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North America

Environmental Issues
Submitted by
Md. Raihan Uddin Mojumder
Id- 1210349
Course Id- E!102" Se#-1
Submitted to
$a%i Sun%ida &isa
'e(artment o) En*ironmenta+ Mana,ement
S#hoo+ o) En*ironmenta+ S#ien#e and Mana,ement -SESM.
Inde(endent Uni*ersity/ 0an,+adesh -IU0.
Date of Submission
30 November 2013
orth 1meri#a has been stru,,+in, immense+y sin#e the +ast #entury 2ith air and 2ater (o++ution/
de)orestation/ and o*er(o(u+ation. 3hese stru,,+es are due to (oor (re*ention (+annin, and
industria+ mani)estation. 4o++ution is #han,in, the atmos(here mu#h sooner than e5(e#ted and
,+oba+ 2armin, is (redi#ted to o*er2he+m the atmos(here 2ithin the ne5t ha+) o) a #entury. In
order to sustain the en*ironment and atmos(here humans must ta6e immediate a#tion ri,ht no2.
3he +on,er 2e 2ait to start immediate (re*ention/ the sooner our air and 2ater su((+ies 2i++
Un)ortunate+y/ it is not on+y orth 1meri#a that needs to #han,e it is many other #ountries and
re,ions o) the 2or+d. 4re*ention and (reser*ation is u( to e*ery #iti%en/ business/ and
,o*ernment or,ani%ation by #han,in, the 2ay they a++ redu#e/ reuse/ and re#y#+e (rodu#ts to
#han,e the bad habits humans ha*e been i++o,i#a++y doin, in the (ast #entury. 3a6in, #are o) our
most (re#ious resour#es and (reser*in, them )or our )uture ,enerations to #ome shou+d be one o)
the to( (riorities o) our time. 4reser*in, 2ater and air/ and usin, smart ,ro2th (+ans are the 6ey
to sustainin, the needs o) the human ra#e. 3he hi,h e#onomi# ,ro2th o) the United States
de(ends on )ast-(a#ed industria+i%in, and manu)a#turin,. 3his #ontradi#ts 2ith s#ientists 2ho
im(+y that the 2ho+e 2or+d7s a#tions and (+ans need to #han,e in order to sa*e most o) the
s(e#ies +i*in, on the earth today.
North America
Major Environmental Issues
3he t2o #ountries #onsidered in this se#tion/ Canada and the United States/ ran6 amon, the
2ea+thiest in the 2or+d/ not on+y in (er #a(ita in#ome but a+so in ri#hness o) natura+ resour#es.
8ith its hi,h standard o) +i*in,/ orth 1meri#a is the +eadin, (rodu#er and #onsumer o) ,oods
and ser*i#es-and o) 2aste-on the (+anet. 0oth nations are #on#erned about ,+oba+/ re,iona+/ and
nationa+ im(+i#ations o) today s resour#e use (atterns/ 2ith the in#reasin,+y ob*ious ne,ati*e
)eedba#6 on the 9ua+ity o) +i)e.
In both #ountries/ major :o*ernment (o+i#y statements are made to brin, en*ironmenta+ issues
to (ub+i# attention . Some o) the (riority en*ironmenta+ #on#erns in the re,ion ha*e a+so been
e5(ressed by the Commission )or En*ironmenta+ Coo(eration -CEC./ set u( in 1994 under the
en*ironmenta+ side a,reement o) the orth 1meri#an ;ree 3rade 1,reement -1;31./ 2hi#h
in#+udes Me5i#o. 3he CEC #on#entrates on )i*e areas< en*ironmenta+ #onser*ation" (rote#tin,
human hea+th and the en*ironment" en*ironment/ trade/ and e#onomy" en)or#ement #o-o(eration
and en*ironmenta+ +a2" and in)ormation and (ub+i# outrea#h.
3his se#tion dra2s on o))i#ia+ re(orts and statements o) the Canadian and U.S. :o*ernments as
2e++ as re(orts )rom :o*ernment a,en#ies and the (ri*ate/ non-,o*ernmenta+ se#tor/ in#+udin,
(ub+i# o(inion sur*eys.
3o,ether/ Canada and the U.S. #o*er near+y 1=.= mi++ion s9uare 6i+ometres/ some 14 (er #ent o)
the 2or+d s +and area. 3he t2o #ountries #ontribute 49 (er #ent and >1 (er #ent to this tota+ area
res(e#ti*e+y. 8ith one o) the +on,est #ommon borders in the 2or+d/ transboundary/ mu+timedia
en*ironmenta+ issues are a+so im(ortant. En*ironmenta+ deterioration in the :reat &a6es 0asin
and trans-boundary air (o++ution are t2o su#h areas o) #on#ern.
