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Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.

3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City

Most of the problems occurring in cashiering system is the time that takes
too long to compute daily income and a hard to compute multi-service
ordered by the costumer and also the proper storing of the data, income
for the day in their database because sometimes due to negligence
employee forgot to save and record it in their database.

The main Objective is to come up on a system that can input and compute
multi-service ordered by the customer and to lessen the time when it
takes to compute the daily income, and to have an accurate and stable
database that will store and secure its data that must be convenient and
user friendly.

Phases of SDLC (System Life Development Cycle)

The following criterion serves as the guidelines in developing the
software program.

1. Planning - identifying the problems, data gathering and objectives

2. Analysis and Information Requirements

3. Designing the System

4. Testing and Implementation

5. System Support and Maintenance

Advantages and Disadvantages


1. Testing is inherent to every phase of the waterfall model.

Salon And Spa Cashiering System Page 1

Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.
3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City

2. It is an enforced disciplined approach.

3. It is documentation driven, that is, documentation is produced at

every stage.


The waterfall model is the oldest and the most widely used paradigm.
However, many projects rarely follow its sequential flow. This is due to the
inherent problems associated with its rigid format. Namely:

1. It only incorporates iteration indirectly, thus changes may cause

considerable confusion as the project progresses.

2. As The client usually only has a vague idea of exactly what is

required from the software product, this WM has difficulty
accommodating the natural uncertainty that exists at the beginning
of the project

3. The customer only sees a working version of the product after it has
been coded. This may result in disaster if any undetected problems
are precipitated to this stage.

Salon And Spa Cashiering System Page 2

Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.
3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City

Waterfall diagram - is a model which has no turning back just like a

waterfall. Waterfall diagrams are three dimensional plots which show the
result in the form of mountains shapes.

Planning and Project

Management plan

Analysis and

Designing and

Testing and

System Support
and Maintenance

Salon And Spa Cashiering System Page 3

Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.
3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City

Like a waterfall flow down from a mountain can never flow up again, the
process taken in waterfall method can not be done again. Water fall
diagram s allow for departmentalization and managerial control. On the
other hand its most serious disadvantage is that it does not allow revision.

I. Planning and System Study

The first stage of system development life cycle. It defines of what

actually the physical system is, and one of the phases of Planning and
System Study is the Preliminary survey of the system and problem
identification. To generate a high-level view of the intended project and
determine the goals of the project. The feasibility study is sometimes used
to present the project to upper management in an attempt to gain
funding. Projects are typically evaluated in three areas of feasibility:
economical, operational, and technical. Furthermore, it is also used as a
reference to keep the project on track and to evaluate the progress of the
MIS team.[6]

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Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.
3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City

In this phase, it determines and identifies the problems encountered in

the business. Problems concerning about transaction procedures, data
gathering and reporting through the forms of interviews and observations,
which is comprised of the feasibility study and preliminary investigation of
the system.

The formulated objectives and collected raw data during the

preliminary interview are become the group bases of the group for the
project achievement and completion. The group studied and defines the
transactions and operating procedures in the cashiering system and at
the same time the group gathered information about cashiering, storing
and securing data issues.

II. Analysis and System Requirements

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Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.
3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City

Analyzing the system needs is important in evaluating there gathered

information and tools to be used .through the data flow diagram showed
the flow of processing transactions and the outcome of the system and
the goal of systems analysis is to determine where the problem is in
attempt to fix the system. This step involves breaking down the system in
different pieces and drawing diagrams to analyze the situation. Analysts
project goals, breaking down functions that need to be created, and
attempt to engage users so that definite requirements can be defined.

After the preliminary interview in the form of questionnaire, the group

analyzed the flow of the system based on the results of conducted
investigation and come up to determine the needs or changes of the

So after the group identifies the problems and what improvement is

needed to be proposed. Denoting the modification and innovations of the
current system, along with the alternative solution includes the
corresponding cost and benefits analysis for the purpose of comparison.

III. Designing the System

This phase is a detailed evaluation of the existing system. In doing the

logical design of the proposed system, the data gathered and information
requirements from the previous phase will now be implied in system

Salon And Spa Cashiering System Page 6

Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.
3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City

design and development. it also include of finding out more detail on what
the system’s problems are and what users require in the new and
improved system. In systems design functions and operations are
described in detail, including screen layouts, business rules, process
diagrams and other documentation. The output of this stage will describe
the new system as a collection of modules or subsystems.

For Development and Coding, Modular and subsystem programming

code will be accomplished during this stage. This stage is intermingled
with the next in that individual modules will need testing before
integration to the main project. Planning in software life cycle involves
setting goals, defining targets, establishing schedules, and estimating
budgets for an entire software project.

Tools and techniques were become the aid and the bases of the group in
determining the system requirements. This included the use of the
dataflow diagrams (DFD’s) containing all the data items that will be used
in the system as well as their specifications. At this point, the group
prepared a system proposal that has been summarized; the group able to
define alternative solution for the cost and benefit, and how the group will
met the expectations and objectives of the company or organization.

IV. Testing and Implementation

In this phase, testing and implementing was done to check if the

proposed system runs well or would behave as expected before it is

Salon And Spa Cashiering System Page 7

Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.
3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City

introduce to the clients, so that problems can costly to be avoid. The

proponents explained how does the system goes, how it works, its
functions and limitations as well, if the prototype system does not perform
as expected, it will return to the first phase and followed by the next for
more proper analysis and correction until the design criteria are properly
met and the prototype system perform as planned. The code is tested at
various levels in software testing. test Unit, system and user acceptance
testing are often performed. This is a grey area as many different opinions
exist as to what the stages of testing are and how much if any iteration
occurs. Iteration is not generally part of the waterfall model, but usually
some occurs at this stage.

V. Support and Maintenance

In this phase, monitoring and filtering out errors for connection were
done on the prototype system. The system may gain enhancements or
upgrades if needed, it depends on the management if they want to adapt
the changes in the environment and for some more advanced system and
conversion to a more innovative and faster system. The deployment of the
system includes changes and enhancements before the decommissioning
or sunset of the system. Maintaining the system is an important aspect of
SDLC. As key personnel change positions in the organization, new
changes will be implemented, which will require system updates.

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Sothern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc.
3rd Flr. Astillero Bldg. Oro Site Legazpi City


1. The development of the salon and spa cashiering system was

2. It performs computations for multi-service ordered and lessen
the period of time computing for the daily income.
3. All the data are properly stored and secured as a basis and
4. The performance of the salon and spa cashiering system is
effective and efficient in terms of functions and user friendly.

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