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What is a sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that express a complete thought.

Which of the following are sentences?

1. The early Filipinos had a wealth of literary works.

2. Important events are centered on religious activities.
3. The songs were varied.
4. The songs are for.
5. The beautiful drawings on the wall.
6. A song was written for every occasion.

1, 2, 3, and 6 are sentences because they express a complete thought.

4 and 5 are what we call phrases, a group of words that does not express a
complete thought.

Parts of a Sentence: Subject and Predicate

A complete subject tells what or whom the sentence is telling about while a
complete predicate tells something about the complete subject.

For this part I will bold a subject and underline a predicate.

The fishermen used dynamites in fishing.

The Ocean Park opened its doors for visitors today.
The quick brown fox jumped over the hill.
They ran towards the sea to enjoy.

In every complete subject and complete predicate are keywords that are more
important than the other words in the group. The keyword in the complete
subject is called simple subject while the keyword of a complete predicate is
called a simple predicate.

The simple subjects in the given example are: fishermen, Ocean Park, fox
and they.

These keywords are either noun or pronoun.

Question: What is the difference between noun and pronoun?

Noun is a specific person, place, event or thing. E.g: fishermen, Ocean Park, fox
Pronoun is what we use in the place of a noun. E.g: he, she, they, it.

The simple predicate in the given examples are: used, opened, jumped, and ran.
These keywords are verbs.

Grammar Quiz: You can send me your answers at if you

want to know the answers for this exercise. ^-^
Part I
Identify the complete subject and complete predicate in these sentences.

1. Only the Sun rode in the sky.

2. The Moon stayed at home with the children.
3. The Moon went to the river to fetch water.
4. The lonely Sun looked lovingly at his children.
5. The children crumbled into ashes.
6. Wild in her grief, the anguished Moon screamed at her husband.
7. With defiance, she scattered their ashes to the four winds.
8. A repentant Sun returned to a dark and empty house.
9. He chased the moon to no avail.
10.The endless cycle of the Sun and the Moon started.

Part II. Identify the simple subject and simple predicate. Part II-A. State if the
simple subject is a noun or a pronoun.

1. Only the Sun rode in the sky.

2. The Moon stayed at home with the children.
3. The Moon went to the river to fetch water.
4. The lonely Sun looked lovingly at his children.
5. The children crumbled into ashes.
6. Wild in her grief, the anguished Moon screamed at her husband.
7. With defiance, she scattered their ashes to the four winds.
8. A repentant Sun returned to a dark and empty house.
9. He chased the moon to no avail.
10.The endless cycle of the Sun and the Moon started.

Part III

Instructions: Supply a subject for the following predicates.

1. _____ lived in the forest.

2. _____ took care of him.
3. _____ learned the basics of cooking.
4. _____ played with her dog.
5. _____ were his only cousins.

Part IV

Instructions: Supply a predicate for the following subjects.

1. A beautiful girl __________.

2. She __________.
3. One afternoon, he _________.
4. His new friend __________.
5. Together, we __________.

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