All Things Current - July 9, 2014

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All Things Current: What you'll find in your July 9, 2014, edition

A memorial for Carter G. Woodson, known as the father of black history, is e!ected to be
com!leted at "th and # streets NW by the end of A$%$st & b$t D.C. Co$ncil Chairman 'hil
(endelson is )$estionin% why the co$ncil wasn*t cons$lted sooner. +all editions,
'ro!osals from the National Ca!ital 'lannin% Commission staff and the D.C. Office of 'lannin% are
seekin% to dis!erse chanceries thro$%ho$t the District to combat o0erconcentration in residential
areas 1heridan23alorama and the 45
1treet corridor. +all editions,
/he affordable ho$sin% non!rofit Chan%e All 1o$ls is mo0in% forward with a new, more e!ensi0e
!lan to rehabilitate a 'etworth !ro!erty that has been mired in laws$its and nei%hbors6 com!laints
since 7889. +Northwest C$rrent east,
/he federal %o0ernment is seekin% !$blic comment on the f$t$re of the historic Na0y cam!$s near
the corner of 7:rd and - streets in ;o%%y <ottom, both in writin% and at an o!en ho$se this
e0enin%, as the 1tate De!artment !re!ares to e!and into the !ro!erty. +D$!ont C$rrent, ;o%%y
<ottom C$rrent,
Northwest residents dominated a D.C. Co$ncil hearin% on school bo$ndaries late last month,
leadin% the !$shback a%ainst !ro!osed chan%es to the way st$dents are assi%ned to the city*s
!$blic schools. +all editions,
=I1/O>IC '>-1->.A/ION
New additions are !ro!osed to the Geor%etown mansion once owned by 3atharine Graham, b$t
the !ro!osal has set $! a clash between two bi% names in D.C.? Washin%ton 3astles fo$nder (ark
-in, the !ro!erty owner@ and !rominent de0elo!ers Cal0in and Aane CafritB, the net2door
nei%hbors. +Northwest C$rrent, Geor%etown C$rrent,
/he D$!ont Circle ad0isory nei%hborhood commission is set to 0ote toni%ht on a historic
!reser0ation a!!lication for 1t. /homas6 'arish, formally wadin% into comm$nity contro0ersy o0er
the desi%n and sco!e of !lanned constr$ction at 49th and Ch$rch streets. +D$!ont C$rrent, ;o%%y
<ottom C$rrent,
($riel <owser celebrated the ;o$rth of A$ly by cam!ai%nin% at the 'alisades 'arade with a new
hi%h2!rofile s$!!orter of her mayoral bid? former (ayor Anthony Williams. +all editions,
In Lo%an Circle, a D.C. De!artment of /rans!ortation !ilot !roCect !osted 488 si%ns remindin% bike
riders that DAll are safer when cyclists $se the street E NO/ the sidewalk.F +Northwest C$rrent
west, Geor%etown C$rrent, D$!ont C$rrent, ;o%%y <ottom C$rrent,
O/=-> N-W1
A risin% se0enth2%rader at Deal (iddle 1chool is one of fo$r Washin%ton area residents selected to
ser0e as the U.1. dele%ates for a monthlon% !reteen !ro%ram in <raBil r$n by Children6s
International 1$mmer .illa%es. +all editions,
On the day his retirement as D.C. ;ire and -mer%ency (edical 1er0ices chief took effect, 3enneth
-llerbe defended his former a%ency in remarks to the Washin%ton >otary Cl$b. +all editions,
ON /=- (A>3-/
A modern2style fo$r2bedroom home in Cle0eland 'ark is a0ailable for G4,4H",888. +all editions,
O'INION +all editions,
-ditorial? A (aryland con%ressman has no b$siness settin% D.C. mariC$ana !olicy.
-ditorial? /he National 'ark 1er0ice has done a commendable Cob raisin% awareness of the
$nders$n% <attle of ;ort 1te0ens.
1herwood? Con%ress is once more meddlin% in local D.C. affairs, yieldin% scorn from inside and
o$tside of the District.
1'O>/1 +Northwest C$rrent, Geor%etown C$rrent,
(arta 1nieBek, National Cathedral*s most decorated %irls basketball !layer of all time, anno$nced
last week that she will !lay for 1tanford Uni0ersity after %rad$atin% net s!rin%.
;ormer 1t. Aohn6s and Uni0ersity of (aryland at Colle%e 'ark basketball star (arissa Coleman
ret$rned to the District last Wednesday for a ha!!y homecomin%, hel!in% the Indiana ;e0er ed%e
the Washin%ton (ystics 982II.
AL1O IN /=- CU>>-N/
Crime re!ort
Ad0isory nei%hborhood commission re!orts and a%endas
>e!orts from local citiBens associations
Calendar of the week*s e0ents
Classified ads and ser0ice directory
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c$rrentnews!a!ers.comJarchi0e.!h! and iss$$.comJc$rrentnews!a!ers. /o reach /he C$rrent with a news ti!,
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