07-10-14 Edition

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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
Thursday July 10, 2014 Vol XIII, Edition 280
By Samantha Weigel
Financial mismanagement, pub-
lic reproach and a lack of profes-
sional decorum among elected of-
cials are the reasons the San
Mateo County Civil Grand Jury
recommended in a report released
Wednesday the San Mateo County
Harbor District be dissolved.
The civil grand jury report
What is the price of dysfunc-
tion? alleges the special district,
which operates on a $10 million
budget and collects about half of
its revenue from countywide prop-
erty taxes, is mismanaged and its
duties would be better served by
the county and its Board of
Some district ofcials adamant-
ly disagree with the jurys ndings
they said were more sensationalist
than factual and failed to mention
some of the districts signicant
responsibilities and accomplish-
ments. Reaction from members of
the Board of Commissioners var-
ied, with some steadfast the dis-
trict is doing ne and another say-
ing three current commissioners
should be voted out in the
November election.
The district has a checkered his-
tory and has faced prior civil grand
jury investigations and recom-
mendations it be dissolved, said
Dave Pine, president of the Board
of Supervisors.
I think its important to bring
public attention to the fact that
the Harbor District is dysfunction-
al at this time and something
needs to change. I am certainly
intrigued with the idea of dissolv-
ing the district, Pine said. While
were well aware that the Harbor
District is very much struggling
today, its had a history of difcul-
ties. Which again, makes me
think that itll be difcult for the
district to right itself. If this were
the rst time wed ever heard of
these problems, I would have a dif-
ferent reaction.
The district, established by the
Board of Supervisors in 1933,
owns and operates Pillar Point
Harbor north of Half Moon Bay
and has a joint powers agreement
with the city of South San
Francisco to run Oyster Point
Marina. The district also collects
revenue from commercial activi-
ties such as slip fees, sh buying
fees and rent from its retail proper-
ties at Pillar Point Harbor.
The district came under scrutiny
after a stack of uncashed rent
checks surfaced, commissioners
slinging insults in public forums,
video recordings of meetings
Report slams Harbor District
Civil Grand Jury says professionalism, fiscal oversight lacking Dissolution recommended
President Barack Obama is greeted by Texas Gov. Rick Perry upon Obamas arrival in Dallas, to discuss a surge of
Latin American young people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border Wednesday. Congressional Republicans on
Wednesday cast a skeptical eye on a White House request for $3.7 billion to address an inux of child migrants
at the U.S. border while Obama met with top critic Perry.
WASHINGTON Tens of thou-
sands of children streaming from
chaotic Central American nations
to the U.S. border have over-
whelmed the governments ability
to respond, senior administration
officials said Wednesday as
President Barack Obama urged
Congress to move swiftly to
approve emergency spending
request for the crisis.
Emerging from a highly antici-
pated meeting with Texas Gov.
Rick Perry, Obama said he was
open to suggestions from Perry
and others that he dispatch
National Guard troops to the bor-
der, but warned such a solution
would only work temporarily. He
said Republicans appealing for
him to embrace their ideas for
addressing the crisis should grant
his request so the government will
have the resources to put those
ideas into action.
The problem here is not major
disagreement, Obama said in
Dallas. If theyre interested in
solving the problem, then this
can be solved. If the preference is
for politics, then it wont be
But on Capitol Hill, Republican
opposition hardened to his $3.7
billion request, leaving any solu-
tion unclear. At the same time, the
political pressures on the presi-
dent appeared to grow from all
sides, as Republicans denounced
him on the Senate oor, and even
some Democrats began to join
Border crisis looms large
Obama presses Congress for emergency money in Texas trip
See BORDER, Page 18
By Angela Swartz
Tensions between the city of
Burlingame and its local high
school district over maintenance
of Burlingame High Schools pool
have come to a head, with each
side alleging the other isnt doing
its part.
The San Mateo Union High
School District said in a statement
that several of the councilmem-
bers used inappropriate and highly
inflammatory language without
having all the facts at a Monday
night council meeting in accusing
the district of poor maintenance of
the pool, which the district owns.
The city pays for some of the
pool costs in exchange for use of
the pool for its recreation pro-
grams. According to the state-
ment, the city blamed the district
for the decrease in revenue from
the citys community lap swim-
ming program and described the
district as nickel-and-diming the
city for charging it for its share of
electrical usage at the pool and all
of sudden charging for a trivial
expense without any explanation.
This type of rhetoric does not
help resolve issues between two
governmental entities and is dis-
appointing, said the statement
signed by Superintendent Scott
Laurence and Liz McManus, deputy
superintendent of business servic-
es. Asimple call to the district for
information would have avoided
War of words over
Burlingame pool
Maintenance costs at issue, high school district
calls recent city officialsstatements inappropriate
By Angela Swartz
Lucky Supermarket in Millbrae
has gone dry following a 2013
sale of alcohol to a minor.
The store, located at 45
Murchison Drive, had its
Alcoholic Beverage License sus-
pended for 45 days for selling
alcohol to an underage person. The
suspension period began Monday,
July 7, according to John Carr,
public information ofcer for the
Department of Alcoholic Beverage
Control, or ABC. This is the third
time since 2012 that the store has
sold alcohol to a minor. The store
paid a $3,000 ne for the rst sale
to minor violation in October
2012 and a $20,000 ne for the
second violation in June 2012,
Carr added.
The penalty this time around is
Millbrae Lucky liquor license
suspended for sales to minors
See POOL, Page 20
See LUCKY, Page 20
See HARBOR, Page 6
Artist: Santa Fe police
pulled rie for dog poop
SANTA FE, N.M. A well-known
American Indian artist said police in
New Mexico pulled a rie on him after
his dog pooped in his SUVand a woman
mistook his cleanup efforts for a burgla-
Pueblo painter Mateo Romero told
the Associated Press that a Santa Fe of-
cer pointed a weapon at him during the
bizarre misunderstanding Monday that
landed him in handcuffs and in the back
of a patrol car.
According to a police report, the of-
cer pulled out a rie and detained
Romero after Maria Markus reported a
burglary in progress at her Santa Fe
Romero said he parked into the pri-
vate driveway after Han Solo, his Shih
Tzu, relieved himself inside the SUV
during a drive to his studio. Romero said
he only wanted to clean the mess.
However, Romero said when Markus
spotted him in her driveway, she boxed
him in with her vehicle and called 911.
I tried to talk to her to explain that I
was cleaning up dog poop, he said.
But she got all hysterical and I just
backed away. I couldnt leave. It was
Police said they searched Romero and
released him after ofcers did not nd
any of the womans property on him.
Mateo is an award-winning painter
whose work has been exhibited in
Canada and throughout the U.S.
Maine police get Facebook
boost with stuffed duck
PORTLAND, Maine Police here
believe they have quacked the code for
nding followers on social media.
The 80-ofcer Bangor Police
Department, which serves a city of
about 33,000, has attracted more than
20,000 likes on its Facebook page after
humorous pictures of a stuffed duck were
added. The duck, dubbed Duck of
Justice or DOJ, appears in pictures of
police cars, department members and K-
9 cops, often accompanied with some
pithy text about law enforcement.
I happen to believe that police of-
cers are a pretty humorous bunch, said
the man behind the duck, Sgt. Tim
Cotton, a 17-year veteran Bangor ofcer
with a fondness for the humor of George
Carlin and Jim Gafgan. I want to read
something that at least has some humor-
ous undertones. I wouldnt connect to a
page that I didnt want to read.
Bangor is just one of many police
departments nationwide discovering
that using comedy on social media can
help them interact with the public. One
department, in 10,000-resident
Brimeld Township, Ohio, has earned
more than 155,000 Facebook likes for
its chiefs in-your-face humor about
everything from methamphetamine
busts to lost dogs.
Nancy Marshall, a Maine-based social
media strategist who runs a public rela-
tions rm in the Maine capital of
Augusta, said Bangors site helps resi-
dents humanize the police.
Justin Bieber pleads no
contest in vandalism case
VAN NUYS Justin Bieber must pay
$80,900 in damages and serve two years
on probation after pleading no contest
Wednesday to a misdemeanor vandalism
charge for throwing eggs at a neighbors
Bieber also was ordered to complete
ve days of community labor and a 12-
week anger-management program, and
stay away from the victim and his fami-
ly for two years.
The 20-year-old Grammy-nominated
singer was not present for the arraign-
ment at Superior Court in Van Nuys.
Biebers lawyer, Shawn Holley, entered
the plea on his behalf.
A spokeswoman for Bieber said hes
glad to have the matter resolved and
behind him. She added that he will move
forward and focus on his career and
A hearing to check on Biebers
progress toward completing his sen-
tence was scheduled for Aug. 12.
Prosecutors spent months deciding
whether to le charges after the January
incident. They considered felony
charges because the damage was said to
be more than $400, the threshold for a
The San Mateo Daily Journal
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Folk singer Arlo
Guthrie is 67.
This Day in History
Thought for the Day
The United States womens soccer
team won the World Cup, beating
China 5-4 on penalty kicks after 120
minutes of scoreless play at the Rose
Bowl in Pasadena, California.
One can pay back the loan of gold, but one
dies forever in debt to those who are kind.
Malayan proverb
Singer Mavis
Staples is 75.
Entertainer Jessica
Simpson is 34.
Club 90 performs last Thursday in San Mateos Central Park as part of the citys Central Park Music Series. The series
continues tonight with the California Cowboys and ends Aug. 14 with David Martins House Party. July 17 is Stompy Jones,
July 24 is Tempest, July 31 is Solsa and Aug. 7 is Aja Vu with Stealin Chicago.
Thursday: Mostly cloudy in the morn-
ing then becoming sunny. Patchy fog in
the morning. Highs in the mid 60s to
upper 70s. West winds 5 to 15 mph.
Thursday night...Partly cloudy in the
evening then becoming mostly cloudy.
Patchy fog after midnight. Lows in the
upper 50s. West winds 10 to 20
mph...Becoming southwest 5 to 10 mph after midnight.
Friday: Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming
sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs in the mid 60s to
upper 70s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Friday night...Mostly
clear in the evening then becoming mostly cloudy. Patchy
fog after midnight. Lows in the mid 50s. West winds 10 to
20 mph...Becoming 5 to 10 mph after midnight.
Saturday: Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming
sunny. Patchy fog. Highs in the 60s to upper 70s.
Local Weather Forecast
I n 1509, theologian John Calvin, a key gure of the
Protestant Reformation, was born in Noyon, Picardy,
I n 1890, Wyoming became the 44th state.
I n 1919, President Woodrow Wilson personally delivered
the Treaty of Versailles (vehr-SY) to the Senate and urged its
ratication. (However, the Senate rejected it.)
I n 1929, American paper currency was reduced in size as
the government began issuing bills that were approximate-
ly 25 percent smaller.
I n 1940, during World War II, the Battle of Britain began
as Nazi forces began attacking southern England by air.
(The Royal Air Force was ultimately victorious.)
I n 1951, armistice talks aimed at ending the Korean War
began at Kaesong.
I n 1962, AT&Ts Telstar 1 communications satellite, capa-
ble of relaying television signals and telephone calls, was
launched by NASAfrom Cape Canaveral.
I n 1973, the Bahamas became fully independent after three
centuries of British colonial rule. John Paul Getty III, the
teenage grandson of the oil tycoon, was abducted in Rome
by kidnappers who cut off his ear when his family was slow
to meet their ranson demands; young Getty was released in
December 1973 for nearly $3 million.
I n 1985, the Greenpeace protest ship Rainbow Warrior was
sunk with explosives in Auckland, New Zealand, by French
intelligence agents; one activist was killed. Bowing to
pressure from irate customers, the Coca-Cola Co. said it
would resume selling old-formula Coke, while continuing to
sell New Coke.
I n 1989, Mel Blanc, the man of a thousand voices,
including such cartoon characters as Bugs Bunny, Daffy
Duck and Porky Pig, died in Los Angeles at age 81.
Former boxer Jake LaMotta is 93. Writer-producer Earl
Hamner Jr. is 91. Former New York City Mayor David N.
Dinkins is 87. Actor William Smithers is 87. Broadway com-
poser Jerry Herman is 83. Director Ivan Passer is 81. Actor
Lawrence Pressman is 75. Actor Mills Watson is 74. Actor
Robert Pine is 73. Rock musician Jerry Miller (Moby Grape)
is 71. International Tennis Hall of Famer Virginia Wade is 69.
Actor Ron Glass is 69. Actress Sue Lyon is 68. Folk singer
Rock musician Dave Smalley is 65. Country-folk singer-
songwriter Cheryl Wheeler is 63. Rock singer Neil Tennant
(Pet Shop Boys) is 60. Banjo player Bela Fleck is 56. Country
In other news ...
(Answers tomorrow)
Answer: The hawk saw the whole incident, thanks to
Now arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon.
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles,
one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.
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All Rights Reserved.







Print your
answer here:
The Daily Derby race winners are Lucky Star,No.
2, in rst place; Money Bags, No.11, in second
place; and Big Ben, No. 4, in third place.The race
time was clocked at 1:42.17.
3 4 9
14 25 27 48 49 9
Mega number
July 8 Mega Millions
9 25 42 55 57 14
July 9 Powerball
2 8 9 10 18
Fantasy Five
Daily 3 midday
6 9 1 9
Daily Four
7 4 6
Daily 3 evening
7 20 30 34 45 15
Mega number
July 9 Super Lotto Plus
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
SPCA cas e. Awoman suspected a group of
juveniles of stealing her dog on Gilbert
Court before 7:45 p.m. Friday, June 20.
As s aul t . A man contacted police after
being attacked by a transient who gave him
a busted lip and facial injuries on Airport
Boulevard before 3:46 p.m. Friday, June 20.
Di sturbance. A UPS driver reported a
coworker who knocked his hat off and
threatened him at the United Parcel Service
on Forbes Boulevard before 9:14 a.m.
Friday, June 20.
Disturbance of others. Aman in posses-
sion of marijuana, a meth pipe and pills was
uncooperative and refused to leave the porch
at Safe Harbor on North Access Road before
2:23 p.m. Thursday, June 19.
Fraud. Awoman reported that her sister was
not giving her any money from her Social
Security checks on Locust Avenue before
3:13 p.m. Thursday, June 19.
Welfare check. Awoman walking her dog
was reported for yelling Im a prisoner in
my own body on Sunnyslope Avenue
before 5:09 p.m. Friday, July 4.
Ci t i zen assi st . A man reported being
threatened after posting on YouTube on
Hiller Street before 5:06 p.m. Friday, July
Theft. Two credit cards and cash were stolen
from a womans purse while she was running
a summer camp on Middle Road before
10:59 a.m. Friday, July 4.
Assi st agency. An elderly woman was
reported for punching a bus driver in the
shoulder at Davey Glen Road and El Camino
Real before 6:14 p.m. Thursday, July 3.
Ani mal cal l . Aman reported that his dog
had led him to a fresh deer leg at the play-
ground area on Twin Pines Lane before
11:01 a.m. Thursday, July 3.
Possessi on of conceal ed weapon. A
person was found to be in possession of a
knife on the 400 block of El Camino Real
before 1:21 a.m. Monday, July 7.
Resi sti ng arre s t . A person was arrested
for resisting ofcers on the 1300 block of
Magnolia Avenue before 6:10 a.m. Monday,
July 7.
Publ i c i nt oxi cat i on. Aperson was cited
for being intoxicated in public on the 400
block of Richmond Drive before 9:07 p.m.
Monday, July 7.
Burglary. Aman robbed a business on the
600 block of Broadway before 11:58 a.m.
Saturday, July 5
Burglary. Aman robbed a business on the
500 block of El Camino Real before 7:30
p.m. Friday, July 4.
Possessi on of cont rol l ed substance.
Aman was found with controlled substances
at the Millbrae train station before 1:09
a.m. Thursday, July 3.
Burglary. Acar was burglarized on the 300
block of Adrian Road before 9 a.m.
Thursday, July 3.
Police reports
Face punch
Aman was seen punching himself in the
face for no reason on Olive Avenue in
South San Francisco before 12:53 a.m.
Friday, June 20.
By Michelle Durand
For the second time, a mistrial was
declared after jurors became hopelessly
deadlocked in the attempted rape case of a
motel clerk accused of assaulting a house-
Jurors in the trial of Navjit Singh deliber-
ated ve days but found itself unable to
budge beyond an 8-4 split in favor of acquit-
tal. The jury rst alerted
the court late last week of
its stalemate but Judge
Jack Grandsaert sent
them back into delibera-
tions to continue trying
to reach consensus.
The question now is if
prosecutors will try yet
again to convict Singh,
36, of allegedly groping
and attempting to rape a maid at the Ramada
Inn in South San Francisco on Sept. 9,
In November 2012, a jury in his rst trial
deliberated three days before convicting
Singh of attempted rape, assault with the
intent to rape, sexual battery and false
imprisonment. The following April, Judge
Jonathan Karesh heard the defense argument
for a new trial on several grounds. Karesh
didnt nd any prosecutorial misconduct or
defense incompetence but felt that the race
issue had deprived Singh of due process and
set aside the verdicts.
Prosecutors opted to retry the case earlier
this year but, during jury selection in
March, the defense successfully sought a
mistrial due to newly uncovered video sur-
veillance of public areas like the hallway
that needed reviewing. The video had always
been in the prosecutions custody but was
never opened previously.
Unlike in the rst trial, Singh did not take
the stand to testify on his own behalf.
According to prosecutors, front desk clerk
Singh entered a room where the Spanish-
speaking maid was cleaning a bathtub. After
a verbal exchange, he is accused of grabbed
her, putting his hands down her shirt and
forcing her onto a bed to pull off her cloth-
ing. After a few minutes of the victim
screaming, Singh reportedly got up and
apologized with his hands in a praying pose
before returning to the front desk. The
woman told another maid but asked her not
to tell the manager and police because she
was afraid of losing her job and being
deported back to El Salvador.
Defense attorney John Halley declined to
comment on the case pending the prosecu-
tions retrial decision which is due July 22.
Singh remains free from custody on
$100,000 bail.
(650) 344-5200 ext. 102
Second mistrial declared in
attempted motel rape case
Navjit Singh
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
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A La Honda man already facing
life in prison for allegedly sexual-
ly abusing his young stepdaughter
and her friend was charged with
additional molestation charges for
a total of 40.
After the complaint was amend-
ed, Neil Aunko, 41, waived his
right to a pre-
liminary hear-
ing on the evi-
dence and was
held to answer
on all counts.
He returns to
court July 30 to
enter a Superior
Court plea and
potentially set
a trial date.
Aunko is accused of sexually
assaulting his stepdaughter begin-
ning in 2010 when she was 9 years
until August 2013. The abuse
began quickly after Aunko married
the mother and occurred in both
San Mateo and the La Honda area,
according to prosecutors.
Aunko is accused of abusing the
girl in her bedroom, sometimes
literally pulling her into the room
when she resisted, while her moth-
er slept. Aunko is also charged
with molesting the girls friend at
four different sleepovers by climb-
ing on top of her while she slept
and simulating sex over her cloth-
i ng.
The friend told the stepdaugh-
ters mother what Aunko allegedly
did to her which led the woman to
question her daughter and learn of
the three years of sexual abuse,
according to District Attorney
Steve Wagstaffe.
Aunko left for Washington state
as investigators looked into the
girls claims and was arrested when
he returned to San Mateo County.
Prosecutors said he reportedly
denied all the allegations and
claimed he was often entering the
girls room because the familys
cat would run inside and he was try-
ing to catch the animal.
The new charges are not due to
new facts but because prosecutors
cant make any additions after a
defendant waives his preliminary
hearing, Wagstaffe said.
On top of the various child
molestation charges, Aunko is
also alleged to have committed
sexual offenses against more than
one victim. That allegation carries
a potential life sentence.
Aunko remains in custody with-
out bail.
Alleged molester
faces more charges
Neil Aunko
By Michelle Durand
An intoxicated driver who report-
edly blamed his rear-ending of a
sheriffs vehicle in San Mateo on
looking down at a burrito was sen-
tenced Wednesday to 32 months in
Robert Vern Calkins, 53, of
Burlingame, has credit of 256 days
against the term and must serve 80
percent of the rest, leaving him
about eight months left to nish in
the California Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation.
He was sentenced as a second-
striker because he was convicted in a
1987 robbery using a rearm.
Calkins crashed into the car driv-
en by a sheriffs sergeant on North
Amphlett Boulevard while reported-
ly traveling 75 mph to 80 mph Nov.
29, 2013. The sergeant was hospi-
talized with back pain and Calkins
was also taken to a hospital after
being unable to perform eld sobri-
ety tests.
Responding police ofcers
reported seeing numerous empty
beer cans in Calkins car and a pud-
dle of beer on the drivers side
oorboard, according to prosecu-
tors. At the hospital, an ofcer
reported overhearing Calkins laugh-
ingly telling a CTtechnician that he
was drunk and had been looking
down at his burrito when he crashed.
In May, Calkins pleaded no con-
test to felony drunk driving causing
injury and admitted causing great
bodily injury and having a prior
felony strike conviction. In return,
he was promised no more than 32
months in prison.
Burrito defense fails
Burlingame driver arrested for DUI after deputys car struck
A juror found lming court pro-
ceedings with a personal camera
around his neck was booted from
deliberating in the case of a 28-year-
old man accused of bringing hot
and sexy lotion to an arranged tryst
with a deputy posing as a Millbrae
teen, according to the District
Attorneys Ofce.
The jury in the case of Marlon
Melad Monton Jr. was in the second
day of deliberations Wednesday
when one member alerted the judge
that another was taking footage
using a small
camera on a lan-
yard around his
neck, said
D i s t r i c t
Attorney Steve
The juror was
replaced with an
alternative and
del i ber at i ons
began from scratch.
Monton, of San Mateo, has plead-
ed not guilty to the molestation
Deputies arrested Monton in
December after reportedly arranging
a meeting with a 13-year-old girl
who said she wanted alcohol. The
girl was actually a sheriffs detective
who used the number Monton
reportedly wrote on a note he hand-
ed to two Taylor Middle School stu-
dents which included the phrase
hook up with me.
On Dec. 18, Monton arrived at the
prearranged location in the Kohls
store parking lot with beer and a
bottle of hot and sexy lotion that
expired in 2007.
He remains in custody on
$200,000 bail.
Juror booted for filming
Marlon Monton
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
Herbert H. Parker
Herbert H. Parker, born Aug. 23, 1927,
died July 7, 2014
He was a native of San Francisco.
Known to everyone as Herb, he was the
son of Richard and Edith Parker. Husband to
Barbara for 63 years.
Father of Steven and
David (Rossali).
Grandfather to Andrew,
Austin, Marissa, Kyle,
Christopher and Emily.
He enjoyed spending
time with his children
and grandchildren, and
was very proud of them.
Herb worked for Pan
American World Airways
for 39 years. During his retirement years, he
enjoyed working on model airplanes and
building his model railroad. He was an
active member of the Pan Am Retirees
Association and the Sons In Retirement
(SIR) Branch #118. Herb was proud of the
fact that he had donated 99 pints of blood to
the Blood Centers of the Pacic.
Herb was a positive and happy man. He
loved his family and friends and always had
a smile on his face.
