed about it. Then they made fun of
our religious rituals, and talked about adultery and Mutaa marriage. One of
them said with laughter, "when they kill you, we will have sexual fun with your
wives and daughters! I cant believe how low the supposed protectors of
people and country are!
We reached Drydock Prison where we received a warm welcoming of
beating, slapping, kicking, and of course insults, curses, ugly words and
degrading treatment, as they are experts in that!
Then they allowed us to shower. I was then placed with four other detainees
in a cell; one of them was brother Mohammed Hassan Jawad. They removed
the blindfold and closed the door. That is when we finally found an
opportunity to talk with each other.
All of them talked about the torture and ill treatment had been subjected to,
especially sexual assault and sexual harassment, torture and electrocution.
Everyone suffered a lot, especially brother Mohammed Hassan Jawad, who
is 64 years old. He suffered, and continues to suffer, from pain all over his
body, and complained of severe pain in his back. His legs were swollen and
had clear signs of torture, and when he wanted to sleep (I doubt he can
sleep), he had to raise his feet on the wall to try to lower the pain and the
swelling in his feet. He used to moan all the time out of pain, but always had
a wide smile and a positive spirit.
In the evening, a man who was with us was called for an investigation. He
was from Sitra and was 21 years old but l cant remember his name. We
were very worried for him. After several hours he was returned to the cell. He
was in too much pain, was crying and refusing to talk. However, he told us
later that he was tortured; they took of his clothes, and put a plastic pipe in
his anus!! Where is the judiciary system to protect us from these monsters
deployed in all security devices in all positions!!!

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On the second day afternoon, I was transferred with three other detainees,
including brother Mohammed Hassan Jawad. Our eyes were blindfolded, our
hands were handcuffed, and they took us to an unknown destination, we
found out later that it was Grain military prison.
As usual, we were welcomed with insults, verbal abuse and death threats.
They talked about our passports, saying that they are taking us to Saudi
Arabia where we will be executed there!!

When I reached the Grain military prison, a new round of psychological and
physical torture of all kinds started for 46 days. The only difference was that
my eyes were not blindfolded anymore.

46 days of solitary confinement, and silence except from the request for
bathroom, we detainees thanking the military guards for their services for
their ease in their ill treatment or to respond to torturers silly questions.

46 days of restrictions on using the bathroom. You can only go twice, its
the officers orders", that's what the military guards used to say to us.
We were not allowed to close the door of the bathroom, and after a few
moments of being in the bathroom, the guards would start yelling at us to
finish quickly, or else he would break into the bathroom!!!
I had to reduce the amount of water I drank and reduce the amount of food I
ate so that I dont have to use the bathroom more often. As for wudu or
washing our hands after a meal, we were kept waiting for an hour or two.

46 days. For us to shower or clean our bodies we had to have an order from
the officer otherwise it was unacceptable. We had have orders for anything
from the officer, I did not have any materials to clean my body of clean
clothing to change into. Everything must be ordered from the officer.
When they allowed me to shower I wasnt allowed to close the door from the
inside. I had to finish very fast or the guard would start banging the door with
a black pipe and threatening to break into the bathroom!!
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46 days in a cell that was full of bugs and insects. For a pillow I had a pad
that had a horrible smell, a dirty blanket, and for a bed, an old sleeping
sponge that God only knows what disease it might have had. I tried to not
use them, but I could not, I needed them and there were no other

46 days of harassment and banning religious rituals. Only the five prayer
times were allowed and anything else was forbidden! Fasting was forbidden!!
Prayer books were banned!! Raising our voice even a bit when reading the
Quran or praying was not allowed! The soil in which we put our heads on
while praying was banned, and even using a piece of paperboard instead
was forbidden!! They even forbade using a prayer mat.

46 days of neglecting of nutrition, even though they know that I am suffering
from diseases such as: sickle cell disease, thalassemia, asthma, G6PD, and
migraines. Our meals were limited to only a bowl of rice and a piece of
chicken or small pieces of meat with water. That was my daily meal for my
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Meals were very specific and with limited quantity of water. I lost several
kilograms of my weigh. And I got diarrhoea several times, as result of food

46 days of neglecting our health. There was no doctor to follow up regarding
my health; there was only a nurse that brought some medications. I wasnt
allowed to use asthma sprays, despite my urgent need for it. They did not
allow my family to bring my medical glasses, which I need to wear all the

