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Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

Bachelors of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
Building Structures (ARC 2523)
Prerequisite Building Construction 2 (ARC22!3)
Project 1
Fettuccine Truss Bri!e
"utor Mr# Adi$
Astari Ra%a& !!'!P!!()3
Celine "an *ean +nn '3'3,,(
-ei.en Chee '3!2''/
"ang Hui 0ing '3!2')(
Hong Si Mun '3!2,/3
1ong *ia 2in !!'!3!3244
T"#$e o% Content
1& Introuction
!#!# Ai5 of 6$
!#2# Perfect "russ
!#3# Sco8e of Stud9
!#/# :i5itation
'& (et)oo$o!*
+& Preceent Stu*
3#! Histor9 and Bac&ground
3#2 Structure
3#3 Construction
/# E,ui-.ent "n ("teri"$ Stu*
/#! Material Strength Stud9
/#!#! "98es of -ettuccine
/#!#2 6rientation
/#2 ;qui85ent Stud9
/#2#! 3lue "98es
/#2#2 3luing Method
/#3 Model Ma&ing
/#/ 1or&ing Schedule
/& Desi!n Process
5#!# Pro8osed <esign = Part !
5#2# "russ Anal9sis = Part !
5#3# Pro8osed <esign = Part 2
5#/# "russ Anal9sis = Part 2
5#5# Pro8osed <esign = Part 3
5#,# "russ Anal9sis = Part 3
5#4# -inal <esign
0& (oe$ Testin!
,#!# 6$ser.ation
,#2# ;fficienc9
1& An"$*sis
4#!# Structural Anal9sis
4#2# -ailure Anal9sis
4#3# <esign Modification
2& Conc$usion
3& A--eni4
15& Re%erences
1&5 Introuction
1&1 Ai. & O#jecti6es
-or this 8ro7ect> ?e ?ere to design a fettuccini $ridge ?ith the require5ents of a clear s8an of
,''55 length and a 5a@i5u5 of !5'g in ?eight# 6ur ai5 ?as to construct a $ridge ?ith high
efficienc9 ?ith 5ini5al 5aterial ?eight and high load#
"o de.elo8 and $e a$le to a88l9 our understanding of tension and co58ressi.e strength of
construction 5aterials
"o de.elo8 our understanding of force distri$ution in a truss
"o design a high efficienc9 8erfect truss $ridge ?ith high le.el of aesthetic .alue
1&' T)e Per%ect Truss
A structural 5e5$er that is usuall9 found in a fra5e?or& used to su88ort a structure# B9 definition>
a truss can $e .arious structural fra5es $ased on the geo5etric rigidit9 of the triangle and co58osed
of straight 5e5$ers su$7ect onl9 to longitudinal co58ression> tension> or $oth#
Perfect "russ
A truss is considered 8erfect if the condition 2J A m B 3 is fulfilled> ?hereas J is the nu5$er of 7oints>
m is the nu5$er of 5e5$ers# A 8erfect truss can $e anal9sed to get the internal and e@ternal 5e5$er
forces $9 using the three conditions of static equili$riu5#
1&+ Project Sco-e
"his 8ro7ect has the require5ents of $uilding a fettuccini $ridge of a clear s8an of ,''55
length and a 5a@i5u5 of !5'g in ?eight# Precedent studies ?ere carried out to stud9 a truss $ridge
of our choice# "he studies ?ere then used to a88l9 our understanding to the design of our $ridge#
Structural anal9sis ?ere carried out through the o$ser.ation of load test to design se.eral $ridges and
then selecting the $est $ridge#
"his 8ro7ect li5it us to design a 8erfect truss $ridge ?ith the use of fettuccini as our onl9
5aterial> ?ith an9 adhesi.e of our choice# "he 8ro8erties and 5ethod of construction of the fettuccini
$ridge .ar9 fro5 our 8recedent stud9 due to the si%e and nature of our 5aterial# "herefore> the
relationshi8 of the fettuccini $ridge and a life=si%e $ridge of another 5aterial dissi5ilar#
+n realit9> a ?ell constructed $ridge is su$7ected to lateral loads> 5o$ile loads and other
factors co58ared to a single 8oint load ?hich is used in our fettuccini $ridge# As a result> the design
of our fettuccini $ridge cannot $e assu5ed to $e functionall9 adequate for life si%e $ridges#
'&5 (et)oo$o!*
Preceent Stu*
Research on truss $ridge design is carried out fro5 $oo&s and internet to de5onstrate e@isting $ridge
st9les and construction# +nfor5ation of $ridgeCs connection> arrange5ent and orientation of truss
5e5$er is collected and a88lied to the $ridge design#
("teri"$ Stren!t) Testin!
