8613 Creation Is God's Work ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Creation is Gods work ....
My works o !reation de"onstrate My ininite #o$e or you% My
su&re"e wisdo" and My o"ni&oten!e .... 'e!ause they so#e#y
originated or the sake o sa#$ation% or returning the on!e a##en
s&irits. (hus the entire work o !reation is the e)&ression o My
ininite #o$e 'e!ause it was es&e!ia##y intended or the s&iritua#
'eings whi!h o&&osed Me% whi!h thereore re*e!ted My #o$e and
#ikewise were no #onger worthy o My #o$e ....
+nd yet% &re!ise#y these o&&osing s&irits "oti$ated Me to 'ring
orth works o !reation so that they "ight gi$e u& their
resistan!e and return to Me again. ,en!e #o$e &aid no attention
to the resistan!e at irst 'ut i"&risoned the a##en 'eings% i.e. My
wisdo" and "ight disintegrated the 'eings into !ount#ess tiny
&arti!#es and the strength o My #o$e en!ased the" .... it
resha&ed the on!e e"anated strength o 'eings into works o
!reation and My wisdo" assigned the" their &ur&ose again ....
-o$e% wisdo" and &ower were !onstant#y at work or the
e"ergen!e o a work o !reation. !onse/uent#y% the !reation was
and is% in the true sense o the word% divine work whi!h testiies
o My unda"enta# nature and shou#d a&&ear to you hu"ans as
the greatest "ira!#e% i you serious#y think a'out it. +nd this
!reation wi## re"ain a "ira!#e% or the works are not #ie#ess
things 'ut !hange !onstant#y.
(he un!tions o the indi$idua# works o !reation &ro$ide e$ery
thinking hu"an 'eing with the e$iden!e o a #i$ing God u## o
wisdo"% Whose strength o wi## and #o$e is ine)hausti'#e% Whose
&ower is #i"it#ess .... Who !onstant#y !reates or"s !ontaining
"inute &arti!#es whi!h are o ser$i!e within the works o !reation
through the #aw o !o"&u#sion .... 0in!e 1 withdrew these a##en
s&irits ro" My ad$ersarys &ower% ro" the &ower o the s&irit
who on!e had !aused their downa##% who" they on!e had
o##owed $o#untari#y .... e$en though they 'e#onged to hi"%
&re!ise#y because they had o##owed hi" $o#untari#y .... he was
de&ri$ed o his &ower o$er the s&irits whi!h My strength o #o$e
had turned into "atter ....
(hese 'eings were re"o$ed ro" the ad$ersarys in#uen!e and
are now su'*e!t to My #aw .... (hey were no #onger ree% sin!e
they had gi$en u& their reedo"% 'ut or their own sake 1 &#a!ed
the" into My #aw o ser$i!e in a !onstrained state .... +## o
!reation is a work o My #o$e or this a##en% unha&&y s&iritua#
su'stan!e whi!h tra$e#s the &ath through the !reation in great
agony ....
But on!e the &re$ious#y a##en 'eing has "ade its way through
the !reation and then #i$es on earth as a hu"an 'eing he wi##
a#so re!ognise the work o !reation to a #i"ited e)tent and !an
re*oi!e in it% sin!e his state o agony is o$er. Beore hi" he wi##
see the works o !reation in a## their g#ory% whi!h wi## gi$e
e$iden!e to hi" o the Creators #o$e% wisdo" and &ower as soon
as he 'egins to a'andon his #ast resistan!e to Me. ,e hi"se# is
indeed ree to so"e e)tent 'ut now he is su'*e!t to My
ad$ersarys in#uen!e again% who &re$ious#y had no &ower at a##
o$er the 'eing. (he hu"an 'eing sti## 'e#ongs to My ad$ersary
unti# he has $o#untari#y deta!hed hi"se# ro" hi" ....
+nd thus you ha$e to understand !orre!t#y2 Creation !an and wi##
&#ease you hu"ans 'e!ause it is My work% 'ut 1 used the
strength whi!h e"anated ro" Me in the sha&e o s&iritua# 'eings
or its origin .... 1 si"&#y resha&ed the" into My #o$e and
wisdo"s "ost di$erse !reations .... 'ut they are ne$erthe#ess
the a##en s&irits in su'stan!e% thus &art o My ad$ersary% and
they wi## re"ain so unti# they% entire#y redee"ed% return to Me
3ou hu"ans do not see the a##en s&irit in !reation 'ut on#y see
the works o My #o$e% and you "ay en*oy the"% you "ay
re!ognise Me Myse# therein and !onsider yourse#$es ortunate to
ha$e !o$ered the &ath through My !reations a#ready and are
nearing your &ere!tion. But you shou#d a#so re"e"'er that the
rea# wor#d is a spiritual wor#d whi!h !an on#y 'e seen 'y
so"eone with s&iritua# $ision .... that e$erything $isi'#e to you
hu"ans is 'ut a &a#e re#e!tion o this real s&iritua# wor#d ....
3ou shou#d re"e"'er that a## "atter is hardened s&iritua#
su'stan!e and that this so#idii!ation was again on#y the resu#t o
the resistan!e to Me% the re*e!tion o My strength o #o$e ....
(hen you wi## a#so understand that the "ateria# wor#d in its
su'stan!e is s&irit in o&&osition to Me .... whi!h My #o$e and
wisdo" "ere#y o'#ige to 'e o ser$i!e in order to 'reak its
resistan!e and to return it to its origina# state on!e again.
,en!e the so#idii!ation o s&iritua# su'stan!e was !aused 'y the
'eings a&ostasy ro" Me% and thereore the hardened s&irit
su'stan!e sti## 'e#ongs to My ad$ersary unti# it is s&iritua#ised
on!e "ore. ,owe$er% this does not &re$ent Me ro" re"o$ing his
&ower o$er this s&irit su'stan!e and resha&ing it into a## kinds o
!reations or the &ur&ose o its ina#% $o#untary withdrawa# ro"
hi" and return to Me.
+nd thus !reation a#ways re"ains di$ine work% a work o My
ininite #o$e and wisdo" whi!h on#y 1 Myse#% Who &ossesses a##
&ower and strength and Who !an i"&#e"ent anything ,is #o$e
and wisdo" wants and has re!ognised to 'e su!!essu#% was a'#e
to 'ring into e)isten!e ....
4u'#ished 'y riends o new re$e#ations o God 51nor"ation%
down#oad o a## trans#ated re$e#ations% the"e6'ook#ets at2


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