Despite all of that, my major issue was that I was suffering from a hernia in
the abdomen area. It became agitated and caused severe pain because of
the beating with fists, kicking and standing for long hours. The military
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hospital had decided an operation date, which was on 20
April 2011, when I
was at the National Security Agency. I was surprised when they told me that
the operation was cancelled!!
The operation was finally held after seven months on the 23
2011. It was a very urgent and serious matter. They took me to the military
hospital at 7am, and decided to start the operation at 9am. I was in the
operating room at 11am. From the evening till the next morning I was in a
bad condition and such a state of dismay, to the extent that the officer in
charge (I thank him for this) was so concerned about me that he stayed
awake and checked on me until the morning.
Surprisingly, when the doctor came to check on me at 9 am, he gave me no
chance to speak and ordered me back to jail after less than 24-hours of my
Also, I suffer from pain in my lower back from a broken coccyx. I cant sit on
the ground; I have to lie down all the time, which increased the numbness I

46 days. We sleep and wake to a distasteful scene; masked heads. All the
people who deal with us were masked; guards, civilian guards, the torturers,
the officers, even nurses and doctors that visit us. All-faces were covered,
why? Only God knows.

46 days of suffering from when we were out in the outside world. The
procedures and degrading treatment start with bandages over our eyes,
which completely withholds us from the outside world. Then, our heads are
covered with a dark bag. I call it the "penalty bag, because it makes me feel
that they are taking me to be executed. It reminds me of prisoners in
Guantanamo prison, because they use the same kind of bag to cover their
Also, tight handcuffs around our hands!! And if I was with other detainees,
they made us walk like a train, with each one holding the clothes of the
person in front of him!!
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This was exactly our situation with the course of insults and curses whenever
they took us for an appointment at the hospital, to prosecution investigation,
hearings or even visiting families, which was rare at that period (it was in the
court after conducting hearings directly).
46 days full of silence from the outside world and the news. No contacting
our families, newspapers, magazines, radio and TV. No one knew anything
about our condition and we did not know anything about the outside world.

46 days of denial from fresh air. No open air, no sun, no walking or
exercising; not even walking in the cell!! The officer ordered that we stay in
bed, and only in bed!!

46 days of people moving in tents in the corridor of the prison, and the
guards shouting your head to the wall.
The story of the tents is that, the prison had seven cells, and each cell had
one detainee. Whenever anyone wanted to go to the bathroom, he had to
pass through the corridor, passing by the rest of the cells. So, the guards
used to cover him up with a big blanket that covers the entire body, from his
head down so he looked like a moving tent.
Moreover, whenever any one was taken to the toilet, the guard cries at the
other detainees " your head to the wall ". That means we have to face the
wall in the opposite direction.
We all hated that phrase your head to the wall, because it is one of phrases
that tormentors always repeated when they came for torture sessions, and till
they leave. Even so, we didnt see their faces and features of their bodies so
we cant identify them in the future!!
Your head to the wall is also said when we were visited by nurses, doctors
or officers even though they are masked already.

46 days of almost daily psychological and physical torture by a band of
masked monsters. The torture was not related to the investigations at all but
it is out of hatred and revenge against us. I believe that their mental illness is
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because of social problems; all their actions and sayings show that.
Obviously they were set free to express those illnesses.

Gentlemen judges, below is what they did to others and myself, the varieties
of psychological and physical torture.

They used to come in at different times for our torture sessions so we could
not sleep in the day or at night.
I was in the first cell. I was required to stand on my feet at once when they
start banging on the wall and cell with their pipes. They would start yelling
with ugly, nasty words like O traitor, Hey dogs, O sons of garbage. If I failed
to stand up fast enough it meant that they would increase how long I would
be tortured and their methods of torture.

There was daily horror and agony at hearing the pain and torture of the other
detainees, my brothers who are with me. They were humiliated, cursed and
tortured. I could hear them screaming. It was very painful because they are
old in age; famous country figures and they suffer from different serious
diseases. I remember: Sheikh Abdullah Al Mahroos, Sheikh Mohammad
Habib al-Miqdad, Sheikh Abdul Jalil al-Miqdad, brother Mohammed Hassan
Jawad, Abdul Wahab Hussein and Hassan Mushaima. All of them were
tortured, maybe worse than me because of their seriousness of the diseases
and old age. It was very hard to hear them being insulted and in pain.

I lived a serious psychological condition it was terrible because of the
methods of the masked monsters. They banged their pipes and metal sticks
on the wall of the cells so hard that it made me jump on my toes, even if it
was in the middle of the night. Then they would start screaming and insulting
us: "Dogs," "traitors," "sons of adultery", they would continue banging with
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pipes and with their hands on the cells, and then they would enter the cells
one after the other.

There was the threat of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Not only that,
but they also threatened to rape my wife and daughters after executing me!!

There was the threat of eclectic shocks especially when they poured water
on my body and it covered the floor of the cell. Also, they threatened me with
death in various methods.

