V Is For Vendetta, COINT... Tive Media - Cassiopaea

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Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace - Acknowledgements and Introduction
Chapter One The Face at The !indow
Chapter Two The "ost #o$s and Girls
Chapter Three Another !indow Opens on Strange Connections
Chapter Four %ead #a&ies and Iron Skillets
Chapter Fi'e (ane )$re *edu+
Chapter Si+ ,iolets and #ulls in the Gra'e$ard
Chapter Se'en Trapezes and %og %a$s
Chapter )ight The Farm
Chapter -ine The Stand O..
Chapter Ten Shrinks and *e&els or #eing Fi.teen is an Awkward State
Chapter )le'en Gra'e$ards/ 0s$chopaths/ 0s$chics/ and 1eetings on the #ridge
Chapter Twel'e %r. (ek$ll and 1r. H$de
Chapter Thirteen O$sters on the Hal. Shell
Chapter Fourteen 0earls in the O$ster
Chapter Fi.teen #litzkrieg
Chapter Si+teen %ances with Sunlight
Chapter Se'enteen 1irror2 1irror2 On the !all...
Chapter )ighteen The !ol. and the %o'e
Chapter -ineteen The !orld3s 1ost #eauti.ul #a&$
Chapter Twent$ 1inks and Turke$ #asters
Chapter Twent$-one 0arties/ 1os4uitoes/ Hi'es/ H$pnosis and Fishing #oats
Chapter Twent$-two The %e'il in the %etails
Chapter Twent$-three In The Forest
Chapter Twent$-.our The 0oisoned Apple
Chapter Twent$-.i'e The #oat *ide to %amascus
Chapter Twent$-si+ Another Face at the !indow
Chapter Twent$-se'en The -oah S$ndrome or The "ost "o'e
Chapter Twent$-eight The Ark in 1ontana
Chapter Twent$-nine The %ream
Chapter Thirt$ A 5night in Armor
Chapter Thirt$-one The Cle.t in the *ock
Chapter Thirt$-two 1o'ing to 1ontana
Chapter Thirt$-three S$nchronicit$ Cit$
Chapter Thirt$-.our That3s Holl$wood2
Chapter Thirt$-.i'e The Crane %ance
Chapter Thirt$-si+ Hailing the 6ni'erse
Chapter Thirt$-se'en 1issing Child/ 1issing Time
Chapter Thirt$-eight Fl$ing #lack #oomerangs
Chapter Thirt$-nine Fl$ing #lack #oomerangs *edu+
Chapter Fort$ Aliens/ %emons and ,ampires
Chapter Fort$-one Aunt Clara
Chapter Fort$-two Green Slime
Chapter Fort$-three Hungr$ Aliens/ Stink$ %emons/ and the *eturn o. 5eith
Chapter Fort$-.our Comets and Cassiopaeans
Comets and Catastrophes
Fire And Ice The %a$ A.ter Tomorrow
Climate Change Swindlers and the 0olitical Agenda
Forget A&out Glo&al !arming !e3re One Step From )+tinction2
The 7ounger %r$as Impact )'ent and the C$cles o. Cosmic Catastrophes - Climate Scientists
1a8esterium and the Tipping 0oint
The Golden Age/ 0s$chopath$ and the Si+th )+tinction
-ew "ight on the #lack %eath The Cosmic Connection
The Hazard to Ci'ilization .rom Fire&alls and Comets
!ars/ 0estilence and !itches
Thirt$ 7ears o. Cults and Comets
Comet #iela and 1rs. O3"ear$3s Cow
Tunguska/ the Horns o. the 1oon and )'olution
"etters From the )dge
1eteorites/ Asteroids/ and Comets %amages/ %isasters/ In8uries/ %eaths/ and ,er$ Close Calls
Cosmic Turke$ Shoot
Impact Hazards on a 0opulated )arth9
Cosmic COI-T)"0*O Timeline
Cosmic COI-T)"0*O Timeline - Introduction
(ohn F. 5enned$
(F5 The %e&ris o. Histor$
The Gladiator (ohn Fitzgerald 5enned$
The #ushes and the "ost 5ing
Sim Cit$ and (ohn F. 5enned$
(ohn F. 5enned$ and All Those DismsD
(ohn F. 5enned$/ (. )dgar Hoo'er/ Organized Crime and the Glo&al ,illage
(ohn F. 5enned$ and the 0s$chopatholog$ o. 0olitics
(ohn F. 5enned$ and the 0igs o. !ar
(ohn F. 5enned$ and the Titans
(ohn F. 5enned$/ Oil/ and the !ar on Terror
(ohn F. 5enned$/ The Secret Ser'ice and *ich/ Fascist Te+ans
(ohn F. 5enned$ and the 1onolithic and *uthless Conspirac$
(upiter -ostradamus )dgar Ca$ce and the *eturn o. the 1ongols
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art :
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art @
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art ?
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art B
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art C
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art >
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art ;
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art =
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art A
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art :<
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art ::
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art :@
(upiter/ -ostradamus/ )dgar Ca$ce/ and the *eturn o. the 1ongols 0art :?
The Cassiopaean DHitD "ist
The Cs Hit "ist <: 0rophec$/ 0rediction/ and 0ortents o. Things to Come
The Cs Hit "ist <@ Space and !eather Science Gone !ild
The Cs Hit "ist <? Histor$ Is #unk
The Cs Hit "ist <B -ature/ -urture/ and 1$ 1onke$ Genes
The Cs Hit "ist <C %r. Green&aum and the 1anchurian Candidates
The Cs Hit "ist <> "et3s %o the 0lanetar$ Twist to the Tune o. the #rothers Heliopolis
The Cs Hit "ist <; Sun Star Companion/ Singing Stones and Smoking ,isions
The Cs Hit "ist <= O. Oracles and Conspiracies T!A =<</ AE::/ H:-:/ and ,ISA
The Cs Hit "ist <A %-A/ *ational %esign and the Origins o. "i.e
The Grail Fuest and the %estin$ o. 1an
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an I
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art II The Terror o. Histor$
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art III Time
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art III-Time/ cont.
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art III-@ Time/ cont.
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art I, 1achia'elli and the )Ts
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art , The Chalice and the #lade
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art ,I A ,iew o. Histor$ .rom 6s in the Future
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art ,II The -ordic Co'enant and the Coral Castle
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art ,III Oak Island and the Shepherds o. Arcadia
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art IG Alchem$ and St. Germain
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art G The Fulcanelli 0henomenon
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art GI *ennes-le-chateau and the Accursed Treasure
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art GII The 0rior$ o. Sion
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art GIII ,isa to 1agonia
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art GI, The Shepherds o. Arcadia *eprise
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art G, (esus The 1an and the 1$th
The Grail Fuest and The %estin$ o. 1an 0art G,I The Cruci.i+ion The #ig "ie
The !a'e ,olume :
The !a'e Chapter : *iding The !a'e
The !a'e Chapter @ 1ulti-%imensional Soul )ssences
The !a'e Chapter ? %oroth$ and The Frog 0rince 1eet Flight :A in Oz or/ DI don3t think we3re in
5ansas an$more2D
The !a'e Chapter B The Cassiopaeans Get Taken Out o. the Closet and Go .or a DTest %ri'eD
The !a'e Chapter C 0erpendicular *ealities/ Tesseracts/ and Other Odd 0henomena
The !a'e Chapter > Animal 0s$cholog$ or That which was A/ will &e A. That which was not-A/ will &e
not-A. )'er$thing was and will &e either A or not-A.
The !a'e Chapter ; #alloons/ Anti-&alloons and Fireworks or "aura Falls Into the 0it and Ark Comes
to the *escue
The !a'e Chapter = )'er$where 7ou "ook/ There Is the Face o. God
The !a'e Chapter A The #east o. GH'audan/ Spring-Heeled (ack/ 1othman/ And Other %imensional
!indow Fallers
The !a'e ,olume @
The !a'e Chapter :< The Truth Is Out There/ #ut Trust -o One2
The !a'e Chapter :: *oses Grow #est In 1anure
The !a'e Chapter :@ All There Is Is "essons
The !a'e Chapter :? All There Is Is "essons ISome Further *emarksJ
The !a'e Chapter :B All There Is Is "essons/ or Cand$ !ill *uin 7our Teeth
The !a'e Chapter :C All There Is Is "essons/ or He Hideth 1$ Soul in the Cle.t o. the *ock
The !a'e Chapter :> All There Is Is "essons/ or "aura Finds *eiki and )nds 6p in the Soup... 0ea
Soup/ That Is
The !a'e Chapter :; All There Is Is "essons/ or !andering Around in Third %ensit$ Can #e
Hazardous to 7our Health
The !a'e Chapter := All There Is Is "essons/ or A Trip to DAlligator Alle$D
The !a'e Chapter :A All There Is Is "essons/ or %r. Green&aum and the Soul Hackers
The !a'e ,olume ?
The !a'e Chapter @< #lack "ightning Strikes... or 1ar8oe Gortner 1eets Ted 0atrick
The !a'e Chapter @: *oswell *e'isited or Shades o. the G-Files
The !a'e Chapter @@ The -e+us Se'en 1eet the Cassiopaeans
The !a'e Chapter @? "uci.er and the 0ot o. Gold or The Fuest .or the Hol$ Grail o. -o Anticipation
The !a'e Chapter @B The #acchantes 1eet Apollo At Stonehenge And 0la$ The Third 1an Theme
The !a'e Chapter @C A !alk In -ature Among The -ames o. God !here !e Ha'e An Inter'iew
!ith the ,ampire And %isco'er a Cosmic )gg
The !a'e Chapter @> The Tree o. "i.e
The !a'e Chapter @; Stripped to the #one The Shamanic Initiation O. The 5nighted Ones Technicians
o. )cstas$
The !a'e ,olume B
The !a'e Chapter @= Technicians o. )cstas$ The Shamanic Initiation O. The 5nighted Ones 0art :
The !a'e Chapter @= Technicians o. )cstas$ The Shamanic Initiation O. The 5nighted Ones 0art @
The !a'e Chapter @A The ?-C Code The (ourne$ From (erusalem To Oak Island ,ia the 0$renees
The !a'e Chapter ?< Grape !ine In a 1ason (ar (esus/ %i and %odi Take O.. From the %en'er
Airport In !inter to *ain Contrails 6pon Our Heads
The !a'e Chapter ?: The 0rior$ o. Sion and The Shepherds o. Arcadia
The !a'e Chapter ?@ Torah/ 5a&allah/ And !hen I %reamK
The !a'e ,olume CE>
The !a'e Chapter ?? Introduction
The !a'e Chapter ?B The Channel
The !a'e Chapter ?C A Strange Interlude
The !a'e Chapter ?> A ,ile Superstition
The !a'e Chapter ?; Critical Channeling
The !a'e Chapter ?= The Feminine ,ampire
The !a'e Chapter ?A The Court o. Se'en
The !a'e Chapter B< Secret Agents From Alpha :
The !a'e Chapter B: The *ealm o. Archet$pes
The !a'e Chapter B@ The Tradition
The !a'e Chapter B? The Head o. #ran
The !a'e Chapter BB The Crane %ance
The !a'e Chapter BC The Gul. #reeze
The !a'e Chapter B> The Theological *ealit$
The !a'e Chapter B; Semiotics and The Content 0lane
The !a'e Chapter B= The (u'enile %ictionar$
The !a'e Chapter BA Fre4uenc$ *esonance ,i&ration
The !a'e Chapter C< Shi.ts in the 1atri+
The !a'e Chapter C: The 0$schomantium
The !a'e Chapter C@ The Cr$ptogeographic #eing
The !a'e Chapter C? Strange #irds
The !a'e Chapter CB Glimpses o. Other *ealities
The !a'e Chapter CC Al&ert )instein/ Free )nerg$ and the Strange %eaths o. 1orris 5. (essup and
Ste.an 1arino'
The !a'e Chapter C> Intolerance/ Cruelt$/ and the )conomics o. Intelligence
The !a'e ,olume ;
The !a'e Chapter C; It3s (ust )conomics
The !a'e Chapter C= Alien *eaction 1achines
The !a'e Chapter CA An )ncounter with the 6nicorn
The !a'e Chapter >< The 6nicorn3s Closet
The !a'e Chapter >: Ira3s Inner Cesspool
The !a'e Chapter >@ Secret Games at 0rinceton
The !a'e Chapter >? 1urdering the Feminine
The !a'e ,olume =
The !a'e Chapter >B Crossing the Threshold
The !a'e Chapter >C The !a$ o. the Fool
The !a'e Chapter >> The Lelator
The !a'e Chapter >; Food .or the 1oon and the #urning House
The !a'e Chapter >= As A&o'e/ So #elow
The !a'e Chapter >A The !hirlpool o. Char$&dis/ the Sirens and the -a'igator
The !a'e Chapter ;< 7ou Take the High *oad and IMll Take the "ow *oad and IMll #e in Scotland
A.ore 7e2
The !a'e Chapter ;: I. I Speak in the Tongues o. 1en and Angels or/ (aguars The -onlinear
%$namics o. "o'e and Comple+ S$stems
The !a'e Chapter ;@ The -onlinear %$namics o. "o'e and Comple+ S$stems %e&ugging the 6ni'erse
Truth or "ies
Truth or "ies 0art :
Truth or "ies 0art @
Truth or "ies 0art ?
Truth or "ies 0art B
Truth or "ies 0art C
Truth or "ies 0art >
Truth or "ies 0art ;
Truth or "ies 0art =
Truth or "ies 0art A
!ho !rote The #i&le
The Ark o. the Co'enant and The Temple o. Solomon
The House o. %a'id
The First Torah and the First Temple
The Tri&e o. %an
)g$ptian Chronolog$ I3m 1$ Own Grandpa2
1oses and Aaron
2.713 pessoas gostam de
Plugin social do Facebook
A-:: alchem$ aliens Amazing Grace #i&le Cassiopaeaen )+periment Cassiopaeans Cass Transcripts channeling Christianit$ CIA
COI-T)"0*O comets conspirac$ destin$ o. man Fulcanelli grail 4uest gurd8ie.. High Strangeness histor$ h$perdimensional realit$
"aura 5night-(adcz$k 0onerolog$ ps$chopat h ps$chopat hs ps$chopath$ religion *ocke.eller Foundation The Grail 6FO
Answers to Fuestions From *eaders
"aura Answers Fuestions .rom *eaders Cassiopaea in *ussia
Transient 0assengers
Flight AA</ 1ars 0ro&e/ Contrails and !eather Anomalies/ 1ontaukees/ Ong3s Hat/ 0hilip 5. %ick/ and
other Curiosities
%iet and Health Fuestions and Can Smoking &e Good .or 7ou9
)nlightenment and Ascension
Audio Files
Audio Files
Channeling and Alien A&duction
Channeling and )+orcism 0art :
Channeling and )+orcism 0art @
*eincarnation 0art :
*eincarnation 0art @
S*T and Channeling
#ook *e'iews
The Case For The 6FO
The !hirling %er'ishes
The "ost Gospel The #ook o. F and Christian Origins &$ #urton ". 1ack
The Stargate Conspirac$
*ichard %olan3s D6FOs and the -ational Securit$ StateD - Something !icked This !a$ Comes
0olitical 0onerolog$ A Science on The -ature o. )'il ad8usted .or 0olitical 0urposes
The Haunted 6ni'erse &$ %. Scott *ogo
Sophie3s Choice
Ancient Israel/ *eligious %elusions and Growing 6p
Stan Gooch3s DCities o. %reamsD
Cometar$ Showers/ Four Horsemen o. the Apocal$pse9
#inar$ Stars %oes our Sun ha'e a %ark Companion9
The ,oice o. *eason %uring 1illennial 1adness
Has -i&iruE0lanet G #een Sighted9 0art @
Is the !orld Coming to an )nd9 -ot necessaril$ - &ut the .uture doesn3t look &right2
!ill the !orld )nd on Thursda$9
Independence %a$
The Flo$d ,oid or/ Hurricanes/ )arth4uakes/ ,olcanoes/ and assorted 0rophetic Considerations
1eteor Clue To )nd o. 1iddle )ast Ci'ilisations Found
ABN - %a'e 1cGowan/ Hurricane 5atrina/ 0eak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
Fire And Ice The %a$ A.ter Tomorrow
Comet )lenin 6pdate2
)arth4uake A+is Shi.t - Is the !est Coast o. the 6.S. -e+t9
Climate Change Swindlers and the 0olitical Agenda
Forget A&out Glo&al !arming !e3re One Step From )+tinction2
The 7ounger %r$as Impact )'ent and the C$cles o. Cosmic Catastrophes - Climate Scientists
1a8esterium and the Tipping 0oint
The Golden Age/ 0s$chopath$ and the Si+th )+tinction
-ew "ight on the #lack %eath The Cosmic Connection
The Hazard to Ci'ilization .rom Fire&alls and Comets
!ars/ 0estilence and !itches
Thirt$ 7ears o. Cults and Comets
Comet #iela and 1rs. O3"ear$3s Cow
Tunguska/ the Horns o. the 1oon and )'olution
"etters From the )dge
1eteorites/ Asteroids/ and Comets %amages/ %isasters/ In8uries/ %eaths/ and ,er$ Close Calls
Cosmic Turke$ Shoot
!itches/ Comets and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
Fallout Around the #reak.ast Ta&le
Comet )lenin Har&inger o. !hat9
!itches/ Comets/ and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
%isclosure and Comets
All For One and One For All
O. Shoes and Ships and Sealing !a+
The Hope
Impact Hazards on a 0opulated )arth9
On *adiometric %ating
Companion Stars and Cometar$ Showers %oomsda$9
The -ature o. 0unctuational Crises and the Spenglerian 1odel o. Ci'ilization
A Sur'e$ o. Channeling
A&ortion/ 0s$chopaths and 1other "o'e
A&o'etopsecret.com/ 0ro8ect Serpo 0s$-ops/ and the 0entagon3s Fl$ing Fish.
A&o'etopsecret )thics and Google #om&s
Al Gore and the 1onolithic and *uthless Conspirac$
Ale+ (ones and A:: Scholars The 0ara&le o. the Good Shepherd
Alien A&duction/ %emonic 0ossession/ and The "egend o. The ,ampire
Aliens and Cosmic COI-T)"0*O
Aliens %on3t "ike to )at 0eople That Smoke2
All For One and One For All
America3s -er'ous #reakdown
America3s -er'ous #reakdown
America !ho Is *esponsi&le9
Amir 0eretz and The Faith #ased School o. 0olitics
Ancient Israel/ *eligious %elusions and Growing 6p
Anti-semitism/ #ritish Academia and the Israel "o&&$
#eware The Ides o. April Cho Seung-hui and the 1osaic %istinction
#ig "ies/ Small "ies/ #razen "ies
#inar$ Stars %oes our Sun ha'e a %ark Companion9
#ridge O'er Trou&led !aters
#urton 1ack and A-::
Chaos and Consent !orking Towards the Fuhrer
Chemtrails9 Contrails9 Strange Skies
Comments on the 0entagon Strike
Companion Stars and Cometar$ Showers %oomsda$9
Condoleezza 0regnant Gi'ing #irth to 1onster
Critical -otes on ,al ,alerian
Crocodile Condi 's #a&$ #a&s #o+er
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art :
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art @
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art ?
%id -ostradamus 0redict A-:: and !!III9
)OriP-)olas #reathing and 1editation 0rogram
)nochian Aliens9 Agents o. Cosmic COI-T)"0*O and The Stargate Conspirac$9
Fallout Around the #reak.ast Ta&le
Four and a Hal. 7ears
Freedom o. Association/ Smoking and 0s$chopath$
From the Fire Comes "ight 0art :
From the Fire Comes "ight 0art @
From !here I Sit *aindrops 5eep Fallin3 On 1$ Head
George !. #ush A Cancer on the #od$ 0olitic
Happ$ -ew !orld
Has -i&iruE0lanet G #een Sighted9 0art :
Has -i&iruE0lanet G #een Sighted9 0art @
Has&ara/ Shmuel *osner and the Israel Factor
How to Spot COI-T)"0*O Agents
Impact Hazards on a 0opulated )arth9
Indecent Haste... H$pocris$/ Saddam and Stoning Satan
Independence %a$
Internet Free Speech 6nder Threat2 )ric 0epin - Higher #alance Institute Sue FFG .or B.B; 1illion O'er
SOTT Forum Comments2
Is Cassiopaea a Cult/ or under attack &$ COI-T)"0*O AG)-TS9
Is 1el Gi&son a modern da$ Suetonius9
Is the !orld Coming to an )nd9 -ot necessaril$ - &ut the .uture doesn3t look &right2
5arl *o'e3s *ewriting o. Histor$ is -othing -ew - Hope.ull$/ there will &e another 0rocopius to !rite
A&out the -eocons
5halid Sheikh 1ohammed The !all$-!orld o. !ickedness2
"aura 5night-(adcz$k Inter'iew on ##C *adio
"et The Games #egin
"et3s All "ight 6p2
"i'ing in Truth
1aking Sense o. 0olitical Comple+it$
1ontalk.net %isclaimer
1$ 1other !ill -e'er %ance Again...
1$sterious Smoke *ings or !hen is a Cloud not a Cloud9
O.H. 5*""/ ,al ,alerian/ the Cassiopaeans and other m$sterious &eings...
O. Shoes and Ships and Sealing !a+
O..icial Culture in America A -atural State o. 0s$chopath$9
On *adiometric %ating
Order out o. Chaos
Organic 0ortals 0art :
Organic 0ortals 0art @
0aris 6nder the -azis - -ew 7ork 6nder the -eocons - The %arker Conte+t
0aul Craig *o&erts sez D!e Are All 0risoners -owD
0icknett and 0rince on the Cassiopaeans
0ost-)lection *ealit$ Check
0rotocols o. the 0athocrats
*eader3s Comments on DAd'entures with CassiopaeansD
*oss Institute COI-T)"0*O or Agent o. 1ossad9
Schwaller de "u&icz and the Fourth *eich 0art @
Science and *eligion
Signs o. the Times Attacked &$ A&o'etopsecret.com 0s$-ops2
Smokescreens/ Snow8o&s and "ong 5ni'es
Sophie3s Choice
SOTT-Cassiopaea Anti-Cult/ Anti-%e.amation and 0s$chopath Free Lone
Stan Gooch3s DCities o. %reamsD
Stupid Is as Stupid %oes
Supplement to the St. 0ete Times Article DThe )+orcist in "o'eD
Tales From The Cr$pt The 1umm$ *eturns to #ring *eligious !ar
Terrorism and the Three Sillies
The #east o. *e'elation and His )mpire
The #od$ Snatchers
The Case For The 6FO
The Companions %e'oted to "i&ert$
The Crossroads
The %estruction o. the A:: Truth 1o'ement
The Gi.t o. the 1agi to the )lect - A Christmas )ssa$
The Haunted 6ni'erse &$ %. Scott *ogo
The "ost Gospel The #ook o. F and Christian Origins &$ #urton ". 1ack
The 1an #ehind the Curtain - Operation 0incer 1emorandum
The 1ost %angerous Cult in The !orld
The 1ost %angerous Idea in the !orld
The 1$stic 's. Hitler
The -ature o. 0unctuational Crises and the Spenglerian 1odel o. Ci'ilization
The 0olitics o. Histor$
The Stargate Conspirac$
The Trick o. the 0s$chopath3s Trade 1ake 6s #elie'e that )'il Comes .rom Others
The True Identit$ o. Fulcanelli and The %a ,inci Code
The ,oice o. *eason %uring 1illennial 1adness
To #ee or not to #e
Transmarginal Inhi&ition
Truth Is 0u&lic 0ropert$
Truth/ "ies/ *ealit$
6ltra-terrestrials and AE::
6nderwater and 6ndgerground #ases SOTT Inter'iew with *ichard Sauder
, is .or ,endetta/ COI-T)"0*O and the Alternati'e 1edia
!ar Crimes and Conscience
!here Tro$ Once Stood The 1$ster$ o. Homer3s Iliad Q Od$sse$ *e'ealed
!ill the *)A" D%r. Grant GartrelIlJD please stand up9
!ill the !orld )nd on Thursda$9
!orld Cup Lidane - 1aterazzi Ital$3s Shame.ul !in
A&o'etopsecret.com/ 0ro8ect Serpo 0s$-ops/ and the 0entagon3s Fl$ing Fish.
Al Gore and the 1onolithic and *uthless Conspirac$
Al&ert )instein/ Free )nerg$ and The Strange %eaths o. 1orris 5. (essup and Ste.an 1arino'
Ale+ (ones and A:: Scholars The 0ara&le o. the Good Shepherd
Aliens and Cosmic COI-T)"0*O
Aliens %on3t "ike to )at 0eople That Smoke2
Anti-semitism/ #ritish Academia and the Israel "o&&$
#eware The Ides o. April Cho Seung-hui and the 1osaic %istinction
#ridge O'er Trou&led !aters
Chaos and Consent !orking Towards the Fuhrer
Chemical Hallucinations/ 1ind Control/ and %r. (ose %elgado
Chemtrails9 Contrails9 Strange Skies
Comments on the 0entagon Strike
Companion Stars and Cometar$ Showers %oomsda$9
Cosmic Spam D!e are contacting $ou .or a mutuall$ &ene.icial transaction...D
Critical -otes on ,al ,alerian
)'idence That a Frozen Fish %idn3t Impact the 0entagon on AE::- and -either %id a #oeing ;C;
Flight AA</ 1ars 0ro&e/ Contrails and !eather Anomalies/ 1ontaukees/ Ong3s Hat/ 0hilip 5. %ick/ and
other Curiosities
From !here I Sit *aindrops 5eep Fallin3 On 1$ Head
HAA*0 and The Canar$ in the 1ine
Has&ara/ Shmuel *osner and the Israel Factor
How to Spot COI-T)"0*O Agents
Impact Hazards on a 0opulated )arth9
Indecent Haste... H$pocris$/ Saddam and Stoning Satan
5halid Sheikh 1ohammed The !all$-!orld o. !ickedness2
"et The Games #egin
"et3s All "ight 6p2
1ahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult o. A-::
1ass 1ind Control
1OSSA% and 1o'ing Companies 1asterminds o. Glo&al Terrorism9
0aris 6nder the -azis - -ew 7ork 6nder the -eocons - The %arker Conte+t
0rotocols o. the 0athocrats
*ichard %olan3s D6FOs and the -ational Securit$ StateD - Something !icked This !a$ Comes
*oss Institute COI-T)"0*O or Agent o. 1ossad9
Schwaller de "u&icz and the Fourth *eich 0art :
Schwaller de "u&icz and the Fourth *eich 0art @
Signs o. the Times Attacked &$ A&o'etopsecret.com 0s$-ops2
The Case For The 6FO
The %estruction o. the A:: Truth 1o'ement
The Fi.th Column
The Gi.t o. the 1agi to the )lect - A Christmas )ssa$
The In4uisition and the Origins o. Fascism and 1ind Control
The 1ost %angerous Idea in the !orld
The -ew 0earl Har&or !ho #ene.its9
The Stargate Conspirac$
Transmarginal Inhi&ition
6ltra-terrestrials and AE::
6nderwater and 6ndgerground #ases SOTT Inter'iew with *ichard Sauder
, is .or ,endetta/ COI-T)"0*O and the Alternati'e 1edia
!ill the *)A" D%r. Grant GartrelIlJD please stand up9
!illiam 1ilton Cooper 5illed in )ntrapment
!ord Control R Thought Control R !orld Control
%ossier A-:: and A.ter
A&o'etopsecret.com/ 0ro8ect Serpo 0s$-ops/ and the 0entagon3s Fl$ing Fish.
