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Sta. Filomena, Dipolog City

Midwifey Depatment
MID 103- RLE
De!"iption # T$i! "lini"al tea"$ing plan will !e%e a! a g&ide fo t$e fa"&lty'Clini"al In!t&"to and !t&dent! in de%eloping t$e "oe "ompeten"ie!
e(&ied of deli%ey oom midwife d&ing a"t&al la)o and deli%ey.
Aea of E*po!&e # Deli%ey +oom' Lying In
D&ation # ,- $o&!
Enty Competen"ie! # .nowledge in MID /01 e!pe"ially in t$e "ae of mot$e d&ing la)o and deli%ey, 2&man Anatomy and 3$y!iology, A!epti" Te"$ni(&e and
3in"iple!, D+ In!t&ment, S&pplie! and E(&ipment, D&g! and Sol&tion!, Ane!t$e!ia, 3in"iple! of 4io5Et$i"!, S6ill! in doing t$e N&!ing po"e!!
e!pe"ially a!!e!!ment !6ill! 7 Leopold8! Man&e%e, F2T detemination et". leaned d&ing penatal "ae, S&gi"al a!epti" te"$ni(&e, $and !"&),
gowning and glo%ing, peineal "ae, po!itioning and daping, enema admini!tation, "at$etei9ation, !6ill! in doing +itgen8! man&e%e and Cede8!
man&e%e, de"i!ion5 ma6ing !6ill!' "iti"al t$in6ing !6ill!, pope attit&de of p&den"e, patien"e, a""&a"y and gentlene!! in $andling "lient8! in
D+ Oientation A"ti%itie! fo Clini"al In!t&"to # M&!t $a%e )een "ompleted pio to !t&dent! e*po!&e and done in "oodination wit$ t$e affiliating $o!pital taining offi"e o D+ $ead n&!e
fo a wee6 depending on $o!pital poli"ie!.
D+ Oientation a"ti%itie! fo !t&dent! 7done )efoe t$e a"t&al e*po!&e o on t$e /
day of "lini"al e*peien"e:
Oientation on t$e following#
/. D+ pe!onnel'ogani9ational "$at
1. D+ !et5&p; !&pplie!, in!t&ment! and e(&ipment!
<. D+ poto"ol!, poli"ie! and g&ideline!
,. D+ e"od! and fom! 7 fo do"&mentation, e(&i!ition! et":
=. 3a"ti"e of !6ill!5 7 e.g. 2and !"&), gowning,. Glo%ing
Setting &p of D+ ta)le, mayo ta)le
>. Gading !y!tem and e(&iement!5 attendan"e, ?o&nal +epot!, Ca!e St&dy, D&g St&dy, pefoman"e E%al&ation C$e"6li!t on Intapatal Cae
@. O)!e%ation of an a"t&al deli%ey 7 d&ing o)!e%ation, CI di!"&!!e! po"ed&e! and po"e!!e!:
Daily 3oto"ol O)!e%ation#
A"t&al "lini"al e*peien"e
3o!t Confeen"e
La!t Day of E*peien"e# Final e%al&ation of St&dent 3efoman"e t$o&g$ Compe$en!i%e e*am o !6ill! in%entoy.
Int!r#!$%at! C&#p!t!n'%!(
C%n%'a A't%)%t%!(
M!t*&$ &+ E)a,at%&n
Fa',t- St,$!nt
I. Sa+! an$ /,a%t- N,r(%n0 Car!
A. Utili9e! t$e n&!ing po"e!! in t$e
"ae of D+ "lient!
/. 3efom! "ompe$en!i%e and
!y!temati" n&!ing a!!e!!ment

1. Implement! planned n&!ing
"ae plan to a"$ie%e identified
4. 3omote! !afety and "omfot of
patient! in!ide t$e D+
A!!ign! !t&dent to a pati"&la patient in
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! in a!!e!!ment of
A!!i!t! t$e !t&dent in %alidating
"ompletene!! and %ea"ity of
a!!e!!ment data.
In!t&"t! !t&dent! to monito t$e
poge!! of la)o.
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! a! t$ey pefom
n&!ing inte%ention !afely
Gi%e! appopiate feed)a"6 a! ne"e!!ay.
+e"ei%e! a "lient fo "ae
O)tain! o)!teti"al $i!toy in"l&ding paity, ga%ida
!"oe, LM3,
EDC, OG, 4OB on!et of t&e la)o
O)tain! data fom t$e Client8! "$at
C$e"6! %ital !ign!
Cond&"t! 3$y!i"al E*amination
C$e"6! Fetal 2eat +ate and F&ndi" $eig$t
Monito! poge!! of la)o' &teine "onta"tion! a!
O)!e%e! fo t$e timely &pt&e
De%elop! n&!ing "ae plan!
3efom! appopiate n&!ing inte%ention! )a!ed on
identified po)lem' diagno!i!
Tan!pot! "lient! !afely w$ile po%iding
3la"e! mot$e in lit$otomy po!ition
3efom! peineal "ae &!ing !teile
te"$ni(&e "oe"tly
3efom! pope $and !"&)
Bea! gown and glo%e! a""oding to
$o!pital poli"y
3efom! +itgen8! mane&%e !afely
Coa"$e! mot$e on )eat$ing and p&!$ing
Deli%e! )a)y and pla"enta "aef&lly
C$e"6! and manage! "od e"oil "oe"tly
E%al&ation of A!!e!!ment
3efoman"e E%al&ation
C. 3o%ide! $ealt$ "ae t$eape&ti"ally
and !afely.
/. E%al&ate! poge!! towad
e*pe"ted o&t"ome!
II. Mana0!#!nt &+ R!(&,r'!(1
En)%r&n#!nt an$ E2,%p#!nt
Or0an%3! 4&r5 &a$ t& +a'%%tat!
Pat%!nt Car!
A. Utili9e! ade(&ate and appopiate
e!o&"e! to !&ppot patient "ae
4. En!&e! f&n"tioning of D+
C. Maintain! a !afe en%ionment at t$e

Di!"&!! wit$ t$e !t&dent e!&lt! of
e%al&ation and e%iew! data )efoe
final e"oding
+e%iew! wit$ t$e !t&dent! t$e "on"ept of
management of e!o&"e! and
en%ionment petaining to D+
Familiai9e! !t&dent! wit$ t$e diffeent
in!t&ment!, !&pplie! and e(&ipment
in t$e D+.
A!!i!t! !t&dent! in pefoming !teili9ation
po"ed&e and pepaation of !&pplie!
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! in pope wa!te
di!po!al' di!"&!!e! ationale of
Clamp! and "&t! t$e "od "oe"tly
Identifie! !ign! of pla"ental !epaation
C$e"6! t$e "$aa"tei!ti"!' "ompletene!!
of t$e pla"enta
A!!e!!e! t$e amo&nt of )lood lo!! 7Nomal le!!
t$an=00 "":
Employ! inte%ention! to a"$ie%e and maintain a well
"onta"ted &te&! to pe%ent' "ontol $emo$age
Uteine ma!!age
Coe"t admini!tation of
Cold Compe!!
A!!i!t! in epi!io$apy a! needed
C$e"6! !i9e, "on!i!ten"y and lo"ation of &te&!
3efom! peineal "ae and applie! pad "oe"tly
3o%ide! emotional !&ppot to t$e mot$e t$o&g$o&t
la)o and deli%ey
O)!e%e! &ni%e!al pe"a&tion! in $andling )ody fl&id!
