Monteblanco & Associates LLC: Criminal Lawyer Peru

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In recent years, there has been a dramatic rise in
International Child Abductions. International Child Abductions have serious consequences for
both the child and the left-behind parent. The child is abruptly removed, not only from contact
with the other parent, but also from their home environment and relocated to a culture with
which they may have had no prior ties to. The international abducting parent moves the child to
another world with a different legal system, social structure, culture, language, religion and even
relatives never before seen by them. These drastic differences in addition to the physical
distance from the left-behind parent, can make locating, recovering and returning internationally
abducted children complex and lengthy.

By all means, carrying out a defense in Child Abduction is one of the toughest jobs an
experienced attorney will ever have. A great deal of responsibility lies in this defense, more so
when you know what is at stake. However, in order to describe what this situation implies, it is of
paramount importance to know and understand exactly what The Hague Convention on the Civil
Aspects of International Child Abduction means and stands for.

We at MONTEBLANCO & ASSOCIATES handle international child custody cases throughout
Peru and the rest of South and Central America that fall out side the realm of International Child
Abduction. We work closely with and through local counsel and law enforcement in an effort to
enforce local laws and international treatise when need be.
We are the lawyers that other family lawyers from around the globe turn to when their clients
need a local expert to oversee a custody case, especially when one of the parents involved is a
foreign national. We also provide assistance on complex cases encompassed by international
elements such as Hague Convention cases.

If you are a person with considerable assets contemplating the option of divorce in your
forecast, or if you are the spouse of a person such as the one just described, it would behoove
you greatly to first consult us for advice on a carefully planned Tactical International Divorce
Preparing for an International Divorce
Are you the type of person that waits till the very last minute to act, or do you think it is much
more beneficial to strategically plan your moves in order to better control the outcome? When
you have thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions in assets to protect or to go after
then opting for the latter rather then the foremost will make all the difference in the world.

Daniel Alvarado, Esq. is a young and dynamic attorney with very special skills that converge in Corporate,
Labor and Immigration Law.
Not long ago, there was a time when Peru was a country that practically gave away permanent
residencies to anyone that would request it, including ill-intended people seeking tax breaks in
their home country. This immigrant status would then evolve into a Peruvian citizenship. Many
took advantage of these gaping loopholes in an almost nonexistent immigration law and used it
indiscriminately on criminal activities elsewhere and then sought refuge in Peru as their new
home country. In essence, these actions tarnished the reputation of Peruvian nationals, which
consequently created tougher migratory barriers for law-abiding Peruvians to gain commercial,
professional or academic access to other nations around the world. A lot has changed since
then as Perus economy grew steadily year after year while former economic giants were
collapsing under the weight of their recessions.

Deciding to immigrate to the United States can be a daunting task.
US Immigration law is a complex and constantly changing specialty that requires that we as
professionals always keep abreast of resent changes to the law. A knowledgeable and
experienced immigration attorney in Peru can effectively advise American citizens wishing to
bring their loved ones to the United States.

Proud Member of the Sports Law Association

Professional sports have evolved intbig business. As a result, international sports law
has become a very specific and complex legal field that requires a qualified sports law
MONTEBLANC& ASSOCIATES provides clients with innovative strategies for complex legal
matters and cases requiring sports law specialists. Our attorneys and sports consultants assist
higher education, Olympic, amateur, professional and corporate clients with addressing sports-
related legal, compliance, regulatory and administrative issues. Our areas of practice include:
internal investigations; Olympic Committee compliance and investigations; first, second and
third division soccer association compliance and investigations; risk management; sports drug
testing; sports dispute resolution and arbitration; and corporate governance.

Arnold Arrunategui, Esq. is a vastly experienced and well-versed attorney that specializes in specific
aspects of Criminal Law, Medical Malpractice as well as White Collar crimes.
For the most part, criminal law matters involving foreigners in Peru can be summarized into one
specific area Drug Trafficking. While Peru is in fact an amazing country known for its
historical, architectural and gastronomic values, it is also infamous for boasting the title of
number one producer of coca leaves and exporter of the purest grade of cocaine in the world.
This actually narrows down to the following: one kilogram of processed, high grade cocaine can
be purchased in Peru for about $600 while that same kilo will sell in Europe for $60,000 and
Australia and Japan for three times that. The lure is great, but the price to pay when getting
caught can easily mean serving a 15 to 25 year sentence in some of the most horrendous
prisons in the world where if the prisoner does not have a solid financial support from their loved
ones back home, they are destined to serve their time under unimaginable and inhumane
Aviation Law in Peru

Perus International Airport Jorge Chavez
Aviation law in Peru has progressively developed throughout the years. As Peru became a
travel hub for tourism and trade, the laws governing air travel had to develop in order to meet
the requirements of first world countries.MONTEBLANCO & ASSOCIATES became aware of
this at the turn of the millennia and took the necessary steps towards becoming knowledgeable
of applicable domestic as well as international laws in this field. As such, our services now
include but are not limited to technical aeronautical legislation and procedural regulations to
obtain commercial air rights before the Civil Aviation Authority in Peru and abroad, advice on
aircraft leasing, sale and purchase, financing, consultation of regulatory matters of the sector,
damages stemming from aircraft accidents, insurance and re-insurance claims, among others.
Address : Manuel de la Fuente 676, Barranco Lima, NA 04 Peru
Website :
Phone : (1) 251-9628

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