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Chapter 1

My name is Aiven Myer, I am the senior agent at The ATS, The Anti Terror Squad.
It was midnight, every one is asleep. It was a long week. We worked so hard to ring
down a terrorist atta!k and killed " sui!ide omers. I am happy my !ountry is
sleeping well.
Suddenly the phone rang, it said unknown !aller on the s!reen.
#Who is this,$ I said !uriously.
#Its time to pay %or what u did,$ a s!ramled voi!e said.
#hellow & hellowww& who is this,$ I s!reamed ut the !all dis!onne!ted.
#What the hell$ I thought and !alled Mike.
#delta'() !harlie'C) ""*, identi%i!ation please,$
#this is agent Agent+,,,, give me Mike, its urgent$ I said.
#ok sir$ operator replied.
#Agent +,,,, why are you not in your ed- I still suggest you need a wi%e$ Mike said
while I !an %eel a naughty smile in his voi!e.
#shut up and listen, I want to tra!e the last !all re!eived. It was a dire!t threat on
the se!ure line, how is it even possile,$ I said.
#sir on my re!ords last !all u re!eived my %rom my phone ut it was earlier today.
There are no more entries. Are u sure aout the !all or u really need a wi%e$
Mike said. This time he really %elt !on%used.
#Its serious Mike u !an do all the /oking ut I did re!eived a !all right e%ore I dialled
ur numer,$ I said.
#In that !ase i% you !ould ring your phone to me, I !an plug it to my system and try
that way,$ mike said,
#0n my way,$ I took a deep reath and went to !hanging room. I was dressed in a
loose trouser to sleep ut I !hanged to my %avourite /eans and white t1shirt, took my
!ar keys and headed towards my apartment.s parking.
2arking oy was sleeping in his !ain, I kno!ked his window with my key!hain.
#Sir o I am sorry, today I have doule shi%ts. Iam working sin!e last night. 2lease
don.t !omplaint,$ he started egging.
#3eally, this etter e the last time, u don.t get paid to sleep,$
I said that and kept on walking towards my !ar, It was la!k %ord modi%ied y me and
Mike.s 4riend 3odger, who had a shop %or modi%ying !ars, ut this was not /ust sports
kits and e5hausts, a!tually it was an armed vehi!le ullet proo% with + guns installed
all around, !ontrolled y steering wheel. I inserted the keys to ignition ut stopped
right there, something !ame to my mind, parking oy was sleeping, someone !ould
have installed an e5plosive under my !ar, or maye I was a it !urious e!ause o% that
!all, I !ame out and walked around it, sat on the %loor looked elow with my phone.s
%lashlight, ut things were /ust %ine. I !ame a!k and turned the ignition on, and
started reversing %rom parking, I turned the steering right and shi%t to drive mode, and
turned le%t slowly towards the e5it, a%ter rea!hing the main /un!tion, I looked le%t and
right, there was no tra%%i! ut a la!k S67 parked on the road. I turned right towards
the highway and started driving. I turned on my dispat!her radio and started listening,
There is no tra%%i! on the road, lot o% things rewinding through my mind,
I% we talk aout my enemies, I have enemies nationally and internationally, sometimes
I think o% other planets in universe, it seems I have enemies there too.
I was driving through the highway. In my a!k view mirror I !ould see only two
lights. I noti!ed 8 minutes ago I saw the same lights. I redu!ed my speed and thought
that !ar will overtake me, ut the si9e o% lights was same, I %elt that !ar also redu!ed
speed. I was 8, per!ent sure this guy is %ollowing me, %or the rest 8, per!ent, I had an
idea. There was a round aout !oming in %ront o% me, with two e5its to two %lyovers
towards east and west, I was supposed to go straight, ut I turned le%t towards the east
%lyover, whi!h leads to east highway whi!h is a 1,,, miles highway straight with
leak ghost towns with no population. I !ould see that lights were a!tually the S67 I
saw parked outside my apartments. Around 18 miles ahead, there was an old military
ase whi!h was aandoned due to the weak stru!ture, ut I used to go there /ust to e
alone, or i% I have to interrogate someone o%% the re!ord.
I hit the gas pedal almost %ull, with woooom sound my !ar went %rom :,m;hr to
around 1",m;hr. I %elt the lights ehind me getting smaller and then a%ter 8 minutes,
they were /ust two dots, meanwhile I took my phone out o% my po!ket and dialled
#Sir are u outside,$ Mike asked an5iously.
#<o, I am not, listen, I am eing %ollowed %rom my apartment, I !ouldn.t risk !oming
straight to =ase >. I am heading towards my ideal spot to deal with my %ollowers.