They poured cold water slowly over my head, neck, back and body with the
air conditioner on in the cold cell repeating that process several times. The
floor of the cell gets covered with cold water and then they would make me
lie down on the watery cold floor for several hours. They know that I have
sickle cell disease and thalassemia and I could die at any moment because
of that.
Finally, they poured cold water on the sleeping mattress and pillow, and they
forced me to sleep on it after lying on the wet ground for several hours.

I was slapped, beaten, punched and kicked with plastic pipes all over my
body. They focused on areas that they knew that I suffer from problems with.
For example, they knew that I suffer from migraine headache, so they
focused on beating my head and neck. They knew my suffering from a
hernia, so they beat me on my stomach. When they were finished they
crushed my head with their shoes.

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They spat in my mouth and forcing me to swallow it. They forced me to lick
the bottom of their shoes with my tongue. I was forced to kiss the pictures of
the king, the prime minister and the king of Saudi Arabia, that were hanging
on the walls of the cell.

After all that, we are forced to stand with hands raised up for several hours.
All of the above happens without seeing us them. They would shout your
head to the wall. We were not allowed to make any sound of pain or else.

All of the above happened in sixty-four days in Grain, the military jail. We did
not know the names of any of them, except one, who was called "Abo
Yousif" -from Muharraq. Then a new administration took over the prison,
under the command of Major Basil Syadi and someone else assisted him, I
think his name was (Ehab).
What happened in the military prison Grain is in included in the report of the
Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry, that proved that the army, and
national security controlled the administration in the mentioned period.

Section Four - the unfair trial, the malicious charges, and the unfair
judgments in the National Safety Court.

On 04.07.2011, during the solitary confinement, horror, psychological and
physical torture in prison, I was taken with a group of detainees that I didnt
recognise, because we were blindfolded with the penalty bag covering our
faces, to an unknown location. They usually dont tell us where they are
taking us, or why.
We arrived at the venue after passing a desert land, and hearing the noise of
plane, we were seated on the chairs. Then someone came in and whispered
in my ear, "You will see an important person, be a human and whatever he
tells you say OK, or else we will show you".
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After waiting for some time, with our eyes still blindfolded, the bags still
covering our heads and handcuffs around our hands. They started calling us,
one after the other, till it was my turn.
I entered corridor, a national security guard was ordered to remove the
handcuffs, bag and blindfold from me. I was then taken to a room very
strictly guarded. There I met the officer First Lieutenant jurist Ibrahim Issa
AlShaaln a military prosecutor. He told me that here there is no torture or
beatings, only an investigation, and he wanted me to answer openly and
without fear. I asked him for a lawyer, he said they would make arrangements
for him attend at the next meeting.
After several hours of investigation, they took us back in the same way to
Grain the military prison. And as usual, in the evening, the gang of human
monsters came in to torture me.
They had increased the dose of torture that day, because of what I talked
about in the investigation, about the arbitrary detention, torture and brutal
attack in the castle and prison Grain. It was clear through the statements of
the team of monsters that they were aware of what happened in the
The second and third sessions of investigations were under the same
circumstances, except in the presence of a lawyer. When I signed the
statement of the military prosecutor, for the first time they presented the
seizures they confiscated the night I was arrested: one computer, five mobile
phones and a flash memory. They also proved that all of those seizures dont
belong to me because the arrest was not from my residence, and were taken
from another location (home of 1045/1532 by / compound 815 Isa Town). At
the second investigation of the military prosecution session on 12.04.2011, I
signed the testimony of the military prosecutor.

On 05/08/2011 in the military prison Grain, my fellow detainees and I, lived a
new episode of the series of fear and terror, when the shift manager "Abu
Yousef" came to us with prisoners uniforms. They are usually given to
prisoners who are convicted and we did not even have a trail yet! This made
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me go through a psychological disorder. I had lots of ideas in my head about
the worst possibilities. I thought they might have sentenced us in absentia
and they were preparing to take us to execute the judgments!!! I thought that
we were probably sentenced to death, because they had continuously
threatened us with that.

