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MASS APPEAL | 84 Wooster Street, Ste 504 | New York, NY 10012 | 212-343-8486 | @massappeal

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Fashawn to Release !"# %&'(')* this Fall

3!45 6789: !6; < =>?@ A: BCDE - West coast iappei Fashawn has officially inkeu a
ueal with Nas' newly launcheu Nass Appeal impiint. Fashawn is now woiking on his
long-awaiteu sophomoie album, !"# %&'(')*, set to ielease on Septembei Su.

Fashawn fiist gaineu majoi attention in 2uu9 foi the ielease of his uebut album +'*
,##-. /'0(1. This eaily success leu him to be inauguiateu into the 2u1u XXL
Fieshmen covei, stanuing alongsiue Wiz Khalifa, }.Cole, Big Sean anu moie. Bis buzz
has gotten incieasingly stiongei, fiom shaiing the stage with notable stais such as
Kenuiick Lamai, Talib Kweli, Wiz Khalifa to peifoiming at jam-packeu shows like
Rock the Bells anu Paiu Bues. Be also peifoimeu the entiance theme song foi boxing
welteiweight champion Timothy Biauley when he fought his iematch against
Nanny Pacquiao on Pay Pei view last Apiil.

Fashawn's uistinctive talent captuieu the attention of Nas, who biought him out
uuiing a solu-out showcase at SXSW eailiei this yeai.

"Fashawn is one of the most unueiiateu in the game," saiu Nas. "The woilu is gonna
know soon. We'ie exciteu to have him as a pait of the family."

!"# %&'(')* will be Fashawn's fiist ielease unuei the Nass Appeal impiint. This
album will not only showcase his iaw lyiicism but also intiouuce his veisatility. !"#
%&'(')* will featuie a hanuful of collaboiations incluuing Nas, Aloe Blacc anu many

"I took the time to ieally woik on this pioject because I knew it woulu be impoitant
not just foi my caieei, but foi hip-hop," saiu Fashawn. "I can't wait to finally shaie
my new pioject, especially thiough a label that gets my vision."

Foi moie infoimation on Fashawn, please visit his site, Twittei, Facebook anu
Instagiam. Connect with Nass Appeal on the web, Twittei, Facebook anu Instagiam.

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Nass Appeal Recoius is an uiban-leaning alteinative music company built on the
heiitage anu cieuibility of Nass Appeal's bianu as well as that of key equity paitnei
in the label, Nas.

Piess contact:
Annie Chen - - 21S.S61.78uu

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