Herb and Dad, we will all miss you very
A memorial service in his honor will be
held 11 a.m. Saturday, July 12 at Crippen &
Flynn Carlmont Chapel, 1111 Alameda de
las Pulgas, Belmont.
Sign guestbook at
Herb Parker
The Mi l l brae
P l a n n i n g
Commi s s i on post-
poned an agenda item
for the possible modi-
fication of an
approved conditional
use permit and design review for the restau-
rant Tai Wu in an existing commercial build-
ing and related off-site parking.
PORTOLAVALLEY More than 80 tanks
amassed by a Stanford University-trained
engineer are set to go up for sale in the San
Francisco Bay Area in what is being billed
as one of the largest auctions of military
vehicles ever.
The auction on Friday and Saturday in
Portola Valley will also include gun parts
and miscellaneous military equipment,
including a nearly 42 ton surface-to-surface
missile, according to Auctions America, the
company handling the auction.
The tanks and other vehicles part of
one of the nations most extensive, his-
toric, military vehicle collections were
among those amassed over decades by
Silicon Valley engineer Jacques Littleeld,
who kept them on his family estate up a
winding, forested road above Silicon Valley.
They span from World War I through the Gulf
War, Hunter Chaney, a spokesman for The
Collings Foundation, said.
Littleelds family donated the tanks and
other equipment to the foundation after
Littleelds death in 2009. The foundation
hopes to raise $10 million from the auction
to help build a military vehicle museum at
its Stow, Massachusetts, headquarters,
Chaney said.
This collection is very rare and very
expensive, he said.
Among the tanks up for auction is a World
War II German Panzer IV tank, which is
expected to fetch as much as $2.6 million,
and an M4 Jumbo Sherman Assault Tank,
which could go for as much as $1.6 million.
The foundation is holding on to the items
with the greatest historical signicance,
including a World War I tank, Chaney said.
Potential bidders must register to take part
in the auction. The collection has so far
drawn interest from people from outside the
U.S., including in Australia, France, and
Germany, and in North America, Amy
Christie, a spokeswoman for Auctions
America, said.
Tank collection to be auctioned
By Martha Mendoza
SANTA CRUZ A Silicon Valley success
story turned sordid this week with the arrest of
an upscale prostitute who allegedly left a
Google executive dying on his yacht after
shooting him up with a deadly hit of heroin.
Forrest Hayes, 51, was found dead by the cap-
tain of his 50-foot yacht Escape last
November. At the time, a simple obituary
described him as a beloved husband and father
of ve who enjoyed spending time with his
family and on his boat.
On Wednesday, that got a lot more compli-
cated as Alix Tichelman, 26, of Folsom, stood
handcuffed and mumbling in red jail scrubs fac-
ing manslaughter charges for her role in Hayes
death, as well as drug and prostitution charges.
She is being held on $1.5 million bail.
Surveillance footage from the yacht shows
everything, police said, from when she came
aboard until after Hayes collapsed. Thats when
Tichelman picked up her clothes, the heroin
and needles, casually stepping over Hayes as
he lay dying. She swallowed the last of a glass
of wine, lowered a blind and walked back on the
dock to shore, police said.
Santa Cruz Deputy Police Chief Steve Clark
told the Associated Press on Wednesday that
Hayes had hired Tichelman before, and that
their Nov. 23 encounter was a mutually con-
sensual encounter including the introduction of
the heroin.
Clark said it appears this might not have
been the rst time she left someone in trouble
without calling 911 or trying to help. Without
elaborating, he said his agency is cooperating
with police in a different state on a similar case.
Theres a pattern of behavior here where she
doesnt seek help when someone is in trouble,
he said.
News vans gathered outside Hayes hilltop
estate overlooking the glittering Monterey
Bay on Tuesday. The ve-bedroom home is on
the market for $4.2 million. The yacht has
been sailed out of the harbor to the Bay Area.
Hayes widow has not spoken publicly and a
blog created in his memory was deleted
Tuesday. On the website, friends and co-work-
ers were seemingly unaware of how he died.
They fondly described their time together,
Christmas parties on his boat, engineering
teams at Sun Microsystems, traveling to China
for Apple and most recently at Google, where
they said he was involved in the Glass eyewear
He had life wired, he really liked his job,
was spending a lot more time with his family,
cruising around in his boat. I am really grateful
that Forrests last moments were happy ones,
wrote a friend in December.
Clark said its not clear if Hayes was a fre-
quent drug user, and that in the video, it appears
he needed Tichelman to help him shoot up.
Clark described Tichelman as a high-end pros-
titute, who lived three hours away and charged
He said she had other clients from Silicon
Valley, home to about 50 billionaires and tens
of thousands of millionaires, where the case
was making waves Wednesday.
Theres no question that Silicon Valley feels
different than it felt 28 years ago when I moved
here, said Russell Hancock, president of Joint
Venture Silicon Valley, an organization focused
on the local economy and quality of life.
Something has happened. We used to be a
Valley full of techies living middle class lives,
and now were a Valley of the uber-rich carrying
toy poodles around with them.
Woman charged with manslaughter in overdose death
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
abruptly canceled and restarted and commer-
cial shing industry representatives claims
theyre misrepresented.
Im cautiously optimistic that some-
thing good is going to come out of this,
said sherman Geoff Bettencourt, vice pres-
ident of the Half Moon Bay Seafood
Marketing Association. However, I have a
lot of concerns that theres been reports like
this before and the district has managed to
get away from answering to it.
Room for improvement
But the district is already working to
improve through starting its strategic busi-
ness plan on Thursday night and the ve
commissioners have been meeting with a
facilitator, said Harbor District General
Manager Peter Grenell.
Theres always room for improvement
and to that extent that strategic business
plan process will enable us to make big
strides in improving various things that
will be very responsive to some of the con-
cerns that some people may have just now.
But our concern, bottom line with the grand
jury report, it doesnt provide an accurate
picture of the harbor district, Grenell said.
Grenell and commissioners Wi l l
Holsinger, Robert Bernardo and Pietro
Parravano noted several issues werent
given fair notation in the report and painted
the district in an unfair light. The district is
on its way to paying off a $20 million loan
to the Division of Boating and Waterways
early and neither the city of South San
Francisco nor the division were requested to
Im going to be focused on communica-
tion. The people who lose out are the
general public because theyre not going to
understand the value of their public harbors
and the important work that the harbor
does, Bernardo said.
The district oversees a variety of infra-
structure and services from breakwater con-
struction to an RV park. The jury recom-
mends passing off some of its responsibili-
ties such as turning over maintenance of the
West Trail near Mavericks to the county
Parks Department.
The district also sponsors and funds the
dredging of Surfers Beach south of the har-
bor, which the report recommends the city
of Half Moon Bay take over.
Grenell said at the time the district began
these two operations, no other agency was
willing to do so.
The Harbor District over the years has
been playing and continues to play a spe-
cial if not unique role in that part of the
coast, Grenell said.
The Local Agency Formation
Commission will consider conducting a
municipal service review later in the year,
said LAFCo Executive Director Martha
Poyatos. The Board of Supervisors, any
city, district or a majority of the voters can
apply to have the district dissolved,
Poyatos said. However, there would need to
be willing successor agencies to take over
the districts roles, Poyatos said.
The district, the Board of Supervisors,
LAFCo and Half Moon Bay have 90 days to
respond to the grand jury report.
The report states the varied responsibili-
ties of the district require the attention of
more than part-time elected ofcials and, at
minimum, the commissioners should
acquire specialty training and learn to gov-
ern collegially.
At the release of the report, Nicole David
and Tom Mattusch announced their candida-
cies for three Harbor Commission seats up
for grab in November and Commissioner
Sabrina Brennan said the surere way for a
better district is a new board. The three
incumbents on the ballot are Bernardo,
Holsinger and Jim Tucker.
The fastest or quickest way to bring
about change would be to elect new harbor
commissioners in the November elections
and obviously that means not supporting
the incumbents, Brennan said.
Holsinger said the dysfunction ties back
to Brennan but that the board isnt unique in
having members who dont get along.
Its sad to see the grand jury saying that
because there is misbehavior by commis-
sioners or differences in getting along that
theres reason to justify the dissolution, it
shouldnt follow. Theres good sound rea-
sons why the district was formed.
Parravano said the district needs to take
the report seriously and move forward with
any recommendations the districts hired
facilitator will make.
I think we need to put the disagreements
and the personalities aside and address the
recommendations, Parravano said. We can
do it, we just have to be working together.
Financial reporting
The grand jury investigation revealed
that, over the last ve scal years, the dis-
tricts operating expenses exceeded its rev-
enue from fees or services by $18 million
and is therefore dependent on property tax
Last year, district salaries and benet s
made up 103 percent of its operating rev-
enue and the structural decit has led to an
annual depletion of reserves, according to
the report.
Grenell, Holsinger and Bernardo said the
repayment of the loan wasnt included in the
report and has been an achievement during
tough economic times. Holsinger noted the
district has more than $40 million in assets
and $11.5 million identified as reserves
allocated for different purposes.
Supervisor Don Horsley said, although
the district may have reserves, it needs a
sustainable nancial plan.
The thing that appears to be missing is
that they have some unfunded long-term lia-
bilities both with pensions and with health
care and their nancial picture in their audit
reports is inadequate without those unfunded
liabilities, Horsley said.
Brennan said she was particularly inter-
ested in the recommendations regarding the
budget and the need for transparency by
clarifying how tax money is being spent.
Because the district also supports a com-
mercial shing industry, the report recom-
mends the district clearly separate what
expenditures benet private enterprises.
Bettencourt said he was taken aback by
the notion of public money being spent on
a private industry. He added the district has
done little in the way of improving infra-
structure just to the benet of the commer-
cial shermen.
Pine said its important the public is
aware of the districts status and regardless if
its dissolved, Harbor District staff and of-
cials need to shape up.
They need to do whatever they can to put
all the bad history behind them and try to
conduct the day-to-day duties of the Harbor
District as professionally and competently
as possible, Pine said. But thats easier
said than done.
To review the civil grand jurys report
visit www.sanmateocourt.org/grandjury.
(650) 344-5200 ext. 106
Continued from page 11
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
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Progress reported against
major western wildres
WINTERS Aday of diminishing temper-
atures brought big gains toward containment
of a wildre in rugged and steep terrain in
Northern California.
The 10-square-mile Monticello Fire near
Lake Berryessa in Yolo County was 71 per-
cent contained Tuesday night up 16 per-
cent from the beginning of the day with
full containment expected by the end of the
It was one of dozens of blazes blackening
parts of the West in summer drought condi-
tions that have brought a re-friendly land-
The White House on Tuesday said President
Barack Obama would ask Congress for $615
million to help ght the res this season.
Fire crews also increased containment of
several wildres covering a combined 33
square miles of desert rangeland in eastern
Nevada and southwestern Utah, including the
14-square-mile Lages Fire. No homes or
other structures were threatened.
The California re started Friday near the
lake about 75 miles northeast of San
Francisco that is a popular recreation spot
that attracts boaters and campers during the
Fourth of July weekend. It brought evacua-
tions and road closures that were all canceled
by Monday.
It was fueled by thick, brittle brush that
has not burned for at least two decades and
was fanned by gusty winds amid heat exceed-
ing 100 degrees.
Such dry conditions have hurt the ght
against other wildres in Nevada, Idaho,
New Mexico, Utah and Washington state.
In northern New Mexico, a lightning-
sparked, 5 1/2-square-mile re was 95 per-
cent contained.
In Idaho, all evacuations were lifted
Monday as more crews were dispatched to
the Colorado Gulch Fire in Blaine County as
ames spread. The re has blackened a square
mile since it started Sunday, and ofcials
expect to have it contained by Wednesday.
A new wildre in central Washington has
burned about 8 square miles of brush and
The blaze that started Tuesday afternoon
threatened several homes in the area about 4
miles west of Entiat. Residents in Mills
Canyon and Dinkleman Canyon were told to
leave the area immediately.
State brief
GLENDALE Bo Cuketieh inadvertently
let a ne mist from a leaky hose soak the
front lawn of a Southern California home
Wednesday before considering that such
water waste could merit a $500 ne under
unprecedented restrictions proposed by
California regulators.
Cuketieh, a 35-year-old welder living at
the Glendale home, said conservation is
necessary, but he chafed at the maximum
Thats the difference between me making
my house payment or not, said Cuketieh,
who was shirtless and hunched over in the
98 degree heat as he lled his car radiator. I
live from one week to the next, and I have a
pretty decent job.
Such considerations could soon become
common as state water regulators are set to
consider draft emergency regulations next
week in Sacramento, invoking for the rst
time mandatory statewide restrictions on
residential outdoor water use.
The State Water Resources Control Board
projects the proposed restrictions could
save enough water to supply more than 3.5
million people for a year.
A combination of mandatory and volun-
tary restrictions so far has resulted in a
statewide water use reduction of 5 percent
through May far short of the 20 percent
sought by Gov. Jerry Brown.
Regulators are hopeful that Californians,
with some nudging, will respond as they did
during the drought of 1976 and 1977.
Brown happened to be governor then, as
well, and called for statewide conservation
About a third of the states residents
responded, enough to voluntarily reduce
consumption by about 20 percent, accord-
ing to state records.
I like to say, having a browning lawn
and a dirty car is a badge of honor, said
Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the water
resources board.
About 30 percent of the states water sup-
pliers already have imposed mandatory
restrictions that include limits on irriga-
tion, washing vehicles and lling fountains
and pools.
Mary Ann Dickinson, president of the
Chicago-based Alliance for Water
Efciency, said she knows of no state that
currently has a statewide restriction on out-
door water use.
The regulations the board will consider
Tuesday aim to put muscle behind conserva-
tion efforts and would give more authority
to law enforcement to impose the restric-
tions, though it will be up to local govern-
ments on how and when to act.
Urban water agencies would have to
require mandatory restrictions on outdoor
water use, if they havent done so already.
Agencies without water plans would have to
restrict outdoor irrigation to no more than
two days each week or take other mandatory
conservation steps.
Statewide regulations would prohibit
landscape watering that causes runoff onto
sidewalks or streets, washing sidewalks,
driveways and other hard surfaces, using a
hose to wash a vehicle unless the hose has a
shut-off nozzle and using drinking water in
a fountain or decorative water feature unless
the water is recirculated.
Violations would be punishable by nes
of up to $500 a day, although most cities are
likely to have a sliding scale that starts with
a warning.
The board is initially targeting outdoor
use because that accounts for much of the
water waste, Marcus said.
The California Department of Water
Resources estimates that cities and suburbs
use about a fth of the states water, about
half going outdoors.
Agriculture is by far the greatest water
user, accounting for 75 percent of the states
Kevin Wattier, general manager of the
Long Beach Water Department, said the
agency already has mandatory restrictions
but added that his districts starting $50 ne
is too small to bother enforcing. The possi-
bility of heftier penalties alone should stop
guzzlers, he said.
Tim Quinn, executive director of the
Association of California Water Agencies,
said he doesnt expect nes to be imposed
on a large scale, but he said the regulations
would push Californians to take the drought
seriously. The word voluntary doesnt say
serious to most people; the word manda-
tory does, Quinn said.
Marcus, the water board chairwoman, said
the proposed regulations are reasonable
What were proposing here as an open-
ing salvo is the bare minimum, Marcus
told reporters during a conference call. If it
doesnt rain later this fall, we certainly will
consider more stringent measures.
She said board members might require
efforts to stop leaks that account for an esti-
mated 10 percent of water use, stricter land-
scape restrictions and encouraging water
agencies to boost rates for consumers who
use more than their share of water.
Were not trying to spank people. Were
trying to ring a bell and get peoples atten-
tion, she said.
We have communities struggling for
water and bathing out of buckets, Marcus
said. Its fair, she said, for the state to
require that at a minimum, that people
dont water sidewalks, that people dont let
their water run when theyre washing their
State hopes fines up to
$500 slow water waste
The word voluntary doesnt
say serious to most people;
the word mandatory does.
TimQuinn, executive director of the
Association of California Water Agencies
SANTAANA Marisol Hernandez recent-
ly gave her daughter a brand new iPhone 5S
on the condition that she get good grades
during her sophomore year of high school.
Since Rubi Rubio had already broken two
phones before, Hernandez told her daughter
that if she broke this one, it would be her
One week after she received the gift, the
15-year-old paid for the cell phone with her
Rubio was walking her 7-year-old sister
home from school when her phone was
stolen just blocks away from their Santa
Ana apartment, the police said Wednesday.
The man stopped and asked Rubio for the
time and when she checked her phone to tell
him, he grabbed it and jumped into a
Pontiac, said Santa Ana police Cpl.
Anthony Bertagna.
Rubio gave chase and jumped onto the
cars trunk and clung to it as the driver
swerved until she fell off, Bertagna said.
She struck her head on the street and died of
head trauma three days later, on Saturday, he
The iPhone was later recovered by neigh-
bors near the scene of the accident and is
now being treated as evidence in a homicide
investigation, Bertagna said.
The suspect was last seen wearing a black
baseball hat, white tank top and light-col-
ored jeans and is described as a Latino in his
later 20s or early 30s, said Bertagna.
Teen dies after jumping on
trunk of iPhone thiefs car
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
By Paul Larson

recently read an
article in the trade
journal American
Funeral Director
about the famous
quote by the late
Sir William Ewart
Gladstone, the celebrated English four term
Prime Minister who was known for his
colorful oratories and speeches on the floor
of Parliament. This 19
century statesman
was renowned for many unique sayings, but
he is most noted among Funeral Directors
for saying this: Show me the manner in
which a nation cares for its dead, and I will
measure with mathematical exactness the
tender mercies of its people, their respect for
the laws of the land and their loyalty to high
ideals. This quote is very lyrical and well
thought out. It has become a long time
custom for many Funeral Homes to display
this quote on a plaque for all to see. The
meaning is obvious and is a direct
comparison between caring for our fallen
loved ones and the way we care for
ourselves, our community and our society.
To many observers it may appear that
weve lost the motivation to care for our
loved ones in a proper way, and that our
society has become misguided. Taking into
consideration the way our government
leaders sometimes act, without the maturity
to function unselfishly, is disturbing, and the
reasons they got elected can be alarming.
Also, in the eyes of logical people violence
should be against our nature, but seemingly
is embedded in our way of life. It is topsy-
turvy for a culture to view cruelty and tribal
brutality as a form of normality, and for love
to be viewed as an obscenity.
Yes, some say our society is falling apart,
but looking at the overall big picture I see
most people yearning to live a peaceful and
courteous life with those around them. Most
people are not violent. Most people want to
be accepted. Most people want to be happy.
Remember that hate is taught.
Wouldnt it make more sense for love to
be taught? Teaching youngsters to be
curious and to enjoy the differences of
those around them would be a good start.
They say that its hard to teach old dogs new
tricks. But old dogs will not be here forever,
and with effort every young dog could be
cultivated with ideals for supporting others
with respect. Putting this into practice may
seem daunting, but its not impossible and
over time could be valuable for our future.
Humanity has always been burdened with
a good percentage of bad guys. But, all in
all, the ideals that the majority of us value
and strive to promote, life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness, are shared in our core.
Going back to Gladstones quote, I see
the vast majority of the families we serve at
deeply committed to doing the right thing
for their loved ones. They come to us with a
desire for closure and to enact final tributes
for those theyve cherished. Whether public
or private their feelings are similar, and
showing one last bit of proper care is their
goal. For me this is a sign of hope, showing
that overall we are a society of good people
with a nature to live in harmony and peace.
If you ever wish to discuss cremation,
funeral matters or want to make pre-
planning arrangements please feel free to
call me and my staff at the CHAPEL OF
THE HIGHLANDS in Millbrae at (650)
588-5116 and we will be happy to guide you
in a fair and helpful manner. For more info
you may also visit us on the internet at:
Who Or What Is Gladstone And
Why This Is Important
Exp. 7/31/14
By Stephen Ohlemacher
WASHINGTON Tax credits for families
that dont qualify. Medicare payments for
treatments that might not be necessary.
Unemployment benets for people who are
secretly working. Federal agencies reported
making $100 billion in payments last year
to people who may not have been entitled to
receive them.
Congressional investigators say the g-
ure could be even higher.
The amounts here are absolutely stagger-
ing, said Rep. John Mica, R-Fla. Its over
$100 billion each of the last ve years.
Thats a staggering half a trillion dollars in
improper payments.
Mica chairs the House Oversight govern-
ment operations subcommittee, which held
a hearing on improper payments Wednesday.
Each year, federal agencies are required to
estimate the amount of improper payments
they issue. They include overpayments,
underpayments, payments to the wrong
recipient and payments that were made with-
out proper documentation.
Some improper payments are the result of
fraud, while others are unintentional, caused
by clerical errors or mistakes in awarding
benets without proper verication.
In 2013, federal agencies made $97 bil-
lion in overpayments, according to agency
estimates. Underpayments totaled $9 bil-
lion. That adds up to $106 billion in
improper payments, or 3.5 percent of all the
payments made by the federal government.
The Obama administration has reduced the
amount of improper payments since they
peaked at $121 billion in 2010. The admin-
istration has stepped up efforts to measure
improper payments, identify the cause and
develop plans to reduce them, said Beth
Cobert, deputy director of the White House
budget ofce.
Federal agencies recovered more than $22
billion in overpayments last year, she said.
We have taken an aggressive approach to
attacking waste, fraud and abuse within fed-
eral agencies, and we will continue to seek
out new and innovative tools to help us in
this ght, Cobert told the subcommittee.
However, a new report by the Government
Accountability Ofce questions the accuracy
of agency estimates, suggesting that the real
tally could be higher. The GAO is the inves-
tigative arm of Congress.
The federal government is unable to
determine the full extent to which improper
payments occur and reasonably assure that
appropriate actions are taken to reduce
them, Beryl H. Davis, director of nancial
management at the GAO, told the subcom-
Davis said some agencies dont develop
estimates for programs that could be suscep-
tible to improper payments. She also said
estimates by the Defense Department may
not be reliable.
The Pentagon estimates that less than 1
percent of its payments are improper.
However, the GAO found last year that the
Pentagons estimates for 2011 were neither
reliable nor statistically valid because of
long-standing and pervasive nancial man-
agement weaknesses.
We have reason to believe that the num-
bers are sound but we certainly understand
why the skepticism exists, Mark E.
Easton, the Defense Departments deputy
chief nancial ofcer, told the subcommit-
I hope you wont stand too strongly
behind your numbers, Rep. Gerald
Connolly, D-Va., replied.
The largest sources of improper payments
are government health care programs,
according to agency estimates. Medicares
various health insurance programs for older
Americans accounted for $50 billion in
improper payments in the 2013 budget year,
far exceeding any other program.
Improper payments by government top $100B
VA apologizes to
WASHINGTON A top ofcial
at the Veterans Affairs Department
says he is sorry that VAemployees
have suffered retaliation after mak-
ing complaints about poor patient
care, long wait times and other
James Tuchschmidt, the No. 2
official at the Veterans Health
Administration, the VAs health
care arm, apologized on behalf of
the department at a congressional
hearing Tuesday night.
A federal investigative agency
said Tuesday it was examining 67
claims of retaliation by VAsuper-
visors against employees who
led whistleblower complaints
including 25 complaints filed
since June 1, after a growing
health care scandal involving
long patient waits and falsified
records at VAhospitals and clinics
became public.