Ale+ (ones and A:: Scholars The 0ara&le o. the Good Shepherd
Chaos and Consent !orking Towards the Fuhrer
Comments on the 0entagon Strike
%id -ostradamus 0redict A-:: and !!III9
)'idence That a Frozen Fish %idn3t Impact the 0entagon on AE::- and -either %id a #oeing ;C;
Independence %a$
Is the !orld Coming to an )nd9 -ot necessaril$ - &ut the .uture doesn3t look &right2
5halid Sheikh 1ohammed The !all$-!orld o. !ickedness2
1ahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult o. A-::
1ass 1ind Control
1OSSA% and 1o'ing Companies 1asterminds o. Glo&al Terrorism9
The #east o. *e'elation and His )mpire
The %estruction o. the A:: Truth 1o'ement
The Fi.th Column
The Glo&al Game o. Sur'i'or America3s -e+t Four 7ears
The 1ossad Happ$ %ance
The 1ost %angerous Cult in The !orld
The -ew 0earl Har&or !ho #ene.its9
6ltra-terrestrials and AE::
!ill the !orld )nd on Thursda$9
!orld Trade Center Terrorist Attack Those who %o -ot "earn From Histor$ Are %oomed to *epeat It
)arth Changes
ABN - %a'e 1cGowan/ Hurricane 5atrina/ 0eak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
All For One and One For All
#inar$ Stars %oes our Sun ha'e a %ark Companion9
Chemtrails9 Contrails9 Strange Skies
Climate Change Swindlers and the 0olitical Agenda
Comet #iela and 1rs. O3"ear$3s Cow
Comet )lenin 6pdate2
Comet )lenin Har&inger o. !hat9
Cometar$ Showers/ Four Horsemen o. the Apocal$pse9
Cosmic Turke$ Shoot
)arth4uake A+is Shi.t - Is the !est Coast o. the 6.S. -e+t9
Fallout Around the #reak.ast Ta&le
Fire And Ice The %a$ A.ter Tomorrow
Flight AA</ 1ars 0ro&e/ Contrails and !eather Anomalies/ 1ontaukees/ Ong3s Hat/ 0hilip 5. %ick/ and
other Curiosities
Forget A&out Glo&al !arming !e3re One Step From )+tinction2
From !here I Sit *aindrops 5eep Fallin3 On 1$ Head
HAA*0 and The Canar$ in the 1ine
HAA*0/ !eather/ *oswell *ods/ Bth %ensit$ #attles Q #leedthrough and ;th %ensit$
Has -i&iruE0lanet G #een Sighted9 0art :
Has -i&iruE0lanet G #een Sighted9 0art @
Independence %a$
Is the !orld Coming to an )nd9 -ot necessaril$ - &ut the .uture doesn3t look &right2
"etters From the )dge
1a8esterium and the Tipping 0oint
1eteor Clue To )nd o. 1iddle )ast Ci'ilisations Found
1eteorites/ Asteroids/ and Comets %amages/ %isasters/ In8uries/ %eaths/ and ,er$ Close Calls
The Flo$d ,oid or/ Hurricanes/ )arth4uakes/ ,olcanoes/ and assorted 0rophetic Considerations
The Hazard to Ci'ilization .rom Fire&alls and Comets
The -ature o. 0unctuational Crises and the Spenglerian 1odel o. Ci'ilization
The ,oice o. *eason %uring 1illennial 1adness
The 7ounger %r$as Impact )'ent and the C$cles o. Cosmic Catastrophes - Climate Scientists
Thirt$ 7ears o. Cults and Comets
To #ee or not to #e
Tunguska/ the Horns o. the 1oon and )'olution
!ars/ 0estilence and !itches
!ill the !orld )nd on Thursda$9
!itches/ Comets and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
!itches/ Comets/ and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
A Sur'e$ o. Channeling
Aliens and Cosmic COI-T)"0*O
All For One and One For All
#ig "ies/ Small "ies/ #razen "ies
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art :
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art @
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art ?
%iscernment Or 1achia'elli and the )Ts 0art :
%iscernment Or 1achia'elli and the )Ts 0art @ - The !orld Inside the %e'il
)nochian Aliens9 Agents o. Cosmic COI-T)"0*O and The Stargate Conspirac$9
Freedom o. Association/ Smoking and 0s$chopath$
From the Fire Comes "ight 0art :
From the Fire Comes "ight 0art @
Gnosticism and the Christian 1$th
Happ$ -ew !orld
Is 1el Gi&son a modern da$ Suetonius9
"i'ing in Truth
Order out o. Chaos
Fuestions A&out Ascension
Schwaller de "u&icz and the Fourth *eich 0art :
Schwaller de "u&icz and the Fourth *eich 0art @
Shocks and Signs o. The Times
Stalking or 0recis on The Good and The )'il
Superno'ae ,ehicle o. Ascension9
Supplement to the St. 0ete Times Article DThe )+orcist in "o'eD
The Companions %e'oted to "i&ert$
The Cult o. the 0lausi&le "ie
The Flo$d ,oid or/ Hurricanes/ )arth4uakes/ ,olcanoes/ and assorted 0rophetic Considerations
The Gi.t o. the 1agi to the )lect - A Christmas )ssa$
The "ost Gospel The #ook o. F and Christian Origins &$ #urton ". 1ack
The Stargate Conspirac$
The True Identit$ o. Fulcanelli and The %a ,inci Code
The !a$ Out is the !a$ In
The !hirling %er'ishes
Transient 0assengers
Truth/ "ies/ *ealit$
!here Tro$ Once Stood The 1$ster$ o. Homer3s Iliad Q Od$sse$ *e'ealed
!h$ 7ou %on3t Create 7our Own *ealit$ - an antidote to .atuous -ew Age paradigms
ABN - %a'e 1cGowan/ Hurricane 5atrina/ 0eak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
Al&ert )instein/ Free )nerg$ and The Strange %eaths o. 1orris 5. (essup and Ste.an 1arino'
Alien A&duction/ %emonic 0ossession/ and The "egend o. The ,ampire
All For One and One For All
America3s -er'ous #reakdown
America3s -er'ous #reakdown
Ancient Israel/ *eligious %elusions and Growing 6p
#ig "ies/ Small "ies/ #razen "ies
#orn .rom the Ashes and #lood 0art :
#orn .rom the Ashes and #lood 0art @
Chaos and Consent !orking Towards the Fuhrer
Christianit$ or 1achia'elli and The )Ts
Climate Change Swindlers and the 0olitical Agenda
Comet #iela and 1rs. O3"ear$3s Cow
Comments on the 0entagon Strike
Cosmic Turke$ Shoot
Cos4uer - The Ca'e #eneath the Sea
%id -ostradamus 0redict A-:: and !!III9
%isclosure and Comets
)nochian Aliens9 Agents o. Cosmic COI-T)"0*O and The Stargate Conspirac$9
)'idence That a Frozen Fish %idn3t Impact the 0entagon on AE::- and -either %id a #oeing ;C;
Fire And Ice The %a$ A.ter Tomorrow
Forget A&out Glo&al !arming !e3re One Step From )+tinction2
From the Fire Comes "ight 0art :
From the Fire Comes "ight 0art @
George !. #ush A Cancer on the #od$ 0olitic
Gnosticism and the Christian 1$th
Hoagland/ H$perdimensions/ Space and Time
How to Spot COI-T)"0*O Agents
Independence %a$
(udaism and Christianit$ - Two Thousand 7ears o. "ies - >< 7ears o. State Terrorism
5arl *o'e3s *ewriting o. Histor$ is -othing -ew - Hope.ull$/ there will &e another 0rocopius to !rite
A&out the -eocons
1ahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult o. A-::
1a8esterium and the Tipping 0oint
1ass 1ind Control
1eteor Clue To )nd o. 1iddle )ast Ci'ilisations Found
1eteorites/ Asteroids/ and Comets %amages/ %isasters/ In8uries/ %eaths/ and ,er$ Close Calls
1OSSA% and 1o'ing Companies 1asterminds o. Glo&al Terrorism9
1$ 1other !ill -e'er %ance Again...
-ew "ight on the #lack %eath The Cosmic Connection
On *adiometric %ating
0aris 6nder the -azis - -ew 7ork 6nder the -eocons - The %arker Conte+t
0icknett and 0rince on the Cassiopaeans
0olitical 0onerolog$ A Science on The -ature o. )'il ad8usted .or 0olitical 0urposes
0rotocols o. the 0athocrats
*ichard %olan3s D6FOs and the -ational Securit$ StateD - Something !icked This !a$ Comes
Schwaller de "u&icz and the Fourth *eich 0art :
Science and *eligion
St 1alach$ and The Toil o. the Sun
Supplement to the St. 0ete Times Article DThe )+orcist in "o'eD
Tales From The Cr$pt The 1umm$ *eturns to #ring *eligious !ar
Terrorism and the Three Sillies
The #east o. *e'elation and His )mpire
The #od$ Snatchers
The Companions %e'oted to "i&ert$
The Crossroads
The Cult o. the 0lausi&le "ie
The Fi.th Column
The Genesis o. )'il on a 1acrosocial Scale
The Glo&al Game o. Sur'i'or America3s -e+t Four 7ears
The Golden Age/ 0s$chopath$ and the Si+th )+tinction
The Hazard to Ci'ilization .rom Fire&alls and Comets
The Hope
The In4uisition and the Origins o. Fascism and 1ind Control
The "ost Gospel The #ook o. F and Christian Origins &$ #urton ". 1ack
The 1ost %angerous Cult in The !orld
The 1$stic 's. Hitler
The -ature o. 0unctuational Crises and the Spenglerian 1odel o. Ci'ilization
The -ew 0earl Har&or !ho #ene.its9
The 0olitics o. Histor$
The Stargate Conspirac$
The True Identit$ o. Fulcanelli and The %a ,inci Code
The !a$ Out is the !a$ In
The 7ounger %r$as Impact )'ent and the C$cles o. Cosmic Catastrophes - Climate Scientists
Thirt$ 7ears o. Cults and Comets
Tunguska/ the Horns o. the 1oon and )'olution
!ar Crimes and Conscience
!ars/ 0estilence and !itches
!here Tro$ Once Stood The 1$ster$ o. Homer3s Iliad Q Od$sse$ *e'ealed
!itches/ Comets and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
!itches/ Comets/ and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
!orld Trade Center Terrorist Attack Those who %o -ot "earn From Histor$ Are %oomed to *epeat It
5nowledge and #eing
A Course in 5nowledge and #eing/ 0art :
A Course in 5nowledge and #eing/ 0art @
A Course in 5nowledge and #eing/ 0art ?
A Course in 5nowledge and #eing/ 0art B
A Course in 5nowledge and #eing/ 0art C
A Course in 5nowledge and #eing/ 0art >
-ew Age COI-T)"0*O
Swerdlow Controlled 'ia Satellite9 or Dreductio ad a&surdumD
Aliens and Cosmic COI-T)"0*O
Christianit$ or 1achia'elli and The )Ts
Cosmic Spam D!e are contacting $ou .or a mutuall$ &ene.icial transaction...D
Critical -otes on ,al ,alerian
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art :
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art @
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art ?
%iscernment Or 1achia'elli and the )Ts 0art :
%iscernment Or 1achia'elli and the )Ts 0art @ - The !orld Inside the %e'il
Flight AA</ 1ars 0ro&e/ Contrails and !eather Anomalies/ 1ontaukees/ Ong3s Hat/ 0hilip 5. %ick/ and
other Curiosities
Has -i&iruE0lanet G #een Sighted9 0art :
Has -i&iruE0lanet G #een Sighted9 0art @
Internet Free Speech 6nder Threat2 )ric 0epin - Higher #alance Institute Sue FFG .or B.B; 1illion O'er
SOTT Forum Comments2
Is Cassiopaea a Cult/ or under attack &$ COI-T)"0*O AG)-TS9
Is the !orld Coming to an )nd9 -ot necessaril$ - &ut the .uture doesn3t look &right2
"etters From the )dge
O.H. 5*""/ ,al ,alerian/ the Cassiopaeans and other m$sterious &eings...
0icknett and 0rince on the Cassiopaeans
Schwaller de "u&icz and the Fourth *eich 0art @
SOTT-Cassiopaea Anti-Cult/ Anti-%e.amation and 0s$chopath Free Lone
The Stargate Conspirac$
The ,oice o. *eason %uring 1illennial 1adness
!h$ 7ou %on3t Create 7our Own *ealit$ - an antidote to .atuous -ew Age paradigms
!ill the !orld )nd on Thursda$9
-!O Q Glo&al )lite
>>> - The 1ark o. the #east9
ABN - %a'e 1cGowan/ Hurricane 5atrina/ 0eak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
A&o'etopsecret.com/ 0ro8ect Serpo 0s$-ops/ and the 0entagon3s Fl$ing Fish.
Al Gore and the 1onolithic and *uthless Conspirac$
Ale+ (ones and A:: Scholars The 0ara&le o. the Good Shepherd
Aliens %on3t "ike to )at 0eople That Smoke2
America3s -er'ous #reakdown
America !ho Is *esponsi&le9
Amir 0eretz and The Faith #ased School o. 0olitics
Anti-semitism/ #ritish Academia and the Israel "o&&$
#eware The Ides o. April Cho Seung-hui and the 1osaic %istinction
#orn .rom the Ashes and #lood 0art :
#ridge O'er Trou&led !aters
Chaos and Consent !orking Towards the Fuhrer
Chemical Hallucinations/ 1ind Control/ and %r. (ose %elgado
Christianit$ or 1achia'elli and The )Ts
Comments on the 0entagon Strike
Condoleezza 0regnant Gi'ing #irth to 1onster
Crocodile Condi 's #a&$ #a&s #o+er
)'idence That a Frozen Fish %idn3t Impact the 0entagon on AE::- and -either %id a #oeing ;C;
From !here I Sit *aindrops 5eep Fallin3 On 1$ Head
George !. #ush A Cancer on the #od$ 0olitic
HAA*0 and The Canar$ in the 1ine
Has&ara/ Shmuel *osner and the Israel Factor
How to Spot COI-T)"0*O Agents
Indecent Haste... H$pocris$/ Saddam and Stoning Satan
Is the !orld Coming to an )nd9 -ot necessaril$ - &ut the .uture doesn3t look &right2
(udaism and Christianit$ - Two Thousand 7ears o. "ies - >< 7ears o. State Terrorism
"et3s All "ight 6p2
1ahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult o. A-::
1aking Sense o. 0olitical Comple+it$
1ass 1ind Control
1OSSA% and 1o'ing Companies 1asterminds o. Glo&al Terrorism9
1$ 1other !ill -e'er %ance Again...
O.H. 5*""/ ,al ,alerian/ the Cassiopaeans and other m$sterious &eings...
O. Shoes and Ships and Sealing !a+
Order out o. Chaos
0aris 6nder the -azis - -ew 7ork 6nder the -eocons - The %arker Conte+t
0aul Craig *o&erts sez D!e Are All 0risoners -owD
0olitical 0onerolog$ A Science on The -ature o. )'il ad8usted .or 0olitical 0urposes
0ost-)lection *ealit$ Check
0rotocols o. the 0athocrats
*ichard %olan3s D6FOs and the -ational Securit$ StateD - Something !icked This !a$ Comes
*oss Institute COI-T)"0*O or Agent o. 1ossad9
Smokescreens/ Snow8o&s and "ong 5ni'es
Stupid Is as Stupid %oes
Terrorism and the Three Sillies
The #east o. *e'elation and His )mpire
The #od$ Snatchers
The %en'er Airport 1aterial
The %en'er Airport 1aterial Image Catalog
The Fi.th Column
The Genesis o. )'il on a 1acrosocial Scale
The Gi.t o. the 1agi to the )lect - A Christmas )ssa$
The Glo&al Game o. Sur'i'or America3s -e+t Four 7ears
The Green&aum Speech
The In4uisition and the Origins o. Fascism and 1ind Control
The 1an #ehind the Curtain - Operation 0incer 1emorandum
The 1ost %angerous Cult in The !orld
The 1$stic 's. Hitler
The -ew 0earl Har&or !ho #ene.its9
The Stargate Conspirac$
The ,oice o. *eason %uring 1illennial 1adness
The !a$ Out is the !a$ In
Transmarginal Inhi&ition
6nderwater and 6ndgerground #ases SOTT Inter'iew with *ichard Sauder
, is .or ,endetta/ COI-T)"0*O and the Alternati'e 1edia
!ar Crimes and Conscience
!ill the *)A" D%r. Grant GartrelIlJD please stand up9
!ill the !orld )nd on Thursda$9
!illiam 1ilton Cooper 5illed in )ntrapment
!ord Control R Thought Control R !orld Control
!orld Trade Center Terrorist Attack Those who %o -ot "earn From Histor$ Are %oomed to *epeat It
Our Haunted 0lanet
Alien A&duction/ %emonic 0ossession/ and The "egend o. The ,ampire
Aliens and Cosmic COI-T)"0*O
Comet #iela and 1rs. O3"ear$3s Cow
Crop Circles Catalog
)g$ptAir Flight AA</ Sacred Geometr$/ 7@5/ Origins o. the Tarot/ Schools o. Ascension and other
Fl$ing #lack #oomerangs and Clapham !ood
HAA*0 and The Canar$ in the 1ine
Hoagland/ H$perdimensions/ Space and Time
1eteorites/ Asteroids/ and Comets %amages/ %isasters/ In8uries/ %eaths/ and ,er$ Close Calls
1onsters Chicken 1an/ %emons/ and Ica Skulls
1$sterious Smoke *ings or !hen is a Cloud not a Cloud9
O.H. 5*""/ ,al ,alerian/ the Cassiopaeans and other m$sterious &eings...
Supplement to the St. 0ete Times Article DThe )+orcist in "o'eD
The Case For The 6FO
The Chil&olton Crop Circle and The Cassiopaeans on Crop Circles
The Haunted 6ni'erse &$ %. Scott *ogo
The High Strangeness o. %imensions/ and the 0rocess o. Alien A&duction
The Stargate Conspirac$
Tunguska/ the Horns o. the 1oon and )'olution
0s$chopath$ Studies
A &asic h$pothesis o. 0s$chopath$ )+cerpts From The 1ask o. Sanit$/ &$ Her'e$ Cleckle$/ Cth edition
A Structural Theor$ o. -arcissism and 0s$chopath$
%iscussion o. 0s$chopath$ Traits )+cerpts From The 1ask o. Sanit$/ &$ Her'e$ Cleckle$/ Cth edition
)ight !a$s to Spot )motional 1anipulation
How 0s$chopaths ,iew Their !orld
O..icial Culture in America A -atural State o. 0s$chopath$9
0olitical 0onerolog$ A Science on The -ature o. )'il ad8usted .or 0olitical 0urposes
0s$chopath 's. Antisocial 0ersonalit$ %isorder and Sociopath$
0s$chopaths in Sheep3s Clothing An )+cerpt .rom the &ook In Sheep3s Clothing #$ George 5. Simon
The Cult o. the 0lausi&le "ie
The Genesis o. )'il on a 1acrosocial Scale
The Golden Age/ 0s$chopath$ and the Si+th )+tinction
The Inner "andscape o. the 0s$chopath
The 0s$chopath - The 1ask o. Sanit$
The 0s$chopath as 0h$sician )+cerpt .rom The 1ask o. Sanit$ &$ Her'e$ Cleckle$/ 1.%.
The 0s$chopath In Histor$ )+cerpts From DThe 1ask o. Sanit$D &$ Her'e$ 1. Cleckle$
The Trick o. the 0s$chopath3s Trade 1ake 6s #elie'e that )'il Comes .rom Others
!hat Is a 0s$chopath9
>>> - The 1ark o. the #east9
Ancient Israel/ *eligious %elusions and Growing 6p
#urton 1ack and A-::
Christianit$ or 1achia'elli and The )Ts
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art :
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art @
%arkness O'er Ti&et - 0art ?
Gnosticism and the Christian 1$th
(udaism and Christianit$ - Two Thousand 7ears o. "ies - >< 7ears o. State Terrorism
5arl *o'e3s *ewriting o. Histor$ is -othing -ew - Hope.ull$/ there will &e another 0rocopius to !rite
A&out the -eocons
O. Shoes and Ships and Sealing !a+
Order out o. Chaos
Schwaller de "u&icz and the Fourth *eich 0art :
Science and *eligion
St 1alach$ and The Toil o. the Sun
Supplement to the St. 0ete Times Article DThe )+orcist in "o'eD
Tales From The Cr$pt The 1umm$ *eturns to #ring *eligious !ar
The #east o. *e'elation and His )mpire
The Companions %e'oted to "i&ert$
The Fi.th Column
The Golden Age/ 0s$chopath$ and the Si+th )+tinction
The Hope
The "ost Gospel The #ook o. F and Christian Origins &$ #urton ". 1ack
The 1ost %angerous Cult in The !orld
The 0olitics o. Histor$
The Stargate Conspirac$
The True Identit$ o. Fulcanelli and The %a ,inci Code
The !hirling %er'ishes
Thirt$ 7ears o. Cults and Comets
!ars/ 0estilence and !itches
!itches/ Comets and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
!itches/ Comets/ and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
Cometar$ Showers/ Four Horsemen o. the Apocal$pse9
The Case For The 6FO
1$sterious Smoke *ings or !hen is a Cloud not a Cloud9
Supplement to the St. 0ete Times Article DThe )+orcist in "o'eD
Superno'ae ,ehicle o. Ascension9
St 1alach$ and The Toil o. the Sun
The 1ost %angerous Idea in the !orld
Al&ert )instein/ Free )nerg$ and The Strange %eaths o. 1orris 5. (essup and Ste.an 1arino'
Chemical Hallucinations/ 1ind Control/ and %r. (ose %elgado
The Green&aum Speech
Critical -otes on ,al ,alerian
Independence %a$
The High Strangeness o. %imensions/ and the 0rocess o. Alien A&duction
Hoagland/ H$perdimensions/ Space and Time
%iet and Health Fuestions and Can Smoking &e Good .or 7ou9
1eteor Clue To )nd o. 1iddle )ast Ci'ilisations Found
ABN - %a'e 1cGowan/ Hurricane 5atrina/ 0eak Oil and the Cassiopaeans
The 0s$chopath - The 1ask o. Sanit$
Fire And Ice The %a$ A.ter Tomorrow
Comet )lenin 6pdate2
)arth4uake A+is Shi.t - Is the !est Coast o. the 6.S. -e+t9
Climate Change Swindlers and the 0olitical Agenda
Forget A&out Glo&al !arming !e3re One Step From )+tinction2
The 7ounger %r$as Impact )'ent and the C$cles o. Cosmic Catastrophes - Climate Scientists
1a8esterium and the Tipping 0oint
The Golden Age/ 0s$chopath$ and the Si+th )+tinction
-ew "ight on the #lack %eath The Cosmic Connection
The Hazard to Ci'ilization .rom Fire&alls and Comets
!ars/ 0estilence and !itches
Comet #iela and 1rs. O3"ear$3s Cow
Tunguska/ the Horns o. the 1oon and )'olution
1eteorites/ Asteroids/ and Comets %amages/ %isasters/ In8uries/ %eaths/ and ,er$ Close Calls
Cosmic Turke$ Shoot
!itches/ Comets and 0lanetar$ Catacl$sms
)'idence That a Frozen Fish %idn3t Impact the 0entagon on AE::- and -either %id a #oeing ;C;
The Fi.th Column
Freedom o. Association/ Smoking and 0s$chopath$
Science and *eligion
HAA*0 and The Canar$ in the 1ine
Transmarginal Inhi&ition
"et3s All "ight 6p2
0olitical 0onerolog$ A Science on The -ature o. )'il ad8usted .or 0olitical 0urposes
Comet )lenin Har&inger o. !hat9
%isclosure and Comets
O. Shoes and Ships and Sealing !a+
A Structural Theor$ o. -arcissism and 0s$chopath$
Order out o. Chaos
The Hope
From the Fire Comes "ight 0art :
From the Fire Comes "ight 0art @
To #ee or not to #e
The %estruction o. the A:: Truth 1o'ement
Aliens %on3t "ike to )at 0eople That Smoke2
On *adiometric %ating
Companion Stars and Cometar$ Showers %oomsda$9
"aura 5night-(adcz$k Inter'iew on ##C *adio
The -ature o. 0unctuational Crises and the Spenglerian 1odel o. Ci'ilization
)OriP-)olas #reathing and 1editation 0rogram
The 6FO 0henomenon
Alien A&duction/ %emonic 0ossession/ and The "egend o. The ,ampire
Aliens and Cosmic COI-T)"0*O
Companion Stars and Cometar$ Showers %oomsda$9
Cosmic Spam D!e are contacting $ou .or a mutuall$ &ene.icial transaction...D
%isclosure and Comets
Fl$ing #lack #oomerangs and Clapham !ood
"et The Games #egin
1$sterious Smoke *ings or !hen is a Cloud not a Cloud9
*ichard %olan3s D6FOs and the -ational Securit$ StateD - Something !icked This !a$ Comes
The Case For The 6FO
The Haunted 6ni'erse &$ %. Scott *ogo
The High Strangeness o. %imensions/ and the 0rocess o. Alien A&duction
The Stargate Conspirac$
6ltra-terrestrials and AE::
!illiam 1ilton Cooper 5illed in )ntrapment
V is for Vendetta, COINTELPRO and the
Alternative Media
7ou ne'er know how much $ou reall$ &elie'e an$thing until its truth or .alsehood &ecomes a matter o. li.e
and death. It is eas$ to sa$ $ou &elie'e a rope is strong as long as $ou are merel$ using it to cord a &o+.
#ut/ suppose $ou had to hang &$ that rope o'er a precipice9 !ouldnMt $ou then .irst disco'er how much
$ou reall$ trusted it9
C.S. "ewis
The su&8ect o. COI-T)"0*O in the A:: Truth 1o'ement is &ecoming more and more contentious e'er$da$. #$ wa$
o. shedding some light upon this pro&lem/ I want to paraphrase a stor$ .rom the #i&le .ound in II Chronicles/ Chapter
:=. ItMs a classic description o. COI-T)"0*O
Once upon a time there were two kings o. two small kingdoms who were related &$ marriage. 5ing One decided to
pa$ a 'isit to his &rother-in-law/ 5ing Two. !hen he arri'ed .or his 'isit/ he was welcomed &$ the 5ing Two who had
prepared all sorts o. goodies and entertainment.
A.ter a great deal o. .easting and merriment/ 5ing Two told his &rother-in-law/ 5ing One/ that he was inclined to think
o. all o. his possessions as mutual and he hoped 5ing One .elt the same. This made 5ing One a &it ner'ous and he
wondered what all o. this was leading up to S and he was not long in .inding out. 5ing Two wanted to make war
against one o. his neigh&ors and take territor$ and spoil/ &ut/ in order to do this/ he needed help. He knew that his
&rother-in-law/ 5ing One/ had no such warlike am&itions/ and he had &een so.tening him up to ask .or his aid.
5ing One was a &it taken a&ack at this re4uest and asked i. the$ could call in some prophets to .ind out i. this plan was
a wise course to pursue. 5ing Two immediatel$ called in B<< Tappro'edU prophets. All o. them/ to a man/ commended
the plan and praised the acumen and am&ition o. their king. #ut/ 5ing One was still uneas$ S something 8ust did not
.eel right in his gut. He asked i. there was not 8ust one more prophet to consult. As it turned out/ there was/ &ut 5ing
Two warned the .irst king not to e+pect much .rom this .ellow .or there was hatred &etween himsel. and this o&no+ious
.ellow and this &ad .eeling made this last prophet pre8udiced against an$ plan o. 5ing Two. Ha'ing thoroughl$
assassinated the last prophetMs character/ he then called him in.
Sure enough/ the last prophet contradicted all B<< o. the other prophets and told 5ing Two that he would die i. he
went into &attle. To punish this rudeness/ 5ing Two had the o..ending oracle cast into prison to meditate on his
negati'it$ until the return o. the two kings and the triumphant arm$. The B<:st prophet got in the last dig &$ commenting
acidl$ to 5ing Two that he would certainl$ &e amazed i. he returned2
#ut/ 5ing Two had a plan. Ha'ing now persuaded his &rother-in-law/ 5ing One/ to accompan$ him on this war/ he
arranged to go into &attle dressed as a common soldier/ while his relation went attired in his kingl$ ro&es.
As it turned out/ the enem$ soldiers had &een instructed to immediatel$ seek out and kill onl$ 5ing Two. %uring the
course o. the engagement/ the enem$ soldiers chased a.ter the onl$ man attired as a king/ and/ .inding him to not &e the
man the$ were a.ter/ the$ turned in rage and .rustration and killed the nearest common soldier S who happened to &e
5ing Two.
There are se'eral important lessons in this stor$. The .irst is that when dealing with COI-T)"0*O/ we are dealing
with man$ unknown terms and unless .undamental alterations in acti'it$ and direction are made &$ knowing things that
are not apparent on the sur.ace/ $ou ha'e no possi&ilit$ o. success.
The second is truth 'er$ o.ten mani.ests in the 'er$ same ratio depicted in this stor$ S B<< to :.
A third/ and no less important lesson is/ people seldom want to hear the truth &ecause it is hard to gi'e up their warm
and .uzz$ &elie.s.
And/ .inall$/ the easiest wa$ to a'oid truth is to assassinate either the speaker or his character.
1an$ o. $ou reading this &log are aware o. the recent articles pu&lished on the !ing T, we&site regarding (e..
*ense/ Ale+ (ones/ 1ike *uppert/ and other leaders o. the so-called A:: Truth mo'ement. Interestingl$/ instead o.
