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edited by David Starobin
J = ca. 100
7 5 7
(pont.) verso ................................ ord.
- 8: . r!.!i~t 195.; I,! Hc~itlon \l~tsic. Inc..
,- 5 . - .. ?i F f . t \ \ co~ll~~~tll\
. . . .
- ' - .. ..' , . ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I - ~ : : . \ I \ ricl-,t. ~ L . \ V ~ \ V < I
meno f
- "!f -f
mormorando I
- poco ===-
P legato
@VII @v @VI I @
@ v11
o 2 , tarto ord.
0 -
z - ~i t n- - j - - ~ 2--
7 -
L 1 - I
1 I
-?- leaaero
53 espr.
fir- -P- -.
md.- -
subito leggero e scherzando
100 1/2 pont. 0 r d . n
108 marc. >
t ornando a tempo
i t t t 1 1 t t t t t t 1 t t t t t I t i t t i
5 - 3 7
. ~r . . : -
molt0 espr.
legato, ma agitato -
. ,
ff ------- mf cresc. poco a poco
126 marc.
7 5 -
marc. . 7-
Lento tranquillo J = 67
0 rx
- 5 -
@ IX
t ast o ord.
1/2 Dont. ord.
CIIANCES, for guitar solo, is music of mercurial co~ltr:ists of ch:ir;icter ant1
~nood, unifietl Ily its harnioliic ant1 rhythmic structure. V:irious :~sl)ccts of the
I~asic harmony are Ilrought out ill the course ot' the work, s o~~~e wl l : ~t like the
1)attenis usetl Ily l~ell-ringers in ringing ch:~nges.
Tlie score was written tluring tlie sunlnier of 1983 ant1 is tlctlic;~tctl to D:~vitl
Starobin wlio comniissioned it ant1 generously g:ive me atlvice : ~l ~or ~t tlie
guitar. He performet1 ils premikre ill New York at a concert g i \ w on niy
- -
i l)irtlitlay, Dcceml)er 11, 1983.
Elliott C:~rter
All notes, inclutling h:~rlnollics, :)re written an octave al~ove their actu:il soulid.
Three ty1)es of h:~rlnonics ;ire e~npl o~ct l :
1. NATURAL HARhIONICS (circle al~ove the note-
1ie:itl): Fret :111d jtring :Ire intlic;itetl.
2. ARTIFICIAL HARhlOhIICS (tliamontI-\h:11)etl
note1le:~l): Tlie lett Il:ultl tinge]-\ an octave lower
t hi i ~) the 11ot;ltetl ~)itcli, \chile tlic riglit Iiantl
to~rclle\ lightly : ~ t the ~lotutcd ])itch t r ~ i t l l)lr~ck\.
*3. ARTIFICIAI, I-IARklONICS (tli:imontI-sli:11)etl
notehe:irl t rt i t l circle iil~ove ~loteheatl):
The left 11;untl fingers thc ~l ot es in ])arentl~eses
0 #&
-t he lower pitch witli the first finger, ant1 the
ul)l)er note lightly touched with tlie ti)urtli fingel-.
The right Iiaiitl plticlts i l l the usr~:il ni:ulllcr.
-.-'-'.- is rlsetl to ilitlicate a left liantl slr~r
P i \ usctl to indicate s1ia1)-pizxicato.
Davit] St:~robin

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