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Welcomgroup Management Institute

Name of the dish : Glazed Carrot

Tools : Saut pan, Sauce pan
No. of portion :04
Service :
Sensitivity : Suar to !e added as per s"eetness of the suar
#nredients $t.%&easure 'rocedure
(. Carrot
). *utter
+. Salt
4. Suar
,. $ater
To taste
To taste
(. Clean the carrots
). Cut into desired shape.olive,paysanne/
+. 'lace the prepared carrots in a pan "ith sufficient "ater to !arely cover
4. 0dd in salt, suar and !utter
,. Coo1 until almost all the moisture has evaporated leavin a syrupy
reduction2 toss the carrots over in this to coat them "ith a !rilliant

3ate: Ne4t revie" &ade !y 0pproved !y
Chef 5a1esh 6padhyay
Welcomgroup Management Institute
Name of the dish : 8ichy carrot
Tools :Saut pan, Sauce pan
No. of portion :04
Service :
Sensitivity : Suar to !e added as per s"eetness of the suar
#nredients $t.%&easure 'rocedure
(. Carrot
). *utter
+. Salt
4. Suar
,. $ater
To taste
To taste
(. Clean the carrots
). Cut the carrots into slices2 if they are old ones !lanch them "ell.
+. 'lace the prepared carrots in a pan "ith sufficient "ater to !arely cover
4. 0dd in salt, suar and !utter
,. Coo1 until almost all the moisture has evaporated leavin a syrupy
reduction2 toss the carrots over in this to coat them "ith a !rilliant
-. Sprin1le "ith chopped parsley and serve

3ate: Ne4t revie" &ade !y 0pproved !y
Chef 5a1esh 6padhyay
Welcomgroup Management Institute
Name of the dish : Grilled Tomatoes
Tools :
No. of portion :04
Service :
Sensitivity :
#nredients $t.%&easure 'rocedure
(. Tomatoes
). 9il
+. 'arsley
4. Salt
,. 'epper
: No:
To taste
To taste
(. 5emove eye from tomatoes and lihtly score rounded surface in a
criss;cross fashion.
). 'lace on lihtly reased rillin tray, season "ith salt and pepper,
!rush "ith oil and rill steadily under salamander until coo1ed.
+. 'resent for service !rushed "ith melted !utter and arnished "ith a
spri of parsley

3ate: Ne4t revie" &ade !y 0pproved !y
Chef 5a1esh 6padhyay
Welcomgroup Management Institute
Name of the dish : 'asta salad
Tools :
No. of portion :04
Service :
Sensitivity :

#nredients $t.%&easure 'rocedure
(. Coo1ed 'asta
). Tomato Concasse
+. &ushrooms
4. <er! dressin
,. Salt
-. 'epper
0s re=uired
To taste
To taste
(. Com!ine all the inredients carefully and season to taste.
). 3ress in a presentation dish and serve.
Note: Small coo1ed pasta shapes are ideal for this salad. 0 com!ination can
!e used.

Garnish: 'epper *runoise
3ate: Ne4t revie" &ade !y 0pproved !y
Chef 5a1esh 6padhyay
Welcomgroup Management Institute
Name of the dish :'aella 8alancia
Tools :Ste" pan, Stoc1 pot
No. of portion :04
Service :
Sensitivity :
#nredients $t.%&easure 'rocedure
(. >on rain rice
). 'ra"ns
+. &ussels
4. 9nion
,. Tomato concasse
-. 'imento
7. Green 'eas
:. 9il
?. Salt
(0. 'epper
((. Garlic
(). *ou=uet arni
(+. $hite Stoc1
(4. Saffron
To taste
To taste
, re=uired/
(. S"eat onions, pimento, in oil to liht !ro"n.
). 0dd rice and mi4 "ell.
+. 0dd stoc1, stir to !oil, add !ou=uet arni, seasonin and arlic.
4. Cover "ith lid and simmer ently until rice is half coo1ed.
,. &i4 in the remainin inredients to include mussel li=uor
-. Complete coo1in and correct seasonin.

Garnish:Chopped 'arsley
3ate: Ne4t revie" &ade !y 0pproved !y
Chef 5a1esh 6padhyay
Welcomgroup Management Institute
Name of the dish :5iz 'ilaf
Tools :
No. of portion :04
Service :
Sensitivity :Size and shape of the dish "ill determine the =uantity of stoc1
#nredients $t.%&easure 'rocedure
(. 5ice
). 9il
+. 9nion
4. Garlic
,. Saffron
-. *utter
7. Chic1en Stoc1
(. Saut arlic and onion
). 0dd and saut soa1ed rice
+. 'our in the re=uired !oiled stoc1
4. Season and mi4 in the soa1ed saffron
,. $hen the level of "ater and rain e=uals put it on dum
-. >et it coo1 on hih fire for 4;,min and then on lo" fire for (, min
7. Chec1 the doneness

Garnish: ;
3ate: Ne4t revie" &ade !y 0pproved !y
Chef 5a1esh 6padhyay
Welcomgroup Management Institute

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