E%al&ate! patient8! "ondition and e"od petinent data
3epae! patient fo tan!fe to e"o%ey oom' wad
3epae! oom, in!t&ment! and e(&ipment needed
Steile dape
Steile in!t&ment! and e(&ipment
7fo"ep!, !"i!!o!, )&l) !yinge, ga&9e,
!&t&e, needle $olde, "at$ete:
.elly pad
3efom! !teili9ation po"ed&e
Maintain! ade(&a"y of !&pplie! a! t$e deli%ey
O)!e%e! pe"a&tionay mea!&e! elated to &!e of
3efoman"e E%al&ation
III. H!at* E$,'at%&n I#p!#!nt(
appr&pr%at! *!at* !$,'at%&n
a't%)%t%!( t& '%!nt 6a(!$ &n t*!
r!(,t &+ t*! a((!((#!nt
IV. L!0a R!(p&n(%6%%t- A$*!r!(
pra't%'!( %n a''&r$an'! 4%t* t*!
n,r(%n0 a4 an$ &t*!r r!!)ant
!0%(at%&n %n',$%n0 '&ntra't(1
%n+&r#!$ '&n(!nt
A. Ad$ee! to ogani9ational poli"ie!
and po"ed&e!
4. Do"&ment! "ae endeed to
V. Et*%'& M&ra R!(p&n(%6%%t-
R!(p!'t t*! r%0*t( &+ DR '%!nt
+e%iew! tea"$ing plan of !t&dent!
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! d&ing "oa"$ing in
a"t&al la)o noting w$en to )ea
down and w$en to ela*
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! w$en doing $ealt$
ed&"ation on )ea!tfeeding, )at$ing,
diapeing and admini!tation of
odeed medi"ation!
A!!i!t! t$e !t&dent! in !e"&ing infomed
"on!ent in all po"ed&e!
Calidate! wit$ t$e !t&dent! a""&a"y of
t$e data gat$eed.
C$e"6! pope identifi"ation of mot$e and
t$e new)on
C$e"6! "oe"tne!! and "ompletene!! of
Se%e! a! a ole model fo !t&dent! in
di!playing pofe!!ional attit&de! and
%al&e! of a good D+ midwife
ele"ti"al e(&ipment
En!&e! a (&iet en%ionment
U!e! !&pplie! diligently
3efom! afte "ae of mateial! and e(&ipment &!ed
En!&e! pope di!po!al of $o!pital wa!te in"l&ding
)lood and ot$e fl&id!.
Tea"$e! "lient on )a!i" pepaation d&ing la)o and
Coa"$e! "lient on )eat$ing' )eaing down te"$ni(&e
Gi%e! in!t&"tion! to patient and !ignifi"ant ot$e! a! to
)at$ing, pope $ygiene and +OM e*e"i!e!
Demon!tate! pope Dlat"$ E onF )ea!t feeding
Gi%e! in!t&"tion! to paent! egading infant "ae
)efoe di!"$age'
3o%ide! di!"$age in!t&"tion! a! to feeding, )at$ing,
admini!tation of odeed medi"ation!,
appointment date! fo po!t natal and well )a)y
"$e"6 &p
+e!pond! to (&e!tion! of "lient! and elati%e!
egading e*pe"tation!
Se"&e! infomed "on!ent in all po"ed&e! elated to
la)o and deli%ey
+epot! a""&ately and $one!tly t$e gende, time of
deli%ey of t$e )a)y and pla"enta
En!&e! pope identifi"ation of t$e mot$e and
Do"&ment! all petinent data "oe"tly and "ompletely
E%al&ation of Tea"$ing 3lan
Completene!! and A""&a"y
of e"od!
and do"&mentation
A. A""ept! e!pon!i)ility and
a""o&nta)ility fo own de"i!ion and
4. Ad$ee! to t$e National and
Intenational Code of Et$i"! fo
VI. P!r(&na an$ Pr&+!((%&na
D!)!&p#!nt Pr&7!'t( 6!0%nn%n0
VII. /,a%t- I#pr&)!#!nt
Part%'%pat! %n 2,a%t- %#pr&)!#!nt
a't%)%t%!( r!at!$ t& 'ar! &+ pat%!nt(
DR %n',$%n0 %n+!'t%&n '&ntr& an$
Di!"&!!e! wit$ t$e !t&dent! !ignifi"an"e of
et$i"o moal e!pon!i)ilitie!
En"o&age !t&dent! to poGe"t )eginning
A!!i!t !t&dent! to a""ept "iti"i!m! and
e"ommendation! fo impo%ement.
Up$old! t$e $ig$e!t !tandad! of pa"ti"e
Di!"&!!e! wit$ t$e !t&dent! t$e need fo
pompt and a""&ate epoting of
%aian"e!, fa"ilitate di!"&!!ion of wad
a&dit d&ing po!t "onfeen"e!
Coodinate wit$ pope a&t$oity egading
%alidated epot! of %aian"e!
Fa"ilitate! analyti"al di!"&!!ion of Go&nal
epot! and e!ea"$e! pe!ented )y
+e!pe"t! t$e eligio&!, "&lt&al and et$ni" pa"ti"e! of
t$e family of t$e woman in la)o and deli%ey
3omote! emotional !e"&ity )y !&ppoting need!
En!&e! pi%a"y and "onfidentiality
3oGe"t! a pofe!!ional image of a deli%ey midwife
A""ept! "iti"i!m! and e"ommendation!
3efom! f&n"tion! a""oding to !tandad!
Identifie! de%iation of pa"ti"e fom !tandad!
3ati"ipate! in a&dit pa"ti"e! in t$e deli%ey oom'
lying in
Di!"&!!e! wit$ t$e "lini"al in!t&"to "oe"ti%e and
pe%enti%e mea!&e! fo t$e identified de%iation!.
S$ae! ele%ant e!ea"$ finding! fom Go&nal
eading!' intenet, liteat&e !ea"$.
Update! one!elf wit$ t$e late!t tend! and
in la)o and deli%ey
Do"&ment! a""&ately ele%ant data a)o&t "lient
e!pe"ially gende of )a)y, time and date of
3opely a""ompli!$ all D+ fom! 7e.g. D+ !lip!, "a!e
A"t&al O)!e%ation of
St&dent 4e$a%io
A"t&al O)!e%ation of
St&dent 4e$a%io
N&!ing A&dit +epot
?o&nal +epot!
Ca!e St&dy +epot!
D&g St&die!
VIII. R!'&r$( Mana0!#!nt
Ma%nta%n( !0%6!1 a'',rat! an$ ,p$at!$
$&',#!ntat%&n &+ pat%!nt 'ar!
I8. C&##,n%'at%&n
E(ta6%(*!( rapp&rt 4%t* '%!nt(
(%0n%+%'ant &t*!r( an$ #!#6!r( &+ t*!
*!at* t!a#.
A. Li!ten attenti%ely to "lient8! (&eie! and
4. U!e! appopiate infomation
me"$ani!m to fa"ilitate "omm&ni"ation
C. Identifie! %e)al and non %e)al "&e!
8. Colla)oation and Teamwo6
E!ta)li!$e! "olla)oati%e elation!$ip wit$
"olleag&e! and ot$e mem)e! of t$e
$ealt$ team
Colla)oate! plan of "ae wit$ ot$e
mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team
Di!"&!!e! wit$ !t&dent! "&ent tend! on
"ae of "lient! d&ing la)o and deli%ey
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! on pope
do"&mentation at t$e D+
C$e"6! a""&ate do"&mentation in
patient8! "$at and ot$e D+ e"od!
A!!i!t t$e !t&dent! in "omm&ni"ating
effe"ti%ely wit$ "lient! and mem)e! of t$e
$ealt$ team.
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! d&ing endo!ement
Fa"ilitate! "olla)oati%e elation!$ip wit$
mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team.
