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ProQuest Standards-Based Learning Activity

How To Writing -- Teacher Procedures

APPROPRIAT !OR: Language Arts" #rades $-%
TI&LI'( T)ree c*ass +eriods
1. Uses the general skills of the writing process.
Uses strategies to write for different audiences.
Uses strategies to write for a variety of purposes.
Writes expository compositions.
Evaluates own and others writing.
2. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.
Uses conventions of spelling in written compositions.
Uses conventions of capitaliation in written compositions.
Uses conventions of punctuation in written compositions.
!. "athers and uses information for research purposes.
Uses a variety of strategies to plan research.
Uses electronic media to gather information.
Uses strategies to gather and record information for research topics.
Uses strategies to compile information into written reports or summaries.
#tudents will pick a recipe they know something a$out or that interests them. %his activity needs
to $e one for which they can write a$out &how to' do it. ()or example* how to $ake a cake* etc.+
#tudents will write instructions on how to do their activity. #tudents will write paragraphs with
details and supporting examples.
#tudents will work with a partner and have them follow their written instructions to make sure they
-encil and paper for note taking
-escri+tion o4 Activity
#tudents will $e writing instructions on how to do something. %hey will pick an activity that they know
something a$out* and then they will do a choose from the provided recipes $y the teacher. .fter taking
notes* they will write detailed* step/$y/step instructions on how to do it. .fterwards* they will meet with a
partner who will follow their written instructions as a way to assess if their instructions prove to $e detailed
and accurate.
Bac5ground In4or6ation0Scenario
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#tudents do their $est writing when they write a$out things they know a lot a$out. %his will also support
them in doing a search on d. Writing step/$y/step instructions challenges the students to $e detailed in
their writing. 7t also supports them in $eing self/critical a$out their writing $ecause someone will $e
actually using their instructions. %his activity is also good at teaching children paragraph writing.
%o start this activity* you might start with a little demonstration yourself. %ell students you want them to tell
you how to make a -8 9 : sandwich (or any sandwich of your choosing+ with the supplies you have in
front of you // $read* peanut $utter* ;elly* knife* plate* etc. <ave them give you directions and do E=.3%2>
what they say. 7nevita$ly* one step is missed or students assume you know what they mean. %his lends
itself nicely to a conversation a$out $eing accurate and detailed in explanations* particularly in writing.
%hen* you can start talking a$out the activity.

Out*ine o4 Procedures
1. %eacher hands out a piece of paper to each student. )or the next few minutes* the students will
$rainstorm and write a list of all the things they know something a$out. )or example* one student might
7 know a$out...
8aking cake
3ooking omelets
2. #tudents will then pick one topic to focus on for the assignment. 3heck students topics so there are a
variety of topics within the group. %he $est/case scenario is for no duplicate topic choices. 6ake sure
topics are ones where students can write &how to' instructions. 7f they pick a $road topic like &soccer*' they
should narrow it to one element* like &how to kick a soccer $all.'
!. #tudents will now gather information on recipe provided. %hey will need to list down and find additional
information and?or correct voca$ulary or terminology from the dictionary. #tudents can keep notes or use
graphic organiers to help them gather their information.
-athfinder: %ype key words or a phrase for the topic in the #earch $ox (you may need to help students to
do this effectively+
Out*ine o4 Procedures
@. #tudents will take the information they gathered plus their own ideas a$out the topic and write step/$y/
step instructions on how to do their topic. %here are three criteria the students must follow:
Writing must descri$e how to do something
7nstructions must include at least five steps
Each step should $e written in its own paragraph with details
%his will $e their rough copy.
A. #tudents will pair up with a partner. %he pair of students will read their instructions to each other and
see if their partner can follow. )or some topics* you may have to improvise,
Each student reads his or her instructions to the other.
#tudents give feed$ack on steps to their instructions while they try and do them.
#tudents will check each others spelling* punctuation* and help determine their paragraph
Out*ine o4 Procedures
B. #tudents will write a final version with the changes and suggestions of their partner.
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#tudents will $e evaluated $ased on these criteria:
Cid the student use the material provided to collect information a$out topicD
<ow did the student organie his or her informationD
#tudents will $e evaluated $ased on the following:
Cid the student write a$out how to do somethingD
Cid the student write so the reader could understand the directionsD
Cid the student write five stepsD
Cid the student write in paragraphs with detailsD
Cid the student provide constructive feed$ack to her?his partnerD
Cid the student edit the work $ased on the feed$ack from his?her partnerD
Cid student use conventions of spelling* capitaliation and punctuationD
O+tiona* 7tended nric)6ent Activities
1. <ave students go to SIRS -iscoverer or eLi8rary *e6entary dictionary and t)esaurus with a list
of at least four words. <ave them change words in their &how to' writing to make them more
descriptive $y using the thesaurus.
2. -hotocopy the studentsE &how to' writing. 3ut each step into separate strips. %hen* give them to
different students to read and seFuence them in order.
!. 3hallenge students to take one of their classmates topics and write different directions than they did.
%here are usually two ways to do something* if not more,
@. 2ook for commonalities $etween the &how to' writings. 7s there one step that any of them shareD 3an
you see any patterns in how things are doneD %ry finding these and graphing patterns on a $ar graph.
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How To Writing
A Language Arts Lesson 9 Student Version
-,RI'# THIS A/TI2IT3 3O, WILL:::
Write instructions on how to do something.
-ick a topic you know something a$out and will use ProQuest eLibrary
Elementary or SIS !isco"erer to do research* finding more information
a$out your topic.
Write five steps or more of instructions.
Work with a partner to edit each otherEs work.
-A3 O'
1. Using a piece of paper and a pencil* write a list of all the things you know something
a$out and?or things you know how to do. .n example might $e:
7 know a$out...
Writing letters to my dad
-ainting and drawing
%ropical fish tanks
3ooking omelets
2. .fter you make your list* pick one activity to develop for your assignment. 3heck to
make sure it is an activity that you can write instructions for. >ou might have to pick ;ust
one part of an activity* like &<ow to kick a soccer $all' instead of &-laying soccer.' %ell
your teacher a$out your idea.
!. >ou will now gather information from -ro1uest on your chosen activity. 6ake sure
you keep notes or use graphic organiers to help you gather your information.
@. >ou will take the information you gathered plus your own ideas a$out the activity and
write step/$y/step instructions on how to do your activity. %his is the criteria you must
>our writing must descri$e how to do something.
>our instructions must include at least five steps.
Each step should $e written in its own paragraph with details.
%his will $e your rough copy.
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A. >ou will pair up with a partner. >our partner and you will read each of your instructions
to each other and see if the other person can follow them. )or some topics* you may
have to pretend you have things in the classroom with you that arent actually there* like
a stove or a soccer $all.
Gead the instructions to each other.
"ive each other feed$ack on the steps included in the instructions.
3heck each others spelling* punctuation and paragraph construction.
B. >ou will write your final version with the changes and suggestions from your partner.
>ou will $e evaluated $ased on these criteria:
Cid you use -ro1uest to collect information a$out your topicD
<ow did you organie your informationD
>ou will $e assessed $ased on these criteria:
Cid you write how to do somethingD
Cid you write so the reader can understand your directionsD
Cid you write at least five stepsD
Cid you write in paragraphs with detailsD
Cid you provide constructive feed$ack to your partnerD
Cid you edit your work $ased on your partners ideasD
Cid you use conventions of spelling* capitaliation and punctuationD
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