10-year sentence for
ex-New Orleans mayor
Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was
sentenced Wednesday to 10 years
in prison for bribery, money laun-
dering and other corruption that
spanned his two terms as mayor
including the chaotic years after
Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005.
U.S. District Judge Helen
Berrigan handed
down the sen-
t e n c e
We d n e s d a y
Nagin was
convicted Feb.
12 of accepting
hundreds of
thousands of
dollars from
businessmen who wanted work
from the city or Nagins support
for various projects. The bribes
came in the form of money, free
vacations and truckloads of free
granite for his family business.
The 58-year-old Democrat had
deantly denied any wrongdoing
after his 2013 indictment and dur-
ing his February trial.
Nation in brief
Ray Nagin
Utah to appeal gay marriage
ruling to the Supreme Court
going directly to the nations
highest court to challenge an
appellate ruling that gay couples
have a constitutional right to
marry, the state attorney generals
ofce announced Wednesday.
If the U.S. Supreme court decides
to take the case, it will be the rst
time the top court considers gay
marriage since justices last year
struck down part of the federal
Defense of Marriage Act.
It is a milestone that when the
Supreme Court reconvenes in
October, there will be at least one
(gay marriage) petition pending,
said Jon Davidson, director of
Lambda Legal, which pursues liti-
gation on LGBTissues nationwide.
The high court is under no obli-
gation to the take the case, and it
could wait for rulings from one or
more of the ve other appellate
courts with gay marriage cases
pending, legal scholars say.
But legal experts predict the
nations top court will consider a
gay marriage case sometime in
2015 or later.
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
What the fork?
have a fork. At least, I had a fork. It has since
gone mi ssi ng, perhaps hi dden i n t he haphaz-
ard mess of the utensil tray which without fail
manages to mix up forks and spoons and butter
knives despite the convenient cutouts for each
type of flatware.
To step back a bit, I have many forks. Actually, I
own an entire matched set of utensils, which is no
small accomplishment of adulthood after college
and post-college years of hand-me-downs and clear-
ance aisle grabs followed by any number of times
leaving a spoon or fork at work or the like.
But one particular fork
is was? my
favorite. It was the per-
fect length, was a classic
shape wi t hout overl y
fl owery or scrol l -l i ke
design and most impor-
tantly was the perfect
weight. I like a heft to
my obj ect s. Pens, i n par-
ticular, need to feel like
Im actually holding an
i nst rument . The same
goes with flatware. Let
the user feel like they
have somet hi ng momen-
tous in hand and not just a thin, tinny dollar store
knockoff that would make Martha Stewart cringe.
I am not alone in having a fondness for a particu-
lar item over all other equally suitable pieces. My
brother growing up always grabbed a particular
mug for his coffee and didnt hesitate to grumble if
I grabbed it first for my hot chocolate. My father, I
remember, always insisted on a specific knife to
carve up his barbecued masterpieces as though the
other available blades wouldnt do the meat justice
There are wine glasses that just feel better in the
hand and dont even get me started on feeling pro-
priety about a certain pillow that is the perfect
combination of squishy and firm.
Maybe t hese predi l ect i ons expl ai ns why my dogs
wi l l ri fl e t hei r noses t hrough t he t oy box t o fi nd
the preferred stuffed raccoon or rubber squeaky ball
at the bottom rather than the more accessible
bones and rope braids on top. This could also be
the reason why despite a packed and varied closet, I
as I imagine many people still grab for the
favorite sweater or pair of shoes. We are creatures
of habi t and oft en t hose habi t s i nvol ve domest i c
creature comforts.
Sadly, I do not have a full set of kitchenware
mat chi ng t hi s wonder-fork. I came i nt o possessi on
of it many moons ago during a college summer job
at a now-defunct big box retailer that sold every-
t hi ng from el ect roni cs t o j ewel ry t o home appl i-
ances and ki t chenware. In hi ndsi ght , i t s amazi ng
how well an otherwise clueless salesperson like
myself could sell a high-end blender wearing a
short dress and speaking with great authority about
speed and function. During one lunch break, I real-
ized I had forgotten to include a fork with my plas-
tic ware of leftover whatever. A quick trip to the
kitchen department where forks were Velcro-fas-
tened to display boards solved the dilemma.
Unfortunately, after taking the fork home to wash I
never remembered to bring it back to its rightful
spot . Oops.
Id actually forgott en about t he fork as of l at e,
opting usually to just grab whatever one is handy.
But a recent office kitchen chat about dish prefer-
ences made me wonder where it had gotten off t o. I
searched the drawer. No dice. I looked in the sink.
Nope. A peek into my few reusable lunch bags just
i n case. Zi l ch.
Could it be that after years of holding the utensil
place of honor the fork had gone missing? Perhaps
others in the household, in a fit of cleanliness and
decorating frenzy, tossed out what didnt mat ch.
Maybe the fork took a cue from Kung Fu and
decided to walk the earth looking for its rightful
previous home. Some could say it was karma for
my earl i er i nadvert ent shopl i ft i ng.
Or, i t i s si mpl y j ust a si gn t o t oss t he ent i re
drawer of less-than-thrilling flatware and commit
to a set where every piece meets the qualifications
of the now-departed favorite. Every bite deserves a
pri zed t ool . It s about t i ne.
Michelle Durands column Off the Beat runs every
Tuesday and Thursday. She can be reached at:
mi chel l e@smdai l yj ournal . com or (650) 344-5200
ext . 102. Fol l ow Mi chel l e on Twitter @michellemdu-
rand What do you think of this column? Send a letter
to the editor: letters@smdailyjournal. com.
Devils Slide trail is ne as it is
Afew suggestions and comments for
those trail-walkers concerned about
safety issues and what-if scenarios
(Report: Devils Slide Trail needs
safety upgrades in the July 9 edition of
the Daily Journal).
Leave your children home or make a
better effort to watch them closely
especially near the railings.
Make an attempt to walk without a cell-
phone on or worried about not being
connected for one hour. Absorb witnessing
some of the Bay Areas most scenic sights.
Is the cost for emergency phones worth
it or necessary for a 1.3-mile hike?
When was the last time a horse slipped
and hurt anyone because of fog? Horse
droppings should be a bigger concern.
If any additional costs are to be considered,
I suggest lower water-drinking spigots for
the many animals accompanying their
owners. Kudos to the parks department and
our Board of Supervisors for nally getting
this awesome trail opened.
Dave Hyman
San Bruno
Lopez shooting: gun altered
The Associated Press story about the
fatal shooting of a teenage boy by a
deputy in Santa Rosa lacked some im-
portant facts. The story, as it
appeared in the Daily Journal, did not
mention that the replica automatic
rifle carried by 13-year-old Andy
Lopez lacked the bright plastic tip re-
quired by law to show the gun is not
real (Deputy who shot teen wont
face charges in the June 8 edition of
the Daily Journal).
Photos on television and in other pa-
pers showed clearly that the gun
resembled an assault weapon. Also
missing in the account was the district
attorneys disclosure that Lopez had
taken marijuana, which may have im-
paired his judgment.
The boys death is a tragedy, but if
there is a lesson here it is that the days
of playing cowboys and Indians are
James O. Clifford Sr.
Redwood City
Afew lessons taken from history on leader-
ship seem to be in order, particularly in San
Carlos. The rst is that sometimes leader-
ship means not participating in meetings
that, on principle, ought not to be happen-
ing in the rst place. For example, during
the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln
refused to acknowledge in any manner the
so-called presidency of Jefferson Davis and,
on at least three occasions, turned away en-
voys sent by Davis to Washington.
The second lesson is that just because
an idea or plan is put forward does not
mean it deserves agreement between the
two parties, even if it involves compro-
mise. For example, President Reagan
walked away from an agreement with
General Secretary Gorbachev at the
Reykjavic Summit in 1986. Some were
hugely critical of Reagan at the time, but
history has proven he did the right thing.
The nal lesson is that when you take
a loss, do so graciously.
Matt Grocott
San Carlos
The letter writer is a member of the
San Carlos City Council.
Letters to the editor
The Sacramento Bee
n a vote that should prompt
other California policymakers to
act, the San Francisco Board of
Supervisors approved an ordinance
insisting that people who suffer from
severe mental illness receive care,
rather than leave them to languish on
the streets.
Supervisor Mark Farrell authored
the ordinance creating an assisted out-
patient treatment program. San
Francisco supervisors voted 9-2 for it
on Tuesday, sending it to Mayor Ed
Lee for his expected signature.
San Francisco is the fourth county
to fully embrace a 2002 state statute
known as Lauras Law, joining
Nevada, Yolo and Orange counties.
San Francisco is by far the most liber-
al, which is noteworthy. In the past,
liberals have been the strongest
opponents of insisting that people
who are so sick that they dont know
theyre ill receive care.
The adoption of a Lauras Law ordi-
nance doesnt mean individuals will
be forced into locked psychiatric
wards. Rather, judges could issue
orders compelling people to receive
care while living in their homes.
Individuals are expected to attend
therapy and take anti-psychotic med-
ication if psychiatrists deem them to
be necessary. Family, police and oth-
ers could request that authorities eval-
uate individuals for inclusion in the
program. To become subject to it, a
person must have been hospitalized
for mental illness, or jailed in recent
The 2002 law legislation that
authorized counties to adopt such an
ordinance was named for Laura
Wilcox, a college sophomore who
was working as a temporary recep-
tionist at the Nevada County
Behavioral Health Department when a
mentally ill man shot and killed her.
Some misguided advocates for men-
tally ill people take the view that
people should never be coerced to get
care. But clearly, the use of voluntary
treatment doesnt work for some peo-
ple. Farrell estimates that fewer than
1,000 of San Franciscos 780,000
residents might become part of the
Other counties should take note of
San Franciscos action, as should
Californias congressional delega-
Rep. Tim Murphy, a Pennsylvania
Republican, is pushing HR 3717,
which would free federal funds for
expanded care for the most severely
mentally ill people, and relax federal
privacy law that denies family mem-
bers access to information about men-
tally ill loved ones. House Majority
Leader Kevin McCarthy, of
Bakerseld, ought to make this issue
a priority.
Republicans who have not joined
Murphy are Reps. Doug LaMalfa of
Richland, Tom McClintock of Elk
Grove and Jeff Denham of Turlock.
Democrats Doris Matsui of
Sacramento and John Garamendi of
Walnut Grove have not signed on,
Several congressional members
were in the Legislature in 2002 and
voted for Lauras Law, including
McClintock, Rep. Jim Costa of
Fresno and Rep. Jackie Speier of San
Mateo. They should add their voices
in support of Murphys bill.
Some people say care in the form of
assisted outpatient treatment is the
last resort. Its not. The last resort is
when mentally ill people commit sui-
cide, become victims of violence, or
commit crimes that land them in
prison. In San Francisco, Farrell is
not seeking to repeal anyones rights.
To the contrary, he is insisting that
people have a right to care.
A vote for compassion
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Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily Wednesday on the
New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stock Market:
Alcoa Inc., (AA), up 84 cents to $15.69
The aluminum giant reported better-than-expected second-quarter
prot, with strong results from the engineered products unit.
Gigamon Inc. (GIMO), down $5.89 to $12.29
The networking hardware company cut its second-quarter revenue
outlook, citing challenges with closing deals late in the quarter.
Container Store Group Inc., (TCS), down $2.27 to $24.80
The storage and organization products retailer reported a worse-than
expected scal rst-quarter loss and cut its sales outlook.
MSC Industrial Direct Co. (MSM), down $4.39 to $88.99
The metalworking supplies company reported a scal fourth-quarter
nancial outlook mostly below Wall Street expectations.
American Airlines Group Inc. (AAL), up $1.73 to $41.99
The airline company said June passenger trafc rose 1 percent and it
expects passenger revenue to rise during the quarter.
Silicon Image Inc. (SIMG), down 1 cent to $4.98
The data products company cut its second-quarter revenue outlook
citing lower than expected shipments and royalty revenue delays.
Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO), up 37 cents to $25.44
The information technology company completed its $175 million buyout
of Tail-f Systems, boosting its cloud-services portfolio.
Healthcare Services Group Inc. (HCSG), down $1.05 to $29.11
The health care facility services company reported lower-than-expected
second-quarter prot and declared a quarterly dividend.
Big movers
By Ken Sweet
NEW YORK Corporate earnings
season got off to a positive start
Wednesday, helping lift the stock mar-
ket after two days of declines.
The market opened higher and
remained modestly higher throughout
the day. Stocks climbed further after the
Federal Reserve released minutes from
its latest policy meeting in June.
The biggest gainer in the Standard &
Poors 500 index was Alcoa. The alu-
minum giants earnings, which
investors consider to be the ofcial start
of the quarterly corporate earnings sea-
son, came in well above Wall Streets
expectations. Alcoa earned $138 mil-
lion, or 18 cents a share, compared with
analysts estimates of 12 cents a share,
according to FactSet. Alcoa rose 84
cents, or 6 percent, to $15.69.
As companies begin reporting their
second-quarter results, investors will be
looking for signs that the strengthening
U.S. economy has translated into higher
sales and prots. Analysts expect earn-
ings increased 6.6 percent in the three
months through June compared with the
previous year, according to S&P Capital
IQ, a research rm.
Investors argue that with stocks trad-
ing near all-time highs, its now up to
companies to show whether or not these
record high prices can be justied.
Stocks are not cheap, and we need to
be assured that these companies growth
is going to continue, said Quincy
Krosby, market strategist with
Prudential Financial.
The next big name to report will be the
major U.S. bank Wells Fargo, which
reports Friday. The bank is one of the
countrys biggest mortgage lenders, and
investors will be looking for Wells out-
look on the housing market.
Im looking for a good, but not a
great, earnings season, said Michael
Fredericks, portfolio manager of the
Multi-Asset Income Fund at BlackRock.
We really need to see the guidance from
companies, if management teams are as
upbeat as the market.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose
78.99 points, or 0.5 percent, to
16,985.61. The S&P 500 index rose
9.12 points, or 0.5 percent, to 1,972.83
and the Nasdaq composite rose 27.57
points, or 0.6 percent, to 4,419.03.
The market kept up its positive
momentum following the latest report
from the Federal Reserve.
Policymakers at the Fed have come up
with a rough timetable for when the cen-
tral banks bond-buying program will
wind down, according to minutes from
the banks most recent meeting. They
generally agreed that the program will
end in October, if the economy contin-
ues to improve at this pace.
The Fed is currently buying $35 bil-
lion a month in bonds and has been cut-
ting back by $10 billion a month at each
meeting since December. The program is
designed to keep interest rates low to
stimulate borrowing and economic
The bond market turned higher after
the Feds announcement. The yield on
the 10-year U.S. Treasury note fell to
2.55 percent from 2.56 percent Tuesday,
a reversal from earlier in the day, when
yields were 2.58 percent. Bond yields
fall when prices rise.
In individual company news:
American Airlines rose $1.73, or 4.3
percent, to $41.98. The worlds largest
airline raised its sales forecast for the
second quarter, typically the busiest time
of year. The news helped lift other airline
stocks, including Delta, which rose 1.5
percent. Airline stocks had taken a beat-
ing earlier this week.
The Container Store, which went
public less than a year ago, plunged
$2.27, or 8 percent, to $24.80. CEO
William Tindell warned that the compa-
ny was in a retail funk and that the
sluggish sales of the winter seemed to be
lingering into the spring and summer.
The Container Store went public at $18 a
share in November and its shares dou-
bled in price on the day of its debut to
Alcoa helps lift markets
Dow 16,985.61 +78.99 10-Yr Bond 2.55 -0.02
Nasdaq 4,419.03 +27.57 Oil (per barrel) 102.13
S&P 500 1,972.83 +9.12 Gold 1,330.40
By Henry C. Jackson
WASHINGTON Farmers and
ranchers who suffered heavy live-
stock and grazing losses over the
last three years due to extreme
weather have been quick to take
advantage of newly available dis-
aster relief funds, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture said
As of July 2, the agency has dis-
tributed more than 106,000 pay-
ments totaling $1.2 billion in
relief funds in three months, the
progress report said. Thats a little
less than half the $2.5 billion the
USDAestimated would be spent on
cases from 2011 to 2014. The
funds encompass several programs
for disaster relief included in the
farm bill, which was approved in
Among the communities anx-
ious for the funds to become avail-
able were South Dakota ranchers
who suffered historic losses during
an unusual early-season blizzard
last October. An estimated 43,000
cattle and other livestock died,
with individual ranchers suffering,
in some cases, more than $1 mil-
lion in losses. The storm also
affected farms and ranches in
North Dakota.
USDA did not provide data for
individual states, so it wasnt clear
which were quickest to take advan-
tage of the new program.
Forty states, including the
Dakotas, have begun to receive
disaster payments that expired in
2011 but were retroactively
renewed when Congress passed the
new farm bill this year. The funds
are available to help ranchers and
farmers who have suffered through
blizzards, persistent droughts and
other unexpected weather condi-
tions. That includes many states
in southern Plains, like Texas,
which dealt with severe drought in
2011 and 2012, and California,
which is still in a drought.
Most of the disaster relief pro-
grams will remain available until
early next year for those ling for
losses from 2011 until early 2014.
But the USDA will stop accepting
applications for Emergency
Assistance for Livestock,
Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish
Program, known as ELAP, on Aug.
The other programs, including
one for livestock losses suffered
due to drought or adverse weather,
and a tree assistance program, will
continue to take retroactive appli-
cations until next year. The pro-
grams will provide the same relief
for future disasters until the farm
bill expires in 2018.
Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack said the progress report
released Wednesday showed that
the relief programs were moving
smoothly. At the request of
President Barack Obama, he said,
he expedited USDAs implementa-
tion of the program, with applica-
tions accepted in April, just 60
days after the farm bill was signed
into law.
Vilsack said the agency had set
ambitious goals and that it was
now operating efciently to deliv-
er relief.
Farmers and ranchers who wait-
ed two and a half years for a farm
bill are now getting some relief,
Vilsack said.
Ranchers taking advantage
of USDA disaster program
Source: American Apparel
to receive nancing
NEWYORK American Apparel
Inc. has reached a preliminary deal
with investment rm Standard
General to receive $25 million in
nancing to bolster the clothing
chains nances, according to a per-
son close to the negotiations.
The deal will help pay off a $10
million loan from investment rm
Lion Capital, which made a formal
demand for payment Monday.
It will also mean shaking up
American Apparels board, said the
person, who spoke on condition of
anonymity because of the sensitivi-
ty of the discussions. The pact is
expected to be announced later
What remains to be seen is what
role American Apparels ousted
founder and CEO Dov Charney will
On June, 18, the Los Angeles-
based companys board red
Charney as chairman and suspended
him as president and CEO, citing
alleged misconduct.
Oil on two-week slide
even with Mideast turmoil
NEWYORK The price of oil fell
for the ninth straight day Wednesday
as global supplies continue to ow
despite unrest in the worlds most
important oil-producing region.
The prolonged drop could lead to
lower gasoline prices for U.S. driv-
ers in the weeks ahead.
In the Middle East, the insurgency
in Iraq is far from resolved, but has-
nt halted oil exports. The ghting
now seems unlikely to spread to
Iraqs major oil elds. Tensions
between Israel and Hamas have esca-
lated in the past week, but arent
threatening any major oil produc-
On the supply side, Libyan crude
exports appear poised to surge after
an agreement between the govern-
ment and local militias cleared the
way for export terminals to open.
And U.S. production continues to
At the same time, reners have
already made much of the gasoline
needed to fuel road trips for summer
vacationers, so crude demand will
begin to ebb over the next couple of
months. Meanwhile, the nations
oil supply as of July 4 was 382.6
million barrels, up 2.3 percent from
this time a year ago.
We in the U.S are sitting on a ton
of crude oil, says energy analyst
Stephen Schork of the Schork
Group. Were at the point in the
season we have a lot of supply and
demand is about to fall.
PC shipment
slump bottoms out
NEWYORK Atwo-year slump
in personal computer sales ended in
the second quarter, helped by improv-
ing demand in developed markets
like North America and Europe.
PC sales have fallen in recent
years, hurt by surging demand for
tablets and other mobile devices.
Tough economic conditions around
the world have also disrupted sales.
But quarterly gures released
Wednesday by the research rms
Gartner Inc. and International Data
Corp. show the global slump is eas-
Jury summons scam in
West Texas uses PayPal
MIDLAND, Texas West Texas
authorities are investigating a jury
summons scam in which a caller
demands payment on a $1,000 ne
via PayPal or else the victim faces
Midland County Sheriff Gary
Painter said Wednesday the man
makes random calls, tells people
they failed to appear for jury duty
and must immediately pay online.
The caller promises a courthouse
meeting to provide a receipt, but
he never shows up.
Painter was contacted Tuesday
about an elderly woman who fell
for the scheme. He says at least
one other person was contacted
but did not pay. The sheriff says
anyone else receiving such fake
jury duty calls and online payment
demands should contact investiga-
Business in brief
RENO, Nev. The Reno-Tahoe
Open has landed a new title sponsor
and is changing its name to the
Barracuda Championship under a
four-year, multimillion-dollar deal
with California-based Barracuda
Networks Inc., tournament and PGA
Tour ofcials announced Wednesday.
The title sponsorship is the rst
the 16-year-old tournament has had
since it was played as the Legends
Reno-Tahoe Open in 2008 and
2009. The event has been strug-
gling to nd a sponsor since.
This years tournament has a $3
million purse and is set for July 31-
Aug. 3 at Montreux Golf & Country
Club between Reno and Lake Tahoe.
Tournament director Chris Hoff
said PGATour policy prohibits him
from revealing details of the agree-
ment but said it is in the range of
$1 million a year.
The important thing to note here
is the investment is signicant and
its for at least four years, Hoff said.
I dont want to say it legitimizes
us but it certainly elevates us, he
said. Weve got a global, publicly
traded company that not only real-
ized the value of the PGATour, but is
yet another company that recog-
nizes the Reno-Tahoe area and what
a fantastic place this is to live, work
and play.
Based in the San Francisco Bay
Area, Barracuda Networks special-
izes in computer data storage and
security systems.
RED Development, builder of the
Legends shopping mall in neigh-
boring Sparks, paid $1.6 million
for the previous two-year title spon-
sorship. The only other title spon-
sor was Greens.com, which signed a
$1 million deal for the 2000 tourney
but paid only half that amount
before going out of business just
weeks before the tournament.
Barracuda Networks to sponsor Reno-Tahoe Open
By Terry Bernal
It was an evening like no other for San
Bruno Joe DiMaggio pitcher Kyle Burns.
The right-handers two-hit shutout
leading San Bruno to an 8-0 win over the
San Francisco Barbarians Wednesday at Lara
Field was almost an aside from his career
night at the plate. In four plate appearances,
Burns reached base four times, going 2 for 2
with a pair of walks and two runs scored.
Not bad for someone who hasnt swung a
bat in an ofcial game in nearly ve years.
I dont think hes hit since he was like
13, San Bruno manager Edgar Hernandez
Burns has been concentrated on pitching
in that time though. And the recent Serra
graduate has emerged as a key component to
the San Bruno pitching staff. Wi t h
Wednesdays win, in which he scattered two
hits and two walks while striking out ve,
Burns improves to 4-2 on the season.