!lip!, la)oatoy e(&e!t:
En!&e! "ompletene!! of "lient8! e"od! 7medi"ation!,
IC !$eet, D+ !$eet et".:
Do"&ment! a""&ately in t$e "$at' n&!e! note!
ele%ant n&!ing o)!e%ation!' a"ti%itie! pefomed
fo o&t"ome "ae
Utili9e! appopiately all fom! of "omm&ni"ation;
%e)al, non %e)al, ele"toni"
Infom "lient8! !ignifi"ant ot$e! on t$e poge!! of
la)o and deli%ey
Li!ten attenti%ely to "lient! and familie! (&eie! and
3o%ide! a!!&an"e t$o&g$ t$eape&ti" to&"$, wamt$
and "omfoting wod! of en"o&agement.
+e"ei%e! and gi%e! endo!ement appopiately
F&n"tion! effe"ti%ely a! a team playe in t$e deli%ey
oom' lying in
Comm&ni"ate! t$e poge!! of la)o and deli%ey to
!ignifi"ant ot$e!
E!ta)li!$e! "olla)oati%e elation!$ip wit$ mem)e! of
t$e $ealt$ team and family mem)e!
A""&a"y of Do"&mentation
Effe"ti%ene!! of
"omm&ni"ation t$o&g$
e%al&ation of o&t"ome.
3efoman"e E%al&ation
A"t&al o)!e%ation
3efoman"e E%al&ation
D+ +otation +e(&iement!7%aia)le:
Daily plan of a"ti%itie!
?o&nal +epot!
Ca!e St&dy
A&i99e! and Clini"al 3efoman"e E%al&ation
Attendan"e and De"o&m
Sta. Filomena, Dipolog City
MID /0<5 +LE
De!"iption # T$i! "lini"al tea"$ing plan will !e%e a! a g&ide fo t$e fa"&lty'Clini"al In!t&"to and !t&dent! in de%eloping t$e "oe "ompeten"ie!
e(&ied of d&ing t$e immediate "ae of t$e new)on.
Aea of E*po!&e # N&!ey'D+ "omple*'Lying In
D&ation # ,- $o&!
Enty Competen"ie! #
.nowledge in MID /01 e!pe"ially t$e "on"ept of immediate "ae of new)on, 2&man Anatomy and 3$y!iology, N&!ing po"e!!, A!epti" te"$ni(&e and
3in"iple!, D+ In!t&ment, S&pplie! and E(&ipment, D&g! and Sol&tion!, Ane!t$e!ia, 3in"iple! of 4io5Et$i"!
S6ill! in doing t$e N&!ing po"e!! e!pe"ially a!!e!!ment !6ill!
S&gi"al a!epti" te"$ni(&e $and !"&), gowning and glo%ing
S6ill! in gi%ing inGe"tion!, eye, ointment appli"ation.
S6ill! in doing immediate "ae of new)on on !im&lation 7e*. 4a)y mani6in!:
De"i!ion5 ma6ing !6ill!' "iti"al t$in6ing !6ill!
3ope attit&de of p&den"e, patien"e, a""&a"y and gentlene!! in $andling new)on
Oientation A"ti%itie! fo Clini"al In!t&"to# M&!t $a%e )een "ompleted pio to !t&dent! e*po!&e and done in "oodination wit$ t$e affiliating $o!pital taining offi"e o D+ $ead
n&!e fo a wee6 depending on $o!pital poli"ie!.
Oientation a"ti%itie! fo St&dent! 7done )efoe a"t&al e*po!&e o on t$e /
day of "lini"al e*peien"e:
Oientation on t$e following#
/. N&!ey pe!onnel'ogani9ational "$at
1. N&!ey !et5&p; !&pplie!, in!t&ment! and e(&ipment
<. N&!ey poto"ol!, poli"ie! and g&ideline!
,. N&!ey e"od! and fom! 7fo do"&mentation. +e(&i!ition et".:
=. 3a"ti"e of !6ill!5 e*. 2and !"&), gowning, glo%ing
Setting &p mayo ta)le and aea fo immediate new)on "ae
>. Gading !y!tem and e(&iement!5 attendan"e, NC38!, Ca!e !t&dy
3efoman"e E%al&ation C$e"6li!t! on Immediate Cae of t$e New)on
@. O)!e%ation of an a"t&al "ae of t$e new)on 7d&ing o)!e%ation, C.I. di!"&!!e! po"ed&e! and po"e!!e!:
Daily 3oto"ol Afte Oientation#
A"t&al "lini"al e*peien"e
3o!t Confeen"e
La!t Day of E*peien"e# Final e%al&ation of St&dent 3efoman"e t$o&g$ Compe$en!i%e e*am o !6ill! in%entoy
Intemediate Competen"ie!
Clini"al A"ti%itie!
Met$od of E%al&ation
Fa"&lty St&dent!
I. Safe and A&ality N&!ing
Utili9e! t$e n&!ing po"e!! in t$e
immediate "ae of t$e new)on
a. 3efom! "ompe$en!i%e and
!y!temati" n&!ing a!!e!!ment
). Fom&late! a plan of "ae
". Implement! planned n&!ing "ae
plan to a"$ie%e identified
A!!ign! !t&dent to a pati"&la new)on
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! in a!!e!!ment of
A!!i!t t$e !t&dent in %alidating
"ompletene!! and %ea"ity of
a!!e!!ment data.
C$e"6! n&!ing "ae plan
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! a! t$ey pefom
n&!ing inte%ention !afely
Gi%e! appopiate feed)a"6 a!
+e"ei%e! new)on fom deli%ey oom
3efom! and intepet A3GA+ !"oing "oe"tly
Immediately afte deli%ey and =
min&te! afte )it$
3efom! "omplete p$y!i"al a!!e!!ment
Ta6e! ant$opometi" mea!&ement! in"l&ding weig$t,
$eig$t, $ead, "$e!t, a)dominal "i"&mfeen"e
Ta6e! %ital !ign!
C$e"6! paten"y of e"t&m &!ing e"tal t$emomete
De%elop! n&!ing "ae plan!
3efom! appopiate n&!ing inte%ention! )a!ed on
identified po)lem' diagno!i!
E!ta)li!$e! and maintain! patent aiway )y wiping t$e
Fa"e, no!e and mo&t$ wit$ !teile ga&9e
3&t! new)on on t$e mot$e8! a)domen fo / $o&
Die! new)on8! )ody t$oo&g$ly )y wiping t$e )ody
&!ing !teile "lot$ and 6eep wam
3efom! "od "ae
Bait &ntil p&l!ation !top! 7few
E%al&ation of A!!e!!ment
3efoman"e E%al&ation
3omote! !afety and "omfot of new)on
3o%ide $ealt$ "ae t$eape&ti"ally and
d. E%al&ate! poge!! towad
e*pe"ted o&t"ome!
II. Management of +e!o&"e!,
En%ionment and E(&ipment
Ogani9e wo6 load to fa"ilitate patient
Utili9e! ade(&ate and appopiate
to !&ppot patient "ae
En!&e! f&n"tioning of e!o&"e!
Maintain! a !afe en%ionment at t$e
N&!ey' Lying 5 In

A!!i!t!' !&pe%i!e! t$e !t&dent! in
o&t do"to8! ode!.
Di!"&!! wit$ t$e !t&dent e!&lt! of
e%al&ation and e%iew! data )efoe
final e"oding
+e%iew! wit$ t$e !t&dent! t$e "on"ept of
management of e!o&"e! and
en%ionment petaining to
Familiai9e !t&dent! wit$ t$e diffeent
in!t&ment!, !&pplie! and
in t$e n&!ey.