*ense/ (ones and *uppert responding intelligentl$ to the issues raised/ the$ either respond with ad hominem attacks or
do not respond at all personall$. Howe'er/ it is clear that the$ are &othered &ecause o. the .act that a strange third
part$ de.amation attack on "isa Guliani &egan and it can clearl$ &e linked to Genesis Communication -etwork/
Ha'ing &een su&8ected to e+actl$ the same t$pe o. Third 0art$ Attack m$sel./ I recognized it .or what it was and
immediatel$ stood up with "isa to point out that there was simpl$ no e+cuse .or that kind o. .ilth &eing spewed a&out
an$one under the guise o. T.ree speech.U Funn$/ T.ree speechU was the same 8usti.ication gi'en .or spewing lies a&out
me and m$ .amil$. -ow/ &ecause we de.ended "isa and ,ictor/ this de.amation attack spread out to include our
own discussion .orum on numerous threads. It seems that the trolls were out in .orce.
!ell/ we are/ in general/ accustomed to COI-T)"0*O and .or the new reader who wants to know more/ I ha'e a
whole series o. #log posts on the su&8ect
Is The A&o'etopsecret Forum COI-T)"0*O9
How to spot COI-T)"0*O Agents
COI-T)"0*O 6pdates A&o'etopsecret
A&o'etopsecretcom COI-T)"0*O 6pdate
A&o'etopsecretcom COI-T)"0*O 6pdate-@
1ore Inside Scoops On A&o'etopsecret.com
The Spider and The Fl$
The C ult o. The 0lausi&le "ie
A&o'etopsecret.com )thics and google &om&s
COI-T)"0*O A&o'etopsecretcom and 0ro8ect S)*0O
A&o'etopsecret.com )G0OS)%2
A&o'etopsecret.com/ 0ro8ect S)*0O and 0s$-Ops
%estruction o. the A:: Truth 1o'ement
0rotocols o. the 0athocrats
Four-and-hal. 7ears
Smokescreens/ Snow8o&s and "ong 5ni'es
Is An$&od$ Getting It 7et9
Terrorism and the Three Sillies
-ew %octored ,ideo o. the 0entagon Attack 0ro'es that -o #oeing was In'ol'ed
So/ like I said/ weM'e &een dealing with this nonsense .or :B $ears/ long &e.ore A::K
#ut what was reall$ shocking in the attacks on "isa Guliani was the a&solute and utter .ilth that these &ottom .eeders
were resorting to. 7ou can read the descriptions o. the inception and progress o. the attacks on the !ing T, site/ &ut
8ust to gi'e $ou an idea one o. the *e'ereradio attack dogs posted an image on our .orum that was V to put it
delicatel$ V the most graphic representation o. coprophilia that our moderators had e'er seen. I canMt attest to this
&ecause I ha'e ne'er seen a representation o. coprophilia nor do I want to. I am aware that it was discussed in the
secret OSS report/ written &$ %r. !alter "anger and other American ps$choanal$sts/ released .inall$ in :A;: and
su&se4uentl$ pu&lished as a &ook/ The 1ind o. Adol. Hitler. That was &ack in the earl$ da$s o. our work on
ps$chopath$ at which time I also noted that Her'e$ Cleckle$/ in his seminal work on ps$chopath$ discussed the .act
that ps$chopaths seemed to need to Ttake 'acations into .ilthU as though &eha'ing in a ci'ilized wa$ was stress.ul on
them. Cleckle$ suggested that ps$chopaths gi'e Tindications o. a distaste .or li.e as it is ordinaril$ li'ed/ a nauseous
re8ection o. what is normall$ most appealing/ and an attitude toward the world that .inds in our chie. sources o. 8o$ the
e4ui'alent o. deca$ and .ilth.U In other words/ these arenMt 8ust people who ha'e issues o. lo'e and hate con.used/ the$
are indi'iduals who actuall$ deri'e pleasure .rom hurting other people the same wa$ a normal person .eels pleasure
.rom doing something nice .or another person. !hat a great &unch o. people *ense/ (ones and the rest o. them ha'e as
their T.ans.U Can we sa$ T&irds o. a .eather9U
-ow/ in order to consider this pro&lem intelligentl$/ there are some important concepts that I would like to co'er
&e.ore I get to the issue o. COI-T)"0*O in the A:: Truth 1o'ement &ecause these issues are crucial to
understanding 8ust e+actl$ what is going on here and TwhoMs on .irstU.
First o. all/ letMs get a reall$ good grip on the issue o. ps$chopath$. It is pro&a&l$ the most important thing $ouMll e'er
learn in $our entire li.e and $ou can take that to the &ank. 0s$chologist Andrew "o&aczewski descri&es the ps$chopath
as .ollows
)ssential ps$chopath$ KW"Xet us characterize another heredit$-transmitted anomal$ whose role in the
Wgeneration o. e'ilX on an$ social scale appears e+ceptionall$ great. K
Anal$sis o. the di..erent e+periential manner demonstrated &$ these indi'iduals caused us to conclude that
their instincti'e su&stratum is also de.ecti'e/ containing certain gaps and lacking the natural s$ntonic
responses commonl$ e'idenced &$ mem&ers o. the species Homo Sapiens. Our species instinct is our .irst
teacherY it sta$s with us e'er$where throughout our li'es. 6pon this de.ecti'e instincti'e su&stratum/ the
de.icits o. higher .eelings and the de.ormities and impo'erishments in ps$chological/ moral/ and social
concepts de'elop in correspondence with these gaps.
Our natural world o. concepts V &ased upon species instincts as descri&ed in an earlier chapter V strikes
the ps$chopath as a nearl$ incomprehensi&le con'ention with no 8usti.ication in their own ps$chological
e+perience. The$ think that customs and principles o. decenc$ are a .oreign con'ention in'ented and
imposed &$ someone else/ ITpro&a&l$ &$ priestsUJ sill$/ onerous/ sometimes e'en ridiculous. At the same
time/ howe'er/ the$ easil$ percei'e the de.iciencies and weaknesses o. our WunderstandingX o.
ps$chological and moral concepts in a manner somewhat reminiscent o. the attitude o. a contemporar$
ps$chologist V e+cept in caricature.
The a'erage intelligence o. the ps$chopath/ especiall$ i. measured 'ia commonl$ used tests/ is somewhat
lower than that o. normal people/ al&eit similarl$ 'ariegated. %espite the wide 'ariet$ o. intelligence and
interests/ this group does not contain e+amples o. the highest intelligence/ nor do we .ind technical or
cra.tsmanship talents among them. The most gi.ted mem&ers o. this kind ma$ thus achie'e
accomplishments in those sciences which do not re4uire a correct humanistic world 'iew or practical
skills. IAcademic decenc$ is another matter/ howe'er.J !hene'er we attempt to construct special tests to
measure Tli.e wisdomU or Tsocio-moral imaginationU/ e'en i. the di..iculties o. ps$chometric e'aluation are
taken into account/ indi'iduals o. this t$pe indicate a de.icit disproportionate to their personal IF.
In spite o. their de.iciencies in normal ps$chological and moral knowledge/ the$ de'elop and then ha'e at
their disposal a knowledge o. their own/ something lacked &$ people with a natural world 'iew. The$
learn to recognize each other in a crowd as earl$ as childhood/ and the$ de'elop an awareness o. the
e+istence o. other indi'iduals similar to them. The$ also &ecome conscious o. &eing di..erent .rom the
world o. those other people surrounding them. The$ 'iew us .rom a certain distance/ like a para-speci.ic
'ariet$. -atural human reactions V which o.ten .ail to elicit interest to normal people &ecause the$ are
considered sel.-e'ident V strike the ps$chopath as strange and/ interesting/ and e'en comical. The$
there.ore o&ser'e us/ deri'ing conclusions/ .orming their di..erent world o. concepts. The$ &ecome
e+perts in our weaknesses and sometimes e..ect heartless e+periments. The su..ering and in8ustice the$
cause inspire no guilt within them/ since such reactions .rom others are simpl$ a result o. their &eing
di..erent and appl$ onl$ to Tthose otherU people the$ percei'e to &e not 4uite conspeci.ic. -either a
normal person nor our natural world 'iew can .ull$ concei'e nor properl$ e'aluate the e+istence o. this
world o. di..erent concepts.
A researcher into such phenomena can glimpse the de'iant knowledge o. the ps$chopath through long-
term studies o. the personalities o. such people/ using it with some di..icult$/ like a .oreign language. K
A normal person can learn to speak their conceptual language e'en somewhat pro.icientl$/ &ut the
ps$chopath is ne'er a&le to incorporate the world 'iew o. a normal person/ although the$ o.ten tr$ to do
so all their li'es. The product o. their e..orts is onl$ a role and a mask &ehind which the$ hide their de'iant
Another m$th and role the$ o.ten pla$/ al&eit containing a grain o. truth in relation to the Tspecial
ps$chological knowledgeU that the ps$chopath ac4uires regarding normal people/ would &e the
ps$chopathsM &rilliant mind or ps$chological geniusY some o. them actuall$ &elie'e in this and attempt to
insinuate this &elie. to others. K
All researchers into ps$chopath$ underline three 4ualities primaril$ with regard to this most t$pical 'ariet$
The a&sence o. a sense o. guilt .or antisocial actions/ the ina&ilit$ to lo'e trul$/ and the tendenc$ to &e
garrulous in a wa$ which easil$ de'iates .rom realit$K.
Our .irst contact with the ps$chopath is characterized &$ a talkati'e stream which .lows with ease and
a'oids trul$ important matters with e4ual ease i. the$ are uncom.orta&le .or the speaker. His train o.
thought also a'oids those a&stract matters o. human .eelings and 'alues whose representation is a&sent in
the ps$chopathic world 'iew unless/ o. course/ he is &eing deli&eratel$ decepti'e/ in which case he will use
man$ T.eelingU words which care.ul scrutin$ will re'eal that he does not understand those words the same
wa$ normal people do. !e then also .eel we are dealing with an imitation o. the thought patterns o.
normal people/ in which something else is/ in .act/ TnormalU. From the logical point o. 'iew/ the .low o.
thought is ostensi&l$ correct/ al&eit perhaps remo'ed .rom commonl$ accepted criteria. A more detailed
.ormal anal$sis/ howe'er/ e'idences the use o. man$ suggesti'e paralogisms. K
One would e+pect them to .eel guilt$ as a conse4uence o. their man$ antisocial acts/ howe'er their lack o.
guilt is the result o. all their de.icits/ which we ha'e &een discussing here. The world o. normal people
whom the$ hurt is incomprehensi&le and hostile to them/ and li.e .or the ps$chopath is the pursuit o. its
immediate attractions/ moments o. pleasure/ and temporar$ .eelings o. power. K
In their &ook 0s$chopath$ and %elin4uenc$/ !. and (. 1cCord sa$ the .ollowing a&out them
The ps$chopath .eels little/ i. an$/ guilt. He can commit the most appalling acts/ $et 'iew them without
remorse. The 0s$chopath has a warped capacit$ .or lo'e. His emotional relationships/ when the$ e+ist/
are meager/ .leeting/ and designed to satis.$ his own desires. These last two traits/ guiltlessness and
lo'elessness/ conspicuousl$ mark the ps$chopath as di..erent .rom other men.
The pro&lem o. a ps$chopathMs moral and legal responsi&ilit$ thus remains open and su&8ect to 'arious
solutions/ .re4uentl$ summar$ or emotional/ in 'arious countries and circumstances. It remains a su&8ect o.
discussion whose solution does not appear possi&le within the .ramework o. the presentl$ accepted
principles o. legal thought.
-ow/ itMs prett$ eas$ to identi.$ the gutter t$pe o. ps$chopath which is in e'idence in the attacks on "isa Guliani/ &ut it
isnMt so eas$ to spot what we call the Tam&ulator$U ps$chopath/ and what some researchers call the Tsociall$ ad8ustedU
or TcompensatedU ps$chopath. These are indi'iduals who lack/ as "o&aczewskis descri&es it/ the normal human
instincti'e su&stratum/ &ut who are/ shall we sa$/ a &it smarter than their .ellows and learn how to mask their de.icits
e'en &etter &ecause it gets them what the$ want.
The claim that more Tps$chopathsU come .rom impo'erished &ackgrounds and are T'ictims o. societ$U seems to &e
coming under some re'ision. As *o&ert Hare points out/ $es/ there are man$ ps$chopaths who are also Tanti-socialsU
&ut there seem to &e .ar more o. them that would ne'er &e classi.ied as anti-social or Tsociopathic.U
In a recent paper/ TConstruct ,alidit$ o. 0s$chopath$ in a Communit$ Sample A -omological -et Approach/
Salekin/ Tro&st/ 5riouko'a/ (ournal o. 0ersonalit$ %isorders/ :CICJ/ B@C-BB:/ @<<:J/ the authors state
0s$chopath$/ as originall$ concei'ed &$ Cleckle$ I:AB:J/ is not limited to engagement in illegal acti'ities/
&ut rather encompasses such personalit$ characteristics as manipulati'eness/ insincerit$/ egocentricit$/ and
lack o. guilt V characteristics clearl$ present in criminals &ut also in spouses/ parents/ &osses/ attorne$s/
politicians/ and C)Os/ to name &ut a .ew. I#ursten/ :A;?Y Stewart/ :AA:J. Our own e+amination o. the
pre'alence o. ps$chopath$ within a uni'ersit$ population suggested that perhaps CN or more o. this
sample might &e deemed ps$chopathic/ although the 'ast ma8orit$ o. those will &e male Imore than :E:<
males 'ersus appro+imatel$ :9:<< .emalesJ.
As such/ ps$chopath$ ma$ &e characterized K as in'ol'ing a tendenc$ towards &oth dominance and
coldness. !iggins I:AACJ in summarizing numerous pre'ious .indingsK indicates that such indi'iduals are
prone to anger and irritation and are willing to e+ploit others. The$ are arrogant/ manipulati'e/ c$nical/
e+hi&itionistic/ sensation -seeking/ 1achia'ellian/ 'indicti'e/ and out .or their own gain. !ith respect to
their patterns o. social e+change IFoa Q Foa/ :A;BJ/ the$ attri&ute lo'e and status to themsel'es/ seeing
themsel'es as highl$ worth$ and important/ &ut prescri&e neither lo'e nor status to others/ seeing them as
unworth$ and insigni.icant. This characterization is clearl$ consistent with the essence o. ps$chopath$ as
commonl$ descri&ed.
The present in'estigation sought to answer some &asic 4uestions regarding the construct o. ps$chopath$ in
non .orensic settingsK In so doing we ha'e returned to Cleckle$Ms I:AB:J original emphasis on
ps$chopath$ as a personalit$ st$le not onl$ among criminals/ &ut also among success.ul indi'iduals within
the communit$.
!hat is clear .rom our .indings is that IaJ ps$chopath$ measures ha'e con'erged on a protot$pe o.
ps$chopath$ that in'ol'es a com&ination o. dominant and cold interpersonal characteristicsY I&J
ps$chopath$ does occur in the communit$ and at what might &e a higher than e+pected rateY and IcJ
ps$chopath$ appears to ha'e little o'erlap with personalit$ disorders aside .rom Antisocial 0ersonalit$
%isorder. K
Clearl$/ where much more work is needed is in understanding what .actors di..erentiate the a&iding
Ialthough perhaps not moral-a&idingJ ps$chopath .rom the law-&reaking ps$chopathY such research surel$
needs to make greater use o. non .orensic samples than has &een customar$ in the past.U
0s$chologist 1artha Stout writes
Imagine V i. $ou can V not ha'ing a conscience/ none at all/ no .eelings o. guilt or remorse no matter what
$ou do/ no limiting sense o. concern .or the well-&eing o. strangers/ .riends/ or e'en .amil$ mem&ers.
Imagine no struggles with shame/ not a single one in $our whole li.e/ no matter what kind o. sel.ish/ laz$/
harm.ul/ or immoral action $ou had taken.
And pretend that the concept o. responsi&ilit$ is unknown to $ou/ e+cept as a &urden others seem to
accept without 4uestion/ like gulli&le .ools.
-ow add to this strange .antas$ the a&ilit$ to conceal .rom other people that $our ps$chological makeup
is radicall$ di..erent .rom theirs. Since e'er$one simpl$ assumes that conscience is uni'ersal among human
&eings/ hiding the .act that $ou are conscience-.ree is nearl$ e..ortless.
7ou are not held &ack .rom an$ o. $our desires &$ guilt or shame/ and $ou are ne'er con.ronted &$ others
.or $our cold-&loodedness. The ice water in $our 'eins is so &izarre/ so completel$ outside o. their
personal e+perience/ that the$ seldom e'en guess at $our condition.
In other words/ $ou are completel$ .ree o. internal restraints/ and $our unhampered li&ert$ to do 8ust as
$ou please/ with no pangs o. conscience/ is con'enientl$ in'isi&le to the world.
7ou can do an$thing at all/ and still $our strange ad'antage o'er the ma8orit$ o. people/ who are kept in
line &$ their consciences will most likel$ remain undisco'ered.
How will $ou li'e $our li.e9
!hat will $ou do with $our huge and secret ad'antage/ and with the corresponding handicap o. other
people IconscienceJ9
The answer will depend largel$ on 8ust what $our desires happen to &e/ &ecause people are not all the
same. )'en the pro.oundl$ unscrupulous are not all the same. Some people V whether the$ ha'e a
conscience or not V .a'or the ease o. inertia/ while others are .illed with dreams and wild am&itions. Some
human &eings are &rilliant and talented/ some are dull-witted/ and most/ conscience or not/ are somewhere
in &etween. There are 'iolent people and non'iolent ones/ indi'iduals who are moti'ated &$ &lood lust and
those who ha'e no such appetites. W...X
0ro'ided $ou are not .orci&l$ stopped/ $ou can do an$thing at all.
I. $ou are &orn at the right time/ with some access to .amil$ .ortune/ and $ou ha'e a special talent .or
whipping up other peopleMs hatred and sense o. depri'ation/ $ou can arrange to kill large num&ers o.
unsuspecting people. !ith enough mone$/ $ou can accomplish this .rom .ar awa$/ and $ou can sit &ack
sa.el$ and watch in satis.action. W...X
Craz$ and .rightening V and real/ in a&out B percent o. the populationK.
The pre'alence rate .or anore+ic eating disorders is estimated a ?.B? percent/ deemed to &e nearl$
epidemic/ and $et this .igure is a .raction lower than the rate .or antisocial personalit$. The high-pro.ile
disorders classed as schizophrenia occur in onl$ a&out : percent o. Wthe populationX V a mere 4uarter o.
the rate o. antisocial personalit$ V and the Centers .or %isease Control and 0re'ention sa$ that the rate o.
colon cancer in the 6nited States/ considered Talarmingl$ high/U is a&out B< per :<</<<< V one hundred
times lower than the rate o. antisocial personalit$.
The high incidence o. sociopath$ in human societ$ has a pro.ound e..ect on the rest o. us who must li'e on
this planet/ too/ e'en those o. us who ha'e not &een clinicall$ traumatized. The indi'iduals who constitute
this B percent drain our relationships/ our &ank accounts/ our accomplishments/ our sel.-esteem/ our 'er$
peace on earth.
7et surprisingl$/ man$ people know nothing a&out this disorder/ or i. the$ do/ the$ think onl$ in terms o.
'iolent ps$chopath$ V murderers/ serial killers/ mass murderers V people who ha'e conspicuousl$ &roken
the law man$ times o'er/ and who/ i. caught/ will &e imprisoned/ ma$&e e'en put to death &$ our legal
!e are not commonl$ aware o./ nor do we usuall$ identi.$/ the larger num&er o. non'iolent sociopaths
among us/ people who o.ten are not &latant law&reakers/ and against whom our .ormal legal s$stem
pro'ides little de.ense.
1ost o. us would not imagine an$ correspondence &etween concei'ing an ethnic genocide and/ sa$/
guiltlessl$ l$ing to oneMs &oss a&out a coworker. #ut the ps$chological correspondence is not onl$ thereY it
is chilling. Simple and pro.ound/ the link is the a&sence o. the inner mechanism that &eats up on us/
emotionall$ speaking/ when we make a choice we 'iew as immoral/ unethical/ neglect.ul/ or sel.ish.
1ost o. us .eel mildl$ guilt$ i. we eat the last piece o. cake in the kitchen/ let alone what we would .eel i.
we intentionall$ and methodicall$ set a&out to hurt another person.
Those who ha'e no conscience at all are a group unto themsel'es/ whether the$ &e homicidal t$rants or
merel$ ruthless social snipers.
The presence or a&sence o. conscience is a deep human di'ision/ argua&l$ more signi.icant than
intelligence/ race/ or e'en gender.
!hat di..erentiates a sociopath who li'es o.. the la&ors o. others .rom one who occasionall$ ro&s
con'enience stores/ or .rom one who is a contemporar$ ro&&er &aron V or what makes the di..erence
&etwen an ordinar$ &ull$ and a sociopathic murderer V is nothing more than social status/ dri'e/ intellect/
&lood lust/ or simple opportunit$.
!hat distinguishes all o. these people .rom the rest o. us is an utterl$ empt$ hole in the ps$che/ where
there should &e the most e'ol'ed o. all humanizing .unctions. W1artha Stout/ 0h.%./ The Sociopath -e+t
%oorX Ihighl$ recommendedJ
-ow/ let me &ack up 8ust a minute and e+plain a&out the instincti'e su&stratum which "o&aczewski descri&es as &eing
at the root o. ps$chopath$/ i.e. theirs is either de.ecti'e or Tdi..erent.U This is crucial to our understanding o. 8ust how
and wh$ ps$chopaths are 4uite literall$ a di..erent species. Again/ I will 4uote e+cerpts .rom "o&aczewski
In order to understand humanit$/ howe'er/ we must gain a primar$ understanding o. mankindMs instincti'e
su&stratum and appreciate its salient role in the li.e o. indi'iduals and societies. This role easil$ escapes our
notice/ since our human speciesM instincti'e responses seem so sel.-e'ident and are so much taken .or
granted that it arouses insu..icient interest. A ps$chologist/ schooled in the o&ser'ation o. human &eings/
does not .ull$ appreciate the role o. this eternal phenomenon o. nature until he has $ears o. pro.essional
1anMs instincti'e su&stratum has a slightl$ di..erent &iological structure than that o. animals. )nergeticall$
speaking/ it has &ecome less d$namic and &ecome more plastic/ there&$ gi'ing up its 8o& as the main
dictator o. &eha'ior. It has &ecome more recepti'e to the controls o. reasoning/ without/ howe'er/ losing
much o. the rich speci.ic contents o. the human kind.
It is precisel$ this ph$logeneticall$ de'eloped &asis .or our e+perience/ and its emotional d$namism/ that
allow indi'iduals to de'elop their .eelings and social &ounds/ ena&ling us to intuit other peopleMs
ps$chological state and indi'idual or social ps$chological realit$. It is thus possi&le to percei'e and
understand human customs and moral 'alues. From in.anc$/ this su&stratum stimulates 'arious acti'ities
aiming at the de'elopment o. the mindMs higher .unctions. In other words/ our instinct is our .irst tutor/
whom we carr$ inside all our li'es. 0roper child-rearing is thus not limited to teaching a $oung person to
control the o'erl$ 'iolent reactions o. his instinctual emotionalismY it also ought to teach him to appreciate
the wisdom o. nature contained and speaking through his instincti'e endowment
This su&stratum contains millions o. $earsM worth o. &io-ps$chological de'elopment that was the product
o. speciesM li.e conditions/ so it neither is nor can &e a per.ect creation. Our well known weaknesses o.
human nature and errors in the natural perception and comprehension o. realit$ ha'e thus &een
conditioned on that ph$logenetic le'el .or millennia.
The common su&stratum o. ps$cholog$ has made it possi&le .or peoples throughout the centuries and
ci'ilizations to create concepts regarding human/ social/ and moral matters which share signi.icant
Inter-epochal and interracial 'ariations in this area are less striking than those di..erentiating persons
whose instinctual human su&stratum is normal .rom those who are carriers o. an instinctual &io-
ps$chological de.ect/ though the$ are mem&ers o. the same race and ci'ilization. K
1an has li'ed in groups throughout his prehistor$/ so our speciesM instinctual su&stratum was shaped in
this tie/ thus conditioning our emotions as regards the mining o. e+istence. The need .or an appropriate
internal structure o. commonalit$/ and a stri'ing to achie'e a worth$ role within that structure/ are encoded
at this 'er$ le'el. In the .inal anal$sis/ our sel.-preser'ation instinct is ri'aled &$ another .eeling the good o.
societ$ demands that we make sacri.ices/ sometimes e'en the supreme sacri.ice. At the same time/
howe'er/ it is worth pointing out that i. we lo'e a man/ we lo'e his human instinct a&o'e all.
Our zeal to control an$one harm.ul to oursel'es or our group is so primal in its near-re.le+ necessit$ as to
lea'e no dou&t that it is also encoded at the instinctual le'el.
Our instinct/ howe'er/ does not di..erentiate &etween &eha'ior
moti'ated &$ simple human .ailure and &eha'ior per.ormed &$ indi'iduals with pathological a&errations.
Fuite the contrar$ we instincti'el$ tend to 8udge the latter more se'erel$/ harkening to natureMs stri'ing to
eliminate &iologicall$ or ps$chologicall$ de.ecti'e indi'iduals. Our tendenc$ to such e'il generating error is
thus conditioned at the instinctual le'el.
It is also at this le'el that di..erences &egin to occur &etween normal indi'iduals/ in.luencing the .ormation
o. their characters/ world 'iews/ and attitudes. The primar$ di..erences are in the &io-ps$chical d$namism
o. this su&stratumY di..erences o. content are secondar$. For some people the sthenic instinct supersedes
ps$cholog$Y .or others/ it easil$ relin4uishes control to reason. It also appears that some people ha'e a
somewhat richer and more su&tle instinctual endowment than others. Signi.icant de.iciencies in this heritage
ne'ertheless occur in onl$ a tin$ percentage o. the human populationY and we percei'e this to &e
4ualitati'el$ pathological. !e shall ha'e to pa$ closer attention to such anomalies/ since the$ participate in
that pathogenesis o. e'il which we would like to understand more .ull$.
A more su&tle structure o. e..ect is &uilt upon our instinctual su&stratum/ thanks to constant cooperation
.rom the latter as well as .amilial and societal child-rearing practices. !ith time/ this structure &ecomes a
more easil$ o&ser'a&le component o. our personalit$/ within which it pla$s an integrati'e role. This higher
e..ect is instrumental in linking us to societ$/ which is wh$ its correct de'elopment is a proper dut$ o.
pedagogues and constitutes one o. the o&8ects o. a ps$chotherapistMs e..orts/ i. percei'ed to &e
a&normall$ .ormed. #oth pedagogues and ps$chotherapists sometimes .eel helpless/ i. this process o.
.ormation was in.luenced &$ a de.ecti'e instinctual su&stratum.
Thanks to memor$/ that phenomenon e'er &etter descri&ed &$ ps$cholog$/ &ut whose nature remains
partl$ m$sterious/ man stores li.e-e+periences and purposel$ ac4uired knowledge. There are e+tensi'e
indi'idual 'ariations in regard to this capacit$/ its 4ualit$/ and its contents. A $oung person also looks at
the world di..erentl$ .rom an old man endowed with a good memor$. 0eople with a good memor$ and a
great deal o. knowledge ha'e a greater tendenc$ to reach .or the written data o. collecti'e memor$ in
order to supplement their own.
This collected material constitutes the su&8ect matter o. the second ps$chological process/ namel$
associationY our understanding o. its characteristics is constantl$ impro'ing/ although we ha'e not $et &een
a&le to shed su..icient light upon its nurturance. In spite o./ or ma$&e thanks to/ the 'alue 8udgments
contri&uted to this 4uestion &$ ps$chologists and ps$choanal$sts/ it appears that achie'ing a satis.actor$
s$nthetic understanding o. the associati'e processes will not &e possi&le unless and until we hum&l$ decide
to cross the &oundaries o. purel$ scienti.ic comprehension.
Our reasoning .aculties continue to de'elop throughout our entire acti'e li'es/ thus/ accurate 8udgmental
a&ilities do not peak until our hair starts gre$ing and the dri'e o. instinct/ emotion/ and ha&it &egins to
a&ate. It is a collecti'e product deri'ed .rom an interaction &etween man and his en'ironment/ and .rom
man$ generationsM worth o. creation and transmission. The en'ironment ma$ also ha'e a destructi'e
in.luence upon the de'elopment o. our reasoning .aculties. In its en'ironment in particular/ the human mind
is contaminated &$ con'ersi'e thinking/ which is the most common anomal$ in this process. It is .or this
reason that the proper de'elopment o. mind re4uires periods o. solitar$ re.lection on occasion.
