CA 473 An Act To Provide For The Acquisition of Philippine Citizenship by Naturalization

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Sectio !" The option to elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with subsection (4), Section 1, Article
IV, of the onstitution shall be e!pressed in a state"ent to be si#ned and sworn to b$ the part$
concerned before an$ officer authorized to ad"inister oaths, and shall be filed with the nearest ci%il
re#istr$& The said part$ shall acco"pan$ the aforesaid state"ent with the oath of alle#iance to the
onstitution and the 'o%ern"ent of the Philippines&
Sec" 2" If the part$ concerned is absent fro" the Philippines, he "a$ "a(e the state"ent herein
authorized before an$ officer of the 'o%ern"ent of the )nited States authorized to ad"inister oaths,
and he shall forward such state"ent to#ether with his oath of alle#iance, to the i%il *e#istr$ of +anila&
Sec" #" The ci%il re#istrar shall collect as filin# fees of the state"ent, the a"ount of ten pesos&
Sec" $" The penalt$ of prision correccional, or a fine not e!ceedin# ten thousand pesos, or both, shall
be i"posed on an$one found #uilt$ of fraud or falsehood in "a(in# the state"ent herein prescribed&
Sec" 5" This Act shall ta(e effect upon its appro%al&
Si%e&' ()e *+ !,$!
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:
Sectio !" Title of Act. , This Act shall be (nown and "a$ be cited as the "*e%ised -aturalization .aw&"
Sectio 2" Qualifications. , Sub/ect to section four of this Act, an$ person ha%in# the followin#
0ualifications "a$ beco"e a citizen of the Philippines b$ naturalization1
First. 2e "ust be not less than twent$3one $ears of a#e on the da$ of the hearin# of the
Second. 2e "ust ha%e resided in the Philippines for a continuous period of not less than ten
Third. 2e "ust be of #ood "oral character and belie%es in the principles underl$in# the
Philippine onstitution, and "ust ha%e conducted hi"self in a proper and irreproachable
"anner durin# the entire period of his residence in the Philippines in his relation with the
constituted #o%ern"ent as well as with the co""unit$ in which he is li%in#&
Fourth. 2e "ust own real estate in the Philippines worth not less than fi%e thousand pesos,
Philippine currenc$, or "ust ha%e so"e (nown lucrati%e trade, profession, or lawful
Fifth. 2e "ust be able to spea( and write 5n#lish or Spanish and an$ one of the principal
Philippine lan#ua#es4 and
Sixth. 2e "ust ha%e enrolled his "inor children of school a#e, in an$ of the public schools or
pri%ate schools reco#nized b$ the 6ffice of Pri%ate 5ducation
of the Philippines, where the
Philippine histor$, #o%ern"ent and ci%ics are tau#ht or prescribed as part of the school
curriculu", durin# the entire period of the residence in the Philippines re0uired of hi" prior to
the hearin# of his petition for naturalization as Philippine citizen&
Sectio #" Special qualifications. The ten $ears of continuous residence re0uired under the second
condition of the last precedin# section shall be understood as reduced to fi%e $ears for an$ petitioner
ha%in# an$ of the followin# 0ualifications1
1& 2a%in# honorabl$ held office under the 'o%ern"ent of the Philippines or under that of an$ of
the pro%inces, cities, "unicipalities, or political subdi%isions thereof4
7& 2a%in# established a new industr$ or introduced a useful in%ention in the Philippines4
8& 9ein# "arried to a :ilipino wo"an4
4& 2a%in# been en#a#ed as a teacher in the Philippines in a public or reco#nized pri%ate school
not established for the e!clusi%e instruction of children of persons of a particular nationalit$ or
race, in an$ of the branches of education or industr$ for a period of not less than two $ears4
;& 2a%in# been born in the Philippines&
Sectio $" ho are disqualified. 3 The followin# cannot be naturalized as Philippine citizens1
a& Persons opposed to or#anized #o%ern"ent or affiliated with an$ association or #roup of
persons who uphold and teach doctrines opposin# all or#anized #o%ern"ents4
b& Persons defendin# or teachin# the necessit$ or propriet$ of %iolence, personal assault, or
assassination for the success and predo"inance of their ideas4
c& Pol$#a"ists or belie%ers in the practice of pol$#a"$4
d& Persons con%icted of cri"es in%ol%in# "oral turpitude4
e& Persons sufferin# fro" "ental alienation or incurable conta#ious diseases4
f& Persons who, durin# the period of their residence in the Philippines, ha%e not "in#led sociall$
with the :ilipinos, or who ha%e not e%inced a sincere desire to learn and e"brace the custo"s,
traditions, and ideals of the :ilipinos4
#& itizens or sub/ects of nations with who" the )nited States
and the Philippines are at war,
durin# the period of such war4
h& itizens or sub/ects of a forei#n countr$ other than the )nited States
whose laws do not #rant
:ilipinos the ri#ht to beco"e naturalized citizens or sub/ects thereof&
Sectio 5" !eclaration of intention. , 6ne $ear prior to the filin# of his petition for ad"ission to
