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Verso traduzida de ignorncia

- There was once a farm. And on this farm, the animals awoke.
- Good morning, good morning.
- How are you?
- Hello
- It's great
- It's sunny. It's hot. It's Spring
- I've got to go. I'm late to work ...
- On and off work.
- I'm tired .. tired
- It's fattest
- Thinner
- Fatter
- Thinner
- On a warm evening, something was to happen.
- We, the animals farm, called a secret meeting in the barn.
- This can not continue like this.
- Mr. Kings, even he treat us harshly, had always shown as a good
- Yes, but now spends his days drinking and lying on the couch
reading newspapers and listening to old songs. And in addition to its
service men are lazy and dishonest.
- No way!?! The fields are filled with weeds, the water mess roofs,
hedges?!? No chips.
- We shall hunger.
- Yes
- This is not possible.
- Look who's here? Mimi! Look, Julia, as she stirs the white mane just
to get attention ...
- The work horse Thunder and Julia the dog are together. Thunder is a
giant of six feet high, whose strength is equivalent to two ordinary
horses put together.
- Silence. The pigs are coming.
- The Snowball, thanks to his speeches, often winning a majority. But
the Chatterbox is best to seek support in between, have a
characteristic way of hopping from one side to the other when more
elaborate arguments exposes, is it not?
- Yes, there are those who say the Chatterbox is able to make others
believe that white is black.
- Let us rodeos, wu live miserable, laborious and shorts lifes. And the
responsibility for all this boils down to one thing, man. Man is our only
true enemy, that man just disappear so that hunger and overwork is
abolished forever.
- It's true. Man is the only creature that consumes without
producing. Do not give milk, do not lay eggs, is too weak to pull the
- Yet he is lord and master of all animals.
- The land is fertile, the climate is good Chatterbox! This land can feed
their fill three times the animals that live here today. If there were any
justice ... if there was any justice would live with a degree of comfort
and dignity at this moment we cant even imagine.
- Yeah, but almost everything we produce with our work is rob of us.
- Yes. None of us has anything that can call their own.
- Nothing, not evem their own skin.
- Nothing .... Look. You cows that I see here before me, how many
thousands of gallons gave last year?
- How many?
- And you ...
- You ...
- Yes, you. Where are those four foals you bore a child, which should
be the relief and joy in your old age?
- The Kings and his men force us to work, give us the bare minimum
so we dont die of hunger and enrich.
Moreover, none of you escapes the cruel knife. Within a year ...
- One year ..
- All you will have expired at the hands of horrific screams of the
- Even the horses and dogs do not know better luck. You, Thunder?!?
- I ?!?
- The day you lose your strength, the Kings will sell you the owner of
the slaughterhouse.
- That depends your throat cut, and you cook the meat to give
As soon as the dogs get old, the Kings a brick tie them around their
necks and drowns them in the lake.
- Are we to resign? Is this the natural order of things?
- Rise! Rebellion!!!
- This is the message.
- And do not forget to pass on to future generations. For them to
continue to fight until hour of victory.
- Never lose courage and determination.
- Never, never lose hope.
Never be deceived by fallacious arguments and false promises.
- Never listen to anyone who says that man have common interests.
- The prosperity of one is not the prosperity of others.
- It's not ...
- It's not ... It's all lies ..
- It's all lies. All lies.
- All the vices of man are evil.
- Chatterbox bounces from one side to the other .. seems eager to
- Chatterbox! Tell them.
- I had a dream!
And believe me, I fear even now at the memory. It was hot. I ran
through the fields. I remember. I felt a strength. That was something
too big, too out of control was about to explode in my chest! A joy, a joy
went through me like frantic electricity! I ran, ran, ran ....
Suddenly I had just been born ... Men dressed in white pointed and
laughed at me ...
My mother sang to me ...
The sun dawns bright
Light breeze in the orchard
Fresh water on the plain
In this day of delight
I looked at her. But my mother wasnt my mother.
My mother was me.
I sang a lullaby to myself and hundreds of piglets, that gnawed the
flesh, devouring me. And I choked with grief, sang them.