3he major +and-re+ated (rob+ems in the re,ion are erosion" soi+ #ontamination resu+tin, )rom
industria+ and a,ri#u+tura+ a#ti*ities/ in#+udin, the o*eruse o) )erti+i%er and (esti#ide use" and
2ater #ontamination )rom a,ri#u+tura+ (ra#ti#es.
Canada de(ends on the +and )or its e#onomi# 2e++-bein, more than most other industria+i%ed
nations. ?ne in three 2or6ers is em(+oyed dire#t+y or indire#t+y in a,ri#u+ture/ )orestry/ minin,/
ener,y ,eneration/ and other +and-based a#ti*ities. In the United States/ 2hi+e de(enden#e on
(rimary (rodu#tion is +o2er/ a,ri#u+tura+ (rodu#tion and mar6etin, a##ount )or 1@ (er #ent o)
em(+oyment/ and a+most ha+) o) the tota+ +and area -e5#+udin, 1+as6a. is dedi#ated to
a,ri#u+tura++y re+ated (ur(oses .
U.S. a,ri#u+ture is in transition. 8hi+e tota+ #ro(+and has stayed near+y #onstant sin#e 194> at
1=@ mi++ion he#tares/ mu#h o) the best )arm+and is adja#ent to major metro(o+itan areas and is
bein, #on*erted to non-a,ri#u+tura+ uses. 3he number o) )arms de#+ined by a+most 31 (er #ent/
)rom 2.9 mi++ion in 19A0 to 2 mi++ion in 1994/ as the a*era,e si%e o) )arms in#reased by about 2=
(er #ent in the same (eriod. e2 strate,ies are needed to address the #han,in, situation.
3hrou,hout orth 1meri#a/ then/ the mana,ement o) )arms and ran,e+and is a 6ey (art o)
sustainab+e de*e+o(ment. 4oor a,ri#u+tura+ (ra#ti#es resu+t in ha%ards to human hea+th. 1+thou,h
the (esti#ide ''3 has been banned in Canada and the United States/ residues o) ''3/ su#h as
''E/ are sti++ )ound in the serum and )at tissues o) the majority o) orth 1meri#ans due to its
(ersisten#e in the en*ironment and to #ontinued in(uts )rom other re,ions throu,h +on,-ran,e
trans(ort. Bi,h ''E +e*e+s in 2omen ha*e been asso#iated 2ith an in#reased ris6 o) breast
#an#er. 3he (resen#e o) other #h+orinated #om(ounds in human tissues has raised #on#erns about
their (ossib+e harm)u+ e))e#ts on endo#rine and re(rodu#ti*e )un#tions.
Some measures are bein, ta6en to address 6ey (rob+ems. ;or e5am(+e/ by 1992/ U.S. )armers
had redu#ed soi+ erosion on #ro(+ands by around one bi++ion metri# tons (er year )rom 19=2
+e*e+s. Soi+ erosion sa*in,s ha*e #ome about throu,h the Conser*ation Reser*e 4ro,ram -@3>
mi++ion metri# tons./ #onser*ation te#hni#a+ assistan#e -2A2 mi++ion metri# tons./ and
#onser*ation #om(+ian#e -90 mi++ion metri# tons..
3o miti,ate the use o) (ersistent or,ani# (o++utants -4?4s./ Canada and the U.S. ha*e de*e+o(ed
and im(+emented (esti#ide mana,ement (ro,rammers nationa++y and re,iona++y.
"limate "han#e: 'urin, the +ast )e2 de#ades/ the earthCs #+imate has been
disru(ted by the risin, tem(erature o) the earthCs sur)a#e. 3his ,+oba+ 2armin, *ery +i6e+y stems
)rom in#reases in atmos(heri# ,reenhouse ,as -:B:. #on#entrations (rodu#ed by human
a#ti*ities. In orth 1meri#a/ the +ar,est sour#e o) :B: emissions is ener,y-re+ated a#ti*ities/
in#+udin, e+e#tri# (o2er ,eneration/ trans(ortation and industria+ )ue+ use. Some o) these
emissions are o))set by )a#tors su#h as )orest and a,ri#u+tura+ #arbon sin6s. n orth 1meri#a is
res(onsib+e )or about a 9uarter o) ,+oba+ :B: emissions. Sin#e 1990/ orth 1meri#an :B:
emissions ha*e in#reased by a+most 1= (er#ent/ or at rou,h+y the same rate as tota+ ener,y use.