A!!i!t! !t&dent! in pefoming
po"ed&e and pepaation of
Clamp! and "&t! "od / in"$ fom t$e
C$e"6! fo t$e pe!en"e of 1 ateie!
and / %ein
Lat"$e! new)on to t$e mot$e8! )ea!t immediately
afte )it$
Applie! C+EDE8! pop$yla*i! on t$e new)on8! eye
Admini!te Citamin . 7/mg' IM'Left t$ig$: and
$epatiti! %a""ine 70.= ml'IM' +ig$t t$ig$: into t$e
lateal anteio t$ig$ o %a!t&! lateali!
O)!e%e! "ae gentlene!! and !afety in $andling
new)on all t$o&g$o&t po"ed&e!
+e"od! petinent o)!e%ation! and n&!ing "ae done
+epot! any !ign! of de%iation' a)nomality to t$e
3epae! in!t&ment and e(&ipment needed
S&"tion )&l), "od "lamp, ga&9e,
"otton )all!, fo"ep, !"i!!o, tape
mea!&e, )lan6et, Citamin .,
2epatiti! 4 %a""ine, antimi"o)ial
op$t$almi" ointment
En!&e! &!e of !teile e(&ipment d&ing immediate "ae of t$e
Maintain ade(&a"y of !&pplie! a! new)on "ae i! endeed
Maintain! odeline!! of t$e wo6ing aea
O)!e%e! pe"a&tionay mea!&e! elated to &!e of ele"ti"al
En!&e! a wam and (&iet en%ionment
U!e! !&pplie! diligently
En!&e! pope di!po!al of $o!pital wa!te
3efoman"e E%al&ation
E%al&ation of Tea"$ing 3lan
III. 2ealt$ Ed&"ation
Implement! appopiate $ealt$ ed&"ation
a"ti%itie! to mot$e! )a!ed on need!
IC. Legal +e!pon!i)ility
Ad$ee! pa"ti"e! in a""odan"e wit$ t$e
n&!ing law and ot$e ele%ant
legi!lation in"l&ding "onta"t!,
infomed "on!ent
Ad$ee! to ogani9ational poli"ie! and
Do"&ment! "ae endeed to t$e mot$e
and t$e new)on
C. Et$i"o Moal +e!pon!i)ility
+e!pe"t t$e ig$t! of t$e family and
A""ept! e!pon!i)ility and a""o&nta)ility
fo own de"i!ion and a"tion!
Ad$ee! to t$e National and Intenational
"ode of Et$i"! fo N&!e!
CI. 3e!onal and 3ofe!!ional
3oGe"t! )eginning pofe!!ionali!m
+e%iew! tea"$ing plan of !t&dent!
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! d&ing a"t&al
po%i!ion of $ealt$ ed&"ation to
Gi%e! appopiate feed)a"6 a!
A!!i!t t$e !t&dent! in !e"&ing infomed
"on!ent in all po"ed&e!
Calidate! wit$ t$e !t&dent! a""&a"y of
t$e data gat$eed.
C$e"6! pope identifi"ation of mot$e
t$e new)on
C$e"6! "oe"tne!! and "ompletene!!
Se%e! a! a ole model fo !t&dent! in
di!playing pofe!!ional attit&de! and
%al&e! of a good n&!e
Di!"&!!e! wit$ t$e !t&dent! !ignifi"an"e
et$i"o moal e!pon!i)ilitie!
3o%ide! in!t&"tion! to t$e mot$e on t$e daily "od
"ae and pe%ention of "od infe"tion
3o%ide! di!"$age in!t&"tion! to t$e mot$e on w$en
to e*pe"t "od to fall off o to epot !ign! of "od
3o%ide! infomation egading new)on !"eening,
imm&ni9ation, feeding, et".
+e!pond! to (&e!tion! of mot$e and elati%e!
egading e*pe"tation!
Identifie! new)on )y "ompaing ID )and wit$ mot$e and wit$ data
in t$e "$at
Do"&ment! all petinent data "oe"tly and "ompletely
+epot! a""&ately any de%iation!' a)nomal finding!
and n&!ing inte%ention! endeed
En!&e! t$at )it$ "etifi"ate and ot$e "i%il egi!tation
fom! ae a""ompli!$ed' filled o&t a""oding to
in!tit&tional poli"y
En!&e! t$at paent! ae infomed of impotant data
egading new)on
+e!pe"t! t$e eligio&!, "&lt&al and et$ni" pa"ti"e! of
t$e family of t$e new)on
Maintain! pi%a"y and "onfidentiality of t$e finding! of
Update! one!elf wit$ t$e late!t tend! and
de%elopment! in new)on "ae
3oGe"t! a pofe!!ional image of t$e pediati" n&!e
A""ept! "iti"i!m! and e"ommendation!
3efom! f&n"tion! a""oding to !tandad!
Completene!! and A""&a"y
of Do"&mentation
A"t&al O)!e%ation of
St&dent 4e$a%io
A"t&al O)!e%ation of
St&dent 4e$a%io
CII. A&ality Impo%ement
3ati"ipate in (&ality impo%ement
a"ti%itie! elated to "ae of patient! in
D+ in"l&ding infe"tion "ontol and
CIII. +e!ea"$
Di!!eminate! e!&lt! of new)on elated
e!ea"$ finding! to t$e "lini"al go&p
7ot$e !t&dent! and ot$e mem)e! of t$e
$ealt$ team a! appopiate:
IH. +e"od! Management
Maintain! legi)le, a""&ate and &pdated
do"&mentation of patient "ae
H. Comm&ni"ation
E!ta)li!$e! appot wit$ "lient! !ignifi"ant
ot$e! and mem)e! of t$e $ealt$
En"o&age! !t&dent! to poGe"t
)eginning pofe!!ionali!m.
A!!i!t !t&dent! to a""ept "iti"i!m! and
e"ommendation! fo impo%ement.
Up$old! t$e $ig$e!t !tandad! of
Di!"&!!e! wit$ t$e !t&dent! t$e need fo
pompt and a""&ate epoting of
%aian"e!, fa"ilitate di!"&!!ion of wad
a&dit d&ing po!t "onfeen"e
Coodinate wit$ pope a&t$oity
egading %alidated epot! of %aian"e!
Fa"ilitate! analyti"al di!"&!!ion of
Go&nal epot! and e!ea"$e!
pe!ented )y !t&dent!.
Di!"&!!e! wit$ !t&dent! "&ent tend!
on "ae of "lient!
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! on pope
do"&mentation at t$e n&!ey
C$e"6! a""&ate do"&mentation in
patient8! "$at and ot$e n&!ey
Identifie! de%iation of pa"ti"e fom !tandad!
3ati"ipate! in a&dit pa"ti"e! in t$e n&!ey
+e"ommend! to t$e "lini"al in!t&"to "oe"ti%e and
pe%enti%e mea!&e! fo t$e identified de%iation!
Identifie! e!ea"$a)le po)lem! elated to immediate
"ae of new)on
Initiate! a e!ea"$ !t&dy on an identified e!ea"$a)le
3ati"ipate! a! a mem)e of a e!ea"$ team in t$e
"ond&"tion of a e!ea"$ !t&dy
Utili9e! finding! of e!ea"$ !t&die! in t$e immediate
"ae of t$e new)on
Do"&ment! a""&ately ele%ant data a)o&t "lient
3opely a""ompli!$ all wad fom! 7e.g. la)oatoy
En!&e! "ompletene!! of "lient8! e"od! 7medi"ation!,
IC !$eet, ot$e !$eet:
Do"&ment! a""&ately in t$e "$at' n&!e! note!
ele%ant n&!ing o)!e%ation!' a"ti%itie! pefomed
fo o&t"ome "ae
Utili9e! appopiately all fom! of "omm&ni"ation;
%e)al, non %e)al, ele"toni"
Infom "lient8! !ignifi"ant ot$e! on t$e poge!! of
N&!ing A&dit +epot
?o&nal +epot!