The sun dawns bright
Light breeze in the orchard
Fresh water on the plain
In this day of delight
- I cried. Not of pain, not with fear but with anger!
I woke up crying ... What dream was that? I?! The kill hunger of my
brothers and sisters, with my flesh. I quench their thirst with my
blood. And that song that I do not get out of the head. That song ... I'm
sure it was sung by the animals of long ago and that has been lost
from our memory over many generations.
And I wanted to share it with you at this time. As a tribute to those who
fear a silent revolt.
Sooner or later the day comes
We we will prevail
The tyrant bug-man
The dust-biting there
Saddle, bridle, yoke hard to go broke with a crash
of the whip and spur we will silence the terror
Wealth undreamed of wheat,
potatoes and beans beet,
hay and clover for all without exclusion
All together, always together
- Silence! Silence!
The Kings agreed!
Calm. Calm
Our time has come.

- Dogs, chickens and sheep
Cows, goats and horses
Alert. Alert. Alert
It's time to face them
- It's now or never!
Let them.
- Warning, warning
The man came
Courage, courage
Our time has come
- Kick the chickens
Whip the horses.
Hold the hand they have
It's time to face them
- It's now or never!
Steadfast in your posts.
Freedom or death
Man does not pass
Man does not pass
- They are getting scared
They are running away!
Behind them!
Until the last drop
Man does not pass
Man does not pass
- Lay down the door of harness, the house of torture!
Pour into the bottom of the metal rings that men poked the nostrils of
the animals, the chains to hold the dogs and cows. Knives with the
Kings and mutilate eviscerate pigs, lambs, and chickens.
It closes forever the house of the Kings. And to remain so and
rot. Forever a temple to the man and his lack humanity! The farm is
ours. The land is ours.
- We conquered our freedom. From now on our farm will be the beacon
that will indicate to all other farms, the way of freedom of brotherhood
and equality!
We were one!
A formidable force!
This is not just a victory!
It is a message to the oppressors!
Finished! Finished! Finished! Finished!
- The time that our sacrifice was the food of vampires!
In which we, our children and our children's children
served only to satisfy the greed of man.
- Four legs yes. Two legs no ..
Taken to be eaten
or sold to be eaten!
Where brother killed brother to entertain you.
No more death for a Pinto!
Or Lamb, or Rabbit, or Pork!
Together we are one!
- Four legs yes. Two legs no ..

- They hit eight.
Watch the naked back of him in front of me.
He walks awkwardly, but at a steady pace.
At each step, slide your muscles with every step marks the ground.
Moves away from a pool of water.
It is curious, but so far I never really realized what it means to destroy
a healthy and conscious living.
He is not dying, is alive just like we're alive. All the organs of your body
are working - bowels digesting food, skin renewing itself, nails growing,
tissues to form. And your nails continued to grow when you start to fall,
while falling in the last tenth of second life. Him and us.
Together, walking, seeing, hearing, feeling, even to understand the
world. The same pool of water. In two minutes with a sudden stretching
of us will have a party.
A spirit less, one world less.
2 minutes. He begins to scream. It's not urgent and fearful like a prayer
or a cry for help, but steady, rhythmical, almost like a double bell.
Time passes.
The regular and muffled scream continues.
2 minutes. We look at it.
And every cry is one more second of life.
The same feeling is in the spirit of us all.
Kill him quickly, not take it anymore!
1 minute
Suddenly a metallic sound ...
And then a deadly silence.
Finished! Could be worse. Once the doctor had to go pull the legs to
ensure a death. There was another who clung to the cell so that it took
six of us to get there. We tried to convince him but he did not want to
hear, was a problem. Well, it is best to go all drink anything, I have a
bottle of whiskey in the car.
- Is the Dawn
- We are free.
- We are free and owners of the land which we work.
- I still hard to believe that all this belongs to us.
Look at us, we ... those who dared to say No!
- Who will manage the Fifth? Who distributes the feed?
- I have a perch ... If another animal ... say the goat would come to my
perch I have to leave?
- Friend rooster, have you ever seen a goat on a perch?
- Will continue to be sugar?!?
- No. For now, we have no way to produce sugar here.
