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Subject: Consultancy Services for completing detailed design and engineering of Garra-Waraseoni to Maharashtra Border (MDR) on
BO Basis to be developed by MBL (MP) Road Nirman Company Ltd., New Delhi

Reg: Review of improved Plan & Profile for Development of Garra-Waraseoni to Maharashtra Border Road on BOT (Toll+Annuity)

Sl. No. Comments Reply
Please refer to your above cited letter on the captioned subject. Revised profile, submitted by you, has been reviewed and found satisfactory
at same reached for construction activity with following comments to be complied at your end.

As suggested earlier vide IE letter No. 1646/MPRDC/JBP/BOT/2013-14 dt. 25.02.2014,
feasibility to extend of improvement of curves proposed at various stretches, must be
assessed in the field. Proposal of land acquisition for all such locations should be
proposed with full details and should be submitted to MPRDC, Chhindwara for an early
action in this regard. Instructions of Para 2.5 and Table A-5 Schedule-A of Concession
Agreement should be adhered to while preparing such proposals.
Already submitted vide email date
Proposal of construction of RCC culvert has been made at ch 5+620.110 whereas lowest
point is a ch 5+570. Therefore, provide culvert at lowest point after verification.
Reconstruction of the culvert shall be
done as per site requirement.
3. Proposal of land acquisition of toll plaza be separately submitted to MPRDC immediately
with full details such as Shajra No, name of owner, area of land required etc. duly verified
by local Patwari
Already submitted
4. There are several depressions between stretches from ch 20+00 to 25+000 which have
not been improved. Valley curves at these stretches are not obligatory for site. Please
improve depression at following stretches as already suggested vide letter dated
25.02.2014 as per provision of IRC: SP-73-2007
Sr. No.
From (Km) To (Km)
i) 20+060 20+350
ii) 20+660 20+960
iii) 21+190 21+550
iv) 22+620 22+960
v) 23+080 23+400
vi) 24+180 24+580
vii) 26+460 26+800
Raising shall involve additional LA
since toe will fall out of Ex. ROW
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The stretches noted above should be improved as suggested already vide IE letter no. 1646/MPRDC.JBP/BOT/2013-14 dt. 25.02.2014 and
revised profile should be resubmitted for review of IE. One copy of reviewed Plan Profile is returned herewith for your necessary action. Please
submit revised profile in 3 copies along with Cross sections at 10m interval as per schedule-H, of Concession Agreement.

RFL from ch 21+900 to 22+300 is 1.00 to 1.400 m above the General ground level against
minimum 1.68m to satisfy. IRC-SP-73-2007 clause 4.2.2 (i) (c )
Clause 4.2.2 (i) (c ) specified FRL to
ground level as 0.6m & not 1.68 m
hence Ok
Raising suggested from 34+550 to 34+950, vide letter dt 25.02.2014, has not been
complied though you have reported to have compiled. This be done now.
The area being built up with lined drain
Raising suggested from ch 38+150 to 38+620 due to pond on RHS at this stretch not
complied. This be done now.
Pond is not visible & needs to be
verified at site
8 Height of FRl from 38+700 to 40+200 is between 1.3m to 1.50m only against norm of
1.68m. Raising suggested vide letter dt 25.02.2014 has not been complied. Please
comply to satisfy clause 4.2.2 (i) (c ) of IRC-SP-73-2007
Clause 4.2.2 (i) (c ) specified FRL to
ground level as 0.6m & not 1.68 m
hence Ok
Undulatory profile from 42+000 to 43+000 has not been improved. Please improve profile
Already satisfy IRC SP:73 clause 4.2.2
(i) (c ) specified FRL to ground level as
Depression from 44+000 to 44+310 be improved as suggested earlier. The area being built up with lined drain

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