Material 8ro8erties of fettuccine is tested ?ith its tensile strength> co58ressi.e strength and $ending
strength $efore 5odel 5a&ing in order to 8ro.ide the 5aterial its highest 8erfor5ance#
(oe$ ("8in!
6nl9 fettuccini 5a9 $e used for construction of $ridge and an9 adhesi.e 5a9 $e used in 7ointing# A
2=< AutoCad dra?ing of all the ele.ations> including to8 la9er> $otto5 la9er> sides la9er and cross
section is done $efore e@ecuting $ridge 5odel 5a&ing# "he dra?ing are 8rinted out and used as a
8attern for the $ridge design# "his hel8s in cutting the fettuccine 8recisel9 tot the right si%e $9 la9ing
it do?n on the dra?ing and cutting it#
(oe$ Testin!
"he $ridge is centered on su88ort and a DsE hoo& is hanged at the center of the $ridge ?here load is
a88lied# -ailure of the $ridge is defined as the ina$ilit9 of the $ridge to carr9 additional load and the
$ridge is tested to fail#
Structur"$ An"$*sis
6ther than efficienc9 e.aluation> it includes design dra?ing and calculations of internal force for
each 5e5$er at e.er9 7oint to further e.aluate co58ression and tension 5e5$ers of the $ridge
design# +t also
+&5 Preceent stu* 9 T)e S*ne* H"r#our Bri!e
+&1& Histor* "n #"c8!roun
Figure 1: The Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia
"he S9dne9 Har$our Bridge is a steel through $ridge that s8ans across S9dne9 har$our ?hich
consists of t?o rail?a9 lanes> eight .ehicular> a $ic9cle lane and a 8edestrian lane# +t is the ?orldCs
largest steel arch $ridge ?ith a total s8an of !!/( 5etres and an arch s8an of 5'3 5etres> ?ith the to8
of the arch !3/ 5eters a$o.e the har$our#
+t ?as not originall9 thought of as an arch $ridge# <r Bradfield initiall9 had a
$ridge in 5ind to s8an the har$our# Ho?> on a tri8 to Fe? 0or& he ?as ins8ired $9 the Hell 3ate
Bridge and he realised the design ?as inferior to an arch for his 8ro8osed $ridge#
+&1& Structure
"he S9dne9 Har$our Bridge is a t?o=8in arch construction> 5ade u8 of t?o arches side $9
side> 7oined $9 hori%ontal cross=5e5$ers# "he arch is co58osed of t?o 2)=8anel arch trussesG their
heights .ar9 fro5 !) 5 at the center of the arch to 54 5 at the ends ne@t to the 89lons# "he arch has a
s8an of 5'/ 5 and its su55it is !3/ 5 a$o.e 5ean sea le.el#
An arch $ridge functions quite differentl9 fro5 a $ridge (or $ea5 $ridge)# +n an
arch $ridge> the .ertical loads (li.e and dead loads) tend to flatten the arch and 8ush out against the
a$ut5ents> creating $oth .ertical and hori%ontal reaction forces# A $ea5 $ridge> $9 co58arison>
e@erts onl9 .ertical forces at its su88orts# "his 5eans that an arch 5ust ha.e significantl9 stronger
a$ut5ents than a $ea5 $ridge#
RHA A Hori%ontal reaction force at 8oint A RHA A Hertical
reaction force at 8oint A
RHB A Hori%ontal reaction force at 8oint B RHB A Hertical
reaction force at 8oint B

"he truss of the arch of the $ridge rese5$les the Pratt truss $ridge design# The road deck is
placed underneath the arch, supported by tension members, and the deck ties
the two ends of the arch together, forming a tied arch The tension tie takes the
hori!ontal thrust, therefore, the foundations need only to support the gra"ity
loads on the bridge, which allow arches to be used where there may not be
"he Pratt truss $ridge design
"he S9dne9 Har$our Bridge
otherwise suitable subsoil conditions
<iagra5 ! Sho?ing the co58ression and tension forces acting in the $ridge
"he $ridge structure is su88orted on four hori%ontal> c9lindrical forged steel 8ins in the 5ain
$earings> one at each end of the t?o arches# "his allo?s the 5o.e5ent in the arch caused $9
te58erature .ariations and d9na5ic loading to $e accounted for# "he arch 5a9 rise u8 to !)' 55
due to heating during the da9#
A$ut5ents at the $ase of the 89lons are essential to hold its s8an fir5l9 in 8lace and 5ost
i58ortantl9> su88ort the loads fro5 the arch $9 ta&ing the lateral thrust# Ho?> the 89lons ha.e no structural 8ur8ose#
-igure 2 "he 5assi.e hinges against the a$ut5ent> su88orting the load fro5 the arch#