In the evening after 10pm, we were surprised by the entry of a military group,
which was led by Lieutenant Abdullah Al Jowdar of military justice. They
came to tell us that our first trial was set on the second morning. We were in
a shock, because the first charges sentence was execution!! How would it
be if they added other charges!! How will we prove that the charges are all
malicious and void!! Above all, we didnt know any the details about the trail.
Where is it going to be? Or who will attend? What can the lawyers do? I
couldnt sleep that night imagining the scenario of the next days hilarious

The next morning on 05/09/2011, wearing the prison uniforms of criminals,
handcuffs around our hands, our eyes blindfolded and penalty bags
covering our heads, some of us almost suffocated especially those suffering
from asthma or difficulty breathing, we were dragged like sheep staked to
slaughter. We were humiliated and insulted with various cursing and
swearing. We had to walk behind each other like a train, each one clutching
the back of the other as if we were in Guantanamo.
In the car on our way to the court we were subjected to a series of threats,
insults and humiliation. They switched on Bahrain radio station, where all
media materials wave against us: programmes, songs and prayers. It had
negative impact in our souls. But strangely enough this happened many
times during our transportations. Some of the guards would say, "We are not
with them!! We are not from the army! Another said," You see your fingers
are not equal, we are from national security ". The third said "this is not them;
this is because of those in charge, who fired their hands on you!!

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Here I want to point out a very important issue. I say it due to its importance
to our people and to history. There were good people that we had promised
ourselves to pray for as long as we live, the two brothers: Sami -the nurse
and a man and brother of the Quran. We dont know his name, but we know
his big heart and we call him that. He memorises a lot of verses from the
Quran and its meanings, he used to talk to us about it, and it was a balm to
our wounds and the mercy from God to our souls. I am proud to say that
they are our Sunni brothers and beloved ones, and this proves that our
problem is not in the multiplicity of religious sectors, but in the purity of souls.

The unfair trial. The military National Safety Court was made up of:
1. President of Nodal of Rights Mansoor Ahmed Mansour
2. Member of the Right of the Judge Mohammed Rashid Al Rumaihi
3. Member of the Left of the Judge Ali Khalifa Al Dahrani
4. Head of Military Prosecutors, Major of Rights Mazen Abdulkadir

The court lacked the standards of a fair trial. It is and will always remain
registered for future generations unfortunately as "a mock trial". Its shame
will remain written on the foreheads of judges and recorded in the history of
the judiciary.

Here I will mention some violations, for you and for history, to prove the joke
of those hilarious trails.
I will be mentioning two incidents.

The first incident
Can you believe or imagine that members of the public prosecution and the
military, led by the military prosecutor Major Mazen, who fought a fierce
battle against is, during hearings in defence of the unjust regime,
criminalising us?
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He called us the ugliest of labels of criminality like murderers, traitors,
plotters, and terrorists. At the end of each session they would demand on
imposing the toughest punishments against us. It is incredible, after all this
work, after every session, they would come to us and warmly greet us and
apologise for what they said. Yes apologise! They are certain that their words
and their deeds had wronged us, and when we asked them about it, they
said, "Its our job, we follow orders "!
How wondrous! Their own executions and then behind-the-scenes
apologising to us!! This only proves that we are innocent, and all of the trails
and charges against us are faked.

The second incident
On 22.06.2011 immediately after the unjust and harsh judgment on us and on
our families, we were required to stay silent. We were not allowed to say a
word since the first session until the issuance of judgments. We were
expected to listen to those harsh judgments with a broad smile, words of
welcome, and a warm applause and then pray to Almighty God to preserve
our fair judges and pray for them to live long!
But to raise our voices with objection, which is the simplest right, and say,
peaceful, peaceful people demand freedom", that was a great crime.
Soldiers from each side inside the accusation cage attacked us. They
brutally attacked us and started beating us from every side, in front of the
judges and everyone in the courtroom. Then they dragged us out of the
building into the back yard under the burning hot sun. They continued
beating, punching and kicking us after they tied our hands violently behind
our backs and turned our faces to the wall. They bumped our heads and face
on the wall several times, while raining insults on us saying, Dogs, traitors,
you say, " Peaceful, peaceful, peaceful, you demand freedom"!
We have all seen them hit Abdulhadi al-Khawaja on his face as he tries to
avoid them and alert them to the side of the operation in the face, and slap
Sheikh al Mahroos on his eyes so hard till they got swollen.
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Then, they took us to the waiting room that was full of others and us; they
made us sit on the floor while slapping and kicking us. Our hands were tied
behind our backs and our heads lowered to the ground. The guards walked
behind us and kicked us on our backs. Beside me was Mr. Hassan Mushima;
one of the guards was targeting him, hitting him very hard with a shoe on his
head, neck and back with full force several times.
That was the final stage of our unfair trial of the national safety standards,
which missed every standard of a "fair trial". The harsh judgments, which
were known in advance and have been prepared before the trails even
started, are irrelevant and lack evidence.
We remained under the authority of the army and national security at the
military prison Grain for five months after the verdict. The convicted civilians
are normally under the authority of the Ministry of Interior and in prisons,
such as a Jaw prison.
After all of that, we were sent to the Appeal Court, which continued its
violations of the unfair trial, and they approved and installed the previous
Finally, they took us to a prison Jaw at the end of November 2011.