1an has also de'eloped a ps$chological .unction not .ound among animals. Onl$ man can apprehend a
certain 4uantit$ o. material or a&stract imaginings within his .ield o. attention/ inspecting them internall$ in
order to e..ect .urther operations
o. the mind upon this material. This ena&les us to con.ront .acts/ a..ect constructi'e and technical
operations/ and predict .uture results.
I. the .acts su&8ected to internal pro8ection and inspection deal with manMs own personalit$/ man per.orms
an act o. introspection essential .or monitoring the state o. a human personalit$ and the meaning o. his own
&eha'ior. This act o. internal pro8ection and inspection complements our consciousnessY it characterizes
no species other than the human. Howe'er/ there is e+ceptionall$ wide di'ergence among indi'iduals
regarding the capacit$ .or such mental acts. The e..icienc$ o. this mental .unction shows a somewhat low
statistical correlation with general intelligence.
Thus/ i. we speak o. manMs general intelligence/ we must take into account &oth its internal structure and
the indi'idual di..erences occurring at e'er$ le'el o. this structure. The su&stratum o. our intelligence/ a.ter
all/ contains natureMs instinctual heritage o. wisdom and error/ gi'ing rise to the &asic intelligence o. li.e
e+perience. Superimposed upon this construct/ thanks to memor$ and the associati'e capacit$/ is our
a&ilit$ to e..ect comple+ operations o. thought/ crowned &$ the act o. internal pro8ection/ and to constantl$
impro'e their correctness. !e are 'ariousl$ endowed with these capa&ilities/ which makes .or a mosaic o.
indi'iduall$ 'ariegated talents.
#asic intelligence grows .rom this instinctual su&stratum under the in.luence o. an amica&le en'ironment
and a readil$ accessi&le compendium o. human e+perienceY it is intertwined with higher e..ect/ ena&ling us
to understand others and to intuit their ps$chological state &$ means o. some nai'e realism. This conditions
the de'elopment o. moral reason.
This la$er o. our intelligence is widel$ distri&uted within societ$Y the o'erwhelming ma8orit$ o. people ha'e
it/ which is wh$ we can so o.ten admire the tact/ the intuition/ o. social relationships/ and sensi&le moralit$
o. people whose intellectual gi.ts are onl$ a'erage. !e also see people with an outstanding intellect who
lack these 'er$ natural 'alues. As is the case with de.iciencies in the instinctual su&stratum/ the de.icits o.
this &asic structure o. our intelligence .re4uentl$ take on .eatures we percei'e as pathological.
The distri&ution o. human intellectual capacit$ within societies is completel$ di..erent/ and its amplitude has
the greatest scope. Highl$ gi.ted people constitute a tin$ percentage o. each population/ and those with the
highest 4uotient o. intelligence constitute onl$ a .ew per thousand. In spite o. this/ howe'er/ the latter pla$
such a signi.icant role in collecti'e li.e that an$ societ$ attempting to pre'ent them .rom .ul.illing their dut$
does so at its own peril. At the same time/ indi'iduals &arel$ a&le to master simple arithmetic and the art o.
writing are/ in the ma8orit$/ normal people whose &asic intelligence is o.ten entirel$ ade4uate.
It is a uni'ersal law o. nature that the higher a gi'en speciesM ps$chological organization/ the greater the
ps$chological di..erences among indi'idual units.
1an is the most highl$ organized speciesY hence/ these 'ariations are the greatest. #oth 4ualitati'el$ and
4uantitati'el$/ ps$chological di..erences occur in all structures o. the human personalit$ dealt with here/
al&eit in terms o. necessar$ o'ersimpli.ication. 0ro.ound ps$chological 'ariegations ma$ strike some as an
in8ustice o. nature/ &ut the$ are her right and ha'e meaning.
-atureMs seeming in8ustice/ alluded to a&o'e/ is/ in .act/ a great gi.t to humanit$/ ena&ling human societies
to de'elop their comple+ structures and to &e highl$ creati'e at &oth the indi'idual and collecti'e le'el.
Thanks to ps$chological 'ariet$/ the creati'e potential o. an$ societ$ is man$ times higher than it could
possi&l$ &e i. our species were ps$chologicall$ more homogeneous. Thanks to these 'ariations/ the
societal structure implicit within can also de'elop. The .ate o. human societies depends upon the proper
ad8ustment o. indi'iduals within this structure and upon the manner in which innate 'ariations o. talents are
Our e+perience teaches us that ps$chological di..erences among people are the cause o.
misunderstandings and pro&lems. !e can o'ercome these pro&lems onl$ i. we accept ps$chological
di..erences as a law o. nature and appreciate their creati'e 'alue. This would also ena&le us to gain an
o&8ecti'e comprehension o. man and human societiesY un.ortunatel$/ it would also teach us that e4ualit$
under the law is ine4ualit$ under the law o. nature.
The human personalit$ is unsta&le &$ its 'er$ nature/ and a li.elong e'olutionar$ process is the normal state
o. a..airs. Some political and religious s$stems ad'ocate slowing down this process or achie'ing e+cessi'e
sta&ilit$ in our personalities/ &ut these are unhealth$ states .rom the point o. 'iew o. ps$cholog$. I. the
e'olution o. a human personalit$ or world 'iew &ecomes .rozen long and deepl$ enough/ the condition
enters the realm o. ps$chopatholog$. The process o. personalit$ trans.ormation re'eals its meaning thanks
to its own creati'e nature which is &ased on the conscious acceptance o. this creati'e changing as the
natural course o. e'ents.
Our personalities also pass through temporar$ destructi'e periods as a result o. 'arious li.e e'ents/
especiall$ i. we undergo su..ering or meet with situations or circumstances which are at 'ariance with our
prior e+periences and imaginings. These so-called disintegrati'e stages are o.ten unpleasant/ although not
necessaril$ so. A good dramatic work/ .or instance/ ena&les us to e+perience a disintegrati'e state/
simultaneousl$ calming down the unpleasant components and .urnishing creati'e ideas .or a renewed
reintegration o. our own personalities. True theater there.ore causes the condition known as catharsis.
A disintegrati'e state pro'okes us to mental e..orts in attempts to o'ercome it in order to regain acti'e
homeostasis. O'ercoming such states/ in e..ect/ correcting our errors and enriching our personalities/ is a
proper and creati'e process o. reintegration/ leading to a higher le'el o. understanding and acceptance o.
the laws o. li.e/ to a &etter comprehension o. sel. and others/ and to a more highl$ de'eloped sensiti'it$ in
interpersonal relationships. Our .eelings also 'alidate the success.ul achie'ement o. a reintegrati'e state
the unpleasant conditions we ha'e sur'i'ed are endowed with meaning. Thus/ the e+perience renders us
&etter prepared to con.ront the ne+t disintegrati'e situation.
I./ howe'er/ we ha'e pro'ed una&le to master the pro&lems which occurred &ecause our re.le+es were
too 4uick to repress and su&stitute the uncom.orta&le material .rom our consciousness/ or .or some similar
reason/ our personalit$ undergoes retroacti'e egotizationK
The a&o'e-mentioned statements a&out human nature appl$ to normal people/ with a .ew e+ceptions.
Howe'er/ each societ$ on earth contains a certain percentage o. indi'iduals/ a relati'el$ small &ut acti'e
minorit$/ who cannot &e considered normal.
!e emphasize that here we are dealing with 4ualitati'e/ not statistical/ a&normalit$. Outstandingl$
intelligent persons are statisticall$ a&normal/ &ut the$ can &e 4uite normal mem&ers o. societ$ .rom the
4ualitati'e point o. 'iew. !e are going to &e looking at indi'iduals that are statisticall$ small in num&er/ &ut
whose 4ualit$ o. di..erence is such that it can a..ect hundreds/ thousands/ e'en millions o. other human
&eings in negati'e wa$s.
The indi'iduals we wish to consider are people who re'eal mor&id phenomena/ and in whom mental
de'iations and anomalies o. 'arious 4ualities and intensities can &e o&ser'ed. 1an$ such people are
dri'en &$ internal an+ieties the$ search .or uncon'entional paths o. action and ad8ustment to li.e with a
certain characteristic h$peracti'it$. In some cases/ such acti'it$ can &e pioneering and creati'e/ which
ensures societal tolerance .or some o. these indi'iduals. Some ps$chiatrists/ especiall$ Germans/ ha'e
praised such people as em&od$ing the principal inspiration .or the de'elopment o. ci'ilizationY this is a
damagingl$ unilateral 'iew o. realit$. "a$men in the .ield o. ps$chopatholog$ .re4uentl$ gain the impression
that such persons represent some e+traordinar$ talents. This 'er$ science/ howe'er/ then goes on to
e+plain that these indi'idualsM h$peracti'it$ and sense o. &eing e+ceptional are deri'ed .rom their dri'e to
o'ercompensate .or a .eeling o. some de.icienc$. This a&errant attitude results in the o&scuration o. the
truth that normal people are the richest o. all. W...X
-ature has designed man to &e social/ a state o. a..airs encoded earl$/ on the instinctual le'el o. our
species as descri&ed a&o'e. Our minds and personalities could not possi&l$ de'elop without contact and
interaction with an e'er-widening circle o. people. Our mind recei'es input .rom others/ whether
consciousl$ or unconsciousl$/ in regard to matters o. emotional and mental li.e/ tradition and thought/ &$
means o. resonant sensiti'it$/ identi.ication/ imitation/ and &$ e+change o. ideas/ and permanent rules. The
material we o&tain in these wa$s is then trans.ormed &$ our ps$che in order to create a new human
personalit$/ one we call Tour ownU. Howe'er/ our e+istence is contingent upon necessar$ links with those
who li'ed &e.ore/ those who presentl$ make up our societ$/ and those who shall e+ist in the .uture. Our
e+istence onl$ assumes meaning as a .unction o. societal &ondsY hedonistic isolation causes us to lose our
It is manMs .ate to acti'el$ cooperate in gi'ing shape to the .ate o. societ$ &$ two principal means .orming
his indi'idual and .amil$ li.e within it/ and &ecoming acti'e in the sum total o. social a..airs &ased on his V
hope.ull$ su..icient V comprehension o. what needs to &e done/ what ought to &e done/ and whether or
not he can do it. This re4uires an indi'idual to de'elop two somewhat o'erlapping areas o. knowledge
a&out thingsY his li.e depends on the 4ualit$ o. this de'elopment/ as does his nation and humanit$ as a
whole. W...X
Throughout the ages and in 'arious cultures/ the &est pedagogues ha'e understood the importance/
regarding the .ormation o. a culture and a personMs character/ o. the scope o. concepts descri&ing
ps$chological phenomena. The 4ualit$ and richness o. concepts and terminolog$ mastered &$ an indi'idual
and societ$/ as well as the degree to which the$ appro+imate an o&8ecti'e world 'iew/ condition the
de'elopment o. our moral and social attitudes. The correctness o. our understanding o. sel. and others
characterizes the components conditioning our decisions and choices/ &e the$ mundane or important/ in
our pri'ate li'es and social acti'ities.
-ote "o&aczewskiMs emphasis on language is 'er$ important. Semiotics is the stud$ o. language or an$ other s$m&ol
s$stem that con'e$s meaning. One o. the great philosophical discussions that has continued .or centuries relates to that
o. the alpha&et gi'er and TnamerU o. things. Adam is/ o. course/ the one we think o. when we think o. the Tgi'ing o.
namesU to things. In terms o. the stud$ o. Semiotics/ the 4uestion is did he name things &ased on what the$ were/ in
essence/ or did he simpl$ create a con'ention/ and ar&itraril$ name them whate'er appealed to him9
The theories o. Semiotics propose that there are two le'els/ or Tplanes o. articulation.U At the le'el o. an$ gi'en
language/ such as Greek/ )nglish/ Chinese/ or whate'er/ there is what the$ call the T)+pression planeU that consists o. a
le+icon/ a phonolog$ and s$nta+. In other words/ the )+pression 0lane is the selection o. words that &elong to that
language/ the sounds that the selection o. words produce/ and the wa$ the$ are arranged to con'e$ meaning. That is the
.irst plane. The second plane is called the Content 0lane. This is the arra$ o. concepts that the language is capa&le o.
e+pressing. This last is rather important &ecause/ as we ha'e all heard at least once in our li'es/ )skimos ha'e man$
words .or snow while people who do not li'e in an en'ironment where snow and ice are the dominant .eatures/ ma$
onl$ ha'e one or two words .or these phenomena.
So it is that the TContent 0laneU o. a language &ecomes crucial to what can &e discussed in that language. In order .or
the sounds o. speech to &e meaning.ul/ the words .ormed out o. these sounds must ha'e a meaning associated with
them. In other words/ the sounds relate to the Content. The Content Continuum represents the 6ni'erse or realit$ to
which our words relate as we are capa&le o. concei'ing it. !e will see this issue again as ps$chopathic Tdou&letalkU
.urther on.
"o&aczewski is rightl$ pointing out that the normal person Inot to mention ps$cholog$ as a whole/ though to a lesser
e+tentJ/ has an e+tremel$ limited understanding o. ps$cholog$ &ecause we do not ha'e an ade4uate ps$chological
'oca&ular$ due to the .act that the content continuum o. understanding has &een arti.iciall$ truncated/ repressed/ or
otherwise diminished.
The le'el and 4ualit$ o. a gi'en societ$Ms ps$chological world'iew is also a condition o. realization o. the
.ull socio-ps$chological structure present as a potential in the ps$chological 'ariet$ within our species.
Onl$ when we can understand a person in relation to his actual internal contents/ not some su&stituted
e+ternal la&el/ can we help him along his path to proper ad8ustment to social li.e/ which would &e to his
ad'antage and would also assist in the creation o. a sta&le and creati'e structure o. societ$.
Supported &$ a proper .eel .or/ and understanding o./ ps$chological 4ualities/ such a structure would
impart high social o..ice to indi'iduals possessing &oth .ull ps$chological normalit$/ su..icient talent and
speci.ic preparation. The &asic collecti'e intelligence o. the masses o. people would then respect and
support them.
Howe'er/ there ha'e alwa$s &een Tsociet$ pedagoguesU/ less outstanding &ut more numerous/ who ha'e
&ecome .ascinated &$ their own great ideas/ which might/ sometimes/ e'en &e true/ &ut are more o.ten
constricted or contain the taint o. some hidden pathological thought processes. Such people ha'e alwa$s
stri'en to impose pedagogical methods which would impo'erish and de.orm the de'elopment o.
indi'idualsM and societiesM ps$chological world 'iewY the$ in.lict permanent harm upon societies/ depri'ing
them o. uni'ersall$ use.ul 'alues. #$ claiming to act in the name o. a more 'alua&le idea/ such pedagogues
actuall$ undermine the 'alues the$ claim and open the door .or destructi'e ideologies.
At the same time/ as we ha'e alread$ mentioned/ each societ$ contains a small &ut acti'e minorit$ o.
persons with 'arious de'iant world'iews/ especiall$ in the areas treated a&o'e/ which are caused either &$
ps$chological anomalies/ to &e discussed &elow/ or &$ the long-term in.luence o. such anomalies upon
their ps$ches/ especiall$ during childhood. Such people later e+ert a pernicious in.luence upon the
.ormati'e process o. the ps$chological world 'iew in societ$/ whether &$ direct acti'it$ or &$ means o.
written or other transmission/ especiall$ i. the$ engage in the ser'ice o. some ideolog$ or other.
The point o. the a&o'e digression is to &ring to the .ore.ront o. our awareness a most crucial issue that societ$ contains
people who carr$ the ps$chological results o. social malad8ustment and this is at the root o. most o. our pro&lems.
"o&aczewski goes into this in more detail/ &ut .or the moment/ those details arenMt rele'ant to our discussion. !hat is
rele'ant is that in our societ$/ it seems that/ .or the ma8orit$ o. people/ their &asic intelligence/ ps$chological world 'iew/
and moral reasoning ha'e de'eloped improperl$. In a minorit$ o. theses cases the pro&lem is that the indi'idual carries
the cause within themsel'es as a genetic de.ect. In other cases Imost o. themJ/ people ha'e &een su&8ected to
ps$chologicall$ a&normal people as children not to mention ps$chologicall$ a&normal input .rom the mass media which
V it seems V has &een utilized .or 8ust this purpose. Howe'er the malad8ustment occurs/ the end result is that such
indi'idualsM comprehension o. social and moral 4uestions is di..erent/ &oth .rom the natural and .rom the o&8ecti'e
'iewpointY such people constitute a destructi'e .actor .or the de'elopment o. societ$Ms ps$chological concepts/ social
structure/ and internal &onds especiall$ i. the$ grow up to &ecome ps$chologists/ ps$chiatrists/ doctors/ teachers/
8udges/ politicians/ mem&ers o. the clerg$/ and so on. 1ore .rightening still/ these are the 'er$ pro.essions that attract
these t$pes2
The pro&lems arise .rom a related .actor such indi'iduals .eel acutel$ their TdisconnectU and this is .elt as a sort o.
ThungerU V a hole that needs .illing V which/ utilizing their alread$ twisted and de'iant natures/ the$ seek to .eed with a
certain characteristic h$peracti'it$. As "o&aczewski sa$s/ Tthe$ easil$ interpenetrate the social structure with a rami.ied
network o. mutual pathological conspiracies poorl$ connected to the main social structure. These people and their
networks participate in the genesis o. that e'il which spares no nation. This su&structure gi'es &irth to dreams o.
o&taining power and imposing oneMs will upon societ$/ and is 4uite o.ten actuall$ &rought a&out in 'arious countries/
and during historical times as well. It is .or this reason that a signi.icant portion o. our consideration shall &e de'oted to
an understanding o. this age-old and dangerous source o. pro&lems.U
And so it is/ de'iants dream o. gaining power and imposing their will on others in order to .eed their ps$chological
de.icits. -ormal people who arenMt aware o. this are sitting ducks/ eas$ pre$. Such indi'iduals are constantl$ on the
look-out/ scanning what is going on in their realit$/ looking .or a plat.orm .rom which to launch themsel'es into making
their dreams o. power and control V authorit$ and respect included V come true. The$ are attracted to such
opportunities like ducks to a (une&ug.
That descri&es the alternati'e media and the A:: Truth 1o'ement to a TTU a plat.orm .or de'iants to launch
themsel'es to positions o. power and authorit$.
-ow/ $es/ I can &e considered to &e a Tmem&er o. the Althernati'e 1ediaU and something o. a A:: Truth seeker. So
where do I get o.. pointing out all o. this stu.. and suggesting that the Tmo'ementU is not what it is proclaimed to &e9
!e will come to that. The short answer is that I ne'er started out with an$ intention o. &eing part o. the A:: Truth
1o'ement and I certainl$ ne'er had an$ ideas o. &eing in'ol'ed in an$thing that had the least tendenc$ toward politics.
In an$ e'ent/ letMs look &ack at our little stor$ a&out the B<: 0rophets. !hen we notice the B<:st prophet coming on
the scene and certain things are said a&out him
5ing Two warned the .irst king not to e+pect much .rom this .ellow .or there was hatred &etween himsel.
and this o&no+ious .ellow and this &ad .eeling made this last prophet pre8udiced against an$ plan o. 5ing
Two. Ha'ing thoroughl$ assassinated the last prophetMs character/ he then called him in.
Sure enough/ the last prophet contradicted all B<< o. the other prophetsK
-ow/ it is eas$ to suggest that the alternati'e media and the A:: Truth 1o'ement itsel. is the TB<:st 0rophetU standing
against the go'ernment part$ line and its media shills &ut there is something else we need to consider here 0rotocol :@.
"etMs take a 4uick look at some o. the items on that list
0rotocol :@ Control o. the 0ress
!e shall deal with the press in the .ollowing wa$ what is the part pla$ed &$ the press to-da$9 It ser'es to
e+cite and in.lame those passions which are needed .or our purpose or else it ser'es sel.ish ends o.
parties. It is o.ten 'apid/ un8ust/ mendacious/ and the ma8orit$ o. the pu&lic ha'e not the slightest idea what
ends the press reall$ ser'es. !e shall saddle and &ridle it with a tight cur& we shall do the same also with
all productions o. the printing press/ .or where would &e the sense o. getting rid o. the attacks o. the press
i. we remain targets .or pamphlets and &ooks9 K
For an$ attempt to attack us/ i. such still &e possi&le/ we shall in.lict .ines without merc$K. -o one shall
with impunit$ la$ a .inger on the aureole o. our go'ernment in.alli&ilit$. The prete+t .or stopping an$
pu&lication will &e the alleged plea that it is agitating the pu&lic mind without occasion or 8usti.ication.
I #)G 7O6 TO -OT) THAT A1O-G THOS) 1A5I-G ATTAC5S 60O- 6S !I"" A"SO
#) O*GA-S )STA#"ISH)% #7 6S/ #6T TH)7 !I"" ATTAC5 )GC"6SI,)"7 0OI-TS
THAT !) HA,) 0*)-%)T)*1I-)% TO A"T)*. !) CO-T*O" TH) 0*)SS
-OT A SI-G") A--O6-C)1)-T !I"" *)ACH TH) 06#"IC !ITHO6T O6* CO-T*O".
)'en now this is alread$ &eing attained &$ us inasmuch as all news items are recei'ed &$ a .ew agencies/
in whose o..ices the$ are .ocused .rom all parts o. the world. These agencies will then &e alread$ entirel$
ours and will gi'e pu&licit$ onl$ to what we dictate to them.
I. alread$ now we ha'e contri'ed to possess oursel'es o. the minds o. the GO7 communities to such an
e+tent that the$ all come near looking upon the e'ents o. the world through the colored glasses o. those
spectacles we are setting astride their nosesK
"iterature and 8ournalism are two o. the most important educati'e .orces/ and there.ore our go'ernment
will &ecome proprietor o. the ma8orit$ o. the 8ournals. This will neutralize the in8urious in.luence o. the
pri'atel$-owned press and will put us in possession o. a tremendous in.luence upon the pu&lic mind K. I.
we gi'e permits .or ten 8ournals/ we shall oursel'es .ound thirt$/ and so on in the same proportion. This/
howe'er/ must in no wise &e suspected &$ the pu&lic. For which reason all 8ournals pu&lished &$ us will
&e o. the most opposite/ in appearance/ tendencies and opinions/ there&$ creating con.idence in us and
&ringing o'er to us 4uite unsuspicious opponents/ who will thus .all into our trap and &e rendered
In the .ront rank will stand organs o. an o..icial character. The$ will alwa$s stand guard o'er our interests/
and there.ore their in.luence will &e comparati'el$ insigni.icant.
In the second rank will &e the semi-o..icial organs/ whose part it will &e to attack the tepid and indi..erent.
In the third rank we shall set up our own/ to all appearance/ opposition/ which/ in at least one o. its
organs/ will present what looks like the 'er$ antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this
simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.
All our newspapers will &e o. all possi&le comple+ions S aristocratic/ repu&lican/ re'olutionar$/ e'en
anarchical V .or so long/ o. course/ as the constitution e+ists K. "ike the Indian idol T,ishnuU the$ will
ha'e a hundred hands/ and e'er$ one o. them will ha'e a .inger on an$ one o. the pu&lic opinions as
re4uired. !hen a pulse 4uickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction o. our aims/ .or an e+cited
patient loses all power o. 8udgment and easil$ $ields to suggestion. Those .ools who will think the$ are
repeating the opinion o. a newspaper o. their own camp will &e repeating our opinion or an$ opinion that
seems desira&le .or us. In the 'ain &elie. that the$ are .ollowing the organ o. their part$ the$ will/ in .act/
.ollow the .lag which we hang out .or them. K
#$ discussing and contro'erting/ &ut alwa$s super.iciall$/ without touching the essence o. the matter/ our
organs will carr$ on a sham .ight .usillade with the o..icial newspapers solel$ .or the purpose o. gi'ing
occasion .or us to e+press oursel'es more .ull$ than could well &e done .rom the outset in o..icial
announcements/ whene'er/ o. course/ that is to our ad'antage.
TH)S) ATTAC5S 60O- 6S !I"" A"SO S)*,) A-OTH)* 06*0OS)/ -A1)"7/ THAT
O6* S6#()CTS !I"" #) CO-,I-C)% TO TH) )GIST)-C) OF F6"" F*))%O1 OF
!HICH O00OS) 6S A*) )10T7 #A##")*S/ since the$ are incapa&le o. .inding an$ su&stantial
o&8ections to our orders. K
Thanks to such methods we shall &e in a position as .rom time to time ma$ &e re4uired/ to e+cite or to
tran4uillize the pu&lic mind on political 4uestions/ to persuade or to con.use/ printing now truth/ now lies/
.acts or their contradictions/ according as the$ ma$ &e well or ill recei'ed/ alwa$s 'er$ cautiousl$ .eeling
our ground &e.ore stepping upon it K. !) SHA"" HA,) A S6*) T*I610H O,)* O6*
0*)SS I- !HICH TH)7 CA- GI,) F6"" A-% FI-A" )G0*)SSIO- TO TH)I* ,I)!S
owing to the a.oresaid methods o. dealing with the press. !e shall not e'en need to re.ute them e+cept
'er$ super.iciall$.
Trial shots like these/ .ired &$ us in the third rank o. our press/ in case o. need/ will &e energeticall$ re.uted
&$ us in our semi-o..icial organsK.
Our calculations are especiall$ e+tended to the pro'inces. It is indispensa&le .or us to in.lame there those
hopes and impulses with which we could at an$ moment .all upon the capital/ and we shall represent to the
capitals that these e+pressions are the independent hopes and impulses o. the pro'inces. -aturall$/ the
source o. them will &e alwa$s one and the same V ours. !HAT !) -))% IS THAT/ 6-TI" S6CH
TI1) AS !) A*) I- TH) 0")-IT6%) 0O!)*/ TH) CA0ITA"S SHO6"% FI-%
TH)1S)",)S STIF")% #7 TH) 0*O,I-CIA" O0I-IO- OF TH) -ATIO-S/ I.)./ OF A
1A(O*IT7 A**A-G)% #7 O6* AG)-T6*. !hat we need is that at the ps$chological moment
the capitals should not &e in a position to discuss an accomplished .act .or the simple reason/ i. .or no
other/ that it has &een accepted &$ the pu&lic opinion o. a ma8orit$ in the pro'inces.
I think that we can prett$ easil$ see the description o. the alternati'e media and A:: Truth mo'ement in the .ollowing
In the third rank we shall set up our own/ to all appearance/ opposition/ which/ in at least one o. its
organs/ will present what looks like the 'er$ antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this
simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.
Kand so we can determine that the alternati'e media/ .or the most part/ is 8ust part o. the 0rotocol.
So/ what to do9 How to .ind our wa$ out o. the la&$rinth9
*emem&er what I said a&out the stor$ o. the B<: prophets9
There are se'eral important lessons in this stor$. The .irst is that when dealing with COI-T)"0*O/ we
are dealing with man$ unknown terms and unless .undamental alterations in acti'it$ and direction are made
&$ knowing things that are not apparent on the sur.ace/ $ou ha'e no possi&ilit$ o. success.
The second is truth 'er$ o.ten mani.ests in the 'er$ same ratio depicted in this stor$ S B<< to :.
A third/ and no less important lesson is/ people seldom want to hear the truth &ecause it is hard to gi'e up
their warm and .uzz$ &elie.s.
And/ .inall$/ the easiest wa$ to a'oid truth is to assassinate either the speaker or his character.
Indeed/ we are dealing with man$ unknown terms and I want to gi'e an e+ample here.
This morning we recei'ed an email as .ollows
On C (ul @<<> at :<<=/ 0auline !ZZZZ wrote
%ear Sir/
I was told recentl$ that !ing T.,. are actuall$ CIA plants9 This came .rom
Fintan %unne. %o $ou ha'e an$ comments on this/ as I actuall$ thought that
Signs and !ing were two to &e trusted9
0auline !ZZZZ
-ow/ keep that interesting little email in mind as $ou read the .ollowing e+cerpts &$ (ohn 5aminski .rom his article
Agents 0ro'ocateur9 How the hell can $ou reall$ tell 'alid criticism .rom cle'er deception9 pu&lished in (une o. @<<C.
IIt might &e a good idea to click the link and read the entire article to get the .ull e..ect o. what I am going to re'eal to
Honest$ is a trick$ &usiness. !hat happens when an honest assessment o. the situation actuall$ works
against $our ultimate o&8ecti'e9 !hat do $ou do then/ when one o. li.eMs little riddles sneaks up and &ites
$ou on the &utt9W...X
1ore to the point V and in .act e+actl$ on it V is m$ perspecti'e on the e'ents o. Septem&er ::/ @<<:/ the
da$ the world changed. Or/ as I ha'e said in the title o. m$ &ooklet/ TThe %a$ America %ied.U
I remem&er that da$ all too well. I was standing in .ront o. m$ T,. I had 8ust awakened and
.lipped it on/ intending to zap the clicker to )S0- to catch the latest sports news/ a t$pical
dail$ ha&it that occurs 8ust &e.ore I stum&le into the kitchen to make m$ co..ee. #$ chance/
the tu&e was set to -#C/ where the plastic Toda$ show commentators were talking a&out a
plane that had crashed into the !orld Trade Center. So I ne'er changed the channel. I 8ust
stood there/ e$elids glued apart/ and watched as plane num&er two glided into the south
tower/ and into histor$.