Ca!e St&dy +epot!
D&g St&die!
A""&a"y of Do"&mentation
Effe"ti%ene!! of
"omm&ni"ation t$o&g$
e%al&ation of o&t"ome.
3efoman"e E%al&ation
Li!ten attenti%ely to "lient8! (&eie! and
U!e! appopiate infomation me"$ani!m!
to fa"ilitate "omm&ni"ation
Identifie! %e)al and non %e)al "&e!
HI. Colla)oation and Teamwo6
E!ta)li!$e! "olla)oati%e elation!$ip wit$
"olleag&e! and ot$e mem)e! of t$e
$ealt$ team
Colla)oate! plan of "ae wit$ ot$e
mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team
A!!i!t t$e !t&dent! in "omm&ni"ating
effe"ti%ely wit$ "lient! and mem)e! of
t$e $ealt$ team.
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! d&ing endo!ement

Fa"ilitate! "olla)oati%e elation!$ip wit$
mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team.
la)o and deli%ey
Li!ten attenti%ely to "lient! and familie! (&eie! and
3o%ide! a!!&an"e t$o&g$ t$eape&ti" to&"$, wamt$
and "omfoting wod! of en"o&agement.
+e"ei%e! and gi%e! endo!ement appopiately
F&n"tion! effe"ti%ely a! a team playe in t$e n&!ey

Comm&ni"ate! finding! of a!!e!!ment to all "on"ened E!ta)li!$e!
"olla)oati%e elation!$ip wit$ mem)e! of
t$e $ealt$ team and family mem)e!
A"t&al o)!e%ation
3efoman"e E%al&ation
Immediate Cae of t$e New)on +otation +e(&iement!#
N&!ing Cae plan
?o&nal +epot!
Ca!e St&dy
A&i99e! and Clini"al 3efoman"e E%al&ation
Attendan"e and De"o&m
Sta. Filomena, Dipolog City
Midwifey Depatment
MID /0<5 +LE
De!"iption # T$i! "lini"al tea"$ing plan will !e%e a! a g&ide fo t$e fa"&lty' "lini"al in!t&"to! and !t&dent! in de%eloping t$e "oe
"ompeten"ie! e(&ied in 3ediati" Bad
Aea of E*po!&e # 3ediati" Bad
D&ation # 1, 2o&!
Enty Competen"ie! #
/. .nowledge in F&ndamental! of Midwifey 3a"ti"e 7MID /01:, 2&man Anatomy and 3$y!iology and Li)eal At! !&)Ge"t.
1. S6ill! in doing t$e n&!ing 3o"ed&e! to )e pefomed in MID /01
<. 3ope attit&de of p&den"e, patien"e, a""&a"y and "ompa!!ion in pefoming )a!i" n&!ing po"ed&e!.
Oientation A"ti%itie! fo Clini"al In!t&"to!# M&!t $a%e )een "ompleted pio to !t&dent e*po!&e
Oientation A"ti%itie! fo St&dent!#
Oientation on t$e following#
/. 3e!onnel' ogani9ational "$at of IANO+TE Medi"al Cente
1. 3$y!i"al !et5&p; !&pplie!, in!t&ment! and e(&ipment! !pe"ifi"ally in 3ediati" Bad
<. 3ediati" Bad poto"ol!, poli"ie! and g&ideline!
,. 3ediati" Bad fom! and e"od! 7fo do"&mentation and e(&i!ition:
=. 3a"ti"e of !6ill!
>. Gading !y!tem and e(&iement!
@. O)!e%ation of an a"t&al "ae of patient in 3ediati" Bad 7D&ing o)!e%ation, C.I. di!"&!!e! po"ed&e! and po"e!!e!:
Daily poto"ol afte Oientation#
A"t&al Clini"al E*peien"e
Bad Cla!!
3o!t "onfeen"e
La!t day of E*peien"e# Final E%al&ation of St&dent 3efoman"e t$o&g$ Compe$en!i%e e*amination.
Intemediate Competen"ie!
Clini"al A"ti%itie!
Met$od of E%al&ation
Fa"&lty St&dent!
I. Safe and A&ality N&!ing Cae
/. Utili9e! t$e n&!ing po"e!! in t$e
"ae of "lient! in 3ediati" Bad
a. 3efom! "ompe$en!i%e and
!y!temati" n&!ing a!!e!!ment
). Fom&late! a plan of "ae
". Implement! planned n&!ing "ae
plan to a"$ie%e identified
d. E%al&ate! poge!! towad
e*pe"ted o&t"ome!
1. 3o%ide $ealt$ "ae
t$eape&ti"ally and !afely
A!!ign! !t&dent to a pati"&la patient
in 3ediati"" Bad.
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! in a!!e!!ment of
A!!i!t t$e !t&dent in %alidating
"ompletene!! and %ea"ity of
a!!e!!ment data.
O)!e%e! !t&dent "lo!ely d&ing
e*amination' inte%iew
C$e"6! n&!ing "ae plan
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! a! t$ey pefom
n&!ing inte%ention !afely
Di!"&!! wit$ t$e !t&dent e!&lt! of
e%al&ation and e%iew! data
)efoe final e"oding
+e"ei%e! a "lient fo "ae
4&ilding midwife5"lient elation!$ip
- T$eape&ti" &!e of !elf
- T$eape&ti" "omm&ni"ation 7"$aa"tei!ti"!,
O)tain data fom t$e Client8! "$at
C$e"6 and monito %ital !ign!
Cond&"t! t$oo&g$ p$y!i"al e*amination
A!!e!! "$ild8! gowt$ and de%elopment.
C$e"6 e!&lt! and impli"ation! of
diagno!ti"'la)oatoy e*amination!
3efom! appopiate n&!ing inte%ention!
)a!ed on identified po)lem.
Indi%id&al 4ed!ide Confeen"e
3efom !pe"ial n&!ing po"ed&e! a!
One5 on 5one $ealt$ tea"$ing wit$
pioiti9ed patient
E%al&ate! patient8! "ondition and e"od
petinent data a""odingly
E%al&ation of A!!e!!ment
3efoman"e E%al&ation
<. 3omote! !afety and "omfot of
patient! &nde $e'$i! "ae
II. Management of +e!o&"e!,
En%ionment and E(&ipment
/. Ogani9e wo6 load to fa"ilitate
patient "ae
1. Utili9e! ade(&ate and
appopiate e!o&"e! to !&ppot
patient "ae
III. 2ealt$ Ed&"ation
/. Implement! appopiate $ealt$
ed&"ation a"ti%itie! to "lient
)a!ed on need! a!!e!!ment
+e%iew! wit$ t$e !t&dent! t$e "on"ept
of management of e!o&"e! and
en%ionment petaining to pediati"
wad g&ideline!
Familiai9e !t&dent! wit$ t$e diffeent
in!t&ment!, !&pplie! and e(&ipment
&!e in t$e pediati" wad
A!!i!t! !t&dent! in pefoming
diffeent n&!ing po"ed&e!
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! in pope wa!te
di!po!al' di!"&!!e! ationale of
+e%iew! tea"$ing plan of a"ti%itie!