Section Four Rooting the violations and responding to the accusations
Rooting violations:
The first violation, the arbitrary detention.
It lacked the elements of detention procedures and legal inspection. The
detention procedures and inspection on March 21, 2011 clearly violates the
laws of the Bahraini Constitution. That is proven by the report of the Bahrain
Independent Commission of Inquiry.
I will reveal the lies of the liar and torturer Captain Bader Ibrahim Al Ghaith. It
is mentioned in the Constitution of Bahrain / Part III / Article (19) page1, that:
b - a person may not be arrested, detained, searched or determine or
restricted his freedom of movement or residence in accordance, without the
provisions of the judiciary law and under the supervision of the judiciary.

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Even in the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedures, Chapter
Three- Arrest of the Accused, article 61:
May not be arrested any human being or imprisoned except by legally
competent authorities, he should also be treated in a manner that preserves
his human dignity, and may not be hurt physically or physiologically, and he
is to know the reasons for his arrest and shall have the right to contact his
family to inform them of what had happened and he may assign a lawyer.

According to the report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry
known as the Bassiouni report under the title Findings and Conclusions
Article (1178),
In conclusion, the Commission finds that a substantial number of the arrests
made pursuant to the pattern described above violated international human
rights law and Bahrain law. In particular, security forces carried out the
arrests without presenting an arrest or search warrant. The Commission finds
that in many cases, the manner in which the arrest was performed involved
unnecessary excessive force, accompanied by terror-inspiring behavior on
the part of the security forces in addition to unnecessary damage to property.
All of these factors reveal a failure to follow the appropriate procedures
identified by the MoI and NSA. In regard to the seizure of items in connection
to arrest, the agencies involved did not provide any records of the seized
items. The Commission investigators were also not informed of any
investigation commenced by the respective agencies on the basis of
complaints by the persons arrested or members of their families.

The same material adds,
This evidences a pattern of disregard for violations of any procedures that
may have existed as well as disregard for Bahrain law and international
human rights law pertaining to fairness and due process in connection with

!"#"$ &#'$"(")" +2
Article 1179 documents the arrest and search tactics deployed by the
security forces,
Furthermore, the very fact that a systematic pattern of behaviour existed
indicates that this is how these security forces were trained and how they
were expected to act. This could not have happened without the knowledge
of higher echelons of the command structure of the MoI and NSA.

For further information, your esteemed judiciary might refer to Appendix II of
the summary of proclamations condition 1 page 255.
As for the clear lies of the human wolf, Badar Ibrahim Ghaith, I ask to attach
the following documents:
1. The record of my arrest and inspections dated on 21/03/2011, issued
by the national security agency.
2. In the list of witnesses evidence and witness evidence, second
witness Badar Ibrahim Al-Ghaith, page 4 issued by the National
Security Agency.

I request that these are added to my testimony.

This is my comment to such an offender:
Firstly, he says in the middle of the record of arrest, where it is based on the
order issued by him to arrest me and to inspect the house, that he did not
disclose his identity. I introduced myself but I was never presented with an
arrest order or the order of inspection of the house. But how would he have
disclosed his identity when he was masked like the others who were with

I only knew his name by reading the records of the arrest on 04/06/2012,
only a few days ago. He did not say and did not show me any paper stating
an order to arrest or search, in fact, the events of detention proves that he
was intending to arrest Mehdi al-Moussawi, and he did not recognize me,
until I showed him my identity card.
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If there was an arrest and inspection order, why wasnt it attached to the
record of the investigation? And why wasnt it presented to the Bahrain
Independent Commission of Inquiry? Above all, in the document of witnesses
for the prosecution, as the second witness in Page 4, said, and I quote He
was committed to order by the first witness, who had received an order
issued by His Excellency commander in Chief of the Bahrain Force Defence
to arrest the accused: first, twelfth and seventeen and search their homes.
Here I am wondering if he, himself, recognises those who issued the warrant
against me. How does he falsely claim that he had an order to arrest me
when I was not originally included in the accused thirteen?

Secondly, the criminal Bader Ghaith claims in the record of my arrest saying
and he who is currently residing in a house in 1271/Road4125 / Block 541
Bani Jamra was searched. He claims in the official papers that he had that I
am a resident of the address listed above. However, I challenge and dare him
to prove this false claim with an official paper, as I have all the proof and with
official papers and witnesses to say and prove that I live in the following
address, the house in 1045 - road 1532 block 815 Isa Town.
How is he going to solve this contradiction!! Unless, staying in the house of
one of your relatives for one night, because of certain circumstances, is
considered a change in address!! And since that was not my house, why did
they forcibly enter it, break down the doors and search it?

