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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere (Lk 9:6, NI!"
When people are suffering in their bodies, they are often more open to solutions that will bring relief. Many are willing to
seek out pastors for prayer, and Christian health workers find opportunities to tell of the Healer. Pray that, as Muslims seek
physical healing, God will give wisdom to these workers as they offer both physical and spiritual hope.
Today's Prayer Requests: From Students and Alumni
BEI: ! graduate writes, "# recently taught an evangelism group at our church about #slam. Pray with us that God
will raise up people who will commit themselves to evangeli$ing Muslims. More and more we are seeing #slam
advance in our country. Pray for %enin, which is close to &igeria, that the 'ord will preserve us from %oko Haram.(
!"MER##: !n alumna sends a praise report from Cameroon) ! church planted in the e*treme north, where %oko
Haram is active, is growing +uickly, to ,-. members in /ust , ,01 years. 2n ,3 4une, the pastor 5a W!!67 graduate8
bapti$ed 9. people. 7his and about ,1 other churches have been planted through the use of the film "7he GodMan,(
produced by 2neHope. Please pray for the spiritual growth and witness of these congregations, and that God will
sustain His Church during this time of crisis.
In the News
!fter taking control of parts of northern #ra+ and 6yria, on 19 4une the militia group #slamic 6tate of #ra+ and the
'evant declared itself an established caliphate under its leader, !bu %akr al:%aghdadi. Calling itself simply the
#slamic 6tate, it demands the loyalty of all other #slamic groups and claims to supersede all other political entities.
People who do not comply, be they Christians, of another faith, or even moderate Muslims, risk persecution and
perhaps e*ecution by crucifi*ion. 7his past Monday, in 6yria;s !leppo region, 9 men were nailed to crosses. 'et;s pray
fervently for believers in #ra+ and 6yria, who face the loss of their homes, families, and lives. May the 'ord lift them
up, encourage and protect them, and use them for His glory. Pray for the leaders of the new "caliphate,( that God;s
6pirit would reveal himself to them and work in their hearts and minds.
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**
Tunisia, a &orth !frican nation that is 99.1< Muslim, ranks number =. in the list of countries where Christians face
the most severe persecution. 7here are only a few hundred Muslim:background believers, who meet underground>
there is a greater number of e*patriate Christians, but few are evangelical. Witnessing to Muslims is illegal, but
Christian programs on satellite 7? and the #nternet are effective means of sharing the Good &ews with them. Pray for
our brothers and sisters here, that the 'ord will encourage them and help them to grow in Him.
For Muslim Women***
Please pray that Christian women in war:torn 6yria and #ra+ will find their strength in the 'ord, who "makes my feet
like the feet of a deer, and enables me to tread on the heights( 5Hab. =),9, @6?8, and that the evidence of GodAs
faithfulness to them will draw their Muslim neighbors to 4esus.
Prayer Resources
#$raying for %uslims: & 'uide for (ffective Intercession offers many insights concerning #slam and a different prayer sub/ect
each Briday. 7his week we pray for Muslims who seek healing and for those who minister to them) http)00tinyurl.com0ke*CDbn.
2pen Eoors publishes an annual list ranking the -. nations where persecution against Christians is most severe. 6ee the full
1.,3 World Watch 'ist at http)00bit.ly0,mcm1fu. Click on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer re+uests.
Muslim women need your prayersF Gou can /oin a prayer network and receive regular re+uests at http)00sayhelloinfo.com0.
Bor a list of resources for prayer groups, see http)00tinyurl.com0waast/umaa.
Bind information and prayer re+uests concerning Muslims around the world at http)00www.=.:days.net0.
How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faithH Iead http)00www.elam.com0articles0How:to:pray:for:those:in:prison0.
Bor news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit http)00morningstarnews.org0 and http)00www.releaseinternational.org0.
Bor prayer re+uests, visit http)00www.opendoorsusa.org0pray0 and http)00www.persecution.com0public0pray.asp*.
7o help you answer Muslims; +uestions about 4esus and the %ible, e*plore http)00answeringislam.org0.
Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
West Africa Advanced School of Theology 11 July 2014

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