Philippine citizenship, the applicant for Philippine citizenship shall file with the 9ureau of <ustice
declaration under oath that it is bona fide his intention to beco"e a citizen of the Philippines& Such
declaration shall set forth na"e, a#e, occupation, personal description, place of birth, last forei#n
residence and alle#iance, the date of arri%al, the na"e of the %essel or aircraft, if an$, in which he ca"e
to the Philippines, and the place of residence in the Philippines at the ti"e of "a(in# the declaration& -o
declaration shall be %alid until lawful entr$ for per"anent residence has been established and a
certificate showin# the date, place, and "anner of his arri%al has been issued& The declarant "ust also
state that he has enrolled his "inor children, if an$, in an$ of the public schools or pri%ate schools
reco#nized b$ the 6ffice of Pri%ate 5ducation; of the Philippines, where Philippine histor$, #o%ern"ent,
and ci%ics are tau#ht or prescribed as part of the school curriculu", durin# the entire period of the
residence in the Philippines re0uired of hi" prior to the hearin# of his petition for naturalization as
Philippine citizen& 5ach declarant "ust furnish two photo#raphs of hi"self&
Sectio 6" Persons exempt from requirement to ma"e a declaration of intention. # Pe01o1 2o0 i t3e
P3i4i55ie1 6& 367e 0ecei7e& t3ei0 50i8609 6& 1eco&609 e&)c6tio i 5)24ic 1c3oo41 o0 t3o1e
0eco%i:e& 29 t3e Go7e08et 6& ot 4i8ite& to 69 06ce o0 6tio64it9+ 6& t3o1e ;3o 367e
0e1i&e& coti)o)149 i t3e P3i4i55ie1 <o0 6 5e0io& o< t3i0t9 9e601 o0 8o0e 2e<o0e <i4i% t3ei0
6554ic6tio+ "a$ be naturalized without ha%in# to "a(e a declaration of intention upon co"pl$in# with
the other 0e=)i0e8et1 of this Act& To 1)c3 0e=)i0e8et1 13644 2e 6&&e& t36t ;3ic3 e1t624i13e1
t36t t3e 6554ic6t 361 %i7e 50i8609 6& 1eco&609 e&)c6tio to 644 3i1 c3i4&0e i t3e 5)24ic
1c3oo41 o0 i 50i76te 1c3oo41 0eco%i:e& 29 t3e Go7e08et 6& ot 4i8ite& to 69 06ce o0
6tio64it9" T3e 168e 13644 2e )&e01too& 6554ic624e ;it3 0e15ect to the widow and "inor children
of an alien who has declared his intention to beco"e a citizen of the Philippines, and dies before he is
actuall$ naturalized&
Sectio *" Petition for citi$enship. , An$ person desirin# to ac0uire Philippine citizenship shall file with
the co"petent court, a petition in triplicate, acco"panied b$ two photo#raphs of the petitioner, settin#
forth his na"e and surna"e4 his present and for"er places of residence4 his occupation4 the place and
date of his birth4 whether sin#le or "arried and the father of children, the na"e, a#e, birthplace and
residence of the wife and of each of the children4 the appro!i"ate date of his or her arri%al in the
Philippines, the na"e of the port of debar(ation, and, if he re"e"bers it, the na"e of the ship on which
he ca"e4 a declaration that he has the 0ualifications re0uired b$ this Act, specif$in# the sa"e, and that
he is not dis0ualified for naturalization under the pro%isions of this Act4 that he has co"plied with the
re0uire"ents of section fi%e of this Act4 and that he will reside continuousl$ in the Philippines fro" the
date of the filin# of the petition up to the ti"e of his ad"ission to Philippine citizenship& The petition
"ust be si#ned b$ the applicant in his own handwritin# and be supported b$ the affida%it of at least two
credible persons, statin# that the$ are citizens of the Philippines and personall$ (now the petitioner to
be a resident of the Philippines for the period of ti"e re0uired b$ this Act and a person of #ood repute
and "orall$ irreproachable, and that said petitioner has in their opinion all the 0ualifications necessar$
to beco"e a citizen of the Philippines and is not in an$ wa$ dis0ualified under the pro%isions of this Act&
The petition shall also set forth the na"es and post3office addresses of such witnesses as the petitioner
"a$ desire to introduce at the hearin# of the case& The certificate of arri%al, and the declaration of
intention "ust be "ade part of the petition&
Sectio >" %ompetent court.&The ourt of :irst Instance of the pro%ince in which the petitioner has
resided at least one $ear i""ediatel$ precedin# the filin# of the petition shall ha%e e!clusi%e ori#inal
/urisdiction to hear the petition&
Sectio ," Notification and appearance.&I""ediatel$ upon the filin# of a petition, it shall be the dut$ of
the cler( of the court to publish the sa"e at petitioner>s e!pense, once a wee( for three consecuti%e
wee(s, in the 6fficial 'azette, and in one of the newspapers of #eneral circulation in the pro%ince where
the petitioner resides, and to ha%e copies of said petition and a #eneral notice of the hearin# posted in a
public and conspicuous place in his office or in the buildin# where said office is located, settin# forth in
such notice the na"e, birthplace and residence of the petitioner, the date and place of his arri%al in the
