Stories of Nats

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Written by Hla Tha Mein

1. Indra or Sakkra 20. Aung Zwa Ma Gyi Nat

2. Mahagiri Nat 21. Shwe Sit Thin Nat
3. Yoldenface Nat 22. Mathers Slwe Saga Nat
4. Shwe -na tray Nat 23. The Sort of Five Elephants
5. Thone-ben -hla Nat 24. Mintaya Nat
6. Shin Mi Ne 25. Maung Po Tu Nat
7. Shin Nyo, The lord Mainpeak 26. Westom Queen
8. Shin Phyu 27. Lord of White Elephant of Aung Pin Le
9. Hti byu- Saung Nat 28. Madane Hump-back
10. Mother of Hti byu -saung Nat 29. Shwe Naw yahta Nat
11. Shin Mingaung of Primma 30. Min Ye Aung Din Nat
12. Shwe Phyin Gyi 31. Maung Min Byu Nat
13. Shwe Phyin galay 32. Shin daw Nat
14. The Manadalay grandpa 33. Tabisl Shwe Hti Nat
15. The divarf Nat 34. The lady of the North
16. Nyaung gyin Oh Nat 35. Shin Min gaung of Taungoo
17. Min Si Thu Nat 36. Than daw gan Nat
18. Maung Shin Nat 37. The King of Yun Nat
19. Min Kyaw Zwa Nat
1. Indra (Thgyar) or Sakkra
Indra is the head of all devas, the celestial beings. He is put at the head of t
he list of Nats although his nature is quite different from other Nats, who are
not Devas but the Holy ghosts. His image is made on three headed elephant, in a
standing posture holding a conch shell in the right hand and yak-tail whisk in h
is left, wearing his unual dress and arnaments.
2. Mahagiri Nat
He was the son of the famous black smith U Tint Daw. His personal name was Maung
Tint De. He was extremely strong to be able to break the tush of the huge eleph
ant. The King of Tagaung was anxious about him lest he might usurp the throme. M
aung Tnit De hid himself in a village. The King selected his sister Saw Me Ya as
his queen and let her persuade herrother to sumit. At last Maung Tnit De was ar
rested and burnt alive. He died adn became a Nat who earoned the devotion of all
households in the country. His image is made on the dias on the ogre bending on
the white elephant, in a standing position holding a fan in the right hana and
a world in his left hand, wearing lina a prince with headwear, earlobe and sash.
3. Yoldenface Nat
She was the elders sister of Maung Tint De. Her name was Saw Me Yar. She became
the queen of King of Tagaung. At the sight of her brother being burnt alive, she
jumped down into the fire and his only head was saved. She became a Nat. Her im
age is made on the dias on the ogre bending on the black elephant, keeping her r
ight hand on her chest with a plum between the thumb and midex finger, adn dropp
ing her left hand down the side of her body.
4. Shwe -na tray Nat
She was a village belle of Mindon who married a Ngga. As she was deserted by her
husband, she died of heart-break and became a Nat. Other version of the story s
ays that she was the wife of Maung Tint De. Her image was made in standing postu
re, wearing Naga headwere, keeping her right hand on her chest, and dropoing her
left hand dangling down by the side of her body.
5. Thone-ben -hla Nat (Beautiful in triple ways)
She was a native of a Mon village called Takunnwan. She was in three different w
ays beautiful within a day. She was given to King Dndataung of Pyay. The other q
ueen in jealousy reported the king that her body was extremely large not fitting
with the city gate. The being believed and refused to marry her. She died in de
spair. The other story says that she was the younger sister of Maung Tint De. Sh
e married the King Samein Htaw yarma of Ut thaala, and gave birht to a daughter
Shin Mine. She died of sudden illness. Her image was made in s standing posture
n the agre bending on the dias with elephatn support. She had a top- almot, and
she was in a position keeping her right hand on his chest and dropoing down the
left hand by her side.
6. Shin Mi Ne` (Ma Hine-Lay)
She was the daugnter of Thon bem hla or Shim Htwe Hla. At the age of two, her mo
ther died at the village of Tape daing yit village. She grieved bilterly and die
d of heaset - break and thus became a Nat. He image was made standing on a lotus
pedestal, with two hands dangling wide, with a head gear and low wasit petticoa
t adn several rounds of rechtall. She was in the form of a young girl.