Bome to some A (er#ent o) the 2or+dCs (o(u+ation/ orth 1meri#a is res(onsib+e )or 2> (er#ent
o) the tota+ emissions o) the most im(ortant ,reenhouse ,as/ #arbon dio5ide. 4er (erson/ orth
1meri#a emits t2i#e as mu#h #arbon dio5ide as Euro(e/ o*er )i*e times as mu#h as 1sia/ and
o*er 13 times as mu#h as 1)ri#a. 4er #a(ita emissions are se*era+ times hi,her in Canada and the
United States than in Me5i#o. 3hese hi,h rates are a resu+t o) hi,her (er #a(ita +e*e+s o)
e#onomi# a#ti*ity/ 2hi#h dri*e ,reenhouse ,as emissions/ es(e#ia++y those re+ated to ener,y
#round level o$one:
?%one -?3. is a ,as )ound in di))erent (arts o) the atmos(here. ?%one in the u((er atmos(here/
or stratos(here/ is an essentia+ ,as that he+(s to (rote#t the earth )rom the sunCs harm)u+
u+tra*io+et rays. 0y #ontrast/ the o%one )ound near the ,round in the tro(os(here harms both
human hea+th and the en*ironment. ;or this reason/ o%one is o)ten des#ribed as bein, D,ood
u( hi,h and bad nearby.E :round-+e*e+ o%one is (rodu#ed 2hen nitro,en o5ides -?5 . and
*o+ati+e or,ani# #om(ounds -!?Cs. rea#t throu,h (hoto#hemi#a+ (ro#esses in sun+i,ht. 4o2er
(+ants/ motor *ehi#+e e5haust/ industria+ )a#i+ities/ ,aso+ine *a(ors/ and #hemi#a+ so+*ents are the
major sour#es o) these emissions.
8hen (resent in the u((er tro(os(here/ o%one is a *ery e))e#ti*e ,reenhouse ,as. Strate,ies that
redu#e o%one #on#entrations on urban and re,iona+ s#a+es (robab+y he+( to +imit the #ontribution
o) ,round-+e*e+ o%one to the ,reenhouse e))e#t and ,+oba+ 2armin,.
;orests are a dominant )eature o) the orth 1meri#an +ands#a(e/ #o*erin, a+most ha+) o) Canada
and a third o) the United States. 3hey (ro*ide a ,reat di*ersity o) e#onomi#/ e#o+o,i#a+/
re#reationa+/ #u+tura+/ and s(iritua+ bene)its. 3hese t2o #ountries are the 2or+d s t2o +eadin,
e5(orters o) )orest (rodu#ts . In Canada a+one/ more than ==0/000 (eo(+e re+y on the )orest
industry )or their +i*e+ihood. Im(ortant ste(s-in#+udin, both (ub+i# and (ri*ate a#tion-ha*e been
ta6en to (ut the re,ion on an e))e#ti*e #ourse )or a#hie*in, sustainab+e )orestry mana,ement .
Deforestation: 'e)orestation in the United States is an on,oin, en*ironmenta+ issue that attra#ts
(rotests )rom en*ironmenta+ists. 4rior to the arri*a+ o) Euro(ean-1meri#ans about one ha+) o) the
United States +and area 2as )orest/ about 4/000/000 s9uare 6i+ometers -990/000/000 a#res. in
1@00/ yet today it is on+y about 3/000/000 s9uare 6i+ometers -A40/000/000 a#res.. ear+y a++ o)
this de)orestation too6 (+a#e (rior to 1910/ and the )orest resour#es o) the United States ha*e
remained re+ati*e+y #onstant throu,h the entire 20th #entury.
3he #urrent en*ironmenta+ issue o) de)orestation in the United States is one that is a))e#ted by
many di))erent )a#tors. ?ne su#h )a#tor is the e))e#t/ 2hether (ositi*e or ne,ati*e/ that the
+o,,in, industry has on )orests in the #ountry. &o,,in, in the United States is a hot+y debated
to(i# as ,rou(s 2ho either su((ort or o((ose +o,,in, ar,ue o*er its bene)its and ne,ati*e e))e#ts.
