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Today is your day.

You're of to Great Places!
You're of and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what
you know.
And Y! are the guy who'll decide where
to go.
You'll look u" and down streets. #ook 'e$
over with care.
About so$e you will say% &' don't choose
to go there.&
(ith your head full of brains and your
shoes full of feet%
you're too s$art to go down any not)so)
good street.
And you $ay not *nd any
you'll want to go down.
'n that case% of course%
you'll head straight out of town.
't's o"ener there
in the wide o"en air.
ut there things can ha""en
and fre+uently do
to "eo"le as brainy
and footsy as you.
And when things start to ha""en%
don't worry. ,on't stew.
-ust go right along.
You'll start ha""ening too.
T./ P#AC/0 Y!'## G!
You'll be on your way u"!
You'll be seeing great sights!
You'll 1oin the high 2iers
who soar to high heights.
You won't lag behind% because you'll have
the s"eed.
You'll "ass the whole gang and you'll soon
take the lead.
(herever you 2y% you'll be the best of the
(herever you go% you will to" all the rest.
/3ce"t when you don't
4ecause% so$eti$es% you won't.
''$ sorry to say so
but% sadly% it's true
and .ang)u"s
can ha""en to you.
You can get all hung u"
in a "rickle)ly "erch.
And your gang will 2y on.
You'll be left in a #urch.
You'll co$e down fro$ the #urch
with an un"leasant bu$".
And the chances are% then%
that you'll be in a 0lu$".
And when you're in a 0lu$"%
you're not in for $uch fun.
!n)slu$"ing yourself
is not easily done.
You will co$e to a "lace where the streets
are not $arked.
0o$e windows are lighted. 4ut $ostly
they're darked.
A "lace you could s"rain both your elbow
and chin!
,o you dare to stay out5 ,o you dare to
go in5
.ow $uch can you lose5 .ow $uch can
you win5
And '6 you go in% should you turn left or
or right)and)three)+uarters5 r% $aybe%
not +uite5
r go around back and sneak in fro$
0i$"le it's not% ''$ afraid you will *nd%
for a $ind)$aker)u""er to $ake u" his
You can get so confused
that you'll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break)
necking "ace
and grind on for $iles across weirdish
wild s"ace%
headed% ' fear% toward a $ost useless
The (aiting Place...
...for "eo"le 1ust waiting.
(aiting for a train to go
or a bus to co$e% or a "lane to go
or the $ail to co$e% or the rain to go
or the "hone to ring% or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or a 7o
or waiting for their hair to grow.
/veryone is 1ust waiting.
(aiting for the *sh to bite
or waiting for wind to 2y a kite
or waiting around for 6riday night
or waiting% "erha"s% for their !ncle -ake
or a "ot to boil% or a 4etter 4reak
or a string of "earls% or a "air of "ants
or a wig with curls% or Another Chance.
/veryone is 1ust waiting.
That's not for you!
0o$ehow you'll esca"e
all that waiting and staying.
You'll *nd the bright "laces
where 4oo$ 4ands are "laying.
(ith banner 2i")2a""ing%
once $ore you'll ride high!
8eady for anything under the sky.
8eady because you're that kind of a guy!
h% the "laces you'll go! There is fun to be
There are "oints to be scored. there are
ga$es to be won.
And the $agical things you can do with
that ball
will $ake you the winning)est winner of
6a$e! You'll be fa$ous as fa$ous can
with the whole wide world watching you
win on T9.
/3ce"t when they don't.
4ecause% so$eti$es% they won't.
''$ afraid that so$e ti$es
you'll "lay lonely ga$es too.
Ga$es you can't win
'cause you'll "lay against you.
All Alone!
(hether you like it or not%
Alone will be so$ething
you'll be +uite a lot.
And when you're alone% there's a very
good chance
you'll $eet things that scare you right out
of your "ants.
There are so$e% down the road between
hither and yon%
that can scare you so $uch you won't
want to go on.
4ut on you will go
though the weather be foul
n you will go
though your ene$ies "rowl
n you will go
though the .akken):raks howl
nward u" $any
a frightening creek%
though your ar$s $ay get sore
and your sneakers $ay leak.
n and on you will hike
and ' know you'll hike far
and face u" to your "roble$s
whatever they are.
You'll get $i3ed u"% of course%
as you already know.
You'll get $i3ed u"
with $any strange birds as you go.
0o be sure when you ste".
0te" with care and great tact
and re$e$ber that #ife's
a Great 4alancing Act.
-ust never forget to be de3terous and
And never $i3 u" your right foot with
your left.
And will you succeed5
Yes! You will% indeed!
;<= and >?@ "ercent guaranteed.A
:',% Y!'## B9/ B!7TA'70!
be your na$e 4u3bau$ or 4i3by or 4ray
or Bordecai Ali 9an Allen '0hea%
you're of to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your $ountain is waiting.
0o...get on your way!

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