I 8ust stood there/ I donMt know .or how long. )'entuall$ I turned around/ made the co..ee/
and listened to the aghast commentar$ o. the -#C crew. I donMt remem&er now what it was
triggered m$ ne+t 'er&al out&urst/ whether it was 5atie Couric reporting the go'ernment
sa$ing it was Osama &in "aden who was &ehind the attacks/ or some 'aguer speculation
a&out Ara& terrorists.
I onl$ know I turned around/ stalked into the li'ing room/ and then with the most certain sel.-
assured 'ehemence I ha'e e'er shown in m$ li.e/ started &ellowing T-o wa$2 -o .reaking
I knew then/ right then and there/ that AE:: was an inside 8o&. That this was not the work o.
Ara& terrorists/ unless the$ pla$ed some minor di'ersionar$ role in a comple+ and
deli&eratel$ con.using cast o. characters. That this was done at the &ehest o. the people who
control our li'es/ who wanted to create a stulti.$ing e+ample that would &e &randed into the
minds o. the muddled masses in order to create a war mentalit$ to 8usti.$ their criminal intent
to make war on the whole world/ and make a handsome pro.it .rom it.
-othing I ha'e seen/ heard/ or read since has caused me to .eel e'en the merest shadow o.
a dou&t a&out what I .elt at that moment. All those millions o. words/ mostl$ written &$
people who ha'e no stake in an$thing media-related or politicall$ purpose.ul/ ha'e onl$
rein.orced m$ con'iction.
The highest/ most important leaders in our land/ and other countries as well/ were &ehind the
scheme to kill thousands o. American citizens in order to 8usti.$ an intensi.ied assault on the
oil-producing countries o. the 1iddle )ast and elsewhere. Time and the telling o. hundreds
o. more lies ha'e onl$ deepened m$ con'iction/ and pro'ed it .ar &e$ond a reasona&le
dou&t. The plans .or these wars were drawn up #)FO*) AE::/ and the lies utilized to
e+ecute them ha'e &ecome well-esta&lished in the pu&lic e$e/ at least .or those interested
enough to take a look.
So I &egan to write a&out it/ .iring thought cannons into c$&erspace that were read &$
thousands o. readers &ut which had little or no e..ect on the world at large. Gathering e'er$
.act I could .rom each mind who cared to comment on these matters/ I soon amassed an
arra$ o. speculati'e e'idence .rom a 'ariet$ o. researchers that con'incingl$ con.irmed m$
initial emotional impressions.
Howe'er/ it wasnMt long &e.ore I dared 'er&all$ 'enture into these matters when I ran a.oul o. people with
di..erent opinions as to what actuall$ happened.
And as it stands toda$/ the AE:: skeptics mo'ement is in total sham&les/ with the dominant personalities
.ar more interested in pushing their own personal 'iew o. things and ad'ancing their own interests than
the$ are in con'incing the pu&lic the$ need to .ocus on the American criminal politicians who were &ehind
the whole caper in the .irst place.
And this is a trul$ tragic twist/ &ecause now that the American pu&lic/ wear$ .rom the continued .limsiness
o. go'ernment lies a&out current e'ents/ is read$ to con.ront the &iggest lie o. them all V AE:: V the AE::
skeptics mo'ement has deteriorated into tri'ial &ickering that ser'es no purpose at all other than re'eal the
shallow/ sel.ish moti'es o. man$ o. its participants.
I recei'e a&out @/<<< e-mails per week/ most .rom people who are intensel$ interested in sol'ing this
pro&lem. One recent one .rom the inde.atiga&le stor$ .orwarder Sall$ Chrisinis in Te+as contained a link
to a @<<B stor$ &$ Gerard Holmgren that I consider the single &est o'erall roundup o. what reall$
happened on AE:: that I ha'e e'er read/ titled T1anu.actured Terrorism The Truth A&out Sept. ::.U
Holmgren/ an award-winning/ Australian &lues guitarist/ has distinguished himsel. as the AE:: researcher
with pro&a&l$ more amazing disco'eries than an$one else Iespeciall$ that two o. the supposedl$ .atal
.lights on AE:: ne'er showed up in FAA records/ and that the passenger lists are riddled with
He is also at the center o./ and chie. spokesman .or/ the single issue that most di'ides the AE:: skeptics
mo'ement V the assertion that there were no planes/ or at least no passenger 8etliners V used in the
(ust .or a moment/ sa'or this enigma. The &est researcher sa$s there were no planes. Or/ more precisel$/
not the planes we thought we saw.
Tr$ to 'iew this as a per.ect parallel to the o'erall AE:: dilemma. A ma8orit$ o. Americans/ trapped as
the$ are in media manu.actured images .or the entiret$ o. their li'es/ simpl$ cannot &ring themsel'es to
&elie'e that their elected o..icials could e'er e'en contemplate such a dastardl$ deed/ ne'er mind actuall$
commit it.
So imagine how hard it would &e to con'ince the pu&lic/ which did not want to &elie'e their leaders killed
?/<<< o. their own people/ that on top o. that/ the whole charade was pulled o.. without the planes we
thought we saw. This was alwa$s m$ chie. o&8ection to the no-plane theor$. It would &e met &$ gu..aws
Iand has &eenJ. -o one would &elie'e it. Hell/ it was hard enough to tr$ and get people to &elie'e their
own go'ernment would actuall$ do this Ie'en though I ne'er .ound it hard to &elie'e/ &ecause there are
simpl$ too man$ similar historical precedents o. sel.-in.licted wounds to 8usti.$ aggressionJ.
#ut then/ .rom 'arious nooks and crannies o. the Internet/ realit$ &egan to intrude.
First/ there was no plane wreckage at the 0entagon/ e+cept a couple o. apparentl$ seeded parts that ma$
or ma$ not ha'e matched up to the speci.ications o. the plane that was supposed to ha'e hit it. Add on
top o. this the go'ernmentMs assertion that the %-A o. each passenger was later identi.ied a.ter a .ire that
was so &lazingl$ hot that it 'aporized an entire 8etliner into complete in'isi&ilit$. And on top o. that/
remem&er that this was the plane that supposedl$ .lew .or an hour and B< minutes in the most secure
airspace in the world without &eing intercepted &$ our crack Air Force. And .inall$ there was the
impossi&le aero&atic maneu'er the pilot o. Flight ;; was supposed to ha'e e+ecuted V a @;<-degree
di'ing turn at ><< mph V that not e'en -eil Armstrong could ha'e pulled o../ and this was done &$ a gu$/
a wacked-out Ara& terrorist named Hani Han8our/ who .rom all reports had trou&le dri'ing a car.
So $ou &egin to suspect thereMs something wrong with the 0entagon stor$ Ito sa$ the leastJ.
O5/ then $ou consider the crash in 0enns$l'ania/ on which the passengers supposedl$ staged a 'aliant
attempt to wrest control o. the plane .rom hi8ackers/ and in the ensuing .ight/ the plane crashed to the
ground. It isnMt so much the .act that no one actuall$ saw this plane crash/ or that there was something
curiousl$ anomalous a&out the wreckage/ or that man$ witnesses recall seeing an unmarked white 8et
cruising around the area.
1$ pal #rad sent me an interesting timeline a&out Flight A? that included the e'ocati'e phone calls %eena
#urnett supposedl$ recei'ed .rom her hus&and Tom as he struggled with the dire situation .ighting the
hi8ackers a&oard the doomed 8etliner.
(ust a.ter > a.m. Cali.ornia time/ %eena #urnett called A:: Ithe num&er/ not the da$J and said sheMd 8ust
recei'ed a cell phone call .rom her hus&and who was on a plane. %eena told the cops TThe$ 8ust kni.ed a
passenger and there are guns on the plane.U
Se'en minutes later/ or so the stor$ goes/ Tom #urnett called %eena again. She sa$s he said TThe gu$
the$ kni.ed is dead.U
Greg GordonMs ri'eting account in the Sacramento #ee o. the #urnettsM tragic morning with Tom
.urnishing inside details meticulousl$ enunciated to 'eri.$ the go'ernmentMs stor$/ will &ring tears to $our
e$es. It did to mine.
And then $ou remem&er that this was a cellphone call/ and the plane at that time was .l$ing at ?C/<<< .eet
Iand clim&ing to B:/<<<J. And $ou remem&er the words o. 0ro.essor A.5. %ewdne$ Iamong othersJ/
who has pro'ed conclusi'el$ that cellphones donMt work at that altitude. See/ .or
e+ample/ httpEEA::research.wtc;.netEplanesEanal$sisEphonecalls.html
So $ou &egin to suspect that thereMs something wrong with this 0enns$l'ania stor$/ and think/ hmm/ de8a
'u all o'er again9
O5/ then $ou &egin to think &ack a&out the e'ents in -ew 7ork Cit$/ and $ou remem&er the .amous
-audet 'ideo/ which showed the .irst crash o. the da$/ Flight :: slamming into the north tower o. the
!orld Trade Center. ItMs a crapp$ 'ideo/ all .uzz$ and 8erk$/ supposedl$ &ecause the -audet &rothers
caught it &$ serendipitous accident while .ilming a documentar$ that da$ a&out .ire.ighters.
I. $ouM'e done an$ research into these matters/ $ouM'e watched the &lown-up/ slowed-down 'ersion o.
that .ootage o'er and o'er/ and $ou canMt escape the nagging .eeling that that planeMs wings are
perpendicular to the .uselage V not swept &ack at an angle like those on a passenger 8etliner. And $ou
canMt help &ut &egin to wonder V what kind o. plane was that9 And $ou remem&er the initial reports o. a
small plane hitting the tower.
So $ou &egin to think to thereMs something wrong with this -orth Tower stor$. And &$ now itMs a .amiliar
!hen I put these three thoughts together/ I am read$ to &elie'e HolmgrenMs stor$. I. three o. the crashes
ha'e &een grotes4uel$ misrepresented/ there no wa$ the .ourth one could ha'e happened as reported. I.
$ou think it could ha'e/ then $ou ha'e ne'er placed a &et in $our entire li.e/ and should ne'er.
#ut what reall$ nailed it .or me was George -elson/ the retired Air Force colonel who recentl$ wrote a
stor$ a&out airplane crashes in general. -elson said there has ne'er &een an e+ample o. an airplane crash
in which the plane could not &e identi.ied &ecause o. an innocuous item called replacea&le time-change
parts/ small components in the 'astl$ comple+ arra$ o. machiner$ necessar$ to get these &ig machines o..
the ground.
)ach airplane has numerous time-change parts that are all recorded in their meticulousl$ kept maintenance
logs/ and each o. these parts has serial num&ers that are logged in as well/ hence pro'iding a certi.ia&le
record o. part with plane. 1an$ o. these parts are too small to &e destro$ed in a crash. I mean/ e'en in
the worst crashes/ i. a plane is reduced to ru&&le the size o. sa$/ sil'er dollars/ some o. these parts are
e'en smaller than that/ so the$ donMt get .urther reduced in size. The$ turn up in a search o. the wreckage/
a serial num&er is .ound/ and the plane is identi.ied &$ the connection recorded in its maintenance log.
)'er$ crash that has e'er happened/ -elson asserts/ has &een identi.ied in this manner.
)+cept on AE::. -o replacea&le part that could link the planes said to ha'e crashed to a piece o. ru&&le
that was e+amined on that da$ has e'er &een .ound.
-elsonMs conclusion9 TThe #ush administration has pro'ided no pu&lic e'idence to support its claim that
the terror attacks were the work o. 1uslim e+tremists or e'en that the aircra.t that struck their respecti'e
targets on Septem&er :: were as ad'ertised K. it would &e a simple matter to con.irm that the$ were V i.
the$ were. 6ntil such proo. is .orthcoming/ the opposite claim must &e kept in mind as a precaution
against rushing to 8udgment the A:: hi8ackings were part o. a &lack operation carried out with the
cooperation o. elements in our go'ernment.U IAnd this gu$Ms a retired colonel.J
At that point/ planes or not/ I was read$ to &elie'e HolmgrenMs tale Ia.ter $ears o. ar&itraril$ den$ing it
was true/ &ecause I 8ust could not &elie'e itJ.
#ut one .ormida&le hurdle remained. The ma8or image seared .ore'er into the minds o. e'er$ person on
earth is the crash o. what the go'ernment sa$s was Flight :;C into the South Tower. !eM'e seen it o'er
and o'er. It is etched into our dreams.
Holmgren/ along with his allies in .ilm anal$sis/ The !e&.air$/ Scott "ougher$/ -ico Haupt/ 1arcus Icke
and the whole Tno-planeU mo'ement/ continue to insist it was done electronicall$ V that there were no
planes V &ecause o. anomalies the$ ha'e o&ser'ed in the 'ideos o. the e'ent.
I had occasion to con'erse with the !e&.air$ I*osalee Gra&leJ recentl$/ and I told her I was read$ to
&elie'e HolmgrenMs 'ersion o. e'ents/ e+cept .or one thing V how do $ou e+plain so man$ di..erent
camera angles on that crash all recording essentiall$ the same e'ent/ and how could e$ewitnesses see it i.
it were all done with e+otic .ilm techni4ues9
This was the 4uestion that had alwa$s hung me up in this de&ate. Sure/ most o. us had onl$ seen it on T,/
&ut what a&out all those people who were running .rom the raining ru&&le V what had the$ seen9 And
what a&out the people in Fueens who watched it on the ,on 5leist 'ideo. And what were the suspicious
Israelis .ilming .rom the -ew (erse$ shore V onl$ a 'ideo deception9
How could a hologram o. 8et crash &een seen &$ so man$ people .rom so man$ di..erent angles9 I am no
technical e+pert on these matters/ &ut .or all the reading IM'e done on the Internet these past three $ears/
$ouMd think I would ha'e run across the su&8ect V since IM'e &een looking .or it.
*osalee told me that Gerard and her .riends no longer &elie'e it was a hologram/ and that the$ now
&elie'e it was all done in the ersatz mo'ie studio o. a .light simulator/ and then that .ootage was somehow
transmitted to the T, networks.
Holmgren responded .orthrightl$. TI canMt gi'e a de.inite answer. As with the 0entagon/ all I can sa$ .or
sure is what it was not. That is/ it was not the TplaneU which we see in the 'ideo. The illusor$ plane masks
whate'er it was.U
So there it was again V the di..icult$ o. the stor$. In all .our e'ents on AE::/ we canMt .igure out what
happened/ &ut the e'idence that can &e assem&led indicates the o..icial stor$ is not true.
The dilemma o. a di..icult stor$ that cannot &e easil$ con'e$ed to the pu&lic is what made me re8ect it in
the .irst place/ &ut in the same wa$ that peopleMs attitudes ultimatel$ ha'e no &earing on the 'eracit$ o.
what the$Mre sa$ing/ so the di..iculties in comprehending a stor$ ha'e no rele'ance as to whether or not
itMs true.
!here I &egan this reconsideration o. a contentious dispute was &$ remem&ering that $ou canMt determine
the 'eracit$ o. in.ormation on the &asis o. someoneMs reputation. And the reputation o. the no-planers is
horri&le. The$ ha'e sa'aged e'er$one who dared 4uestion their 'ersion o. e'ents/ and le.t a trail o. &ad
.eelings where'er the$M'e gone.
The$ ha'e intimidated man$ into .rustrated silence with a constant &arrage o. cantankerous contentions/
and a result ha'e attracted all manner o. derogator$ ad8ecti'es/ including .rom me. And $et/ we continue
to use their in.ormation V that two o. the .lights ma$ ne'er e+isted/ that the passenger list in.o is 'er$
suspicious V in our pursuit o. the truth. So perhaps some o. us ha'e &een too harsh in dismissing them as
disrupti'e. A.ter all/ this is a 'er$ emotional de&ate/ and the .uture o. the world %O)S depend on its
This emotionalism has spilled o'er into other principle schisms within the AE:: skeptics mo'ement. In m$
clums$ attempts to tr$ and deduce the real stor$/ IM'e recei'ed some o. it m$sel./ with the contro'ersial
0hil (a$han Iwho latel$ has &een sa$ing he is recei'ing messages .rom GodJ accusing me o. taking mone$
.rom the go'ernment as well as not caring a&out the people who died on AE::.
1ore recentl$ I ha'e &een swept into a pu&lic roasting &$ Holmgren and the no-plane gang o. AE::
personalit$ 5arl Schwarz in which neither side has e+actl$ distinguished itsel. &$ polite de&ating tactics.
The Holmgren gang has torched Schwarz .or speci.ic inaccuracies in his 'er$ pu&lic attempts to get -ew
7ork state law en.orcement o..icials to &ring legal action against the go'ernment .or wrong.ul deaths in the
AE:: attacks. #ut Schwarz has onl$ .ee&l$ de.ended himsel. &$ using empt$ ad hominem threats against
the no-planers/ and his apparentl$ in.lated claims a&out himsel. and his TcompaniesU ha'e taken a ma8or
hit with the pu&lication o. his &ackground on 0ortland Ind$media I5arl Schwarz 6n.ortunate SonJ.
Again/ the upshot o. this nag.est was to onl$ dri'e more people awa$ .rom the mo'ement/ disgusted with
the le'el o. personal insults o&scuring the merits o. the discussion.
The same kind o. high-intensit$ emotion has &een em&arrassingl$ e'ident among Internet radio listeners o.
late/ as the$ ha'e watched/ with increasing con.usion and incredulit$/ the continuing attacks o. !I-G-T,
against se'eral o. the &est radio hosts on the we& (e.. *ense/ Ale+ (ones/ and Fintan %unne.
1i..ed that the$ ha'e &een snu&&ed &$ their more e+perienced and more accomplished &roadcasting
competitors/ !I-G-T, operators ,ictor Thorn and "isa Guliani ha'e engaged an em&arrassing 8u'enile
tirade against three people who ha'e perhaps &rought more people to realistic political consciousness 'ia
!e& radio than an$&od$ else/ especiall$ with regard to AE::.
So their so-called re'ealing e+posHs o. *ense/ (ones/ and the Genesis Communications -etwork/ are little
more than sour grapes at not &eing a&le to crack the &ig time.
That some o. their criticisms are 'alid are &eside the point. That (ones is a &om&astic and aggressi'e
Te+an with a keen sense o. his own pro.ita&ilit$ doesnMt diminish his man$ achie'ements in e+posing man$
current e'ents that need to &e e+posed. That *ense da&&les in arcane topics like 6FOs doesnMt negate
the .ormida&le political guests heMs had on his show/ nor does his continuing e..orts to make clear the e'ils
o. Lionism are not perpetrated &$ all (ews nor all Christians.
That the owner o. the Genesis network/ Ted Anderson/ makes mone$ &$ selling gold doesnMt make him
an agent o. the Illuminati. Fact is/ Genesis/ with *ense/ (ones and (ack #lood leading the wa$/ pro'ides a
news ser'ice to the American people that is unmatched .or rele'ance across the media spectrum.
!hich &rings us to another point a&out Thorn. His little &ooklet titled TChrist 5illers.U
ThornMs decision to align himsel. with the hardcore Christian right opens him up to legitimate charges o.
-ow I know some o. $ou must &e laughing a&out me using that term/ since I ha'e &een &randed with it
m$sel.. "et me make this clear. (ews are human &eings/ 8ust like e'er$&od$ else. The .act that man$ V or
e'en most V o. them ha'e chosen to &elie'e the lies told in the Talmud that the$ are the Chosen are &etter
than e'er$&od$ is certainl$ despica&le and ridiculous/ &ut no worse than the wa$ Catholics .eel a&out
themsel'es as the onl$ true church/ or 1uslims as the onl$ true religion/ or Hindus &eing the .athers o. us
all. ItMs all hate.ul #S/ and a mo'ement among the (ews is growing that Lionism hurts them as much as it
hurts e'er$&od$ else.
So when I sa$ some&od$ is anti-Semitic/ $ou can count on it as &eing true/ and not the same attempt at
political intimidation as it is when used &$ .ascist &ozos like A&e Fo+man/ (err$ Falwell/ or *ichard 0erle.
This needless arguments are t$pical o. what has happened to the AE:: skeptics mo'ement. It has &een
&etra$ed &$ people more interested in their own .inancial .ortunes than in unearthing the truth.
The truth is that we all make mistakes/ we all &elie'e things that with .urther stud$ we e'entuall$ learn are
lies/ and we all like to condescend to people who donMt share our particular ideas a&out what is
This is what I meant when I said at the &eginning o. this screed that honest$ is a trick$ &usiness. #$
re'ealing all these pett$ grie'ances/ I ha'e pro&a&l$ retarded the search .or AE:: truth more than
illuminated it/ simpl$ &ecause o. the num&er o. people who ha'e not read this stor$ to this point/ and
a&andoned it .or some other acti'it$ the$ think is more rewarding.
#ut $ou donMt sol'e a pro&lem &$ skirting its most contentious aspects. !e must muddle through them/ no
matter how complicated or enigmatic the$ &ecome.
In the case with honest$ and the truth/ i. $ou donMt perse'ere/ and seek it without in'ol'ing $our ego in its
disco'er$/ $ouMll ne'er .ind it. So those who didnMt stick around .or the end o. this stor$ ha'e missed the
&est part.
Agents pro'ocateur9 !e can easil$ identi.$ the shams posted &$ esta&lishment shills such as Cherto.. in
0opular 1echanics/ (asper in the -ew American/ and Shermer in Scienti.ic American/ or &$ other Lionist
gatekeepers such as Am$ Goodman and -oam Chomsk$ who re.use to address central 4uestions a&out
AE::/ the Ira4 war/ and IsraelMs e+termination o. the 0alestinians and in.iltration o. the 6.S. go'ernment.
#ut inside the AE:: skeptics mo'ement itsel. I cannot tell i. an$one is deli&eratel$ tr$ing to decei'e or
o&.uscate Ie+cept .or 1ichael )lliott o. A::re'iew.org/ who has suddenl$ disappeared/ lea'ing a trail o.
de&ts and &roken promisesJ.
!hat I do see is people pursuing their o&8ecti'es so ardentl$ Iand I m$sel. am not immune .rom thisJ that
the$ castigate competing theories as go'ernment su&ter.uge. !hen com&ined with the .rustration o. tr$ing
to de.og go'ernment smokescreens/ and competing theories that disagree with their own/ .ireworks
.ollow. And the$ donMt help the mo'ement. In .act/ the$ pla$ right into the hands o. those who engineered
the co'erup.
The o&8ect o. the AE:: skeptics mo'ement is not to gain personal .ame and .ortune/ nor to disparage those
who are not as e+pert as others in knowing all the tri'ial details o. e'er$ aspect o. the e'ent.
It is perhaps a legitimate e+ercise to point out those who are deli&eratel$ tr$ing to impede or distort a
gathering o. the .acts. #ut identi.$ing this acti'it$ must &e weighed against the higher goal o. inspiring a
ma8orit$ o. Americans to recognize the capital crimes o. their leaders. A.ter all/ e'en 1ike *uppert/
&e.ore he re'ealed himsel. as an oil compan$ shill/ was o. great 'alue to the mo'ement.
The o&8ect/ ultimatel$/ is to identi.$ the true perpetrators o. the greatest crime in American histor$/ and
perhaps on an e'en higher le'el/ to pre'ent the world .rom &eing destro$ed &$ rich and cunning white men
who seek to pro.it .rom .omenting wars all o'er the world.
!e need to stop the &ickering/ and press on in pursuit o. the e'idence/ where'er it leads. Onl$ then can
we trul$ sa$ we ha'e led and are leading honest li'es.
It all sounds so reasona&le and rational/ doesnMt it9 It is soothing and tells us that Twe can 8ust work all this out i. we 8ust
stop 4ui&&ling.U The Fui&&lers are the pro&lemK shut them up/ make them go awa$/ letMs 8ust all get along2
The onl$ pro&lem is/ such a 'iew does not take into account either the acti'it$ o. ps$chopaths or the speci.ic re'elations
o. 0rotocol :@. In short/ i. the Alternati'e 1edia and the A:: Truth 1o'ement are/ as we suspect most strongl$/
products o. a wider program o. socio-cultural shaping and control/ all &ets are o..Y there ainMt gonna &e an$ end to the
4ui&&ling2 The knowledge o. ps$chopath$ and how it operates in an$ social s$stem/ along with the speci.ic knowledge
o. COI-T)"0*O and how it operates Ioutlined .or us 4uite nicel$ in 0rotocol :@J are the Tunknown termsU that are
not apparent on the sur.ace/ the knowledge o. which is a&solutel$ crucial to an$ possi&ilit$ o. success in dealing with the
pressing issues that .ace us toda$. And (ohn 5aminski was not 8oking when he said that A:: was Tdone at the &ehest
o. the people who control our li'es/ who wanted to create a stulti.$ing e+ample that would &e &randed into the minds o.
the muddled masses in order to create a war mentalit$ to 8usti.$ their criminal intent to make war on the whole world/
and make a handsome pro.it .rom it.U
So/ let us accept it as a logical gi'en/ &ased on o&ser'ation and knowledge o. histor$/ that COI-T)"0*O &asicall$
runs the Alternati'e 1edia and the A:: Truth 1o'ement and that $ou are onl$ going to get $our truth in the ratio o.
a&out B<< lies to : truth.
-e+t item as it turns out/ (ohn 5aminski was wrong a&out *ense/ (ones and Fintan %unne and had the grace to admit
it as was discussed &$ *i+on Stewart
5aminski has some important points to make/ particularl$ a&out *ense/ whom this writer has had
suspicions a&out .or some time now. Ha'ing seen *ense post articles in which he had e+cised whole
paragraphs with an$ re.erence to this we&site. And while *ense knows a&out historic/ ground-&reaking
documents like TomlinsonMs A..ida'it on the murder o. 0rincess %iana and 0aul !ilcherMs report on
!aco/ he has $et to post them. So one canMt help wondering i. *ense is not ma$&e a disin.o agent9
This was indeed the late/ great (oe ,ialls opinion/ so one canMt help &ut wonder. 5aminski wrote
(oe Sorr$ this took so long. #een &us$. 7ou donMt want to know. I was e+tremel$
disappointed a&out *ense. It almost seems like he contri'ed to get rid o. me. A lot o.
people/ including $ou/ told me a&out him. That he wasnMt to &e trusted. That he slanted the
news in a particular wa$. He certainl$ ne'er had an$thing good to sa$ a&out $ou.
A lot o. this radio in.ighting I simpl$ ascri&ed to the genre. Fintan %unne did the same thing
to me. "ater/ %ar$l #rad.ord Smith/ and his o&8ection was a&out *ense and the 6FOs.
Then *ense did it. At the same time/ man$ we&sites stopped running m$ stu.. K
-otice the increasing num&er o. (ewish writers on *ense. And the num&er o. times *ense
and his cohorts on the Genesis radio network go out o. their wa$ to either conceal or so.t-
pedal the impact o. (ews on the world. Sure/ *ense pu&lishes all these polemics against
Lionists. #ut Lionist is a con.using term/ since so man$ so-called Christian dupes la&el
themsel'es Lionists. 1$ de.inition o. Lionist is an$one who supports all these (ewish crimes
in Israel and around the world. *ense pretends to &e .ighting this menace. 7et onl$ so .ar.
Hiding &ehind the disingenuous prattle o. those who attempt to de.lect and disin.orm those
who might learn a&out how (ewish in.luence is a .orm o. social parasitism that desta&ilizes
and destro$s an$ societ$ it takes hold in V &ecause that is its o&8ecti'e.
*enseMs mission seems to &e to appear as a critic o. Israel/ Lionists and (ews/ &ut reall$ not
to e'er get to the root o. the pro&lem/ which is undue and irresponsi&le (ewish in.luence
destro$ing the 'er$ .a&ric o. e'er$ societ$ it takes control o.. ThatMs what weMre .acing/ and
.or e'er$ stor$ *ense runs on the su&8ect/ &$ 1akow or whome'er else/ we are that much
.urther .rom &eing a&le to discern the root pro&lem/ &ecause *enseMs distractors come up
with so man$ cle'er di'ersions that 'er$ .ew people actuall$ understand the ruse.
Since we ha'e &roached the su&8ect/ there is something a&out the whole (ewish 4uestion that has &een &ugging me .or
awhile and IMm going to digress a moment on that.
