ALGN Confidentiality Agreement FINALISED

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Confidentiality Agreement

I, "_________________________________________ (the "Undersigned") acknowledges that as a

sub-contractor to "ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$" the# will be gi%en access to &on'idential In'or(ation
relating to the business a''airs, !ricing structure and o!erations o' "ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$"$
)$ It is acknowledged b# the undersigned that an# disclosure o' &on'idential In'or(ation about
"ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$", or disclosure o' the 'act that in'or(ation has been !ro%ided, or
disclosed on certain business relationshi!s, e*ce!t 'or the e*!ress !ur!ose stated herein, can
cause serious har( to the "ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$" business$
+$ he Undersigned 'urther agrees that it will not inter'ere with an# business o' "ALGN
rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$" through the use o' in'or(ation or knowledge ac,uired during e(!lo#(ent
'or "ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$" under this Agree(ent or an# such in'or(ation 'or its own
-$ he Undersigned agrees that it will not use an# &on'idential In'or(ation !ro%ided b# "ALGN
rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$" or subsidiaries or an# o' its a''iliates 'or a !ur!ose other than !artici!ating
in worksho!s and grou! training as !art o' "ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$ "$
.$ It is understood that "ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$" is the intended !art# and bene'iciar# whose
rights are being !rotected and (a# en'orce the ter(s o' this &on'identialit# Agree(ent as i' it
were a !art# to the agree(ent$ /urther, the Undersigned agrees it will not either directl# or
indirectl#, b# agents, b# ser%ants, or e(!lo#ee, disclose the said in'or(ation, either in whole
or in !art, to an# third !erson, whether indi%idual, 'ir(, co(!an# or cor!oration other than
those agents, ser%ants, or e(!lo#ees o' the Undersigned who ha%e a need to know the
in'or(ation 'or the !ur!oses stated herein and who( shall assu(e the sa(e obligations as
under this Agree(ent$
0$ he Undersigned shall use all co((erciall# reasonable e''orts to noti'# and bind to its
&on'identialit# 1bligations hereunder all its res!ecti%e e(!lo#ees, o''icers, ad%isors
(e*cluding legal ad%ice), consultants and agents who (a# co(e into contact with or obtain
access to the &on'idential In'or(ation, and assu(es 'ull res!onsibilit# 'or the co(!liance o'
such agents, ser%ants or e(!lo#ees to the ter(s o' this Agree(ent$
2$ It is understood that the &on'idential In'or(ation re'erred to herein includes an# in'or(ation
which generall# is not !ublicl# known or which would constitute a trade secret3 in'or(ation
not known to the Undersigned !rior to e*ecution o' this Agree(ent3 in'or(ation not
"age ) o' +
inde!endentl# de%elo!ed b# the Undersigned !rior to e*ecution o' this Agree(ent3
in'or(ation not inde!endentl# de%elo!ed b# the Undersigned or law'ull# disclosed to the
Undersigned b# a third !art#$ 4ach !art# acknowledges and agrees that such &on'idential
In'or(ation is being disclosed 'or the sole !ur!ose stated herein and is e*clusi%e and
!ro!rietar# !ro!ert# o' the disclosing "artici!ant$ he e*ecution o' this Agree(ent and the
e*change o' &on'idential In'or(ation hereunder does not constitute a co((it(ent to enter
into an# underl#ing business relationshi!$
his agree(ent co((ences and re(ains in e''ect until the earlier o' (a) one #ear at the end o'
e(!lo#(ent with "ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$" or (b) the date o' e*ecution o' an# su!erseding written
agree(ent between the !arties$
he Undersigned 'ailure to co(!l# with an# o' the !ro%isions o' this Agree(ent will irre!arabl# har(
the business o' "ALGN rans!ort "t#$ Ltd$ and there'ore the in5ured !art# will not ha%e ade,uate
re(ed# at law in the e%ent o' such non-co(!liance and is entitled to in5uncti%e relie' without the
!osting o' bond or other securit#, in addition to whate%er other re(edies it (a# ha%e, at law or e,uit#$
Agreed and acce!ted b#6
"age + o' +

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