F3his industry #om(rises the estab+ishments (rimari+y en,a,ed in one or more o) the )o++o2in,<
-1. #uttin, timber" -2. #uttin, and trans(ortin, timber" -3. (rodu#in, 2ood #hi(s in the )ie+d/E
D3he United States is the 2or+dCs +eadin, (rodu#er and #onsumer o) )orest (rodu#ts and a##ounts
)or about one-)ourth o) the 2or+dCs (rodu#tion and #onsum(tion. 3he United States is a+so the
2or+dCs +ar,est (rodu#er o) so)t2ood and hard2ood +umber. In 199@/ tota+ annua+ sa+es )or
#ommer#ia+ -non)edera+. timber and no timber )orest (rodu#ts 2as a((ro5imate+y G3.= bi++ion.
3he bi,,est issue )a#in, de)orestation in the United States is i++e,a+ +o,,in, in )orests. 3he U.S.
;orest Ser*i#e states that i++e,a+ +o,,in, is the bi,,est (rob+em 2ith de)orestation be#ause it is
near+y im(ossib+e to monitor and sto(. It ,oes on throu,hout the U.S. and other #ountries and
o)ten ha((ens 2hen #om(anies disre,ard their (ermits and ,o beyond 2hat they are a++o2ed to
har*est. 3he ;orest Ser*i#e and E41 2or6 to,ether to ma6e sure that the (ermits )or +o,,in,
#om(anies in the United States are ,ranted in su#h a 2ay that the )orests are 6e(t hea+thy and
sustainab+e/ and i++e,a+ +o,,in, redu#es the #han#es that )orests 2i++ be 6e(t this 2ay. 3he United
States ;orest Ser*i#e is in )a*or o) +o,,in, to a #ertain e5tent

but there are se*era+ ,rou(s that
o((ose +o,,in, in the United States. :rou(s su#h as ati*e;orest.or, and EarthRoots.or, state
that +o,,in, in the United States and s(e#i)i#a++y in industria+ areas has +ed to de)orestation and
near e5tin#tion o) many anima+s.
%ollution :
Industrial !ollution: Industria+ (o++ution and 2aste en#om(ass the )u++ ran,e o) materia+s
,enerated by industria+ a#ti*ities that are un2anted by the (rodu#er. 1t times/ they re(resent an
unrea+i%ed o((ortunity to im(ro*e (rodu#tion e))i#ien#y and redu#e dis(osa+ #osts. Certain
#om(onents o) industria+ (o++ution and 2aste are ha%ardous to human hea+th and the
en*ironment. Re+ated #on#erns in#+ude sensiti*e human (o(u+ations su#h as #hi+dren/ the
im(+i#ations o) +o2-+e*e+ e5(osures to mu+ti(+e (o++utants/ and #ontamination o) e#osystems.
E*ery year/ industria+ a#ti*ity in orth 1meri#a ,enerates substantia+ 9uantities o) to5i#
#hemi#a+s/ air #ontaminants/ ha%ardous and nonha%ardous 2aste/ and radioa#ti*e materia+s that
must be mana,ed to (rote#t human hea+th and the en*ironment. Some trends in 2aste
mana,ement are en#oura,in,/ su#h as industriesC ado(tion o) (o++ution (re*ention methods and a
sustained de#+ine in re+eases o) #ar#ino,ens and other to5ins o) #on#ern/ but (ro,ress has not
been uni)orm.
Industria+ (o++ution and 2aste #ontribute to #+imate #han,e as 2e++. 3he anaerobi# de#om(osition
o) 2astes in +and)i++s (rodu#es methane/ a (otent ,reenhouse ,as/ and 2aste in#ineration re+eases
#arbon dio5ide. 3he trans(ortation o) 2astes to re#y#+in,/ treatment and dis(osa+ sites (rodu#es
trans(ortation-re+ated #arbon emissions. ;ina++y/ the materia+s dis(osed o) as 2aste must be
re(+a#ed by more ra2 materia+s/ 2hi#h im(+ies )urther #onsum(tion o) )ossi+ )ue+s and additiona+
#arbon re+eases.
Acid De!osition :
1#id de(osition has a+ready dama,ed orth 1meri#an )orests/ +a6es/ soi+s/ bui+din,s and histori#
monumentsHin some #ases/ irretrie*ab+y. 3he air (o++utants ,i*in, rise to a#id de(osition a))e#t
human hea+th and air 9ua+ity as 2e++. 0ut the (rob+em is not just a orth 1meri#an one. 0e#ause
a#idi# (o++utants #an tra*e+ ,reat distan#es throu,h the atmos(here to be de(osited in e#osystems
hundreds and e*en thousands o) 6i+ometers a2ay/ a#id de(osition is a ,+oba+ (rob+em. Emissions
)rom orth 1meri#a tra*e+ as )ar as Euro(e/ and (o++ution )rom 1sia a))e#ts human hea+th and
the en*ironment in orth 1meri#a.
