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CBSE Important questions from Surface

Generally 05 marks in chemistry come from the chapter Surface Chemistry. some of the
important question from this chapter are given below.
I obtained these from various sources
!. Give differences between a" adsorption and absorption b" physisorption and
chemisorption c" lyophillic and lyophobic sol.
#. $%plain the terms a" e%tent of adsorption&%'m" b" enthalpy of adsorption c" desorption
d" adsorbent e" adsorbate
(. )ention the factors affecting the adsorption of gases on solids.
*. $%plain +reundlich adsorption isotherm with suitable graphs.
5. ,hy is adsorption a" e%othermic process b" surface property
-. $%plain the effect of temperature on physisorption and chemisorption with graphs.
.. )ention five applications of adsorption.
/. $%plain activity and selectivity of a catalyst with suitable e%amples.
0. ,hat are shape selective catalysts1 Give one e%ample.
!0. Give three e%amples each of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.
!!. $%plain the mechanism of a" homogeneous catalysis b" heterogeneous catalysis.
!#. Give three e%amples of reactions involving en2yme as catalyst. $%plain the
mechanism of en2yme catalysed reaction.
!(. )ention the characteristics of en2yme catalysis.
!*. )ention the disperse phase and dispersion medium in a" )ilk b" butter c" cheese d"
+og e" mist f" froth
!5. ,hat do you mean by multi molecular and macro molecular colloids1 Give two
e%amples each.
!-. ,hat are associated colloids1 3ow does it differ from multi molecular and macro
molecular colloids1 Give two e%amples of associated colloids.
!.. $%plain the terms a" kraft temperature b" C)C&critical micelle concentration"
!/. $%plain the mechanism of cleaning action of soap.
!0. 4ction of soap is due to emulsification and micelle formation. Comment.
#0. 3ow is sulphur sol prepared by chemical method1
#!. 3ow is gold sol prepared by a" chemical method b" 5redig6s arc method1
##. )ention the principle of dialysis.
#(. ,hat is 7yndall effect1 )ention the condition for 7yndall effect to occur. Give two
application of 7yndall effect.
#*. ,hat is 5rownian movement1 )ention the significance of 5rownian movement
#5. 8escribe and e%plain what is observed when a" beam of light is passed through a"
colloidal solution. b" an electric current is passed through a colloidal solution.
#-. 4ccount for the following9 a" lyophillic colloids are more stable than lyophobic
colloids. b" delta formation occurs at the river beds. c" alum or ferric chloride is added to
stop bleeding. d" sky appears blue in colour. e" alum is used in water purification.
#.. $%plain the terms a" 2eta potential b" 3elmolt2 electrical double layer c" coagulation
d" Colloidion e" peptisation
#/. $%plain 3ardy and Schul2e rule with suitable e%amples.
#0. ,hat are emulsions1 3ow are they classified1 Give two e%amples each.
(0. $%plain the terms a" emulsification b" demulsification c" emulsifier.
(!. ,rite two uses of emulsion.
(#. :ist four applications of colloids.
((. ,hat is coagulation value1
(*. ;ut of ammonia and nitrogen which gas will be absorbed more readily on the surface
of Charcoal and why1
(5. 3ow does adsorption of a gas vary with a" temperature b" pressure1 Illustrate with
(-. 8escribe some features of catalysis by 2eloite. )ention one application of 2eolite.
(.. ,hat do you mean by activation of adsorbent1 3ow is it achieved1
(/. 8istinguish between adsorption and absorption with an e%ample1
(0. $%plain the mechanism for the attainment of equilibrium on adsorption1
*0. Can physisorption and chemisorptions occur simultaneously1 $%plain.
*!. 3ow can charcoal be used as adsorbent1
*#. 7he characteristics and differences of physisorption and chemisorptions.
*(. 3ow can one verify the validity of +reundlich Isotherm1
**. $%plain the mechanism of 3eterogeneous catalysis1 Is it sufficient to e%plain the
catalyst mechanism1
*5. ,hat happens when a poisonous gas is introduced in 3aber6s process1
*-. ,hy the ester hydrolysis is slow in the beginning and becomes faster after
*.. ,hat is the difference between sols< gels and emulsions1
*/. $%plain the cleansing action of soap1
*0. $%plain the mechanism of micelle formation1
50. $%plain the process of 7yndall effect and 5rownian motion1
5!. 3ow is a lyophilic sol different from lyophobic sols1
5#. 8efine a" 3elmholt2 electrical double layer b" =eta potential c" $lectro osmosis d"
3ardySchul2e >ule with application e" ?raft temperature
5(. 8efine the dispersed and dispersion medium with e%ample1
5*. 3ow are the emulsions of oil in water stabili2ed1
55. $%plain the process of emulsification1
5-. $%plain the mechanism of clotting of blood1
5.. ,hy the sky look blue to us in a normal sunny day1
5/. Give >easons a"3ow is the river delta formed1 b";ccurrence of rain if electrified
sand is thrown opposite to the clouds from an aero plane. c",hat happens when sewage
water is allowed to flow through a tunnel with metallic electrodes1
50. 8escribe the mechanism of adsorption from solution1

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