7. Shin Nyo, The lord Mainpeak
8. Shin Phyu (The lord of Narthern Hill)
Both of them were the sons of Maung Tint De and his wife Shwe Nabay. They were e
mployed by the king of Pyay, Dntataung and as the king was amroious about the ur
surping of his throne any the able brothers, he factfully asked them to have a w
resting. They were seriously engaged in fighting and consequently both of treem
diea of hasustion and thus they became Nats. Both Nats have six arms each and we
re wearing military uniforms in Myanmar court style.
9. Hti byu- Saung Nat (Nat with white unbrella)
During the reign of King Kyaung Byu, the father of king Anawrahta, the king marr
ied three forms queens of the former monarch Popa Saw rahan. The step sons broug
ht by the Southern queen dethrone their step father and foreld him to enter the
order of Monk. He died later adn became a Nat. The image of this Nat is sculpuee
d in a sitting crossleged position wearing a robe clothes and a helmet on the he
ad, volding a from on his right hand.
10. Mother of Hti byu -saung Nat
The monthes of King Kyaung byu died of illness and became Nat. The image of that
lady Nat was made of with knotted hair with a dangling coiffer, sitting in foed
ed knees with a hand on her lap.
11. Shin Mingaung of Primma
He was the king who dethroned the king Kyaungbyu, while he was away hunting in t
he forest, he was hit by the arrow of another hunter
as the watched the deer drining the water. The image was made in a position sitt
ing crossleged wearing a crown and hanging a now on his shoulder.
12. Shwe Phyin Gyi
13. Shwe Phyin galay
They were the sons of Byatta the royal messanges, and Me Wunna the flower eattin
g agress during the reign of King Anawrahta of Pagan. They were killed as they h
ad neglected their duties byleaving a gapeach in the brick walls of Taungbyone P
agoda, built by King Annawrahta. Theis images were made in sitting style on the
pedestals, one senee lying flat and the other raising uprigth, holding suords sh
ouldering arrogantly.
14. The Manadalay grandpa
He was a son of a Brahmin and he was also killed by the royal order of King Anaw
rahta as he was not superving well the two young man Shwe Phyin gyi and Shwe Phy
in galay, who were negligents in their service. The image of this Nat is made st
anding on a pedestal with a sword on his shoulder and a hand raised pointing his
15. The divarf Nat
She was the sister of Manadalay grandpa, and was filled together with him as she
kept hiding the two brothers Shwe Phyin gyi and Shwe Phyin galay.
16. Nyaung gyin Oh Nat
He was the descendent of King Mamuha thaton. He died in Thaton. He died Pagan su
ffering from leprosy during the reign of King Anawrahta. His image was made in a
standing position on the pedestal with a toplknot, lifting up his left hand and
holding a staff in his rigth hand.
17. Min Si Thu Nat
He was the king of Pagan by the name of Alaung Si Thu, the third successor of Ki
ng Anawrahta of Pagan. He was assisinated by his own son who usurp the throne. H
is image was made sitting on the throne with knee posting upright wearing the ro
yal costumes.
18. Maung Shin (The suing rider ) Nat
He was the grandson of Alaung Si Thu and son of Min Shin Saw who was deposed .Wh
ile he was a novice, he fell down from the swing.
19. Min Kyaw Zwa Nat
He was also knwon as U Min gyaw. He was a son of lord of Pyay and Kuni Devi. He
was a drunkard and cock fighter and also a good rider. He was killed by the devi
ls who had been his victims.
20. Aung Zwa Ma Gyi Nat
He was the commander Bo Aung Zwa of the King Nara Pali SiThu of Pagan. He was ki
lled by the king as he show disrespect to the king, who failed to keep his fromi
se to grant one of his mailds to him. His image was made sitting on a thowne, pl
aying a harp wearing a headgear and sash.
21. Shwe Sit Thin Nat
He was also known as U Min gyaw. He was a son of lord of Pyay and Kuni Devi. He
was a drunkard and a cock fighter and also a good rider. He was killed by the de
vils who had been his victims.
22. Mathers Slwe Saga Nat
She was the mother of shwe sit thin and died of heart-break on the sorrowful pli
ght of her son. Her image was made matte pedestal raining her right hand her bos
om and the left hand resting on her lap.
23. The Sort of Five Elephants
He was the son of Thitta Thu, The lord of white Elephant. He became king as Kyaw
Zwa on the death of his fathers and he got five Elephants.
