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by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, dont deal in lies,
Or being hated dont gi!e way to hating,
And yet dont look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream"""and not make dreams your master;
If you can think"""and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with #riumph and $isaster
And treat those two impostors %ust the same:&
If you can bear to hear the truth you!e spoken
#wisted by kna!es to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you ga!e your life to, broken,
And stoop and buildem up with worn"out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch"and"toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And ne!er breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and ner!e and sinew
#o ser!e your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
'(cept the )ill which says to them: *+old on,*

If you can talk with crowds and keep your !irtue,
Or walk with Kings"""nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor lo!ing friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgi!ing minute
)ith si(ty seconds worth of distance run,
-ours is the 'arth and e!erything thats in it,
And"""which is more"""youll be a .an, my son,
/012345 670389190: ;9<0:= ;4>:94>? @A>B2A;2704>0 C&D>68>419 EF@8>G& DA2 H490A, :2I0A, JA> @82;9
:=372@A> 62:21=A > ;9: 79H2K79AL@5 ; I>H4>M N@60B2; ;9:,

If OF@8>P

If you can keep your head OF@8> AQ :2I0<L @2B7945AL @62R2S@A;>0P when all about you OR2139 ;@0 ;2R7=1 A0K5P
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you O;QB235A >H @0K5 > ;>45A ; JA2: A0K5P;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you O0@8> AQ :2I0<L 32;075AL @0K0, R2139 ;@0 8?3> @2:40;9?A@5 ;
But make allowance for their doubting too O42 A9RI0 =T>AQ;9AL >B @2:404>5P:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting O0@8> AQ :2I0<L I39AL > 40 =A2:85AL@5 2A 2I>394>5P,
Or, being lied about, dont deal in lies O>8>, 0@8> 2 A0K0 81=A, 40 62175H90<L ;2 8I>P,
Or being hated dont gi!e way to hating O>8>, R2139 OA0K5P 4049;>35A, 40 623390<L@5 4049;>@A>P,
And yet dont look too good, nor talk too wise O> 67> JA2: 40 T070@T=7 B272<2 ;Q1853><L, > 40 @8><R2: :=372

If you can dream O0@8> AQ :2I0<L :0TA9ALP " and not make dreams your master O42 40 3089AL :0TAQ @;2>:
If you can think O0@8> AQ :2I0<L 3=:9ALP " and not make thoughts your aim O42 40 3089AL :Q@8> @;20S U08L?P,
If you can meet with #riumph and $isaster O0@8> AQ :2I0<L ;@A70A>AL@5 @ V7>=:W2: > X0@T9@AL0:P
And treat those two impostors %ust the same: O> 2A42@>AL@5 R JA>: 3;=: @9:2H;94U9: @2;07<0442 23>49R2;2P
If you can bear to hear the truth you!e spoken O0@8> AQ :2I0<L 607040@A>, R2139 679;3=, @R9H944=? A2K2S,P
#wisted by kna!es to make a trap for fools O>@R9I9?A I=8>R>, TA2KQ 62@A9;>AL 82;=<R= 385 18=6U2;P
Or watch the things you ga!e your life to, broken O>8> ;>30AL, TA2 ;0Y>, R2A27Q: AQ 398 I>H4L, @82:94QP
And stoop and buildem up with worn"out tools O> =@A=6>AL > 2A70:24A>72;9AL >B 67> 62:2Y> >H42<044QB

If you can make one heap of all your winnings O0@8> AQ :2I0<L @82I>AL ; 234= R=T= ;0@L @;2S ;Q>17Q<P
And risk it on one turn of pitch"and"toss O> 7>@R4=AL >: ; 2342S >170 ; 27854R=P
And lose, and start again at your beginnings O> 672>179AL > 49T9AL @42;9 ;@0 @ 49T989P,
And ne!er breathe a word about your loss O> 4>R2139 @82;2: 40 2K:28;>AL@5 2 @;20S 62A070P:
If you can force your heart and ner!e and sinew O0@8> AQ :2I0<L H9@A9;>AL @;20 @073U0, 407;Q > @>8=P
#o ser!e your turn long after they are gone O@8=I>AL A0K0 32812 62@80 A212, R9R >B O;Q>17944QB 30401P 40
And so hold on when there is nothing in you O> O:2I0<LP 307I9AL@5, R2139 ; A0K0 4>T012 40AP
'(cept the )ill which says to them: *+old on,* OR72:0 Z28>, R2A2795 12;27>A >:: E[07I>A0@L,GP

If you can talk with crowds and keep your !irtue OF@8> AQ :2I0<L 12;27>AL @ A2869:> > @2B7945AL
Or walk with Kings O>8> B23>AL @ D27285:>P, """ nor lose the common touch O> 40 A075AL T=;@A;9 82RA5P,
If neither foes nor lo!ing friends can hurt you O0@8> 4> ;791>, 4> 8?K5Y>0 37=HL5 40 :21=A 2K>30AL A0K5
O@3089AL A0K0 K28L42P,
If all men count with you, but none too much O0@8> ;@0 O8?3>P =;9I9?A A0K5, 42 40 T070@T=7P:
If you can fill the unforgi!ing minute O0@8> AQ :2I0<L H96284>AL 40=:28>:=? :>4=A=P
)ith si(ty seconds worth of distance run O79@@A254>0:, R2A2720 :2I42 672SA> H9 <0@AL30@5A @0R=43P,
-ours is the 'arth and e!erything thats in it O\0:85 A;25 > ;@0, TA2 ; 40SP,
And"""which is more"""youll be a .an, my son, O> ] TA2 K2800 O;9I42P ] AQ K=30<L ^082;0R2:, @Q4 :2S,P


keep ones head _ ;8930AL @2K2S, @2B7945AL @62R2S@A;>0, @2B7945AL 67>@=A@A;>0 3=B9
to lose ones head _ 62A075AL @62R2S@A;>0, ;QSA> >H @0K5

to deal in lies ] A28LR2 > 3089AL, TA2 819AL

to gi!e way to ] 62339;9AL@5, 67039;9AL@5 O2AT954>?, 127?P; 39;9AL ;28? O@80H9:P

to bear " ;Q42@>AL, ;Q307I>;9AL O >@6QA94>5, K28L > A& 6& P

to stoop " =@A=69AL, 62339;9AL@5; 62R275AL@5 O to P
`7>:07: to stoop to fate _ 62R27>AL@5 @=3LK0

pitch"and"toss ] 7>@R2;94495 >179; ER>4L > 623K72@LG O>179 A>69 27854R>P

common touch ] T=;@A;2 82RA5, A9894A 2KY04>5 @ 8?3L:> >H 79H4QB @820; 2KY0@A;9

sworn foe ] H9R85AQS ;791

All men count with you& _ Z@0 A0K5 =;9I9?A&

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