After Barbarians leadoff hitter John Carey
led off the game with a 10-pitch at-bat,
Burns got stubborn to the strike zone. He
started each of the rst 11 Barbarians in the
game with rst-pitch strikes. He only got
into trouble once all night when the
Barbarians had runners at second and third
with one out. But Burns buckled down to
strike out the next two batters, including
the nal out of the inning by way of a three-
pitch punch-out.
My approach is just pound the zone,
Burns said. Im not going to give up free
bases. If they get doubles and triples, so be
With its 11th win of the season, San
Bruno (11-4) is on a roll heading into the
nal week of regular-season play, having
won four of its last ve. The team is current-
ly in the drivers seat for a postseason
berth, entering into play Wednesday in sole
possession of second place in the North
Peninsula League, 2 1/2 games ahead of
third-place South City.
I dont think we have a doubt in our
minds that well make playoffs, Burns
said. But our goal is to keep playing good
baseball and play one game at a time. We
cant think about the championship game.
We have to win today rst.
San Bruno hasnt exactly been an
Love of the game drives San Brunos Burns
Argentina's Maxi Rodriguez celebrates with goalkeeper Sergio Romero after scoring the
winning penalty against Netherlands during a penalty shootout in their 2014 World Cup
By Mike Corder
SAO PAULO Goalkeeper Sergio Romero
saved two penalties Wednesday to send
Argentina into the World Cup nal with a 4-
2 shootout win over the Netherlands after
the game nished in a 0-0 stalemate.
Aday after Germany lit up the World Cup
with its clinical 7-1 destruction of host
Brazil, the Netherlands and Argentina could
not manage a goal between them in 120
minutes before the shootout.
Romero thought to be a weak link in
this Argentine team and not even a starter for
his Monaco club most of last season
blocked penalties by Ron Vlaar and Wesley
Sneijder. For Argentina, Lionel Messi,
Ezequiel Garay, Sergio Aguero and Maxi
Rodriguez all converted their spot kicks.
Its luck, thats the truth. You can dive
(the right way) and not make it, like hap-
pened to their goalkeeper, Romero said. I
had condence, thank God things turned out
In a matchup of two of footballs power-
house nations, two-time champion
Argentina will play three-time winner
Germany in Sundays nal at the Maracana
Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.
That means an extra bitter end to the tour-
nament for Brazilians, who will have to
watch their ercest rivals play for the world
title in their most hallowed stadium against
a team that humiliated their nation in the
It was the second straight penalty
shootout following a 0-0 draw for the Dutch.
Against Costa Rica in the quarterfinals,
coach Louis van Gaal brought on substitute
goalkeeper Tim Krul in the last seconds of
extra time to replace Jasper Cillessen and
Krul saved two spot kicks.
This time, Van Gaal had used up all three
Argentinainto finals
By Robert Jablon
LOS ANGELES ASan Francisco Giants
fan who suffered brain damage in a beating
at Dodger Stadium won his negligence suit
against the Los Angeles Dodgers on
Wednesday, but former owner Frank
McCourt was absolved by the jury. The total
means the Dodgers were ordered to pay $15
million, according to a plaintiffs attorney.
The jury found Wednesday that Bryan
Stow suffered damages for economic losses
and pain and suffering
totaling about $18 mil-
lion but divided responsi-
bility for his injuries
among the Dodgers and
the two men who beat
Plaintiffs attorney
Tom Girardi says the ver-
dict means the Dodgers
must pay about $14 mil-
lion in economic losses and a quarter of the
pain and suffering sum, adding about $1
million more.
Girardi had asked for more than double
that sum but still considers it a victory.
Stows father Dave Stow said the amount
was a lot better than what we had.
He did get some money to help the future
and thats what we wanted we wanted
help, Dave Stow said. Hes not going to
be 100 percent, maybe for a long time,
maybe never. What he gets is going to help
him through now, and thats what he needs.
Well make it work for him, mother Ann
Stow agreed.
They said they had not spoken to their
son, who did not attend the hearing, but did
talk to his sisters and expected they would
talk to him.
Dave Stow said his brain-damaged proba-
bly wouldnt understand the details, But
Bryan will know that he got some help
Stows mother said she held her husbands
hand as the court read the part of the verdict
in which jurors found her son not liable for
Dodgers found partly responsible in Bryan Stow assault
By Antonio Gonzalez
SAN FRANCISCO Hunter Pence home-
red and drove in two runs, Matt Cain tossed
six strong innings and the San Francisco
Giants spoiled Jason Hammels debut for
Oakland with a 5-2 victory over the
Athletics on Wednesday night.
Cain (2-7) allowed two runs and ve hits for
his rst win since May 15 against the Miami
Marlins. He struck out four and walked two to
help the Giants snap Oaklands six-game win-
ning streak.
Hammel, acquired by the As along with fel-
low right-hander Jeff Samardzija from the
Chicago Cubs last week for three top prospects,
disjointed the thumb on his glove hand but
stayed in the game. He left after giving up six
hits and three runs two earned in ve
innings, striking out three and walking three.
Stephen Vogt homered and Jed Lowrie had an
RBI single for Oaklands only runs.
The As routed the Giants 5-0 and 6-1 in the
rst two games of the Bay Bridge Series in
Oakland and looked every bit like the team with
the best record in baseball while doing it.
Back in the comforts of glitzy AT&T
Park, though, the Giants offense nally
showed signs of life. San Francisco nished
with 10 hits and took advantage of its scor-
ing opportunities.
With one out in the second inning, Yoenis
Cespedes bobbled Joe Paniks single in left
eld. By the time the strong-armed Cespedes
corralled the ball and threw home, Gregor
Blanco already had crossed the plate.
Buster Poseys RBI single gave the Giants a
2-0 lead in the third. Vogt homered leading off
the fourth for Oakland, sending a slider from
Cain over the stands in right and onto the walk-
way outside the ballpark for his third long ball
this season.
Pence homered in the fourth to put the Giants
up 3-1. It was Pences 12th home run and rst
since June 21 at Arizona.
While the Giants finally got the bats
going, Cain kept finding ways to mini-
mize the As rallies.
The right-hander got Coco Crisp to
ground out with two runners on in the fth,
Cain earns win as
Giants down As
See BURNS, Page 13
See GIANTS, Page 13
See SOCCER, Page 14
See VERDICT, Page 15
<<< Page 14, NCAAs Emmert in
favor of bolstering scholarships
Thursday July 10, 2014
Bryan Stow
Defensive battle
decided by PKs
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
By Jamey Keaten
ARENBERG, France Reigning champi-
on Chris Froome crashed twice and quit the
Tour de France on Wednesday during a chaot-
ic, nerve-jangling, lthy fth stage full of
Froome fell even before the seven cobble-
stone patches on the slick road from Ypres,
Belgium, to Arenberg-Porte du Hainaut in
France. Riders had known months ago about
the bone-jarring course; incessant rain made
it even more treacherous.
The withdrawal of the Team Sky leader left
the race wide open with 16 stages still left.
Overall race leader Vincenzo Nibali wasted
little time in speeding ahead, notably after he
saw that his other big rival for the title this
year, two-time Tour victor Alberto Contador,
had trouble on the second run on cobbles.
Sensing the danger from the rain, race
organizers scrapped two of the nine sched-
uled cobblestone patches, and reduced the
stage by three kilometers (two miles). But
that still wasnt enough to stop many riders
from tumbling.
Froome, already nursing pain in his left
wrist from a crash on Tuesday, took his third
and last spill in two days about halfway
through the stage. With a cut under his right
eye, the Team Sky leader limped over to a
team car, climbed in, and drove away.
Froome tweeted he was devastated to have
to withdraw. Injured wrist and tough condi-
tions made controlling my bike near to
impossible, he wrote. He wished luck to new
Sky leader Richie Porte of Australia and his
other teammates for the rest of the race.
The last time a defending champion aban-
doned the Tour was ve-time winner Bernard
Hinault of France in 1980, according to
French cycling statistics provider
Nibali, too, was one of several high-prole
riders who crashed, recovered and excelled on
the 152.5-kilometer (95-mile) route. The
Italian nished third and extended his lead. He
and second-place Jakob Fuglsang of Denmark
were 19 seconds behind stage winner Lars
Boom of Denmark.
This is a special, special day for me, said
Boom, who rides for Belkin Pro Cycling. I
was really looking forward to the cobble-
Overall, Nibali leads Astana teammate
Fuglsang by 2 seconds. Cannondale rider
Peter Sagan of Slovakia was third, 44 seconds
back. Contador, breathing hard under a mask
of mud at the nish, lost about 2 1/2 minutes
to Nibali: Hes 2:37 back, in 19th place.
Others who went down but kept going
included Americans Andrew Talansky and
Tejay van Garderen, Alejandro Valverde of
Spain, and Germanys Marcel Kittel, winner
of three of the races rst four stages. In what
was perhaps the days most visually dramatic
crash, Belgiums Jurgen van den Broeck went
hurtling over his handlebars in a bend on a
cobblestone patch, and tumbled into a grassy
While the chaos on the course raised ques-
tions about riding in such poor conditions
critics in social media had a eld day it
made for great racing imagery: Many riders
were caked in sloppy, wet mud on their faces
and shins, their biceps jiggling as they held
their handlebars. A mix of sweat, rain, mud
and drool dropped from many chins. Many
looked as if theyd ridden through a shower of
chocolate pudding.
The race heads to Champagne country on
Thursday, with a mostly at 194-kilometer
(120-mile) run from Arras to Reims in Stage 6.
Dane emerges as Froome drops out of Tour de France
Lars Boom of Denmark celebrates his victory on the fth stage of the Tour de France.
CLEVELAND The Cavaliers have cleared
a path for LeBron James to return to
Theyve made their moves. Theyre just
waiting for him to make his.
The Cavs created enough salary-cap space
to offer the superstar free agent a maximum
contract on Wednesday agreeing to trade guard
Jarrett Jack, swingman Sergey Karasev and
center Tyler Zeller in a three-team deal with
Brooklyn and Boston, a person familiar with
the deals told the Associated Press. The per-
son spoke on condition of anonymity
because teams are not permitted to discuss
trades until the leagues moratorium ends
The maneuvering is designed to open room
under the salary cap so they can re-sign the
Akron-born James, the four-time league MVP
and most sought after player on the market.
With open roster spots, Cleveland isnt
Not long after making the trade with the
Celtics and Nets, the Cavs had exploratory
discussions with the Minnesota
Timberwolves about a possible trade for three-
time All-Star Kevin Love if James does
return to Cleveland, said a person with knowl-
edge of the inquiry.
The Timberwolves would be looking for
No. 1 overall draft pick Andrew Wiggins to be
part of any potential package from Cleveland
in order to consider parting with Love if the
talks were to become more serious, the person
said, speaking with the AP on condition of
anonymity because neither team publicly
announced the conversation.
Whatever the Cavs next move is with or
without James they could package together
their other assets, including future rst-round
picks, to make a run at other All-Star players.
Meanwhile, James had his meeting in Las
Vegas with Miami president Pat Riley. James,
his agent Rich Paul, Riley and Heat executive
Andy Elisburg were at the meeting, a person
with direct knowledge of the discussions told
The AP. The person spoke on condition of
anonymity because neither side publicly
announced who would be attending the meet-
ing or when it would take place.
James has not made a decision and will not
make any announcements before Thursday,
the person said.
With nothing nalized, LeBronathon 2014
will last at least one more day with the NBA
and fans in Miami and Cleveland on edge.
In the three-team trade the Cavs pulled off
earlier Wednesday, Cleveland will receive
guard Marcus Thornton from the Nets and send
him, Zeller and a future rst-round pick to the
Celtics. Also, the Cavs are trading Jack and
Karasev to the Nets.
Cavs trying to carve out room to bring in LeBron
Sterling says he wont sell team, calls wife a pig
LOS ANGELES A raging Donald Sterling denounced his
wife, her lawyers and the NBA from the witness stand
Wednesday, saying he will never sell the Los Angeles Clippers
and vowing a lifetime of lawsuits against the league.
Make no mistake today, Sterling shouted toward the end of
his second day of testimony in the trial to determine his wifes
right to make a $2 billion deal to sell the Clippers, I will
never, ever sell this team, and until I die I
will be suing the NBAfor this terrible vio-
lation under antitrust.
He was followed to the stand by wife,
Shelly, who tried to approach him in the
front row of the courtroom after she was
done for the day.
Get away from me, you pig! Sterling
The judge then admonished him to make
no further comments.
Sterling began his testimony by saying he loved his wife,
but then denounced her. He said she told him to have psychiatric
and neurological exams only because he had turned 80, and she
was concerned for his health.
She deceived me. I trusted her, Sterling said. I never
thought a wife wouldnt stand for her husband.
Donald Sterlings lawyers are challenging the authority of
Shelly Sterling under the family trust to unilaterally cut a deal
for the team with former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.
Before she made the deal, two doctors examined Donald
Sterling and declared him mentally incapacitated and unable to
act as an administrator of the Sterling Family Trust, which owns
the Clippers.
Sterling said he was certain his wife had never read the trust
documents because it was too complicated for her to understand.
During examination by his own lawyer, Maxwell Blecher,
Sterling was asked about his wifes position in the trust if he
were to be disqualied as a trustee.
She has no rights whatsoever. She has no stock. She has no
standing whatsoever, Sterling said.
Sports brief
Donald Sterling
after he misred to second base on a poten-
tial double-play ball earlier in the inning.
And after Lowries two-out single sliced San
Franciscos lead to 3-2 in the sixth, Cain
got Derek Norris to ground out to strand two
Oakland got a brief scare in the fth when
Hammels left thumb somehow bent awk-
wardly in the middle of Blancos at-bat. An
As trainer worked on the thumb for several
minutes, then the pitcher got Blanco to
ground out.
Pence hit an RBI single in the sixth
before lefty Eric OFlahertys wild pitch
helped the Giants score another run to go
ahead 5-2.
Oaklands offense was kept quiet the rest
of the way. Jeremy Affeldt, Sergio Romo
and Santiago Casilla each pitched one per-
fect inning of relief.
NOTES: Giants second baseman Marco
Scutaro, who has been out all season with a
strained lower back, is scheduled to play
nine innings for Triple-A Fresno on
Thursday before rejoining San Francisco on
Friday or Saturday.
Vogt extended his hitting streak to a
career-high nine games.
Left-hander Scott Kazmir (10-3, 2.53
ERA) starts for the As against Tim Hudson
(7-5, 2.53 ERA) in Thursdays series nale.
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
offensi ve juggernaut this season. The
team has frequently had to play through
summer absences for various reasons. In
fact, the reason Burns landed in the start-
ing lineup Wednesday was because
Hernandez as trying to shake things up;
that, and the team was missing four play-
ers who are currently representing the San
Bruno Colt League All-Stars at the sec-
tional playoffs.
Going up against the Barbarians (4-15),
who are in last place in the San Francisco
League, San Bruno scored early and often to
roll to an easy victory. San Bruno scored
one in the second, three in the third, two in
the fourth and two in the fth.
Kyle Patterson and Anthony Orcholski
had two hits and one RBI apiece. Jake
Steenvorde and Josh Hitchens each tabbed
two RBIs. Christian Bautista had one RBI,
in addition to catching a gem of a pitching
performance by Burns.
Despite being in the midst of a splendid
summer season, Burns did not play through
his four years at Serra, as he was cut from the
team in each of his rst three seasons.
It was devastating, Burns said.
[Baseball] was the reason I went there. But
everything happens for a reason. I cant let
that stop me from playing the game I love.
As a senior, Burns did not try out for the
Padres, but instead took a baseball opera-
tions role as the teams statistician.
Currently, the right-hander is gearing up for
a tryout at the collegiate level. He will be
attending Westmont College in the fall and
is hoping to crack the roster with the NAIA
powerhouse Warriors.
And with Wednesdays gem, Burns just
may have found a new recipe for success.
The burly 18-year-olds usual routine has
always been to play long toss the day prior
to a start. In returning Tuesday from a vaca-
tion in Lake Tahoe, however, Burns was a
bit out of his usual routine.
As Burns wasnt informed he would be
taking the ball Wednesday until an hour
before game time when he showed up to
the yard, he threw a rigorous round of
long toss earlier in the day. According to
Burns, the effects were surprisingly posi-
tive, as he felt an extra bolt of adrenaline
as soon as he started his pregame warm-
up in the bullpen.
I dont think I ever have (played long
toss the same day of a start), Burns said. I
think Im going to start doing that.
San Bruno has a daunting week ahead.
With four games remaining on its regu-
lar-season schedule, San Bruno has a
two-game series with first-place Pacifica
before closing the regular season July 15
against the South Peninsula Leagues top
dog, San Carlos.
Continued from page 11
Kyle Burns red a two-hit shutout Wednesday as San Bruno Joe D downed the S.F.Barbarians,
8-0. San Bruno has won four of its last ve.
Continued from page 11
Back in the leadoff spot,Hunter Pence hit his 12th home run of the season in the fourth inning,
as the Giants triumphed 5-2 in the third game of the Bay Bridge series.
Giants 5, Athletics 2
Athletics ab r h bi Giants ab r h bi
Crisp cf 3 0 0 0 Pence rf 5 1 2 2
Vogt 1b 2 1 2 1 Belt 1b 3 1 0 0
Gntry ph-rf 1 0 0 0 Sandovl 3b 4 0 2 0
Cespds lf 4 1 0 0 Posey c 4 0 1 1
Moss rf-1b 4 0 1 0 Morse lf 3 0 1 0
Dnldsn 3b 4 0 0 0 Perez lf 0 0 0 0
Lowrie ss 4 0 2 1 Blanco cf 3 1 0 0
Norris c 4 0 0 0 Panik 2b 4 1 2 0
Callspo 2b 3 0 0 0 BCrwfr ss 4 1 2 0
Hamml p 1 0 0 0 M.Cain p 3 0 0 0
OFlhrty p 0 0 0 0 Affeldt p 0 0 0 0
Punto ph 1 0 0 0 Romo p 0 0 0 0
Johnsn p 0 0 0 0 Colvin ph 1 0 0 0
Casilla p 0 0 0 0
Totals 31 2 5 2 Totals 34 5 10 3
Oakland 000 101 000 2 5 1
SanFrancisco 011 102 00x 5 10 1
ECespedes (3), M.Cain (2). LOBOakland 5, San
Francisco 8. 2BMorse (22). HRVogt (3), Pence
(12). SBPence (8). CSCrisp (4). SHammel.
Oakland IP H R ER BB SO
Hammel L,0-1 5 6 3 2 3 3
OFlaherty 1 3 2 2 0 2
Ji.Johnson 2 1 0 0 0 1
SanFrancisco IP H R ER BB SO
M.Cain W,2-7 6 5 2 2 2 4
Affeldt H,14 1 0 0 0 0 0
Romo H,1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Casilla S,4 1 0 0 0 0 1
UmpiresHome,Mark Ripperger; First,Adrian Johnson;
Second, Paul Nauert;Third, Angel Hernandez.
T3:02. A41,427 (41,915).
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL


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substitutions by the end of extra time and
Cillessen had to face the shootout. Van Gaal
said he would have made the same keeper swap
if hed had a substitution left.
The young Ajax goalkeeper got a hand to
Rodriguezs decisive powerful shot, but could
only deect it into the roof of the net, and then
collapsed onto his knees and sank onto his
back. Krul walked across the pitch to console
Van Gaal said he even had a hand in
Romeros heroics, having trained him at AZ
Alkmaar in the Dutch league.
Penalties are always a matter of luck, he
said. And I taught Romero how to stop penal-
ties so that hurts.
Many of Argentinas players stripped off
their shirts in the rain at the Itaquerao Stadium
and danced in front of their fans.
Argentina reached its fth nal, and its rst
in 24 years. It won the title in 1978 beat-
ing the Dutch and in 1986. It lost the cham-
pionship matches in 1930 and 1990. It played
West Germany in both the 86 and 90 nals.
The Netherlands, which has never won the
World Cup, was seeking to reach its fourth
The tournaments second seminal had been
billed as a showdown between Messi and
Arjen Robben, but both star dribblers were
subdued. Instead it was mideld controllers
Nigel de Jong and Javier Mascherano who
stood out as both sides defenses marked two
of the World Cups biggest stars out of the
When Robben nally broke free in stop-
page time, Mascheranos perfectly timed slid-
ing tackle blocked his shot at the near post.
De Jong, who recovered from a groin injury
to start, lasted just over an hour before being
replaced by Feyenoord midelder Jordy
Clasie, who made his World Cup debut.
After scoring 10 goals in three group
matches, the Dutch scoring dried up in the
knockout rounds. The team managed two late
strikes against Mexico but failed to nd the
net before eliminating Costa Rica in the quar-
ternal shootout.
The issue in a championship like this one
is that you score one more goal than your
opponent, which we didnt do, Van Gaal said,
We didnt create very much.
Argentina also has found goals hard to come
by in Brazil, not winning any of its matches
by more than a one-goal margin and recording
back-to-back 1-0 wins over Switzerland and
Belgium in the knockout stages.
The two sides attacking impotence was
highlighted by a 73rd-minute free kick by
Messi from the right corner that sailed over
everybody and out of play. Dirk Kuyt followed
suit a minute later by sending a long ball off
the other end of the pitch.
Argentina tried to nish the match in the
second half of extra time, but when the
chances came Rodrigo Palacio headed tamely
at Cillessen and Maxi Rodriguez mishit a vol-
Argentina didnt create very many opportu-
nities, if any, Van Gaal said. So there was a
balance in the match.
Continued from page 11
Netherlands goalkeeper Jasper Cillessen cant stop Maxi Rodriguezs penalty shot as Argentina
advances to the World Cup nal where it will meet Germany Sunday.
By Joseph White
Emmert told a Senate committee Wednesday
he supports scholarships for life and other
reforms in how athletes are treated, then did
such a good job of casting himself as a pow-
erless gurehead that one senator told him:
I cant tell whether youre in charge or
whether youre a minion.
Emmert faced a skeptical Senate
Commerce Committee and said he feels col-
lege sports works extremely well for the
vast majority and the overall current model
of amateurism should be preserved.
But he listed several changes hed like to
see enacted.
In addition to the end of the standard year-
to-year scholarships, he said scholarships
should also cover the full cost of attending
college, not just basics such as room and
He also called for better health, safety and
insurance protocols and said universities
must confront what he called the national
crisis of sexual assault.
Emmert said such changes could come
about if Division I schools decide to remake
their decision-making structure in the com-
ing weeks, giving more authority to the ve
biggest conferences.
He reiterated that the schools themselves
are in charge of the rules and emphasized the
challenge of creating a consensus among
college presidents, coaches and athletic
That led to sharp words from Sen. Claire
McCaskill, who leveled the minion state-
ment and added: If youre merely a mone-
tary pass-through, why should you even
The Missouri Democrat was particularly
concerned with research that showed a sig-
nificant percentage of universities allow
athletic departments to handle sexual assault
investigations of athletes.
Emmert said he was equally surprised and
dismayed by McCaskills numbers and that
he would work to put an end to the apparent
conict of interest.
The hearing comes as the NCAA faces
pressure from multiple fronts to reform how
athletes are treated and compensated.
