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Grant Alerts
VOLUME 22, NO. 7
Federal Grant Notices for State & Local Governments & Community Agencies
JULY 2014
Art Works II, FY 2015 National Endowment for
the Arts (CFDA No. 45.024)
Purpose: To promote the creation of art that meets
the highest standards of excellence, to foster public
engagement with diverse and excellent art, to promote
lifelong learning in the arts, and to strengthen
communities through the arts.
Eligibility: State, county, city, township, and special
district governments; private, public, and state
controlled institutions of higher education; Native
American tribal organizations; and nonprofts.
Funding: $100,000.
Deadline: 7/24/14.
Contact: E-mail:
Bridging Cultures at Community Colleges (CFDA
No. 45.162)
Purpose: To strengthen and enrich humanities
education and scholarship at community colleges
or community college systems, and to enhance the
humanities content of existing programs; develop new
programs; or lay the foundation for more extensive
endeavors in the future.
Eligibility: State, county, city, township, or special
district governments; private, public, and state
controlled institutions of higher education; Native
American tribal organizations; and nonprofts.
Funding: $120,000.
Deadline: 8/21/14.
Contact: Tel. (202) 606-8380;
Department of Housing and Urban Development;
Choice Neighborhoods Planning
Purpose: To support the development of
comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans
which, when implemented, are expected to: transform
distressed public and assisted housing into energy
effcient, mixed-income housing that is physically
and fnancially viable over the long-term; to support
positive outcomes for families who live in the target
development(s) and the surrounding neighborhood,
particularly outcomes related to residents health,
safety, employment, mobility, and education; and to
transform distressed, high-poverty neighborhoods
into viable, mixed-income neighborhoods with access
to well-functioning services, high quality public
schools and education programs, high quality early
learning programs and services, public assets, public
transportation, and improved access to jobs.
Eligibility: County, city, township, and special
district governments; private, public, and state
controlled institutions of higher education; Native
American tribal organizations; and nonprofts.
Funding: $5 million.
Deadline: 8/12/14.
Contact: E-mail:
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects
and Centers Program: Rehabilitation Engineering
Research Centers: Technologies to Enhance
Independence in Daily Living for Adults with
Cognitive Impairments (CFDA NO. 84.133E-5)
Purpose: To plan and conduct research,
demonstration projects, training, and related
activities, including international activities, to develop
methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology
that maximize the full inclusion and integration into
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2 / Legislative Research Unit
society, employment, independent living, family
support, and economic and social self-suffciency of
individuals with disabilities, especially individuals
with the most severe disabilities.
Eligibility: State, county, city, township, and special
district governments; independent school districts;
private, public, and state controlled institutions
of higher education; Native American tribal
organizations; nonprofts; for-proft organizations
other than small businesses; and small businesses.
Funding: $950,000.
Deadline: 8/4/14.
Contact: Julius Cotton, Tel. (202) 245-6140;
Fellowship Programs at Independent Research
Institutions (CFDA No. 45.161)
Purpose: To support fellowships at institutions
devoted to advanced study and research in the
humanities and offers fellowships that provide
scholars with research time, a stimulating intellectual
environment, and access to resources that might
otherwise not be available to them.
Eligibility: State, county, city, township, or special
district governments; private, public, and state
controlled institutions of higher education; Native
American tribal organizations; and nonprofts.
Funding: $400,000.
Deadline: 8/13/14.
Contact: Tel. (202) 606-8200;
National Endowment for the Humanities: Media
Projects (CFDA No. 45.164)
Purpose: To enable media producers to collaborate
with scholars to develop humanities content and to
prepare programs for production resulting in a script
and should also yield a detailed plan for outreach and
public engagement in collaboration with a partner
organization or organizations; production grants
support the production and distribution of flms,
television programs, radio programs, and related
programs that promise to engage the public.
Eligibility: State, county, city, township, or special
district governments; private, public, and state
controlled institutions of higher education; Native
American tribal organizations; and nonprofts.
Funding: $1 million.
Deadline: 8/13/14.
Contact: Tel. (202) 606-8269;
National Endowment for the Humanities;
Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations
(CFDA No. 45.164)
Purpose: To provide support for museums, libraries,
historic places, and other organizations that produce
public programs in the humanities that support the
following formats: exhibitions at museums, libraries,
and other venues; interpretations of historic places,
sites, or regions; and book/flm discussion programs;
living history presentations; and other face-to-face
programs at libraries, community centers, and other
public venues.
Eligibility: State, county, city, township, or special
district governments; private, public, and state
controlled institutions of higher education; Native
American tribal organizations; and nonprofts.
Funding: $1 million.
Deadline: 8/13/14.
