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A presentation for the mentor program of ministry training and

theological study at the National Association of Christian Ministers.

By Elder M. Mooney

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There is a common statement in the world today that sounds
like this, What's true for me may not be true for you..."
Upon hearing such a thing, it may seem like this is a good explanation for why people believe
different things, and a great attitude to hold in order to enjoy peaceful interpersonal human
relations. However, upon greater consideration this statement begins to reveal
major inconsistencies.

For example, what if I decide that gravity is true for most people, but not for me, and
proceed to jump from a roof? I would soon discover that I am subjected to the truth of
the existence of gravity no matter how much I deny it. Anyone who would deny this and
choose to jump from a roof would likely cause us to question their sanity. Why? The
answer seems to be because the majority of humans in the world would claim the denial
of gravity on our planet to be inconsistent with their experiences with reality.
Introduction to truth: Part 1. National Association of Christian Ministers
What are the implications here?
We can identify at least 3:

1) Reality is a concept which people claim exists, and they claim to be able to identify their
experiences with it through one or more of their five senses (seeing, hearing, tasting,
touching, smelling).

Introduction to truth: Part 1. National Association of Christian Ministers
What are the implications here?
We can identify at least 3:

2) Based upon perceived favorable and unfavorable outcomes associated with these
experiences, people tend to form absolutes, probabilities, and heuristics.

Absolutes are things that seem unwavering and always consistent with the same

Probabilities are things that may or may not occur in cause/effect relationships.

Heuristics are mental shortcuts to making decisions based upon previous experiences.

3) In any given sequence of events, desirable and undesirable outcomes exist.
Perspectives of that which is right are based upon the desires held by people anticipating
and or experiencing them. For these reasons, people have all sorts of ideas about the definition
of truth.
Introduction to truth: Part 1. National Association of Christian Ministers
If we are to categorize truth, there seems to be at least two
standards: objective and subjective truth.

Objective truth suggests that such exists apart from human experiences,
observations, or definitions. In other words, objective truth stands alone as true
reality, without the distortions of human biases and perceptions of its meaning
(Objective, 2006).

Subjective truth suggests that truth is defined by norms, and therefore is subject to
our experiential interpretations of its meaning, along with our assessments of
personal values (Truth, 2007). It is uniquely individual in its scope; thereby, making
it cognitively and privately observed. In this vein, it may be described or shared
with others, but it remains as experientially biased information that is not
objectively observable and therefore unknowable by others (Subjective, 2009).

Introduction to truth: Part 1. National Association of Christian Ministers
Reflective questions for part 2

Is truth objective or subjective?

Is truth singular or plural (truth or truths)?

Introduction to truth: Part 1. National Association of Christian Ministers

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