- Also, Mimi do not need sugar. And if you're hungry you'll have all the
oats and hay you want
- I will work harder.
- That
Now-free. I will work harder!
- We are animals like us that history is made. Long live freedom! We
are equal and happy!
- Viva!
- And bows, ribbons for everyone!
- Oh dear Mimi!?! Bows?!? But that is not so important.
- Yes, laces. Not only will we be as free as the most beautiful! Freedom
is beauty! Fighting is fun!Inspired!
- Mimi! Already extra lumps of sugar?! Not?
- Yes, yes it is
- Mimi Oh no ..
- No?!?
- This is the thought that makes us slaves. These bows that so proudly
bears come from the same place of the iron that marked you!
- Man
- Sorry, talkative, I do not understand what a thing has to do with the
other ...
- She does not notice?!?!
- Vanity is so ... ... vanity is what binds us.
- Vanity?!?
- Is what reduces us to slavery. Today's bows, tomorrow we sleep in
beds and all the vices of man shall be ours.

- But it is only bows, it has not hurt, does it?!?
- She does not notice.
- Now you're free, you do not need laces for nothing.
- It's only bows
- What you needed was to work
- Provide hard. What you needed was a enxadinha ...
- A enxadinha with bows ...
- Why can not I continue to use. Why?!? Someone can give me an
- Why not Mimi!!
- Outside, behind the closed window, the world seems cold. Behind
me, the radio of the latest music. The song seems to keep corny
I remember. Three years ago. One dark night.
I was standing in a doorway, under a lamp that hardly gave light,
The narrow street.
He passed. He stopped, looked at me.
I smiled.
The painting captivated him, the whiteness of my mask, red lips.
- There was nobody on the street.
We crossed a courtyard and we have a kitchen, a basement.
There was a bed against the wall, a lamp. The dim light. After the
darkness the dim light it seemed alive.
For the first time saw clearly. It all boiled down to silence ...
- Now we are free to think about the future. We must educate the
young. Without critical mass, there is no democracy. I tell you more, it
is time to call us the responsibility of the future, we are the future now
- Snowball, is that we have to prepare for a war.
- No. No. It is the hour of victory. It's time to celebrate.
- Are rabid dogs, snowball. We have to prepare.
- Let's leave that now sleeps with whoever they fear, the insecurity,
today we are free, we must think about the future
- It's time to celebrate. We must be prepared ...
- Leaders must be elected! And they too have their proposals to be
voted on. From now on,
- We must prepare for war. The men will take revenge.
- It is not true, we take as self-evident truths: that all animals are equal,
that all animals are endowed with certain inalienable rights, including
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
- The men will attack us. We need to prepare.
- Whenever any Form of Government becomes contrary to these
purposes, the Animals have the right to alter or abolish and form
- Me. I. .. Yesterday I went to the movies, a very good movie. A ship full
of refugees somewhere in the Mediterranean.
It begins with a general plan of the sea full of little black dots, as the
camera is approaching we realize that the dots are black ...
saves lives
and a number of things that form a large patch of color that the boat
will leave behind. Through the sights of machine guns see a man
waving at the helicopters. They unleashed the fire and then it gets all
bumpy and begins to sink ..
as suddenly as if water had entered through the holes, the audience
laughs desamaldamente, and he will sink .... A sinking ... sinking
.... sinking ....
The blue sky, the sea rose, it sinking. There was a peace, a
serenity. After you see a lifeboat full of children with helicptro to fly
over it. There is a middle-aged woman sitting at the bow with a boy of
his three years in her arms. The little boy screaming with fear and
hiding his head between her breasts as if to open a play within it. She
hugs him and comfort him but so full of fear, as if she thought her arms
could protect the bullets after the helicopter drop a bomb right on top of
them huge flash, a warm light, fabulous. Then there is a magnificent
plan for a child's arm to rise up ... to rise .. to rise ... the air.
The helicopter must have a camera to the front and follows the arm up
- The milk production increased 30%, making us leaders of the butter
market. The chickens are to be congratulated, his sacrifice has
increased egg production by 40%, which is the fifth largest producer of
livestock in the region! All animals are now benefiting from an increase
of 1.5% in pig feed. Thank chickens.
