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Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes

Motivational and Inspirational Quotes

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Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
Welcome to my collection of inspirational and motivational quotations.
Reading and collecting boos of quotations is one of my !obbies.
W!enever I"m feeling do#n or !ave a looming personal problem$ I turn to
my boos for some inspiration and #ords of #isdom.
Dedicated to my friends and family.
%ut!or: struts2spring
Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
"The difference between the impossible
and the possible lies in a person's determination."
"There's a very positive relationship
between people's ability to
accomplish any task and the time
they're willing to spend on it."
"The young do not know enough to
be prudent, and therefore they attempt
the impossible -- and achieve it,
generation after generation."
"hen life's problems seem
overwhelming, look around and see
what other people are coping with.
!ou may consider yourself fortunate."
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Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
"hatever you can do, or dream you
can begin it. "oldness has genius,
power and magic in it."
"!ou have achieved success if you
have lived well, laughed often
and loved much."
"The secret of getting started is breaking
your comple#, overwhelming tasks into
small manageable tasks, and then
starting on the first one."
"The greatest mistake you can make in
life is to be continually fearing
you will make one."
"$uccess seems to be largely a matter
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of hanging on after others have let go."
"This one step - choosing a goal and
staying to it - changes everything."

"%ever worry about numbers.
&elp one person at a time,
and always start with
the person nearest you."

'deas attract money, time, talents, skills, energy
and other complementary ideas that will bring them into reality.
"(nthusiasm is the greatest asset in the
world. 't beats money and power and
influence. 't is no more or less
than faith in action."
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Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
$uccess isn't how far you got, but the
distance you traveled from
where you started.
"hat lies behind us, and what lies
before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us."
"The heights by great men reached and
kept, were not attained by sudden
flight, but they, while their companions
slept, were toiling upward in the night."
")ost folks are about as happy as
they make up their minds to be."
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Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
"Destiny is not a matter of chance,
it is a matter of choice*
it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved."
"$uccess is a state of mind.
'f you want success, start thinking
of yourself as a success."
"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful
form of love. 'n return, you will receive
untold peace and happiness."
"The indispensable first step to getting
the things you want out of life is this+
decide what you want."
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"!ou are today where your thoughts
have brought you* you will be
tomorrow where your
thoughts take you."
"hat we think or what we know
or what we believe is, in the
end, of little conse,uence.
The only conse,uence is what we do"
"-ong-range goals keep you from being
frustrated by short-term failures."
"The only limit to our reali.ation of
tomorrow will be our doubts of today."
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"'f we all did the things we are capable
of doing, we would literally
astound ourselves."
"/ 0ourney of a thousand miles must
begin with a single step."
"1ictory belongs to the most persevering."
"!ou are the average of the five people
you spend the most time with."
"'t's time to start living the life
you've imagined"
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"-et no feeling of discouragement prey
upon you, and in the end you
are sure to succeed."
"/ll life is a chance. $o take it2
The person who goes furthest is the one
who is willing to do and dare."
"Don't be afraid of the space between
your dreams and reality. 'f you can
dream it, you can make it so."
"The belief in a thing makes it happen."
"$trength does not come from winning
!our struggles develop your strength.
hen you go through hardship
and decide not to surrender,
that is strength."
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Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
"3bstacles don't have to stop you. 'f you
run into a wall, don't turn around and
give up. 4igure out how to climb it,
go through it, or work around it."
"(veryone who got to where they are
had to begin where they were."
"3nly those who dare to fail greatly
can ever achieve greatly."
"' long to accomplish a great and noble
task, but it is my chief duty to
accomplish small tasks as if
they were great and noble."
"$uccessful and unsuccessful people do
not vary greatly in their abilities.
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They vary in their desires to
reach their potential."
"5emember there's no such thing as a
small act of kindness. (very act
creates a ripple with no logical end."
"6ome to the edge, he said. They said+
e are afraid. 6ome to the edge, he
said. They came. &e pushed them,
/nd they flew..."
"$uccess doesn't come to you,
you go to it."
"hat you get by reaching your
destination is not nearly as
important as what you will become
by reaching your destination.
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")ost of our obstacles would melt away
if, instead of cowering before them,
we should make up our minds
to walk boldly through them."
"'magination is everything. 't is the
preview of life's coming attractions"

hoever is careless with the truth in small matters
cannot be trusted with the important matters.
"Do what you can, with what you have,
where you are."
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"/lways bear in mind that your own
resolution to succeed is more
important than any other one thing."
"' find that the harder ' work, the
more luck ' seem to have."
"%ever give up, never, never give up."
"3ne important key to success is
self-confidence. /n important key to
self-confidence is preparation."
"%othing in the world can take the
place of persistence...Persistence and
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determination alone are omnipotent."
7(n0oy life. This is not a dress rehearsal.8
"e first make our habits, and
then our habits make us."
"'f you don9t have time to do it right,
when will you have time to do it over:"
"The past cannot be changed.
The future is yet in your power."
"4ortune sides with him who dares.".
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Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
"(nergy is the essence of life. (very day
you decide how you're going to use it by
knowing what you want and what it
takes to reach that goal, and by
maintaining focus."
"!ou are a living magnet. hat you
attract into your life is in harmony
with your dominant thoughts."
"!ou have achieved success if you
have lived well, laughed often
and loved much."
"/dversity is another way to measure
the greatness of individuals. ' never had
a crisis that didn't make me stronger."
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Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
"To accomplish great things, we must
not only act, but also dream, not
only plan, but also believe."
"hatever you can do, or dream you
can begin it. "oldness has genius,
power and magic in it."
"/chievement seems to be connected
with action. $uccessful men and
women keep moving. They make
mistakes, but they don't ,uit."

"$uccess is not to be pursued*
it is to be attracted by
the person we become."

"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some
stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change,
taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next, delicious
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" new leader has to be able to change an organi!ation that is dreamless, soulless and vision"less #
someone's got to make a wake up call."
"Do what you can, with what you have,
where you are."
"/lone we can do so little*
together we can do so much."
"/nd in the end it's not the years in your
life that count. 't's the life in your years."
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Struts2spring: Motivational and Inspirational Quotes
"' have learned that the greater part of
our misery or unhappiness is
determined not by our circumstance
but by our disposition."
"Take the first step in faith. !ou don't
have to see the whole staircase.
;ust take the first step."
"-ife is like a combination lock* your 0ob
is to find the right numbers, in the
right order so you can have
anything you want."
"The only limit to our reali.ation of
tomorrow will be our doubts of today."
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"$uccess is not the key to happiness.
&appiness is the key to success.
'f you love what you are doing,
you will be successful."

"'f you want to be happy, set a goal that
commands your thoughts, liberates your
energy, and inspires your hopes.
"hatever you can do, or dream you
can begin it. "oldness has genius,
power and magic in it."
"The greater danger for most of us is not
that our aim is too high and we miss it,
but that it is too low and we reach it."
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%othing is particularly hard if you divide it into small 0obs.
<o slowly to the entertainments of thy friends, but ,uickly to their misfortunes.
"To guarantee success, act as
if it were impossible to fail."

"!ou have to believe in yourself
when no one else does.
That's what makes you a winner."
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About the author:
The author is a software professional, 'ndia. )ost of the time he
en0oying with new technology, likes innovative and adventures
work. Designing web application, database modeling and writing
technical design.
/t the time of writing this book author was working web-services.
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