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! w$en "ond&"ting
$ealt$ ed&"ation !&"$ a! pope
$ygiene, +OM e*e"i!e!, feeding and
pope n&tition
A!!i!t t$e !t&dent! in "$e"6ing '
!e"&ing infomed "on!ent in any
3epae! oom, in!t&ment! and e(&ipment
Maintain ade(&a"y of !&pplie! a! t$e teatment
O)!e%e! pe"a&tionay mea!&e! elated to
&!e of ele"ti"al e(&ipment
En!&e! a (&iet en%ionment
U!e! !&pplie! diligently'p&dently
3efom! afte "ae of mateial! and e(&ipment
En!&e! pope di!po!al of $o!pital wa!te
Tea"$e! "lient and !ignifi"ant ot$e! on )a!i"
pepaation pio to t$e any n&!ing
Gi%e! in!t&"tion! to patient and !ignifi"ant
ot$e! a! to )at$ing, pope $ygiene +OM
e*e"i!e!, feeding and pope n&tition
+e!pond to (&e!tion! of "lient! and !ignifi"ant
ot$e! egading appopiate e*pe"tation!
C$e"6 t$e a%aila)ility of infomed "on!ent in all
in%a!i%e po"ed&e!
En!&e! pope identifi"ation of patient
Do"&ment all petinent data and o)!e%ation!
"oe"tly and "ompletely
+e!pe"t! t$e eligio&!, "&lt&al and et$ni"
pa"ti"e! of t$e family and of t$e "lient
3omote! emotional !e"&ity )y !&ppoting
En!&e! pi%a"y and "onfidentiality
3efoman"e E%al&ation
Tea"$ing 3lan
IC. Legal +e!pon!i)ility
/. Ad$ee! pa"ti"e! in a""odan"e
wit$ t$e n&!ing law and ot$e
ele%ant legi!lation in"l&ding
"onta"t!, and infomed "on!ent.
1. Ad$ee! to ogani9ational
poli"ie! and po"ed&e!
<. Do"&ment! "ae endeed to
C. Et$i"o Moal +e!pon!i)ility
/. +e!pe"t t$e ig$t! of t$e "lient
1. A""ept! e!pon!i)ility and
a""o&nta)ility fo own de"i!ion
and a"tion!
<. Ad$ee! to t$e National and
Intenational "ode of Et$i"! fo
CI. 3e!onal and 3ofe!!ional
/. 3oGe"t! )eginning
in%a!i%e po"ed&e!
Calidate! wit$ t$e !t&dent! a""&a"y
of data gat$eed.
C$e"6! pope identifi"ation of patient.
C$e"6! "oe"tne!! and "ompletene!!
of do"&ment!.
Se%e! a! a ole model fo !t&dent! in
di!playing pofe!!ional attit&de! and
Di!"&!!e! wit$ t$e !t&dent!
!ignifi"an"e of et$i"o moal
En"o&age !t&dent! to poGe"t
)eginning pofe!!ionali!m.
A!!i!t !t&dent! to a""ept "iti"i!m!
and e"ommendation! fo
Up$old! t$e $ig$e!t !tandad! of
3oGe"t! a pofe!!ional image of a pediati"
wad midwife
A""ept! "iti"i!m! and e"ommendation!
3efom! f&n"tion! a""oding to !tandad!
Identifie! de%iation of pa"ti"e fom !tandad!
3ati"ipate! in a&dit pa"ti"e! in pediati" wad
Di!"&!!e! wit$ t$e "lini"al in!t&"to "oe"ti%e
and pe%enti%e mea!&e! fo t$e identified
S$ae! ele%ant finding! fom Go&nal eading!'
intenet, liteat&e !ea"$.
Update! one!elf wit$ t$e late!t tend! and
de%elopment in "aing of patient wit$
po)lem! in pe"eption and "oodination
pefomed fo o&t"ome "ae
Attend! "a!e !t&dy and "a!e pe!entation
Utili9e! appopiately all fom! of
"omm&ni"ation; %e)al, non %e)al.
Infom "lient8! !ignifi"ant ot$e! on t$e poge!!
of "ae
Completene!! and A""&a"y
of Do"&mentation
A"t&al O)!e%ation of
St&dent 4e$a%io&
A"t&al O)!e%ation of
St&dent 4e$a%io&
CIII. A&ality Impo%ement
/. 3ati"ipate in (&ality
Impo%ement a"ti%itie! elated to
"ae of patient! in pediati"
wad in"l&ding do"&mentation
. Di!!eminate! e!&lt! of elated
e!ea"$ finding! to t$e "lini"al
H. +e"od! Management
/.Maintain! legi)le, a""&ate and
&pdated do"&mentation of patient
Di!"&!!e! wit$ t$e !t&dent! t$e need
fo pompt and a""&ate epoting of
%aian"e!, fa"ilitate di!"&!!ion of wad
a&dit d&ing po!t "onfeen"e!
Coodinate wit$ pope a&t$oity
egading %alidated epot! of
Fa"ilitate! analyti"al di!"&!!ion of
Go&nal epot! and e!ea"$e!
pe!ented )y !t&dent!.
Di!"&!!e! wit$ !t&dent! "&ent tend!
on "ae of "lient! wit$ po)lem! in
pe"eption and "oodination
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! on pope
C$e"6! a""&ate do"&mentation in
patient8! "$at and ot$e wad e"od!
3o%ide! a good ole model fo
intepe!onal elation!$ip wit$
Do"&ment! a""&ately ele%ant data a)o&t "lient
3opely a""ompli!$ all wad fom! 7e.g.
La)oatoy e(&e!t:
En!&e! "ompletene!! of "lient8! e"od!
7 T3+ !$eet :
Do"&ment! a""&ately in t$e "$at' ele%ant
n&!ing o)!e%ation!' a"ti%itie!
Li!ten attenti%ely to "lient! and familie! (&eie!
and e(&e!t!
Comm&ni"ate! t$e poge!! of "ae to
!ignifi"ant ot$e!
+e"ei%e! and gi%e! endo!ement appopiately
3o%ide a!!&an"e t$o&g$ t$eape&ti" to&"$,
wamt$ and "omfoting wod! of
E!ta)li!$e! "olla)oati%e elation!$ip wit$
mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team and family
F&n"tion! effe"ti%ely a! a team playe in t$e
"ae of "lient! in pediati" wad
N&!ing A&dit +epot
?o&nal +epot!
Ca!e St&dy +epot!
D&g St&die!
A""&a"y of Do"&mentation
3efoman"e E%al&ation
A""&a"y of
HI. Comm&ni"ation
/. E!ta)li!$e! appot wit$ "lient!
!ignifi"ant ot$e! and mem)e!
of t$e $ealt$ team.
1. Li!ten attenti%ely to "lient8!
A&eie! and e(&e!t.
<. U!e! appopiate infomation
me"$ani!m to fa"ilitate
,. Identifie! %e)al and non %e)al
HII. Colla)oation and Teamwo6
/. E!ta)li!$e! "olla)oati%e
elation!$ip wit$ "olleag&e! and
ot$e mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team
1. Colla)oate! plan of "ae wit$
ot$e mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team
A!!i!t'g&ide t$e !t&dent! in
"omm&ni"ating effe"ti%ely wit$ "lient!
and mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team.
S&pe%i!e! !t&dent! d&ing
Fa"ilitate! "olla)oati%e elation!$ip
wit$ mem)e! of t$e $ealt$ team.
Effe"ti%ene!! of
"omm&ni"ation t$o&g$
e%al&ation of o&t"ome.
3efoman"e E%al&ation
A"t&al o)!e%ation
3efoman"e E%al&ation
3ediati" Bad +otation +e(&iement!#
3atient8! 3ofile
3$y!i"al A!!e!!ment
C$ild8! Gowt$ and De%elopment 7 De%elopmental T$eoie!:
La)oatoy +e!&lt!
