Happy July 4th!: Special Events in July Announcements

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Special Events in July

From Pastor Chris:

I am excited!! I am overflowing with hope! Yesterday, I wasnt. Yesterday, I received the
news that a good
friend had died, and that Steves sister is in her last weeks of this life. Yesterday, I was feeling
burned out and going
nowhere. Yesterday, I felt the burdens of all those who are going through difficult times in our
church families. Yesterday, hope was draining from my soul. But not today. Today I was reminded
of something that brings tears of joy to my eyes. Today, my heart is full to overflowing. Today, I
want to gather all of us together, so that you can share in these tears of joy!
What is it that so excites me and turns me into a fountain of overflowing hope? Ive fallen in
love all over, again! Ive fallen back in love with this one we call Jesus, and there is passion and
fullness of life returning.
In his book A New and Right Spirit, Rick Barger* reminds us that the churchs call is to be
completely in love with Jesus and to live and breathe and reclaim the authentic story of Christ
crucified and risen for the sake of the world. Thats it - and it is everything. Enter it deeply,
soak it in, drink it, eat it, play in it, swim in it, love it Christs story is our story.
Will this feeling last? Mountain top experiences dont last forever, but the story will last
forever. May the Spirit continue to find us in our valleys and remind and reclaim us over and over.
Christs passionate love for us is a constant in which we can trust!
When you read this, we will be in the midst of a sermon series, Overflow. Gather with us
every Sunday and be reminded of the only thing that can change our mourning into dancing, our
emptiness into overflowing hope

*Rick Barger is the former Pastor of Abiding Hope Lutheran Church in Littleton, Colorado (during
the Columbine shootings), and is now the new President of Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus,
Vacation Bible School will be the week of
July 28
Register today! A registration form is
included in this newsletter

We still need adult volunteers for VBS!
If you are interested please contact Pastor Aaron or Chrissy
Our Vision: To be a vibrant, Spirit-filled people, participating in Gods work in the world.
Our Mission: Loving God and loving neighbor, we witness to Christs saving grace, that others may believe and find life.
BETTER - Not Older, Just
Better is meeting at 1812
Island House in Port Clinton
on June 9th. Call Marge at
419.798.8816 if you have
questions/need a ride.
Both churches have new email addresses!
St. Paul - stpauldanbuy@gmail.com
St. John - stjohnmarblehead@gmail.com
Happy July 4th!

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