Contact: Tel. (202) 606-8269;
Offce of Innovation and Improvement: Charter
Schools Program: Grants for Replication and
Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools
(CFDA No. 84.282M)
Purpose: To increase national understanding of the
charter school model by expanding the number of
high-quality charter schools available to students
across the nation; providing fnancial assistance
for the planning, program design, and initial
implementation of charter schools; and evaluating the
effects of charter schools, including their effects on
students, student academic achievement, staff, and
Eligibility: Nonproft charter management
organizations and other not-for-proft entities.
Funding: $26.5 million.
Deadline: 7/21/2014.
Legislative Research Unit / 3
Contact: Julius Cotton, Tel. (202) 245-6140;
Offce of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
FY 2014 Enhancements to Juvenile Drug Courts
(CFDA No. 16.585)
Purpose: To enhance the capacity of juvenile drug
courts and the services they provide.
Eligibility: States, state courts, local courts, units
of local government, and Indian tribal governments
acting directly or through agreement with other public
or private entities.
Funding: $500,000.
Deadline: 7/23/14.
Contact: Tel. (877) 927-5657;
Offce of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
FY 2014 Studies Program on Ethnic Disparities in
Juvenile Justice (CFDA No. 16.540)
Purpose: To provide objective, independent
knowledge about the extent and impact of ethnic
disparities effecting Hispanic/Latino youths contact
with the juvenile justice system; includes arrests,
referrals to court, diversion, charges fled, placement
in secure juvenile detention facilities and adult jails
and lockups, fndings of delinquency, placement in
secure juvenile correctional facilities, probation, and
transfers to the adult criminal justice system.
Eligibility: State, county, city, township, or special
district governments; private, public, and state
controlled institutions of higher education; Native
American tribal organizations; nonprofts.
Funding: $50,000.
Deadline: 7/21/14.
Contact: Tel. (877) 927-5657;
Offce of Special Education and Rehabilitative
Services: National Institute on Disability
Rehabilitation Research: Rehabilitation Research
and Training Centers (CFDA No. 84.133B-3)
Purpose: To plan and conduct research,
demonstration projects, training, and related activities,
including international activities; to develop methods,
procedures, and rehabilitation technology that
maximize the full inclusion and integration into
society, employment, independent living, family
support, and economic and social self-suffciency of
individuals with disabilities.
Eligibility: State, county, city, township, and special
district governments; independent school districts;
private, public, and state controlled institutions
of higher education; public housing authorities/
Indian housing authorities; Native American tribal
organizations; nonprofts; for-proft organizations
other than small businesses; and small businesses.
Funding: $875,000.
Deadline: 8/25/14.
Contact: Julius Cotton, Tel. (202) 245-6140;
Section 533 Housing Preservation Grant (CFDA
No. 10.433)
Purpose: To assist low-income homeowners in
repairing and rehabilitating their homes in rural areas
and assists rental property owners and cooperative
housing complexes in repairing and rehabilitating
their units if they agree to make such units available
to low-income persons.
Eligibility: Faith-based and community
organizations; city, township, or special district
governments; public housing authorities/Indian
housing authorities; Native American tribal
organizations; and nonprofts.
Funding: $3.9 million.
Deadline: 7/24/14.
Contact: Tel. (202) 690-0759;
Technical Assistance and Dissemination to
Improve Services and Results for Children with
Disabilities: Center for Systemic Improvement
(CFDA No. 84.326R)
Purpose: To promote academic achievement and
to improve results for children with disabilities by
providing technical assistance, supporting model
demonstration projects, disseminating useful
Legislative Research Unit
222 South College, Suite 301
Springfeld, Illinois 62704
information, and implementing
activities that are supported by
scientifcally based research.
Eligibility: State, county, city,
township, and special district
governments; independent school
districts; private, public, and
state controlled institutions of
higher education; public housing
authorities/Indian housing
authorities; Native American tribal
organizations; nonprofts; and
for-proft organizations other than
small businesses.
Funding: $8.7 million.
Deadline: 8/18/14.
Contact: Julius Cotton,
Tel. (202) 245-6140;
Undergraduate International
Studies and Foreign Language
Program (CFDA No. 84.016A)
Purpose: To provide grants for
planning, developing, and carrying
out programs to strengthen and
improve undergraduate instruction
in international studies and foreign
languages in the U.S.
Eligibility: Institutions of
higher education (IHEs);
consortia of IHEs; partnerships
between nonproft educational
organizations and IHEs; and public
and private nonproft agencies
and organizations, including
professional and scholarly
Funding: $2.9 million.
Deadline: 7/28/14.
Contact: Julius Cotton,
Tel. (202) 245-6140;

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