Thirdly, he says in the same record, we asked him to guide us to his
bedroom, and he took us to his room on the second floor. He did not ask
me, and I didnt show him, because it simply was not my house and he
knows that. The strongest evidence that it wasnt my house are all the
seizures that are registered in both the National Security and the Military
Prosecution for not belonging to me, but they belonged to my uncle and his
sons, because it was their house and their rooms! He claims that in the
inspection he was in my room and in my presence!! Isnt that a big obvious
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Fourthly, due to the illegality of all the measures of the arrest and search, the
human wolf, Badar, says: his room was located on the second floor and
there was a lady that we decided is his wife. This criminal falsely isolated my
wife from the other women. He dragged her with violence to another room
and locked the door, he removed her head vial without knowing who she was
and beat her. He thought she was Mahdi al-Moussawis wife. Even when he
made sure that she was my wife, he continued hitting and kicking her all over
her body. He put his filthy hands on the private parts of her body, then he
took out a picture of Mahdi al-Musawi (her nephew) and said to her, "where
is this Dog, this is who we want. All that shows in addition to what I said
about the details of the detention, that they meant to arrest Mahdi al-
Moussawi, not me!!

According to the Penal Code and the Procedures in Bahrain/Section 8/Article
(137), p 41,
Any arrest must include - the name of the accused, surname, profession,
nationality, place of residence, the charge held against him and the date and
signature of the prosecutor and official seal.
Oh Dear Judges, doesnt this prove that the procedures of the arrest and
search. Therefore, "all that is built on falsehood is false."

As for the seizures, they were not taken from my house; therefore they dont
belong to me. They must be restored to their owners. This is included in the
investigations and also in the minutes of the investigation of the public
prosecutor page 6. The number of seizures reported on page 4 was
incomplete. It does not mention all of what was taken and stolen. Bassiouni
detailed the circumstances of seizure of property, in his report, the Bahrain
Independent Commission of Inquiry, under the title Section C: Manner of
Arrests 1, Factual Background, Paragraphs (1124), (1126), (1127) and (1129).
The things that were stolen and not mentioned are: one PC, one laptop, one
thousand dinars, and 5 mobile phones.
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As for the way they arrested me, and what they did to my wife and children, it
is all listed in this testimony, it has been documented in the report of the
Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry. Included in this are all those
violations that took place on all those who had been arrested in the articles of
the report under the title Section C: Manner of Arrests 1, Factual
Background, paragraphs (1123) to Article (1148). The report of the Bahrain
Independent Commission of Inquiry also documented the violations,
according to Bahraini Law and international law, in the arrests and searches
that took place. This was fact concluded by the Bahrain Independent
Commission of Inquiry, from paragraph (1149) to paragraph (1180). My wife
is a better witness of the violations that were mentioned, especially since she
has been described and documented with pictures in the Bahrain
Independent Commission of Inquiry report.

Based on all the above, doesnt that nullify all measures of arrest and
search? Combined with evidence that the human wolf Captain Badr Ibrahim
Ghaith had preformed all of those violations, can your esteemed court still
count on him as a witness?

That concludes the first violation.
The Second violation: extracting the so-called confessions using force,
threats, psychological and physical torture, solitary confinement and isolation
from the outside world for more than two months.

According to the Constitution of Bahrain, Part III: Rights and Duties, Article
No person shall be arrested, detained, imprisoned, searched or compelled
to reside in a specified place, nor shall the residence of any person or his
liberty to choose his place of residence or his liberty of movement be
restricted, except in accordance with the law and under the supervision of
the judicial authorities.
!"#"$ &#'$"(")" ,,

The report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry, talks about the
14 detainees, I am one of them. It mentions torture, humiliation, and
coercion, degrading treatment, solitary confinement and isolation from the
outside world and these assertions are secured in the report through various

It is mentioned under Chapter six, Allegations of Human Rights Violations
Against the Person, Findings and Allegations, paragraph (1233) which says:

1233. A large number of detainees among the 179 held by the NSA reported
instances of mistreatment, including torture and other forms of cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment, at the hands of that agency. Among these
complainants are the 14 political leaders who were subsequently transferred
to the custody of the BDF (at Al Qurain Prison) between 20 March and 13
April 2011. The BDF reported that upon their arrival, these detainees were
examined by a medical doctor who noted that some of them had marks of
physical abuse. Some of these detainees, however, alleged that they
continued to suffer mistreatment at Al Qurain Prison until 10 June. This
mistreatment stopped after the Military Attorney General brought the matter
to the attention of the BDF Commander-in-Chief who, according to the
Military Attorney General, ordered the Military Attorney General to take
control of the detention facility and ensure that no further mistreatment took
place. He also instructed the Military Attorney General to investigate claims
of torture. Accordingly, Al Qurain Prison came under the control of the
Military Attorney General. The 14 high level political detainees stated to
Commission investigators that they suffered no mistreatment from 10 June