Philippines, the na"es of the witnesses who" the petitioner proposes to introduce in support of his
petition, and the date of the hearin# of the petition, which hearin# shall not be held within ninet$ da$s
fro" the date of the last publication of the notice& The cler( shall, as soon as possible, forward copies of
the petition, the sentence, the naturalization certificate, and other pertinent data to the ?epart"ent of
the Interior, @ the 9ureau of <ustice,A the Pro%incial InspectorB of the Philippine onstabular$ of the
pro%ince and the /ustice of the peace1C of the "unicipalit$ wherein the petitioner resides&
Sectio !?" 'earin( of the petition.&-o petition shall be heard within the thirt$ da$s precedin# an$
election& The hearin# shall be public, and the Solicitor3'eneral, either hi"self or throu#h his dele#ate or
the pro%incial fiscal concerned, shall appear on behalf of the o""onwealth11 of the Philippines at all
the proceedin#s and at the hearin#& If, after the hearin#, the court belie%es, in %iew of the e%idence
ta(en, that the petitioner has all the 0ualifications re0uired b$, and none of the dis0ualifications specified
in this Act and has co"plied with all re0uisites herein established, it shall order the proper naturalization
certificate to be issued and the re#istration of the said naturalization certificate in the proper ci%il re#istr$
as re0uired in section ten of Act -u"bered Three thousand se%en hundred and fift$3three&
Sectio !!" Appeal.&The final sentence "a$, at the instance of either of the parties, be appealed to
the Supre"e ourt&
Sectio !2" )ssuance of the %ertificate of Naturali$ation.DIf, after the lapse of thirt$ da$s fro" and after
the date on which the parties were notified of the ourt, no appeal has been filed, or if, upon appeal, the
decision of the court has been confir"ed b$ the Supre"e ourt,
and the said decision has beco"e
final, the cler( of the court which heard the petition shall issue to the petitioner a naturalization
certificate which shall, a"on# other thin#s, state the followin#1 The file nu"ber of the petition, the
nu"ber of the naturalization certificate, the si#nature of the person naturalized affi!ed in the presence
of the cler( of the court, the personal circu"stances of the person naturalized, the dates on which his
declaration of intention and petition were filed, the date of the decision #rantin# the petition, and the
na"e of the /ud#e who rendered the decision& A photo#raph of the petitioner with the dr$ seal affi!ed
thereto of the court which #ranted the petition, "ust be affi!ed to the certificate&
9efore the naturalization certificate is issued, the petitioner shall, in open court, ta(e the followin# oath1
"I, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & , sole"nl$ swear that I renounce absolutel$ and fore%er
all alle#iance and fidelit$ to an$ forei#n prince, potentate, state or so%erei#nt$, and particularl$ to the & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & of which at this ti"e I a" a sub/ect or citizen4 that I will support and defend the
onstitution of the Philippines and that I will obe$ the laws, le#al orders and decrees pro"ul#ated b$
the dul$ constituted authorities of the o""onwealth
of the Philippines4 Eand I hereb$ declare that I
reco#nize and accept the supre"e authorit$ of the )nited States of A"erica in the Philippines and will
"aintain true faith and alle#iance thereto4
and that I i"pose this obli#ation upon "$self %oluntaril$
without "ental reser%ation or purpose of e%asion&
"So help "e 'od&"
Sectio !#" *ecord boo"s.DThe cler( of the court shall (eep two boo(s4 one in which the petition and
declarations of intention shall be recorded in chronolo#ical order, notin# all proceedin#s thereof fro" the
filin# of the petition to the final issuance of the naturalization certificate4 and another, which shall be a
record of naturalization certificates each pa#e of which shall ha%e a duplicate which shall be dul$
attested b$ the cler( of the court and deli%ered to the petitioner&
Sectio !$" Fees.&The cler( of the ourt of :irst Instance shall char#e as fees for recordin# a petition
for naturalization and for the proceedin#s in connection therewith, includin# the issuance of the
certificate, the su" of thirt$ pesos&
The ler( of the Supre"e ourt
shall collect for each appeal and for the ser%ices rendered b$ hi" in
connection therewith, the su" of twent$3four pesos&
Sectio !5" +ffect of the naturali$ation on ,ife and children.&An$ wo"an who is now or "a$ hereafter
be "arried to a citizen of the Philippines, and who "i#ht herself be lawfull$ naturalized shall be dee"ed
a citizen of the Philippines&
+inor children of persons naturalized under this law who ha%e been born in the Philippines shall be
considered citizens thereof&
A forei#n3born "inor child, if dwellin# in the Philippines at the ti"e of the naturalization of the parent,
shall auto"aticall$ beco"e a Philippine citizen, and a forei#n3born "inor child, who is not in the
