Job Description & Qualifications

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1. Operator
Scope of work:
1. Cleaning plant buildings, screens, tanks and equipment when necessary or as per
2. Carry out other housekeeping works in STP area
3. To assist in liting, cleaning and washing during equipment repair or maintenance.
!. "eads meters and records indings on daily log. #ble to understand and practice the
saety requirements o the plant
$. Carry out other related duties as assigned by %&' super(isory sta.
1. S"P)P*")+C, or equi(alent
2. #ble to read and write -ahasa *elayu or ,nglish
3. .isciplined and healthy /mentally and physically0
!. #ttended Conined Space training conducted either by %&', 1%2S3 or equi(alent
recogni4ed by .2S3
!. Te"#$%"%a$
Scope of work:
1. #bility to operate and maintain mechanical equipment.
2. *aintenance, preparation and saekeeping o all working tools, equipment
3. +ubricates and perorms minor repairs or ser(icing to motors, pumps and (al(es
!. Perorm cleaning and equipment inspections as per schedule, ad5ust)replace seals and
packing and assist with equipment repairs
$. Perorm all general pre(enti(e maintenance /P*0 duties
6. 'nowledge o basic mechanical, electrical and hydraulic principles
7. #ble to understand and practice the saety requirements o the plant
8. Carry out other related duties as assigned by %&' super(isory sta.
1. *inimum certiicate rom Polytechnic in *echanical),lectrical or equi(alent with minimum 3
years o e9perience in sewage)water or other related industries, or
2. *inimum SP* or equi(alent with Certiicate o Competency: *+;' /%ntermediate +e(el<
,lectrical or *echanical0, Suruhan5aya Tenaga /&iremen Certiicate0 or equi(alent with
minimum o $ years e9perience.
3. #ttended Conined Space training conducted either by %&', 1%2S3 or equi(alent recogni4ed
by .2S3.
&. C#ar'e(a$
Scope of work:
1. Check suitability, adequacy, calibration and saekeeping o all working and special tools
and equipment to ensure saety and eiciency repair and maintenance works.
2. Carry out inspection, checking, troubleshooting and rectiication o all mechanical and
electrical installation to ensure its operability and minimum downtime.
3. Carry out inspection and (eriy all mechanical and electrical works to ensure compliance
with quality standard and regulatory.
!. Prepare and timely submit audit report on electrical installation, special tools and
equipment to achie(e le(el o ser(ice and perormance standard.
$. Carry out test run and maintain a record o checklist on stand<by generator set and to
comply with regulatory requirement.
6. Co<ordinate and rectiy all T1- surcharges in order to minimi4e operational cost.
7. Carry out other related duties as assigned by %&' super(isory sta.
1. Certiicate o Competency: Chargeman /#=, #1, #! or -=0: with minimum o 3 years
e9perience and registered with Suruhan5aya Tenaga /,nergy Commision0.
2. #ttended Conined Space training conducted either by %&', 1%2S3 or equi(alent recogni4ed
by .2S3.
#ddional "equirements
a0 +ow ;oltage > #= ? #1 Chargeman Certiicate with minimum 3 years e9perience,
b0 +ow ;oltage with Standby @enerator > #! Chargeman Certiicate with minimum 3 years
c0 3igh ;oltage > -= Chargeman Certiicate, preerably with 1 year e9perience.
). S*per+%,or
Scope of work:
1. Schedule, guide and super(ise daily operation task to ensure 5obs are completed
2. Super(ise to ensure that inspection, checking, troubleshooting and rectiication are
carried out eiciently on all mechanical and electrical equipment to achie(e targeted
perormance standard.
3. Super(ise to ensure that responsi(e ser(ices are carried out eiciently on all mechanical
and electrical and report to super(isor on action taken to achie(e targeted le(el o ser(ice
and perormance standard.
!. ,nsure saety and sae working procedures are ollowed at all times and comply with
%&' policy and regulatory requirement.
$. Prepare and submit ser(e and equipment report and record to superior on time.
6. Carry out other related duties as assigned by %&' sta.
1. .iploma in *echanical),lectrical ,ngineering or equi(alent with 2<3 years e9perience in
either the sewage)water or other related industries or
2. *inimum certiicate rom Polytechnic in *echanical),lectrical or equi(alent with minimum $
years o e9perience in sewage)water or other related industries.
3. #ttended Conined Space training conducted either by %&', 1%2S3 or equi(alent recogni4ed
by .2S3.
!. #ttended and passed the #uthori4ed @as Tester %% either by 1%2S3 or equi(alent recogni4ed by
). E$'%$eer
Scope of work:
1. %mplement, coordinate, and monitor on workers /super(isor, chargeman and operator0 to
achie(e the targeted perormance standard within his deined area o the unit and targeted
le(el o ser(ice.
2. Plan schedule or workers to carry out daily acti(ities and ensure smooth operation o the
plant process.
3. Carry out troubleshooting o plant process and ensure eluent comply with .2,
!. Check and re(iew the eedback sheet o the worker and take necessary action to impro(e
operation eiciency.
$. #naly4e eluent results and to coordinate implement mitigation or STP ailing
regulatory requirements.
6. To coordinate implementation the repair o process equipment to ensure minimum
7. Carry out other related duties as assigned by %&' sta.
1. ,ngineering degree in related ield rom recogni4ed uni(ersity.
2. @ood interpersonal communication and minimum o 2 years super(isory e9perience
3. Possess highly technical capability and analytical skills in 2?* water and wastewater
treatment plants.
!. #ble to read, write and communicate in -ahasa *alaysia and ,nglish.
$. Skillul and knowledgeable in operating sotware or knowledgeable in %T.

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