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Court Address 1025 E. Forest Ave. DETROIT, MI 48207-1024 Court Telephone No.

1. In the matter of (State the name, county of legal residence, race, sex, and date and place of birth of each child, and indicate with whom the child lives.)
a. Name of child and county of legal residence Race Sex Date and place of birth

Living with: Father
Charles Luc Bothuel l- Wayne County AA M 06/02/2010

b. Name of child and county of legal residence Race Sex Date and place of birth

Living with:
Lillian Monique Bothuell- Wayne County AA F 08/22/2013

c. Name of child and county of legal residence Race Sex Date and place of birth

Living with:


d. Name of child and county of legal residence Race Sex Date and place of birth

Living with:


e. Name of child and county of legal residence Race Sex Date and place of birth

Living with:


f. Name of child and county of legal residence Race Sex Date and place of birth

Living with:


g. Name of child and county of legal residence Race Sex Date and place of birth

Living with:


h. Name of child and county of legal residence Race Sex Date and place of birth

Living with:


2. The names and addresses and other relevant information of the parents, guardian, legal custodian, or nearest known relative are as
follows: if the father/mother/guardian or legal custodian is a respondent, place a check mark in the column R. Name each fathers children and indicate
for which child the father is a legal father by placing (LF) after the name of each child. If there is no (LF) designation, the father is presumed to be the
putative father of the named child. For example: J ohn Doe (LF), Mary Doe, Susan Doe (LF)

a. Fathers name R DOB Address Telephone Number
Charli e Bothuell IV X 01/02/1969 1344 Nicol et Pl ace Detroit, MI 48207 248-573-9799
Name(s) of child(ren)
Charli e Luc Bothuell (LF) and Lillian Monique Bothuell (LF)
b. Fathers name R DOB Address Telephone Number

Name(s) of child(ren)

c. Fathers name R DOB Address Telephone Number

Name(s) of child(ren)

d. Fathers name R DOB Address Telephone Number

Name(s) of child(ren)

e. Fathers name R DOB Address Telephone Number

Name(s) of child(ren)

f. Fathers name R DOB Address Telephone Number

Name(s) of child(ren)

g. Mothers name R DOB Address Telephone Number
Monique Arnel Dil lard-
X 08/27/1977 1344 Nicol et Pl ace Detroit, MI 48207 313-463-1565
h. Mothers name R DOB Address Telephone Number

i. Non-parent adult respondents name DOB Address Telephone Number

j. Guardians/Legal custodians name R DOB Address Telephone Number

JC 04b (9/11) PETITION (CHILD PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS), PAGE 1 MCL 712A.2, MCR 3.903(A)(19), MCR 3.926(A), MCR 3.961
Court Address 1025 E. Forest Ave. DETROIT, MI 48207-1024 Court Telephone No.

In the matter of Charles Luc Bothuell DOB; 06/02/2010, and Lilli an Monique Bothuell DOB; 08/22/2013

a. There is no other pending or resolved action within the jurisdiction of the family division of the circuit court involving the family or family
members of the minor.
b. An action within the jurisdiction of the family division of circuit court involving the family or family members of the minor has been
previously filed in
Wayne County
Court, Case Number
assigned to J udge
J udge Braxton
and remains is no longer pending.

4. The named child(ren) come within the provisions of MCL 712A.2(b)(1)-(5) as follows (check all that apply): See page 3 for specific allegations.
is a/are member(s) of or eligible for membership in an Indian Tribe or Band as stated in allegations. Removal is requested below, and
attached are details describing the active efforts made to provide remedial services and rehabilitative programs designed to prevent the breakup of
the Indian family and documentation and attempts to identify the childs tribe.
A military/nonmilitary affidavit is attached.
The parent or other person legally responsible for the care and maintenance of the child(ren), when able to do so, neglected or refused to provide
proper or necessary support, education, medical, surgical, or other care necessary for the child(ren)s health or morals, or he/she has subjected the
child(ren) to a substantial risk of harm to his or her mental well-being, or he/she has abandoned the child(ren) without proper custody or guardianship.
The home or environment, by reason of neglect, cruelty, drunkenness, criminality, or depravity on the part of the parent, guardian, nonparent
adult, or other custodian, is an unfit place for the child(ren) to live.
The parent has substantially failed, without good cause, to comply with a limited guardianship placement plan for the child(ren) pursuant to MCL
The parent has substantially failed, without good cause, to comply with a court-structured plan for the child(ren) pursuant to MCL 700.5207 and
The child(ren) has/have a guardian pursuant to the estates and protected individuals code and the parent meets both of the following criteria:
(i) the parent, having the ability to support or assist in supporting the child(ren), has failed or neglected, without good cause, to provide regular and
substantial support for two years or more before the filing of the petition or, if a support order has been entered, has failed to substantially comply with
the order for two years or more before the filing of the petition, and (ii) the parent, having the ability to visit, contact, or communicate with the
child(ren), has regularly and substantially failed or neglected, without good cause, to do so for two years or more before the filing of the petition.

