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Q1: how to initiate the transaction in CICS

A. Keying in the Transaction-id at the terminal
B. By coding an EXEC CICS START in the application program
C. By coding the transaction id and trigger level in the DCT (Automatic Task Initiation)
D. By coding the transaction id in the EXEC CICS return command
E. By associating the attention key with the PCT
F. By embedding the transaction id in the first four positions of a screen sent to the terminal
G. By using the Program List Table.

Q2: pseudo conversation

Q3:What is an ASRA abend ?
Ans: Any data exception problem SOC7, SOC4 etc.

Q4: What is an AEY9 abend ?
Ans: DB2/IDMS not up.

Q5:What are the situations under which NEWCOPY is required ?
Ans :When a program has been used in CICS atleast once and then changed and recompiled.

Q6:differece between link and xctl
Ans: The CICS

commands EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS XCTL are powerful CICS facilities that
are similar to function calls and overlays. COBOL, C, C++, and PL/I offer facilities that are similar to
EXEC CICS LINK. For example, function calls in C and C++ or PERFORM and CALL usage in COBOL
work in a similar way to the way that the EXEC CICS LINK command works. However, these languages
do not offer an equivalent to EXEC CICS XCTL.
Sometimes it is preferable to use EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS XCTL rather than the facilities that
the various languages provide. For example:
These CICS API commands are helpful when applied to abend handling, exceptional conditions,
and attention identifiers. For example, if you have a common input-handling function that uses the
EXEC CICS RECEIVE command, it might be preferable to call it with EXEC CICS LINK. By using
the EXEC CICS LINK command, the input-handling function can set its own attention identifier
The EXEC CICS LINK command is helpful when it is used to distribute the processing by using
the distributed program link (DPL) facility. This enables you to distribute the processing of your
application to where the data resides. For example, if your region needs to apply a series of
updates to a transient data queue that exists in a remote region, it might be more efficient to do
this by using DPL, rather than function shipping each request individually. To do this without
using EXEC CICS LINK would mean that you would have to use a remote procedure call facility
of some type.
The EXEC CICS LINK command can be helpful in reducing the amount of code that you need to
The EXEC CICS XCTL command is helpful when you have a condition in which the calling
function does not need to receive control back after the invoked function is called. With this
condition, it is preferable to use EXEC CICS XCTL instead of EXEC CICS LINK, because less
storage is used in the application server.
The EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS XCTL commands are helpful if you are planning to
migrate to another CICS platform the system that you are writing. Using these CICS API
commands is preferable even at the cost of some efficiency.

Q7:What is the use of a TDQ, TSQ?
Ans:Temporary data stores.
Q8:Name some important fields in the EIB block ?
Q9: How do you handle errors in CICS pgms ?
Ans: Check EIBRESP after the call or use the HANDLE condition.
Q10: Deadlock condition

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