I think that the holocaust denial stu.. is &eing set up as a ma8or tar &a&$.
I also think that the trul$ SI-C)*) mem&ers o. the Alternati'e 1edia and AE:: Truth mo'ement should 8oin together
and concentrate on O-) thing the weak link in all o. it/ Iwhich would/ ine'ita&l$/ include an$ Lionist manipulationsJ/
and that is concentrating on the C*I1I-A" aspect o. A::/ that it was a C*I1) and we need to .orce the issue o. an
independent FO*)-SIC in'estigation that is *)A""7 independent and thorough and &ring the criminals to trial.
!hat .orcing that single issue will accomplish is this in the course o. in'estigating the crime as it should &e in'estigated V
.orensicall$ with recognized e+perts that can &e pro'en to &e independent Iand this will ha'e to &e reall$ .orcedJ and
&ringing the criminals to trial/ A"" )"S) will &e e+posed.
*ight now/ going a.ter an$thing else/ e'en writing endless articles a&out how 1OSSA% TdunnitU and a&out AI0AC
and the Lionist "o&&$/ and whether or not the Holocaust was a (ewish thing/ or how man$ (ews did or did not die/ or
whether or not there were gas cham&ers/ and on and on and on/ is 8ust a distraction and a trap. 0eople like Farrell and
(ud$ Andreas are setting up all these tar &a&ies e'er$where the$ go.
This is what clued me in watching the actions o. those that are prett$ well e+posed as TagentsU whether conscious or
"ook at 5aminski. -o&od$ takes him seriousl$ an$more &ecause o. his total .ocus on the (ewish issue/ his almost ra&id
and &ull doggish V and $es/ e'en +enopho&ic V carr$ings on a&out (ews.
O. CO6*S) we all know that the whole monotheistic religion thing is a&out the nastiest .raud that has e'er &een pulled
on humanit$2 God knows/ IM'e researched it enough and written enough a&out it.
#ut what I am seeing is a 'er$ cle'er maneu'er.
I think that e'er$one with two .iring neurons knows that 1OSSA% dunnit/ &ut the pro&lem is getting that to .l$ with
enough people .rom the masses o. America Iand the support o. other countries/ &$ the wa$J/ who would ha'e to &e
&acking a *)A" AE:: in'estigation as well as monitoring it. 7ou 8ust AI-MT gonna get that support .rom people who
ha'e &een &rainwashed &$ the Holocaust Industr$ propaganda i. $ou go in with $our guns .iring on the (ews.
Take that to the &ank.
So/ i. what we reall$ want is to Tget the criminals/U whoe'er the$ ma$ &e/ Iand we ha'e a prett$ good idea who will &e
e+posed hereJ/ then the wa$ to do it is to go a.ter the Tperpetrators o. AE:: and 8ust lea'e it at that. "et the actual
in'estigation/ the actual trials re'eal them to the pu&lic e$e in a natural/ incremental wa$.
*emem&er that the !orld 0u&lic ha'e &een e+posed to @< or more $ears o. hea'$ dut$ guilt programming on that.
7eah/ we know that the people with guts and the a&ilit$ to go a.ter the truth no matter what it might &e can .ace this
truth and deal with it. #ut ha'e a heart .or the a'erage person !HOS) S600O*T 7O6 -))%. The$ 8ust canMt go
there 7)T.
ItMs o&'ious that an$ sincere AE:: researcher/ writer/ whate'er/ ends up shooting themsel'es in the .oot when the$ go
there. ThatMs an o&ser'ed .act.
7eah/ itMs !*O-G that people canMt research and discuss thisY itMs !*O-G that the$ ha'e arrested Ir'ing and the
othersY itMs downright criminal. #ut there are so man$ other wrong things the$ are doing/ like killing women and children
in 0alestine and Ira4/ and the 6.S. and a&out e'er$where else that $ou can write or rant until the end o. time and ne'er
count them all.
So we ha'e to think strategicall$. !e ha'e to .ind the weak link and go .or that.
Stop and think a&out what we see in the &road o'er'iew o. the whole situation we see that 1ossad was likel$ the
mastermind V heck/ writing that article a&out 1ossad and 1o'ing Companies is what got me targeted &$ *ense. He
in'ited me on his show and simultaneousl$ launched a smear campaign a&out me. And what *ense tried to &ait me into
doing on his show was Tgoing a.ter the (ews.U
-ow/ it seems that 5aminski has &een &aited and took the &aitK "ook where he is now. IAnd in m$ opinion/ (ohn
5aminski is one o. the trul$ sincere people who reall$ understands the &ig picture o. what humanit$ is currentl$ .acing.
HeMs learning some o. the same lessons we ha'e alread$ learned a&out ps$chopaths and their ilk. !e onl$ hope that he
sur'i'es and emerges stronger and more .ocused than e'er.J
!hat we see in the &road o'er'iew is that the ke$ issue o. the criminal act/ that a C*I1) was committed/ that it is an
o&'ious crime/ that it is a crime that CO6"% &e prosecuted i. we could .ocus on it/ has &een completel$ di'erted &$
the TThe (ews did it/ so letMs 8ust go a.ter e'er$thing (ewishU thing.
The 'er$ .act that *ense continuousl$ and repeatedl$ supports Lundel and Holocaust re'isionism tells us that this is
what the$ !A-T people to go .orK this is the #AIT. A.ter all/ this is what *ense is Ton a&outU too.
ItMs all to make people look &ad in the e$es o. the wider audience V the masses o. Americans who donMt ha'e the
stomach to go against their own programming V not to mention the glo&al audience with similar programming.
)'en i. the alternati'e news readers know the score/ what we reall$ need is wider &ase o. support that is &igger than
the online alternati'eEconspirac$ communit$ we need the support o. regular people who can V at least V grok the .act
that a crime has &een committed on A:: and it has &een co'ered up. !e will lose that support &$ hanging out with the
holocaust re'isionist people e'en i. we think that the$ could &e right.
Another reall$ spook$ 4uestion is this !hat i. the stu.. the Holocaust *e'iz people are promoting is also .alsi.ied to &e
a tar&a&$9 %id an$&od$ e'er think o. that9 Geeze/ what a trap that would &e.
And that is not impossi&le considering the resources and power o. those seeking to control the world.
!e gotta remem&er that we are dealing with 'er$ power.ul criminals here with unlimited resources and it is -OT a
game. #elie'e me/ i. an$&od$ comes close to the truth/ comes close to getting a .ollowing/ the$ are gonna &e smeared/
marginalized/ ha'e e'er$ aspect o. their a&ilit$ to get the word out hampered in e'er$ wa$ Iand we know/ we ha'e
li'ed with this crap .or $ears nowJ/ and it is going to &e done in such a wa$ as to keep the hands o. the 0T# clean/ as
well as their Tstraw man opposition.U
#ut/ letMs go &ack to what 5aminski was initiall$ sa$ing a&out *ense/ (ones/ %unne etc
se'eral o. the &est radio hosts on the we& (e.. *ense/ Ale+ (ones/ and Fintan %unne.
K ,ictor Thorn and "isa Guliani ha'e engaged an em&arrassing 8u'enile tirade against three people who
ha'e perhaps &rought more people to realistic political consciousness 'ia !e& radio than an$&od$ else/
especiall$ with regard to AE::. K So their so-called re'ealing e+posHs o. *ense/ (ones/ and the Genesis
Communications -etwork/ are little more than sour grapes at not &eing a&le to crack the &ig time.
That some o. their criticisms are 'alid are &eside the point. K
That the owner o. the Genesis network/ Ted Anderson/ makes mone$ &$ selling gold doesnMt make him
an agent o. the Illuminati. Fact is/ Genesis/ with *ense/ (ones and (ack #lood leading the wa$/ pro'ides a
news ser'ice to the American people that is unmatched .or rele'ance across the media spectrum.
And then/ a.ter he was 'ectored/ side-lined and taken out o. the game/ he wrote
I was e+tremel$ disappointed a&out *ense. It almost seems like he contri'ed to get rid o. me. A lot o.
people/ including $ou/ told me a&out him. That he wasnMt to &e trusted. That he slanted the news in a
particular wa$. He certainl$ ne'er had an$thing good to sa$ a&out $ou.
A lot o. this radio in.ighting I simpl$ ascri&ed to the genre. Fintan %unne did the same thing to me. "ater/
%ar$l #rad.ord Smith/ and his o&8ection was a&out *ense and the 6FOs. Then *ense did it. At the same
time/ man$ we&sites stopped running m$ stu.. K
See the picture $et9 I. the$ canMt co-opt a person/ the$ %)ST*O7 them one wa$ or another. And in the end/
something in (ohn 5aminski resisted &eing co-opted.
-ow/ hereMs another perspecti'e .rom a pro-Ale+ (ones person who/ despite noticing his .ar right agenda/ still thinks he
is oka$ &ecause he gets pu&licit$. ThatMs prett$ much what (ohn 5aminski was sa$ing/ isnMt it9
I appreciate $our recent articles a&out 4uestiona&le trends in alt 8ournalism/ &ut I wanted to make a .ew
comments. I think this is a 'er$ important discussion.
First o. all/ I think we can sa.el$ assume that the 0entagon has in.iltrated alt news/ and likel$ has &een part
o. this phenomenon o'er the $ears I1$ speculation I think %oug Thompson and *ense were disin.o
pur'e$ors .rom the start/ like Art #ell.J Integrit$ and sanit$ demand that we must hold each other
accounta&le to 'er$ high standards o. 8ournalism/ especiall$ con.ronting trends that re.lect censorship and
poorl$ sourced in.ormation.
That said/ we ma$ also speculate that a ma8or wa$ that the go'ernment can diminish pu&lic opinion on the
'er$ real and true in.ormation pro'ided &$ these alt news sites/ is to plant in.ormation that makes the
reportingEmoralsEimportance o. the work 4uestiona&le. I think that much o. this post-Thompson-
dissappointment [disin.oM hooplah has &een planted to discredit alt media sources/ and more importantl$/
to get us 4uestioning oursel'es.
I .ind it incredi&l$ signi.icant that Ale+ (ones is &eing lumped in with *ense and %oug Thompson/ when he
has made G*)AT ")A0S and #O6-%S in getting the A:: truth out there recentl$ I%oug Thompson is
&eing criticized .or recentl$ %IS1ISSI-G A:: Truth/ letMs not .orgetJ. Ale+ (ones made a serious splash
on C-- last month with his Charlie Sheen inter'iew/ and he represented the mo'ement well enough to
get more than a .ew people sweating in !ashington/ IMm sure.
-ow take someone like 5aminsk$/ IsicJ who propagates in.ormation that supports -!O research/ A::
truth/ and antiwar sentiments/ &ut has ,)*7 4uestiona&le racist slants on ),)*7THI-G. I regularl$
'iew political .orums/ and it has &een O#,IO6S .or months that there is a propaganda e..ort to .oment
anti-semitism within the antiwarEanti--!O mo'ement/ likel$ in order to push wider pu&lic opinion awa$
.rom alt media and .orums/ and e'en to paint them as a potential threat Ima$&e to 8usti.$ internet
censorship &$ #ush in the .uture9 1ore speculation/ I guess weMll see.J
IMm no apologist .or Ale+ (ones/ I donMt 'isit his site an$more Iusuall$J. IMm a les&ian/ and heMs posted
more than a .ew articles on the [-!O homose+ual agendaM/ which is an o+$moron i. $ou ask me/ and it is
highl$ o..ensi'e Ise+ual shame is a super-tool o. the elites/ alwa$s has &een/ alwa$s will &eJ. (ones ma$ &e
a reactionar$/ he ma$ &e a catastrophist/ and he ma$ &e .ull o. himsel./ &ut heMs no A:: co'er-up agent.
1ore importantl$/ he is one o. the onl$ alt &roadcasters to get time on a 1S1 .orum to make A-7
points a&out the A:: co'er-up/ and to make them in a coherent and hard to counter wa$.
The last point IMd like to make is the 4uestiona&le nature o. $our source in.ormation/ ,ictor Thorn and
(ulia Gulani. IM'e ne'er seen his site &e.ore IdoesnMt necessaril$ mean an$thingJ/ and the archi'es section is
not .unctioning Ihmm/ con'enient9J/ so I donMt know the e+tent o. his research/ ideolog$/ or histor$.
I .ind it interesting that a Google search on his name comes up with an article &$ 1ichael *uppert .rom
Octo&er @<<B/ &asicall$ countering a pointed character assassination and answering :< ,)*7 loaded
4uestions Thorn presented to him. The piece speaks .or itsel./ especiall$ in regards to the &eha'iour o.
1r. Thorn. 1r. ThornMs 4uestions are o&'iousl$ loaded/ poorl$ researched/ and o&'iousl$ S06- in the
wa$s weM'e come to e+pect .rom the mainstream media. Since when is it accepta&le .or an [alt 8ournalistM
to repeatedl$ attack 16"TI0") other alt 8ournalists in a spun/ manipulated wa$ in an e..ort to discredit
them/ when he supposedl$ .ights .or the same cause9 Since when is this e'en logical9 This is di'isi'eness/
pure and simple/ and itMs pure gold to the elites/ &ecause it keeps us .rom uniting against them. The link to
the a&o'e mentioned article is here. I not onl$ suggest $ou read it/ &ut $ou should put the link near&$ the
Thorn piece as a counter-argument.
I know/ this e-mail has pro&a&l$ alread$ &een deleted/ &ut I hope $ou hear me out/ I hope $ou 'alue what
$our readership sees when the$ 'isit $our site. I assume .rom the get-go that an$ alt site/ including
truthseeker/ ma$ &e a conscious pur'e$or o. disin.o propoganda/ which is wh$ I think a&out e'er$thing I
read/ and research the sources.
!hen IM'e &een to a site that has repeatedl$ made me 4uestion itMs o&8ecti'es and itMs o&8ecti'it$/ I delete
it the 6*" .rom m$ .a'orites and mo'e on. I en8o$ $our site thus .ar/ &ut $ouMre now teetering on m$ edge
o. acceptance/ .or what itMs worth.
0ost a link to the *uppert peice/ or at least identi.$ some o. ThornMs 4uestiona&le histor$/ and pro'e me
wrong. IMd &e ecstatic i. I were.
!hat this person isnMt getting is the true nature and scope o. the pro&lem/ that the whole A:: Truth 1o'ement was
pro&a&l$ created &$ the 0entagon or related elements e+actl$ as descri&ed in 0rotocol :@. ItMs clear that this writer/
while making what seem to &e responsi&le points/ reall$ doesnMt like the idea o. COI-T)"0*O in.iltration e'en i./ at
the 'er$ &eginning/ she sa$s TFirst o. all/ I think we can sa.el$ assume that the 0entagon has in.iltrated alt news/ and
likel$ has &een part o. this phenomenon o'er the $earsKU !hen it comes down to the nitt$ gritt$ o. realizing that the
most popular and 'isi&le alternati'e news gurus could &e part o. that 0entagon in.iltration/ she 8ust canMt go there. She
does sa$ that she considers that an$ site could possi&l$ &e disin.o and she checks the sources/ &ut it doesnMt appear
that she checks them 'er$ deepl$ or she wouldnMt &e de.ending Ale+ (ones and 1ike *uppert. Also notice that her
thrust is to Tidenti.$ some o. ThornMs 4uestiona&le histor$.U
Since Thorn isnMt leading the charge to Tgi'e up on A::\ as *uppert has/ thatMs irrele'ant. For a &it more on *uppert/
ha'e a look at *uppert and Hopsicker Co-Opting the A-:: Truth 1o'ement Or )+posing the #ig Con V "ies and
%isin.ormation At The )nd O. Ci'ilisation As !e 5now It. -ow/ let me add that while (ohn 5aminski was coming to
his slow realization that *ense/ (ones and %unne werenMt what the$ were cracked up to &e/ a.ter he had realized the
depth and &readth o. the &etra$al and how all the use.ul and help.ul things that di..erent COI-T)"0*O t$pes are
doing are 8ust &ait e+actl$ as descri&ed in 0rotocol :@/ he and I were corresponding a&out these matters. I was tr$ing
to a'oid sa$ing too much other than to 8ust keep pointing to COI-T)"0*O as the template and ps$chopath$ as the
su&stratum. It was during these con'ersations that (ohn told me that he had cancelled a trip to 'isit with us &ecause
*ense and his .riend (a$ !eidner had warned him that Ark and I are TCIA assetsU or whate'er. (a$ !eidner and
,incent #ridges are well known to us ha'ing &egun to de.ame us right a&out the same time as the e'ents o. A:: &egan
to un.old and long &e.ore I e'er e'en thought o. &eginning to compile a record o. the political manipulations and news in
m$ Signs o. the Times pages. Frankl$/ I ne'er intended .or it to &e a political .orum. I 8ust .igured that an$one interested
in esoteric work would &e interested in the TsignsU all around us that things were not 4uite as the$ seemed.
!ell/ as I mentioned a&o'e/ itMs prett$ eas$ .or an$one to sa$ TIMm notU this or that/ and it reall$ doesnMt mean an$thing.
A ps$chopath can sa$ e+actl$ that and sa$ it .ar more con'incingl$ than an$ normal person. The$ can also get all their
de'iant &uddies to sa$ nice things a&out them and it can all &e lies. 1ore than that/ the integrated de.amation acti'it$ o.
COI-T)"0*O makes it almost impossi&le to e'aluate an$&od$ &$ their Treputation.U A.ter all/ another o. the lessons
we learned .rom the B<: prophets was that the easiest wa$ to a'oid truth is to assassinate either the speaker or his
And so it is that the primar$ pro&lem that I see the A:: Truth 1o'ement and the Alternati'e 1edia struggling with
toda$ is precisel$ delineated &$ ps$chologist Andrew "o&aczewski it is an almost total lack o. ade4uate ps$chological
knowledge. This is where it reall$ comes home to us in a hard wa$ that lack o. good and accurate ps$chological
knowledge is a se'ere handicap V and it could cost us our li'es.
I know I &eat the drum a&out ps$chopath$ a lot and some people sa$/ T$eah/ heMs pro&a&l$ a ps$chopathU and $ada
$adaK &ut the$ donMt seem to &e reall$ grokking this pro&lem and understanding the seriousness o. it. I told (ohn
5aminski a&out it .or months and he still got caught in the we&.
So we are &ack again to our pro&lem how to tell9 !ho to trust99 !e are in one heck o. a predicament/ arenMt we9
!e are caught in the trap o. the Cult o. the 0lausi&le "ie.
T-e'er ascri&e to malice those things which ma$ &e e+plained &$ stupidit$.U That is an important phrase/
and a necessar$ oneY it keeps people .rom &eing paranoid. Howe'er/ it has a corollar$ most people donMt
know TOne 1A7 ascri&e to malice those things which stupidit$ cannot e+plain.U
*o&ert Canup
6n.ortunatel$/ a.ter so long a time o. &eing su&8ected to lies and disin.ormation/ the likelihood o. societ$ &eing a&le to
o'ercome the social and cultural programming is di..icult/ &ut not impossi&le. And that is where things like
COI-T)"0*O come into pla$ ps$ops agents are masters o. triggering emotional programs that put people &ack to
sleep. As a student on the su&8ect/ *o&ert Canup/ has said/ AAN o. all o. the pro&lems con.ronting mankind can &e
traced to a single cause the pro&lem o. the plausi&le lie. And the plausi&le lie is what COI-T)"0*O is all a&out.
0lausi&le lies are monstrous things propagated &$ e'il people .or the e+press purpose o. decei'ing good people into
doing the will o. those who do not ha'e their &est interests at heart. ItMs that simple. The most power.ul o. these lies are
so plausi&le that no&od$ e'en dreams a&out 4uestioning their 'alidit$.
-ow/ e'en though I know I am little more than a %a'id against the Goliath o. the well-.unded arms o. the -ational
Securit$ State/ such as the man$ di'erse and o.ten contradictor$ sources o. in.ormation and disin.ormation/ including
the mainstream media/ man$ alternati'e media sources/ so-called TTruth seeking groupsU o. all kinds/ so-called -ew
Age and Alternati'e writers and Impresarios o. all shapes and sizes/ Imost o. whom are COI-T)"0*O &ogus
organizationsJ/ I will continue to point out what can &e o&ser'ed i. $our e$es are open and $our neurons are .iring/ and
what can &e asserted with some certaint$ &ased on collections o. e'idence/ &oth material and circumstantial. Ha'ing
said that/ let me ask this I. there is such a thing as a plausi&le lie/ is it not also possi&le that there might &e such a thing
as an implausi&le truth9
"earning a&out e'il in our societ$/ how it operates on the macro-social scale/ is considered &$ man$ to &e Tunpleasant.U
The$ donMt want to go there. It is too distur&ing and e'en .rightening. 1ore than that/ talking a&out these things as I am
here is not .amiliar. To talk a&out e'il as though it were a *)A" concept is something we ha'e &een programmed to
-OT do2 As ps$chologist George Simon sa$s
KW!XeM'e &een pre-programmed to &elie'e that people onl$ e+hi&it pro&lem &eha'iors when the$Mre
Ttrou&ledU inside or an+ious a&out something. !eM'e also &een taught that people aggress onl$ when
the$Mre attacked in some wa$. So/ e'en when our gut tells us that some&od$ is attacking us and .or no
good reason/ we donMt readil$ accept the notion. !e usuall$ start to wonder whatMs &othering the person
so &adl$ Tunderneath it allU thatMs making them act in such a distur&ing wa$. !e ma$ e'en wonder what
we ma$ ha'e said or done that TthreatenedU them. !e almost ne'er think that the$ might &e .ighting
simpl$ to get something/ ha'e their wa$/ or gain the upper hand. So/ instead o. seeing them as merel$
.ighting/ we 'iew them as primaril$ hurting in some wa$. W...X
The legac$ o. Sigmund FreudMs work has a lot to do with this. FreudMs theories Iand the theories o. others
who &uilt upon his workJ hea'il$ in.luenced the ps$cholog$ o. personalit$ .or a long time. )lements o. the
classical theories o. personalit$ .ound their wa$ into man$ disciplines other than ps$cholog$ as well as into
man$ o. our social institutions and enterprises. W...X
The malignant impact o. o'ergeneralizing FreudMs o&ser'ations a&out a small group o. o'erl$ inhi&ited
indi'iduals into a &road set o. assumptions a&out the causes o. ps$chological ill-health in e'er$one cannot
&e o'erstated.W...X
!e need a completel$ di..erent theoretical .ramework i. we are to trul$ understand/ deal with/ and treat
the kinds o. people who .ight too much as opposed to those who cower or TrunU too much. WGeorge 5.
Simon/ (r./ DIn Sheep3s ClothingDX
!e clearl$ need to stud$ this pro&lem o. macro-social e'il in our world in a s$stematic and scienti.ic wa$. And we
need to get o'er the idea that thinking onl$ good thoughts/ thinking a&out happ$ and TniceU things is the wa$ to good
ps$chological health.
I. ph$sicians &eha'ed like ethicists and .ailed to stud$ diseases &ecause the$ were onl$ interested in
stud$ing 4uestions o. health/ there would &e no such thing as modern medicine. W...X 0h$sicians were
correct in their emphasis on stud$ing disease a&o'e all in order to disco'er the causes and &iological
properties o. illnesses/ and then to understand the pathod$namics o. their courses. A comprehension o.
the nature o. a disease/ and the course it runs/ a.ter all/ ena&les the proper curati'e means to &e
ela&orated and emplo$ed.W...X
The 4uestion thus arises could some analogous modus operandi not &e used to stud$ the causes and
genesis o. other kinds o. e'il scourging human indi'iduals/ .amilies/ societies9 )+perience has taught the
author that e'il is similar to disease in nature/ although possi&l$ more comple+ and elusi'e to our
understanding. W...X
Considera&le moral/ intellectual/ and practical ad'antages can &e gleaned .rom an understanding o. the
genesis o. )'il thanks to the o&8ecti'it$ re4uired to stud$ it dispassionatel$. The human heritage o. ethics is
not destro$ed &$ taking such an approach it is actuall$ strengthened &ecause the scienti.ic method can &e
utilized to con.irm the &asic 'alues o. moral teachings.
6nderstanding the nature o. macro-social patholog$ helps us to .ind a health$ attitude and thus protects
our minds .rom &eing controlled or poisoned &$ the diseased contents and in.luence o. their propaganda.
!e can onl$ con4uer this huge/ contagious social cancer i. we comprehend its essence and its etiological
Such an understanding o. the nature o. the phenomena leads to the logical conclusion that the measures .or
healing and reordering the world toda$ should &e completel$ di..erent .rom the ones hereto.ore used .or
sol'ing international con.licts. It is also true that/ merel$ ha'ing the knowledge and awareness o. the
phenomena o. the genesis o. macro-social )'il can &egin healing indi'idual humans and help their minds
regain harmon$. WAndrew "o&aczewski/ 0h.%. 0olitical 0onerolog$ The Science o. )'il Ad8usted .or
0olitical 0urposesX
-ow/ let me recommend new readers to take a look at m$ post on THow to Spot a COI-T)"0*O Agent.U 5eep in
mind that the &ooklet I am 4uoting .rom there was compiled &$ acti'ists .rom earlier da$s that had direct e+periences
where the$ were a&le to see onl$ a.terward how the$ had &een duped and sidelined. 1$ grandmother alwa$s said TA
smart man learns .rom his mistakesY a genius learns .rom the mistakes o. others.U In the case o. COI-T)"0*O/ some
o. those acti'ists were smart/ &ut not geniuses. 1ost o. them got Ttaken outU/ and some o. them literall$ had their li'es
completel$ destro$ed &ecause the$ were sincere and stu&&orn. The material in that &ooklet is priceless toda$ &ecause
those who compiled it paid a high price to learn those things. "etMs tr$ to &e geniuses here.
As *o&ert Canup writes/ we .ace a particular/ e'en monstrous/ pro&lem in our world that most o. what we know or
think we know is &ased on plausi&le lies. A person who is sincere and speaks the truth reall$ has almost no chance
against a plausi&le liar. 7es/ I know that goes against e'er$thing we ha'e &een taught .rom childhood in the T"and o.
the Free and Home o. the #ra'e/U &ut it is all too sadl$ true. !e ha'e &een taught that Tthe Truth will alwa$s winU and
that Tan$&od$ who &elie'es a lie a&out $ou wasnMt $our .riend to &egin withU/ and a whole host o. other platitudes that
actuall$ would work in a di..erent world a world run &$ people who tell the truth2
#ut since our world is run &$ people who lie .or a li'ing/ $ou might e+pect that the$ ha'e set things up so that liars will
alwa$s win. And that is/ oh so sadl$/ the case.
TOur culture agrees on the signs o. l$ing. Ask an$one how to tell i. someone is l$ing and the$ will tell $ou
that the$ can tell &$ Tlack o. e$e contact/ ner'ous shi.ting/ or picking at oneMs clothes.U 0s$chologist Anna
Salter writes with dr$ humor TThis perception is so widespread I ha'e had the .antas$ that/ immediatel$
upon &irth/ nurses must take new&orns and whisper in their ears/ T)$e contact. ItMs a sign o. truth.ulness.U
WAnna C. Salter/ 0h.%.X
The pro&lem is/ i. there is a ps$chopath V or those with related characteropathies V who doesnMt know hot to keep
good e$e contact when l$ing/ the$ ha'enMt &een &orn. )$e contact is Tuni'ersall$ knownU to &e a sign o. truth-telling.
The pro&lem is liars will .ake an$thing that it is possi&le to .ake/ so in realit$/ e$e contact is a&solutel$ -OT a sign o.
truth telling.
This is an issue that will ne'er die. It seems impossi&le to con'ince people that pri'ate &eha'ior cannot &e predicted
.rom pu&lic &eha'ior. 5ind/ non'iolent indi'iduals &eha'e well in pu&lic/ &ut so do predators/ rapists/ murderers/
pedophiles and COI-T)"0*O agents who help to shape the culture in which we li'e. -o/ the$ werenMt alwa$s called
COI-T)"0*O/ &ut the principle is the same. It has &een used since time immemorial.
The earliest written records we ha'e are o. TclappersU in the audiences o. theaters in ancient Greece. !hat do $ou
think the term TGreek ChorusU means9 !e ha'e e+actl$ that in the present da$ in the .orm o. the mainstream media.
%id $ou think that/ with the power o. the internet to reach millions o. people that the Tpowers that &eU would ha'e
ignored the necessit$ o. installing a TGreek ChorusU on the net9
TThe chorus o..ered &ackground and summar$ in.ormation to help the audience .ollow the per.ormance/ commented on
main themes/ and showed how an ideal audience might react to the drama as it was presented. The$ also represent the
general populace o. an$ particular stor$.U %iscussion &oards are ideal .ormats .or TGreek ChorusesU as the$ can &e
'ectored to Tshow how the ideal audience ought to react/U and to Trepresent the general populace.U In this wa$/ the
illusion can &e created o. a concensus when/ in .act/ such a concensus ma$ not e+ist.
