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WRITE OFF 7-9-2014

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A nondescript black sedan races down the streets of Rome,
In the back seat is STAFFEN DE MISTURA, bound and gagged with
blood trickling down his forehead. He appears to be
(in kurdish) Why didnt you just
kill him?
We cant risk being discovered.
Youll have to hide him after you
drop me at the airport.
Staffen begins to open his eyes.
Theres a syringe and a few grams
of heroin in the trunk. Stick him
with it before he comes to.
(kurdish) I had planned on having
fun with him. Hell be too numb if
I stick him.
That is not the plan. We need to
keep any suspicions of foul play
out of the picture. Stick him with
the drugs and dont lay a finger on
Staffen is fully conscious now, peaking out of the corner of
his eye to try and identify his kidnappers.
The car swerves around a corner. Staffen, arms still bound,
thumps onto his side with the momentum of the turn.
Take it slower! The last thing we
need is police!
From Staffens POV we see the passenger look over his
shoulder but cut away before we see his face.
Staffens eyes snap wide.
Hes awake.
Back to Staffens point of view, and we see... Staffens face
staring back.
So much for the heroin.
Wild eyed, Staffen begins to thrash violently. Fake Staffen
turns to the driver.
Do with him what you will. Its all
or nothing now.
The drivers eyes light up.
In the back seat, Staffen has managed to pivot onto his back.
He kicks violently into the driver-side seat. The car swerves
and jumps a curb. The driver yanks the wheel over and the car
lurches back on to the road as other cars honk and pass them.
Staffen continues to kick the seat.
(kurdish) Hold him!
Fake Staffen unclips his belt and tries to get a grip on
Staffens legs.
Like a wounded animal, Staffen flails about and lands a solid
kick on Fake Staffens chin, pushing him into the driver.
The car swerves the other way into oncoming traffic.
Tires screech as a beat up delivery van SMASHES into the side
of their sedan.
WHOOSH. The car goes airborne as it tumbles over the van. It
hangs for a bit and then SLAMS back down into the road,
upside down. It spins for a bit and then comes to a grinding
Staffen looks around dazed. His hands have come free. He
pulls himself out of a broken window.
At first he looks confused about where he is. He shakes his
head and comprehension refills his eyes.
He jerks the car door open and drags Fake Staffen out.
Wa-- Wait! You dont understand!
Staffen cocks his fist and brings it down squarely on to his
imposters nose.

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