Philippines at the ti"e the parent is naturalized, shall be dee"ed a Philippine citizen onl$ durin# his
"inorit$, unless he be#ins to reside per"anentl$ in the Philippines when still a "inor, in which case, he
will continue to be a Philippine citizen e%en after beco"in# of a#e&
A child born outside of the Philippines after the naturalization of his parent, shall be considered a
Philippine citizen, unless one $ear after reachin# the a#e of "a/orit$, he fails to re#ister hi"self as a
Philippine citizen at the


the fault of their parents either b$ ne#lectin# to support the" or b$ transferrin# the"
to another school or schools& A certified cop$ of the decree cancelin# the
naturalization certificate shall be forwarded b$ the cler( of the ourt to the
?epart"ent of the Interior7C and the 9ureau of <ustice&71
(e) If it is shown that the naturalized citizen has allowed hi"self to be used as a
du""$ in %iolation of the onstitutional or le#al pro%ision re0uirin# Philippine
citizenship as a re0uisite for the e!ercise, use or en/o$"ent of a ri#ht, franchise or

Sectio !," Penalties for -iolation of this Act.DAn$ person who shall fraudulentl$ "a(e, falsif$, for#e,
chan#e, alter, or cause or aid an$ person to do the sa"e, or who shall purposel$ aid and assist in
falsel$ "a(in#, for#in#, falsif$in#, chan#in# or alterin# a naturalization certificate for the purpose of
"a(in# use thereof, or in order that the sa"e "a$ be used b$ another person or persons, and an$
person who shall purposel$ aid and assist another in obtainin# a naturalization certificate in %iolation of
the pro%isions of this Act, shall be punished b$ a fine of not "ore than fi%e thousand pesos or b$
i"prison"ent for not "ore than fi%e $ears, or both, and in the case that the person con%icted is a
naturalized citizen his certificate of naturalization and the re#istration of the sa"e in the proper ci%il
re#istr$ shall be ordered cancelled&
Sectio 2?" Prescription&D-o person shall be prosecuted, char#ed, or punished for an offense i"pl$in#
a %iolation of the pro%isions of this Act, unless the infor"ation or co"plaint is filed within fi%e $ears fro"
the detection or disco%er$ of the co""ission of said offense&
Sectio 2!" *e(ulation and blan"s.DThe Secretar$ of <ustice shall issue the necessar$ re#ulations for
the proper enforce"ent of this Act& -aturalization certificate blan(s and other blan(s re0uired for
carr$in# out the pro%isions of this Act shall be prepared and furnished b$ the Solicitor3'eneral, sub/ect
to the appro%al of the Secretar$ of <ustice&
Sectio 22" *epealin( clause.DAct -u"bered Twent$3nine hundred and twent$3se%en as a"ended b$
Act -u"bered Thirt$3four hundred and fort$3ei#ht, entitled "The -aturalization .aw", is
repealed1 Pro-ided. That nothin# in this Act shall be construed to affect an$ prosecution, suit, action, or
proceedin#s brou#ht, or an$ act, thin#, or "atter, ci%il or cri"inal, done or e!istin# before the ta(in#
effect of this Act, but as to all such prosecutions, suits, actions, proceedin#s, acts, thin#s, or "atters,
the laws, or parts of laws repealed or a"ended b$ this Act are continued in force and effect&
Sectio 2#" !ate ,hen this Act shall ta"e effect.DThis Act shall ta(e effect on its appro%al&
Appro%ed, <une 1@, 1B8B&
Re5)24ic Act No" 5#?+ M6@i% A&&itio64 P0o7i1io1 <o0 N6t)064i:6tio
A0tic4e !
The pro%isions of e!istin# laws notwithstandin#, no petition for Philippine citizenship shall be heard b$
the courts until after si! "onths fro" the publication of the application re0uired b$ law, nor shall an$
decision #rantin# the application beco"e e!ecutor$ until after two $ears fro" its pro"ul#ation and after
the court, on proper hearin#, with the attendance of the Solicitor3'eneral or his representati%e, is
satisfied, and so finds, that durin# the inter%enin# ti"e the applicant has 3
(1)not left the Philippines,
(7)has dedicated hi"self continousl$ to a lawful callin# or profession,
(8)has not been con%icted of an$ offense or %iolation of 'o%ern"ent pro"ul#ated rules,
(4)or co""itted an$ act pre/udicial to the interest of the nation or contrar$ to an$ 'o%ern"ent
announced policies&
A0tic4e 2
After the findin# "entioned in section one, the order of the court #rantin# citizenship shall be re#istered
and the oath pro%ided b$ e!istin# laws shall be ta(en b$ the applicant, whereupon, and not before, he
will be entitled to all the pri%ile#es of a :ilipino citizen&
A0tic4e #
Such parts of o""onwealth Act -u"bered :our hundred se%ent$3three as are inconsistent with the
pro%isions of the present Act are hereb$ repealed&
A0tic4e $
This Act shall ta(e effect upon its appro%al, and shall appl$ to cases pendin# in court and to those
where the applicant has not $et ta(en the oath of citizenship1 Pro%ided, howe%er, that in pendin# cases
where the re0uisite of publication under the old law had alread$ been co"plied with, the publication
herein re0uired shall not appl$&
REP.BLIC ACT NO" ,!#, ()e ?>+ 2??!
