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From Pride and Prejudice novel by Jane Austen, the critical approaches I want to
explore is Biographical Criticism A!ter doing a little research about Austen"s li!e, I !ind some
events on the novel that actually happened on Austen"s li!e Because evidently, Pride and
Prejudice is a mixture o! Jane Austen"s imagination, her commentary about the society, and
the experiences that she hersel! experienced in her #$ years o! li!e up to that point
%ere are some events on Austen"s li!e that she put on the novel &
'he closeness between Jane Austen and her only one sister named Cassandra Being
only two girls in a !amily with eight children, made Jane Austen and Cassandra
describe as inseperable 'hey also strongly believe in each other about their true
Jane Austen did not close to her other brothers
Jane Austen cancel her approval a!ter being proposed by a very wealthy man with big
inheritance named (r %arris Bigg)*ither in +ecember ,-./ 'he reason why Austen
re!used to marry this rich man is she did not !eel any love !or him (r Bigg)*ither is
very rich, indeed, and it could be a ma0e sense reason !or her to marry him But
Austen did not interest in the man although he"s very wealthy 'his shows that Jane
Austen believe in love over prosperity
Jane Austen came !rom a lower)middle class !amily and grew up in a village in a
!amily not 1uite well o!! socially
and here are some events on 2li3abeth"s li!e that based on Jane Austen"s li!e &
2li3abeth and Jane were the closer to each other than to the other sisters 'hey share a
room together, con!ide in each other about their true !eelings, !or example, Jane
shows only to 2li3abeth what she really !eels about (r Bingley a!ter the ball in their
room, that Jane was really li0e and admire (r Bingley
2li3abeth Bennet also did not has a closeness to her other sisters li0e what she has
with Jane 2li3abeth thought that her other sisters were just an annoying company
2li3abeth and her other sisters 4minus Jane5 do not share a close bond, and it re!lected
the lac0 o! closeness between Jane Austen and her brothers
2li3abeth reject (r +arcy"s !irst marriage proposal 2ven though (r +arcy is very
rich and esteemed, 2li3abeth re!used to marry him because at that time she hated (r
+arcy 6he hated him because she thought that (r +arcy was really mean to (r
*ic0ham And also, 2li3abeth thought that it was all (r +arcy"s !ault when (r
Bingley went away !rom Jane and it made Jane sad But when 2li3abeth reali3ed
everything she thought was wrong and (r +arcy !ixed his !ault, 2li3abeth starts to
!all in love with him and accepts his hand in marriage
2li3abeth Bennet came !rom a lower)middle class !amily and grew up in a village in a
!amily not 1uite well o!! socially
From the explanation above,

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