D&g St&dy
+eading! wit$ S&mmay and +ea"tion
A&i99e! and "lini"al pefoman"e E%al&ation
Attendan"e and De"o&m
S&)mitted )y#
Fe C. Gala&a +M.+N.
Clini"al In!t&"to
Sta. Filomena, Dipolog City
MID 10- !LE
Description: T"i# $lini$al tea$"ing plan %ill #e&'e a# a g(i)e *o& t"e *a$(lty+ $lini$al in#t&($to&# an) #t()ent# in )e'eloping t"e $o&e $ompeten$ie# &e,(i&e)
in O-#tet&i$al .a&)
Area of Exposure / O-#tet&i$al .a&)
Duration / 01 2o(&#
Entr Co!petencies /3no%le)ge in F(n)amental# in Mi)%i*e&y 4MID 105, 2(man Anatomy an) 6"y#iology an) Li-e&al A&t# #(-7e$t.
S8ill# in )oing t"e n(&#ing p&o$e## e#pe$ially 46&o$e)(&e# to -e pe&*o&me) in MID 105
6&ope& attit()e o* p&()en$e, patien$e, a$$(&a$y an) gentlene## in pe&*o&ming -a#i$ n(&#ing p&o$e)(&e#.
Orientation Acti"ities for C#inica# Instructors: M(#t "a'e -een $omplete) p&io& to #t()ent e9po#(&e
Orientation Acti"ities for Stu$ents:
O&ientation on t"e *ollo%ing/
1. 6e&#onnel+ o&gani:ational $"a&t o* ;ANO!TE Me)i$al Cente&
. 6"y#i$al #et-(p< #(pplie#, in#t&(ment# an) e,(ipment# #pe$i*i$ally in O-#tet&i$al .a&)
=. O-#tet&i$al .a&) p&oto$ol#, poli$ie# an) g(i)eline#
0. O-#tet&i$al .a&) *o&m# an) &e$o&)# 4*o& )o$(mentation an) &e,(i#ition5
>. 6&a$ti$e o* #8ill#
?. G&a)ing #y#tem an) &e,(i&ement#
@. O-#e&'ation o* an a$t(al $a&e o* patient in O-#tet&i$al .a&) 4D(&ing o-#e&'ation, C.I. )i#$(##e# p&o$e)(&e# an) p&o$e##e#5
Dai# protoco# after Orientation:
A$t(al Clini$al E9pe&ien$e
.A .a&) Cla##
6o#t $on*e&en$e
Last $a of Experience: Final E'al(ation o* St()ent 6e&*o&man$e t"&o(g" Comp&e"en#i'e e9amination.
Inter!e$iate Co!petencies
C#inica# Acti"ities
%et&o$ of E"a#uation
Facu#t Stu$ents
I' Safe an$ (ua#it Nursin) Care
Utili:e# t"e n(&#ing p&o$e## in t"e $a&e o*
$lient# in OB .a&)
a. 6e&*o&m# $omp&e"en#i'e an)
#y#temati$ n(&#ing a##e##ment
6&o'i)e "ealt" $a&e t"e&ape(ti$ally an)
6&omote# #a*ety an) $om*o&t o* patient#
in#i)e t"e %a&)
).E'al(ate# p&og&e## to%a&) e9pe$te)
II' %ana)e!ent of Resources*
En"iron!ent an$ E+uip!ent
O&gani:e %o&8 loa) to *a$ilitate patient
Utili:e# a)e,(ate an) app&op&iate
&e#o(&$e# to #(ppo&t patient $a&e
A##ign# #t()ent to a pa&ti$(la& patient in
OB .a&).
S(pe&'i#e# #t()ent# in a##e##ment o*
A##i#t t"e #t()ent in 'ali)ating
$ompletene## an) 'e&a$ity o* a##e##ment
S(pe&'i#e# #t()ent# a# t"ey pe&*o&m
n(&#ing inte&'ention #a*ely
Di#$(## %it" t"e #t()ent &e#(lt# o*
e'al(ation an) &e'ie%# )ata -e*o&e
*inal &e$o&)ing
!e'ie%# %it" t"e #t()ent# t"e $on$ept o*
!e$ei'e# a $lient *o& $a&e
B(il)ing mi)%i*e-$lient &elation#"ip
- T"e&ape(ti$ (#e o* #el*
- T"e&ape(ti$ $omm(ni$ation 4$"a&a$te&i#ti$#,
O-tain )ata *&om t"e $lientC# $"a&t
C"e$8 'ital #ign#
Con)($t# 6"y#i$al E9amination t"o&o(g"ly
6e&*o&m# app&op&iate n(&#ing inte&'ention# -a#e) on
i)enti*ie) p&o-lem.
In)i'i)(al Be)#i)e Con*e&en$e
6e&*o&m #pe$ial n(&#ing p&o$e)(&e# a#
One- on -one "ealt" tea$"ing %it"
p&io&iti:e) patient
E'al(ate# patientC# $on)ition an) &e$o&) pe&tinent
)ata a$$o&)ingly
E'al(ation o* A##e##ment
6e&*o&man$e E'al(ation
III' Hea#t& E$ucation
Implement# app&op&iate "ealt" e)($ation
a$ti'itie# to $lient -a#e) on nee)#
I,' Le)a# Responsi-i#it
A)"e&e# p&a$ti$e# in a$$o&)an$e %it" t"e
n(&#ing la% an) ot"e& &ele'ant
legi#lation in$l()ing $ont&a$t#,
in*o&me) $on#ent
A)"e&e# to o&gani:ational poli$ie# an)
Do$(ment# $a&e &en)e&e) to patient#
,' Et&ico %ora# Responsi-i#it
!e#pe$t t"e &ig"t# o* t"e $lient
A$$ept# &e#pon#i-ility an) a$$o(nta-ility
*o& o%n )e$i#ion an) a$tion#
A)"e&e# to t"e National an) Inte&national
$o)e o* Et"i$# *o& mi)%i'e#
,I' Persona# an$ Professiona#
6&o7e$t# -eginning p&o*e##ionali#m
management o* &e#o(&$e# an)
en'i&onment pe&taining to o-#tet&i$al
%a&) g(i)eline#
Familia&i:e #t()ent# %it" t"e )i**e&ent
in#t&(ment#, #(pplie# an) e,(ipment
in t"e o-#tet&i$al %a&)
A##i#t# #t()ent# in pe&*o&ming )i**e&ent
n(&#ing p&o$e)(&e#
S(pe&'i#e# #t()ent# in p&ope& %a#te
)i#po#al+ )i#$(##e# &ationale o*
!e'ie%# tea$"ing plan o* a$ti'itie#
S(pe&'i#e# #t()ent# %"en )oing "ealt"
e)($ation li8e p&ope& "ygiene, !OM
e9e&$i#e# an) p&ope& n(t&ition
A##i#t t"e #t()ent# in #e$(&ing in*o&me)
$on#ent in any in'a#i'e p&o$e)(&e#
Eali)ate# %it" t"e #t()ent# a$$(&a$y o*
)ata gat"e&e).
C"e$8# p&ope& i)enti*i$ation o* patient.
