A Presentation On Distributed Power Generation Using Fuel Cells

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E-mail:raghava_2507@yahoo.co.in dannypavankumar@yahoo.co.in

You may have heard a lot recently about fuel technologies. This is the type of fuel cell that
cells. According to many news reports, we will end up powering cars, buses and maybe
may soon be using the new energy-saving even your house. The PEMFC uses one of the
technology to generate electrical power for simplest reactions of any fuel cell. First, let's
our homes and cars. The technology is take a look at what's in a PEM fuel cell:
extremely interesting to people in all walks of
life because it offers a means of making power
more efficiently and with less pollution. But Here, we'll take a quick look at each of the
how does it do this? existing or emerging fuel-cell technologies.
We'll detail how one of the most promising
If you want to be technical about it, a fuel cell technologies works, and we'll discuss the
is an electrochemical energy conversion DISTRIBUTED POWER GENERATION
device. A fuel cell converts the chemicals Using FUEL CELLS and to mitigate load
hydrogen and oxygen into water, and in the transients.
process it produces electricity.

The fuel cell will compete with many other

types of energy conversion devices, including
the gas turbine in your city's power plant, the
gasoline engine in your car and the battery in
your laptop. Combustion engines like the
turbine and the gasoline engine burn fuels and
use the pressure created by the expansion of
the gases to do mechanical work. Batteries
converted chemical energy back into electrical
energy when needed. Fuel cells should do
both tasks more efficiently.
There are several different types of fuel cells,
each using a different chemistry. Fuel cells are
usually classified by the type of electrolyte
they use. Some types of fuel cells work well
for use in stationary power generation plants.
Others may be useful for small portable
applications or for powering cars.

The proton exchange membrane fuel cell

(PEMFC) is one of the most promising
conventional equipment. They offer
significant improvements in energy efficiency
as they remove the intermediate step of
combustion and mechanical devices such as
turbines and pistons. Unlike conventional
systems, they operate at high efficiency at part
load. Also, unlike conventional plants, their
high efficiency is not compromised by small
sizes. High efficiency saves fuel and reduces
CO2 emissions”.

CONVERSION DEVICES that convert the
chemical energy of fuel into electrical energy Fuel cells have been in common use for very
directly. Compared with conventional power specialized applications such as space vehicles
generation systems ,they may have but it is evidence that this technology is
advantages such as high efficiency, zero or approaching much broader market
low emission(pollutant gases),and flexible viability in competition with conventional
modular structure. Fuel cells are expected to energy conversion technologies. In distributed
play an important role in future distributed power generation applications fuelled by
generation (DG) applications. Fuel cell DGs natural gas, net savings to the consumer on
(FCGDs) can either be connected to a utility energy services of 15% are projected. Dual
grid for network reinforcement or installed in energy supply grids can be avoided which is
a remote area to supply stand-alone power. most important for dispersed energy loads.

Fuel cells are a low-emission technology that

electro-chemically convert a variety of fossil Technically speaking a fuel cell is an
and bio-fuels or hydrogen into electricity and electrochemical energy conversion device. A
are suitable for transportation and modular fuel cell converts the chemicals hydrogen and
distributed generation applications. Fuel cells oxygen into water, and in the process it
are a key technology for the attainment of produces electricity.
broad hydrogen energy systems deployment,
which is seen as a long term solution to The other electrochemical device that we are
environmental problems including CC and all familiar with is the battery. A battery has
general air pollution especially from all of its chemicals stored inside, and it
transportation. “Fuelled with pure hydrogen, converts those chemicals into electricity too.
[fuel cells] produce zero emissions of carbon This means that a battery eventually "goes
dioxide, oxides of nitrogen or any other dead" and you either throw it away or
pollutant. Even if fuelled with fossil fuels as a recharge it.
source of hydrogen, noxious emissions are
orders of magnitude below those for With a fuel cell, chemicals constantly flow
into the cell so it never goes dead -- as long as
there is a flow of chemicals into the cell, the
electricity flows out of the cell. Most fuel cells
in use today use hydrogen and oxygen as the