"he $ridge structure rests on four large concrete s&e?$ac&s> t?o on each side of the shore#
"he e@ca.ation 5ade ?as directl9 into the solid sandstone# ;ach s&e?$ac& is /' feet ?ide (!2#!(2
5)> (' feet long (24#/32 5) and u8 to 3' feet ((#!// 5) dee8# "he u88er surface of these> for the
5ain $earings> is at an angle of /5I to ta&e the 5ain $earing casting#
<iagra5 3 "he thrust of the 5ain arch $elo? the 5ain $earings is at an angle of /5J#

-igure 3 Construction of S9dne9 Har$our BridgeCs 5ain $earing#
Ri.ets (8er5anent 5echanical fasteners) ?ere e@tensi.el9 used in the construction of the
S9dne9 Har$our $ridge> the largest scale use of ri.ets in an9 steel structure in Australia# "he ri.ets
used ?ere 5ild steel ?ith U"S of /!3=/)2 MPa and high shear strength# More than , 5illion ri.ets
?ere used to asse5$le the $ridge# Ri.ets ?ith a head on one end ?ere inserted into the 8lates and the
headless end is rounded ?hilst the is still .er9 hot using a 8neu5atic ri.eting gun#

<iagra5 5 1hen a hot cools> it contracts i58osing a co58ressi.e (cla58ing) stress on the 8lates# "he itself is
then in tension the tensile stress is a88ro@i5atel9 equal to the 9ield stress of the 5aterial#
+&' Construction
"he tied arch is 8articularl9 difficult to construct> $ecause the arch thrust is not resisted until
the road dec& is constructed> $ut the road dec& is unsu88orted until the arch is $uilt#
;ach half arch ?as $uilt out fro5 each shore su88orted on each of the 5ain $earings to
8re.ent it fro5 falling into the har$our#
-igure / "he 8neu5atic ri.eter is o8erated $9 hand>
and is used $oth inside and outside the ?or&sho8s#
<iagra5 / 3rain -lo? in a (right) 5achined fro5 hot
rolled $ar# Fote the shar8 change in grain flo? under the head# -a.oura$le grain flo? in (left) after inserting
and rounding ?hile hot> analogous to hot forging#
"he southern head of the $ridge ?as constructed a 5onth ahead of the northern head to
ensure no errors ?ould $e re8eated ?hen constructing the northern head#
-igure 5 "he earl9 construction of S9dne9 Har$our Bridge.
7&5 ("teri"$ "n E,ui-.ent Stu*
7&1 ("teri"$ Stren!t) Testin!
7&1&1 T*-es o% Fettuccini:
Se.eral t98es of fettuccini ?ere tested for this 8ro7ect
i) <i.ella -ettuccini
ii) San Re5oCs standard fettuccini
Before carr9ing out the e@8eri5ent to deter5ine the strength of different t98es of fettuccini>
?e ?eighed one fettuccini and found that <i.ella -ettuccini is hea.ier than SanKs Re5o Standard
-ettucini> ?hich are 2g and !g res8ecti.el9# Besides> the surfaces of <i.ella -ettuccini is slightl9
rounded co58are to San Re5oKs Standard -ettuccini ?hich causes the surface area for gluing is
lesser# "herefore> ?e chose San Re5oKs Standard -ettuccini as the 5aterial for $ridge construction in
the concern of lighter in ?eight and flatten surface area for gluing#
<iagra5 , ;@a58le of each $rand of fettucciniKs surface
7&1&' Orient"tion
"esting of different orientations of single fettuccini to deter5ine ?hich orientation ?ould
ha.e 5ore strength to $e 8ut into the 5odel design# "his ?as done $9 8lacing the fettuccini e.enl9 a ga8 of !''55 ?ith 8ressure a88lied on $oth ends of it for su88ort# 1eights ?ere 8laced in a
5g 8lastic $ag that hung in the centre of the fettuccini 5e5$er#
Surface of #i"ella of San $emo%s Standard Fettuccini
Fettuccini Surface
-igure , <i.ella -ettuccini -igure 4 Standard -ettuccini
Figure ': (lacement of fettuccini o"er 1))mm gap
:a9er !
:oad(g)L-ace Hori%ontal Hertical
5' L L
!'' L L
!5' L L
2'' L L
25' L L
3'' 2 L
35' = L
/'' = 2
"a$le ! Brea&ing 8oint of hori%ontal and .ertical orientation fettuccini 5e5$ers
"he outco5e of the test ?as that the hori%ontal oriented 8iece $ro&e after 3''g of ?eight
?ere 8laced and the .ertical oriented 8iece $ro&e after /''g of ?eight ?ere 8laced# "his concluded
that fettuccine has .er9 little $ending strength in hori%ontal orientation# "hus> hori%ontal 5e5$er in
$ridge design ?ould consider using .ertical facing#
7&' E,ui-.ent Testin!