*ichard %olan has pointed out that those at the top will A"!A7S take whate'er measures necessar$ to sta$ at the
top/ and when knowledge is power/ that means that the$ will make sure that the$ are in control o. what people know or
think the$ know.
The sad .act is that as a societ$ gets larger and more competiti'e/ indi'iduals &ecome more anon$mous and more
1achia'ellian. Social strati.ication and segregation leads to .eelings o. in.eriorit$/ pessimism and depression among the
ha'e-nots/ and this promotes the use o. Tcheating strategiesU in li.e which then makes the en'ironment more adapti'e
.or ps$chopath$ in general. Such indi'iduals ma$ &egin their li'es in the lower socio-economic le'els/ &ut the$ o.ten rise
to the top.
0s$chopathic &eha'ior seems to &e on the rise &ecause o. the 'er$ nature o. American capitalistic societ$. The great
hustlers/ charmers/ and sel.-promoters in the sales .ields are per.ect e+amples o. where the ps$chopath can thri'e. The
entertainment industr$/ the sports industr$/ the corporate world in a Capitalistic s$stem/ are all areas where
ps$chopaths naturall$ rise to the top.
0s$chopaths seek power o'er others/ itMs that simple/ and the$ gra'itate to an$ .ield where there is power medicine/
law/ industr$/ politics. It has alwa$s &een that wa$Y this is nothing new. Indeed/ the$ comprise a 'er$ small segment o.
the population with an e+tremel$ large in.luence. It is due to this in.luence and the plausi&le lie that the$ can magnetize
normal/ decent people to .ollow them. The$ can make social conditions &ad so that people .eel oppressed and a&used/
and then the$ can easil$ &lame it on someone else and agitate the people to go a.ter and kill others &ased on such lies.
1achia'elli discussed this sort o. s$stem plainl$ and openl$ and it has &een the s$stem o. power since Cain killed A&el.
So/ consider the idea that the ideas &ehind our social and cultural s$stems V including the legal s$stem V were created
&$ people whose agenda was to control societ$ so that the$ could sta$ on top. And think a&out all the man$ wa$s the$
might go a&out doing that.
These are the same people who set up the legal s$stem so that people would Tget what the$ deser'edU
-ow/ 8ust think a&out that .or a moment.
Imagine that $ou are a person at the top o. the heap who knows that i. $ou reall$ set up a s$stem where people got
what the$ reall$ deser'ed/ $ou/ $oursel./ would &e instantl$ replaced V out the door in an instant2 And so/ i. $ou are not
8ust intent on sta$ing on top and holding power/ &ut cunning also/ $ou will do e'er$thing in $our power to insure that
$ou and $our kind are in charge o. setting up that s$stem/ and that $ou remain in charge o. it. 7ou would make certain
that e'il was &lended into the social and cultural concepts so seamlessl$ that no&od$ would e'er notice.
And that is/ 4uite literall$/ what happened. The indi'iduals Tat the top o. the heap/U who had gotten there &$ &eing the
most 'ile and rapacious/ then set a&out .iguring out wa$s to decei'e the masses all the while keeping their .a'or and
adulation. The$ knew the$ had to make laws to keep order/ and the$ knew the$ had to make those laws seem .air and
reasona&le to the masses o. people or the$ would lose control. "osing control was the thing to &e .eared as an$one
who has read The 0rince &$ 1achia'elli realizes.
And so/ 1achia'ellian manipulators at the top o. the heap were deepl$ in'ol'ed in the .ormation o. our cultural and
social norms/ including our legal s$stem.
In the earliest da$s o. this Tlegal s$stemU there was a .orm o. T8usticeU called Ttrial &$ ordealU. An e+ample o. trial &$
ordeal was holding a red hot iron to a de.endantMs tongue. The plausi&le lie used to 8usti.$ this &eha'ior was i. the
de.endant was telling a lie the$ would ha'e a dr$ mouth and would &e &urned &$ the iron V while a truth.ul person
would ha'e a moist mouth and would &e protected.
The .act is a -O*1A" person who is telling the truth would most de.initel$ ha'e a dr$ mouth .rom .ear/ while a
ps$chopath/ who is incapa&le o. .eeling .ear/ would &e the one with the moist mouth222
-ow/ 8ust think a&out that .or a .ew minutes.
I7ou might want to read m$ article on 0onerolog$ and other articles on ps$chopath$/ which 4uote e+tensi'el$ .rom
se'eral clinical ps$chologists on the su&8ect o. ps$chopath$ 8ust to get a real handle on the issue we are .acing.J
-ow/ our current legal s$stem is descended .rom Ttrial &$ ordealU V and reall$ isnMt much di..erent though it is much
cle'erer and simpl$ not as o&'iousl$ e'il as that one was. As Anna Salter said/ i. she was accused o. a crime/ she
would rather ha'e a good law$er than &e innocent. That is a trul$ sad statement on our realit$.
The conditions o. our world are designed to create the ma+imum chance that e'il will pre'ail and the good people will
&e punished &$ &eing good and telling the truth.
0unishing normal/ decent/ good people in'ol'es more than 8ust creating a social s$stem that acts against them. The
s$stem is designed to insure that these good people are su&8ected to as much pain as possi&le .or the simple .act o.
&eing good and honest. An o&'ious e+ample o. punishing the innocent ma$ &e .ound in the wa$ the 'ictim in a rape
case is treatedY their reputations are dragged through the dirt V all in the name o. 8ustice o. course.
The s$stem that controls our thinking is set up like the legal s$stem. 0eople are taught to assume that/ in an$ con.lict/
one side is l$ing one wa$/ and the other is l$ing the other wa$/ and people can 8ust .orm opinions a&out which side is
telling the truth. The$ are taught that the truth will lie somewhere &etween two e+tremes.
That is a wonder.ull$ plausi&le lie.
Canup suggests that/ to see the e'il &ehind that plausi&le lie/ we must make a di..erent assumption let us assume that in
such cases/ one side is innocent/ honest/ and tells the truth. It is o&'ious that l$ing does an innocent de.endant no goodY
what lie can he tell9 I. he is innocent/ the onl$ lie he can tell is to .alsel$ con.ess TI did it.U
On the other hand/ l$ing is nothing &ut good .or the liar. He can declare that TI didnMt do itU and accuse another o. doing
itY all the while the innocent person is sa$ing TI didnMt do itU and is telling the truth.
The truth V when twisted &$ good liars/ can alwa$s make an innocent person look &ad V especiall$ i. he is honest and
admits that he has .aults. I. someone is telling the simple truth/ and the other side is l$ing through their teeth/ the &asic
assumption that the truth lies &etween the testimon$ o. the two sides alwa$s shi.ts the ad'antage to the l$ing side and
awa$ .rom the side telling the truth. 6nder most circumstances/ this shi.t put together with the .act that the truth is going
to also &e twisted in such a wa$ as to &ring detriment to the innocent person/ results in the ad'antage alwa$s resting in
the hands o. liars.
Canup points out that/ e'en the simple act o. gi'ing testimon$ under oath is useless. I. a person is a liar/ swearing an
oath means nothing to that person. Howe'er/ swearing an oath acts strongl$ on a serious/ truth.ul witness. Again/ the
ad'antage is placed on the side o. the liars.
0roo. is a .amiliar concept to those used to con'entional logical thinking. Howe'er what passes .or proo. in cultural/
social/ and e'en legal terms o.ten &ears onl$ a super.icial resem&lance to what would &e considered proo. &$ those
who reall$ use their minds to think.
For e+ample in .ormal mathematics/ proo. rules are esta&lished V postulates are set out and a structure is &uilt &ased on
the postulates and the theorem. 1athematical proo. is prett$ much inargua&le once a proo. is accepted as true it is
added to the pool o. known truths.
In legal proo. there is a set o. rules and a theor$ which the prosecution presents/ and attempts to pro'e the theor$ &$
cle'er argumentation rather than .acts. Truth is not the o&8ecti'e. Getting other people to &elie'e the theor$ IS the
o&8ecti'e. Howe'er/ the prosecutionMs theor$ is whate'er the prosecutor &elie'es that he can get awa$ with &ased on
what is known a&out the case/ or what he can 0*),)-T .rom &eing known. !hat legal [proo.M does is ser'e as a
structure .or con'incing a group o. people o. the guilt o. a person/ a&out whom the$ know nothing.
There is another signi.icant di..erence 1athematical proo.s are 8udged &$ e+perts in the particular case who are .ree to
stud$ an$ and all in.ormation a&out the case. "egal [proo.M is 8udged &$ people who are guaranteed to &e ignorant o.
the case/ who are onl$ allowed to stud$ the in.ormation presented during the .ormal trial/ and who are not e'en allowed
to consult the te+ts .or what the rules sa$.
Our culture is so permeated with this Tlegal argumentU s$stem that it e+tends into our dail$ e+perience the one who is
the slickest at using the structure .or con'incing a group o. people o. something/ is the one who is &elie'ed. ,er$ .ew
people take the time to o&tain hard .acts &$ care.ull$ stud$ing an$ and all in.ormation a&out a situation.
!hat we see something here that is set up to decei'e people &$ presenting a .amiliar structure which/ upon
e+amination/ is a sham. And again/ the ad'antages .all to the hands o. the liars.
As Canup points out/ in a courtroom/ 8uries are prohi&ited &$ law .rom knowing an$one in'ol'ed in the trial. I. the
de.endant is a good person who is &eing set up and .ramed/ people who know him well and who ha'e had much
opportunit$ to interact with him o'er a long period o. time and o&ser'e him would ha'e much more trou&le accepting
lies told a&out him. I. the 8urors knew the prosecutor and knew him to &e a &ull$ing liar/ the$ might ha'e trou&le
&elie'ing the lies he was telling. I. the 8urors knew the de.endant/ and know him to &e a trou&le making 'illain the$ might
&e more likel$ to con'ict him.
#$ the same standards/ i. a person who is guilt$ is accused o. a crime that he %I% commit/ as we ha'e seen a&o'e/ it is
all too eas$ to get o... Corrupt law$ers/ ignorant Te+perts/U and &lind 8udges let guilt$ people literall$ get awa$ with
murder all the time.
#ut/ none o. the conditions conduci'e to .inding the T*6TH pre'ail in a courtroom e'en i. we ha'e &een &rainwashed
to think that we ha'e the T&est legal s$stem in the world.U It is not much di..erent than TTrial &$ Ordeal/U onl$ the hot
poker has &een replaced &$ a s$stem that works as e..ecti'el$ to the ad'antage o. liars.
Here then we see the worst .eature o. the law it is designed to make the world sa.e .or e'il people. In e..ect the law
ser'es to take the horns awa$ .rom the &ulls/ while lea'ing the lions their teeth and claws. 1assi'e/ o'erwhelming/
ad'antage is placed in the hands o. liars. Indeed/ without the legal s$stem insuring their sa.et$/ the world would &e a
much more di..icult place .or e'il people.
)'er$one knows somewhere deep inside/ that there is something not right a&out our world. In .act/ at the present
moment/ it could hardl$ &e worse. #ut most people spend their li'es a'oiding that .act at all cost. The &rutal truth is that
the our social/ cultural/ and legal s$stems are all a&out making people helpless then hammering them without merc$ V all
the while in'ol'ing e'er$one in the illusion that right pre'ails.
This is an issue that will ne'er die. It seems impossi&le to con'ince people that pri'ate &eha'ior cannot &e predicted
.rom pu&lic &eha'ior. 5ind/ non'iolent indi'iduals &eha'e well in pu&lic/ &ut so do predators/ rapists/ murderers/
pedophiles/ and COI-T)"0*O agents who operate largel$ to shape and 'ector Tsocial norms/U or To..icial cultureU
and to protect the perpatrators o. A::.
The other da$ we watched , .or ,endetta and/ like man$ others/ I thought it was a reall$ good analog$ o. our present
glo&al situation e'en i. it was presented as &eing Tin the .uture.U It not onl$ con'e$s the idea o. how the media is spun in
a num&er o. &rilliant scenes/ &ut it actuall$ discussed the .act that words were &eing changed/ that our language was
&eing co-opted to the use o. the ps$chopaths. I!eMll come to the mo'ie at the end/ so hang in there.J
This is something o. particular interest to me since words are reall$ all we ha'e to make connections 'ia this medium.
And words are what ps$chopaths use to manipulate people.
It is also interesting that "o&aczewski talks a&out this coopting o. language which was o&ser'ed as part o. the
0athocratic process and how it was used in particularl$ de'ious wa$s to co-opt an ideological group that was Ton the
outsideU or &$ the old de.initions o. words/ &ene'olent/ &ut which had &een completel$ trans.ormed in inner content as
understood &$ the Tinsiders.U "etMs ha'e a look
An ideolog$ o. a secondaril$ ponerogenic association is .ormed &$ gradual adaptation o. the primar$
ideolog$ to .unctions and goals other than the original .ormati'e ones.
A certain kind o. la$ering or schizophrenia o. ideolog$ takes place during the ponerization process.
The outer la$er closest to the original content is used .or the groupMs propaganda purposes/ especiall$
regarding the outside world/ although it can in part also &e used inside with regard to dis&elie'ing lower-
echelon mem&ers.
The second la$er presents the elite with no pro&lems o. comprehension it is more hermetic/ generall$
composed &$ slipping a di..erent meaning into the same names.
Since identical names signi.$ di..erent contents depending on the la$er in 4uestion/ understanding this
Tdou&letalkU re4uires simultaneous .luenc$ in &oth languages.
A'erage people succum& to the .irst la$erMs suggesti'e insinuations .or a long time &e.ore the$ learn to
understand the second one as well.
An$one with certain ps$chological de'iations/ especiall$ i. he is wearing the mask o. normalit$ with which
we are alread$ .amiliar/ immediatel$ percei'es the second la$er to &e attracti'e and signi.icantY a.ter all/ it
was &uilt &$ people like him.
Comprehending this dou&letalk is there.ore a 'e+atious task/ pro'oking 4uite understanda&le
ps$chological resistanceY this 'er$ dualit$ o. language/ howe'er/ is a pathognomonic s$mptom indicating
that the human union in 4uestion is touched &$ the ponerogenic process to an ad'anced degree.
The ideolog$ o. unions a..ected &$ such degeneration has certain constant .actors regardless o. their
4ualit$/ 4uantit$/ or scope o. action namel$/ the moti'ations o. a wronged group/ radical righting o. the
wrong/ and the higher 'alues o. the indi'iduals who ha'e 8oined the organization. These moti'ations
.acilitate su&limation o. the .eeling o. &eing wronged and di..erent/ caused &$ oneMs own ps$chological
.ailings/ and appear to li&erate the indi'idual .rom the need to a&ide &$ uncom.orta&le moral principles.
In the world .ull o. real in8ustice and human humiliation/ making it conduci'e to the .ormation o. an
ideolog$ containing the a&o'e elements/ a union o. its con'erts ma$ easil$ succum& to degradation. !hen
this happens/ those people with a tendenc$ to accept the &etter 'ersion o. the ideolog$ will tend to 8usti.$
such ideological dualit$. W...X
The ideolog$ o. pathocrac$ is created &$ caricaturizing the original ideolog$ o. a social mo'ement in a
manner characteristic o. that particular pathological phenomenon. W...X
A pathocrac$Ms ideolog$ changes its .unction/ 8ust as occurs with a mentall$ ill personMs delusional s$stem.
It stops &eing a human con'iction outlining methods o. action and takes on other duties which are not
openl$ de.ined. It &ecomes a disguising stor$ concealing the new realit$ .rom peopleMs critical
consciousness/ &oth inside and outside oneMs nation.
The .irst .unction V a con'iction outlining methods o. action V soon &ecomes ine..ecti'e .or two reasons
on the one hand/ realit$ e+poses the methods o. action as unworka&leY on the other hand/ the masses o.
common people notice the contemptuous attitude toward the ideolog$ represented &$ the pathocrats
themsel'es. For that reason/ the main operational theater .or the ideolog$ consists o. nations remaining
outside the immediate am&it o. the pathocrac$/ since that world tends to continue &elie'ing in ideologies.
The ideolog$ thus &ecomes the instrument .or e+ternal action to a degree e'en greater than in the a&o'e-
mentioned relationship &etween the disease and its delusional s$stem.
0s$chopaths are conscious o. &eing di..erent .rom normal people. That is wh$ the Tpolitical s$stemU
inspired &$ their nature is a&le to conceal this awareness o. &eing di..erent. The$ wear a personal mask o.
sanit$ and know how to create a macrosocial mask o. the same dissimulating nature.
!hen we o&ser'e the role o. ideolog$ in this macrosocial phenomenon/ 4uite conscious o. the e+istence
o. this speci.ic awareness o. the ps$chopath/ we can then understand wh$ ideolog$ is relegated to a tool-
like role something use.ul in dealing with those other nai'e people and nations.
0athocrats must ne'ertheless appreciate the .unction o. ideolog$ as &eing something essential in an$
ponerogenic group/ especiall$ in the macrosocial phenomenon which is their ThomelandU. This .actor o.
awareness simultaneousl$ constitutes a certain 4ualitati'e di..erence &etween the two a&o'e-mentioned
0athocrats know that their real ideolog$ is deri'ed .rom their de'iant natures/ and treat the TotherU V the
masking ideolog$ V with &arel$ concealed contempt. And the common people e'entuall$ &egin to
percei'e this as noted a&o'e.
Thus/ a well-de'eloped pathocratic s$stem no longer has a clear and direct relationship to its original
ideolog$/ which it onl$ keeps as its primar$/ traditional tool .or action and masking.
For practical purposes o. pathocratic e+pansion/ other ideologies ma$ &e use.ul/ e'en i. the$ contradict
the main one and heap moral denunciation upon it. Howe'er/ these other ideologies must &e used with
care/ re.raining .rom o..icial acknowledgement within en'ironments wherein the original ideolog$ can &e
made to appear too .oreign/ discredited/ and useless.
The main ideolog$ succum&s to s$mptomatic de.ormation/ in keeping with the characteristic st$le o. this
'er$ disease and with what has alread$ &een stated a&out the matter.
The names and o..icial contents are kept/ &ut another/ completel$ di..erent content is insinuated
underneath/ thus gi'ing rise to the well known dou&le talk phenomenon within which the same names ha'e
two meanings one .or initiates/ one .or e'er$one else. The latter is deri'ed .rom the original ideolog$Y the
.ormer has a speci.icall$ pathocratic meaning/ something which is known not onl$ to the pathocrats
themsel'es/ &ut also is learned &$ those people li'ing under long-term su&8ection to their rule.
%ou&letalk is onl$ one o. man$ s$mptoms.
Others are the speci.ic .acilit$ .or producing new names which ha'e suggesti'e e..ects and are accepted
'irtuall$ uncriticall$/ in particular outside the immediate scope o. such a s$stemMs rule.
!e must thus point out the paramoralistic character and paranoidal 4ualities .re4uentl$ contained within
these names. The action o. paralogisms and paramoralisms in this de.ormed ideolog$ &ecomes
comprehensi&le to us &ased on the in.ormation presented in Chapter I,. An$thing which threatens
pathocratic rule &ecomes deepl$ immoral. This also applies to the concept o. .orgi'ing the pathocrats
themsel'esY it is e+tremel$ dangerous and thus TimmoralU.
!e thus ha'e the right to in'ent appropriate names which would indicate the nature o. the phenomena as
accuratel$ as possi&le/ in keeping with our recognition and respect .or the laws o. the scienti.ic
methodolog$ and semantics. Such accurate terms will also ser'e to protect our minds .rom the suggesti'e
e..ects o. those other names and paralogisms/ including the pathological material the latter contain. W...X
The de'elopment o. .amiliarit$ with the phenomenon is accompanied &$ de'elopment o. communicati'e
language/ &$ means o. which societ$ can sta$ in.ormed and issue warnings o. danger. A third language
thus appears alongside the ideological dou&letalk descri&ed a&o'eY in part/ it &orrows names used &$ the
o..icial ideolog$ in their trans.ormed modi.ied meanings. In part/ this language operates with words
&orrowed .rom still more li'el$ circulating 8okes. In spite o. its strangeness/ this language &ecomes a use.ul
means o. communication and pla$s a part in regenerating societal links.
I also want to add another part o. "o&aczewskiMs &ook that relates speci.icall$ to the work o. our research and
discussion groups and all o. those who ha'e come to an awareness o. ps$chopath$ and its role on the current glo&al
The speci.ic role o. certain indi'iduals during such times is worth pointing outY the$ participate in the
disco'er$ o. the nature o. this new realit$ and help others .ind the right path.
The$ ha'e a normal nature &ut e+perienced an un.ortunate childhood/ &eing su&8ected 'er$ earl$ to the
domination o. indi'iduals with 'arious ps$chological de'iations/ including pathological egotism and
methods o. terrorizing others.
The new rulership s$stem strikes such people as a large scale societal multiplication o. what the$ knew
.rom personal e+perience.
From the 'er$ outset/ such indi'iduals saw this realit$ much more prosaicall$/ immediatel$ treating the
ideolog$ in accordance with the paralogistic stories well known to them/ whose purpose was to cloak the
&itter realit$ o. their $outh.ul e+periences. The$ soon reach the truth/ since the genesis and nature o. e'il
are analogous irrespecti'e o. the social scale in which it appears.
Such people are rarel$ understood in happ$ societies/ &ut the$ were in'alua&le thenY their e+planations
and ad'ice pro'ed accurate and were transmitted to others 8oining the network o. this appercepti'e
Howe'er/ their own su..ering was dou&led/ since this was too much o. a similar kind o. a&use .or one li.e
to handle. The$ there.ore nursed dreams o. escaping into the .reedom still e+isting in the outside world.
Finall$/ societ$ sees the appearance o. indi'iduals who ha'e collected e+ceptional intuiti'e perception and
practical knowledge in the area o. how pathocrats think and how such a s$stem o. rule operates. Some o.
them &ecome so pro.icient in their de'iant language and its idiomatics that the$ are a&le to use it/ much like
a .oreign language the$ ha'e learned well. Since the$ are a&le to decipher the rulershipMs intentions/ such
people then o..er ad'ice to people who are ha'ing trou&le with the authorities. These ad'ocates o. the
societ$ o. normal people pla$ a irreplacea&le role in the li.e o. societ$.
The pathocrats/ howe'er/ can ne'er learn to think in normal human categories. At the same time/ the
ina&ilit$ to predict the reaction o. normal people to such an authorit$ also leads to the conclusion that the
s$stem is rigidl$ causati'e and lacking in the natural .reedom o. choice.
-ow/ let me &ring this &a&$ home. Going &ack to what I wrote at the &eginning o. this piece
1an$ o. $ou reading this &log are aware o. the recent articles pu&lished on the !ing T,
we&site regarding (e.. *ense/ Ale+ (ones/1ike *uppert/ and other leaders o. the so-called A:: Truth
mo'ement. Interestingl$/ instead o. *ense/ (ones and *uppert responding intelligentl$ to the issues raised/
or responding at all/ a strange third part$ de.amation attack on "isa Guliani &egan. Ha'ing &een su&8ected
to e+actl$ the same t$pe o. Third 0art$ Attack m$sel./ I recognized it .or what it was and immediatel$
stood up with "isa to point out that there was simpl$ no e+cuse .or that kind o. .ilth &eing spewed a&out
an$one under the guise o. T.ree speech.U Funn$/ T.ree speechU was the same 8usti.ication gi'en .or
spewing lies a&out me and m$ .amil$. -ow/ &ecause we de.ended "isa and ,ictor/ this de.amation attack
spread out to include our own discussion .orum on numerous threads.
7es indeed/ I recognized the character assassination &ecause I had e+perienced it. !hat a lot o. people donMt realize is
that this sort o. acti'it$ is 8ust the Twarm up.U I. $ou are normal/ sincere/ and reall$ seeking the truth/ it is going to
happen to 7O6 e'entuall$. The conte+t ma$ &e di..erent/ and the degree ma$ greater or lesser/ &ut it will happen to
$ou. And when it does/ remem&er 1artin -iemoller.
There are se'eral 'ersions o. the well-known statement attri&uted to the German anti--azi acti'ist/ 0astor
1artin -iem]ller. The .ollowing is said/ &$ someone who heard him speak at Colum&ia Theological
Seminar$ in %ecautur GA in :ACA Ior :A><J/ to &e what he actuall$ said
In German$ the$ .irst came .or the Communists/
and I didnMt speak up &ecause I wasnMt a Communist.
Then the$ came .or the (ews/
and I didnMt speak up &ecause I wasnMt a (ew.
Then the$ came .or the trade unionists/
and I didnMt speak up &ecause I wasnMt a trade unionist.
Then the$ came .or the Catholics/
and I didnMt speak up &ecause I was a 0rotestant.
Then the$ came .or me -
and &$ that time no one was le.t to speak up.
!hat 1artin -iem]ller said appears in the Congressional *ecord/ :B/ Octo&er :A>=/ page ?:>?>/ as
!hen Hitler attacked the (ews I was not a (ew/ there.ore I was not concerned. And when
Hitler attacked the Catholics/ I was not a Catholic/ and there.ore/ I was not concerned. And
when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists/ I was not a mem&er o. the unions and I
was not concerned. Then Hitler attacked me and the 0rotestant church V and there was
no&od$ le.t to &e concerned.
!ell/ itMs the same thing when $ou are &eing attacked .or speaking the truth and no&od$ comes to $our
"ast night Ark and I were talking a&out this whole thing and he pointed out that i. I was $ounger the$ would &e sa$ing
the same things a&out me that the$ sa$ a&out "isa. And $eah/ he was right. #ut since IMm older and o&'iousl$ no one
would mistake me .or a street walker since I ainMt got the looks/ the$ go a.ter me in a di..erent wa$/ accusing me o.
plagiarism/ .raud/ leading a cult/ a&using m$ children/ and so on. IM'e e'en &een accused o. plagiarizing m$ own
auto&iograph$22222 Figure that one out222 %onMt the$ think that i. I had done that that all the other people I wrote a&out
would ha'e said something999
The whole thing is a&out CO-SCI)-C) The a&ilit$ to empathize/ to see that something is wrong/ that people are
doing e'il things to hurt another human &eing/ and to stand up and sa$ so and act in solidarit$.
The 0T# are a&le to pa$ people so that it looks like the$ ha'e solidarit$. The$ also attract de'iants who are in solidarit$
with their per'ert kind. !e need to learn how to tell the di..erence22
For so long/ the de'iants ha'e inculcated normal human &eings with those knee 8erk programs like Ti. $ou canMt sa$
something niceKU Tleast said soonest mendedKU T$our .riends will know the truth and i. the$ &elie'e the lies/ the$
arenMt $our .riendsKU and all the stu.. that is designed to keep us .rom sharing data that is crucial to our sur'i'al..
In .act/ most human relationships are doomed .rom the start &ecause o. these kinds o. programsK
And thatMs our whole societ$ programmed and set up .or the con'enience o. hiding ps$chopaths K so that normal
human &eings li'e their li'es under the control o. de'iants.
!hat a racket.
-ow/ let me recommend the &ook TIn #road %a$lightU to get a real sense o. how ps$chopaths ha'e prgrammed human
societ$ to not support and help each other when ps$chos go a.ter them. ItMs a microcosm metaphor o. the 6nited
States right now.
How &ad does it ha'e to get &e.ore conscience is awakened9 %o the$ ha'e to come a.ter 7O69 And how/ then/ will
$ou .eel when $ou didnMt stand up .or someone else9
IMm talking a&out the mem&ers o. the so-called 0atriot 1o'ement/ the A:: Truth 1o'ement/ etc. I 5-O! that all o.
them know that what is &eing said a&out "isa is not true. #ut the$ 8ust look the other wa$ like 5itt$ Geno'ese was
&eing murderedK
And that is/ in a sense/ what it is an attempted assassination o. the soul. An$&od$ who is an$ an$ position to go a.ter
those *e'ereradio creeps and %O)S-MT/ hasnMt got a soul. 0eriod. ThatMs $ou/ *ense/ (ones/ %unne and the whole
damn lot o. $ou2 I. I wasnMt alread$ con'inced that $ou gu$s are paid go'ernment agents Isince $ou/ *ense/ and $our
&uddies !eidner and #ridges did the same a&solutel$ unconsciona&le thing to meJ/ $our ps$chopathic associates and
their acti'ities would dri'e the point home. 7ou are complicit &$ $our silence.
