D2 Council Meeting Minutes: Bahmanyar Orellana Navasero Brugnone Carey

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D2 Council Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2014

12:00 1:00pm
Room 612
Call to order
Meeting was called to order by the meeting facilitators, Billy Kwon
and Vinny Bagga.
Roll Call
Billy Kwon Present
Vandeep "Vinny" Bagga Present
Carolyn Chang Present
Melissa Lass Present
Sara Zeidan Present
Janki Gajera Present
Rola Abduljabar Rabah Present
Nabil Khan Present
Kaz Talebpour Present
Erica Heller Present
Maham Siddqui Present
Atiya Bahmanyar Present
Daniele Orellana Present
Ava Navasero Present
Boby Brugnone Present
Sean Carey Present
Thomas La Excused Absence

Open issues
a) Leadership Conference Recap BK, VB
At conference discussed various items with Maya Ardon, up to
and including Alumni Affairs
Social SZ
o To discuss development in upcoming Social Meeting
Curriculum RA, NK
o Plans to continue using challenge forms
o Plans to work with Dean Spielmans office to promote better
scheduling of tests and exams
o KT suggested RA and NK to be a part of the Exam Policy
Working Group
Greening SC, BB
o Proposal in with building managers to get Dyson Airblades in
new building and heavy traffic public restrooms in this
Dyson Airblades benefits: Hepa filter (reduce
spreading of bacteria), electrically efficient, reduce
problem of paper towels all over the floor, reduce
current battery waste
Outreach AB
o Outreach to be a position on upcoming class council ballots
A brainstorming committee of the climate change
committee concluded that outreach chairs should have
support and guidance from student council.
Community service rep role to be transitioned to
fostering outreach throughout D1, D2, D3, D4
Community service reps to have regular meetings with
Dr. Schenkel and coordinate with Dean Hirsch, Rachel
Hill, and Danielle (last name??)
o Mentorship program for transition into clinic
Goal to assist D2s transitioning into clinic
Clinical CC, AN
o Dean Spielman is planning to implement digital note taking
and patient files
Plans to be implemented by January 2015
Website JG,
o To send email to remind class that there is a separate tab for
general concerns (such concerns are not to be included in
challenge forms).
o To view trafficking of website - need to upgrade
Estimated cost: $90.00
o Meeting minutes (2 previous meetings) to be uploaded on to
website at start of upcoming academic year, July 2014
o Ensure all GPD pictures are uploaded onto website as some
are missing

Daniele to prepare proposal for Ear-buds that keep out high
frequency noises (drilling) but permit hearing of voices
o Proposal to be sent to Dean Marrus and cc Dean Wolff
o Intended to protect ears/hearing from occupational hazard of
o Estimated cost $130.00 per person without subsidization
o BK suggested possibility of subsidization, as per
occupational hazard
o Daniele to forward email with peer review sources to class


Several committees (through office of administration) to be aware
of for possible involvement
o Climate change committee has 4 sub committees
Student profess engagement
Exam regulatory
Mentorship program/faculty
Peer review board revision
o White coat ceremony group in progress

b) Meeting Times ML
To be finalized and set by end of first week in June (June 8, 2014).
Plan: Bulk book rooms for weekly meetings (2 hour time slots).
Next meeting to be scheduled for beginning of July 2014.

c) GPD Representatives/ Public Forum KT, EH
To take over coffee with the deans
o Plan to be implemented for incoming D1s as well
To take over transcripts
o VB to assist, as needed, and discuss rollover from money left
Possibility of having GPD reps to bring information to council
o Looking into logistics

IV. New business

a) Clothing sale for incoming D1s and D2s - CaC
Scrub sales to occur in July 2014 biggest fundraiser
o To also sell - floss like a boss shirt
o Thinking to sell long sleeve shirts to wear under scrubs

1. August: Shirt, Leftover pants, Scrubs and Long sleeve?

2. November: Hoodie, Pants, Crewneck, Duffel bag

b) Celebration of D1 ending and a New Beginning!

V. Adjournment

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