7&'&1 G$ue T*-es
"he use of glue on surfaces of fettuccini that $inds the5 together to resists se8aration and
create a rigid 7oints# "he a$ilit9 of different t98es of glue to $ind the fettuccini> distri$ution of stress
across the 7oint and aesthetic .alue of ?or&5anshi8 ?ill affect the efficienc9 of the $ridge# "est of
glue is ta&en to get the efficienc9 and $est result on connection#
-igure ( Hori%ontal 6rientation -igure !' Hertical 6rientation
-igure !! 3lue 3un -igure !2 Adhesi.e 3lue -igure !3 3=Second 3lue
-igure !/ ;8o@9 3lue
T*-e o% G$ues A6"nt"!es Dis"6"nt"!es
Hot 3lue 3un
= ;as9 to use
= *oints too fle@i$le
= :o? ;ffiecienc9
= 1eight increase significantl9
Adhensi.e 3lue (UHU) = <ries Muic&l9
= *oints slightl9 fle@i$le ?hen
3=Second 3lue
= <ries quic&er than
adhensi.e glue
= Rigid *oint
= Clean *oint
= Highest ;ffienc9
= Crac&ed 7oint found after
Storing in roo5 te58erature
= ;@8and and shringe occures
;@8o@9 3lue
= Rigid *oint
= High ;ffienc9
= "a&es longer ti5e to dr9
= Require careful 5i@ing
= Mess9
"a$le 2 Co58arison of ad.antages and disad.antages each t98e of glues
-ro5 the a$o.e ta$le> it can $e concluded that different t98e of glue ?ould ha.e different
result on 7oint and aesthetic .alue in gluing# As result> 3=second 3lue has the $est result for rigid 7oint
?ith clean connection 9et has fastest solidif9 ti5e $et?een connection ?hich result higher efficienc9
co58are to other t98e of glues#
7&'&' G$uin! (et)o
After get the result of using 3=second glue that create a rigid 7oint and .erticall9 orientation
a$le to carr9 greater load> a testing of different ?a9 of gluing 5ethod is ta&en to deter5ine does the
gluing 5ethod affect the load carried and e@cessi.e ?eight of 2 la9er of fettuccini# "he e@8eri5ent
?as done $9 gluing the 7oint of fettuccini in t?o ?a9s
a) s8ot glue at inter.als
$) glue entire length
<iagra5 4 S8ot glue at inter.als <iagra5 ) 3lue entire length
:a9er 2
:oad(g)L-ace Point ;ntire Surface
5' L L
!'' L L
!5' L L
2'' L L
25' L L
3'' L L
35' L L
/'' L L
/5' L L
5'' L L
55' L L
,'' L L
,5' L L
4'' 2 2
"a$le 3 Brea&ing 8oint of gluing 5ethod in 8oint and entire surface of fettuccini
As the result> $oth gluing 5ethod does not affect the load carr9ing as the $rea&ing 8oint of
$oth gluing 5ethod are the sa5e# Ho?> if a number of strands of fettuccine are to be
used together as single 5e5$er> it is suggested to Ds8otE glue the5 at inter.als of a$out !c5 as
this ?ill 8ro.ide adequate strength ?ithout adding e@cessi.e ?eight as co58ared to gluing the entire
7&+ (oe$ ("8in!
1e used different 5ethod to construct our $ridge# 6ur .er9 first $ridge> ?e started $9
dra?ing the $ridge te58late on 8a8er# "hen ?e 5easure the length of each 5e5$ers then cut
accordingl9# Ho?> to increase the accurac9 and efficienc9 of the other $ridges> our ne@t fe?