On the eight year of his reign he died of illness. His image was made in the pos
ture sitting on a lotus saddle on an elephant having five heads.
There were four white umbrellas on the saddle.
24. Mintaya Nat
He was the ding of Ava while he was hunting out in the forest, he met a fairy he
became insame after the disappearance of the fairy. During the time his followe
r NgaNawks an murdered him. Thus he became a Nat. His image was made sitting on
a throme wearing full dress of a king holding a fam in his right hand and restin
g the left hand on husknee.
25. Maung Po Tu Nat
He was a tea trader during the time of King Min Gaung of Inwa. He was bitten by
a tiger on his way to Shan States and become a Nat. His image was made riding on
atiger holding a came in his right hand and supporting his left hand on his thi
26. Westom Queen
She was a queen of King Min gaung I of Inwa, the daughter Shan chief Tho Ngan Bw
a and the monther of Min Ye Kyaw Zwa. While she was in the cotton peantation, sh
e saw Min Kyaw Zwa riding on a magic horse and was frightened and died of heart
attack. Her image war made with a hair do on heread, sitting on a lotus redestal
nursing her sucking baby.
27. Lord of White Elephant of Aung Pin Le
He was the son of King Min gaung of Inwa. While he was engaged in a battle in Au
ng Pin Le, he fell down being hit by an arrow released by the Sawbwa of Ohm baun
g, his opponent. His image was made ritting cross-leged on the throne on the ele
phant with full royal rnametns. One of the elephant attendants crouched infront
and the other stradding a horse with a word in his hand.
28. Madane Hump-back
She was a maid of the King ThihaThu. She accompanied the king to the battle fron
t, and she died on her return to the capital. He image was made as in a posture
as walking linply with both hands dangling.
29. Shwe Naw yahta Nat
He was a grandson of King Min gaung II of Inwa. His sewant tried to kill the kin
g of Inwa, but he was caught adn funished to death at the spot. Due to the colla
lowation in the plot, Shwe Naw yahta was also killed and thus he became a Nat. H
is image was made on a simple throne sitting with a knee raired, holding a golf
ball in one hand and golf stick in the other hand.
30. Min Ye Aung Din Nat
He was the husband of Princess Shwe Sin Tu, the daughtes of King Thar Sun of Inw
a and the queen, the daughter of Soublwa of Mo Ne in Shan States. He died of exc
essive moking of opium. His image was made with a sitting posture on a pedestal
with a top-knat tieted, embracing a harp.
31. Maung Min Byu Nat
He was a son of the king of Inwa. He died of excessive drinking of alchohol.
32. Shin daw Nat
He was a novice in Inwa and died of snake bite. His image was made standing on a
pedestal wearing a head - gear, putting on a yellow robe, holding a fan in his
right hand and the counting beads in the left hand.
33. Tabisl Shwe Hti Nat
He was the King Tabin Shwe Hta of Tounggoo. He became addicted to alchohol adn w
as assesinated by his revant who was drunk also. His image well made in sitting
crossleged position on the square throne in full royal ormamaets holding sword i
n the left hand and resting his right hand on his knee.
34. The lady of the North
She was the wetnurse of King Tabin Shwe Hti of Taunggoo, and was the native of t
he Northern Kadu village. She died of after labour illness. Her image was made r
itting on her knees on a lotus pedestel resting her right hand on her bosom and
the left hand on her knee.
35. Shin Min gaung of Taungoo
He was a minor govermer of Taungoo and was the son of Min Ye theinkathu, the roy
al attendant. He died of normal illness.
His image is made in a posture sitting crossleged on a simple Hoonl wearing roya
l arnaments, holding a fan in his right hadn and the left hand resting on the kn
36. Than daw gan Nat (The royal messanges)
He was a royal messenger, by name Ye Thyar, of King Min gaung of Tounggoo. While
he went to the forest to collect flowers, he caught Malaria and died of the sam
e illness. His image in made with a sitting posture on the lotus pedestal holdin
g the fam in the right hand and resting the left one on the knee.
37. The King of Yun Nat
He was the king of Chang mai by name Bra Than (or Mai Ku Si) taken as a captive
in the battle my King Bayint Naung of Hansawaddy. He died of diarrhea in the cap
ital. His image was made in a sitting fosture with a raired knee on a pedestel h
oldings a stich and resting the left hand on the knee.

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