Be it enacted by the Senate and the 'ouse of *epresentati-es of the Philippines in %on(ress
Sectio !" Short Title. 3 This Act shall be (nown as "The Ad"inistrati%e -aturalization .aw of 7CCC&"
Sectio 2" !eclaration of Policy. 3 The State shall control and re#ulate the ad"ission and inte#ration of
aliens into its territor$ and bod$ politic includin# the #rant of citizenship to aliens& Towards this end,
aliens born and residin# in the Philippines "a$ be #ranted Philippine citizenship b$ ad"inistrati%e
proceedin#s sub/ect to certain re0uire"ents dictated b$ national securit$ and interest&
Sectio #" Qualifications. 3 Sub/ect to the pro%isions of the succeedin# section, an$ person desirin# to
a%ail of the benefits of this Act "ust "eet the followin# 0ualifications1
(a) The applicant "ust be born in the Philippines and residin# therein since birth4
(b) The applicant "ust not be less than ei#hteen (1A) $ears of a#e, at the ti"e of filin# of hisHher
(c) The applicant "ust be of #ood "oral character and belie%es in the underl$in# principles of the
onstitution, and "ust ha%e conducted hi"selfHherself in a proper and irreproachable "anner durin#
hisHher entire period of residence in the Philippines in his relation with the dul$ constituted #o%ern"ent
as well as with the co""unit$ in which heHshe is li%in#4
(d) The applicant "ust ha%e recei%ed hisHher pri"ar$ and secondar$ education in an$ public school or
pri%ate educational institution dull$ reco#nized b$ the ?epart"ent of 5ducation, ulture and Sports,
where Philippine histor$, #o%ern"ent and ci%ics are tau#ht and prescribed as part of the school
curriculu" and where enroll"ent is not li"ited to an$ race or nationalit$1 Pro-ided. That should heHshe
ha%e "inor children of school a#e, heHshe "ust ha%e enrolled the" in si"ilar schools4
(e) The applicant "ust ha%e a (nown trade, business, profession or lawful occupation, fro" which
heHshe deri%es inco"e sufficient for hisHher support and if heHshe is "arried andHor has dependents,
also that of hisHher fa"il$1Pro-ided. ho,e-er. That this shall not appl$ to applicants who are colle#e
de#ree holders but are unable to practice their profession because the$ are dis0ualified to do so b$
reason of their citizenship4
(f) The applicant "ust be able to read, write and spea( :ilipino or an$ of the dialects of the Philippines4
(#) The applicant "ust ha%e "in#led with the :ilipinos and e%inced a sincere desire to learn and
e"brace the custo"s, traditions and ideals of the :ilipino people&
Sectio $" !isqualifications. 3 The followin# are not 0ualified to be naturalized as :ilipino citizens under
this Act1
(a) Those opposed to or#anized #o%ern"ent or affiliated with an$ association of #roup of persons who
uphold and teach doctrines opposin# all or#anized #o%ern"ents4
(b) Those defendin# or teachin# the necessit$ of or propriet$ of %iolence, personal assault or
assassination for the success or predo"inance of their ideas4
(c) Pol$#a"ists or belie%ers in the practice of pol$#a"$4
(d) Those con%icted of cri"es in%ol%in# "oral turpitude4
(e) Those sufferin# fro" "ental alienation or incurable conta#ious diseases4
(f) Those who, durin# the period of their residence in the Philippines, ha%e not "in#led sociall$ with
:ilipinos, or who ha%e not e%inced a sincere desire to learn and e"brace the custo"s, traditions and
ideals of the :ilipinos4
(#) itizens or sub/ects with who" the Philippines is at war, durin# the period of such war4 and
(h) itizens or sub/ects of a forei#n countr$ whose laws do not #rant :ilipinos the ri#ht to be naturalized
citizens or sub/ects thereof&
Sectio 5" Petition for %iti$enship. 3 (1) An$ person desirin# to ac0uire Philippine citizenship under this
Act shall file with the Special o""ittee on -aturalization created under Section = hereof, a petition of
fi%e (;) copies le#ibl$ t$ped and si#ned, thu"b"ar(ed and %erified b$ hi"Hher, with the latter>s passport3
sized photo#raph attached to each cop$ of the petition, and settin# forth the followin#1
(a) The petitioner>s na"e and surna"e, and an$ other na"e heHshe has used or b$ which heHshe is
(b) The petitioner>s present and for"er places of residence4
(c) The petitioner>s place and date of birth, the na"es and citizenship of hisHher parents and their
(d) The petitioner>s trade, business, profession or occupation, and if "arried, also that of hisHher spouse4
(e) Ihether the petitioner is sin#le or "arried or hisHher "arria#e is annulled& If "arried, petitioner shall
state the date and place of hisHher "arria#e, and the na"e, date of birth, birthplace, citizenship and
residence of hisHher spouse4 and if his "arria#e is annulled, the date of decree of annul"ent of
"arria#e and the court which #ranted the sa"e4
(f) If the petitioner has children, the na"e, date and birthplace and residences of hisHher children 4
(#) A declaration that the petitioner possesses all the 0ualifications and none of the dis0ualifications
under this Act4
(h) A declaration that the petitioner shall ne%er be a public char#e4 and
(i) A declaration that it is the petitioner>s true and honest intention to ac0uire Philippine citizenship and to
renounce absolutel$ and fore%er an$ prince, potentate, State or so%erei#n, and particularl$ the countr$
of which the applicant is a citizen or sub/ect&
(7) The application shall be acco"panied b$1
(a) ?uplicate ori#inal or certified photocopies of petitioner>s birth certificate4
(b) ?uplicate ori#inal or certified photocopies of petitioner>s alien certificate of re#istration and nati%e
born certificate of residence4
(c) ?uplicate ori#inal or certified photocopies of petitioner>s "arria#e certified, if "arried, or the death