The organization is awaiting a judges rul-
ing following a three-week trial in Oakland,
California, in which former UCLA basket-
ball star Ed OBannon and others are seek-
ing a share of revenues from the use of their
names, images and likenesses in broadcasts
and videogames.
NCAA head calls for
lifetime scholarships
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
the attack. That verdict was unanimous,
unlike the other two, in which jurors split
over whether the Dodgers or McCourt were
I was so ecstatic because we know our son
and we know that the picture the defense was
trying to portray was not Bryan at all, Ann
Stow said.
The jury delivered its verdict in a Los
Angeles courtroom after weeks of testimony
about the assault after the opening day game
in 2011 between the rival teams.
Stows lawyers claimed the team and its for-
mer owner failed to provide adequate security
at the stadium. The defense countered that
security was stronger than ever at an opening
day contest and Stow was partially to blame
because he was drunk.
The 45-year-old Stow, who was left with
disabling brain damage following the attack
in a stadium parking lot after an opening day
game between the California rivals. Dodger
fans Louie Sanchez and Marvin Norwood
pleaded guilty in the attack after a lengthy
preliminary hearing in which witnesses said
security guards were absent from the parking
lot where Stow was attacked.
Girardi led the lawsuit on behalf of Stow,
seeking $37.5 million for his lifetime care
and compensation for lost earnings. He also
urged jurors to award double that gure for
pain and suffering.
Dana Fox, the lawyer for the Dodgers and
McCourt, argued that they bore no responsi-
bility for the attack. In closing arguments, he
showed jurors enlarged photos of Sanchez and
Norwood and said they were responsible
along with Stow himself.
Fox cited testimony that Stows blood-
alcohol level was .18 percent more than
twice the legal limit for driving and a wit-
ness account of Stow yelling in the parking
lot with his arms up in the air.
There were three parties responsible
Sanchez, Norwood and, unfortunately, Stow
himself. There were things Mr. Stow did that
put these things in action, Fox said.
He added, You dont get yourself this drunk
and then say its not your fault.
Girardi contended the team and McCourt had
failed to provide enough security to keep
Stow and other fans safe at the game.
East Division
W L Pct GB
Baltimore 49 41 .544
Toronto 48 45 .516 2 1/2
New York 46 44 .511 3
Tampa Bay 42 52 .447 9
Boston 40 51 .440 9 1/2
Central Division
W L Pct GB
Detroit 50 37 .575
Kansas City 47 43 .522 4 1/2
Cleveland 44 46 .489 7 1/2
Chicago 44 48 .478 8 1/2
Minnesota 40 49 .449 11
West Division
W L Pct GB
As 57 34 .626
Anaheim 53 37 .589 3 1/2
Seattle 49 42 .538 8
Houston 39 54 .419 19
Texas 38 53 .418 19
Detroit 4, L.A. Dodgers 1
Angels 8,Toronto 7
N.Y.Yankees 5, Cleveland 4, 14 innings
Washington 6, Baltimore 2
Boston 5, Chicago White Sox 4
Kansas City 5,Tampa Bay 4
Houston 8,Texas 4
Minnesota 8, Seattle 1
San Francisco 5, Oakland 2
As (Kazmir 10-3) at S.F. (Hudson 7-5), 12:45 p.m.
Yankees (Phelps 3-4) at Cle. (House 1-2), 4:05 p.m.
Nats (G.Gonzalez 6-4) at Bal.(W.Chen 8-3),4:05 p.m.
Angels (Santiago 0-7) at Texas (Lewis 6-5),5:05 p.m.
Tigers (Smyly 4-8) at K.C. (Guthrie 5-7), 5:10 p.m.
Twins (Pino 0-2) at Sea.(Wilhelmsen 1-1),7:10 p.m.
Chicago White Sox at Cleveland, 4:05 p.m.
N.Y.Yankees at Baltimore, 4:05 p.m.
Toronto at Tampa Bay, 4:10 p.m.
Angels at Texas, 5:05 p.m.
Boston at Houston, 5:10 p.m.
Detroit at Kansas City, 5:10 p.m.
Minnesota at Colorado, 5:40 p.m.
Oakland at Seattle, 7:10 p.m.
East Division
W L Pct GB
Washington 49 40 .551
Atlanta 49 42 .538 1
Miami 44 47 .484 6
New York 42 49 .462 8
Philadelphia 40 51 .440 10
Central Division
W L Pct GB
Milwaukee 52 40 .565
St. Louis 50 42 .543 2
Cincinnati 49 42 .538 2 1/2
Pittsburgh 47 44 .516 4 1/2
Chicago 38 52 .422 13
West Division
W L Pct GB
Giants 50 41 .549
Los Angeles 51 42 .548
San Diego 40 51 .440 10
Colorado 39 53 .424 11 1/2
Arizona 39 54 .419 12
Detroit 4, L.A. Dodgers 1
Colorado 6, San Diego 3
Arizona 4, Miami 3, 10 innings
Washington 6, Baltimore 2
N.Y. Mets 4, Atlanta 1
Cincinnati 4, Chicago Cubs 1
Philadelphia 4, Milwaukee 1
St. Louis 5, Pittsburgh 2
San Francisco 5, Oakland 2
Cubs (Hendricks 0-0) at Cinci (Bailey 8-5), 9:35 a.m.
Phils (Buchanan 4-5) at Mil. (Garza 6-5), 11:10 a.m.
As (Kazmir 10-3) at S.F. (Hudson 7-5), 12:45 p.m.
Nats (Gonzalez 6-4) at Bal. (Chen 8-3), 4:05 p.m.
Braves (Harang 8-6) at NYM (B.Colon 8-7),4:10 p.m.
Bucs (Volquez 7-6) at St.Louis (Miller 7-7),4:15 p.m.
Pads(Despaigne2-0) atL.A.(Kershaw10-2),7:10p.m.
Atlanta at Chicago Cubs, 1:05 p.m.
Washington at Philadelphia, 4:05 p.m.
Miami at N.Y. Mets, 4:10 p.m.
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, 4:10 p.m.
St. Louis at Milwaukee, 5:10 p.m.
Minnesota at Colorado, 5:40 p.m.
San Diego at L.A. Dodgers, 7:10 p.m.
Arizona at San Francisco, 7:15 p.m.
Yankees Tanaka on DL,
will have MRI on right arm
CLEVELAND Yankees rookie
sensation Masahiro Tanaka has
been placed on the 15-day disabled
list due to elbow inammation and
has returned to New York to have an
MRI on his right arm.
Tanaka, who leads the majors with
12 wins, allowed ve runs and 10 hits
both career highs in 6 2-3
innings in a 5-3 loss to the Indians
on Tuesday night. The All-Star is 12-
4 with a 2.51 ERA in 18 starts, but
has lost three of his last four outings.
Tanaka went back to New York for
an MRI, but manager Joe Girardi
said there is no prognosis yet.
Tanaka began the season 11-1
with a 1.99 ERA, but hasnt been as
effective in his last four starts,
going 1-3 with a 4.25 ERA. Hes
allowed eight home runs in his last
ve starts, including two on
Tuesday, a two-run shot in the sixth
to Nick Swisher that put Cleveland
ahead and a solo blast by Michael
Brantley in the seventh.
Tanaka has anchored a shaky
Yankees rotation missing CC
Sabathia and Ivan Nova. Sabathia is
expected to have season-ending
knee surgery and Nova had elbow
surgery in April and wont pitch
again until next season.
Sports brief
man to Pawtucket (IL).Designated C A.J.Pierzynski
for assignment. Recalled RHP Rubby De La Rosa
and C Christian Vazquez from Pawtucket.
Lewicki, Whit Mayberry and Adam Ravenelle on
minor leaguecontracts.Sent OFAndyDirkstoLake-
land (FSL) for a rehab assignment.
NBANamed Pamela El chief marketing ofcer.
BROOKLYN NETS Named Fred Mangione chief
operating ofcer.
Continued from page 11
By Cliff Brunt
EDMOND, Okla. Colin
Montgomerie has been impressed
with Bernhard Langers success.
The 56-year-old has three victories
this season and won the most recent
event, the Senior Players
He has every-
ones attention
as he heads into
the U.S. Senior
Open at Oak Tree
National, start-
ing Thursday.
Hes as good
as the German
football team
are, which is
ridiculously good, Montgomerie
said of the team that advanced to the
World Cup championship match after
a 7-1 rout of Brazil.
Langer also has three runner-up n-
ishes and 11 top 10s in 12 events. He
has 2,362 points in the race for the
Charles Schwab Cup; the second-
place golfer, Jay Haas, is 882 points
Langer is playing some of the best
golf of his career.
Well, the whole game has been
pretty solid, Langer said. Im hit-
ting it pretty decent from tee to green
and the putter is maybe a little bit
better this year, just a fraction, than
in previous years. It shows in the
This is the rst Senior Open to be
held at Oak Tree, but not the rst sig-
nicant event. Jeff Sluman won the
1988 PGA Championship at the
course and Haas won the 2006 Senior
Langer said Oak Tree is a good and
difcult course.
I would think its the hardest
course I have ever played, or one of
the hardest courses, the way its set
up right now, he said. Its just
extremely demanding. And if the
wind blows on top of that, its going
to make it even harder.
Langer will have competition.
Kenny Perry, the defending U.S.
Senior Open champion, has won
three of the previous six senior major
championships. Those victories
give him condence heading into the
Senior Open.
I look forward to the major tour-
naments now because I can be a little
more aggressive, he said. I feel like
Im a lot more competitive and I have
a lot more condence. When I come
in each week, Im expecting to win. I
may not win and I may not even
make the cut, I dont know, but I feel
good mentally as I approach these
Scott Verplank turned 50 on
Wednesday, reaching the age require-
ment by one day. The Edmond,
Oklahoma, resident has nished in
the top 10 in every major profes-
sional championship event. Though
he has the advantage of playing this
event on his home course and he will
be the youngest in the eld, he does-
nt expect an easy time.
These guys can still at-out play,
Verplank said. Im not going to able
to just roll out of bed and show up on
the rst tee and expect to beat every-
body. Im going to have to play at a
very high level to compete.
Vijay Singh will make his second
start on the Champions Tour. The 51-
year-old previously played in the
2013 Pacic Links Hawaii
Championship, where he tied for
sixth. He won 34 PGA Tour events,
including three majors.
Other former champions in the
eld include Olin Browne (2011),
Brad Bryant (2007), Roger Chapman
(2012), Dave Eichelberger (1999),
Fred Funk (2009), Hale Irwin (1998,
2000), Peter Jacobsen (2004) Larry
Laoretti (1992) and Perry (2013).
Langer favored heading into Senior Open
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
CA# B-869287
By Lee Reich
Popeye aint the only bloke whos gotta
have spinach. Some gardeners also crave it,
freshly picked.
This isnt spinach season, though.
Spinach is sensitive to cycles of night and
day, and summers short nights induce the
plants to send up ower stalks, set seed and
then die, instead of growing the succulent,
broad leaves they do in spring and fall. Hot
weather also plays a role in inducing ower
Any gardener claiming to be harvesting
spinach right now either lives in the trop-
ics, where nights are never less than 12
hours long, or south of the equator. I guess if
you lived in more northern climes and really
loved spinach, you could cover the plants
for a period each evening or morning, giv-
ing them more darkness during the two
weeks when there are 10 hours or less of it
Spinich kin
Covering plants or moving far south
seems to be more trouble than spinach justi-
es, especially when you could just plant a
spinach substitute instead. These ersatz
spinaches all bear well despite the heat and
long days of summer.
Some are actually close relatives of the
real thing. A familiar one perhaps too
familiar is redroot pigweed (Amaranthus
retroexus). Youre probably already grow-
ing this spinach and yanking it out, for it
is a common garden weed. For best eating,
harvest the leaves while the plants are still
Redroot pigweed is but one of many ama-
ranths; others, such as Jacobs coat, are
grown as ornamentals or for their nutritious
seeds. Amaranths weedy nature is a plus
when you grow them either for food or for
ornament; their unique metabolism lets
them thrive while most other plants are
gasping in summer heat and dryness.
Lambs quarters (Chenopodium alba) is
another spinach or weed, depending on
your perspective and taste buds. You should
be able to nd it in your garden now. Its
sometimes called goosefoot, for the leaves
resemblance to the foot of a goose.
Another spinach relative common in gar-
dens is Swiss chard. Chard is among the few
greens which include kale, collards and
another spinach soon to be mentioned
that thrives in cool as well as warm weather.
Sow chard seeds in early spring and start
picking the outer leaves as soon as they are
large enough to eat. Young ones keep grow-
ing from the center of the plant, which
keeps bearing on into fall, often surviving
even very cold winters. Winter survival
makes for some fresh leaves in spring, but
then the plants send up flower stalks
induced, in this case, by cold weather rather
than short nights.
Not kin, but spinachy
Not even distantly related to spinach but
with spinach in their names are Malabar
spinach (Basella rubra) and New Zealand
spinach (Tetragonia tetragonioides). Sow
Malabar spinach seeds indoors a few weeks
before the last spring frost, and New Zealand
spinach, which thrives in cool as well as hot
weather, outdoors as soon as the soil thaws
in spring. Dont get impatient waiting for
New Zealand spinach seeds to germinate, for
they are slow and erratic in doing so.
In its native tropical haunts, Malabar
spinach is a perennial vine that clambers up
to 30 feet in height; in northern gardens,
grow it as an annual reaching 4 to 6 feet.
Giving it a trellis keeps the leaves off the
ground and free of dirt, and makes a decora-
tive, edible screen. Especially decorative,
with purple stems and dark green leaves, is
the variety Rubra.
In contrast to Malabar spinach, New
Zealand spinach stays earthbound, sending
up just a short upright shoot from whose
base sprawls ground-hugging shoots.
Unrestrained, a single plant might gobble
up a square yard of ground.
Pluck off the eshy, round, young Malabar
spinach leaves or the shoot tips and leaves
of New Zealand spinach whenever the urge
for spinach strikes you. New Zealand
spinach is good raw in salads, as well as
If only Popeye could stay ashore long
enough to plant a garden, he wouldnt have
to settle for that canned spinach.
Tricks for growing spinach in the summer
Short summer nights are not conducive to spinach, which will cause the plants to release
seeds and die instead of developing edible leaves.
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
ON CALL 24/7
By Sarah Wolfe
Homegrown botanical dyes are in, part of
todays shift toward more natural and organic
And you dont need a degree in chemistry to
create your own hues for scarves, sweaters or
even Easter eggs.
All it takes is a garden plot or a few pots and a
If youre already gardening or already even
have a landscape, you can look out your window
and you can use the things that are there, that
youre already growing, for a dyers garden,
says Chris McLaughlin, a gardener in
Placerville, California, and author of the new
book AGarden to Dye For: How to Use Plants
from the Garden to Create Natural Colors for
Fabrics and Fibers (St. Lynns Press).
Where to start?
If youre planting a new dye garden,
McLaughlins book contains several different
garden plans. An edible dye garden, for exam-
ple, might be best if you have limited space and
cant justify giving up square footage for any-
thing other than fruits and veggies. Suggested
plants include carrots, bee balm, rosemary, pur-
ple basil, red onions, chamomile, beets, blue-
berries, red cabbage and marjoram.
Acutting dye garden features owers that can
be cut for indoor display or tossed in the dye
pot. McLaughlin recommends roses, holly-
hocks, dahlias, rudbeckia, purple coneowers,
zinnias and cosmos.
Of course, you can always mix veggies and
owers, or plant a few items in containers.
And if youre already gardening, chances are
you have some of these plants and owers in
your backyard.
Even a typical suburban landscape that was
planted by the housing developer might have
birch, juniper, roses, Japanese maple or euca-
lyptus, McLaughlin says.
For beginners, French marigolds and onions
(red or yellow) are easy to grow and produce
vivid colors for dyes, according to Julie Jensen,
farmer and founder of Echoview Farm and Fiber
Mill near Asheville, North Carolina.
Which plants for which colors?
Appearance isnt everything. The vibrant
pink owers of the peony, for example, result in
a pale lime green when used for dye, according
to Howard Freilich, founder of the New York-
based landscaping service Blondies Treehouse.
Heres a list of his favorite sources for various
Beets (roots) - deep red
Rose (hips) - red
Lilac (twigs) - yellow/orange
Golden Rod (owers) - yellow
Coneower (owers) - brownish green;
(leaves and stems) - gold
Ivy (twigs) - yellow/brown
Onion (skin) - orange
Carrot (roots) - orange
Foxglove (owers) - apple green
Peppermint (leaves) - dark khaki green
Peony (owers) - pale lime green
Hyacinth (owers) - blue
Purple Iris (owers) - blue
Hibiscus (owers, dark red or purple) - red-pur-
Oregano (dried stalk) - deep brown/black
Iris (roots) - black
Growing tips
Adye garden doesnt require any more work
than a typical garden. But Freilich notes that
dye content in plants is signicantly inuenced
by temperature, humidity and sun exposure.
So you want to make sure that the plant is
growing in its ideal condition, he says.
McLaughlin recommends leaving at least 4
feet of space around the beds to make it easier to
harvest and tend to the plants and owers. That
leaves room for wheelbarrows and other equip-
Harvesting tips
Blossoms should be in full bloom, and
berries and nuts ripe when harvesting plants for
dyes, according to Freilich.
As for roots, the dye content increases as the
plant ages. However, most of the plants that
contain dyes in their roots are perennials, and
will take two to three years to develop enough
dye for harvesting, he says.
If picking an entire plant or leaves, do so at
the end of their growing season so the dye con-
tent is at its peak.
In search of natural hues? A garden to dye for
Beets would be a given to produce a dark red dye, but not is always as it seems. The pink
peony, for example, produces a pale lime green dye.
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
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Diana Marszalek
Alyssa Kimble, a soon-to-be fourth-grad-
er in White Plains, New York, says she uses
the desk in her bedroom for everything
creating lesson plans for her make-believe
school, writing stories and storing stuff.
Everything, that is, except homework.
Usually, my desk is covered with things,
a computer isnt nearby and my mom isnt
there to help me, Alyssa says.
So she prefers doing homework at the
kitchen table.
Although bedroom desks remain com-
mon, many kids dont use them for their
intended purpose. Thanks to laptop comput-
ers and more casual living spaces, they
often opt to do homework in kitchens and
family rooms, on couches or on beds, turn-
ing their desks into depositories for books,
toys and crafts.
What that means for study habits depends
on whos doing the work, educators and par-
ents say.
I could always get my homework done
wherever I was. But some kids, especially if
they have ADHD or another disability, can
benet from doing homework at a specied
location like a desk because it tells them,
This is the spot where I focus, says Ellen
Pape, a La Grange, Illinois, school reading
Separating it from other locations gives
kids more of a straightforward denition of
expectations, she says.
Melissa Kaufman of Santa Clara,
California, says that where her daughters
Rebekah, 14, and Sarah, 11 do their
homework reects their different needs and
study habits.
Kaufman bought Rebekah a desk several
years ago because letting her work at the
kitchen table in their small house became
too hard on the rest of the family. It meant
nobody could do anything in the kitchen or
living room until homework was done
because it would be distracting, she says.
But having a nice big desk surface did
little to change that. I dont think she did
her homework at her desk more than once,
Kaufman says. Initially, Rebekah resisted
being isolated from the rest of the family.
And although today Rebekah does do home-
work in her room, it is usually on her bed.
The desk is where she puts the four outt s
she tried on earlier that day and rejected.
But Kaufman says she doesnt ght it.
She has still managed to get excellent
grades, despite what I would consider less
than stellar study habits and environment,
so we have to let her go with what she is
comfortable with, she says.
Sarah, on the other hand, needs much
more help and encouragement to get her
homework done, so doing it in isolation in
her room is not really an option mean-
ing shes back at the kitchen table, Kaufman
Bedroom desk?
Its somewhere
under all the junk
See DESKS, Page 19
GOP demands for him to visit the U.S.-
Mexican border calls the White House con-
tinued to reject.
Obama met late Wednesday at a Dallas air-
port with Perry and other local leaders to dis-
cuss the immigration crisis. An Obama critic,
Perry has blamed Obamas immigration poli-
cies for spurring the inux of unaccompanied
youth over the border, and his calls for Obama
to visit the border during his Texas trip have
gone unanswered.
But Obama called the meeting productive
and said he didnt disagree philosophically
with any of Perrys suggestions. In addition to
National Guard troops, Obama said Perry had
requested a repositioning of border patrol
agents and policy changes to make it easier to
deport children from Central American coun-
tries found to have no legal basis for entering
the country.
He said he was happy to consider the
National Guard request, arguing that many of
the other ideas hes hearing from Republicans
are actually included in the emergency request
he so direly wants Congress to approve. He
called on Perry to help persuade fellow
Republicans to go along.
The only question at this point is why
wouldnt the Texas delegation, or any of the
other Republicans who are concerned about
this, not want to put this on the fast track?
Obama said.
Yet Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who has
supported Obamas stalled quest to remake the
nations immigration laws, said earlier he
could not support the presidents spending
I cannot vote for a provision which will
then just perpetuate an unacceptable humani-
tarian crisis thats taking place on our south-
ern border, McCain said on the Senate oor,
where he was joined by fellow Arizonan Jeff
Flake and Texas Republicans John Cornyn and
Ted Cruz. They took take turns blaming
Obamas policies for causing the border situa-
tion, contending that his efforts to relax some
deportations have contributed to rumors circu-
lating in Central America that once here,
migrant kids will be allowed to stay.
Amnesty is unfolding before our very
eyes, Cruz said.
In the House, Speaker John Boehner was
noncommittal about bringing the spending
measure to a vote.
If we dont secure the border, nothings
going to change. And if you look at the presi-
dents request, its all more about continuing
to deal with the problem, Boehner told
Meanwhile immigration advocacy groups
attacked the spending request from the left,
saying it was overly focused on enforcement.
Agroup of civil liberties organizations led a
lawsuit in Seattle against the Obama adminis-
tration, arguing that the federal government is
failing to provide the minors with legal repre-
The head of U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Gil Kerlikowske, told senators in
Washington on Wednesday that the number of
unaccompanied minors picked up since
October now stands at 57,000, up from
52,000 in mid-June, and more than double
what it was at the same time last year. Theyre
coming mostly from El Salvador, Honduras
and Guatemala, often eeing gang violence.
The situation, Kerlikowske said, is difcult
and distressing on a lot of levels.
We have not been what I would say suc-
cessful yet in ensuring that the unaccompa-
nied kids are processed by the Border Patrol as
quickly as required, said Federal Emergency
Management Agency Administrator Craig
Fugate as he testied alongside Kerlikowske
before the Senate Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Committee.
The children continue to come across the
border. Its a very uid situation, Fugate said.
Although we have made progress, that
progress is oftentimes disrupted when we see
sudden inuxes of kids coming in faster than
we can discharge them, and we back up.
Juan Osuna, director of the executive ofce
of immigration review at the Department of
Justice, said that we are facing the largest
caseload that the agency has ever seen.
Osuna said that deportation cases involving
families and unaccompanied children would be
moved to the top of court dockets. That means
lower priority cases will take even longer to
wend through a system where theres a back-
log of more than 360,000 pending deporta-
tion cases.