Chemical Reaction that undergo


The anode, the negative post of the

fuel cell, has several jobs. It conducts
Chemistry the electrons that are freed from the
hydrogen molecules so that they can be
of a Fuel Cell used in an external circuit. It has
Anode side:
2H2 => 4H+ + 4e- channels etched into it that disperse the
hydrogen gas equally over the surface of
Cathode side: the catalyst.
O + 4H + 4e => 2H O
+ -
2 The cathode, the positive post of the
fuel cell, has channels etched into it that
Net reaction:
distribute the oxygen to the surface of
2H + O => 2H O
2 2 2
the catalyst. It also conducts the
electrons back from the external circuit
to the catalyst, where they can
recombine with the hydrogen ions and
oxygen to form water.
The electrolyte is the proton
exchange membrane. This specially
treated material, which looks something
like ordinary kitchen plastic wrap, only
conducts positively charged ions. The
membrane blocks electrons.
The catalyst is a special material that
facilitates the reaction of oxygen and
hydrogen. It is usually made of platinum
powder very thinly coated onto carbon
paper or cloth. The catalyst is rough and
porous so that the maximum surface
area of the platinum can be exposed to
the hydrogen or oxygen. The platinum-
coated side of the catalyst faces the
This reaction in a single fuel cell produces
only about 0.7 volts. To get this voltage up
to a reasonable level, many separate fuel
cells must be combined to form a fuel-cell
PEMFCs operate at a fairly low temperature
(about 176 degrees Fahrenheit, 80 degrees
Celsius), which means they warm up
quickly and don't require expensive
containment structures. Constant
improvements in the engineering and
materials used in these cells have
increased the power density to a level
where a device about the size of a small
piece of luggage can power a car.

There are several kinds of fuel cells, but Polymer
Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cells—also
called Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells—are
the type typically used in automobiles. A PEM fuel
cell uses hydrogen fuel and oxygen from the air to
produce electricity.

The diagram below shows how these fuel

cells work
Due to the lack of sufficient power
produced in a single fuel cell, we need to
connect into a group. This group of fuel
cells is called a stack .
hydrogen into electrical energy. Hydrogen is
difficult to store in a car. When we add a
reformer to convert methanol to hydrogen,
the overall efficiency drops to about 30 to
40 percent.
We still need to convert the electrical
energy into mechanical work. This is
accomplished by the electric motor and
inverter. A reasonable number for the
efficiency of the motor/inverter is about 80
percent. So we have 30- to 40-percent
Sometimes depending upon the need we use efficiency at converting methanol to
fuel cells of different capacities to have larger electricity, and 80-percent efficiency
converting electricity to mechanical power.
That gives an overall efficiency of about 24
to 32 percent. This is the one of the main
drawbacks of the fuel cell usage. But in the
modern day usage the efficiency of the fuel
cell is increased to some extent.

The above fig shows the 5KW range fuel cell

Some applications of fuel cells are as given


.Energy supply systems in which

electricity will be produced using the fuel
cells. In near future we may expect a
power generating station of high capacity
using fuel cells

This fig shows the 15KW range fuel cell .Massive application of PEM fuel cells as
the basis for a renewable hydrogen-based
Normally the fuel used in the fuel cell is energy economy is a leading concept for
hydrogen or methanol meeting global energy needs," said
If the fuel cell is powered with pure
hydrogen, it has the potential to be up to 80-
percent efficient. That is, it converts 80 . Since the only byproduct of PEM fuel
percent of the energy content of the cell exploitation is water vapor, their
widespread use should have a carbonate fuel cells(MCFCs) show great
tremendously beneficial impact on potential in DG applications. They are
greenhouse gas emissions and global good energy sources to provide reliable
warming. power at steady state, but they cannot
respond to electrical load transients as
• Stationary power fast as desired. This is mainly due to their
installations for utilities, factories, slow internal electrochemical and thermal
emergency power for hospitals, dynamic characteristics. Load transients
communications facilities, credit can cause low-reactant condition inside
card centres, police stations, the fuel cells, which is considered to be
banks and computer installations harmful to them and will shorten their life.
• Diverse military applications. Therefore, there is a need to combine
Fuel cells has been used by US mitigate load transients from affecting
navy since 1980. FCDGs. Fuel cells can be combined with
• Domestic power supplies for fast dynamics, such as battery or super-
individual residences capacitor, to form hybrid power plants.
• Mobile phones, laptop
computers and other personal In this paper, a load transient mitigation
electronic devices controller is described for hybrid PEMFC-
• Transportation - particularly battery power generation systems. The
cars and buses but also in boats, hybrid FCDG is controlled in a way that
trains, planes, scooters and during a load transient ,the fuel cell
bicycles, as well as highway road provides the steady –state part of the
signs. The expected model load. The proposed technique can be
designed with fuel cell may especially used in fuel cell
provide a speed of 60 kmph and vehicles(motor starting and accelerating)
can cover a distance of 200kms. as well as in stationary applications,
• Portable power for building where load transients are load transient
sites, camping and vending mitigation controller is applicable to other
machines. types of FCDGs
• These fuel cells may be
used in vehicles to reduce the One of the most important fuel cells used
fuel consumption. now-a-days are PEMFCs. The electrical
• Landfills and waste water model of a fuel cell is shown in fig 1 below
treatment plants (which are using which represents the electrochemical and
fuel cells to convert the methane thermodynamic phenomena inside the
gas they produce into electricity