8ro8osed $ridges are first dra?n in AutoCA< then 8rinted out on 8a8er# "he length of the 5e5$ers
are then cut accordingl9#
-igure !5 Seg5ents of cut fettucinni
-igure !, Asse5$ling and gluing the 8ieces together#
As a grou8> ?e constructed the $ridge together#
-igure !4 Holding the 5e5$ers together as dries
-igure !) 3rou8 ?or&ing together to $uild the $ridge
7&7 ;or8in! Sc)eu$e
D"te Teste T"s8s
March 3!> 2'!/ = Brief of Pro7ect !> -ettuccine "russ Bridge
= 3et tools and 5aterial $efore started 8rotot98e $ridge
A8ril 4> 2'!/ = Stud9 and ;@8eri5ent of fettuccini strength
A8ril (> 2'!/ = -irst $ridge design test 5odel 5a&ing ($ased on case stud9)
A8ril !3> 2'!/ = 2nd $ridge design test 5odel 5a&ing (Redo first 5odel ?ith lighter ?eight)
A8ril !,> 2'!/ = "utorial ?ith :ecturer regarding the design and load distri$ution of $ridge
A8ril !)> 2'!/ = "hird $ridge design ?ith i58ro.e5ents fro5 second $ridge
= :oad carried is tested
A8ril 2!> 2'!/ = <iscussion a5ong grou8 5e5$ers $9 anal9sing the $ridge design and load
distri$ution of each trusses
A8ril 25> 2'!/ = -inal $ridge design 5a&ing and testing
"a$le / 1or&ing schedule
/&5 Desi!n Process
/&1 Pro-ose Desi!n < P"rt 1
-igure !( -irst $ridge design

-igure 2' Second $ridge design
"he first and second $ridges rese5$le the design fro5 8recedent stud9 NS9dne9 Har$our
Bridge> rel9ing su88ort fro5 the cur.ed arch# "he arrange5ent for $racing 5e5$ers and nu5$er of
la9ers of fettucine are tested fro5 $oth designs# As the load is 5eant to hang at the $otto5> there are
4 hanging 5e5$ers on each side connected to the arch to su88ort the ?hole the structure# "he
hanging 5e5$ers are designed in tension to fa.our the characteristic of fettucine# Fot onl9
enchancing aesthetic .alue of the design> the ?idth is reduced fro5 )c5 to !c5 ?hen going higher
as a ?a9 to reduce its ?eight> ?hich in turn contri$uting to higher efficienc9# Ho?> the 5a7or
su88ort fro5 the arch is in co58ression ?hich as the &e9 dra?$ac& to this design#
/& ' Truss An"$*sis < P"rt 1
<iagra5 ( "russ anal9sis of !st and 2nd $ridge *+A#

<iagra5 !' 6rthogra8hic dra?ing of the !st and 2nd $ridge
Bridge Design 2
Bridge Design
:ength )'c5 :ength )'c5
Ma@# height !/c5 Ma@# height !/c5
Ma@# ?idth )c5 Ma@# ?idth )c5
Mass !!3g Mass '#!'3&g
Ma@# load !#/)&g
E%%icienc* : '1

-igure 2! Model testing of 2
$ridge -igure 22 2
$ridgeCs failure#
/&+ Pro-ose Desi!n < P"rt '
-igure 23 Pers8ecti.e .ie? of the 3rd $ridge
-igure 2/ -acade of the $ridge
After considering the e@istence of forces 8ushing out?ards in the triangular sha8e of 8re.ious
designs> ?e intended to focus on higher efficienc9 rather than on its aesthetic# "hus> a
nor5al truss $ridge ?as e@8eri5ented> ?ith 5 8anels on each side> s8anning a length of !/c5 on
each# "he hea.ier structure ?ith thic&er la9ering is co58ensated ?ith reducing length and height in
the design# 3athering infor5ation fro5 8recedent stud9 and so5e other e@isting $ridge> this design
follo?s a height to s8an length of !4# Ho?> due to the /=side structure> 5ore $racing 5e5$ers
are needed to 8ro.ide o.erall sta$ilit9> ?hich could $e disad.antage in reaching higher efficienc9#
/&7 Truss An"$*sis < P"rt '
<iagra5 !! "russ Anal9sis of 3rd $ridge
<igra5 !2 6rthogra8hic dra?ing of the 3rd $ridge

Bridge Design
:ength 4'c5
Height !'c5
1idth )c5
Mass '#!25&g
Ma@# load 2#4(&g
E%%icienc* : 0'
-igure 25 Model testing of 3
-igure 2, *oint detail of 3
$ridge# -igure 24 3
$ridgeCs failure#
/&/ Pro-ose Desi!n < P"rt +

& /
-igure 2) /th and 5th $ridge in co58aris5
"hese t?o designs are 5erging the strength and ad.antages of 8re.ious designs> co5$ining
the truss arrange5ent fro5 design 3 and triangular sha8e fro5 design ! and 2# -urther e@8loration on
the 7ointing 5ethods and the 8ro8ortions to ?idth and height are carried out#
Bridge Design 5
Bridge Design
Cross section
6.erlaid *oint Butt *oint
-igure 2( ;@cess 5aterial can $e
cut off after asse5$l9
-igure 3' Require careful si%ing
Bridge #esign
Bridge #esign
/&0 Truss An"$*sis < P"rt +

