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‫‪EMSA (0521272955) Lesson 2: Page 108‬‬

‫الدرس الثاني‬
‫)‪(2nd Lesson‬‬

‫النص األساسي‬
‫)‪(Basic Text‬‬

‫استاذ و طالب‬
‫)‪(Professor and Student‬‬

‫)‪(Audio @ - EMSA 0201‬‬

‫ما هذا يا فريد؟‬

‫هذا كتاب‬
‫وما هذه ؟‬
‫هذه ورقة‬
‫هل هذا باب؟‬
‫ال ‪ ،‬هذا شباك‬
‫وهذه ؟‬
‫هذه طاولة‬
‫‪1.‬‬ ‫?‪What is this, fareed‬‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫‪This is a book.‬‬
‫‪3.‬‬ ‫?‪And what is this‬‬
‫‪4.‬‬ ‫‪This is a sheet of paper.‬‬
‫‪5.‬‬ ‫?‪Is that a door‬‬
‫‪6.‬‬ ‫‪No, that is a window.‬‬
‫‪7.‬‬ ‫?‪And this‬‬
‫‪8.‬‬ ‫‪This is a table.‬‬

‫من أين أنت؟‬

‫)?‪(where are you from‬‬

‫)‪(Audio @ - EMSA 0202‬‬

‫سليم ‪ --‬أنا سليم‪ .‬وهذا سامي‬

‫روبرت ‪ --‬أنا روبرت‪ .‬وهذه نانسي ‪ .‬من أين أنت يا سليم؟‬
‫سليم ‪ --‬أنا من بيروت‬
‫روبرت ‪ --‬أنا من آن آربر‬
‫سليم ‪ --‬أين آن أربر؟‬
‫روبرت ‪ --‬آن آربر في ميشيغان‬
‫سليم ‪ --‬هل أنت طالب؟‬
‫ أنا طالب‬، ‫ نعم‬-- ‫روبرت‬
‫ ونانسي؟‬-- ‫سليم‬
‫ هل سامي طالب؟‬.‫ هي طالبة من آن آربر كذلك‬-- ‫روبرت‬
‫ هو طالب من دمشق‬، ‫ نعم‬-- ‫سليم‬

1. Saleem - I am Saleem. And this is Saami.

2. Robert. - I am Robert. And this is Nancy. Where are you from Saleem?
3. Saleem - I am from Beirut.
4. Robert. - I am from Ann Arbor.
5. Saleem -Where is Ann Arbor?
6. Robert. - Ann Arbor is in Michigan.
7. Saleem -Are you a student?
8. Robert. - Yes I am a student.
9. Saleem - And Nancy?
10. Robert. - She is a student from Amm Arbor, too. Is Saami a student?
11. Saleem - Yes, he is a student from Damascus.

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 109


the second.....…….………..‫الثاني‬
professor...............……… ‫أستاذ‬
What ?………………….. ‫ما ؟‬
sheet/piece of paper.……………….. ‫ورقة‬
door …...........……… ‫باب‬
window…….......... …… ‫شباك‬
table……………….. ‫طاولة‬
from ….……………… ‫من‬
Where ?……………….. ‫أين ؟‬
Robert.…………….. ‫روبرت‬
Nancy……………….. ‫نانسي‬
Beirut………..……… ‫بيروت‬
Ann Arbor…….…..…….. ‫آن آربر‬
in……..…....……….. ‫في‬
Michigan…….……….. ‫ميشيغان‬
student……..…..…….. ‫طالب‬
student (f)……....……….. ‫طالبة‬
likewise, too ……...……….. ‫كذلك‬
he (1)………..……….. ‫هو‬
she (1)………..………..‫هي‬
Damascus.……..……….. ‫دمشق‬
(1) The original book of EMSA has 'she' then 'he'. I have placed 'he' first as this is more appropriate. All verbs come from ‘he’ and not
the other way round, even alphabetically in Arabic it comes first. Which ever language you learn you learn 'he' then 'she'!!??

‫المفردات اإلضافية‬
(Additional Vocabulary)

pen, pencil………………….. ‫قلم‬

[black] board (2)......….…………..‫لوح‬
chair.……………….. ‫كرسي‬
Lebanon (m) …...........……… ‫لبنان‬
Syria (f).……………….. ‫سوريا‬
America (f) …...........………‫أمريكا‬
(2) Black is not mentioned, it could be a white board or a writing board which are more common nowadays.

‫المفردات اإلضافية‬
(From Drill 5) (*)

director (3)......….………….. ‫مدير‬


Iraq (m).…….………….. ‫العراق‬

office ….............……… ‫مكتب‬
Miss.……..………….. ‫آنسة‬

university.……..……….. ‫جامعة‬
museum …...........……… ‫متحف‬
employee.….…….…….. ‫موظف‬
mother…………………….. ‫أم‬
evening.........….……….. ‫مساء‬
praise.….…………….. ‫حمد‬
automobile (4)….....….…….. ‫سيارة‬
Bagdad (f)……………….. ‫بغداد‬
history…….………..… ‫تاريخ‬
(From Drill 6) (*)

Kareem......…...………….. ‫كريم‬
new..……….………….. ‫جديد‬

visitor …...............……… ‫زائر‬

friend.………………….. ‫صديق‬

(*) This was not from the original vocabulary list of EMSA lesson 2 but I added it from Drill 5 & 6. A number of them will appear in
the vocabulary of lesson 3.

(3) More common 'head' or 'principle' such as in a school, it also fits in the text for Lesson 3

(4) Automobile (more common 'car' translation)


EMSA Lesson 2: Page 109

'Interrogative' in English are used in questions i.e. Where is he going?