Obamas emergency spending request would
add more judges, increase detention facilities,
help care for the kids and pay for programs in
Central America to try to keep them from com-
McCain and other Republicans dismissed
those measures as inadequate, saying the only
way to stem the tide would be to deport the
kids more rapidly.
They will do nothing ... nothing that
planeloads upon planeloads of children would
do, said Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.
The Obama administration says it wants
more exibility to turn the children around
more quickly, since current law requires
minors from countries other than Mexico or
Canada to go through the court system in what
is often a lengthy process. But immigrant
advocates and some Democrats are balking at
that idea, arguing that it would jeopardize the
childrens legal protections and put them at
Continued from page 1
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
said. Sarahs desk has suffered a fate similar
to her sisters; its covered with piles of
books, art supplies and knickknacks.
Tami Mount, a New York-area educational
consultant, says its important for children
to have a quiet, dedicated workspace, but it
doesnt matter where that is.
All the tools they need to do their home-
work, like scissors, rulers, erasers and pen-
cils, should be organized in a place they can
be easily retrieved. You dont want to spend
15 minutes looking for tape, she says.
But some kids work better in an environ-
ment where there is, say, music playing or a
parent nearby, than isolated at a desk,
Mount says.A quiet desk, a busy kitchen,
Starbucks or the living room oor. Like
adults, kids nd a place that is comfortable
and productive, she says. And if the liv-
ing room oor is not proving productive,
try something else.
Continued from page 18
By Frank Jordans
BERLIN German authorities are investi-
gating a second spy case reportedly involv-
ing the United States, a week after the arrest
of a German intelligence employee cast a
new shadow over relations between the two
Federal prosecutors said Wednesday that
police raided properties in the Berlin area on
initial suspicion of activity for an intelli-
gence agency. They did not elaborate or
specify what intelligence agency was
involved, but said they had not made an
We have investigations in two cases of
suspected espionage, a very serious suspi-
cion, government spokesman Steffen
Seibert later told reporters in Berlin. He
declined to provide further details, citing the
ongoing investigations.
The daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported,
without naming sources, that the man being
investigated worked at Germanys Defense
Ministry and is suspected of spying for the
U.S. News website Spiegel Online reported,
also without naming sources, that the man
worked in a department dealing with interna-
tional security policy and had aroused the
suspicion of Germanys military counter-
intelligence agency because of his close
contacts to alleged U.S. spies.
Defense Ministry spokesman Lt. Col. Uwe
Roth declined to conrm the reports, but said
the case fell into the ministrys area of
responsibility and that Defense Minister
Ursula von der Leyen had been informed.
State Department ofcials traveling with
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Beijing
had no immediate comment. The White
House also decided to comment, although
press secretary Josh Earnest reiterated that
the U.S. appreciates its important partner-
ship with German national security of-
cials. He said diplomats from the two coun-
tries were working to resolve circumstances
surrounding the reports.
Last week, a 31-year-old German intelli-
gence employee was arrested on suspicion of
spying for foreign powers since 2012.
German media have reported that he spied for
the United States and came to authorities
attention when he recently offered his serv-
ices to Russian ofcials in Germany by
The case has frayed relations between
Berlin and Washington, which were already
strained by reports last year that the National
Security Agency had targeted Chancellor
Angela Merkels cellphone and conducted
mass surveillance of Internet traffic in
Germany. Those allegations have resulted in
a criminal investigation and the creation of a
parliamentary panel tasked with probing the
NSAs activities in Germany.
The U.S. ambassador to Berlin was sum-
moned to the Foreign Ministry on Friday
after news of the rst case broke.
Ambassador John B. Emerson was at the
ministry again Wednesday for a meeting with
a senior official, Foreign Ministry
spokesman Martin Schaefer said. U.S.
Embassy spokesman Peter Claussen said the
meeting had been arranged on Tuesday at the
embassys request.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter
Steinmeier said he was at a loss to understand
why the U.S. would spy on his country.
We speak to each other all the time, and
nobody keeps their views secret, he said in
an interview published Wednesday by the
Saarbruecker Zeitung. The attempt to use
conspiratorial methods to nd out about
Germanys position isnt just unseemly, its
Germans probe another spy
case reportedly involving U.S.
JERUSALEM Israel stepped up its offen-
sive on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip on
Wednesday, pummeling scores of targets and
killing at least 22 people as Israeli leaders sig-
naled a weeks-long ground invasion could be
quickly approaching.
The military said it struck about 200 Hamas
targets on the second day of its offensive, which
it says is needed to end incessant rocket attacks
out of Gaza. Militants, however, continued to
re rocket salvos deep into Israeli territory, and
Israel mobilized thousands of forces along the
Gaza border ahead of a possible ground opera-
The army is ready for all possibilities,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said after
holding a meeting of his Security Cabinet.
Hamas will pay a heavy price for ring toward
Israeli citizens. The security of Israels citizens
comes rst. The operation will expand and con-
tinue until the re toward our towns stops and
quiet returns.
The ghting stepped up as Egypt, which
often serves as a mediator between Israel and the
Palestinians, said it was in contact with both
sides to end the violence. It was the rst indica-
tion since the offensive was launched on
Tuesday that cease-re efforts might be under
The offensive has set off the heaviest ghting
between Israel and the Islamic militant group
Hamas since an eight-day battle in November
2012. As the death toll continued to rise,
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused
Israel of committing genocide.
Israeli leaders warned a ground invasion could
be imminent.
Despite the fact it will be hard, complicated
and costly, we will have to take over Gaza tem-
porarily, for a few weeks, to cut off the strength-
ening of this terror army, Yuval Steinitz,
Israels intelligence minister, told Israel Radio.
If you ask my humble opinion, a signicant
operation like this is approaching.
The government has authorized the army to
activate up to 40,000 reservists for a ground
operation. An Israeli government ofcial,
speaking on condition of anonymity because
he was discussing Israeli tactical strategy, said
the reservists would be sent to the West Bank to
allow active duty troops to amass near the Gaza
Despite the tough threats, Israeli security of-
cials are still hesitant about ordering a ground
invasion due to the many risks. Entering Gaza
could lead to heavy civilian casualties on the
Palestinian side while putting Israeli ground
forces in danger.
It remains unclear whether the international
community would support such an operation, or
how Israel would end it. Ofcials have little
desire to retake control of Gaza, a densely popu-
lated territory of 1.8 million people from which
Israel withdrew in 2005.
Israel hits key Hamas targets
Fifty bodies found in Iraq,
raising sectarian worries
BAGHDAD Iraqi ofcials discovered 50
bodies, many of them blindfolded and with
their hands bound, in an agricultural area out-
side a city south of Baghdad on Wednesday,
raising concerns over a possible sectarian
killing amid the battle against a Sunni insur-
The lightning sweep by the militants over
much of northern and western Iraq the past
month has dramatically hiked tensions
between the countrys Shiite majority and
Sunni minority. The bodies, all of them with
gunshot wounds, were found in the predomi-
nantly Shiite village of Khamissiya outside
the city of Hillah, located some 95 kilometers
(60 miles) south of Baghdad, said military
spokesman Brig. Gen. Saad Maan Ibrahim. He
said an investigation was underway to deter-
mine the identities of the dead as well as the
circumstances of the killings.
World in brief
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
Physics with Mark. 2 p.m. San Mateo
Main Public Library, 55 W. Third Ave.,
San Mateo. Part of the librarys Paws
to Read summer program for chil-
dren. For more information call 522-
San Mateo Central Park Music
Series: California Cowboys. 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. Central Park on East Fifth
Avenue, San Mateo. Free. Continues
every Thursday evening until Aug. 14.
For more information go to
Bay Area Street Art with Author
Steve Rotman. 6 p.m. South San
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Orange
Ave., South San Francisco. Free. For
more information call 829-3867.
Kick-Starting Change with
Innovative Bike and Pedestrian
Solutions, Presented by Paul
Zykofsky from the Local
Government Commission. 6 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. Heros City, Draper
University, 55 E. Third Ave., San Mateo.
Free. For more information go to
Theatre/S.F. Mime Troupe 55th
Summer Season Announcement.
6:30 p.m. Mitchell Park, 600 E.
Meadow Drive, Palo Alto. For more
information email lhelman@sbcglob-
Public Meeting. 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Montara Room, Oceano Hotel, 280
Capistrano Road, Half Moon Bay. The
meeting concerns the San Mateo
Harbor District Strategic Business
Plan. Free. For more information call
Movies on the square, E.T. 8:45 p.m.
Courthouse Square, 2200 Broadway,
Redwood City. Free. For more infor-
mation call 787-7311.
Summer Socials: Ballroom Dance
Party! Dance Vita Ballroom, 85 W. 43
Ave., San Mateo. $15. For more infor-
mation call 571-0836.
Twentieth Century History and
Music Class. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. San
Bruno Senior Center, 1555 Crystal
Springs Road, San Bruno. $2 drop-in
fee. For more information call 616-
Start and Grow Smart Workshop:
Starting a Business. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Silicon Valley Community
Foundation, 1300 S. El Camino Real,
San Mateo. $25 for those unem-
ployed, $60 for employed. To register
go to www.phase2careers.org. For
more information email Ron Visconti
at ronvisconti@sbcglobal.net.
Midsummer Family Bingo. 2 p.m.
Burlingame Public Library, 480
Primrose, Burlingame. Free. For more
information contact John Piche at
Jewelry on the Square with
Caravanserai Santana Tribute. 5
p.m to 8:30 p.m., Courthouse Square,
2200 Broadway, Redwood City. Free.
For more information call 780-7311.
Opening Reception of the
Members Exhibit. 5:30 p.m. to 8
p.m. 668 Ramona Street, Palo Alto.
Free. For more information email
San Carlos Music in the Park. 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. Burton Park, San Carlos. For
more information call 802-4382. Free.
Every Friday until August 15.
Music on the Square, Caravanserai-
Santana Tribute. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
Courthouse Square, 2200 Broadway,
Redwood City. Free. For more infor-
mation call 780-7311.
Sanchez Art Center Opening. 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m. Sanchez Art Center, 1220
Linda Mar Blvd., Pacica. Continues
through Aug. 10. Gallery hours are
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from
1p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information
go to sanchezartcenter.org.
Dragon Theater Presents Take Me
Out. 8 p.m. Dragon Theatre, 2120
Broadway, Redwood City. $15. Fridays
and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and
Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. Runs
through July 20. For more informa-
tion go to
dr agonpr oduc t i ons . net / box-
Stanford Jazz Festival: Dexterity:
Larry Vuckovich plays the Music of
Dexter Gordon. 8 p.m to 9:30 p.m.
Campbell Recital Hall, 541 Lasuen
Mall, Stanford. Ticket are $15 and $35
general admission and can be pur-
chased at
www.stanfordjazztickets.org or by
calling 725-2787. For more informa-
tion call 725-2787.
Free Movie Night Frozen. 8:30
p.m. Central Park, Millbrae. Bring blan-
kets and/or chairs for seating. Free.
For more information call 259-2360.
Free Movie Night at Devils Canyon
Brewery. 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. 935
Washington Street, San Carlos. Food
truck will be on-site and bring your
favorite chair or inatable couch. For
more information contact
Bike 4 Breath. Coyote Point Park,
1961 Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo.
Cyclists raise funds for asthma educa-
tion, lung disease research and clean
air advocacy. Finish Festival complete
with lunch, music, games and mas-
sages. For more information contact
Tree Walk at Sequoia High School.
9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Enter on Brewster
Ave. Wear comfortable walking
shoes. Suggested donation of $10.
For more information call 815-8520.
Walk with a Doc in Millbrae. 10 a.m.
to 11 a.m. Millbrae Spur Trail, Millbrae
Ave. near S. Magnolia Drive, Millbrae.
Enjoy a stroll with physician volun-
teers who can answer your health-
related questions along the way. Free.
For more information contact
Stanford Jazz Festival: Dexterity:
Early Bird Jazz for Kids with Jim
Nadel and the Zookeepers. 10 a.m.
Dinkelspiel Auditorium, 471 Lagunita
Dr., Stanford. Ticket are $10 if bought
in advance, $15 at the door, and free
for children under 17 and can be pur-
chased at
www.stanfordjazztickets.org or by
calling 725-2787. For more informa-
tion call 725-2787.
Prairie Rose Band Performance. 11
a.m. Menlo Park City Council
Chambers, 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park.
Free. For more information go to
Collages. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Menlo Park
Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park. Get
a head start on your summer reading
collage by attending Betsy Halabys
Collage Workshop sessions. No regis-
tration required. Free. For more infor-
mation go to
Block party at Ronald McDonald
House at Stanford. 2 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. Ronald McDonald House at
Stanford, 520 Sand Hill Road, Palo
Alto. Fun for the whole family. Free
and open to the public. For more
information call 470-6000 or go to
Dragon Theater Presents Take Me
Out 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Dragon
Theatre, 2120 Broadway, Redwood
City. $15. For more information go to
dr agonpr oduc t i ons . net / box-
Classical Series 2014 - USAF Travis
Brass. 6 p.m. Courthouse Square,
2200 Broadway, Redwood City. Free.
For more information call 780-7311.
Stanford Jazz Festival: Arturo
Sandoval. 8 p.m to 9:30 p.m.
Dinkelspiel Auditorium, 471 Lagunita
Dr., Stanford. Ticket prices vary and
can be purchased at www.stanford-
jazztickets.org or by calling 725-2787.
For more information call 725-2787.
The China Cats Grateful Dead
Tribute Band. 8 p.m. Club Fox, 2209
Broadway, Redwood City. Doors open
at 7 p.m. $10. For more information
go to www.facebook.com/thechi-
Kidchella. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Courthouse Square, 2200 Broadway,
Redwood City. Free. For more infor-
mation call 780-7311.
Concerts in the Park. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Twin Pines Meadow, Belmont. Free.
For more information call Andrea De
Lara at 637-2976.
Free LEGO Minifigure Trading
Event. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Classic Toy
Museum, 214 California Drive,
Burlingame. Free. For more informa-
tion call 347-2302.
Dragon Theater Presents Take Me
Out 2 p.m. Dragon Theatre, 2120
Broadway, Redwood City. $15. For
more information go to dragonpro-
Encore Chamber Players. 3 p.m.
First Congregational Church of Palo
Alto, 1985 Louis Road, Palo Alto. Gala
concert featuring the music of Faure
and Shostakovich. $15 general/$10
students & seniors. For more informa-
tion contact mibdavis@gmail.com.
Classical Series 2014- Opera San
Jose. 6 p.m. Courthouse Square, 2200
Broadway, Redwood City. Free. For
more information call 780-7311.
TV Studio Production Summer
Camp. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Media
Center, 900 San Antonio Road, Palo
Alto. Camp continues through July
18. For more information and to reg-
ister call 494-8686.
At the meeting, the City Council
voted to give an additional subsidy of
$32,000 for the pool, which the
Burlingame Aquatic Club, BAC, oper-
ates. Under a 1999 agreement, the dis-
trict allows the city to use the pool to
provide community recreation. This,
councilmembers said, was a result of
poor maintenance. The city also issued
a $136,330 subsidy to the BAC for
2014-15. The crux of the issue with the
pool recently, and $32,000 cost, was
heaters that had gone out on the pool.
The heater replacement occurred in
February 2013, with the district
installing state-of-the-art, energy-ef-
cient Lochinvar heaters, which have a
10-year limited warranty, the release
If the City Council is disappointed
by the ongoing need to annually sub-
sidize the BAC, the City Council needs
to reconsider its arrangement with the
BAC and implement better and
stronger oversight of the BAC,
according to the statement.
Others disagree.
They (the district) lost a lot of rev-
enue because the heater was not work-
ing correctly, said Councilman
Ricardo Ortiz. Its a big messy issue.
Weve been trying to hash this out
for a few years now.
The citys entity, BAC, is the group
thats not keeping up with its mainte-
nance duties, according to the district
press release. The district informed the
city last year that the BAC was not
keeping the pool and deck clean and
the district intended to take back those
tasks, according to the statement.
The city requested that the district
give the BAC additional time to
improve, it states. Over the past
year, the standards of cleanliness have
continued to decline. Daily and weekly
duties, paid for by the district, are not
getting done. As a result, the city was
advised on June 12 that the district will
assume full maintenance responsibili-
ty of the pool and deck area beginning
Aug. 1. This will improve the overall
appearance and safety of the pool and
deck area for community users.
The districts use of the pool is min-
imal, with it using the pool about 10
percent of the time, according to an
independent audit by the district.
McManus notes the school district
doesnt even use the pool in December,
January, June and July, meaning the
majority of the time, the citys BAC
uses the 15-year-old pool.
The money comes to the school dis-
trict to educate our students,
McManus said. We arent in the posi-
tion to subsidize a private swim club.
The bottom line is during the hours of
operation the Burlingame Aquatic
Center has very little downtime on
that pool.
The city and district have been try-
ing to work through all the issues and
challenges of maintaining a pool, said
City Manager Lisa Goldman. Right
now, the city and district divide capital
costs 50/50 and the city pays 70 per-
cent of maintenance costs.
The city, once upon a time, was in
charge of the maintenance, she said.
Were constantly trying to gure out
the right way to maintain the pool. Its
a large pool that needs a lot of TLC and
it should be some split of the costs of
operations and replacing capital.
Meanwhile, Mayor Michael
Brownrigg doesnt see the districts
decision to send out a press release
about the issue as appropriate.
We were commenting on an agen-
dized item, he said. I dont believe
its fruitful to conduct a conversation
this important through press releases
and the media. I look forward to work-
ing with the school district on this and
other important issues.
Parks and Recreation Director
Margaret Glomstad also noted that that
particular pool is a very busy one and
the city is trying to work through the
maintenance challenges.
The district and city have been meet-
ing both formally and informally for a
year and half to try to resolve conicts
regarding pool payments.
Councilmembers like Vice Mayor
Terry Nagel do think the district isnt
doing its job.
Were not given any credit for the
two million plus dollars the city has
contributed to that project, she said.
They (the district) seem to keep nick-
el-and-diming us to pay for more costs
and theyre not keeping up with main-
tenance. I hope we can negotiate an
agreement that works for both sides.
There are others issues associated
with the city using the pool a substan-
tial amount more than the district,
according to the district statement. A
term in the 1999 agreement requires
that the maintenance and operation
expenses for the districts and the
citys use of the pool be allocated
based on the hours of use. An audit
showed that the district has been sub-
sidizing the citys use of the pool by
not passing on the citys electrical
usage. For this reason, the district
notied the citys Parks and Recreation
Department in September 2013 it
would be installing an electrical meter
at the pool so that electrical usage
could be accurately calculated and allo-
cated between the district and city,
according to the district.
The Burlingame High School pool
is a district asset and the district will
continue to act as a careful steward of
this asset, according to the state-
ment. Certain councilmembers may
consider this a trivial matter, but the
district does not. Under the 1999
agreement, the city is required to pay
its fair share for use and maintenance
of the pool, and the district will con-
tinue to ensure it does.
Continued from page 1
45 days where they cannot sell alco-
hol, in addition the store is on proba-
tion for the next two years and if any
similar violations occur, the depart-
ment has the authority to revoke the
license, Carr said. This is a stiff
The latest violation took place on
May 25, 2013 during a routine compli-
ance check a minor decoy operation.
The sales of alcohol cannot occur for
the 45-day period, however, the store
may stay open to sell other non-alco-
hol items such as groceries, food, soda
and other products, according to Carr.
ABC must write up a report and for-
mally accuse a licensee of violating
alcoholic beverage laws, Carr said. The
licensee can then challenge ABCs
information and hire legal representa-
tion. This case did not go to a hearing,
the owners agreed to a 45-day suspen-
sion and two years probation prior to a
public hearing, he added.
There is due process, Carr said.
Lucky said its worked very closely
with ABC authorities to ensure it com-
plies with the 45-day suspension, said
Public Affairs Director Alicia
Rockwell. Store management is work-
ing closely with the corporate compli-
ance team to step up our internal
checks and provide ongoing training
with front-end employees, she said.
Our company has a very aggressive
training program around
alcohol/tobacco compliance, she
wrote in an email. Store management
took immediate action in conducting
additional one-on-one refresher train-
ing with each team member at this
store location. We take this very seri-
ously and will continue to be vigilant
in our compliance.
Each year ABC cites more than a
thousand locations in California for
selling alcohol to minors. Some busi-
nesses are small, some might be per-
ceived as large. ABC doesnt track the
size of the businesses, Carr said.
(650) 344-5200 ext. 105
Continued from page 1
Want More Fun
and Games?
Jumble Page 2 La Times Crossword Puzzle Classieds
Tundra & Over the Hedge Comics Classieds
Boggle Puzzle Everyday in DateBook

Each row and each column must contain the
numbers 1 through 6 without repeating.

The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes,
called cages, must combine using the given operation
(in any order) to produce the target numbers in the
top-left corners.

Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
the top-left corner.

f N
, L
. A
ll r
t. b
l U
, In
. w
1 Examine the books
6 Dull surface
11 Purposeful gait
12 Obi go-with
13 Tacked up
14 Spews lava
15 Pile up
16 Boyle and Kyser
17 Village
19 Barely manages
23 Opponent
26 Forget it! (hyph.)
28 Goalies milieu
29 He knows his eld
31 Radiant
33 In crowd
34 Suit fabrics
35 Paul Ankas Beso
36 Curly cabbage
39 Science Guy Bill
40 Ms. Horne
42 Penny
44 She loved Narcissus
46 Yard tools
51 Cuddle
54 Pre-cable hookup
55 Bullrings
56 Hardly airtight
57 Joyous outburst
58 Shoulder muscles
1 Protons home
2 Bear constellation
3 Morse clicks
4 That is, in Latin (2 wds.)
5 Koppel or Knight
6 Like a swamp
7 Put on a show
8 Go one better
9 Tunnel blaster
10 Goddess of dawn
11 Luxury resort
12 Reeves of Speed
16 Elec. unit
18 Not just my
20 Skier Jean-Claude
21 Paris school
22 Replaces a button
23 Bogus
24 Hunter constellation
25 Rescue squad mem.
27 Left, to a mule
29 Touch
30 Mouse alert
32 Martin base
34 Wallet ller
37 Aspirin targets
38 Writer Tolstoy
41 Hartford competitor
43 Yonder
45 Large family
47 hygiene
48 Recipe direction
49 Gourmandizes
50 Foxy
51 Forty winks
52 Victorian, e.g.
53 Meet, in poker
54 Total up
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Your style and air are
what make you unique. Dont be deterred if someone
dislikes your artistry or creativity. Jealousy will likely
be at the root of any such complaint.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Face any dilemma head-on.
Dont give in to anyone trying to take advantage of you
or wh0o is standing between you and your happiness.
Follow your heart and do whats best for you.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Take any opportunity to
travel that comes your way. Organize your time so that
you can mix business with pleasure and come out on
top in both areas of your life.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You will be attered by
the attention you get today, but before you let things
go to your head, consider whether all the hubbub is
sincere or merely the product of ulterior motives.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Your appearance
and self-condence go hand-in-hand. Some minor
improvements and indulgences will lift your spirits and
rejuvenate your approach to your life and goals.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) You may have
doubts regarding your career choice. Its important
to nd an outlet that you enjoy and try to turn it into a
living. Research the options that interest you most.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You can meet
some fascinating and stimulating individuals at group
functions. Check out whats happening in your area.