certificate of his spouse, if widowed, or the court decree annullin# his "arria#e, if such was the fact4
(d) ?uplicate ori#inal or certified photocopies of birth certificates, alien certificate of re#istration or nati%e
born certificate of residence if an$, of petitioner>s "inor children, where%er applicable4
(e) Affida%it of financial capacit$ b$ the petitioner, and sworn state"ents on the #ood "oral character of
the petitioner b$ at least two (7) :ilipino citizens of #ood reputation in hisHher place of residence statin#
that the$ ha%e personall$ (nown the petitioner for at least a period of ten (1C) $ears and that said
petitioner has in their own opinion all the 0ualifications necessar$ to beco"e a citizen of the Philippines
and is not in an$ wa$ dis0ualified under the pro%isions of this Act4
(f) A "edical certificate that petitioner is not a user of prohibited dru#s or otherwise a dru# dependent
and that heHshe is not afflicted with ac0uired i""une deficienc$ s$ndro"e (AI?S)4
(#) School diplo"a and transcript of records of the petitioner in the schools he attended in the
Philippines& Should the petitioner ha%e "inor children, a certification that his children are enrolled in a
school where Philippine histor$, #o%ern"ent and ci%ics are tau#ht and are part of the curriculu"4 and
(h) If #ainfull$ e"plo$ed, the inco"e ta! return for the past three (8) $ears&
Sectio 6" Special %ommittee on Naturali$ation. 3 There shall be constituted a Special o""ittee on
-aturalization herein referred to as the "o""ittee", with the Solicitor 'eneral as chair"an, the
Secretar$ of :orei#n Affairs, or his representati%e, and the -ational Securit$ Ad%iser, as "e"bers, with
the power to appro%e, den$ or re/ect applications for naturalization as pro%ided in this Act&
The o""ittee shall "eet, as often as practicable, to consider applications for naturalization& :or this
purpose, the chair"an and "e"bers shall recei%e an honorariu" of Two thousand pesos (P7,CCC&CC)
and 6ne thousand fi%e hundred pesos (P1,;CC&CC), respecti%el$, per "eetin# attended&
Sectio *" Po,ers/Functions of the Special %ommittee on Naturali$ation. 3 An alien who belie%es that
he has all the 0ualifications, and none of the dis0ualifications, "a$ file an application for naturalization
with the secretariat of the Special o""ittee on -aturalization, and a processin# fee of :ort$ thousand
pesos (P4C,CCC&CC)& Thereafter, the petition shall be sta"ped to indicate the date of filin# and a
correspondin# doc(et nu"ber& Iithin fifteen (1;) da$s fro" the receipt of the petition, the o""ittee
shall deter"ine whether the petition is co"plete in substance and in for"& If such petition is co"plete,
the o""ittee shall i""ediatel$ publish pertinent portions of the petition indicatin# the na"e,
0ualifications and other personal circu"stances of the applicant, once a wee( for three (8) consecuti%e
wee(s in a newspaper of #eneral circulation, and ha%e copies of the petition posted in an$ public or
conspicuous area& The o""ittee shall i""ediatel$ furnish the ?epart"ent of :orei#n Affairs (?:A),
the 9ureau of I""i#ration (9I), the ci%il re#istrar of the petitioner>s place of residence and tile -ational
9ureau of In%esti#ation (-9I) copies of the petition and its supportin# docu"ents& These a#encies shall
ha%e copies of the petition posted in an$ public or conspicuous area in their buildin#s, offices and
pre"ises, and shall, within thirt$ (8C) da$s fro" the receipt of the petition, sub"it to the o""ittee a
report statin# whether or not petitioner has an$ dero#ator$ record on file or an$ such rele%ant and
"aterial infor"ation which "i#ht be ad%erse to petitioner>s application for citizenship&
If the petition is found b$ the o""ittee to be wantin# in substance and for", the petition shall be
dis"issed without pre/udice&
Sectio >" Appro-al or !isappro-al of the Petition. 3 Iithin si!t$ (=C) da$s fro" receipt of the report of
the a#encies which were furnished a cop$ of the petition or the date of the last publication of the
petition, whiche%er co"es in later, the o""ittee shall consider and re%iew all rele%ant and "aterial
infor"ation it has recei%ed pertainin# to the petition, and "a$, for the purpose call the petitioner for
inter%iew to ascertain hisHher identit$, the authenticit$ of the petition and its anne!es, and to deter"ine
the truthfulness of the state"ents and declarations "ade in the petition and its anne!es&
If the o""ittee shall ha%e recei%ed an$ infor"ation ad%erse to the petition, the o""ittee shall allow
the petitioner to answer, e!plain or refute the infor"ation&
Thereafter, if the o""ittee belie%es, in %iew of the facts before it, that the petitioner has all the
0ualifications and none of the dis0ualifications re0uired for Philippine citizenship under this Act, it shall
appro%e the petition and henceforth, notif$ the petitioner of the fact of such appro%al& 6therwise, the
o""ittee shall disappro%e the sa"e&
Sectio ," !ecree of Naturali$ation and Naturali$ation Processin( Fee. 3Iithin thirt$ (8C) da$s fro" the
receipt of the notice of the appro%al of hisHher petition, the applicant shall pa$ to the o""ittee a
naturalization fee of 6ne hundred thousand pesos (P1CC,CCC&CC) pa$able as follows1 :ift$ thousand
pesos (P;C,CCC&CC) upon the appro%al of the petition and :ift$ thousand pesos (P;C,CCC&CC) upon the
ta(in# of the oath of alle#iance to the *epublic of the Philippines, forthwith, a certificate of naturalization
shall be issued& Iithin si!t$ (=C) da$s fro" the issuance of the certificate, the petitioner shall ta(e an
oath of alle#iance in the proper foru" upon proof of pa$"ent of the re0uired naturalization processin#