5. The reason(s) why it is contrary to the welfare of the child(ren) for the child(ren) to remain in the home are: (attach separate sheets as needed.)
It is contrary for Charles Luc, and Lillian Monique Bothuell to remain in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Bothuell due to the
allegations of physical abuse and neglect of their sibling, Charlie Bothuell V.

6. The reasonable effort(s) made to prevent the removal of the child(ren) include: (attach separate sheets as needed.)
An emergency petition was filed due to the serious allegations of physical abuse, and neglect perpetrated on sibling Charlie
Bothuell V. An FTM will be held with the family at a later date. CPS witnessed two Forensic Interviews with the child victim;
Charlie Bothuell V. The interviews revealed Charlie V was physically disciplined by his father with a PVC pipe, and injuries
were reported. It was also disclosed Charlie was placed in the basement of the family home for 11 days by his stepmother,
Monique Dillard-Bothuell. Charlie was threatened by Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell not to make any noise no matter what he hears.
Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell reported Charlie V ran away from their home, but he was in the basement the entire time. CPS has
been corresponding with the Detroit Police Department, and the FBI regarding this case. CPS interviewed Mr. and Mrs.
Bothuell on 06/23/14 regarding allegations for another CPS referral and is currently conducting an investigation.

JC 04b (9/11) PETITION (CHILD PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS), PAGE 2 MCL 712A.2, MCR 3.903(A)(19), MCR 3.926(A), MCR 3.961
Court Address 1025 E. Forest Ave. DETROIT, MI 48207-1024 Court Telephone No.

In the matter of Charles Luc Bothuell DOB; 06/22/2010, and Lilli an Monique Bothuell DOB; 08/22/2013

Party Identification:
1. The children subject to this petition are:
Charles Luc Bothuell VI DOB 6/02/2010; and
Lillian Monique Bothuell DOB 8/22/2013;
2. The mother of the children is Monique Arnel Dillard-Bothuell, DOB 8/27/1977
3. The legal father of the children Charles Luc, and Lillian Monique Bothuell is Charlie Bothuell IV, DOB
1/2/1969. He established paternity of the children through marriage.
4. D.H.S. is requesting removal of the children from the home. The reasons for this removal are: There
is concern regarding the well-being and safety of Lillian, and Charles Luc. Their older brother, Charlie
Bothuell V was reported missing on 06/14/14. On 06/25/14 Charlie Bothuell V was found barricaded
in the basement of the Bothuell home. There is currently an investigation with the Detroit Police FBI
regarding the disappearance of Charlie V, and his recent discovery. There are allegations Charlie Vs
stepmother, Monique Dillard-Bothuell placed him in the basement, barricaded him in, and told him
not to come out no matter what he hears.
5. Monique Arnel Dillard-Bothuell, explicitly stated that she does not have Native American ancestry
on 6/23/2014, and that the children Charles Luc, and Lillian Monique also do not.
6. Charlie Bothuell IV explicitly stated that he does not have Native American ancestry on 6/23/2014,
and that the children Charles Luc, and Lillian Monique also do not.
B. Physical Abuse:
1. On or about 6/23/2014, CPS received a referral alleging physical neglect of the children Charles Luc
and Lillian Monique Bothuell.
2. On 06/23/14 Mr. Bothuell disclosed physically disciplining Charlie V with a PVC pipe. An FBI search of
the home produced the PVC pipe with which Charlie V was disciplined. It was disclosed that blood
was found on the pipe.
3. On 06/24/14 Charles Luc and Lillian were examined at Childrens Hospital
4. On 06/25/14 Charlie Bothuell V was found in the basement of the Bothuell home. He was transported
to Childrens Hospital to be examined by a medical professional.
5. On 06/25/14 Charlie V was examined by Dr. Bherendt at Childrens Hospital. He was observed to have
a half circular scar on his chest, that he reports being a result of his father driving a PVC pipe into his
chest. He was also observed to have old scars on his buttocks from being hit with the pipe.
6. On or about 06/25/14. CPS received a referral alleging physical abuse of the child Charlie V, who was
missing for 11 days.
7. A forensic interview was conducted by Kids Talk on 06/26/14. An Adolescent Child Forensic Interview
was also conducted by the FBI on 07/01/14. The child, Charlie Bothuell V further disclosed the
following from the interviews:

a. Charlie V has experienced physical abuse by his father, Charlie Bothuell IV, for
the entire two years he has resided in Mr. Bothuells residence. The abuse
included being physically disciplined with a PVC pipe on his butt, feet, chest,
head, thighs, sides, and arms.
b. Charlie V disclosed after being physically disciplined with the PVC pipe, he was
often too sore to sit or walk.
c. Charlie V reports being physically disciplined so severely by Mr. Bothuell with
the PVC pipe, the skin on his buttocks split opened in several areas.
d. Charlie V disclosed being punched by his stepmother, Monique, in the past.
JC 04b (9/11) PETITION (CHILD PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS), PAGE 3 MCL 712A.2, MCR 3.903(A)(19), MCR 3.926(A), MCR 3.961
8. A medical examination was conducted at Childrens Hospital, on or about 6/25/2014 by Dr. Bherendt.
Evidence of physical abuse was found in the form of a scar on Charlie Vs chest, and scars on his
9. An FBI search of the home produced the PVC pipe in which Charlie V was disciplined with. It was
disclosed blood was found on the pipe.
10. Charlie V was made to get up at 5 am, and complete two workouts per day, 7 days a week. The
morning and evening workouts consisted of the following:
I. 100 push-ups, 200 sit ups, 100 jumping jacks, 25 arm curls on each arm with a 25lb
weight, and 5000 revolutions on the Elliptical Trainer.
II. The evening workout consisted of the same routine, but instead of 5000 revolutions,
Charlie V had to complete 4000 revolutions on the Elliptical Trainer.
11. Charlie V reports having to complete the entire workout in under an hour or I would have to do it
12. Charlie V reports there were times when he was in too much pain to complete his workout, due to
being hit with the PVC pipe on his feet. If he failed to complete the workout, he would be in trouble

C. Emotional/Verbal Abuse:
1. Monique Dillard-Bothuell is responsible for the verbal and/or emotional abuse of the child Charlie
Bothuell V, which includes the following:
2. Charlie V reported Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell stated she doesnt fing like me, and will fing murder me.
She has also made additional statements, such as unlike you, I know where the sharp knives are,
and I can make you disappear.

D. Physical Neglect:
1. On or about 6/25/2014, CPS received a referral alleging physical neglect of the child Charlie Bothuell
2. The child, Charlie Bothuell V was found by the Michigan State Police, and FBI on or about 6/25/2014.
Charlie V was found barricaded behind boxes and totes that concealed his presence. He was without
proper supervision, in the following conditions: Charlie was shivering, and hungry when found. When
interviewed, Charlie V stated I was so excited when I heard they were going to move the box I was
behind, because I knew they were going to find me.
3. Charlie V reported Monique Dillard-Bothuell became upset with him because she thought he was
lying to her about completing his evening workout on 06/14/14.
4. Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell accused Charlie V of lying several times, and stated Im not going to argue with
you, I will just tell your dad.
5. Charlie V reported showering, and putting on his pajamas for the evening. When he entered the
kitchen, Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell was still very upset regarding the workout. She stated to Charlie V If
you dont want anything bad to happen, you better get out my face. She then stated Ive got a
place for you to go.
6. Charlie V reported Mrs. Dillard-Bothuells voice was angry. Charlie V felt as if he did not have a choice,
so he did as he was told.
7. Charlie V followed Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell to the basement. She then led Charlie V to the back of the
basement, and pointed to an area along the wall, stating there, back there, go!
8. Charlie V reported climbing over a 5 gallon drum to reach this particular area. Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell
then added more boxes and totes to conceal his presence.
9. Charlie V reported hearing Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell go upstairs, and call Mr. Bothuell. She informed him
Charlie V was missing. Charlie V stated she said she looked everywhere.
10. During the 11 days Charlie V was in the basement, he reported hearing officers come to the home.
11. Charlie V reported obtaining a blanket from the laundry room his first night in the basement because
he was cold.
JC 04b (9/11) PETITION (CHILD PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS), PAGE 4 MCL 712A.2, MCR 3.903(A)(19), MCR 3.926(A), MCR 3.961
12. Charlie V reported Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell came downstairs to do laundry, and empty a tote that filled
with water due to a leak from the garbage disposal. She would approach the area Charlie V was in
and state shut up, stay quiet, and dont say anything no matter what you hear!
13. Charlie V reported Mrs. Dillard-Bothuell never brought him food, or anything to drink the entire time
he was in the basement.
14. Charlie V reported climbing out of this space when he heard the house was quiet. He would then go
upstairs and get food to eat.
15. Charlie V reported taking things to eat that would not be noticed as missing. He drank protein shakes,
Gatorade, water, and Mountain Dew. He ate Chex Mix, and Frosted Flakes (without milk).

