Oral Exam Ingles

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Introduce yourself (Presentese)

whats your name?
how old are you?
where do you live?
where are you from?
what languages do you speak?
where do you work or study?
whats your favorite food/ movie type/ music type/ singer?
why do you study English?


2. Tell about your family (Cuntenos sobre su familia)
what are their names?
how old are they?
where do they live?
what do they do?
do you have a pet? whats its name?
do you live with your parents?
what do you do together with your family on Sundays

3. Tell whats your daily routine (Cuntanos qu es tu rutina diaria)

4. Describe your city
What places or buildings are there in your city (bars, movie theaters, shopping malls, etc.)
Where some of the places are located (in the suburbs just outside the town, in the downtown area, near the
station, etc.)
What can you do in your city in your free time/ on Weekend?

Rpta: They are all (se encuetran todos)
las afueras de la ciudad, en la zona cntrica, cerca de
la estacin, etc)

Rpta: Out for a walk with my friends (salir a pasear con mis amigos)

5. Describe your home and your favorite room (describe su casa y su habitacion favorita)
What is your house like?
How many floors/ rooms does it have?
Whats your favourite room and why?
How it is?
What do you usually do there?
Do you prefer living in a house or in an apartment? Why?

6. Describe your ideal home. (Describa su casa ideal.)
Where is it located (in the country, downtown of a capital city, in the suburbs, in France, etc.)
What type of home is it (a castle, a penthouse, a detached house, an apartment, etc.)?
What facilities does it have (a private lake, a helicopter pad, an enormous yard, a pool, etc.)?
How many rooms does it have?
What is it like?

rtamento, etc)?

7. Tell what do you LIKE or LOVE doing in your free time
Use LIKE + verb-ing/ LOVE + verb-ing/ GO + verb-ing
What do you like doing in your free time?
What do you like doing on Sundays?
What do you like doing with your friends?

8. What do you usually do in you free time
What do you do on the weekend?
What do you usually do in your free time?
Use Present Simple
Use adverbs: always, usually, often, not often, rarely, almost never, never
Use: once a week, every Saturday, two or three times a year

-ing / AMOR + verbo-ing / GO + verbo-ing
po libre?

9. You are now in the United States starting your English course. You sit next to your new classmate. Start a conversation
to know her better and answer her questions about you.

10. You would like to sign in to an English course. Give your essential dates to the secretary. Answer her questions. Ask
when do the classes start, which days of the week are the classes and at what time. Unfortunately you work until 5 pm.
Ask if there is any evening course.

11. You are in a coffee shop with a friend. Ask him/her if he/she would like something to eat, drink. Ask the waiter the
prices and order something for your friend and for yourself. Ask for the check and ask how much is that.

12. You are going for a weekend to nearby town. Make a hotel reservation for you and your boyfriend/girlfriend/
brother/sister/ friend. A mini bar and satellite TV are very important to you, ask if they are in the room. Ask if the hotel
can send you a confirmation to your e-mail address. Give your e-mail address.)

13. You are walking down the street and a reporter stops you to ask you to take part in a street survey about the mobile
phones. Answer the questions he asks you.

14. Its Friday and you have day off. You have an idea to invite your friend to go to the cumbia concert. Call him and
make a suggestion. Unfortunately she is working today but she asks you how about going to the movies on Saturday. Ask
for the information about the movies that are playing and the time. Decide which movie to see, what time to go and
where to meet.

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