fee and certificate of naturalization& Should the applicant fail to ta(e the abo%e"entioned oath of
alle#iance within said period of ti"e, the appro%al of the petition shall be dee"ed abandoned&
Sectio !?" !uty of the Bureau of )mmi(ration. 3 Iithin fi%e (;) da$s after the applicant has ta(en his
oath of alle#iance as re0uired in the precedin# section, the 9I shall forward a cop$ of the petitioner>s
oath to the proper local ci%il re#istrar& Thereafter, the 9I shall cancel the alien certificates of re#istration
of the applicant&
Sectio !!" Status of Alien ife and 0inor %hildren. 3 After the appro%al of the petition for
ad"inistrati%e naturalization in cancellation of applicant>s alien certificate of re#istration, applicant>s
alien lawful wife and "inor children "a$ file a petition for cancellation of their alien certificates of
re#istration with the o""ittee sub/ect to the pa$"ent of the filin# fee of Twent$ thousand pesos
(P7C,CCC&CC) and naturalization fee of :ort$ thousand pesos (P4C,CCC&CC) pa$able as follows1 Twent$
thousand pesos (P7C,CCC&CC) upon the appro%al of the petition and Twent$ thousand pesos
(P7C,CCC&CC) upon the ta(in# of the oath of alle#iance to the *epublic of the Philippines&
Sectio !2" Status of Alien 'usband and 0inor %hildren. 3 If the applicant is a "arried wo"an, the
appro%al of her petition for ad"inistrati%e naturalization will not benefit her alien husband but her "inor
children "a$ file a petition for cancellation of their alien certificates of re#istration with the 9I sub/ect to
the re0uire"ents of e!istin# laws&
Sectio !#" %ancellation of the %ertificate of Naturali$ation. 3 The Special o""ittee "a$ cancel
certificates of naturalization issued under this Act in the followin# cases1
(a) If it finds that the naturalized person or his dul$ authorized representati%e "ade an$ false state"ent
or "isrepresentation or co""itted an$ %iolation of law, rules and re#ulations in connection with the
petition for naturalization, or if he otherwise obtains Philippine citizenship fraudulentl$ or ille#all$, the
certificate of naturalization shall be cancelled4
(b) If the naturalized person or his wife, or an$ or his "inor children who ac0uire :ilipino citizenship b$
%irtue of his naturalization shall, within fi%e (;) $ears ne!t followin# the #rant of Philippine citizenship,
establish per"anent residence in a forei#n countr$, that indi%idual>s certificate of naturalization or
ac0uired citizenship shall be cancelled or re%o(ed1 Pro-ided. That the fact of such person>s re"ainin#
for "ore than one (1) $ear in his countr$ of ori#in, or two (7) $ears in an$ forei#n countr$, shall be
considered prima facie e%idence of intent to per"anentl$ reside therein4
(c) If the naturalized person or his wife or child with ac0uired citizenship allows hi"self or herself to be
used as a du""$ in %iolation of an$ constitutional or le#al pro%ision re0uirin# Philippine citizenship as a
condition for the e!ercise, use or en/o$"ent of a ri#ht, franchise or pri%ile#e, the certificate of
naturalization or ac0uired citizenship shall be cancelled or re%o(ed4 and
(d) If the naturalized person or his wife or child with ac0uired citizenship co""its an$ act ini"ical to
national securit$, the certificate of naturalization or ac0uired citizenship shall be cancelled or re%o(ed&
In case the naturalized person holds an$ hereditar$ title, or belon# to an$ order of nobilit$, he shall
"a(e an e!press renunciation of his title or "e"bership in this order of nobilit$ before the Special
o""ittee or its dul$ authorized representati%e, and such renunciation shall be included in the records
of his application for citizenship&
Sectio !$" Penalties. 3 An$ person who shall fraudulentl$ "a(e, falsif$, for#e, chan#e, alter, or cause
or aid an$ person to do the sa"e, or who shall purposel$ aid and assist in falsel$ "a(in#, for#in#,
falsif$in#, chan#in# or alterin# a naturalization certificate issued under this proceedin# for the purpose
of "a(in# use thereof, or in order that the sa"e "a$ be used b$ another person or persons, and an$
person who shall purposel$ aid and assist another in obtainin# a naturalization certificate in %iolation of
this Act, shall be punished b$ a fine of not "ore than :i%e hundred thousand pesos (P;CC,666&66)
and b$ i"prison"ent for not "ore than fi%e (;) $ears, and in the case that the person con%icted is a
naturalized citizen, his certificate of naturalization shall, if not earlier cancelled b$ the Special
o""ittee, be ordered cancelled&
Sectio !5" An$ person who failed to re#ister hisHher birth with the concerned cit$ or "unicipal ci%il
re#istrar "a$, within two (7) $ears fro" the effecti%it$ of this Act, file a petition for the ac0uisition of the
Philippine citizenship1Pro-ided. That the applicant possesses all the 0ualifications and none of the
dis0ualifications under this Act and sub/ect to the re0uire"ents of e!istin# laws&
Sectio !6" Special !isposition of the Filin( Fee. 3 An a"ount e0ui%alent to twent$ fi%e percent (7;J)
of the filin# fee to be paid b$ the applicants pursuant to Section @ hereof shall accrue to the )ni%ersit$ of
the Philippines .aw enter and another twent$3fi%e percent (7;J) shall be allotted for the publication of
the <ournal of the 2ouse of *epresentati%es& Said a"ount shall be treated as receipts auto"aticall$
Sectio !*" )mplementin( *ules and *e(ulations. 3 The Special o""ittee on -aturalization is hereb$
authorized to pro"ul#ate such rules and re#ulations as "a$ be needed for the proper i"ple"entation of
the pro%isions of this Act&
Sectio !>" *epealin( %lause. 3All pro%isions of e!istin# laws, orders, decrees, rules and re#ulations