- More than a fifth following the example of Animal Farm. Amounts to
twelve the number of farms that have joined this movement started a
year ago! Its representatives, Chatterbox and Snowball, now receive
the highest decoration of the fifth. For his merits, bravery and a
complete delivery and stripped the cause of freedom!
- This winter will be more warm. A new technique for shearing, wool
production increased by 36%.The sheep are to be congratulated.
- Is the food always had this flavor?
I know they try to do the best for us. They do know what steps to take.
The greatest pleasure I have in life is my work. You may think that it is
routine and boring, boring, even ...
But sometimes there were also jobs so difficult and so complex that a
man could get lost in them. It is a job like any other. It's a good job,
always different. I will work harder is my motto
Will was always like that?

- Group of thirty to forty! group of thirty to forty! Come on please! Bend
and stretch your arms! Pick up the pace!
1, 2, 3, 4!
Come on, a little more energy!
You-Yes, you. Bend over please.
This ..
I bet you can do even better, you're not working hard. More is better
More please.
Woe to you
1, 2, 3, 4
You have to cut back on fat!
Ah so it is much better.
Now everyone at ease and look at me. I am the example of austerity
and strength of will, all you can do the same if they want.
Anyone up to forty-five years old is perfectly capable of touching his
toes. Try it again!
1, 2, 3, 4!
More is better, we need more flexibility, masi effort, more
concentration. That's better, is much better now!
- Everyone should contribute according to their capabilities.
- Now go do the pin!
- If you vote for my proposal of construction of the mill, you can be sure
we move forward, to progress! And more ... With the farms that have
rebelled, we will create a common market governed by equality and
mutual ... Others will join us and there but our movement is
- Our friend snowball seems to have everything planned ...
- Of course, always thinking ahead.
- To me it seems a risky business ... for the effort involved I
mean. Besides all that said, I also know that one year may not come
for the construction of the mill ... we have to bear more seed 2. And if
something goes wrong? If for some reason the winter is more
accurate? Another year of sacrifice?And another and another and
another, how many, how long?.
- Pessimism .. Pessimism does not lead anywhere. You have to think
in the future.
- No.. not
- Fear not take us anywhere
- But it takes planning.
- In our time, do not get into politics is something that does not exist. All
issues are political issues.If you and thought corrupts language,
language to use to corrupt thought.
The language policy! The political dialects vary but are all alike!
Schizophrenia is a
Daily debate, argue, counter-arguments. Articulate new words that do
not understand, our lexicon becomes a foreign language that we speak
of hearing. I understand and I do not understand why?
In the background we know nothing.
- We must act now, act to progress.
- Yes, but there are variables ... No one can act only with the heart
And I'll tell you more, Snowball .. we build the mill, but ..
Because we are able to build everything .. and then we construct the
mill to be free and independent forever
- Free and independent forever
- But you know what I mean
- I realize, but you understand what I meant ...
- It was a good debate?!?
- You think?!?
- Yes ..
- Begins to weigh me that to be sitting here with nothing to say.
- For a few moments no one spoke.
- I do not understand. I never thought such a thing could happen on our
- Recalled with surprise that everything belongs to us, that every inch
of land is owned by us.
- I felt my eyes filled with tears. If I could verbalize my thoughts, I would
have said that this was not what we aimed for when, years before, had
put to work for the overthrow of the oppressors.
- I do not understand ... It was this dream that we had that night.
- The image of the future that I very vaguely idealized. Outside of a
society free from hunger and the whip. All the same, with the strong
protect the weak economies.
- Each working according to their capabilities
- Instead of this, without understanding why, had reached a state of
affairs in which no one dared to speak his mind. There was to my mind
any idea of disobedience. I knew that even in the current situation
better than we were at the time of kings and that above all it was
necessary to prevent the return of the oppressors come what may,
- I will keep me faithful, work hard, follow orders ... follow orders and
accept the leadership.Henceforth, I will wake up an hour early every
- Still,
Were it not for this that is hoping and working from sunrise to sunset.
