History of Stone Pavers

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Meta Title: Stone Pavers History, Information & Tips

Meta Description: Stone pavers add beauty to your home & garden !ut do you
"no# about its interesting history$ %ead on to &nd out
History of Stone Pavers
The use of stone pavers has been around for a long time The oldest road that used
stone for paving #as discovered in '(() in *gypt +bout ,,--- years ago the road
#as built to accommodate the transport of very large stones for the construction of
the temples of .i/a This road, #hich is still intact today, is appro0imately seven
miles long and has a #idth of about 1 feet The road runs from a 2uarry of basalt to
3a"e Moeris The thousands of stone slabs #ith some logs of petri&ed #ood made
for a solid road#ay that #as able to handle the large and heavy stones for the
The %oman roads are e0amples of a de&nite purpose of paver design that proved
bene&cial as far bac" as ,-- !4 #hen they utili/ed segmented pavers for their
system of roads They had terrible roads for moving their armies during that time of
con2uest, #hich #ere very dusty #hen it #as dry, and very muddy #hen the rainy
season came along The road systems made it di5cult to transport their armies and
siege e2uipment, until they built their famous roads using pavers
The %oman roads consisted of a bed of crushed roc" #ith a top layer of si06sided
pavers They #ere so #ell6built that they #ere a primary reason for the e0pansion of
the %oman *mpire, and they still are intact to this day
Throughout history, the %oman design for roads held fast and !ritish road builders
held true to the design of a 7e0ible bed, covered #ith paving stones The !ritish
added to the design by insisting on clean stones, ma"ing the roads more costly, but
a #ay of rapid transport #as a8orded for horse dra#n vehicles
Holland in the '()-s faced a dilemma in that most of the country lies belo# sea
level and the ground is constantly shifting, ma"ing concrete roads totally out of the
2uestion, due to the lac" of 7e0ibility Holland paved its roads #ith a sand base, #ith
the individual paver stones place on top and &tted together #hich proved to ma"e a
strong road#ay that #as able to shift #ith the movement of the ground
*urope #as in a shambles after 9orld 9ar II and #as in need of a sturdy and
durable road system The .erman engineer :rit/ ;on 3angsdor8 came up #ith a
choice of shapes #ith the introduction of concrete pavers in di8erent colours
4oncrete #as less costly to produce and it #as found to have tremendous resistance
to pressure The &rst paving stones made of concrete #ere laid do#n in Stuttgart,
4oncrete pavers spread throughout *urope, and the rest of the #orld in the '(1-s
and '(<-s, and are used today for all "inds of applications from roads, side#al"s,
and drive#ays, to imaginative uses for landscaping of par"s and gardens
The use of concrete and stone pavers is a very popular #ay to enhance the beauty
of an area as #ell as providing lasting path#ays and roads

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