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Edition 94July 10th 2014

Welcome to the Ninety Fourth Edition


Non Uniform Day
Today was a non uniform day for any child in the Midori
House Points Team. Thank you to the School Council for
helping to organise this. I know the children really enjoyed
their day in normal clothes!
MIS Soccer.
MIS World Cup was the first event that was organized in
lunch time. There were over 100 children from G1 to G6 reg-
istered and 20 teams (10 from Lower 10 from Upper) played
football for our own MIS World Cup. Children not only en-
joyed playing football but also they were so excited to see
their group tables for the results and the schedule for their
own teams on the display. The champion this year are USA
for Upper and Germany for Lower Elementary. It was a
fantastic opportunity to enjoy our own MIS World Cup as
well as celebrate the FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

A School closure is a possibility tomorrow due to the ap-
proaching typhoon. We are therefore sending this Nanohana
one day earlier than usual. An e-mail will be sent tomorrow
morning if the school is closed.
It is with great sadness that I have to inform parents that
Hamada-san has decided to leave MIS from the end of this
current term. He has been here for three years and has proven
to be a popular and hard working office worker who will be
sorely missed. We wish him well in the future and hope that
he stays in contact with the school. News on his replacement
will be shared with parents by the office at the beginning of
next term.
Governor of Hiroshima
Last week MIS was excited to welcome the Governor of Hi-
roshima who visited the school. We talked about MIS to him
after which he was given a tour of the school. He was ex-
tremely interested in the concept of an Article One Interna-
tional School and asked many questions. As he left he com-
mented on what a lovely school we are and how well be-
haved the children are and how polite. He also commented
on the exciting and stimulating lessons he saw which was
good to hear.

Thanks to Kurashima-san for organising a wonderful Tanabata
display which the children have really enjoyed using!
Lost and Found
The office will keep any lost and found items during the sum-
mer holidays and children and parents are welcome to come
into school and check these. At the end of the holidays how-
ever, they will be disposed of during the first term. Thank you.

Farewell to Yamaguchi-sensei
We also say farewell to Yamaguchi-san who
first started work here as a cover teacher before
moving to ESL after Miss Min left the school.
We wish him well in his future career and I
hope he stays in touch with all here at MIS. A
separate letter will be sent home about his suc-
cessor who comes to us from the UK.
Next Terms Dates
Monday August 25th. Staff Training.
Monday September 1st5th. Japanese I.C.T. Week.
Monday September 15th. National HolidaySchool Closed.
Thursday September 18th. Open Day.
Tuesday September 23rd. National HolidaySchool Closed.
Saturday September 27th. Sports Day.
Wednesday October 8th. Book Week Parade.
October 11th19th. Half Term Holiday.
Friday October 24th. Musical Recital.
Monday October 27th. Change to winter uniforms.
Friday October 31st. Reports go home.
Monday November 3rd. National HolidaySchool Closed.
Wednesday November 12th. School Training. Kindergarten
half day.
Monday November 24th. National Holiday. School Closed.
Wednesday December 10th. Kindergarten Winter Performance.
Thursday December 11th. Elementary Winter Performance.
Saturday December 13th. Dr. Mimi Met presentation to par-
Friday December 19th. End of Term.
It is with great sadness that I have to inform
you all that Ozawa-sensei recently decided to
leave MIS at the end of this term. We will miss a
wonderful teacher and strong character in Kin-
dergarten who has always given her very best
for the school whilst here. We wish her well in
the future. We all share many fond memories
of Ozawa-sensei during her time here. News
on her replacement will be shared with parents
at the beginning of the new academic year.

Elementary Olympics Day
Well done to the children and teachers for organising and
holding a successful Elementary Olympics Day on
Wednesday. It was hugely enjoyed by all and despite the
weather being a little damp, the children joined in all ac-
tivities with energy and enthusiasm.
K3 Trip to Tokyo Aquarium
K3 children visited an aquarium in Tokyo on Tues-
day of this week. They were fascinated by the fish
they saw there and many also had the opportunity to
touch some of the sharks and rays. Thank you, as
always, to those parents who took part and joined in
the trip and of course helped look after the children.

Farewell to Ozaki-san. Osaki-san has
been with us for three years. Hes
been a great character and always
taken great pride in his work. Thank

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