For those readers who are persuaded/ as 5aminski was/ &$ ps$chopathic manipulation/ that "isa and ,ictor &rought
this on themsel'es/ please go &ack and check the record/ notice the %)TAI"S/ and $ou will conclued Iassuming $ou
ha'e a soulJ that "isa did nothing to deser'e the kind o. .ilth and degradation that has &een heaped on her.
On this su&8ect/ let me 4uote one o. our .orum mem&ers
I think the 'ast ma8orit$ o. people I ha'e known tend to secretl$ admire ps$chopaths Inot the 'iolent
sociopathic 'ariet$J/ when it is not them them that is the 'ictim. Here in Greece especiall$/ where the
language structure re.lects the ps$cholog$ o. the people in detail/ the capacit$ to manipulate is e4uated
with superior intelligence Isur'i'al intelligenceJ.
I saw the same thing in the 6S/ )urope and e'en 1orocco. The predator is secretl$ admired. 1an$
people who claim to ha'e a conscience sa$ that it is their T.ailingU and a Tlia&ilit$U. Our societ$ promotes
ps$chopaths as success.ul/ as superior/ as e+amples o. what %arwin was talkinM a&out.
A lot o. people see empath$ as counter-e'olutionar$ and as a weakness or some kind o. retardation. I
ha'e come to conclude that this conditioning goes 'er$ deep in human societ$. And I think ps$chopaths
ha'e a wa$ o. spreading an aura o. intimidation/ o. sending su&liminal signals to others like TdonMt &other
me while I .eed i. $ou know whatMs good .or $ouU.
As I see it/ ps$chopathic attacks are like the &last radius o. a &om&. There is the .ocus upon the primar$
target/ and there is a secondar$ radius o. attack that amounts to su&tle en'ironmental intimidation to keep
others .rom inter.ering.
The thing is that i. a person has a soul there will &e a clash &etween what the ps$chopath Iand
corresponding rein.orcing social conditioningJ outputs/ and the dictates o. conscience. That will generate a
lot o. dissonance in an$one with a soul worth mentioning. The test o. soul strength is what that person
does a&out the dissonance. !hat path do the$ choose to alle'iate it9
In simple terms it amounts to how $ou are a&le to li'e with $oursel.. !ho is $our guide9 Is it $our soul or
is it the ps$chopathic program9 Sometimes there is nothing we can do without putting oursel'es in danger/
and hence out o. capacit$ to &e o. assistence were we can &e. Then we must accept the resulting
dissonance/ and alle'iate it &$ .orgi'ing oursel'es. )'en i. we could not act/ the choice was still a soul
choice/ and &ecause o. that .orgi'eness can come through o&8ecti'e perspecti'e.
!hen it is not a soul choice/ we damn oursel'es into ser'itude to the ps$chopathic program. That is
&ecause the program ne'er stops telling us what to do and how to act once we gi'e it that .irst permission
to do so. It keeps making demands/ .or its raison dMetre is to undermine our soul out o. e+istence.
In the end we &ecome no di..erent than ps$chopaths oursel'es. The onl$ thing/ in that situation/ that would
e'en hint that our soul still has an ounce o. presence is the inner turmoil we would ha'e to e+pend
tremendous amounts o. energ$ to suppress.
This is the wa$ o. all those who claimed to T8ust &e .ollowing ordersU when the$ perpetrated attrocities.
Following orders/ howe'er/ is not the onl$ e+cuse people pro'ide to hide their .ear o. &eing another o. the
ps$chopathMs 'ictims. In the case o. the truth mo'ement there is plent$ o. room .or rationalization/ which in
the end does nothing &ut end up in a Ti. $ou canMt &eat [em/ 8oin [emU mentalit$ regarding ps$chopaths.
It is a pro.ound re'elation to see 8ust how much human societ$ has &een engineered &$ ps$chopaths down
to the details we take .or granted. And one need no go looking .or conspiracies to o&ser'e this/ &ecause it
is all-per'asi'e .rom the su&tle to the most &latant domains o. social &eha'iour.
The soul has &een taken awa$ .rom &eing a natural and 4uintessential moti'ating .orce into the domain o.
religion. It has &ecome a&stract/ although it is something normall$ .elt as strongl$ and undenia&l$ as .lesh
when present. The true indi'idual soul has &een ho&&led/ and people are literall$ punishing .or daring to
&are its naked radiance. K
The soul is not onl$ anathema to the ps$chopath/ &ut to all those IgorE*en.ield secondaries that silentl$ or
&latantl$ support them through T.ollowing ordersU and other rationalized 8usti.ications/ and mostl$ through
"ike man$ who ha'e contracted a lethal 'irus the$ seem to &e &ent toward spreading it rather than curing
the disease. And the greatest .allac$ is the promotion that this is nothing &ut Thuman natureU. How man$
stop to think that our man$ assumptions o. human nature are &ased on ps$chopathic propaganda and
conditioning9 How man$ stop to think at all9 I guess that pesk$ consciousEconscience hurts too much.
To .inish o.. here/ there are a couple o. things .rom the pre'ious "o&aczewski 4uotes that ha'e &een .loating around in
m$ head making connections. These are things that are Thope.ul.U
First notice this
The de'elopment o. .amiliarit$ with the phenomenon is accompanied &$ de'elopment o. communicati'e
language/ &$ means o. which societ$ can sta$ in.ormed and issue warnings o. danger. A third language
thus appears alongside the ideological dou&letalk descri&ed a&o'eY in part/ it &orrows names used &$ the
o..icial ideolog$ in their trans.ormed modi.ied meanings. In part/ this language operates with words
&orrowed .rom still more li'el$ circulating 8okes. In spite o. its strangeness/ this language &ecomes a use.ul
means o. communication and pla$s a part in regenerating societal links.
And then this
The speci.ic role o. certain indi'iduals during such times is worth pointing outY the$ participate in the
disco'er$ o. the nature o. this new realit$ and help others .ind the right pathK..
Finall$/ societ$ sees the appearance o. indi'iduals who ha'e collected e+ceptional intuiti'e perception and
practical knowledge in the area o. how pathocrats think and how such a s$stem o. rule operates.
Some o. them &ecome so pro.icient in their de'iant language and its idiomatics that the$ are a&le to use it/
much like a .oreign language the$ ha'e learned well. Since the$ are a&le to decipher the rulershipMs
intentions/ such people then o..er ad'ice to people who are ha'ing trou&le with the authorities. These
ad'ocates o. the societ$ o. normal people pla$ a irreplacea&le role in the li.e o. societ$.
This reminded me o. something else I ha'e read recentl$. From the &ook The %oor 1arked Summer &$ 1ichael
#entine Icomedian/ 'eteran Goon/ scriptwriter and T, and radio personalit$ whose interest in the TunusualU was widel$
knownJ. He wrote
It would seem that whene'er a group o. people/ o. scholarl$ and inspiring natures/ gather together/ drawn
&$ the law o. the mind [like attracts likeM/ the pool o. their pain.ull$ ac4uired knowledge .orms the &asis
.or a heretical school o. philosoph$. IIt is heres$/ o. course/ onl$ in the e$es o. whate'er )sta&lishment
has gained temporar$ control o. the status 4uo.J
In another place in the same &ook he writes a&out his e+periences during !! II. This is a ,)*7 interesting passage
and I think it has a lot to tell us under the present circumstances. #entine was sent to complete an Tintelligence courseU
and sa$s
The main purpose o. this introductor$/ wide-spectrum course in Intensi'e Intelligence was to .amiliarize
the newcomers with an attitude o. mind V securit$. K we were all amateurs/ .or onl$ one or two o. us had
e+perience o. clandestine acti'ities. 0oles/ Czechs/ Americans/ French/ #elgians/ -orwegians/ %utch/
Canadians/ Australians and e'en a 0eru'ian I#entineJ/ we all had one thing in common V we hated the
This was an all-ser'ice course V na'al personnel/ marines/ arm$ and air .orce V and one o. the most
important su&8ects was e'asion and escape. K
The di..erence &etween e'asion and escape is simple. An e'ader is making his wa$ out o. enem$ territor$
&e.ore &eing caught/ whereas an escaper has alread$ &een in enem$ hands/ usuall$ in a prisoner o. war
One o. the chie.s o. 1IA at the time o. m$ introductions to its techni4ues was that gallant man Aire$
-ea'eK 1an$ $ears later/ I was to get to know him as a .riend. His recent &rutal murder &$ terrorists
ro&&ed #ritain o. one o. the most .air-minded and &rilliant men the countr$ has known. WAre we surprised
that he was murdered &$ Dterr3ists9X
His colleagues at the Towers were S4uadron-"eader )'ans and Flight-"ieutenant %urns.ord Smith V &oth
o. whom had made daring and &rilliantl$ concei'ed escapes in !! I. I had read and re-read &oth their
&ooks &e.ore the war. -ow I got to know them &oth/ and the$ were kind enough to go deepl$ into their
e+periences with me. #oth o. them told me that the$ had relied hea'il$ on their intuition/ which their
wartime e+periences had sharpened .or them. K
I spent most o. m$ time on that .ascinating course listening to m$ wartime comrades .rom all o'er the
world. All o. them were older than I was/ and man$ o. them had escaped .rom the Germans #litzkrieg
across )urope and had made their wa$/ &$ a multiplicit$ o. escape routes/ to #ritain. The$ had come
through German$/ Sweden/ Switzerland/ 7ugosla'ia/ Greece/ France and Spain. Some had &een
wounded on their wa$ to .reedom. 1an$ had killed to get through. All were determined to get &ack and
destro$ the -azis. K
All those mem&ers o. the course who had either escaped .rom or e'aded the Germans were aware that
the$ had &een aided or guided in some wa$ during their ad'entures. The American airmen who had &een
shot down and e'aded the -azis called it Tpla$ing their hunches.U The 0oles/ who were deepl$ religious/
&elie'ed in guidance through pra$er/ and the spectrum o. &elie.s and opinions 'aried widel$ among the
others. The sort o. comments I heard were
Something told me what to do.
I .elt that something was guiding me.
I 8ust .elt that was the right thing to do/ at that moment.
I could .eel that I was &eing .ollowed.
I knew it was now or ne'er.
I pra$ed and m$ pra$ers were answered.
I saw m$ mother clearl$ V she told me to get up immediatel$ and lea'e that house. A .ew
minutes later the Germans were there2
All o. them said that under the stress o. the a&solute need .or sur'i'al their senses were heightened/ e'en
when weak .rom hunger/ thirst and lack o. sleep.
It was a re'elation2
It is di..icult to e+plain or e'en descri&e the .eeling o. comradeship that sprang up so 4uickl$ and readil$ in
these circumstances/ &ut an$one who has &een part o. a group or team o. people under stress and who
are working .or the same cause will know what I mean.
The 0oles/ to whom I was posted taught me more a&out war and how to .ight it than all the 'olumes o.
cle'er anal$sis e'er written. It is simple reall$ 7ou .ight it twent$-.our hours a da$. 7ou eat it/ drink it/
sleep it and de'ote $our whole attention to it. 6ntil it is o'er V and then $ou spend the rest o. $our li.e
tr$ing to make certain it doesnMt happen again.
O. all our allies/ the 0olish people su..ered the worst &etra$al. !e went to war &ecause o. the in'asion o.
0oland &$ the -azis in alliance with So'iet *ussia. At the end o. the war we let the So'iets take 0oland
without a murmur. !hate'er ingenious political &ack-somersault one per.orms/ there can &e no
8usti.ication .or that last action. The 0oles .ought 'aliantl$ and died in the hundreds o. thousands and the$
deser'ed &etter/ especiall$ at the hands o. #ritain.
I included that last &it that re'eals #entineMs &itterness a&out politics &ecause we all know that #ritain had a di..erent
agenda in !! II and the agenda then seems to &e intimatel$ connected to the agenda toda$. !hat makes it all so sick
is that the$ used the .ierce and righteous anger o. the a'erage person to do their work .or them.
An$wa$/ I ha'e put in &old a .ew things that reall$ stood out .or me.
I. $ou consider the Tdi'ine guidanceU thing/ $ou know that normal people ha'e something that ps$chopaths cannot
),)* ha'e V access to something higher that can &e accessed under stress. This item gi'es us Inormal humans 'is a 'is
ps$chopathsJ a distinct ad'antage and also teaches us that the Te'olutionar$ pressureU that is created &$ them on the
population o. normal humans is e+tremel$ use.ul It actuall$ produces the conditions that can lead to greater a&ilities IF
6TI"IL)% CO**)CT"72
In a certain sense/ this means that those indi'iduals who are a&le to do this/ whose sur'i'al is enhanced &$ such a&ilities/
are TselectedU e'olutionaril$ speaking.
-ow/ letMs come &ack to our pro&lem Is there a solution9
The o&'ious solution would &e a world in which/ at the 'er$ least/ the ps$chopath V in go'ernment or in societ$ V
would &e .orced to &e responsi&le .or unethical &eha'ior.
Could it e'er &e an e'olutionaril$ sta&le strateg$ .or people to &e innatel$ unsel.ish9
On the whole/ a capacit$ to cheat/ to compete and to lie has pro'en to &e a stupendousl$ success.ul adaptation. Thus
the idea that selection pressure could e'er cause saintliness to spread in a societ$ looks implausi&le in practice. It
doesnMt seem .easi&le to outcompete genes which promote competiti'eness. T-ice gu$sU get eaten or out&red. Happ$
people who are unaware get eaten or out&red. Happiness and niceness toda$ is 'anishingl$ rare/ and the miser$ and
su..ering o. those who are a&le to trul$ .eel/ who are empathic toward other human &eings/ who ha'e a conscience/ is
all too common. And the ps$chopathic manipulations are designed to make ps$chopaths o. us all.
-e'ertheless/ a predisposition to/ conscience/ ethics/ can pre'ail i. and when it is also a&le to implement the deepest
le'el o. altruism making the o&8ect o. its empath$ the higher ideal o. enhancing .ree will in the a&stract sense/ .or the
sake o. others/ including our descendants.
In short/ our Tsel.-interestU ought to &e 'ested in collecti'el$ ensuring that all others are happ$ and well-disposed tooY
and in ensuring that children we &ring into the world ha'e the option o. &eing constitutionall$ happ$ and &ene'olent
toward one another.
This means that i. ps$chopath$ threatens the well-&eing o. the group .uture/ then it can &e onl$ &e dealt with &$ re.using
to allow the sel. to &e dominated &$ it on an indi'idual/ personal &asis. 0reser'ing .ree will .or the sel. in the practical
sense/ ultimatel$ preser'es .ree will .or others. 0rotection o. our own rights AS the rights o. others/ underwrites the .ree
will position and potential .or happiness o. all. I. mutant ps$chopaths pose a potential danger then true empath$/ true
ethics/ true conscience/ dictates using proph$lactic therap$ against ps$chopaths.
And so it is that identi.$ing the ps$chopath/ ceasing our interaction with them/ cutting them o.. .rom our societ$/ making
oursel'es una'aila&le to them as T.oodU or o&8ects to &e conned and used/ is the single most e..ecti'e strateg$ that we
can pla$.
It seems certain .rom the e'idence that a positi'e trans.ormation o. human nature isnMt going to come a&out through a
great spiritual awakening/ socio-economic re.orms/ or a spontaneous desire among the peoples o. the world to &e nice
to each other. #ut itMs 4uite possi&le that/ in the long run/ the ps$chopathic program o. su..ering will lose out &ecause
miser$ is not a sta&le strateg$. In a state o. increasing miser$/ 'ictims will seek to escape itY and this seeking will
ultimatel$ lead them to in4uire into the true state o. their miser$/ and that ma$ lead to a societ$ o. intelligent people who
will ha'e the collecti'e capacit$ to do so.
In short/ I donMt ha'e an$ eas$ answers .or the pro&lem. I know that I think that "isa Guliani is a sincere human &eing
and that she and ,ictor are .ocused on what the$ do &ecause the$ .eel passionate a&out the su&8ect o. .inding the truth
o. A:: and &ringing the perpetrators to 8ustice. The$ ma$ not approach the su&8ect per.ectl$ with all the polish o./ sa$/
#ar&ra !alters and !alter Cronkite/ &ut I get a kick out o. their earth$/ pull-no-punches and take-no-prisoners st$le.
Sure/ the$ ha'e made mistakesY so has e'er$one. And no/ their st$le ma$ not &e .or e'er$one/ 8ust like our work is not
.or e'er$one. )'er$&od$ has a st$le and there is room .or all di..erent st$les o. presentation. #ut st$les ha'e nothing to
do with the a&ilit$ to agree that a crime was committed and to &e a&le to get together and agree on a strateg$ that will
e..ecti'el$ .ocus the energ$ on getting the matter &e.ore the widest pu&lic possi&le and getting their support to actuall$
do something.
And the onl$ wa$ to do that is to identi.$ and e+clude de'iants .rom the &eginning. 0eriod.
"etMs take some clues .rom the mo'ie T, .or ,endetta.U II am 4uite taken with this mo'ie not onl$ &ecause it is a
mar'elous representation o. our situation and some o. the ke$ elements we need to deal with/ &ut also &ecause I am
descended .rom the 0erc$Ms and Thomas 0erc$ was a ma8or pla$er in the TGunpowder 0lot.UJ
)arl$ in the mo'ie we are presented with a T.uturisticU realit$ that/ to an aware indi'idual/ is not so .uturistic. Ordinar$
people reall$ donMt realize how controlled the$ are. As Aldous Hu+le$ wrote in #ra'e -ew !orld
The older dictators .ell &ecause the$ ne'er could suppl$ their su&8ects with enough &read/ enough
circuses/ enough miracles and m$steries. -or did the$ possess a reall$ e..ecti'e s$stem o. mind-
6nder a scienti.ic dictator/ education will reall$ work V with the result that most men and women will grow
up to lo'e their ser'itude and will ne'er dream o. re'olution. There seems to &e no good reason wh$ a
thoroughl$ scienti.ic dictatorship should e'er &e o'erthrown.
0s$chopaths ha'e gone a&out this in a 'er$ Tscienti.icU wa$/ the result &eing V as we can see dail$ V most men and
women reall$ do lo'e their ser'itude. The onl$ pro&lem is that ps$chopaths are also dri'en &$ their own natures and
cannot appl$ the scienti.ic method to .iguring out wh$/ again and again/ e'entuall$/ normal people do wake up and
re'olt. "o&aczewski addresses this issue
0athocrac$ sur'i'es thanks to the .eeling o. &eing threatened &$ the societ$ o. normal people/ as well as
&$ other countries wherein 'arious .orms o. the s$stem o. normal man persist. For the rulers/ sta$ing on
the top is there.ore the classic pro&lem o. Tto &e or not to &eU.
!e can thus .ormulate a more cautious 4uestion can such a s$stem e'er wai'e territorial and political
e+pansion a&road and settle .or its present possessions9
!hat would happen i. such a state o. a..airs ensured internal peace/ corresponding order/ and relati'e
prosperit$ within the nation9
The o'erwhelming ma8orit$ o. the countr$Ms population would then make skill.ul use o. all the emerging
possi&ilities/ taking ad'antage o. their superior 4uali.ications in order to .ight .or an e'er-increasing scope
o. acti'itiesY thanks to their higher &irth rate/ their power will increase. This ma8orit$ will &e 8oined &$
some sons .rom the pri'ileged class who did not inherit the pathological genes. The pathocrac$Ms
dominance will weaken impercepti&l$ &ut steadil$/ .inall$ leading to a situation wherein the societ$ o.
normal people reaches .or power.
This is a nightmare 'ision to the ps$chopaths.
Thus/ the &iological/ ps$chological/ moral/ and economic destruction o. the ma8orit$ o. normal people
&ecomes/ .or the pathocrats/ a T&iologicalU necessit$.
1an$ means ser'e this end/ starting with concentration camps and including war.are with an o&stinate/
well-armed .oe Wlike Ira4 and IranX who will de'astate and de&ilitate the human power thrown at him/
namel$ the 'er$ power 8eopardizing pathocrats rule the sons o. normal man sent out to .ight .or an
illusionar$ Tno&le cause.U Once sa.el$ dead/ the soldiers will then &e decreed heroes to &e re'ered in
paeans/ use.ul .or raising a new generation .aith.ul to the pathocrac$ and e'er willing to go to their deaths
to protect it.
An$ war waged &$ a pathocratic nation has two .ronts/ the internal and the e+ternal. The internal .ront is
more important .or the leaders and the go'erning elite/ and the internal threat is the deciding .actor where
unleashing war is concerned.
In pondering whether to start a war against the pathocratic countr$/ other nations must there.ore gi'e
primar$ consideration to the .act that such a war can &e used as an e+ecutioner o. the common people
whose increasing power represents incipient 8eopard$ .or the pathocrac$. A.ter all/ pathocrats gi'e short
shri.t to &lood and su..ering o. people the$ consider to &e not 4uite conspeci.ic. 5ings ma$ ha'e su..ered
due to the death o. their knights/ &ut pathocrats ne'er do T!e ha'e a lot o. people here.U Should the
situation &e/ or &ecome/ ripe in such a countr$/ howe'er/ an$one .urnishing assistance to the nation will &e
&lessed &$ itY an$one withholding it will &e cursed.
0athocrac$ has other internal reasons .or pursuing e+pansionism through the use o. all means possi&le. As
long as that TotherU world go'erned &$ the s$stems o. normal man e+ists/ it inducts into the non-
pathological ma8orit$ a certain sense o. direction. The non-pathological ma8orit$ o. the countr$Ms
population will ne'er stop dreaming o. the reinstatement o. the normal manMs s$stem in an$ possi&le .orm.
This ma8orit$ will ne'er stop watching other countries/ waiting .or the opportune momentY its attention and
power must there.ore &e distracted .rom this purpose/ and the masses must &e TeducatedU and channeled
in the direction o. imperialist stri'ings. This goal must &e pursued doggedl$ so that e'er$one knows what
is &eing .ought .or and in whose name harsh discipline and po'ert$ must &e endured. The latter .actor V
creating conditions o. po'ert$ and hardship V e..ecti'el$ limits the possi&ilit$ o. Tsu&'ersi'eU acti'ities on
the part o. the societ$ o. normal people.
The ideolog$ must/ o. course/ .urnish a corresponding 8usti.ication .or this alleged right to con4uer the
world and must there.ore &e properl$ ela&orated. )+pansionism is deri'ed .rom the 'er$ nature o.
pathocrac$/ not .rom ideolog$/ &ut this .act must &e masked &$ ideolog$. !hene'er this phenomenon has
&een witnessed in histor$/ imperialism was alwa$s its most demonstrati'e 4ualit$.
In short/ , .or ,endetta does a 'er$ good 8o& o. artisticall$ re-creating the 'er$ realit$ we li'e in a totalitarian regime
called -orse.ire.
At the start o. the .ilm/ the heroine/ )'e$ Ipla$ed &$ -atalie 0ortmanJ is rescued .rom state police &$ a gu$ in a Gu$
Fawkes mask. This is T,U. He then takes her to a roo.top where the$ witness what turns out to &e a spectacularl$
staged destruction o. the Old #aile$. This is where we get some real insight into how the media spins things. On
instructions .rom the Chancellor/ the media e+plains the incident to the pu&lic as a planned demolition. The wa$ the
media is spun to co'er up what *)A""7 happens is V &elie'e it or not V the GodMs honest truth2 I*emem&er the
shoot-out in the Florida prison recentl$9 T$pical e+ample.
One o. the more interesting aspects o. the mo'ie is how it represents to us the e..ect o. ps$chopaths upon certain t$pes
o. people V the hero T,U himsel./ .or e+ample. In a surrealistic series o. scenes/ it shows us how well T,U learned the
lesson and how he con'e$ed this to )'e$ &$ acting as her own personal ps$chopath. He makes it clear a.terward how
pain.ul it was .or him to ha'e to shock her so se'erel$ &ut that he knew no other wa$ o. waking $er up sa.el$. This is a
good point how man$ people are going to ha'e to die/ as )'e$Ms comedian .riend Gordon %ietrich/ Ipla$ed &$
Stephen Fr$J did/ &ecause the$ do not understand the depth o. the depra'it$ o. the d$stopian world ps$chopath$ has
The point is that &$ .orcing )'e$ to e+perience what he had gone through himsel. at the hands o. ps$chopaths/ , hoped
to teach )'e$ that our integrit$/ Tthe 'er$ last inch o. usU/ is more important than our li'es. )'e$ is initiall$ 'er$ angr$ at
, .or what he has done to her/ &ut soon realizes that/ ha'ing .aced her own death/ she is now a&le to li'e without .ear.
One o. the people charged with capturing , is Inspector Finch pla$ed &$ Stephen *ea. II. $ou ha'enMt watched the
mo'ie/ 1ichael Collins where *ea pla$s a similar role/ do so. ItMs another great mo'ie a&out #ritish 0athocrats. Also
see The Cr$ing Game. *ea was married to .ormer I*A mem&er and hunger striker/ %olours 0rice. His wi.e did ; $ears
.or her part in an I*A car &om&ing outside the Old #aile$ I65s high courtJ in "ondon. Interesting that it was the old
&aile$ that T,U &lew up .irst in the mo'ieY a good Irish lad no dou&t2 J
An$wa$/ Finch starts digging .or clues as to how to catch ,/ and in the process/ .inds that his origins are &uried in the
dirt o. the Fascist regime. Fourteen $ears &e.ore/ when #ritain had &een su..ering war and terrorism/ an ultra-
conser'ati'e gang Isimilar to the -eoconsJ instigated a reactionar$ dri'e to restore orderY the mo'ie shows us how
man$ so-called enemies o. the state 8ust TdisappearedU during the night. -aturall$/ this led to the countr$ &ecoming
deepl$ di'ided o'er the loss o. .reedoms/ 8ust as the 6S is toda$. And then/ a T&ioterrorist attackU was apparentl$
launched that killed o'er :<</<<< people. The .ear generated &$ the &ioterrorism allowed the -eoconser'ati'e
-orse.ire gang to silence the opposition and rise to power. Shortl$ therea.ter/ a TcureU .or the 'irus was Tdisco'eredU.
From that point on/ with the cowed populace una&le to resist/ the Fascist -orse.ire gang trans.ormed #ritain into a
&igoted totalitarian regime. IChancellor Adam Sutler pla$ed &$ (ohn Hurt.J
!hat Finch disco'ers/ howe'er/ is that the &ioterrorist attack was actuall$ created and perpetrated &$ -orse.ire itsel.
as a manipulation to power. The 'irus itsel. had &een created &$ conducting terminal e+periments on Tsocial de'iantsU
and political dissidents at a place called "arkhill. ,/ apparentl$/ had &een one o. those e+perimented on. Howe'er/
instead o. d$ing as he was e+pected to do/ he actuall$ gained heightened mental and ph$sical a&ilities which ena&led
him to destro$ "arkhill and escape.
Again/ we see an allusion to the e..ect o. ps$chopaths on certain people instead o. destro$ing them/ it 8ust makes them
smarter and stronger.
-o'em&er C is the date , plans .or his &ig mo'e to &ring down the -orse.ire regime. !ith the e+ample o. , to inspire
them/ ordinar$ people &ecome more open a&out their hatred o. the .ascist regime and more daring in their su&'ersi'e/
anarchic and dissident actions creating more and more chaos.
At one point it is shown that hundreds o. thousands o. Gu$ Fawkes masks are sent 'ia mail to the population at large.
This seems to &e a m$sterious thing at .irst/ &ut the s$m&olic 'alue o. it later &ecomes clear.
Finall$/ -o'em&er C arri'es. , has arranged to gather the top ps$chopaths o. the regime together and succeeds in
killing them/ &ut is mortall$ wounded in this superhuman e..ort. )'e$ .inall$ understands what she must do .inish ,Ms
work. Though she is disco'ered &$ Inspector Finch/ he has learned enough o. the truth that he does not sta$ her hand
when she depresses the switch that initiates the .inal destruction.
At the same time/ the arm$ o. the regime are ha'ing a stand-o.. with the masses o. the people who all &egin to march
silentl$ .rom e'er$ direction wearing Gu$ Fawkes masks/ hats and capes. !ithout their ps$chopathic masters to tell
them what to do and to underwrite their sa.et$/ the soldiers are not a&le to .ire upon this outstanding showing o. normal
human solidarit$.
As 0arliament &egins to e+plode in a grand .inale that makes merr$ the heart o. normal man/ the people &egin/ one &$
one/ to remo'e their Gu$ Fawkes masks and one .inall$ understands the s$m&olism.
)'en though we are all indi'idual human &eings/ those o. us that A*) human all need to &ecome as One V and that
means e+cluding ps$chopaths and other de'iants V in our search .or the truth where'er that search ma$ lead usK
*emem&er/ remem&er the .i.th o. -o'em&erK
Originally Published 2006_07_06
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