Love and romance are on the rise.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Dont be too quick
to sign on the dotted line. Make sure that you get
all the goods or services that have been promised.
Read the fine print.
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Follow your intuition.
You know deep down what is best for you, regardless
of what others say. Travel opportunities are apparent
and should be geared toward future business.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) There are lots of
gimmicks designed to make you buy various products.
Dont be tempted to buy on impulse. Its no bargain if
you end up not using what you purchased.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You have many
appealing and desirable qualities. Accept social
and community invitations, and you will discover a
new window of opportunity that can help you out
personally and professionally.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) If you are vocal, you
can make substantial progress in the workplace. Let
your superiors hear your ideas and opinions. Finding
solutions will lead to advancement.
COPYRIGHT 2014 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
Thursday July 10, 2014 21
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
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experience is preferred but not neces-
sarily required.
Please send a cover letter describing
your interest in newspapers, a resume
and three recent clips. Before you ap-
ply, you should familiarize yourself
with our publication. Our Web site:
Send your information via e-mail to
news@smdailyjournal.com or by reg-
ular mail to 800 S. Claremont St #210,
San Mateo CA 94402.
203 Public Notices
CASE# CIV 528957
Hermila Cano-Rincon and Miguel An-
gel Martinez
Petitioner: Hermila Cano-Rincon and Mi-
guel Angel Martinez filed a petition with
this court for a decree changing name
as follows:
Present name: (F) Jason (M) Martinez
(L) Cano
Propsed Name: (F) Jason (L) Martinez-
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear be-
fore this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
tition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must file
a written objection that includes the rea-
sons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to
be heard and must appear at the hearing
to show cause why the petition should
not be granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
tion without a hearing. A HEARING on
the petition shall be held on August 20,
2014 at 9 a.m., Dept. PJ, Room 2J, at
400 County Center, Redwood City, CA
94063. A copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least once
each week for four successive weeks pri-
or to the date set for hearing on the peti-
tion in the following newspaper of gener-
al circulation: Daily Journal
Filed: 06/25/14
/s/ Robert D. Foiles /
Judge of the Superior Court
Dated: 06/23/2014
(Published, 07/03/2014, 07/10/2014,
07/17/2014, 07/24/2014)
203 Public Notices
The following person is doing business
as: Big Fin Bistro, 2432 Broadway St.,
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 is hereby
registered by the following owners: 1)
Eric S. Tong, 1093 D St., Union City, CA
94587 2) Chen JIn Chan, 1679 22nd
Ave., San Francisco, CA 94112 3)
Yvonne Mei, 1961 Beach Park Blvd.,
Foster City, CA 94404. The business is
conducted by a General Partnership. The
registrants commenced to transact busi-
ness under the FBN on
/s/ Eric S. Tong/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/06/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
06/19/14, 06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Sharon View Aparments, 2275 Shar-
on Rd., MENLO PARK, CA 94025 is
hereby registered by the following own-
ers: Richard Tod Spieker and Catherine
R. Spiker, 60 Mulberry Ln., Atherton, CA
94027. The business is conducted by a
Married Couple. The registrants com-
menced to transact business under the
FBN on 05/30/2014.
/s/ Richard Tod Spieker /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/13/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
06/19/14, 06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Lily of Valley Isle, 1667 Yorktown
Rd., SAN MATEO, CA 94402 is hereby
registered by the following owner: Amy
DeCew, same address. The business is
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on N/A.
/s/ Amy DeCew /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/17/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
06/19/14, 06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Suga Mamas Cafe, 630 El Camino
94080 is hereby registered by the follow-
ing owner: Linda Saha, 1117 S. Magnolia
94080. The business is conducted by an
Individual. The registrants commenced to
transact business under the FBN on N/A.
/s/ Linda Saha/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 05/30/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
06/19/14, 06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Action Therapeutics, 3-B South Lin-
CA 94080 is hereby registered by the fol-
lowing owner: Injury Management Group,
CA. The business is conducted by a Cor-
poration. The registrants commenced to
transact business under the FBN on
/s/ Paula C. Skinner /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/13/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
06/19/14, 06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Fishing Account, 124 Isabella Ave.,
MENLO PARK, CA 94027 is hereby reg-
istered by the following owner: Anthony
P. Meier, same address. The business is
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on N/A.
/s/ Anthony Meier /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/30/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14 07/24/14).
203 Public Notices
The following person is doing business
as: 1) Christine HSU, 2) Organized by
Christine 3) Hillsborough Professional
Organizer 4) San Mateo Professional Or-
ganizer, 5) Foster City Professional Or-
ganizer, 6) Room Configurations, 58 E.
Poplar Ave., #9, SAN MATEO, CA 94401
is hereby registered by the following
owner: Christine Hsu Sato, same ad-
dress. The business is conducted by an
Individual. The registrants commenced to
transact business under the FBN on.
/s/ Christine Sato /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/20/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Bayside Fleet Detail and Wash, 100
CA 94080 is hereby registered by the fol-
lowing owner: Benjamin Herrera Ybarra,
114 Aveuida Espana, San Jose, CA
95139. The business is conducted by an
Individual. The registrants commenced to
transact business under the FBN on.
/s/ Benjamin Ybarra /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 05/29/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
06/26/14, 07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14).
The following person is doing business
as: JW Partners, 50 Woodside Plaza
#510, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061 is
hereby registered by the following owner:
Stephen Wullschleger. 28 Parker Ave.,
Atherton, CA 94027. The business is
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on .
/s/ Stephen Wullschleger /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/30/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14 07/24/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Big Fin Bistro, 2432 Broadway St.,
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 is hereby
registered by the following owner: Eric S.
Tong, 1093 D St., Union City, CA 94387
and Yvonne Mei. 1961 Beach Park Blvd.,
Foster City, CA 94404. The business is
conducted by a General Partnership. The
registrants commenced to transact busi-
ness under the FBN on .
/s/ Yvonne Mei /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/30/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14 07/24/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Fishing Account, 124 Isabella Ave.,
MENLO PARK, CA 94027 is hereby reg-
istered by the following owner: Clarissa
Ocampo, same address. The business is
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on N/A.
/s/ Clarissa Ocampo /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/27/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14 07/24/14).
The following person is doing business
as: MDH Coaching, 251 Ruby Ave., SAN
CARLOS, CA 94070 is hereby registered
by the following owner: MDH Group,
LLC, CA. The business is conducted by
a Limited Liability Company. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on 05/28/2014.
/s/ Michelle Lynn DeVault Huljevi/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 05/29/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 07/24/14 07/31/14).
203 Public Notices
The following person is doing business
as: Jewel Customs, 359A Beach Rd.,
BURLINGAME, CA 94010 is hereby reg-
istered by the following owner: Nicole
Mendez, 359A Beach Rd., BURLIN-
GAME, CA 94010. The business is con-
ducted by an Individual. The registrants
commenced to transact business under
the FBN on N/A.
/s/ Nicole Mendez /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/26/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14 07/24/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Lunch Box MD Cafe, 901 Campus
Dr. Ste 107, DALY CITY, CA 94015 is
hereby registered by the following owner:
Joseph Oliveros, 1303 South Mayfair
Ave., Daly City, CA 94015. The business
is conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on.
/s/ Joseph Oliveros /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/27/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/03/14, 07/10/14, 07/17/14 07/24/14).
The following person is doing business
as: United Studios of Self Defense, 1005
Alameda de las Plugas, BELMONT, CA
94002 is hereby registered by the follow-
ing owner: United Belmont of Northern
California, LLC, CA. The business is con-
ducted by a Limited Liability Company.
The registrants commenced to transact
business under the FBN on .
/s/ Linda Tomaselio /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 07/09/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 07/24/14 07/31/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Cifuentes Recycling and Hauling, 515
3rd Ave., SAN BRUNO, CA 94066 is
hereby registered by the following own-
ers: Lilliana Cifuentes abd Elis Cifuentes,
same address. The business is conduct-
ed by a Married Couple. The registrants
commenced to transact business under
the FBN on .
/s/ Lilliana Cifuentes /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 07/09/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 07/24/14 07/31/14).
The following person is doing business
as: Joshper Cusing Travel & Consulting,
1136 Capuchino Ave., #4, BURLIN-
GAME, CA 94010 is hereby registered
by the following owner: Joshper Caleb
Cusing, same address. The business is
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on .
/s/ Joshper Cusing /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 06/10/2014. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
07/10/14, 07/17/14, 07/24/14 07/31/14).
The following person is abandoning the
use of the fictitious business name: Big
Fin Bistro, 2432 Broadway St., RED-
WOOD CITY, CA 94063. The fictitious
business name was filed on June 06,
2014 in the county of San Mateo. The
business was conducted by: Yvonne Mei
1961 Beach Park Blvd., Foster City, CA
94404 and Eric S. Tong 1093 D St., Un-
ion City, CA 94587. The business was
conducted by a General Partnership.
/s/ Eric S. Tong /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
County on 06/30/2014. (Published in the
San Mateo Daily Journal, 07/03/2014,
07/10/2014, 07/17/2014, 07/24/2014).
203 Public Notices
The following person is abandoning the
use of the fictitious business name:
Lunch Box MD Cafe, 901 Campus Dr.,
DALY CITY, CA 94015. The fictitious
business name was filed on June 06,
2014 in the county of San Mateo. The
business was conducted by: Carmencita
Resquer and Antoinette Oliveros, 321
Skyline Dr., Daly City, CA 94015. The
business was conducted by a General
/s/ Camermencita Resquer/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
County on 07/02/2014. (Published in the
San Mateo Daily Journal, 07/03/2014,
07/10/2014, 07/17/2014, 07/24/2014).
mandado): ZHAO XING GUAN, an Indi-
vidual, WEI ZHAO YU, an Individual, All
Unknown Persons, who Claim any Legal
or Equitable Right, Title, Estate, Lien or
Intrest in the Subject Property that is Ad-
verse to Plaintiffs Title, or Any Cloud on
Plaintiffs Ttile, and Does 1through 50,
You are being sued by plaintiff: (Lo esta
demandando el demandante): NATION-
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court
may decide against you without your be-
ing heard unless you respond within 30
days. Read the information below.
You have 30 calendar days after this
summons and legal papers are served
on you to file a written response at the
court and have a copy served on the
plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not pro-
tect you. Your written response must be
in proper legal form if you want the court
to hear your case. There may be a court
form that you can use for your response.
You can find these court forms and more
information at the California Courts On-
line Self-Help Center
(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your
county law library, or the courthouse
nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing
fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver
form. If you do not file your response on
time, you may lose the case by default,
and your wages, money, and property
may be taken without further warning
from the court.
There are other legal requirements. You
may want to call an attorney right away.
If you do not know an attorney, you may
want to call an attorney referral service.
If you cannot afford an attorney, you may
be eligible for free legal services from a
nonprofit legal services program. You
can locate these nonprofit groups at the
California Legal Services Web site
(www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the Califor-
nia Courts Online Self-Help Center
(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by
contacting your local court or county bar
association. NOTE: The court has a stat-
utory lien for waived fees and costs on
any settlement or arbitration award of
$10,000 or more in a civil case. The
courts lien must be paid before the court
will dismiss the case.
AVISO! Lo han demando. Si no re-
sponde dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede
decidir en su contra sin escuchar su ver-
sion. Lea la informacion a continuacion.
Tiene 30 dias de calendario despues de
que le entreguen esta citacion y papeles
legales para presentar una respuesta por
escrito en esta corte y hacer que se en-
tregue ena copia al demandante. Una
carta o una llamada telefonica no lo pro-
tegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene
que estar en formato legal correcto si de-
sea que procesen su caso en la corte.
Es posible que haya un formulario que
usted pueda usar para su respuesta.
Puede encontrar estos formularios de la
corte y mas informacion en el Centro de
Ayuda de las Cortes de California
en la biblio teca de leyes de su condado
o en la corte que le quede mas cerca. Si
203 Public Notices
no puede pagar la cuota de presenta-
cion, pida al secretario de la corte que le
de un formulario de exencion de pago de
cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a
tiempo, puede perder el caso por incum-
plimiento y la corte le podra quitar su su-
eldo, dinero y bienes sin mas adverten-
cia. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es re-
comendable que llame a un abogado in-
mediatamente. Si no conoce a un abo-
dado, puede llamar a de servicio de re-
mision a abogados. Si no puede pagar a
un abogado, es posible que cumpia con
los requisitos para obtener servicios le-
gales gratuitos de un programa de servi-
cios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede
encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro
en el sitio web de California Legal Serv-
ices Web site
(www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro
de Ayuda de las Cortes de California,
o poniendose en contacto con la corte o
el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO:
Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar
las cuotas y costos exentos por imponer
un gravamen sobre cualquier recupera-
cion de $10,000 o mas de valor recibida
mediante un acuerdo o una concesion
de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil.
Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte
antes de que la corte pueda desechar el
The name and address of the court is:
(El nombre y direccion de la corte es):
Superior Court of San Mateo, 400 Coun-
ty Center, Redwood City, CA 94063-
The name, address, and telephone num-
ber of the plaintiffs attorney, or plaintiff
without an attorney, is: (El nombre, direc-
cion y numero de telefono del abogado
del demandante, o del demandante que
no tiene abogado, es):
Fidelity National Law Group, A Law Divi-
sion of Fidelity National Title Group
1550 Parkside Dr., Ste 300
Date: (Fecha) Feb. 20, 2014
R. Krill Deputy
Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal
July 3, 10, 17, 24 2014.
210 Lost & Found
FOUND - silver locket on May 6, Crest-
view and Club Dr. Call to describe:
FOUND: KEYS (3) on ring with 49'ers
belt clip. One is car key to a Honda.
Found in Home Depot parking lot in San
Carlos on Sunday 2/23/14.
Call 650 490-0921 - Leave message if no
FOUND: RING Silver color ring found
on 1/7/2014 in Burlingame. Parking Lot
M (next to Dethrone). Brand inscribed.
Gary @ (650)347-2301
(415)377-0859 REWARD!
REWARD Norfolk Terrier missing from
Woodside Rd near High Rd on Dec 13.
Violet is 11mths, 7lbs, tan, female, no
collar, microchipped. Please help bring
her home! (650)568-9642
LOST: SMALL diamond cross, silver
necklace with VERY sentimental
meaning. Lost in San Mateo 2/6/12
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
210 Lost & Found
LOST GOLD Cross at Carlmont Shop-
ping Cente, by Lunardis market
(Reward) (415)559-7291
LOST GOLD WATCH - with brown lizard
strap. Unique design. REWARD! Call
LOST SET OF CAR KEYS near Millbrae
Post Office on June 18, 2013, at 3:00
p.m. Reward! Call (650)692-4100
16 BOOKS on History of WWII Excellent
condition. $95 all obo, (650)345-5502
50 SHADES of Grey Trilogy, Excellent
Condition $25. (650)615-0256
Coonts, Higgins, Thor, Follet, Brown,
more $20.00 for 60 books, (650)578-
books, (5) $3. each, (650)341-1861
295 Art
ALASKAN SCENE painting 40" high 53"
wide includes matching frame $99 firm
painted 25" long 21" wide, wooden
frame, $60 for all 3, (650)201-9166
POSTER, LINCOLN, advertising Honest
Ale, old stock, green and black color.
$15. (650)348-5169
296 Appliances
OMELETTE MAKER $10. also hot pock-
ets, etc. EZ clean 650-595-3933
new, used one load for only 14 hours.
$1,200. Call (650)333-4400
RADIATOR HEATER, oil filled, electric,
1500 watts $25. (650)504-3621
high & 20" wide in very good condition
$85. 650-756-9516.
SEARS KENMORE sewing machine in a
good cabinet style, running smoothly
$99. 650-756-9516.
297 Bicycles
GIRLS BIKE 18 Pink, Looks New, Hard-
ly Used $80 (650)293-7313
MAGNA 26 Female Bike, like brand
new cond $80. (650)756-9516. Daly City
298 Collectibles
1920'S AQUA Glass Beaded Flapper
Purse (drawstring bag) & Faux Pearl
Flapper Collar. $50. 650-762-6048
1940 VINTAGE telephone bench maple
antiques collectibles $75 (650)755-9833
1982 PRINT 'A Tune Off The Top Of My
Head' 82/125 $80 (650) 204-0587
2 VINTAGE Light Bulbs circa 1905. Edi-
son Mazda Lamps. Both still working -
$50 (650)-762-6048
4 NOLAN RYAN - Uncut Sheets, Rare
Gold Cards $90 (650)365-3987
400 YEARBOOKS - Sports Illustrated
Sports Book 70-90s $90 all
ARMY SHIRT, long sleeves, with pock-
ets. XL $15 each (408)249-3858
BAY MEADOWS bag - $30.each,
CASINO CHIP Collection Original Chips
from various casinos $99 obo
uncirculated with Holder $15/all,
FRANKLIN MINT Thimble collection with
display rack. $55. 650-291-4779
JOE MONTANA signed authentic retire-
ment book, $39., (650)692-3260
large collection, Marilyn Monroe, James
Dean, John Wayne and hundreds more.
$3,300/obo.. Over 50% off
SCHILLER HIPPIE poster, linen, Sparta
graphics 1968. Mint condition. $600.00.
TEA POTS - (6) collectables, good con-
dition, $10. each, (650)571-5899
299 Computers
1982 TEXAS Instruments TI-99/4A com-
puter, new condition, complete accesso-
ries, original box. $75. (650)676-0974
300 Toys
K'NEX BUILDING ideas $30. (650)622-
LEGO DUPLO Set ages 1 to 5. $30
PILGRIM DOLLS, 15 boy & girl, new,
from Harvest Festival, adorable $25 650-
PINK BARBIE 57 Chevy Convertible
28" long (sells on E-Bay for $250) in box
$99 (650)591-9769
RADIO CONTROL car; Jeep with off
road with equipment $99 OBO
SMALL WOOD dollhouse 4 furnished
rooms. $35. (650)558-8142
STEP 2 sandbox Large with cover $25
TOY - Barney interactive activity, musical
learning, talking, great for the car, $16.
obo, (650)349-6059
302 Antiques
1912 COFFEE Percolator Urn. perfect
condition includes electric cord $85.
Grinder. $80. 650-596-0513
ANTIQUE ITALIAN lamp 18 high, $70
302 Antiques
zag design 7' by 6" by 4' $99.,
ANTIQUE OLD Copper Wash Tub, 30 x
12 x 13 with handles, $65 (650)591-3313
MAHOGANY ANTIQUE Secretary desk,
72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
elled glass, $700. (650)766-3024
OLD VINTAGE Wooden Sea Captains
Tool Chest 35 x 16 x 16, $65 (650)591-
Harry Kourian
STERLING SILVER loving cup 10" circa
with walnut base 1912 $65
303 Electronics
46 MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great
condition. $400. (650)261-1541.
AUTO TOP hoist still in box
$99.00 or best offer (650)493-9993
BIG SONY TV 37" - Excellent Condition
Worth $2300 will Sacrifice for only $95.,
BLACKBERRY PHONE good condition
$99.00 or best offer (650)493-9993
BLUE NINTENDO DS Lite. Hardly used.
$70 OBO. (760) 996-0767
new, $20., (415)410-5937
COMBO COLOR T.V. 24in. Toshiba with
DVD VHS Flat Screen Remote. $95. Cell
number: (650)580-6324
COMBO COLOR T.V. Panasonic with
VHS and Radio - Color: White - 2001
$25. Cell number: (650)580-6324
FLIP CAMCORDER $50. (650)583-2767
IPHONE GOOD condition $99.00 or best
offer (650)493-9993
with 'A-shape' key layout Num pad, $20
OLD STYLE 32 inch Samsung TV. Free
with pickup. Call 650-871-5078.
SET OF 3 wireless phones all for $50
mote good condition $99 (650)345-1111
Picture and Sound. $39. (650)302-2143
TUNER-AMPLIFER, for home use. $35
WESTINGHOUSE 32 Flatscreen TV,
model#SK32H240S, with HDMI plug in
and remote, excellent condition. Two
available, $175 each. (650)400-4174
304 Furniture
2 END Tables solid maple '60's era
$40/both. (650)670-7545
3 PIECE cocktail table with 2 end tables,
glass tops. good condition, $99.
BED RAIL, Adjustable. For adult safety
like new $45 SOLD!
BURGUNDY VELVET reupholstered vin-
tage chair. $75. Excellent condition.
CHAIRS 2 Blue Good Condition $50
OBO (650)345-5644
CHAIRS, WITH Chrome Frame, Brown
Vinyl seats $15.00 each. (650)726-5549
COMPUTER DESK $25 , drawer for key-
board, 40" x 19.5" (619)417-0465
PEDESTAL SINK $25 (650)766-4858
304 Furniture
COUCH - Drexel 3 piece sectional, neu-
tral color, good condition. $275 OBO.
Call (650)369-7896
DINING CHAIRS (5) with rollers, all for
$50.(650) 756-9516 Daly City
DINING ROOM SET - table, four chairs,
lighted hutch, $500. all, (650)296-3189
DISPLAY CABINET 72x 21 x39 1/2
High Top Display, 2 shelves in rear $99
DRESSER (5 drawers) 43" H x 36" W
$40. (650)756-9516 DC.
DRUM TABLE - brown, perfect condi-
tion, nice design, with storage, $45.,
Finish, Cream Cushion w matching otto-
man $70 (650)583-4943.
shelves for books, pure oak. Purchased
for $750. Sell for $99. (650)348-5169
FREE SOFA and love seat set. good
condtion (650)630-2329
KITCHEN CABINETS - 3 metal base
kitchen cabinets with drawers and wood
doors, $99., (650)347-8061
LAWN CHAIRS (4) White, plastic, $8.
each, (415)346-6038
LIVING & Dining Room Sets. Mission
Style, Trestle Table w/ 2 leafs & 6
Chairs, Like new $600 obo
LOUNGE CHAIRS - 2 new, with cover &
plastic carring case & headrest, $35.
each, (650)592-7483
LOVE SEAT, Upholstered pale yellow
floral $99. (650)574-4021
MIRROR, SOLID OAK. 30" x 19 1/2",
curved edges; beautiful. $85.00 OBO.
Linda 650 366-2135.
NICHOLS AND Stone antique brown
spindle wood rocking chair. $99
650 302 2143
OAK BOOKCASE, 30"x30" x12". $25.
OCCASIONAL, END or Sofa Table. $25.
Solid wood in excellent condition. 20" x
22". 650-861-0088.
OBO RETAIL $130 (650)873-8167
PAPASAN CHAIRS (2) -with cushions
$45. each set, (650)347-8061
PIANO AND various furniture pieces,
golf bag. $100-$300 Please call for info
wood, see through lid $45. 25 x 20 x 4 in-
ches. (650)592-2648.
RECLINER LA-Z-BOY Dark green print
fabric, medium size. 27 wide $45.
ROCKING CHAIR fine light, oak condi-
tion with pads, $85.OBO 650 369 9762
ROCKING CHAIR Great condition,
1970s style, dark brown, wooden,
suede cushion, photo availble, $99.,
ROCKING CHAIR, decorative wood /
armrest, it swivels rocks & rolls
SOFA - excelleNT condition. 8 ft neutral
color $99 OBO (650)345-5644
with flip bar ask $75 obo (650)743-4274
STEREO CABINET walnut w/3 black
shelves 16x 22x42. $30, 650-341-5347
STURDY OAK TV or End Table. $35.