Sin#e 1990/ emissions o) S?2 in orth 1meri#a are do2n by one-third and those o) ?5 ha*e
de#+ined by just o*er one-)i)th. Su+)ate de(osition in the eastern United States and Canada has
de#reased substantia++y o*er the +ast 1> years/ 2hereas the redu#tion in nitrate de(osition has
been +ess dramati#.
'es(ite the #onsiderab+e (ro,ress made to2ard redu#in, emissions and the de(osition o)
a#idi)yin, (o++ution/ many sensiti*e e#osystems are sti++ re#ei*in, +e*e+s o) a#id de(osition
abo*e the thresho+d +e*e+s that #ause +on,-term dama,e. ;urthermore/ some re,ions (re*ious+y
a))e#ted by hi,h +e*e+s o) a#id de(osition are not re#o*erin, as e5(e#ted.
&iodiversit' and Ecos'stems
&and use is one o) the most stri6in, mani)estations o) humansC (resen#e and (hysi#a+ im(a#t
on the (+anet. More )undamenta++y/ humans ha*e a+tered the ,+oba+ (atterns and (re*a+en#e
o) s(e#ies and e#osystems. Se*era+ re#ent studies #on)irm that human-dominated e#osystems
no2 #o*er more o) earthCs +and sur)a#e than do natura+ or D2i+dE e#osystems. 1##ordin, to one
estimate/ more than A> (er#ent o) the earthCs i#e-)ree +and sho2s e*iden#e o) a+teration )rom
human residen#e and a#ti*ity/ 2ith +ess than a 9uarter remainin, as 2i+d +and. 3o,ether/
#ro(+ands and (astures ha*e be#ome one o) the +ar,est
+and use #ate,ories" they o##u(y about 40 (er#ent o) the earthCs +and sur)a#e.
Buman a#ti*ities ha*e modi)ied the ori,ina+ *e,etation #o*er and +ands#a(e o) orth 1meri#a
in 2ays that ha*e im(ortant im(+i#ations )or the en*ironment. &and use and +and #o*er
a))e#t many as(e#ts o) en*ironmenta+ 9ua+ity and the ser*i#es (ro*ided by e#osystems.
;orests/ both mana,ed and unmana,ed/ #o*er about a third o) orth 1meri#aCs +and area.
8ithin this )orested area is a ,reat di*ersity o) )orest ty(es o) 2hi#h some 4> (er#ent is #+assi)ied
as borea+/ most+y in Canada and 1+as6a. 3em(erate and tro(i#a+ )orests ma6e u( the
remainder o) the )orested area. orth 1meri#a has a+most 20 (er#ent o) the 2or+dCs )orests and
o*er a third o) its borea+ )orests.
8et+ands #o*er o*er 10 (er#ent o) orth 1meri#a. 1t 2.> mi++ion s9uare 6i+ometers/ this area
re(resents some 40 (er#ent o) the ,+oba+ 2et+and area. Bistori#a++y/ 2et+ands/ 2hi#h in#+ude
s2am(s/ bo,s and marshes/ 2ere under*a+ued as 2aste+and to be dred,ed )or (orts and marinas
or drained )or )arms/ housin, and other de*e+o(ment. In re#ent years/ s#ientists ha*e
#ata+o,ed the many im(ortant e#o+o,i#a+ #ontributions o) 2et+andsHas breedin, ,rounds
)or 2ater)o2+/ )ish and #rusta#eans" as areas to #a(ture and )i+ter sediments and or,ani# matter"
)or 2ater retention and )+ood miti,ation" and as (rote#ti*e barriers a,ainst storms in
#oasta+ areas/ amon, others. 1s o) 2004/ orth 1meri#a had a+most 200/000 s9uare 6i+ometers
o) DRamsarE 2et+ands/ denoted as ha*in, internationa+ im(ortan#e.
In a++/ a+most a third o) orth 1meri#aCs sur)a#e is de*oted to a,ri#u+tura+ uses. 1+thou,h it
a##ounts )or on+y 12 (er#ent o) the 2or+dCs a,ri#u+tura+ area/ orth 1meri#a (rodu#es a+most
20 (er#ent o) the 2or+dCs #erea+s and an e9ua+ (er#enta,e o) the 2or+dCs meat.
