The Gilded Cage - Sample

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The Gilded Cage

The Story of Modern American Politics

The glory of American is that we offer many different views of life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness. The downside to all of this is that many people, notably the elected officials of this nation at
any level of the government, like to take advantage of people who are just leaning about these ideals to
which this nation owes its foundation. The political fields in which this nation's public servants fight
upon takes the face of many modern technologies such as the television, the radio, and the cell phone.
et politicians wage their wars in the most ancient way known to man, fight to survive and fight to win.
The way in which they achieve this has evolved to coincide with the new and emerging technologies of
the modern society in which we find ourselves.
!oliticians no longer have to fear being murdered for a political maneuver as the Consuls of
"ome did, but rather they must consider any political retribution or attack that the enemy could throw
at them. This takes away from the basic idea of the democratic republic that America is a #government
of the people, by the people, for the people,$ as !resident Abraham %incoln stated in his Gettysburg
Address of &'(). !olitical intrigue and ambition take the lead rather than what is best for the entirety of
the nation. !olari*ed, politici*ed, and public announced, America's politics is nothing more than a very
large game of barbaric checkers. A war of attrition is being waged with the unknowing support of the
populace and enfranchised voters of the +nited ,tates of America.
The modern political figure in the +nited ,tates can best be described as fake. -ur so called
public servants are nothing more than closet criminals, putting up a show to gain power, money, and
influence. They do this by any means necessary which is what forms that truly barbaric tone. !resident
%incoln glorified this nation's people, policies, and government with that unforgettable line from the
Gettysburg Address, whether that was intentional or not is completely up to the reader. That
glorification has however sunk into the minds of the people of the +nited ,tates, creating a ,uperman
persona for every political powerhouse in the nation. This causes people to no longer vote for who they
think will do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. .nstead they vote for the candidate
who has been able to hurt their opponent the most with hate ads and negative media coverage. This has
created a bo/ing ring that is caged. -n the outside of that cage sit the people, watching unknowingly at
what they think is a fair fight, but inside that ring, under the gloves of each candidate are rocks, nails,
and broken glass. 0ith each punch, both candidates get weaker and weaker. The person who throws the
knockout blow is the winner. This is what creates the title of this book, #The Gilded Cage1 The ,tory of
2odern American !olitics.$ 0e are all unknowing bystanders of a fight that is brutal and criminal to

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