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 113

Please learn these names in Arabic. They are very important.

Nominative......…...………….. ‫مرفوع‬
Accusative (5).........…………..‫منصوب‬

Genitive (5) & (6)..….……….. ‫مجرور‬

(5)The original book of EMSA has 'genitive' then 'accusative'. I have changed the order since Arabic grammar is learnt from the Arabs
and Arabic grammar books which have the above order.
(6) Some Arabic Grammar books mention here ''‫الخفض‬

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 112

'Citation forms' loosely means references.

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 112

Please learn these names in Arabic. They are very important.

Subject......…...………….. ‫البتدأ‬
Accusative (5)......…..…………..‫الخبر‬
EMSA Lesson 2: Page 113

'Arabic grammatic Error' (7)

(c) A noun after the vocative particles ‫يا‬ is in the nominative case and without nunation:

‫اآلجُرُّ و ِميَّ ِة‬

..، ‫ المفرد العلم‬: ‫المنادى خمسة أنواع‬..........‫ "يا زيد" و"يا رجل" فيبنيان على الضم من غير تنوين‬: ‫نحو‬
‫ح ْال ُمقَ ِّد َم ِة اآلجُرُّ و ِميَّ ِة‬
ِ ْ‫( التُحْ فَةٌ ال َسنيَة بِشَر‬page 126)
‫ إذا كان المنادى مفرداً أو نكرة مقصودة فإنه يُبنى على ما يرفع به؛ فإن كان يُرفع بالضمة فإنه يبنى على‬:‫وأقول‬
ُ‫ نحو « يا محم ُد » و « يا فاطمة‬،‫» الضمة‬
(7) I have not explained it in English but take it from a basic Arabic grammar book. Which can be downloaded here InshAllah

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 114


Names of countries and cities are female, the common exceptions being (there are other

‫العراق‬ ‫السودان‬
‫األردن‬ ‫المغرب‬
EMSA Lesson 2: Page 110

Drill 2
(Audio @ - EMSA 0202)

You are given the example of 'Q' on the audio CD and you must reply like the example
of 'A' for the below exercise.


‫سامي من لبنان‬............Q
‫من أين سامي؟‬.........A
Drill 2: Exercise

‫هي من سوريا‬
‫وداد من بيروت‬
‫أنت من أمريكا‬
‫هو من دمشق‬
‫سمير من لبنان‬
‫أنت من ميشيغان‬

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 112

Drill 3
You are given the example of 'Q' and you must state the sound of the ending in English
like the example of 'A'. However, I would like you to also provide 'A2' if you can.


Drill 3: Exercise

‫ً ورقة‬
ً ‫كتابا‬
‫أستا ٌذ‬
‫طاول ٍة‬
ً ‫شباكا‬
ٌ ‫أساس‬
ً ‫بابا‬
EMSA Lesson 2: Page 113

Drill 4
(Audio @ - EMSA 0204)

You are given the example of 'Q' on the audio CD and you must reply like the example of
'A' for the below exercise.


.‫هذا أستاذ من لبنان‬..........A
Drill 4: Exercise

8 ‫طالب‬
8 ‫أستاذ‬
(8) Repeated on Audio CD

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 115

Drill 5
You are given the example of 'Q' and you must place a 'M' 'Masculine' or 'F' 'Feminine'
like the example of 'A'.


Drill 5: Exercise

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 116

Drill 6
You are given the example of 'Q' and you must place make the masculine word 'feminine'
like the example of 'A'.


Drill 6: Exercise

EMSA Lesson 2: Page 116

Drill 7
You are given the example of 'Q' and you must place make the masculine word 'feminine'
like the example of 'A'.


‫ هذا سمير‬............Q
‫من هذا؟‬.........A
Drill 7: Exercise

‫هذا درس‬
‫هذه طاولة‬
‫هذا سامي‬
‫هذه وداد‬
‫هذا نص‬
‫هذا لوح‬
‫هذا سليم‬
‫هذا كتاب‬
‫هذا شباك‬
‫هذه وداد ‪9‬‬

‫‪(9) repeated in EMSA‬‬

‫‪EMSA Lesson 2: Page 117‬‬

‫‪Drill 8‬‬
‫'‪You are given the example of 'Q1' And 'Q2' and you must reply like the example of 'A‬‬
‫‪for the below exercise.‬‬


‫‪............Q1‬أنا من لبنان‬
‫‪............Q2‬فريد من لبنان‬
‫‪..........A‬أنا وفريد من لبنان‬
‫‪Drill 8: Exercise‬‬

‫هو من ميشيغان‬
‫نانسي من ميشيغان‬

‫أنا من سوريا‬
‫أنت من سوريا‬

‫أنت من بيروت‬
‫سامي من بيروت‬
‫هي من دمشق‬
‫وداد هو من دمشق‬
EMSA Lesson 2: Page 117

Drill 9
You are given the example of 'Q' . Substitute the following words for the underlined


‫ طالب من لبنان أنا‬......Q

Drill 9: Exercise

......... ........ ِِ
........... ‫أنت‬.
......... ........ ........... ‫هو‬.
......... ........ ............ ‫نانسي‬
........ ........... ‫ استاذ‬..........
......... ........ ........... ‫أنت‬.
......... ........ ........... ‫هذه‬.
......... ........ ‫طاولة‬............
EMSA Lesson 2: Page 117

Drill 10
(Audio @ - EMSA 0210)

Dictation -> Please email any errors in text

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