)ater !ollution
?*era++/ orth 1meri#a is 2e++ endo2ed in its 2ater su((+ies. 0ut/ thou,h a ,enera+ abundan#e
o) 2ater e5ists in the re,ion/ some areas #ommon+y e5(erien#e 2ater shorta,es.
3he drier (arts o) the 8estern United States are o)ten in need o) 2ater. 3he Canadian (rairie is
a+so *ery dry/ and *a++eys in 0ritish Co+umbia o)ten re#ei*e re+ati*e+y +itt+e 2ater.
0e#ause 2ater is so abundant/ it is a+so 9uite ine5(ensi*e. 3his and other )a#tors ha*e meant that
2ater #onsum(tion in orth 1meri#a is e5treme+y hi,h. Canadians use t2i#e as mu#h 2ater (er
#a(ita as do Euro(eans.
Muni#i(a+ities #onsume 11I o) a++ o) Canada7s 2ater. 1bout three-)ourths o) Canadians de(end
on sur)a#e 2ater su((+ies/ 2hi+e one-)ourth de(end on ,round 2ater. 0oth o) these sour#es are
be#omin, threatened/ +eadin, to #on#erns about de(+etin, natura+ 2ater su((+ies.
orth 1meri#a has a mu#h hi,her 9ua+ity o) 2ater than most other areas o) the 2or+d. 3he
+ar,est 9ua+ity (rob+ems are in the rura+ areas o) the US and Canada/ 2here mi++ions do not ha*e
su))i#ient amounts o) #+ean 2ater.
Bo2e*er/ (rob+ems e5ist in #ities as 2e++. 1 )i)th o) a++ 1meri#ans ,et their 2ater )rom a )a#i+ity
that )ai+s to meet the nationa+ re9uirements on 2ater 9ua+ity.
Some #ommon (o++utants in the 2ater in#+ude #o+i)orm ba#teria/ +ead/ #o((er/ and other to5i#
#hemi#a+ substan#es.
3he :reat &a6es/ 2hi#h are +o#ated on the US-Canada border/ #ontain 1=I o) the 2or+d7s su((+y
o) )resh 2ater. &a6es Su(erior/ Mi#hi,an/ Buron/ Erie/ and ?ntario (ro*ide an ama%in, natura+
resour#e o) tremendous bene)it to orth 1meri#a.
Marine and "oastal Environments
0y the year 2000/ more than three 9uarters o) the U.S. (o(u+ation is e5(e#ted to reside in #oasta+
#ommunities/ 2ith #on#omitant e))e#ts on +and use .3he )i,ure is mu#h +o2er in Canada/ about
2> (er #ent. Canada has the +on,est #oast+ine in the 2or+d/ )rontin, on three o#eans. ot
sur(risin,+y/ the sustainab+e use o) marine e#osystems is thus #ru#ia+ to the )uture o) both
3he (o(u+ations o) some estuarine/ inshore/ and o))shore )isheries ha*e been redu#ed to
drasti#a++y +o2 +e*e+s in orth 1meri#a by o*er)ishin,/ +oss o) habitat/ and +and-based (o++ution.
;rom 19=0 to 19=9/ re(orts )rom more than 3/@>0 e*ents 2ith disastrous im(a#ts on )ish
(o(u+ations #ited the +oss o) 40A mi++ion )ish in #oasta+ and near-#oasta+ +o#ations in the United
States .In eastern Canada/ a#id rain is res(onsib+e )or habitat de,radation and the +oss o) )ish in
thousands o) +a6es and ri*ers/ in#+udin, a number o) )ormer sa+mon streams .4o++ution has a+so
#aused the disa((earan#e o) some )ormer+y )ished s(e#ies and the de#+ine o) some others in the
:reat &a6es-St. &a2ren#e Ri*er system .
1((ro5imate+y 1/000 s(e#ies o) )ish +i*e in Canadian 2aters" )e2er than 200 +i*e in )resh 2ater/
the others +i*e in sa+t 2ater a+on, the 1t+anti#/ 1r#ti#/ and 4a#i)i# #oasts. ;our sto#6s or s(e#ies
are thou,ht to be e5tin#t/ t2o are no +on,er )ound in Canadian 2aters/ and 49 are +isted as
endan,ered/ threatened/ or *u+nerab+e. 'e#+inin, )ish sto#6s ha*e resu+ted in the #o++a(se o) the
East Coast )isheries/ 2ith a de*astatin, im(a#t in eastern Canada.
*eference :

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