-igure 3! 1ea& 8oint in the /th $ridge 7oint
"he /
design failed at its 7oint $efore it $uc&led under a load
of /#/&g# +t ?as $elie.ed that if that 8articular 7oint ?as 8ro8erl9 glued
and $onded ?ith other 5e5$ers> it could ?ithstand a 5uch higher load
$efore it colla8ses# Ho?> the 5
design ?as a total failure# "he
hori%ontal 5e5$er on the to8 $ro&e off fro5 other 8arts ?hile the rest
of the $otto5 8art ?as still in good condition under the load# +t ?as
8ro.ed that the 7ointing 5ethod $et?een the diagonal truss and the to8
hori%ontal 5e5$er is not ?or&a$le#
-igure 32 Close u8 of ?ea& 8oint
Bridge <esign
-igure 33 /
and 5
$ridgesC failure#
Bridge <esign
Bridge Design 5
Bridge Design
:ength 4'c5 :ength 4'c5
Ma@# height 4c5 Ma@# height )c5
Ma@# ?idth )c5 Ma@# ?idth 5c5
Mass '#!!&g Mass '#'(5&g
Ma@# load /#/&g Ma@# load 3#5&g
/&1 Fin"$ Desi!n
-igure 3/ Pers8ecti.e .ie? of final $ridge design
"he final $ridge design is a 5odification of the /
design $9 adding nu5$er of 8anels fro5 5
to 4 as reducing 8anel length could contri$ute higher strength to the structure#> a 8anel
length of !'c5 sta9s in the range of 8anel length to s8an length ratio equals to ! ,=)# B9
understanding that fettuccine has a ?ea& co58ression strength> the truss 5e5$ers ?hich in
co58ression are designed ?ith added la9er# "he $otto5 5e5$ers in " sha8e are cut ?ith calculated
angle in order to $e 8ro8erl9 glued and $onded ?ith the hori%ontal stri8 of $oth sides to counteract
the out?ard=8ushing forces# Also> e.er9 surface at 7oints are ?orn flat to 8ro.ide 5a@i5i%e area of
$onding# -urther strengthening ?or& is a88lied at the 5id8oint of the $ridge as ?ell as at the 8oint
5eeting the edges of su88orting $od9 at the $oth sides#

<iagra5 !3 Fo $ending force in triangular ele5ents <iagra5 !/ Presence of $ending force in rectangular ele5etns
Desi!n Ie" "n Re"sonin!
All the 5e5$ers at $oth sides of the $ridge are arranged in triangle as there is no $ending
5o5ent in triangular ele5ent# Ho?> in a cu$ic or rectangular ele5ent> the truss strength de8ends
on the $ending strength of each 5e5$er> ?hich is unfa.oura$le for the fettuccineCs 8ro8erties#
-urther5ore> as the ?eight of the $ridge is indirectl9 8ro8ortional to the efficienc9> $racing 5e5$ers
needed to sta$ili%e the cu$ic or rectangular structure could increase the ?eight> decreasing the
Final Bridge Design
:ength 4'c5
Height 4c5
1idth )c5
Mass '#!3!&g
<iagra5 !5 "russ Anal9sis for final $ridge design

<iagra5 !, 6rthogra8hic dra?ing of final $ridge
-igure 35 *oints at the 5iddle of the $ridge# -igure 3, Hie? of 7oints fro5 $otto5#
<iagra5 !4 <etail !
<iagra5 !) <etail 2 <iagra5 !( <etail 3
#etail 1
#etail 1
#etail /
0&5 (oe$ Testin!
A raffia string ?as used to tie at the to8 of the hori%ontal interconnecting 5e5$er in the
centre $et?een the t?o 8lanar trusses of the $ridge and a KSK hoo& ?as hung onto the raffia string#
Starting at 2&g> ?e continued to 8ut 5''g load into the load carrier ?ith !' seconds inter.als until ?e
reached )&g# At this 8oint> there is no 5ore 5''g load to $e use> so ?e e@changed our 5''g ?eights
that ?as alread9 in the $ag ?ith t?o 2&g disc for ) 8ieces of 5''g load# 1e used the 5''g loads until
the our $ridge reached its $rea&ing 8oint#
-igure 34 A raffia string used to tie at the to8 of the $ridge
0&1 O#ser6"tion
As the e@8eri5ent goes on> and the load gets hea.ier# "here is a slight crea&ing sound and
also> the to8 8art of the fettuccini started to $end# "his 5a9 $e due to the co58ression acting at the
to8# "he fettuccini $ridge reached its $rea&ing 8oint at !2&g#
-igure 3) "he to8 fettuccini $ending u8?ard
1&5 An"$*sis
1&1 Structur"$ An"$*sis
A t98ical ?arren truss ?as selected as our fettuccine $ridge design# "he tension and
co58ression of the final $ridge design ?ere identified and calculated# As the strength of 5aterial>
t98e of adhesi.e> 7oining 5ethod> and orientation of fettuccine is tested in the $eginning of the
assign5ent> ?e ca5e to a conclusion that fettuccine is strong in tension and ?ea& in co58ression#