Can u pull up the satellite? !he!k i% you !an get that S67.s numer plate and %ind out
how many !rooks I have to deal with,$ I said.
# Allrightt, pulling up settelite now, pat!hing with your 7ehi!le @2S, got you, I !an
see the S67 now, applying thermal imaging, =oss there are %our o% them. I seems like
one is a %emale,$ Mike Said.
#Are they armed,$ I asked Mik.
#They are, a!tually very heavily armed, I !an see two 32@s, multiple AB*1:,
0ne AS8, snipe 3i%le, lots o% ullets in trunk and that little olls %or sure they are
grenades. That.s not good Aiven, should I !all others, or send a!kup,$ Mike
e5plained and seemed to worried now.
#0h no, no let the others have some %un, you might keep !hie% on speed dial ut don.t
!all him unless I say so,$ I said
#Any thing I !an do agent +,,,,$
#Ces, you !an hang up now,$ I smiled.
I was surprised aout the details Mike told me, that kind o%% weapons are not
a!!essile to lo!al gangsters, they were military grade.
Dven then I was not so worried aout them, the old ase had a asement whi!h was
modi%ied on my spe!ial request, om proo%, shielded with heavy metal all around,
on!e iam in there, no one !an harm me %ore sure.
I saw the ase uilding on my le%t and I turned on the side way whi!h was E miles in
the grass, leads to the a!k side o% the uilding where the asement entren!e was.
6pon rea!hing there I took automated asement door remote %rom my !ar.s gloves
o5 and opened the asement door. With heavy metal sound and dust %lying all over,
the ig part o% %loor started rising up in the air, i drove quarter a mile in and stoped.
=asement door was !losed ehing me. There was a tall metal door with retina
s!anners, I s!anned my eyes and the door opened. A%ter walking through the loy I
was in the !ontrol room o% the asement. There were whites sheets al around me with
little dirt on them, no one used to !omes here esides me or !hie%, this was a side
pro/e!t on ehal% o% me and !hie%, assigned personally y the president o% 6nited
There were !omputer s!reens in a !ir!ular pattern all around the room. I removed all
the white sheets, %olded them and kept in the wardroe near the door. There was a ig
lever swit!h whi!h I pulled down and room went alive. With sounds o% !omputers p!
%ans. All s!reens went alive, every one with di%%erent live views o% outside the ase.
<ow I have !ontrol on the situation. I was %eeling thirsty, I walked to the %ridge and
opened it, there were some eer whi!h rought a smile on %a!e. I took E eer !ans and
sat on the !hair right in %ront o% the !ontrol oard. And then there was a eep, one
s!reen turned red. The S67 was approa!hing slowly %rom the %ront gate o% the ase.
Chapter E
Mike was an5iously waiting %or Aiven.s !all. Ae tried all possile ways to %ind any
tra!e o% through !all logs ut o% no vein. Ae thought to in%orm other a!tive memers
o% The ATS and dragged his hand towards his phone, e%ore he !ould dial anyone, a
!all !ame in, it was 3ose, 3ose Wall!ot, another memer o% the The ATS, last time
Mike talked to her was aout > hours ago when she was having drinks with his
Bawika =engimen, Bawika and 3ose were very !lose %riends. They used to e
together in their %ree time. Mike pi!ked up,
#Ai 3ose,$
#Mikey Mikey !an you run a tra!e %or me %or the last !all I have re!eived-$
She sounded little high, ut not worried. She proaly thought it a prank.
#Fet me guess, you will pay %or what you did, right-$
#What, sin!e when do you have psy!hi! ailities Mike-$ She was still in the mood.
#0k, now its serious, Aiven also re!eived a !all and I was unale to tra!e it, or even
%ind anything, like someone ha!ked into our se!ured network. =ut there is no tra!e o%
that even.$
#Where is he now-$ 3ose asked qui!kly,
#Ae is at his !hill point, he was !oming to me ut someone was tailing him, heavily
armed, ut he is in the asement.$ Mike replied.
#Why didn.t you !alled me damn itG, I need to go there,$ <ow she was angry.
#<o please stay where you are, stay away %rom the windows, It seems like they know
where we live. I.ll send Hasper and 3o to your pla!e.$ Mike said, then he heard a
eep in the !all, it was another !all on waiting %rom Aiven.
#Fook I have to take this, its Aiven$ Mike Said.
#ok, I will !all Bawika meanwhile.$ 3ose said and Aanged up.
#Aiven, sory %or late, 3ose /ust !alled, she re!eived the same !all.
Where is she now
She is at her apartment, I told her to stay there while I.ll send ro and /asper there.
Mike e5plained
@ood !all, she might have someone out there waiting %or her too. Can you a!!ess my
phone remotely i% I plug it in

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