GENERATION: PEMFC. This model is validated with
experimental data measured from an
Among different types of fuel cells,
Avista Labs (now ReliOn) SR-12 500W
proton exchange fuel cells(PEMFCs),
PEMFC stack.
solid oxide fuel cells(SOFCs),and molten
curve(ohmic loss), and the concentration
In fig 1 , E is equivalent internal potential loss, which is a sharp voltage drop in the
and E’ is the standard reference potential high current regions. Operation of fuel
of PEMFC stack at standard state (298K cells in the concentration zone is not
and 1 atm pressure). A current-and recommended, as it leads to sharply
temperature –dependant voltage source, reduced terminal voltage and generated
f(I,T), gives the potential difference due to power.
chemical reactant variations and fuel and
oxidant delay. A temperature-dependant
voltage source, V(act1), is a part of the
activation voltage drop. The
corresponding equivalent resistnces of
activation, concentration and ohmic
voltage drops inside the PEMFC stack are
R(act), R(conc), and R(ohm) ,
respectively. These resistors are current
and/or temperature dependent. The
thermodynamic block in figure simulates
the thermal dynamic property inside the
fuel cell stack. There are four inputs to the
thermodynamic block, the
surrounding(environmental) temperature
T(room), fuel cell output current and
voltage, and the
Fig 2:Simulated and experimental steady-
state response of PEMFC.

