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fat cat government to unleash their

brutal cuts offensive. Unison has

already named September 9th and
10th as the next two strike days.
We welcome this and call on all unions
in the public and private sector to
meet together asap after July 10th to
ensure that the momentum is
maintained into the autumn and
beyond. We want to keep up the
pressure on the union leaders so the
NSSN will be lobbying the TUC
to these
workers. But
we also debated how
to keep the strike going and avoid
what happened after the N30 2011
pensions strike. After 2 million workers
took action together, the TUC and
conservative union leaders signed up
to the governments deal. That step
totally demobilised the mass
movement and only emboldened this
The NSSN is supported by the following national unions:
twitter: NSSN_anticuts e: PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE
The ght against
the ConDem
austerity offensive is
back on! Todays strike
sees up to 1 million council and
school workers, teachers, civil
servants and others resisting the
continuing public sector pay freeze.
As PCS President Janice Godrich told
last Saturdays NSSN Conference, one
of her unions members explained why
they were going on strike, Because
there's too much month left at the end
of the money!
Alongside them are re-ghters who
are defending their hard won pension
rights who are also walking out.
Workers from Unison, PCS, Unite,
GMB, NUT, FBU and NIPSA will be on
strike together. Transport for London
workers as well as power control
operators on London Underground are
also out on strike today, meaning that
RMT and TSSA can be added to the
At our 8th annual conference last
Saturday, the NSSN gave full support
We want our share!
Strike together for a pay rise!
All out again in September!
local information:
Afliate to the NSSN
The NSSN was initiated by the RMT in
2006. Eight national unions RMT, PCS,
ofcially support our campaigning work,
as well as many union branches, shop
stewards committees and trades
councils. Afliation to the NSSN is 50.
Make cheques out to NSSN and post to
PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE
We have a website, Facebook group,
twitter account, and a regular weekly e-
bulletin. All are available to trade unionists
and their organisations to publicise their
disputes, events etc.
Please feel free to use these platforms.
Invitations to speak at your union
meetings are also welcome.
We want our share!
Strike together for a pay rise!
All out again in September!
The NSSN is supported by the following national unions:
twitter: NSSN_anticuts e: PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE
Congress in Liverpool on September
7th, just 2 days before the next
scheduled strikes.
As the tube strike in London has
shown this year, when the unions take
decisive action they can win huge
public support and actually mobilise
millions around them who are
suffering from the ConDem cuts.
Food banks are sprouting up
everywhere and more and more are
going to the modern day loan sharks,
the pay-day loan companies.
Today will shake this fat cat
government but if it is continued into
the autumn and beyond and
particularly if it reaches out to the
millions in the private sector being
hammered by the bosses in would
amount to a 24 hour general strike,
Cameron and Co. can be defeated.
NSSN rally and lobby of
the TUC Congress in
Liverpool: Keep striking
together for a pay rise!
2pm Jurys Hotel, opposite
Echo Arena conference centre
in Albert Dock

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