In addition, according to the recommendations on the treatment of detainees
and to prove the occurrence of torture, you will find details about that from
paragraph (1246) to paragraph. (1255).
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You can also refer to Appendix II, Case 9, which documents my case and
treatment; you can also refer to the minutes of the National Safety Court, the
military court.
All of the defence lawyers asked in more than one session to raise the issue
of solitary confinement until their request was finally agreed to. One of the
witnesses to the violations that happened was Saikh Abdullah al Mahroos
when he was in the neighbouring cell to mine at Grain prison.
Based on all of that, and the evidence of torture, threats, and coercion and
degrading treatment, it supersedes all confessions that were attributed to
me, and makes all the case elements against me useless and unreliable.

The third violation: the violation of all procedures and standards for a fair
trial in accordance with the local and international laws.

According to the Constitution of Bahrain, Section 4: The Judicial Authority,
Article 104: Independence, Public Prosecutor:
a. The honour of the judiciary, and the probity and impartiality of judges,
is the basis of government and the guarantee of rights and freedoms.
b. No authority shall prevail over the judgment of a judge, and under no
circumstances may the course of justice be interfered with. The law
guarantees the independence of the judiciary, and the law shall lay
down the guarantees of judges and the provisions pertaining to them.
c. The law shall lay down the provisions pertaining to the Public
Prosecution Office, the tasks of the office for delivery of formal legal
opinions, the preparation of legislation, State representation before the
law, and personnel employed on such matters.
d. The provisions governing advocacy shall be regulated by law.

As well as this, Chapter Three, Public Rights and Duties, Article 20: Criminal
a. There shall be no crime and no punishment except under a law, and
punishment only for acts committed subsequent to the effective date
!"#"$ &#'$"(")" ,.
of the law providing for the same.
b. Punishment is personal.
c. An accused person is innocent until proved guilty in a legal trial in
which he is assured of the necessary guarantees to exercise the right
of defence at all stages of the investigation and trial in accordance
with the law.
d. It is forbidden to harm an accused person physically or mentally.
e. Every person accused of an offence must have a lawyer to defend him
with his consent.
f. The right to litigate is guaranteed under the law.

According to the Report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry,
Chapter Six: Allegations of Human Rights Violations Against the Person,
Section E: Detention and Prosecution in connection with Expression,
Association and Assembly, 3. Findings and Conclusions, paragraph (1279):

1279. A large number of individuals were prosecuted before the National
Safety Courts and imprisoned for violating articles 165, 168, 169, 179 and
180 of the Bahrain Penal Code in connection with the events of
February/March 2011. The Commission considers that the GoB used these
articles to punish those in the opposition and to deter political opposition.

In paragraph (1291), Recommendations:

1291. The Commission recommends that all persons charged with offences
involving political expression, not consisting of advocacy of violence, have
their convictions reviewed and sentences commuted or, as the case may be,
outstanding charges against them dropped.

You can refer to the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry on
violations of fair court proceedings under Section E: Detention and
Prosecution in connection with Expression, Association and Assembly,
!"#"$ &#'$"(")" ,/
paragraph (1256) to paragraph (1291). Also under the title of Allegations of
Enforced Disappearances, Section F: paragraph (1292) to Article (1305).
Thereby, all the levels and degrees of a fair and just trial were violated,
starting with the National Safety Court onwards.

Second, to respond to unfair accusations and false attributable to:
I am content with reference to the "memorandum to explain the reasons for
the appeal on the judgments appeal" on page 1 to 18 / the Court of
Cassation / lawyer Isa Ibrahim Muhammad.

Finally the fourth violation: Referring to the defect that occurred in relation to
the pronounced judgment.

It happened in the various levels of courts, both the oral and written. In the
Court of National Safety on 22/06/2011, the verdict was given using the
following words, Fourth: to punish the defendant no.13 with five years
imprisonment and the same phrase came in the court's papers, page 2,
without mentioning the merits of what I am found guilty and innocent of and
based on what?
In papers of the National Safety Court of Appeal on 09/28/2011 page 6 of
judgments, it completely dismisses my name and my judgment!
The judgment of the Court of Cassation, which transferred our case to your
esteemed court on 30/04/2011 page 5, was the following statement Fourth:
to punish the defendant no.13 with five years imprisonment. It didnt
mention any reasons for the judgment, and didnt include what am I
acquitted and condemned for!!! Thus, I wonder what has been undone
exactly? And what charges have been transferred?