Fig 3 shows a simplified electrical circuit
model for lead-acid batteries, which is
obtained from a more complicated
validated electrical circuit model. The
model parameters (capacitances and
Fig 1: Electrical circuit model of PEMFC resistances),described below, are the
functions of battery current , temperature ,
Internal potential of PEMFC(E). The and state of charge (SOC).
output quantity of this block is the PEMFC C1=over voltage capacitance
stack internal temperature. Cb=battery Capacitance
Fig 2 shows the simulated steady-state R1=over voltage resistance for charge
terminal(V-I) characteristic curve of a and discharge
500W PEMFC stack model compared R2=internal resistance for charge and
with the experimental data.. This discharge
characteristic curve is divided into 3 Rp=self-discharge resistance, or
regions. The voltage drop associated with insulation resistance.
low currents(activation loss) that is
associated with linear part of the
Fig3: Simplified circuit model for lead-acid
Fig 4: Schematic diagram of a hybrid
PEMFC-battery system with load transient
mitigation control.
The main component of the load transient
STRATEGY: mitigation control is a low-pass filter,
Fig 4 shows the schematic diagram for
through which high-frequency
the proposed PEMFC-battery power
components of load transients are filtered
generation system, where a boost dc/dc
out. The filtered load current signal , I(ref)
converter is used to adapt the PEMFC
is then used as reference signal for the
output voltage to the battery voltage,
current controller, which controls the dc/dc
220V. Load mitigation is investigated for a
converter i(dd_out) is compared with the
2kW PEMFC stack, which consists of four
reference signal I(ref), and the error signal
500W PEMFC stacks connected in series.
is fed to a proportional-integral(PI) current
The system load can either be ac or
controller to control the duty ratio of the
dc(interfaced through an inverter).
converter switch.
Load mitigation control is achieved
through a current controller for the dc/dc FILTER DESIGN:
converter. This strategy is adopted based
on the well-documented fact that the fuel As mentioned previously ,a properly
cells are good energy sources(for designed low-loss filter is needed to filter
providing steady-state power ), but not out the high-frequency components of
good sources for supplying transient load current transients .The choice of the
power. The purpose of the controller is to low-pass filter is a tradeoff design
control the fuel cell stack to supply steady between the storage capacity of the
the transient power to the load. battery used and the smooth response of
the fuel cell to load transients . Figure 5
shows an example of the responses of
different second-order low-pass filters to a
load current transient(also shown in the
figure) .
Figure 5- Response of different low-pass
filters to a load current transient Figure 6: Load transient of starting a
2.5 Hp 220V dc motor
The damping factor of filters are all set to .
one to avoid oscillation .It is clear from the This load current is applied to the hybrid
figure that the higher the cutoff frequency PEMFC-battery system shown in Figure 4
of the filter ,the shorter the settling time of
the response .A filter with shorter settling The cutoff frequency and the damping
time requires smaller storage battery factor of the low pass filter were set at 0.1
capacity ,but may cause undesired Hz and 1, respectively. The corresponding
overshoot .On the other hand ,the lower current reference signal I( ref), the battery
the filter cutoff frequency, the longer the current I(b), and the converter output
rise time of the filter response and the current I (dd_out) responding to the dc
smoother the fuel cell response .However, motor load current are shown in figure 7.It
a larger battery capacity is needed if a is clear from this figure that the converter
lower cutoff frequency is chosen for the current I (dd_out)
filter .Therefore ,a tradeoff has to be made Follows the reference signal I(ref) very
to choose a proper filter based on the well; they almost overlap each other. It is
information available about the load .As a clear from the figure that the battery picks
rule ,the filter should be designed to up the transient current while the
accommodate the fastest load transients converter output current rises smoothly
with the highest possible cutoff frequency. from its original steady state to its new
According to the literature, transient steady-state value. The PEMFC current
frequency components higher than and voltage responses to the dc motor
1250 Hz can be neglected since they do load transient are shown in figure 8.It is
not affect the fuel cell performance again clear that the PEMFC outputs vary
significantly. smoothly during the load transient, as the
PEMFC is controlled to supply steady
state current to the load while the battery
DC LOAD TRANSIENTS: picks up the load transients.

The load current transient of a

2.5 HP/220 V dc motor, starting in three
voltage steps, is shown in figure 6.
converter,which are well within their
acceptable ranges.
An ac load transients was also applied to
the PEMFC power generation system,
shown in Figure 4, to show the
effectiveness of the load transients
mitigation technique. The ac load
transients used is shown in figure 9;

Figure 7 : Reference signal I(ref),battery

current I(b) , and converter output current
I(dd_out) under the load transients for
In figure 8 the PEMFC voltage response
is shown for the same dc motor load
transient when only a voltage controller
is used for dc/dc converter(figure 4)
without using the current controller.

FIGURE 9 : Ac load transient used on

PEMFC-battery system.

it has a frequency of 60 Hz.

Figure 8: The PEMFC output current and

voltage responses to the dc motor load

In this case,the PEMFC current and

voltage ripples shown in the responses
given in Figure 8 are due to the high-
frequency switching devices in the
Figure 10 : The control reference signal
I(ref) and battery current I(b) under the
ac load transient for PEMFC.

Figure 10 shows the reference signal

I(ref) and the battery output current. It is
clear from this figure that the battery picks
up transient load, while the reference
current for PEMFC moves smoothly to a
new point. As a result , the PEMFC
current and voltage, shown in figure 11,
moves smoothly from their original
operating point to their new operating
point .
CONCLUSION: Even though
there are so many sources of producing
power, generation with fuel cells is easier
and there will be less cost per unit of
generation. Thus using fuel cells
(especially PEMFC) the power can be
supplied by minimizing the cost to a large
extent. By following the measures above
i.e., producing the power with fuel cells by
overcoming the transient problems with
the help of batteries or super capacitors,
we hope the increase in number of power
generating stations using fuel cells.
Thus keeping in mind the various
advantages of fuel cells given above we
may expect the rapid growth in usage of
Figure 11: Output current and voltage fuel cells in various fields to have much
responses of PEMFC to ac load transient. better and most comfortable life.

In summary, smooth transition of FCDG

systems from one operating point to the
next is essential for their improved
reliability and durability. This requirement
can be achieved for both dc and ac loads
through low-pass filtering of load
transients and a properly designed fuel
cell current controller.

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