E. Criminal History:
1. Monique Dillard-Bothuell was arrested and convicted of a weapons offense in 2013.
2. Monique Dillard-Bothuell is on probation, under the supervision of agent L. Bradford.

F. Relief Requested
1. WHEREFORE, the Department of Human Services respectfully requests that this Court find the
children Charles Luc Bothuell and Lillian Bothuell are without proper care and custody for the reasons
listed above, and take jurisdiction over the children pursuant to MCL 712A.2(b)(1) and (2), terminate
the rights of both parents Charlie Bothuell IV and Monique Arnel Dillard-Bothuell, pursuant to the statutory
provisions of MCL 712A.19(b)(3) listed after this section.

The Department further requests that the children Charles Luc Bothuell and Lillian Monique Bothuell be
placed with the Department of Human Services.

(b) The child or a sibling of the child has suffered physical injury or physical or sexual abuse under 1 or more of the following circumstances:
(i) The parent's act caused the physical injury or physical or sexual abuse and the court finds that there is a reasonable
likelihood that the child will suffer from injury or abuse in the foreseeable future if placed in the parent's home.
(ii) The parent who had the opportunity to prevent the physical injury or physical or sexual abuse failed to do so and the court
finds that there is a reasonable likelihood that the child will suffer injury or abuse in the foreseeable future if placed in the parent's
(iii) A nonparent adult's act caused the physical injury or physical or sexual abuse and the court finds that there is a reasonable
likelihood that the child will suffer from injury or abuse by the nonparent adult in the foreseeable future if placed in the parent's
(g) The parent, without regard to intent, fails to provide proper care or custody for the child and there is no reasonable expectation
that the parent will be able to provide proper care and custody within a reasonable time considering the child's age.
(j) There is a reasonable likelihood, based on the conduct or capacity of the child's parent, that the child will be harmed if he or she is
returned to the home of the parent.
(k) The parent abused the child or a sibling of the child and the abuse included 1 or more of the following:
(iii) Battering, torture, or other severe physical abuse.

JC 04b (9/11) PETITION (CHILD PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS), PAGE 5 MCL 712A.2, MCR 3.903(A)(19), MCR 3.926(A), MCR 3.961

8. I request the court to

a. refer the matter to alternative services

b. authorize the petition and take jurisdiction over the child(ren). Further, I request the court to

issue an order removing

the child(ren)

the abuser from the home.
c. terminate parental rights of father to child(ren) 1.a. 1.b. 1.c. 1.d. 1.e. 1.f. 1.g. 1.h.
d. terminate parental rights of mother to child(ren) 1.a. 1.b. 1.c. 1.d. 1.e. 1.f. 1.g. 1.h.

I declare that the statements in this petition are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief.

07/07/14 DHS Wayne Co. South Central CFS, 1801 E. Canfiel d
Petitioners signature Date Agency/Address
Shalan Wil liams DETROIT, MI 48207 313 460-7395
Print or type name City, state, and zip Telephone no.
Approved by:

Prosecutors signature (optional) and date
6. A preliminary inquiry and/or hearing has been conducted and the filing of this petition

the child(ren)

the following child(ren)

is authorized.
on the child(ren) the following child(ren)

is not authorized.

Date J udge/Referee Bar no.
JC 04b (9/11) PETITION (CHILD PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS), PAGE 6 MCL 712A.2, MCR 3.903(A)(19), MCR 3.926(A), MCR 3.961

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