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SO + adj He's so nice! (He's so nice that…) Il est tellement gentil!

He's so busy that he doesn't have any time Il est tellement occupé qu'il n'a pas de temps pour
for himself. lui-même

NOT SO + adj = not very He's not so nice. (not very) Il n'est pas tellement gentil.
NOT THAT + adj = not as … as you say He's not so nice. (not as nice as you say) Il n'est pas si gentil (que vous le dites/que ça).

Dont' be SO + adj Don't be so direct. Ne soyez pas si direct.

interrogation word + SO + adj Why is he so impatient? Pourquoi est-il si impatient (tellement)?


SO + adv He works so hard! (He works so hard Il travaille tellement fort!


NOT SO + adv = not very He doesn't work so hard. (not very hard) Il ne travaille pas tellement fort.

adv NOT THAT + adv = not as … as you say He doesn't work so hard. (not as hard as Il ne travaille pas si fort (que vous dites / que ça).
you say)

Dont' v SO + adv. Don't talk so loud Ne parlez pas si fort.

interrogation word + SO + adv Why does he work so hard? Pourquoi travaille-il si fort?

SO MUCH + noun I have so much work! (I have some muc J'ai tellement de travail!
work that …)

SO MANY + noun There are so many problems! ( …so many Il y a tellement de problèmes!
problems that…)

...SO MUCH + noun (that much) Why does he give us so much work? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il nous donne autant de travail?
SO MUCH noun ...SO MANY + noun (that much) Why are there so many problems? Pourqui est-ce qu'il y a autant de problèmes?

NOT SO MUCH + noun…= NOT THAT There isn't so much work. Il n'y a pas tellement de travail.

NOT SO MANY + noun… = NOT THAT There aren't so many problems Il n'y a pas tellement de problèmes.

NOT SO MUCH + noun = NOT AS There isn't so much work. (not as much as Il n'y a pas autant de travail (que vous dites)
MUCH(as you say) you say)

NOT SO MANY + noun = NOT AS MANY There aren't so many problems (as many Il n'y a pas autant de problèmes (que vous dites)
(as you say) as you say)

It's NOT SO MUCH + (something / It's not so much the course I don't like, but Ce n'est pas tant le cours que je n'aime pas mais
someone) the approach. l'approche

It's SO MUCH for = (a certain limit of It's so much for the room. C'est tant pour pour la chambre.
.../amount of..) + noun

You only have so much time. Vous avez seulement tant de temps.

SO MUCH SO MUCH + comparatif It's so much more difficult than you think. C'est tellement plus difficile que vous le pensez.

NOT SO MUCH + comparatif It's not so much more difficult than the Ce n'est pas tellement plus difficile que l'autre.
other one.

V + so mucn He works so much! Il travaille tellement!

verb not + V + so much = (not very much) He doesn't work so much. (not very much) Il ne travaille pas tellement.

not + V + so much = (not as much as you He doesn't work so much. ( not as much Il ne travaille pas tant que ça.
say) as you say)

NOT + V + SO MUCH If I didn't work so much. Si je ne travaillais pas tant

I wish he didn't work so much J'aimerais qu'ils ne parlent pas tant.
negative imperative Don't talk so much. Ne parlez pas tant.

So much for that idea!

SUCH A such an impact = quite an impact

such an impact that un tel impact que

such a liar un tel menteur

SUCH such
such behavior une telle attitude
such thieves de tels voleurs
such girls de telles filles

the truth is such la vérité est telle

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