contrar$ to or inconsistent with this Act are hereb$ repealed or "odified accordin#l$&
Sectio !," Separability %)ause. 3 If an$ part, section or pro%ision of this Act is declared in%alid or
unconstitutional, the part, section or pro%ision not affected thereb$ shall continue to be in force and
Sectio 2?" +ffecti-ity %lause. 3 This Act shall ta(e effect after fifteen (1;) da$s followin# its publication
in at least two (7) newspapers of #eneral circulation&
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:
Sectio !" 'o, citi$enship may be lost& , A :ilipino citizen "a$ lose his citizenship in an$ of the
followin# wa$s andHor e%ents1
(1) 9$ naturalization in a forei#n countr$4
(7) 9$ e!press renunciation of citizenship4
(8) 9$ subscribin# to an oath of alle#iance to support the constitution or laws of a forei#n
countr$ upon attainin# twent$3one $ears of a#e or "ore1 Pro-ided. ho,e-er. That a :ilipino
"a$ not di%est hi"self of Philippine citizenship in an$ "anner while the *epublic of the
Philippines is at war with an$ countr$4
(4) 9$ renderin( ser-ices to. or acceptin# co""ission in, the armed forces of a forei#n
countr$1 Pro-ided.That the renderin# of ser%ice to, or the acceptance of such co""ission in,
the ar"ed forces of a forei#n countr$, and the ta(in# of an oath of alle#iance incident thereto,
ith the consent of the *epublic of the Philippines, shall not di%est a :ilipino of his Philippine
citizenship if either of the followin# circu"stances is present1
(a) The *epublic of the Philippines has a defensi%e andHor offensi%e pact of alliance
with the said forei#n countr$4 or
(b) The said forei#n countr$ "aintains ar"ed forces on Philippine territor$ with the
consent of the *epublic of the Philippines1 Pro-ided. That the :ilipino citizen
concerned, at the ti"e of renderin# said ser%ice, or acceptance of said co""ission,
and ta(in# the oath of alle#iance incident thereto, states that he does so onl$ in
connection with his ser%ice to said forei#n countr$1 And pro-ided. finally. That an$
:ilipino citizen who is renderin# ser%ice to, or is co""issioned in, the ar"ed forces of
a forei#n countr$ under an$ of the circu"stances "entioned in para#raph (a) or (b),
shall not be per"itted to participate nor %ote in an$ election of the *epublic of the
Philippines durin# the period of his ser%ice to, or co""ission in, the ar"ed forces of
said forei#n countr$& )pon his dischar#e fro" the ser%ice of the said forei#n countr$,
he shall be auto"aticall$ entitled to the full en/o$"ent of his ci%il and political ri#hts as
a :ilipino citizen4
(;) 9$ cancellation of the of the certificates of naturalization4
(=) 9$ ha%in# been declared b$ co"petent authorit$, a deserter of the Philippine 608e&
<o0ce1 in ti"e of war, unless subse0uentl$, a plenar$ pardon or a"nest$ has been #ranted4
(@) In the case of a wo"an, upon her "arria#e to a forei#ner if, b$ %irtue of the laws in force in
her husband>s countr$, she ac0uires his nationalit$&
The pro%isions of this section notwithstandin#, the ac0uisition of citizenship b$ a natural born :ilipino
citizen fro" one of the Iberian and an$ friendl$ de"ocratic Ibero3A"erican countries o0 <0o8 t3e
.ite& Ai%&o8 shall not produce loss or forfeiture of his Philippine citizenship if the law of that
countr$ #rants the sa"e pri%ile#e to its citizens and such had been a#reed upon b$ treat$ between the
Philippines and the forei#n countr$ fro" which citizenship is ac0uired&
Sectio" 2" 'o, citi$enship may be reacquired. , itizenship "a$ be reac0uired1
(1) 9$ naturalization1 Pro-ided. That the applicant possess none of the dis0ualification>s
prescribed in section two of Act -u"bered Twent$3nine hundred and twent$3se%en,
(7) 9$ repatriation of deserters of the Ar"$, -a%$ or Air orp1 Pro-ided. That a wo"an who
lost her citizenship b$ reason of her "arria#e to an alien "a$ be repatriated in accordance
with the pro%isions of this Act after the ter"ination of the "arital status4
(8) 9$ direct act of the -ational Asse"bl$&
Sectio #" Procedure incident to reacquisition of Philippine citi$enship& , The procedure prescribed for
naturalization under Act -u"bered Twent$3nine hundred and twent$3se%en,
as a"ended, shall appl$ to
the reac0uisition of Philippine citizenship b$ naturalization pro%ided for in the ne!t precedin#
section1 Pro-ided, That the 0ualifications and special 0ualifications prescribed in section three and four
of said Act shall not be re0uired1 And pro-ided. further.
(1) That the applicant be at least twent$3one $ears of a#e and shall ha%e resided in the
Philippines at least si! "onths before he applies for naturalization4
(7) That he shall ha%e conducted hi"self in a proper and irreproachable "anner durin# the
entire period of his residence in the Philippines, in his relations with the constituted
#o%ern"ent as well as with the co""unit$ in which he is li%in#4 and
(8) That he subscribes to an oath declarin# his intention to renounce absolutel$ and
perpetuall$ all faith and alle#iance to the forei#n authorit$, state or so%erei#nt$ of which he was
a citizen or sub/ect&
Sectio $" *epatriation shall be effected b$ "erel$ ta(in# the necessar$ oath of alle#iance to the
of the Philippines and re#istration in the proper ci%il re#istr$&
Sectio 5" The Secretar$ of <ustice shall issue the necessar$ re#ulations for the proper enforce"ent of
this Act& -aturalization blan(s and other blan(s re0uired for carr$in# out the pro%isions of this Act shall
be prepared and furnished b$ the Solicitor 'eneral, sub/ect to appro%al of the Secretar$ of <ustice&
Sectio 6" This Act shall ta(e effect upon its appro%al&
Appro%ed, 6ctober 71, 1B8=&

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