JOB DESCRIPTION - Assistant Waiter: (Crew, Staff and Officers)

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JOB DESCRIPTION Assistant Waiter

To follow scheduled assignments in 3 main areas namely
m!loyee "ining rooms
#oom ser$ice
Alternate "ining
o To 'e !rom!t for all duties and functions( as !er Com!any)s standard
o *hen assigned to Staff + Crew or Alternate "ining( use Com!any)s standard ta'le ser$ices,
o To 'e groomed meticulously and ready for guest ser$ice with a smile always following the loo- 'oo-,
o To carry the tools of the trade,
o To study and follow US%. standards
o To follow gar'age se!aration !rocedures and all other en$ironmental issues on 'oard
o To train to 'ecome a Team *aiter
o To follow all tas-s re/uested 'y management,
Employee Dining rooms
o To study all 0enus
o To consistently gi$e ser$ice that e1ceeds the e1!ectations of our internal guests 2Crew( Staff and Officers3
o Follow dining room standards at all times
o To ensure their assigned station is set u! to com!any standard for each meal time,
o To ser$e and clear each meal to guests( and offer hot and cold 'e$erage ser$ice throughout the meal( as
!er com!any !rocedure,
o To ensure 'uffet ta'le set u! as !er com!any standard( and maintained throughout meal ser$ice,
Room Service
o Sign the 4ey Control &og Sheet e$ery time -ey is used,
o Follow the cleaning schedule for all machines and e/ui!ment,
o Collect and deli$er dirty items to #oom Ser$ice ware washing area
o "eli$er all food orders in a timely fashion,
o "eli$er other orders e,g, wine( fruit 'as-ets and letters,
o To communicate any !ro'lems in your wor- area( or with guests( to your Su!er$isor,
o To ensure all functions are set u! in a timely manner and according to standard
Alternate Dining
o Adhere to com!any5s!ecified ser$ice standards
o To 'e groomed meticulously and ready for guest ser$ice with a smile always following the loo- 'oo-
o nsure you are aware of shi!s acti$ities so you can ad$ise guests if as-ed
o Set u! for 0idnight 'uffets
o nsure 'e$erage stations are full at all times and cleaned daily
o ngage in light con$ersations with guests always greet them with a smile
Organiational Relations!ip"
"irectly res!onsi'le to the 0aitre d + Asst 0aitre d)s
*or-ing relationshi! with( all F+B mgt(
Revision: 00 Date: 10/30/2009

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