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Bacteria constitute a
large kingdom of prokaryotic microorganisms.
Bacteria were among the first life forms to
appear on Earth, and are present in
most habitats on the planet.
Bacteria inhabit soil, water, acidic hot
springs, radioactive waste, and the deep
portions of Earth's crust.
Bacteria also live in plants, animals and have
flourished in manned space vehicles.

Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria
have a wide range of shapes, ranging from
spheres to rods and spirals.

Examples of Harmful Baceria.
1. Salmonella
1. Enteritis Salmonella
Enteritis salmonella is the most common cause of
food poisoning in the developed world.
This strain does not usually affect adults since the
gastric juices kill the bacteria and prevent its spread.
It does, however attack children and infants, causing
serious dehydration and vomiting.
This can be treated by a course of antibiotics, and
with infected children and infants, medical help must
be sought immediately after symptoms begin to

2. Salmonella Typhi
Another type of salmonella, this strain is responsible
for typhoid fever and is uncommon in developed
countries, but a huge killer in underdeveloped ones.
This form of bacteria releases toxins that affect the
stomach and intestinal area, resulting in vomiting,
diarrhoea, high fever and bloody stools.
Typhoid fever is very dangerous, and can be fatal
for those who do not seek medical treatment after
symptoms begin to appear.

2. Tetanus
The good news about the tetanus bacteria is the
development of a vaccine against it.
For those who may have forgotten to get the vaccine
- if you are injured where dirt-carrying spores might
enter your system, the vaccine can be given then.
Lockjaw and terrible spasms are the symptoms of the
disease, and a good ICU is needed to have a chance
at recovery.
In modern cities, it is no longer the problem it used to
be, but there are still 58,000 babies who die from it
yearly in the world and numerous adults who are
disabled by it or die from it.
Some patients are paralyzed with curare to stop the
bone-breaking spasms when necessary.

Examples of useful bacteria.
1. Lactobacillus

There are more than 80 species of the Lactobacillus genus of
One of these species, acidophilus, is the most frequently used
good bacterium,
Lactobacillus acidophilus, also called L. acidophilus, resides
in the intestines where it helps in the digestion of food.
As part of the digestion process, L. acidophilus produces
lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, which create unfavorable
conditions for the growth of harmful bacteria.
One way to get L. acidophilus in your diet is to eat yogurt that
contains active cultures of this probiotic.

2. Actinobacteria

The Actinobacteria are a group of Gram-positive
Most are found in the soil, and they include
some of the most common soil life, playing
important roles in decomposition and humus


A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates
only inside the living cells of other organisms.
Viruses can infect all types of life forms,
from animals and plants to bacteria and archaea.
All viruses are harmful.

They come in various shapes.

Influenza A (H1N1) virus is the subtype
of influenza A virus that was the most common
cause of human influenza (flu) in 2009.
Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and
cause a small fraction of all influenza-like
illness and a small fraction of all seasonal influenza.
H1N1 strains caused a small percentage of all
human flu infections in 20042005.
Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine
influenza) and in birds (avian influenza).


Chronic Paralysis Virus [CPV][edit]
Syndrome 1 Abnormal trembling of the wings and
body. The bees cannot fly and often crawl on the
ground and up plant stems. In some cases the
crawling bees can be in large numbers (1000+).
The bees huddle together on the top of the cluster
or on the top bars of the hive. They may have
bloated abdomens due to distension of the honey
sac. The wings are partially spread or dislocated.
Syndrome 2 Affected bees are able to fly but are
almost hairless. They appear dark or black and
look smaller. They have a relatively broad
abdomen. They are often nibbled by older bees in
the colony and this may be the cause of the
hairlessness. They are hindered at the entrance to
the hive by the guard bees. A few days after
infection trembling begins. They then become
flightless and soon die.


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