"herefore> the 5e5$er ?ith co58ression force ?ere $uild ?ith thic&er fettuccine (total 3 fettuccine
la9er) ?hile the 5e5$er ?ith tension force ?ere 7oined ?ith thinner fettuccine (total 2 fettuccine
la9er)# "he reason is to 5aintain the strength of the truss in the co58ression 8art so that it ?ill a$le to
hold the load for longer 8eriod#
1e studied and anal9sed our $ridge $9 doing so5e calculations and this is ?hat ?e o$tained#
<iagra5 2' :a$els of each 5e5$er
"he to8 and $otto5 hori%ontal 8art of the fettuccine act as 5ain structure of the $ridge# "herefore> it
<iagra5 2! Bridge ?ith co58lete calculations
need to $e the strongest 8art of the ?hole structure# 1e $uilt the structure ?ith total / fettuccine ?ith
alternati.e 7oining to a.oid failure in certain edges#
<iagra5 22 Co58ression (red) and tension ($lue) acting on the $ridge ?hen load is a88lied#
"he force fro5 the load tends to 5o.e to the end of the $ridge and to the ta$le# "he $racing in
the 5iddle 8art of the $ridge ?ere designed to hold tension force so that the $ridge can su88ort the
5a@i5u5 load# "he $racing of the $ridge hel8s to transfer load to $oth end# "herefore> there is a
difference in force in $oth side of the triangle $racing#
+n this fettuccine $ridge> ?e tried to 5a&e a equilateral triangle in the facade 8art as ?ell as the
sectional 8art# +n the final fettuccine $ridge 5odel> our $ridge reach the si5ilarit9 of (2O of the
equilateral triangle ?hich the angle is 5/#/, in $oth side and 4!#') in another side# "hese ena$le
the $ridge to reach the higher efficienc9 of transferring load#
1&' F"i$ure An"$*sis
+n the final 5odel testing> result is stated as $elo?
1eight of the $ridge !3!g
Ma@i5u5 load !2&g
E%%icienc*: 1533
After o$taining the result> an in.estigation of the failure of the $ridge is carried out# 1e found
out the reasons for failure ?ith se.eral factors that could $e i58ro.ed#
Re"son 1: Une6en $o" istri#ution in e"c) .e.#ers
1e understand that fettuccine is good in tension and ?ea& in co58ression# +n our $ridge
design anal9sis> ?e found that one side of the $ridge is in co58ression> therefore> ?e decided to
enhance the 5e5$ers under co58ression $9 adding the fettuccine u8 to 3 la9ers> ?here the 5e5$ers
in tension is onl9 2 la9ers#
<iagra5 23 Me5$ers in tension used 2 la9ers> ?hile 5e5$ers in co58ression used 3 la9ers#
"he strateg9 of additional la9er on 5e5$ers under co58ression ?as not a good idea#
Although adding 5ore la9ers ?ould strengthen the co58ression 5e5$ers> it is .er9 li5ited as
fettuccini has ?ea& a$ilit9 to ?ithstand co58ression force#
Re"son ': Conition o% e4tern"$ s-"n on t=o sie o% t"#$e
<iagra5 2/ Me5$ers that rests on the ta$le 8la9s an i58ortant role in su88orting the ?hole $ridge
1e also reali%e that the 5e5$er that rests on the ta$le (e@ternal s8an) 8la9s an i58ortant role
as a $ase for su88orting the ?hole $ridge# +n the final $ridge design> onl9 !'c5 of the $ridge ?ere
8laced on the ta$le> therefore> ?hen load ?ere added on the $ridge> strength of the lo?er hori%ontal
5e5$er results in shear force# "he e@ternal s8an of the $ridge is not sta$le enough to 8erfor5 ?ell in
su88orting 5ore load as it ?as not designed to address this issue#
Re"son +: Hei!)t o% Fettuccine usin! r"tio o% S*ne* H"r#our Bri!e in s."$$er sc"$e
+n order to achie.e $etter di5ension of the $ridge> ?e calculated the height and ?idth of the
$ridge in ratio ?ith S9dne9 Har$our Bridge# "his results in the height of -ettuccine Bridge $eing
4c5# After the final 5odel testing> ?e found out that although the triangle sha8e is a .er9 rigid
structure and it is a$le to transfer the load fro5 one 8oint to another# "he lo?er height of our $ridge
does not ha.e a higher o88osite force against the load carried# "he $ridge ?ould $e a$le to ?ithstand
a higher load if the height ?as higher#
1&+ Desi!n (oi%ic"tion
After se.eral 5odel 5a&ing 8rocesses> it is e.ident that the critical thin&ing and o$ser.ation