- Finally, feeling that somehow this could replace the words I could not
find, I began to sing the anthem. Others lying on my back imitated me
and together we sang the song three times in harmonious tone, but
slow and gloomy ...
Slow and somber ...
- Snowball ..
- Says Chatty
- Look at the hay fields, forest, pond, cultivated fields covered with a
dense green carpet of young corn and the red roofs of farm buildings,
with the smoke to rise into wreaths of smoke from chimneys.
It is a cloudless spring twilight. The sun's slanting rays illuminate the
grass and flowering shrubs.
The estate never looked so beautiful.
- Ah .. listen!
- What?
- It is the song ... the song ..
- The anthem is over, is already complete, is no longer necessary.
- The anthem is the song of the revolution ..
- For more revolution is over, is terminda ... In the hymn we used to
express our longing for a better society in days to come, but that day
has come ... that society already exists, we create it.
- Us .. We create it ..
- We are the ones ..
- We were not ..
- We us ... Snowball ... We
- We create it
- Clearly the song did not make sense.
- Clearly the song did not make sense.

- Cold. Late afternoon. 7. Almost overnight. Magazine and shower.
7 and ten. Pile of clothes and people. Take the clothes.
We walked. Narrow corridor lined with cells.
Hunger. Minute. Hunger. Minute. Hunger. Minute. hunger. Minute.
The empty belly does not give room for speculation of the soul.
- Pig! Pig!
- Someone behind me started yelling "PIG! PIG. " In a lucid moment I
found myself with the other screaming in blind euphoria.
What had these horrible moments was not a requirement for each play
a role, but on the contrary, the fact that it is impossible not to
"Pig! Pig. "
A hideous ecstasy of vengeance, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash
faces with a hammer, seemed to go through me like an electric
current. Each one present was just a lunatic howling and contorted
face. Yet, anger or ecstasy that every one felt was an abstract emotion,
devoid of purpose, which could easily be driven from one side to the
At the height of euphoria transfer my hatred for the man behind me. It
crosses my mind vivid hallucinations, magnificent. Beat him to death
with a rubber club. Tie him naked to a post. Pig! Cut his throat.
- Oh he was a child ..
-Was nothing, then by that time it was drinking at least one liter of
brandy a day
- No?!?
- Not bad for an older child.
- And the children went from one side to another, and went through life
doing, as they themselves said. One of them began drinking, the heart
and then broke out, and the other was just an uncomfortable memory.
- It seems so, she had too much imagination,
- They took her to the doctor and he said:
- Hang up.
- And she could not contain himself.
- Light, Light need light!
- "I will work harder." That's my motto. Never, under any circumstances
for any missed meeting, discussion or meeting, and at the end of every
meeting my voice was one of the most stand out to sing the anthem.
After the Revolution, the work became hard, and even the smallest
little help. I asked to wake up half an hour early every morning, and
during that time, before the workday started, I volunteered to assist in
all tasks that seemed more urgent.
"I will work harder." That's my motto.
Since that night the Chatterbox and o. ..
In the Chatterbox prompted us to revolution.
I refused to take a day off he went, and made a point of honor that no
one had noticed that pain. In none of my words or gestures exuded no
clue what my strength was not the same as always.
Drops from exhaustion, were my lungs, but no matter ..
And then. And then ...
"I will work harder." That's my motto.
- One day a caravan came close. Come in. Would be taken to the
hospital would receive all the care possible. The door closed and the
street I heard a cry of horror, the wagon began to gain speed.
They were shouting for me to try to escape. To run away quickly .. I
started to force the doors to escape.
At times, two or three of my kicks would have been enough to blow the
wagon into a thousand pieces.
And then. And then.
The streets are so sad
Need more light
But in this example have already put more light, and it's still sad.
Even sadder than the others.
I'm so sad. I am so sad
And then. And then
Come home to the little paradise
And then. And then.
Now it's raining, and we go home and drink tea and eat those cakes
that you like so much.
And then. And then.
The party was beautiful, man.
I was pleased. I still have a stubborn old carnation for me. Have your
party withered, man.
But surely a seed in some forgotten corner of the garden.
And then. And then

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