Today I stand in front of your distinguished court with the continuation of the
same flaw. It is still an on going mystery of what I have been condemned of,
and what are the accusations against me before your court? I have taken the
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initiative to write a letter to your court on 6/2012 questioning that. Please
refer to the attachments with my testimony.

Section Five - My demands before your esteemed Court
1. The immediate release of all prisoners of conscience and myself.
2. The dropping all charges, and a verdict of innocence.
3. The cancellation all of the so-called confessions, that have been
extracted under coercion, threats and torture.
4. The cancellation of all the certificates of prosecution witnesses
because of their lies and their involvement in abuses and torture.
5. The prosecution, trial and punishment of anyone involved in the
abuses and torture against me or my family, regardless of his political
status or higher military rank.
6. That I am allowed to retain my right to full compensation of material
and moral commensurate for the violations that occurred against my
family and me.
7. That the King keep his word that he committed himself to in front of
the eyes and ears of the world, at the handing over ceremony of the
Report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry on
2011/11/30. The fulfilment of those promises of full implementation of
the reign of the report, as he had reiterated that commitment many
times on different occasions.
8. The acknowledgement of the peoples right in Bahrain of freedom,
justice and dignity. The right of full self-determination through peaceful
means and choosing their democratic system.

Section Six My last words

Everyone in Bahrain is unfortunately wondering with pain about the fairness
and integrity of the judicial system. This is especially so after the slew of
harsh and unfair sentences which have been dealt out against people who
have been convicted in the courts. These courts did not meet the minimum
!"#"$ &#'$"(")" ,1
fair trial standards, either for military or civilian courts, an example of this
would be us detainees being tried in military courts despite being civilians,
there were no provisions made to accommodate us.

Here, let me give a brief presentation of material about the non-
independence of the judicial system. The following refers to an article from a
local newspaper. The newspaper, the Gulf News was classified as pro-
government by the report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry
(paragraph 1713). The issue date was the 16
May 2012, paper no. 12472,
the last column of honesty by Professor Ibrahim Sheikh although I have some
reservations about him for sometimes being unprofessional.
The title of the article is Who Impedes the Independence of the Judiciary?

Dear Judges, these are some excerpts from the article
"After days in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the human rights document,
the purpose of the participation of Bahraini delegation was to review various
aspects of human rights in Bahrain, including the independence of the
judiciary system.

Then he continues his article saying: "the Bahraini participants might come
out if the Bahraini delegation torrent in Geneva were asked about the
Independence of the judiciary. The crisis between judges and the Ministry of
Justice is still a secret! Where the ministry still has authority over all the small
and large affairs of the courts, halls and secretaries, writers, and even the
needs of the judges of papers and pens! Is that possible!?
The writer Ibrahim Sheikh continues, saying: "because of the lack of
independence of the judiciary body in Bahrain, they deal with them like other
state employees, where CSC manages them, and the Ministry of Justice
controls them. The judges of our courts sit in collective offices as if they were
in high school, while administrator of the Ministry of Justice has an office of
his own! Al Sheikh elaborates, saying: "the absence of the independence of
the judiciary despite the existence of a higher council for them, that follows
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the King of the country, is a direct circumvent to the laws of the country.
Ignoring this sensitive issue has caused embarrassment for the country in the
international arena.
Finally, Ibrahim Sheikh added "the independence of the judiciary means
security to all, as a means to provide protection to the state and its
belongings. It does not make sense to talk about judicial authority, everyone
assumes its independence, but because of the others, it is managed as a
department in the Ministry of Justice!

My question is: Is this esteemed Courts procedures and provisions going to
prove what had been stated in the article of Ibrahim Sheikh wrong?
I hope so.

I declare in front of the Judges of this esteemed Court and with my
apologies, that I am pulling out of these sessions of trials and ask my dear
lawyer to withdraw also. This will continue until the demands mentioned in
this report are achieved.

My thanks to the esteemed Judges of the Court for giving me the opportunity
to address them.

In the Quran, from Surat Yusuf:

And the king said, "Bring him to me." But when the messenger came to
Joseph, he said, "Return to your master and ask him what is the case of the
women who cut their hands. Indeed, my Lord is Knowing of their plan. Said
[the king to the women], "What was your condition when you sought to
seduce Joseph?" They said, "Perfect is Allah! We know about him no evil."
The wife of al-'Azeez said, "Now the truth has become evident. It was I who
sought to seduce him, and indeed, he is of the truthful.

After all that we have said, hasnt the truth become evident?!!
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Many praises of respect to the souls of our martyrs, and praises of pride to
our free and defiant people.

Peace and God's mercy and blessings upon you.

Salah Abdullah Al-Khawaja Hubail

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