Very good condition. 30" x 24". 650-861-
304 Furniture
TEA/ UTILITY Cart, $15. (650)573-7035,
TEAK CABINET 28"x32", used for ster-
eo equipment $25. (650)726-6429
TRUNDLE BED - Single with wheels,
$40., (650)347-8061
TV STAND brown. $40.00 OBO
(650) 995-0012
VIDEO CENTER 38 inches H 21 inches
W still in box $45., (408)249-3858
WALL CLOCK - 31 day windup, 26
long, $99 (650)592-2648
WALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with
upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
WHITE 5 Drawer dresser.Excellent con-
dition. Moving. Must sell $90.00 OBO
(650) 995-0012
WOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311
WOOD BOOKCASE unit - good condi-
tion $65.00 (650)504-6058
WOOD FURNITURE- one end table and
coffee table. In good condition. $30
OBO. (760)996-0767.
306 Housewares
"PRINCESS HOUSE decorator urn
"Vase" cream with blue flower 13 inch H
$25., (650)868-0436
COFFEE MAKER, Makes 4 cups $12,
COOKING POTS (2) stainless steel,
temperature resistent handles, 21/2 & 4
gal. $5. (650) 574-3229.
thy Mini Fridge/warmer, portable, handle,
plug, white $30.00 (650) 578 9208
ELECTRIC FAN Wind Machine 20in.
Portable Round Plastic Adjustable $35
Cell number: (650)580-6324
HOUSE HEATER Excellent condition.
Works great. Must sell. $30.00 OBO
(650) 995-0012
dition, white/slight blue trim, $20.
NEW FLOURESCENT lights, ten T-12
tubes, only $2.50 ea 650-595-3933
PERSIAN TEA set for 8. Including
spoon, candy dish, and tray. Gold Plated.
$100. (650) 867-2720
Shams (print) $30.00 (650)341-1861
SINGER ELECTRONIC sewing machine
model #9022. Cord, foot controller
included. $99 O.B.O. (650)274-9601 or
SOLID TEAK floor model 16 wine rack
with turntable $60. (650)592-7483
VACUUM EXCELLENT condition. Works
great.Moving. Must sell. $35.00 OBO
(650) 995-0012
go professional cooking knives. 7 knives
of assorted styles. $99. 650-654-9252
307 Jewelry & Clothing
COSTUME JEWELRY Earrings $25.00
Call: 650-368-0748
LADIES GLOVES - gold lame' elbow
length gloves, size 7.5, $15. new,
308 Tools
27 TON Hydraulic Log Splitter 6.5 hp.
Vertical & horizontal. Less than 40hrs
w/trailer dolly & cover. ** SOLD **
Campbell Hausfield 3 Gal 1 HP made
USA $40.00 used, (650)367-8146
308 Tools
AIR COMPRESSOR, 60 gallon, 2-stage
DeVilbiss. Very heavy. $390. Call
BLACK & DECKER 17 electric hedge
trimmer, New, $25 (650)345-5502
BOSTITCH 16 gage Finish nailer Model
SB 664FN $99 (650)359-9269
CRACO 395 SP-PRO, electronic paint
sprayer.Commercial grade. Used only
once. $600/obo. (650)784-3427
CRAFTMAN JIG Saw 3.9 amp. with vari-
able speeds $65 (650)359-9269
stand, $200 Cash Only, (650)851-1045
CRAFTSMAN 3/4 horse power 3,450
RPM $60 (650)347-5373
CRAFTSMAN 6" bench grinder $40.
CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
CRAFTSMAN BELT & disc sander $99.
DAYTON ELECTRIC 1 1/2 horse power
1,725 RPM $60 (650)347-5373
used. Wood handles. $50 or best offer.
(650) 595-4617
309 Office Equipment
CANON ALL in One Photo Printer PIX-
MA MP620 Never used. In original box
$150 (650)477-2177
310 Misc. For Sale
50 FRESNEL lens $99 (650)591-8062
ARTIFICIAL FICUS TREE 6 ft. life like,
full branches. in basket $55.
good condition, needs ribbon (type
needed attached) $35 San Bruno
condition $50., (650)878-9542
FLOWER POT w/ 10 Different cute
succulents, $5.(650)952-4354
used $8., (408)249-3858
HARLEY DAVIDSON black phone, per-
fect condition, $65., (650) 867-2720
ICE CHEST $15 (650)347-8061
IGLOO COOLER - 3 gallon beverage
cooler, new, still in box, $15.,
$30. (650)726-1037
Business Portfolio Briefcase. $20. Call
cooler includes icepak. $20
MEDICINE CABINET - 18 X 24, almost
new, mirror, $20., (650)515-2605
NATIVITY SET, new, beautiful, ceramic,
gold-trimmed, 11-pc.,.asking: $50.
Call: 650-345-3277 /message
NEW LIVING Yoga Tape for Beginners
$8. 650-578-8306
NEW SONICARE Toothbrush in box 3e
series, rechargeable, $49 650-595-3933
OVAL MIRROR $10 (650)766-4858
SHOWER DOOR custom made 48 x 69
$70 (650)692-3260
VASE WITH flowers 2 piece good for the
Holidays, $25., (650) 867-2720
25 Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
1 Limo rider
6 Skilled
11 Old map letters
14 Smetanas The
Bartered Bride,
15 Super Mario
World dinosaur
16 Own, to Burns
17 Like him or her
19 Morticias cousin
20 Roman sun god
21 Bon __
22 Years in Madrid
23 Campfire
26 Cleaning tool
28 Easily perturbed
30 Reagan/Carter
34 Disney film
based on
Chinese folklore
35 Steeds partner
36 Giant thing in a
kids game
37 Problem with
38 Neeson of
41 Dead Souls
novelist Gogol
43 Summation
symbol in math
44 Fail completely
47 Mobsters code
of honor
48 Bart, to Homer
49 __-Mex
50 Alice diner
51 Nonetheless,
54 Oedipus __
56 Completely
57 Weakening, in a
way, or what 17-,
30- and 44-
Across are
literally doing
62 Inconclusive
63 Edmonton skater
64 Gladiators
65 Row
66 First name on a
historic B-29
67 Long and lean
1 Base bed
2 Bk. before
3 Hawaiian ring
4 Messes up
5 13, to many
6 Sailors
7 Temporary
8 Canadian gas
9 Occasions for
shooting stars?
10 Its chemical
symbol is Sn
11 Illuminate, with
12 Zen
13 Certs ingredient
18 Sneaky tactic
22 Like cherubs
23 Alternatives to
tellers, briefly
24 Close
25 Light in My
Darkness author
27 Grapefruit cousin
29 Singer Carly __
31 Slender swords
32 Like some legends
33 Columbia garb
37 Add gradually to
a cycle
39 Gallic girlfriend
40 Tailless feline
42 Young fox
43 Dakar is its
44 __ paste
45 Bloomer of
bloomers fame
46 __ of plenty
52 Radiant ring
53 Hershiser of ESPN
55 Ad come-on
57 Angst
58 Portfolio holding,
59 Egg layer
60 Octopus defense
61 Bit of Senate
By Steve Blais
(c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
310 Misc. For Sale
VINTAGE WHITE Punch Bowl/Serving
Bowl Set with 10 cups plus one extra
$35. (650)873-8167
WICKER PICNIC basket, mint condition,
handles, light weight, pale tan color.
$10. (650)578-9208
311 Musical Instruments
cellent condition, $8,500/obo. Call
Appraised @$5450., want $3500 obo,
HAILUN PIANO for sale, brand new, ex-
cellent condition. $6,000. (650)308-5296
HAMMOND B-3 Organ and 122 Leslie
Speaker. Excellent condition. $8,500. pri-
vate owner, (650)349-1172
KAMAKA CONCERT sized Ukelele,
w/friction tuners, solid Koa wood body,
made in Hawaii, 2007 great tone, excel-
lent condition, w/ normal wear & tear.
$850. (650)342-5004
WURLITZER PIANO, console, 40 high,
light brown, good condition. $490.
YAMAHA PIANO, Upright, Model M-305,
$750. Call (650)572-2337
312 Pets & Animals
AQUARIUM, MARINA Cool 10, 2.65
gallons, new pump. $20. (650)591-1500
BAMBOO BIRD Cage - very intricate de-
sign - 21"x15"x16". $50 (650)341-6402
GECKO GLASS case 10 gal.with heat
pad, thermometer, Wheeled stand if
needed $20. (650)591-1500
315 Wanted to Buy
Gold, Silver, Platinum
Always True & Honest values
Millbrae Jewelers
Est. 1957
400 Broadway - Millbrae
316 Clothes
Twin Stitched. Knee Protection. Never
Used! Blue/Grey Sz34 $65.
BLACK Leather pants Mrs. made in
France size 40 $99. (650)558-1975
BLACK LEATHER tap shoes 9M great
condition $99. (650)558-1975
316 Clothes
DAINESE BOOTS - Zipper/Velcro Clo-
sure. Cushioned Ankle. Reflective Strip.
Excellent Condition! Unisex EU40 $65.
LADIES DONEGAL design 100% wool
cap from Wicklow, Ireland, $20. Call
LADIES FUR Jacket (fake) size 12 good
condition $30 (650)692-3260
NIKE PULLOVER mens heavy jacket
Navy Blue & Red, Reg. price $200 sell-
ing for $59 (650)692-3260
PROM PARTY Dress, Long sleeveless
size 6, magenta, with shawl like new $40
obo (650)349-6059
VELVET DRAPE, 100% cotton, new
beautiful burgundy 82"X52" W/6"hems:
$45 (415)585-3622
DRESS SIZE 6-8, $35 (650)873-8167
317 Building Materials
30 FLUORESCENT Lamps 48" (brand
new in box) $75 for all (650)369-9762
BATHROOM VANITY, antique, with top
and sink: - $65. (650)348-6955
BRAND NEW Millgard window + frame -
$85. (650)348-6955
318 Sports Equipment
3 WHEEL golf cart by Bagboy. Used
twice, New $160 great price $65
BODY BY JAKE AB Scissor Exercise
Machine w/instructions. $50.
BUCKET OF 260 golf balls, $25.
DARTBOARD - New, regulation 18 di-
meter, Halex brand w/mounting hard-
ware, 6 brass darts, $16., (650)681-7358
DIGITAL PEDOMETER, distance, calo-
ries etc. $7.50 650-595-3933
GOTT 10-GAL beverage cooler $20.
HJC MOTORCYCLE Helmet, size large,
perfect cond $29 650-595-3933
glass backboard, adjustable height, $80
obo 650-364-1270
LADIES STEP thruRoadmaster 10
speed bike w. shop-basket Good
Condition. * SOLD *
MENS ROLLER Blades size 101/2 never
used $25 (650)520-3425
NORDIC TRACK 505, Excellent condi-
tion but missing speed dial (not nec. for
use) $35. 650-861-0088.
NORDIC TRACK Pro, $95. Call
POWER PLUS Exercise Machine $99
SOCCER BALL, unopened, unused,
Yellow, pear shaped, unique. $5.
(650)578 9208
STATIONARY BIKE $25. Cell number:
VINTAGE ENGLISH ladies ice skates -
up to size 7-8, $40., (650)873-8167
WET SUIT - medium size, $95., call for
info (650)851-0878
WOMEN'S LADY Cougar gold iron set
set - $25. (650)348-6955
322 Garage Sales
1 day only
July 12
133 Madera ave
San Carlos
Electronics, Rugs,
Items and Much
Make money, make room!
List your upcoming garage
sale, moving sale, estate
sale, yard sale, rummage
sale, clearance sale, or
whatever sale you have...
in the Daily Journal.
Reach over 76,500 readers
from South San Francisco
to Palo Alto.
in your local newspaper.
Call (650)344-5200
335 Garden Equipment
2 FLOWER pots with Gardenia's both for
$20 (650)369-9762
340 Camera & Photo Equip.
digital camera (black) with case, $175.,
YASAHICA 108 model 35mm SLR Cam-
era with flash and 2 zoom lenses $79
345 Medical Equipment
WALKER - brand new, $20., SSF,
WALKER WITH basket $30. Invacare
Excellent condition (650)622-6695
WHEEL CHAIR asking $75 OBO
WHEEL CHAIR, heavy duty, wide, excel-
lent condition. $99.(650)704-7025
379 Open Houses
List your Open House
in the Daily Journal.
Reach over 76,500
potential home buyers &
renters a day,
from South San Francisco
to Palo Alto.
in your local newspaper.
Call (650)344-5200
380 Real Estate Services
The San Mateo Daily Journals
weekly Real Estate Section.
Look for it
every Friday and Weekend
to find information on fine homes
and properties throughout
the local area.
381 Homes for Sale
SONORA 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, beauti-
ful, peaceful location, $339,000.
Call Peter, (707)815-3640.
Century 21 Exclusive.
440 Apartments
1 bedroom, New carpet and paint $1550
per month, $1000 deposit, 50 Redwood
Ave, RWC, 650-361-1200
BELMONT Large Renovated 1BR,
2BR & 3BRs in Clean & Quiet Bldgs
and Great Neighborhoods Views, Pa-
tio/Balcony, Carport, Storage, Pool.
No Surcharges. No Pets, No Smok-
ing, No Section 8. (650) 595-0805
470 Rooms
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
San Mateo County
Rooms For Rent
Travel Inn, San Carlos
$49.- $59.daily + tax
$294.-$322. weekly + tax
Clean Quiet Convenient
Cable TV, WiFi & Private Bathroom
Microwave and Refrigerator & A/C
950 El Camino Real San Carlos
(650) 593-3136
Mention Daily Journal
620 Automobiles
1996 TACOMA Toyota, $7,300.00,
72,000 miles, New tires, & battery, bed
liner, camper shell, always serviced, air
conditioner. ** SOLD**
Dont lose money
on a trade-in or
Sell your vehicle in the
Daily Journals
Auto Classifieds.
Just $42!
Well run it
til you sell it!
Reach 76,500 drivers
from South SF to
Palo Alto
Call (650)344-5200
CHEVY HHR 08 - Grey, spunky car
loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500.
DODGE 99 Van, Good Condition,
$4,500 OBO (650)481-5296
620 Automobiles
HONDA 96 LX SD Parts Car, all power,
complete, runs. $1000 OBO, Jimmie
Cassey (650)271-1056 or
(650)481-5296 - Joe Fusilier
HONDA 02 Civic LX, 4 door, stick shift
cruise control, am/fm cassette, runs well.
1 owner. $2,000. SOLD!
MERCEDES 06 C230 - 6 cylinder, navy
blue, 60K miles, 2 year warranty,
$18,000, (650)455-7461
625 Classic Cars
FORD 63 THUNDERBIRD Hardtop, 390
engine, Leather Interior. Will consider
$6,500 /OBO (650)364-1374
630 Trucks & SUVs
owner, dark blue, CLEAN! $5,000/obo.
Call (650)492-1298
635 Vans
67 INTERNATIONAL Step Van 1500,
Typical UPS type size. $1,950/OBO,
640 Motorcycles/Scooters
1973 FXE Harley Shovel Head 1400cc
stroked & balanced motor. Runs perfect.
Low milage, $6,600 Call (650)369-8013
BMW 03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
HARLEY DAVIDSON 04 Heritage Soft
Tail ONLY 5,400 miles. $12,300. Call
condition, black leather, $35. obo,
650 RVs
COLEMAN LARAMIE pop-up camper,
Excellent Condition, $2750. Call
670 Auto Service
A Full Service Auto Repair
760 El Camino Real
San Carlos
Oil Change Special $24.99
most cars
San Carlos Smog Check
Cash special $26.75 plus cert.
96 & newer
1098 El Camino Real San Carlos
670 Auto Parts
and R132 new, professional quality $50.
CAR TOWchain 9' $35 (650)948-0912
HONDA SPARE tire 13" $25
SHOP MANUALS 2 1955 Pontiac
manual, 4 1984 Ford/Lincoln manuals, 1
gray marine diesel manual $40
Year 2002 all for $40 (650)948-0912
SNOW CHAIN cables made by Shur
Grip - brand new-never used. In the
original case. $25 650-654-9252.
SNOW CHAINS metal cambell brand
never used 2 sets multi sizes $20 each
obo (650)591-6842
680 Autos Wanted
Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
Novas, running or not
Parts collection etc.
So clean out that garage
Give me a call
Joe 650 342-2483
Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
Stamps Color Driveways
Patios Masonry Block walls
Quality Workmanship,
Free Estimates
Lic# 947476
by Greenstarr
Block Walls
Retaining walls
Stamped Concrete
Ornamental concrete
Swimming pool removal
Tom 650.834.2365
Licensed Bonded and Insured
Since 1985 License # 752250
Dry Rot Decks Fences
Handyman Painting
Bath Remodels & much more
Based in N. Peninsula
Free Estimates ... Lic# 913461
New Construction
Green Building
Technology Solutions for
Building and Living
Locally owned in Belmont
www. tekhomei nc. com
CA# B-869287
Kitchen & Bath
Belmont/Castro Valley, CA
(650) 318-3993
Kitchen/Bath, Patio w/BBQ built
ins, Maintenance, Water
Proofing, Concrete, Stucco
Free Estimates
38 years in Business
Lic# 623232
New Construction,
Decks/ Fences
Licensed and Insured
Lic. #589596
Decks & Fences
State License #377047
Licensed Insured Bonded
Fences - Gates - Decks
Stairs - Retaining Walls
10-year guarantee
Quality work w/reasonable prices
Call for free estimate
Custom made drapes & pillows
Alterations for men & women
Free Estimates
2140A S. El Camino, SM
for all your electrical needs
For all your
electrical needs
Residential, Commercial,
Wiring & Repairing
Call Ben (650)685-6617
Lic # 427952
Service Upgrades
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The tradesman you will
trust and recommend
Lic# 808182
Time to Aerate your lawn
We also do seed/sod of lawns
Spring planting
Sprinklers and irrigation
Pressure washing
Call Robert
650-703-3831 Lic #751832
. Restore old floors to new
. Dustless Sanding
. Install new custom & refinished
hardwood floors
Licensed. Bonded. Insured
(650) 593-3700
Showroom by appointment
Call for a
FREE in-home
Bi-Weekly/Once a Month,
Moving In & Out
28 yrs. in Business
Free Estimates, 15% off First Visit
New Rain Gutter, Down Spouts,
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Free Gutter & Roof Inspections
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10% Senior Discount
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Handy Help
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Lic# 838898
Kitchen/Bathroom Remodeling,
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Door & Window Installation
Priced for You! Call John
Free Estimates
Hardwood Floors
Hardwood & Laminate
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High Quality @ Low Prices
Call 24/7 for Free Estimate
Lic. #794899
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Since 1988/Licensed & Insured
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Fast, Dependable Service
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A+ BBB Rating
Junk & Debris Clean Up
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Light moving!
Haul Debris!
by Greenstarr
Chriss Hauling
Yard clean up - attic,
Junk metal removal
including cars, trucks and
Concrete removal
Swimming pool removal
Tom 650. 834. 2365
Chri s 415. 999. 1223
Licensed Bonded and Insured
Since 1985 License # 752250
by Greenstarr
Yard Boss
0omp|ete |andscape
construct|on and remova|
Fu|| tree care |nc|ud|ng
hazard eva|uat|on,
tr|mm|ng, shap|ng,
remova| and stump
8eta|n|ng wa||s
0rnamenta| concrete
Sw|mm|ng poo| remova|
Tom 650. 834. 2365
Licensed Bonded and Insured
Since 1985 License # 752250
Interior & Exterior
Quality Work, Reasonable
Rates, Free Estimates
Lic #514269
Interior and Exterior,
Residental and commercial
Insured and bonded,
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Peter McKenna
Lic# 974682
A+ Member BBB Since 1975
Large & Small Jobs
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Classic Brushwork, Matching, Stain-
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Lic. #479564
Interior and Exterior
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All kinds of textures
35+ years experience
CA Lic #625577
Installation of Water Heaters,
Faucets, Toilets, Sinks, Gas,
Water & Sewer Lines.
Trenchless Replacement.
Lic., Bonded, Insured
27 Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL
Roof Maintaince Raingutters
Water proofing coating
Repairing Experieced
Excellent Referances
Free Estimates
Lic# 973081
We repair and install all types of
Window & Door Screens
Free Estimates
Mention this ad for 20% OFF!
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Hillside Tree
Family Owned Since 2000
Trimming Pruning
Large Removal
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The Daily Journal
to get 10% off
for new customers
Call Luis (650) 704-9635
Entryways Kitchens
Decks Bathrooms
Tile Repair Floors
Grout Repair Fireplaces
Call Mario Cubias for Free Estimates
Lic.# 955492
Window Washing
California law requires that contractors
taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor
or materials) be licensed by the Contrac-
tors State License Board. State law also
requires that contractors include their li-
cense number in their advertising. You
can check the status of your licensed
contractor at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-
321-CSLB. Unlicensed contractors taking
jobs that total less than $500 must state
in their advertisements that they are not
licensed by the Contractors State Li-
cense Board.
Law Office of Jason Honaker
Chapter 7 &13
Call us for a consultation
Cypress Lawn
1370 El Camino Real
Sporting apparel from your
49ers, Giants & Warriors,
low prices, large selection.
450 W. San Bruno Ave.
San Bruno
Dental Services
a clear alternative to braces even for
patients who have
been told that they were not invisalign
235 N SAN MATEO DR #300,
Valerie de Leon, DDS
Implant, Cosmetic and
Family Dentistry
Spanish and Tagalog Spoken
15 El Camino Real,
Dental Implants
Free Consultation& Panoramic
Digital Survey
1101 El Camino RL ,San Bruno
Foster City-San Mateo
The Clubhouse Bistro
Wedding, Event &
Meeting Facilities
(650) 295-6123
1221 Chess Drive Foster City
Hwy 92 at Foster City Blvd. Exit
Happy Hour 4-6 M-F
Steelhead Brewing Co.
333 California Dr.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
1050 Admiral Ct., #A
San Bruno
Because Flavor Still Matters
365 B Street
San Mateo
Steak & Seafood
1390 El Camino Real
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Scandinavian &
American Classics
742 Polhemus Rd. San Mateo
HI 92 De Anza Blvd. Exit
(650) 726-5727
Pillar Point Harbor:
1 Johnson Pier
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95 Harbor Master Rd..
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Call (650)579-1500
for simply better banking
Bedroom Express
Where Dreams Begin
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184 El Camino Real
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(650) 588-8886
Tactical and
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360 El Camino Real, San Bruno
Health & Medical
Spinal Decompression
Dr. Thomas Ferrigno D.C.
177 Bovet Rd. #150 San Mateo
Save $500 on
Implant Abutment &
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Call Millbrae Dental
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1159 Broadway
Dr. Andrew Soss
Train to become a Licensed
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Call (800) 339-5145 for more
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We can treat it
without CPAP!
Call for a free
sleep apnea screening
Millbrae Dental
We are looking for quality
caregivers for adults
with developmental
disabilities. If you have a
spare bedroom and a
desire to open your
home and make a
difference, attend an
information session:
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Thursday July 10, 2014 THEDAILYJOURNAL

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