has hel8ed us i58ro.e in the final outco5e of our 5odel ?ith a !3!g fettuccini $ridge $eing a$le to
carr9 a load u8 to !2&g> ?hich has the highest efficienc9 co58ared to our earlier designs# "he
strateg9 is to use 5ini5al 5aterial in order to 5a@i5i%e efficienc9# Ho?> after the final 5odel
testing> ?e that the $ro&en 8oint of the $ridge started fro5 $ase 5e5$er ?hich !'c5 a?a9
fro5 the centre 8oint> thus> it is o$.ious that this $ridge design has achie.ed its 5a@i5u5 load
carried as the $rea&ing 8art are in tension and fettuccini are good in tension#
-igure 3( Bro&en 5e5$er of the $ridge after testing#
#iagram 1-: *ower bridge 2left3 withstands a lower load as compared to the higher bridge 2right3
#uring the final 5odel testing> the 8lace5ent of e@ternal s8an of $ridge was not
placed at the centre 8erfectl9 as the $ro&en 8oint of $ridge is slightly at the side# +n the
8rocess of loading the weights into the load carrier> the hoo& caused the $ridge to
mo"e a fe? centi5etre 5ore to another side of ta$le, causing the distri$ution of the load to
be une"en to su88orting 5e5$ers# "herefore> a 45ed point should be used on both
sides to pre"ent to bridge from mo"ing
<iagra5 2, 3reen $o@es re8resenting a fi@ed 8oint#> there ?ere 3 la9ers of fettuccine ?hich ?ere used for $ase 5e5$ers and heading
5e5$ers ?here it ?as 7oin .erticall9 $ecause it has $etter strength in tension# Adding another la9er
?ould not $e a $etter solution to carr9 a higher load as the ?eight of $ridge ?ill increase and the
efficienc9 ?ill decrease res8ecti.el9#
6n the other hand> ?e 5ust ta&e into account that the $ridge is e@8osed to different
te58erature> affecting the strength of the fettuccine# Although> ?e ha.e tried to a.oid the difference
in outdoor and indoor te58erature> in so5e circu5stances> a 5inor crac& is still seen after changing
the surrounding te58erature fro5 studio (cold and 5oist) to outdoor (hot and hu5id)# "herefore> the
te58erature of the ?or&ing 8lace for 5odel 5a&ing should a.oid lo? te58erature (!,CC P 2,CC)#
-ettuccini is a $iodegrada$le 5aterial# "herefore> the o8ened fettuccini 5ust $e &e8t in a air
tight $o@ to a.oid air e@8osure# "he fettuccini cannot $e e@8osed to direct sunlight as it ?ill da5age
the 5aterial#> ?e cannot construct the $ridge too earl9 as it ?ill ?ea&en ?ith ti5e# 1e
cannot construct the $ridge too late as the glue needs ti5e to dr9# "he ti5e esti5ated to construct the
$ridge 8la9s an i58ortant role in deter5ining the strength of the $ridge#
2&5 Conc$usion
"he fettuccine $ridge ?as considered as a successful $ridge as it can ?ithstand !2&g of loads>
?ith one of the highest efficiencies ?hich is !'((#
+n order to ha.e a $etter understanding of the load distri$ution of trusses> ?e ha.e done a structural
anal9sis of the fettuccine $ridge to identif9 the forces acting u8on each 5e5$er> so as to deter5ine
the critical 5e5$er that needs to $e strengthened#
B9 constructing a truss $ridge using fettuccine> ?e need to 5a&e sure the 5aterials gi.en are
to $e used at its full 8otential# Fot to 5ention that good ?or&5anshi8 is essential to achie.e qualit9>
it is also .er9 i58ortant to ha.e a feasi$le and ?ell=thought construction sequence throughout the
As future architects> it is significant for us to ta&e all these factors into consideration ?hen it
co5es to a real design#
3&5 A--eni4
A total of , trusses are designed for further anal9sis as an indi.idual tas& in this assign5ent# "he
follo?ing are the tas& distri$ution for the cases
Case ! 1ong *ia 2in !!'!3!244
Case 2 -ei.en Chee '3!2''/
Case 3 "ang Hui 0ing '3!2')(
Case / Celine "an *ean +nn '3'3,,(
Case 5 Astari Ra%a& !!'!P!!()3
Case , Hong Si Mun '3!2,/3
15&5 Re%erences
Australian 3o.ern5ent 2'')> Sydney Harbour Bridge> .ie?ed , A8ril 2'!/>
3arrettKs Bridges 2'!!> Pratt Truss> .ie?ed !2 A8ril 2'!/>
R"A ti5$er truss $ridge strateg9 n#d > Allan truss bridge> .ie?ed !3 A8ril 2'!/>
Prof# Mar&o.> + n#d#> Truss Simulator> htt8LLi.an5ar&o.#co5Ltruss=si5ulator#ht5l

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