Atkinson Interview Questions

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Atkinson I nterview Questions

1. teenager , .
Worst Part: In Korea at the time, there wasnt as many public schools and many of us had to
travel for miles to get education. I had to go on public buses one after another with a heavy
backpack to go to school and back. There were so much homework each day that we had to carry
textbooks around every day. We had twelve subjects in middle and high school so you can
imagine the number of textbooks and how it looked like we were all about to go camping for a
week. We had uniforms so sometimes we even looked like an army marching across the campus
since our backpacks were so loaded.

Best Part: The uniforms, which included not only clothes, shoes, and even backpacks. Yes, we
had to use the same, standardized backpacks back then and I did like that especially during high
school. It gave me a sense of community member in my high school, more so since I went to an
all-girls high school. I was especially into the technology development aspects at the time, which
was unpopular amongst the girls. So I and about fifty other kids stayed together throughout the
high school and it felt like a sorority, we were sisters to each other. I cherish those times dearly
even to this day.
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?

5. ?
I was ahead of my time when I was young, if I do say so myself. My dream was to be a physicist.
Whatever I looked, I saw them through the lens of physics. Looking at the stars, I think of how
they relate to other stars in terms of gravity. The idea of velocity and whatnot piqued my interest
all the time when I was young.

6. ?
No, I ended up studying math as I grew up, which arguably may be related to physics, but I did
not perceive the two to be even similar. I did not feel that I had achieved what I dreamt of when I
was a kid.

7. ?
Professor recommended the job to me, which was working at the Central Electric Company. It
was an automobile constructing company and I was responsible for programming the code to
automate the machines to construct the cars.

8. ?
Cooperation between the members. No programming work is a one-man parade. Its not about
whether you are a genius programmer or not. I need the cooperation of people who can test my
programs for me, those who can peer-review for me, and its a very dynamic work. Trying to
pave your way on your own is extremely stressful and inefficient. It was difficult for me during
my workdays because automation was not welcomed by the factory workers at the time and they
were not willing to help out a lot of the times

9. ?
The Democracy Revolution in Korea was in full swing during my time when the dictator was
ruling the country with an iron hand. In retrospect, many, including myself, acknowledge that he
did reform the country so that Korea could develop into what it is today and that his dictatorship
was in a way necessary to make it happen. But at the time, the wave of revolution and democracy
was sweeping the country and we were blazing with passion as we were given the banner to rally
around. I participated in almost every major demonstrations and riots. I was the student
representative of my department in my college so I had the sense of leadership that I must
spearhead my peers efforts, which I think led to be more passionate out of a sense of
responsibility added to my own passion.

10. ?
I think I was watching the television at all of those times you mentioned. An exception would be
when I was in high school. I was on top of the roof of my house when there was a war alarm
blaring throughout the entire town. I near panicked and rushed into my house and my parents, I
and three other siblings were frantically gathering food and savings. It was around the time when
U.S. and Korea was undergoing a joint-military training so the tension was already building
between the South and the North. It later turned out that a North major had deserted and came
surrendering to the South, bringing some form of military intel. Unfortunately he used a fighter
jet to make his escape putting the entire country on lockdown and state of war.

11. ?
Im actually quite enjoying my life so far. What I had always envisioned is creating my own blog
with entries on my constant traveling and about the little garden I have in my backyard. I think
my wishes have come true for the most part. How many people are out there that can say the
same right? I am very grateful and satisfied about my retirement.

12. ?
I feel like the life has become too repetitive and no tension in my life. Its too relaxing and I feel
like Im not moving towards anything. Sometimes I lose track of time, confusing the date and
whatnot. I want to accomplish something even today, whatever it is and I dont think Ill find
something that will satisfy me. Its also hard to accept that there is no income. While I guess Ill
get used to it, I have spent decades, balancing income to spending that there is no income now
that Ive retired is quite the disturbing aspect to me. But again, I guess this is something
everyone experiences and eventually adapts to.

13. ?

14. ?
15. ?

16. ?

17. ?

18. ?
When I gave birth to my first child, not my second

19. ?

20. ?

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