C"e$8# $o&&e$tne## an) $ompletene## o*
Se&'e# a# a &ole mo)el *o& #t()ent# in
6&epa&e# &oom, in#t&(ment# an) e,(ipment nee)e)
Maintain a)e,(a$y o* #(pplie# a# t"e t&eatment
O-#e&'e# p&e$a(tiona&y mea#(&e# &elate) to (#e o*
ele$t&i$al e,(ipment
En#(&e# a ,(iet en'i&onment
U#e# #(pplie# )iligently
6e&*o&m# a*te& $a&e o* mate&ial# an) e,(ipment (#e)
En#(&e# p&ope& )i#po#al o* "o#pital %a#te
Tea$"e# $lient an) #igni*i$ant ot"e&# on -a#i$
p&epa&ation p&io& to t"e any n(&#ing p&o$e)(&e#
Gi'e# in#t&($tion# to patient an) #igni*i$ant ot"e&#
a# to -at"ing, p&ope& "ygiene !OM e9e&$i#e#
an) p&ope& n(t&ition
!e#pon#e to ,(e#tion# o* $lient# an) #igni*i$ant
ot"e&# &ega&)ing app&op&iate e9pe$tation#
Se$(&e# in*o&me) $on#ent in all in'a#i'e p&o$e)(&e#
En#(&e# p&ope& i)enti*i$ation o* patient
Do$(ment all pe&tinent )ata an) o-#e&'ation#
6e&*o&man$e E'al(ation
Tea$"ing 6lan
Completene## an) A$$(&a$y o*
,II' (ua#it I!pro"e!ent
6a&ti$ipate in ,(ality imp&o'ement
a$ti'itie# &elate) to $a&e o* patient# in
o-#tet&i$al %a&) in$l()ing
,III' Researc&
Di##eminate# &e#(lt# o* &elate) &e#ea&$"
*in)ing# to t"e $lini$al g&o(p
I.' Recor$s %ana)e!ent
Maintain# legi-le, a$$(&ate an) (p)ate)
)o$(mentation o* patient $a&e
)i#playing p&o*e##ional attit()e# an)
Di#$(##e# %it" t"e #t()ent# #igni*i$an$e o*
et"i$o mo&al &e#pon#i-ilitie#
En$o(&age #t()ent# to p&o7e$t -eginning
A##i#t #t()ent# to a$$ept $&iti$i#m# an)
&e$ommen)ation# *o& imp&o'ement.
Up"ol)# t"e "ig"e#t #tan)a&)# o* p&a$ti$e
Di#$(##e# %it" t"e #t()ent# t"e nee) *o&
p&ompt an) a$$(&ate &epo&ting o*
'a&ian$e#, *a$ilitate )i#$(##ion o* %a&)
a()it )(&ing po#t $on*e&en$e#
Coo&)inate %it" p&ope& a(t"o&ity
&ega&)ing 'ali)ate) &epo&t# o* 'a&ian$e#
Fa$ilitate# analyti$al )i#$(##ion o* 7o(&nal
&epo&t# an) &e#ea&$"e# p&e#ente) -y
Di#$(##e# %it" #t()ent# $(&&ent t&en)# on
$a&e o* $lient# %it" p&o-lem# in
pe&$eption an) $oo&)ination
S(pe&'i#e# #t()ent# on p&ope&
C"e$8# a$$(&ate )o$(mentation in
patientC# $"a&t an) ot"e& %a&) &e$o&)#
$o&&e$tly an) $ompletely
!e#pe$t# t"e &eligio(#, $(lt(&al an) et"ni$ p&a$ti$e#
o* t"e *amily an) o* t"e $lient
6&omote# emotional #e$(&ity -y #(ppo&ting nee)#
En#(&e# p&i'a$y an) $on*i)entiality
6&o7e$t# a p&o*e##ional image o* OB %a&)
A$$ept# $&iti$i#m# an) &e$ommen)ation#
6e&*o&m# *(n$tion# a$$o&)ing to #tan)a&)#
I)enti*ie# )e'iation o* p&a$ti$e *&om #tan)a&)#
6a&ti$ipate# in a()it p&a$ti$e# in o-#tet&i$al %a&)
Di#$(##e# %it" t"e $lini$al in#t&($to& $o&&e$ti'e an)
p&e'enti'e mea#(&e# *o& t"e i)enti*ie) )e'iation#.
S"a&e# &ele'ant *in)ing# *&om 7o(&nal &ea)ing#+
inte&net, lite&at(&e #ea&$".
Up)ate# one#el* %it" t"e late#t t&en)# an)
)e'elopment in $a&ing o* patient %it" p&o-lem#
in pe&$eption an) $oo&)ination
A$t(al O-#e&'ation o* St()ent
A$t(al O-#e&'ation o* St()ent
N(&#ing A()it !epo&t
.' Co!!unication
E#ta-li#"e# &appo&t %it" $lient# #igni*i$ant
ot"e&# an) mem-e&# o* t"e "ealt" team.
Li#ten attenti'ely to $lientC# ,(e&ie# an)
U#e# app&op&iate in*o&mation me$"ani#m
to *a$ilitate $omm(ni$ation
I)enti*ie# 'e&-al an) non 'e&-al $(e#
.I' Co##a-oration an$
E#ta-li#"e# $olla-o&ati'e &elation#"ip %it"
$olleag(e# an) ot"e& mem-e&# o* t"e
"ealt" team
Colla-o&ate# plan o* $a&e %it" ot"e&
mem-e&# o* t"e "ealt" team
A##i#t t"e #t()ent# in $omm(ni$ating
e**e$ti'ely %it" $lient# an) mem-e&#
o* t"e "ealt" team.
S(pe&'i#e# #t()ent# )(&ing en)o&#ement
Fa$ilitate# $olla-o&ati'e &elation#"ip %it"
mem-e&# o* t"e "ealt" team.
Do$(ment# a$$(&ately &ele'ant )ata a-o(t $lient
6&ope&ly a$$ompli#" all %a&) *o&m# 4e.g. La-o&ato&y
En#(&e# $ompletene## o* $lientC# &e$o&)#
4me)i$ation#, IE #"eet, T6! #"eet an) n(&#e#
Do$(ment# a$$(&ately in t"e $"a&t+ n(&#e# note#
&ele'ant n(&#ing o-#e&'ation#+ a$ti'itie#
pe&*o&me) *o& o(t$ome $a&e
Utili:e# app&op&iately all *o&m# o* $omm(ni$ation<
'e&-al, non 'e&-al.
In*o&m $lientC# #igni*i$ant ot"e&# on t"e p&og&e## o*
Li#ten attenti'ely to $lient# an) *amilie# ,(e&ie# an)
6&o'i)e a##(&an$e t"&o(g" t"e&ape(ti$ to($",
%a&mt" an) $om*o&ting %o&)# o* en$o(&agement.
!e$ei'e# an) gi'e# en)o&#ement app&op&iately
F(n$tion# e**e$ti'ely a# a team playe& in t"e $a&e o*
$lient# in o-#tet&i$al %a&)
Comm(ni$ate# t"e p&og&e## o* $a&e to #igni*i$ant
E#ta-li#"e# $olla-o&ati'e &elation#"ip %it" mem-e&#
Fo(&nal !epo&t#
Ca#e St()y !epo&t#
D&(g St()ie#
A$$(&a$y o* Do$(mentation
E**e$ti'ene## o* $omm(ni$ation
t"&o(g" e'al(ation o*
6e&*o&man$e E'al(ation
A$t(al o-#e&'ation
6e&*o&man$e E'al(ation
o* t"e "ealt" team an) *amily mem-e&#
OB 1ar$ Rotation Re+uire!ents:
Patient2s profi#e 3 Case Stu$
P&sica# Assess!ent 3 Rea$in)s /it& Su!!ar an$ Reaction
(ui44es an$ C#inica# Perfor!ance E"a#uation
La-orator Resu#ts /it& 5ustification 3 Atten$ance an$ Decoru!
Dru) Stu$
Su-!itte$ -:

Fe C' Ga#aura* R%'*RN'
C#inica# Instructor

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